17 V LJ. HUGS,-. CI IEr,IICALS;-l: 2- OT7V- , PATENT MEDICINES TcHet Article ea man in J home -Tr Supplies At . J ii. oox, druggist! U : Choco!itc Co,:. -A A "S1 . . N I - ' 1 . - I 1 i I . : . I-1 XI- -lit, i I: I "0 f -t 1 'V ii 5n This cbluinxi; is conducted i f iciunty'peiintendent of Schools. 1." - . Vinson' School. : -.The'Hinson school, Black Jack NoJ 1, white, has set an example to the othejr schools of the ; coun- ty eminently ; -worthy .of emula- i Jmoney to help in the improve f ment of the building and to de Wfrav the incidental "expenses of V oVi-kn1 o" ' fViof "oil r F 4.Va .. money apportioned by the Board ; 6f Education caii be used in the - iemployment of a teacher. " This, f? of course, will give them a longer - term than they would otherwise ' ft have had. From the contribu- ' O.I A t ' tions oi ine pupus, ine necessary K' -- ,repaus tins winter nave Deen 'J , paid for. They propose to reno j 'fr vate the inside of the house this T W vear, if the Board will Have the outside repainted-: Of course it will be done. ? ; :i i This liberality on the part of the pupils has been developed and encouraged by the faithful and efficient teacher, Miss Beulah Culberson. - " : Black Jack is one of the town- i ' , ;I hips that receive ;no help from ro prolong their school term to four - i Y-" months. If the schools.; there - help to pay the running expenses anrt fo-r lmnmuoniDTiW crtTolir JL the townships that have to call . ;li on others for help, :, should help r'-tiiemselves by at Jeast DrOviding fieir own fup.T: It flops not look fe'JlrVJejisohable that people in; the W -:. it' weaker townshins should ask schools and also for fuel to warm their children. Perhaps this will not be done in . Ihe future by t" 1 . lL-i,:iL mpso wnu , are aware mat mey are the .beneficiaries of other arts of the county. I Will not e neighborhoods that have to ve help to run their schools the iuired four months tiereafter iiinusn me wpcxi jjo 'varm tneir oWh children? Why should they nqt? - Perhaps they would have done so heretofore, if: . they had ifihown that they were depending pn j otherpeople to f urni sh the HSa'n3 - to make their children A 1 inf ortabfe. ; : The . superinten- f lciiu uaa uvu uumu puuuu aiicur ion to this" matter before, but lieK.hopes it" will "receive the at-' 4 ten tion it deserves. - 1 ftL The townships that have to get Ijhelp -are Y Beaver Dam, .Mineral Springs and, this year, Steeled. 5N0. 3, 'white, Steele's has always provided its. own fuel and house, .while some of the 'other;, schools Sii Steele's and nearlyall of those jMineral : Springs and Beaver m have provided their own fheL" ' All of them, it is hoped, do sV hereafter. . ; Have the people of .your dis- jjtriQt considered what they could H do in the way of improving- the ' biidihsaUd grounds? -You will Ifind tHiit attention to .tins ques- in will greatly ' stimulate; the yfft' ..terest of the children; -Ifhey ; themselves, they wilCfeel -e tho school is theirs, and will ? 1 ute their Work with a zeal :! u ,will YrbeWas ; surprising .as ; teacher, pne'of the ' best in ; icouhty remarked in th6 :ince of the supertendent, a r. days.ago, that " any teacher 4' eels an interest in the ; lm- ovemeiit of the school building for tho. cchocl, .1-1 J. 4-1- CC :rtic::'cf the hrs :VW end through -themf that to spare them pain or. to : secure Ksi X T7hif r.n v iin- : If when you co to church" t! by Rev. W. R. Coppedge BI., petus would be given to educa tional work, if all the; teachers felt this interestand would make the effort!- Among the subjects to be discussed at the meeting of the Teachers' Association to - be held at-Eilerbe ; Springs Feb 14th, will be-Material Better ments, and How to Get the Peo ple Interested in Them. f ; We shall be glad to publish any news from schools that move in thisjnatter. Do something and let us know what you are doing. Your example will be helpful to others v X Mr. C. W. Luther who was do- ing ah excellent work as teacher at Exway, was compelled to give it up on account of his health. The neighborhood is fortunate, however, in securing as his suc cessor miss brownie uuriey, who has taught with success in Montgomery county. , RELIGIOUS C Attending Church ; Why do people attend: church? and 'why shouldpeople attend church? are diffentTiuestibns; though in some cases r the same answer would be given" to both. A man recently changed his place of worship because the preaching at one place continual ly disturbed his conscience. He went to a place where his con science was not disturbed. But was he- wise in making the change ? The new church was more agreeable to his depraved religious