I n it..: -. . -. &s crcc-a cua r&u matter. 3;., 5 m-v: itjff oine time siCfinTcnerfice monument &occ:n, mtcr isnimess pi several cur new hotel and opera fiouse idlefcf don't waftf? until: the i l S i AHow wonld 4V nicec, shady seat in ?Roekihgham?s -new. up in the Fee vDee woods torinejc citizen the town ixaid the t other; dajrs that Rock- Idghamwas N making sush rapid stride -that it would not sur prise -him to see a line of street cars here pretty ' soon. These people here are Rustlers when : they start . .-: . :V" ' ,': -; 1"-' " '-i'--i "j Hmea "axe very" quiet in the sandhillsi -Everybody is pretty eU ppwilh thejr work aPd crops are leaking" .promising. We are haymg nice seasons. ( ' )TEis community - was saddened e death oit Mrs. F. M, Weath- , of Bish6pyillef C.Thurp- day,- Jun0 4; - Sheas a,daugh teVof Mr. and Mrs. "B. 5 Mor gan. Mer remains were Drougnt home Friday r The funqral :ser l vices wwere conauctea , .at tne hbpse ) ty; Rev. HrV Fetter and was laid to rest at home. " She leaves a husband" and four children; a mother; father, two sisters, four brothers, and a lot of relatives and friends to mourn after her. .But we feel assured that our loss is her gain. It I Charlotte has been bragging s much about her hotel facilities that we thought she could a'com date at least.10,000 people at-one time but it Isvi so They are calling on t de residents of that lively town to come to the rescue S llS&slrSf and help theshOtels out. . 1 : ; Thinks it Saved His Life K Lester' Nelson, ofNaples. Maine, says in a recent letter : I have used Dr. King's New Discovery mftny years,f or coughs and .colds, : and I think it saved ny life. I have found; it a reliable remedy for throat and lung com plaints, and would no more be Withput a bottle than I would be Without food." For nearly forty years Ne'w Discovery has stood at the head- of throat and lung remedies. As a preventative of . pneumonia ; and healer of . weak lungs it baa no equal. Sold un der guarantee at all druggists. 50c and $L Trial bottle free. family Saturdaynfehf ahdSun MrJr Ul Riggaphhoeh,. io. snent Sunday With Mr; TbJliffi'San Ceek;'SBndayS9i Misses Sallie," Eiulya- and Mat- tie Riggan and . Miss ? Willa Mc Kay ;went to Raleigh Tuesday. ' : The Same Oije. h -..-. lisSSldietti6naia ifjSt&ifed5tttsflifeo May 29; 1908, Mrs. Margaret Jones, : relict i of ; the lae-John MrsJ ones ;washeotner pi J eleven cnuarenr six oi wnum are oWivmgr-eaugh i3 rxi-xiancocit, ai wuuse resi dencte"PBhey died ahdiliive ons Messrs. Emerson j'Jones 6f vRbp- derltoSam J ones, ex-sner-iftf Mbore-couht Nelson Jones of " Jacteon Springs ' Lawrence JoneiMflom'siapa snesi'oi AiabmarT V; . Ifiajd hrPtneM. l!hurcJi?itn for - 65f?years't apd 'served ?; her Lord faithfully to the end.;. ; Mrs Jones wasa good woman and;was Joveq by all ,wno Knew her.- She died as. she-lived, hap py in hr faith in Christ. : had been confined to her bed five month.. She said she would never get up again ;that she was reaay ana - wuiing, to. aie atany time her Savior saw fit tp take her home where loved ones never part. - '"' ; j," - :, It is hard to give-up our. loved ones and friends, but it is a great consolation to know that he died in the arms of f Jesus! v The fam ily have the sympathy of the community in their bereaVemcnt. Miss Minnie Gibson's school closed at Rachel school house, May 29, jvith a picnic at the Pol ly bridge. There was a large crow,d, well filled baskets and a nice time. v A Sandhillian. Spring, Summer and Every Day 1 Poet - . It is said that there is a differ ence between a spring poet, "a summerDoet and an every day poet. If there is We do not know thedifference - At any rate, we are publishing two pieces from two different poets this week. Read thejrf: 1 0 X W BOOZERS ARE DRY. Old Booze is' dead and gone to rest, 7 His mouth is parched and dry, -" -His little jug- is no longer filled ' With brandy, corn or rye. ,. , . .Old. Booze's fate is very sad Bu sadder still the fact, Tha all the boozers in the state - Are dead by. legislative act. Prohibition won the day And that's the reason why That Booze and boezers everywhere Are hollering out "I'm dry." - P,ETE . HUSH, LITTLE BLOCKADER " Hush, little blockader, don't you cry, . The revenue men '11 be gone bye-bye, "When they're gone you can make you a "horn" JMake it from apples or make it from , corn. .So hush, little blockader, don't y outcry ' You can make your liquor bye and bye. Consumptives Made Comfortable Foley's Honey, and Tar - has : cured j many cases of incipient cunsumpuon ana even in tne aa vanced stages affords comfort and relief. Refuse any but the geituine Foley's Honey and Tar. Ludolphiri Fox. - s 1 New Brick Plant :i - . -, Mr. S. R. Mcintosh has open- '- .." ed up a brick yard about three r , w niles north of town. He is mak- ' v i.v 5 tin brick;-at present by hand. uivouy aa experiment. As soon as a kiln is burned he m tends putting in first class ma chinery in all: respects, and will euon pe aoie to furnish builders ;K.;--ii-: The Best Pill Ever Sold . v "After doctoring 15 years for chronic indigestion, and spend ing over two hundred dollars, nothing has done me as. much good as Dr. King's New Life Pills. I consider them the best pills ever Fold,' writes B. F. Ayscue, Of Ingteside,'N. C. Sold under guarantee at all druggists. A Narrow Escape - Mr. Torn Meacnam came very neaTv losing his life' last- Friday night, He started to cross the trestle at Steele's mill and.when about half way he saw a freight train approaching. He did not have time to come back nor could hot make it to the other end, so he jumped off, falling about 20 feet One of his ankles was knocked but of socket, otherwise he "was uninjured. Pineules for the kidneys. 30 day's, trial $1. Guaranteed. Act directly on the kidneys and bring reiiei m tne nrst dose lor back ache, rheumatic pains kidney and bladder trouble. Invigorate the entire system. Sold by Ix G. f ox. - - We-have: a Cbls. , of shdrAsmmmmmmmmmm : -1 -: W. R. Ward.- of Dyersbui-g, Tenriri writes: i 'This im to cer tify that Thaye used Foley 's OriW no Laxative for chronic constipa tion arid it has proven without a dOubt to be a thorough, practical remedy for -this trouble, and it Hs with pleasure Iotter mp, con scientious, reference L. u-Fox. j j ; : Industrial Education : y The advertisement of the1 North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts appears in an other column. This college has courses of instruction in agricul- ture, stuaents; civu engineer? ca and ing.103 student? : electrical en- The First Bloom of the Season - We were shown Thursday morning a cotton bloom, the first of the season: It was raised by Mr. XMeedham Hasty, on Mr. H. C. -Watson 's land on Watson Heights. Col. k Watson say s the Heights are not'only aood place to live but a good place to raise anything you want to seil gineering, 116 students: mechan ical engmeering. 79 students; cotton manufacturing, chemistry. and dyeing, 50 students.. Be sides the regular 4-year courses in machine work, drawing and designing, carding and spinning, weaving, cloth analysis,, agricul ture and dairying. 'T j t V - Next session begins September 2, J908. For catalogue, etc: , ad dress Tho President, Wes c Ral eigh, N. C. ' 3 . V ';; . - - . . 5; 7 : ; : ' ".. - One application of ManZan Pile rRemedy, for all forms of piles relieves pain, sootns, reauces m flamation, soreness and itching. Price 50c. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, Sold by L. G. Fox. Picnic at Coleman's Mill Lookout for the big picnic at the Coleman mills July 18. The string band of Steele's Mill will sure be there, and the brass band of Rockingham: will also be there without a doubt, i Let everybody come out tnat- aayfand near the candidates They will be there. Bring well filled baskets and have a good time. Ko drinking allowed. W. P. Ingram Operation -for piles, will not be necessary if you use Man Zan Pile Remedy. Put up ready to use -Guaranteed. Price 50c. Try it. Sold by Fox. - Littleton Female College We call attention to an" adver tisement of Littleton College and Central Academy which