tastes. He enjoyed g07 ing to the new churcbmore than going to the place oi his first choice, but he lost the very thing that he most heeded. If his con science was disturbed at the old church, it was because his life was morally wrong The dis turbed conscience ought to have led to reformation and then tne preaching would have ceased to be offensive. Perhaps it would have become a service of great. enjoyment- Bitter medicine is not-palatable, but it often makes our food palatable and nourish ing, So the truths that are un pleasant to hear may give us, if heeded, a taste for preaching that we formerly could not en joy- we snouid not seelc so much what we like" as wjiat we need. The preacher may be tempted to give his hearers what they like rather than what they need. but if he is faithful to his ' hish calling he will not yicUto i the temptation. I heard of a : physi cian once who-gave his patients narcotics and paliatives when they were in pain, when he should have given remedies that would not alleviate for a while the- pains of the sufferer, or whin ne should have used the knife. In the meantime the pa tients growworse without know ing it- They flattered themsel ves that they had beenr; benefit ted when their deadly diseases were steadily growing worse. The physician gained ;a tempo rary jxjpularity, but at a fearful cost to - himself ' and , to those whom lie deluded. Such a " phy sician would merit, and would re ceive the contempt of any en lightened community. - How much more jiilty is the preacher who would lull guilty souls into a false sense of security in order preacher dwells pxy themeslthat Jre .ttiipleilk'tpira; self if he is notvihgl jrouf j ust pleas- ant things are said. - . But theref are some who boast thatjthey can hear --from.; some preachers the fieiest dehuncia tidnof Sn withwitieihg durb ed. " This may Iwi uie to the Cal lousness of their lnscienced if so it is a good cause for alarms When one can no longer f eeLpam his condition is perilious indeed.: A woman in one of the horth- erh counties of this: state togeth er with some of her neighbors was trying to have the - pastor of the church removed.- 'She stated to the f committee repre senting thechurch court that his preaching had no more effect voft her than pouring water on a dude's ; back. : The defendant asked whether the conditicn to which she referred in iier: illus tration was due to a fault in the water, or to the state of the duck'slback. ' "Some to church repair, - . Not for doctrine, but formic there." said Pope, the poet. This may not be a very commnedable mo tive, but it is better than not going at all. Those who go to hear the music will hear also the hdoctrine, and may afterwards go to hear both. Attractive music if devotional, rmust.not : bCf;d Episj?d$3 : nerare corns tv who --vattend cnurch both Dccusa; it is a duty and because it is a 'pleasure. Happy is the man to whom a duty is a pleasure; and blessed is he who can sincerely s say, "I was glad, when they said unto ine, rLiet , us go into the house of the ijprd. " The Jumping Off Place "Consumption had me iii its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. ' Im provement began -with the first bottle, and after taking one doz en bottles I was a well and hap py man again." says Geo. Moore; of Gi imesland. N. C. As a rem edy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumonia New I Discovery is supreme. 50c arid $1.00 at all druggists. Trial bot tle free. Big Tom" Wilson Dead. ; Big Tom" Wilson, the lamotis hunter of Yancy county is dead at his home in Hhe mountains, aged 87 years. A widow survives. "BigTom'V was the most cele brated and best known liunter in the mountains of Western North Carolina. He had slain over 200 bears, v It was through the 1 ef forts of rBig Tom" that the body of iroitcliclliafterj;W lIoMtifcliyi recQverecfc aitothSUaish ed scienUst hadlosthis lif lost on the inountain." -"Big-AmT maintained a tireless search for many Weeks until at last located I the lifeless remains of the man who had sacrificed . his life to scientific research. . " Stop.that tickling cousin Drt Shoops Cough Cure will surely stop it, and with perfect safety i It is so thoroughly harmless that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even withyoung ba? bies. : ; The wholesome.' . green leaves J and ; tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub f Yepertie4 calms the cough andlhealsjthe sensitive- bronchial -Tnembrane3f Noopium; no chlorof orminothing harsh used to injure or suppress: Demand Dr: Sheop's. Take no other.;;; Sold byLudolph G. Fox.