will be found in this issue of our paper. .Littleton College has had dur ing the past year a patronage of 285, pupils, 258 of r whom were boarding pupils. v - uenirai Acaaemy is a very successiul school or great prom ise and is one of the kind 0 much needed in every state in the union. We know of no edu cational work that is more de sirable than this kind. Born in Iowa ; Our family were alh born and raided in Iowa, and v have used Chamberlain's' C5lic, Dholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (made at Des Moines) for years. We know how good it is from long exper ience in the use of it. In fact. when in El Paso, Texas, the writer's life was saved by the prompt use of this remedy. We are now engaged -in the mercan tile business at Narcoosee, Fla., and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very sue close outsat at Special Prices. We ftave a lot of i h igmmxmJu ts! at ar Sdin thislin Werta these hot days that wouldibe :..viist.fc-..-: ILilLIV rTM-.'.T:, f " All through tlxis moritht HtWttl , Just.received, a shipmehi of those cool, comfortable, soft Cotton Shirt at $1.00. Everything f or Men and Erittle Men fed " I j ; I ...... : . tIiiam ant to take., Act directly on rthe maneys, puruy tne Diooa ana in vigorate the entireystem. . Best for bachache, lame back, kidneys and bladder. 30 days trial $1. Guaranteed. Sold by XT G., Fox. 'The thief has.taking ways, but no bring back ones. .-v. .' No Humbug No humbug claims 1 have to be made for Foley 'sJHoney and Tar the well known remedy for coughs colds' and lung troubles. The fact that more bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar are used than of any . other cOugh remedy is the l i. A i. 1 1 4 '- ucst lesLimumai 01 its great mer- Jau the bmkneeded. Messrlimknown Cpreparation Cwheh F6 inompspn and WiUiams. former- lev's Hnnw and TVr pnfa TOrt Pmeules for backache, little golden globules;, easy and pleasfcessful and is constantly grow- ley's Honey and Tar costs yod no more and is safe and sure L. jbr. FOX. ing in favor- Enriis Bros. - This remedy is for sale by all druggists Daughters to Attend Jr. Meeting To the officers and members of Virginia Dare Council, No. 32, Daughters, of Liberty i . : The council, by vote - of the members present, has accepted an invitation to attend the pub lic session of . the District " meet ing,. Jr;O.U. A.. M., to-be held at the "court house in Rocking-ham.- Thursday evening, June 18th. This will be the first pub lic 'appearance of the council and the '. presence of ; every inember isearnestly desiredr Please be at the lodge room, in the Everett building, by eight olock; - The council will marelr to the court feuse in - a 'dySWmiMM W; He COvihgtong) . : :. " Councilor. Littleton Female College. One of the most successful and best equipped boarding-schools in the South, with hot water heat, electric lights " and othern modern ' improvements.- 258 boarding pupils last year- 27th. annual session will begin Sept.-16, 1908. For catalogue address J. M. RHODESJ"' President, Littleton, N, C. ,, , ' " A hgh-grade j Preparatory Schobl. for boys - and young men, with industrial - and agricultural equip- ment. : Xiocated on 700-acre farm one mile from Littleton College and under the'management of the same b0ard of Trustees. For new J illustrated catalosrue address J. B. AIKEN, Principal, Littleton, N. C. . jel3 5t Academy The winter of our discontent is made up of melancholy days. "Health Coffee" i3 really the closest coffee imitation ever yet produced. This clever coffee sub stitute was recently produced by Dr. Snoop, Racine. Wis. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee is made Jtrom pure toasted grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Keally it would fool an expert who might .drink it for coffee. No 20 or "30 minutes" tedious boiling. "Made in a minute" says the doctor. Sold by Palmer, Diggs & Co. Biblical Baseball Eve .stole first,' Adam second, St. Peter umpired the game. Rebecca went to the well with the pitcher," . While Rutb in' the field, won Goliath was struck out by David, t A base hit made on Abel by " Cain, - , . - ' The Prodigal Son made one home ; ; . run, ' ' : . Bro' Noah gave out checks for - .the ram. . t . , -MrsrS. Ix Bowen. of Wavne. W. Va , writes:. I was a suf ferer from kidney disease, so that at times I-could not get out ot edi and when 1 did I could not stand ? str iight. I took Fo ley'sKidney RemTedjr: One dol lar bottle and part of the second cured m entirely. " Foley's Kid ney Kemedy l Works . -wonders .where others arc" a total failure. The chronic kicker" shouldake a day off occasionally and prac- Don't think because a woman i$ seen rubbing her hair that she has the headache. She is playing wtth her rats. - , Bees LaxativeCough Syrup recommended by mothers" , for young and old; is prompt relief for coughs, colds, croup, hoarse ness, whooping, cough. Gently laxative and pleasant to. take. Guaranteed. Should be kept in every household.. Sold by L. &. To cheek early coldi or Grippe with pTerentIci" means sure defeat for Pneumonia. To stop a cold with PreYenties is safer than to tot it ran and be obliged to core it afterwards. To be sure. Pre ventics win cure eren a deeply seated cold, but taken erly t the sneexe staire they break, or head off these early colds. That's sorely better. That's hy they are alled Prerenties. Prerentiesare little Candy Cold Cores. "No Qnin. ine, no physio, nothing sickening. Nice for the children and thoroofbly safe too. II you feel chilly At you sneeze. If yon ache all oyer, think of PreYenties. Promptness may alaasare half your usual sickness And don't forg-et your child, if there is feyerishness. nisrhtor.day. Herein prob ably lies Preventlos' greatest efficiency. Sold In Co boxes for the pocket, also in 25o boxes of 48 PreVentics. Insist on your druggists giring you t FOR SALE BY LUDOLPH G. FOX. u niVersi rv OF NORTH CAROLINA ,S I t787-!908 Head of the State's Educational System College, Engineering-, Graduate,- Law, v . . 'Medicine, Pharmacy. 1 - - Library contains 48.000 v6lums' , New water works, electric lights. vciiw-d,x!ueaving system. XMew dormi tories, gymnasium,. Y". M. C. A. build lhg library." - . -i ?9a students. . ; 92 in Faculty. The Fall term begins Sept. 7, ld08:x Address s - FRANCIS P VEN ABLE, President, FOR GALE THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECE OF AGRICULTURE MDf.ECfl.MIC ISIS -y1 "Practical education : in -- Agriculture ; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry.' Tui- tion ,$45' a year; Board 10 a moAth. 120. Scholarships. V Examinations for admission at county seats on July 9. Address THE PRESIDENT, - je!3 W ; - West Ralih, K. C. - Wetmore Place, ih Wolf ; , Jit Townishipy Rich S:z 5 .mond County - Monday: July 13th, 1908, $t 12 o'clock m.,t the court house'doorin the town of' Rockingham, I will offer for sale at public, outcry, my farm in Wolf Pit township, known as the Wet more ; place; including Foard Island, supposed to contain 1300 acres, be the same more or less - For description see deed from H. C. Wall, Commissioner,, to Mrs. A. GT Leak, dated June 6tb, 1895, and registered in deed book E.E E, page 592,' in the office of Register of Deeds of Richmond county. Also re- nortS hf k r!nm-mi esSnnoi fy ( tti a t t.YtP. lands of H. W. Harrington, date3 May tm, deed book iv; page 580, be ing the land allotted to Mrs. Rosa Wet more -" Terms of sale; 5 pec cent cash; 10 per cent Dec; M; 1908, and the balance in five equal payments dueJDec. ,1,1909, 1910, 1911,1912 and 1913 respectively, the same-being evidenced by notes of the purchaser A and bearing i interest from Dec L 1903, at 6 -per centum per annum, payable annually. .Title re served nntil purchase money is paid in full.. Rents for the year 1908 are also reserved. Possession v will be criven December 31st, 199Si The right is re served to reject any and all bids. This May 20th, 1908. - je6 MRS. F. L. WALU by H. C. Wail, Agent. QHITE BAKBER SHOP, .T.vv "Walter Mclfalr, Froprietor, i : Next door to Savings Bank,

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