- By shutting your, mouth some times, ai t! z r " !:t time; ycu ilpt only rave txz cep out 3"i klC3. ,-r 'r-. -! i HR.SWEST AN INTENTOE. - pliance Thatitt Invent Rallrcad Wrecks.: has been for sometime conferring with ekperU regarding aji inven- tioii:of his- -X i f .; 0-':: time'quietly- working on a plan will prevent wrecks on rail- rs -in fact, the idea of work ing on the Ifivention occurred to Mr. West just afterT the fearful Whichr occurred between and Hamlet two years:? ago. Mr: West rs invention will pre vent headnahd rear-end colis- sions, and runnings in to open switches. , One of its features is one ; connection between engineers on engines in motion. The appliance is electrical and is automatic in eyeryparticular, thereby eliminating the -worst feature of all other such inven tions. ' :. Mr. West's invention is now in the patent office at Washington, and a patent will doubtless soon be cranted. The mechanical ex perts who 'examined it prpr nounced it perfect in every'-way Mr West is noi amto make claims withouja; thorough test a&Ja-the.&jfaY had j very nme to say about the mat terafthose who have seen the Invention are confident -that he has a' good thing s. which will eliminate railroad wrecks. Neighborhood Favorite Mrs.: E. D. Charts, of Harbor, Maine speaking of Electric Bit- ters, says: It is a jieignbor-; etc., Really it would fool an ex hood favorite here With US. It nprt. wVn miVht. drink it for nrtf- deserves to be a favorite every - where. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver cgmplaint, kid ney derangement, malnutrition, nervousness, weakness' and gen eral debility. Its action on the blood as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand al terative tonic is sold under guar antee at all drug stores. C: 50c. - Mayor an Eye Specialist. . I . Some of the Carthage Tigers were not too blind to find' their way of town when the mayor opened Cheir eyes.Moore Coun ty News ': H - ;;.;;i j ;. ;:yC;: rl ;'";." Temperance; '&iiortel;ws6 to say in your paper :that ' there is much being said on the- temperance question these days but if I un de"rstaxid "temperance; right ; it means for us to be. temperate in all things. . I will not undertake to mention many of these things. The, good Book tells us that no druhkardcan nter heaven and it don 't sop at -this one thing, it mentions many more, and un less we have pure religion i to re sist these evils in the right way thenhone-ius will ever enter uyeA tongue Mnjoushc manpeled bJdffiSplke the ball lxwmsj many usivill goto these places, of entertain ment and dance; and then go back to our homes; seat ourselves "on; an i easy rocking chair ? and sing "Oh . where is my ; poor wandering Jbxytoni Sucn trtihing as this has caused; many of our boysTarid "ybund men to go astray. Asn how can you claim tb; be a Christian when, you go to these aancttth church a4 eat pf the hread 'an dMk of theine? .This is a problem for me to'solve; ; Again, hbir would Sybuleetli1 bll jwmJeMihere was danc- inghhrlciin&ic sJtmpeiTiI3b would- feel lilie Wanting the rocks dmpuiifiisia faflilyou ididBil 3ycur(eaculd i crdiOlrtrd fcjivelst; idf re- deeming rebel live, ' ' ' not realize ing in time to bay, v 'Redeeming love has ; been; m y theme and shall bVtii;I;:dieSili What we need in.this beautiful land of purs is 1 peace , and pros perity.; Let-iil feeling and ;: cor ruptness vanish as a vapor before the bright and shining morning sun- 4Pax yobiscum., V i-r W-S x'f Albert Mires Boggan. ' Don't Put Coins in Mail Boxes Postmaster Cameron desires to call attention to the practice of some patrons of ru ral delivery of placing . loos6 coi ns in ' their boxes each time they desire to dispatch letters instead of supK plying" themselves with : postage in advance of their needs. : This practice imposes ; undue hardship oil rural carriers in re moving loose, coins; front Boxes and delays them on . the service of their routes? The postmaster, therefore, ur-; gently requests that patrons of rural delivery provide themselves and keep on hand a: supply of stamps oistentp7ith? and in advance of their ; needs. It -is also ' verydesirable1 that rural tih rihhicE tojplace kms when nfeessajihpunasing supplies ofstamps. "Health lCoffee,, is really the closest coffee imitation ever yet produced.. This, the; finest cof fee substitute ever made, has re cently been produced by Dr. Shodp of Racine, Wis. Not a gr am of real ; coffee m it either. Health Coffee is made from pure roasted cereals, with malt. nuts. f pa fJo iwpnhvnr thirtv miTi- utes boiling. 'Made in a Jmin- j ute,'7 says the doctor, .bold by Palmer, Diggs & Co. ; ; - xuvci jr mail iiao Excepting" always those who give themselves away. ; . ; v : A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet af ter each meal overcomes indiges tion, dyspepsia and other stom ach ills. Two days' trial free. Ask our dealer. "-. Sold by L. G. Fox. What is Ground Hog Day. The origin of 'ground-hog i day s accounted for in the following way: Februarys, Or Candlemas Day, was ; a favorite holiday, marked :: by public "gayety and ceremonies, in Europe during the middle ages. It is still marked there by the closing of banks and offices, but not otherwise, outside of the reading of church services. In the church; calandar; it Is known as the feast of; purifica-r tion of the virgin, and was first instituted by Pope Sergius about the year 684 A. 1). . The popular name of .the day is derived from the early custom of lighting up the , churches with candles and carrying these in procession :oh this festival. SSr x Ai4a the weather superstition fKafc t frives' to Candlemas J: the name of zround-hdg'f da is a woHd-wideable- - Jn: ihany it is IbajJger thatbrea his winter nap in this day to es say the thankless task of weath er prophecy; ; in - France - and Switzerland it is the marmot, in EhBand;tl1iedgeog;;Obsep ation shows, says the Housekeep er, that none of the small; a mals do thus observe : this date fixed,; also; that;, the weather Tin thisltfate does not accurately forelelLthat of the following two months, as is supposed- " ; But it is a general trnth that in temper- ate latitudes, war m ana sunny weather in thefirst half ; of Feb ruaris apt to be followed by a cnange anu a cooi spring, anaon thisj;fapfuhd ho and bgeyries Meounded f--'--"1" - Si, I THEBOOKCJiTO "iliss.luditJcOTcim CL : . - SOpeof tiioisctchdrniln:; :c cialjfuhctith " mgood fortune fo. attend ; .; gtenSatodayton' v.I: Missl Maudfttoore cjitcrtain : X TheookrCluh 'at thb V r!2c::c of ; Mrs; J. LeGrahd s Evcfclt. JMrsi Everett 'kin:dttirric:.J:cr home over to Miss Mocrofcr il.o af ternoonthus' lenditti a dbub 1. charniWtlie ;o house, in? all it hew and yupjto ojbeaparffiti aptecttcenfertaihjn welleualto theemerncy; cf the large crbwd;th(assllnt!cd Within its ho3pitabledo6rti.. Eavh guest had been previiu- ljrreuestedrepreil:htr a cC;o!:, which they did with ccn erable interest. The hew Ji bbo!:3 were ably and well represented 71 while the old ones were not call slighted as the devotecsof yeo! masters siich' Cjazzl J -IZz:', I y pon ihe usty book Tshefea " and' proudly brought them forth from' the oblivion to whichjv tifey v had been consigned to once again j , ; mingle with the f un'ahd laugh ; ter of the present day; ; : . ; C The contest wapirited; each v vieing with the other as to which ' r could best represent ev bbok of their choice and atTT the tcsime time so veil it in mystery as : to baffle the keen wits of the others. No special pref erencewas given ' ' to any one person and ' as ' there .;;: j were so many bright minds -; the . contestriLS it usuaUy doea, in tured Ekmgham- resulted m a draw: ; The first prize, however ; fell by ; bollot to Miss Fannie; Covington, representing;, 'Scar Geftlsoideverl'ano same time showing ' her ; loyalty ; to the Old North? State f bjr ck; ing one of herVgtftedf authcrcjr- ? Fulierte;iw memory : we aUf bbw;r x Aho some box of stationary W2 ? the prize, , and, as intere3tu:x; re- f ports are ' Vaut ;in the ( land1 , shewill make immediate; use I of ; ' it, undoubtedly," f .' T -y X ' - The consolationrizeV to rth envy of us all fell toZIicsr-Eva- Armistead, a dainty Jace rchici upon which she can shed jcopioud; tears for the lessfortuntaP club members, and behind which'chc 1 canliide her smiles'of deliffht at y ,v her own good-fortune' inf Lcccur- l ing so dainty ja ; pice of hindi- r workf-S The!dfin3in-which weall; hcred equdlycs rcch- ewheh:the refrcshrichw iir-f2 consisting t&l t a :;ty salabcbnrsefoilow C:3V:' ioiis cream and -ke.":,;-' To the other members, cf rTI:o, Club which are yet to: cntrt I will z".7i' Z tIJu wise. nppels - sweeping ' therc:un-; try. Stop it with Prevcntici be-.- fore - it gets deeply seated.. To check early colds with tHcso lit-' tie CandKGoid Cure Tablets MA surely;: senSWe ajicT tvd e.V Proy ventics contain no quinine, no ur ative7- nothihgharsh)r sickeni. mg. Pneumonia ?uld never ap-, pear if jearly colds wehrOmpt-7 ly broken. ,f Also good- f oi C "Ycr ish children; : ImeJobr,: 4Ui?' ! letSi 25 cents. Vect tocl:c- box i es 5 cents. Sold hyUu. irax: thVnhmerouspictiOnS' ? failure." - i- ; .. ir. win lit" . iiiiiii 1 to ge through a :papf - -sive operation forPil- J ( ManZan:; Put up m cc..r; : tube With nozzle rc y to r tothe soraness c : -For any form cf Gcrantecd. i , - ----- -,.e.V-.-- k V v. it - X