--, Notes of ;Intereot to Fruit GroVer axid Stocisiaii Ji. " '. . . .f ins In now o Good WateraiIons.- ,Vatc,. melons prefer. sand?srti.ot moderate fertility, and jire.not likely 7. d0 veil on clay oryery4heavysoIl. If raised on the same land , a number , vears they w ill probably "suffer" Wight. Break thV,land;broad rbt thoroughly. Prepare for.plant-; six 1C ten leet cwii .moti. t he variety, oi ;meion:grown j hp strengiu oi uojwu;....urrow; deeply where tne rowsrebeaiid cross furrow if preferred. "Where each hill is to grow open' pit .eight : Inches deep and twenty-four inches across, and apply, ineac phprel of veil fermented" cpmppsC From fniVr to six pounds wMTbdther? right EmOUllt,- :0:y,:.r?yi ; a compost thatjhas geh good ser Tice is made of three" parts by weight of cottonseed, manure and blgll grade acid phosphate each, and one. part of kainit, all thoroughly mixed and left : jn a large heap slxywee&tof ermWj There will not be tlmenow to.fer ment this mixture for the ; present year which would'halredepffTedathe ; seed' of life and made the plant food in the compost quickly available; 4f fresh manure had . been applied1 to each hill before February It would by nlanting time, if cbvered'iwitbrsoil,; have got in good condition to feed the J plants. If manure is : scarce jiagooa commercial fertilizer may be mixed with wood's mold or 'rich loam' and . placed in every hill. If the manuring is too heavy it. will make more vine titan-melons. - -:-'. --' Pat eight to" ten seeds in each 'hill and cover one inch deep. ; If hard rains and drying winds follow plant ing lightly scratch the surface pf the hills to break the crust. ' - If the soil is kept stirred around the young plants their early growthwill be more rapid. Thin to two plants, selecting the most vigorous and stocky ones in a hill; as soon asthe plants form the first, two leaves. Keep up shallow rculUvatfoh and recede from the row as the plants grow. Plant a row of "peas in the middles, so the pea" -vines t wilt? be grasped by the tendrUsmltliMeioji - vines in order that the latter may not le knocked about by heavy winds. Do not move the vines for the! pur pose of cultivation. WhehItIsJ'seen that vines that keep extending ;thlir length in the latter part. of the season will not be able to mature what'fruit the new growth may put jutt it may be best to pinch back the.;new. growth so that the vigor of the vine "may.be thrown back for , developing ; "what fruit can mature. -Ch as. ",M.'Shefret, in Progressive Farmer. . . '' '.; .' ' Two Most Hopeful Signs, : U y t. We were talking to a promin ent merchant of Fairburn, Ga. He said; "The farmers in our section'are improving. And six cent cotton proved a great blessing to, thenx J,n disguise. It forced thefiufo raise their corn. In 1902- 1 sold twenty-eight carloads of corn, and nearly: all; of Jt on credit. For the last four-years 1 have not averaged a carload: per year." This is, indeedi a bopef ulr signy andv.'e think a like condition-of af fairs exist all over the Souths We know it does in all thrifty, sectious; If your section is an exception to this rule begin to fall into line.. : - , fV. . In former year3 it was, customr ary to hear farmers bragging about how few furrows they ran in-making a crop. And it was almost jthe cus tom io "run off and plantwithout any breaking or thorough1 prepara tion of the soil. Now we hear the farmers tell with pride, how?- long it took tjiem to prepare their land. This week a near neighbor told us how he had prepared his. laudfQrcdro. He said-: "J spen t a weekr, with two large mules, breaking - my sisi acres- for corn, i am going to try the Will iamson plan.' . Will use SOa rpbunds guano per acre. 1 am tired going over so much land for my corn. We rejoice that the day has changed, and that our farmers are begihnfng to ap preciate the vafet difference between thorough prei)arationjandgood-rwbtk and SCratrhinir I tho cnll Snnthem ("ulti-rator. i, Dress Your Saddle WUh MUkV ;; Here is a dressing for saddles that SO chean that the first im mil se of the reader will be to say It is no good; but the cost of a thing is not always in accord with its usefulness; and the saddle dressing that will be given will l)e fund worth many, many times its cst. it is produced by every farmer and its inexpensi veness warrants its jrequent use, for it will surprise any ;)ody who has not .seen the good efr jects it produces when applied, rights 11 Is nolhing but milk; fresh milk. ' ? it winhe recalled that milk has fat .. whic is here a substitute for , and milk also has other things in ; ;lat "vl have a good effect, on ber used in the way th at Saddle leather; Is. t)0 - not be Content with merely mdiste-nlng-nheacTdls -pvlth milk vFirst clean it' thoroughly with mild. soap, -and -w.ater tat Jjas.been slightly warmed j-Arllttle experiment tftg w'shp w just-hovst.ry;the leath er should be - before 3 th tyii t ri1? ;'l?epvtipns'tOv theroie atftrdJessin shoutdbe thor onghly; rubbed into the leather,? The suess otlhe . wprfc' depend large ly ori5-the. :amountand -thoroughness1 "of, rubbing i Bridles can be 'greatly lhibedthe mereatmen :l heoleathgi part of- the. saddle that cpmes nexf toathehorse may be trjeat0t withitsfooCbll. .-The sweat fronof the? horse ! will deposit salt t)ri this part of the -leather and be- hard Ton iti". and. that is the reason why.sne cial; care should-5 be given . here. ; If this lower'paf f of 'tbe saddle is kept clean" ItlIibWinch'betterpt saddle and .mucb better 'for the horseC -Progressive Farmer. o4-farm Is complete inMts conve niences andr business methods :.with- out a ;iew colonies . of Italian bees comfortably housed in a."mostv conve nient hive. Honey, is' one - of .-the farmer's most valuable assets, and in many places 'a . dozen colonies -will gather seventy-five to 400 gallons of honey - during a single ; season, worth in many ; places v seventy-five v cents a gallon: . tAIl" the bee wants is a' mov able' frame hive, in ; which the honey is stored in ja convenient -manner for; the tarmer . to ' get at " any; hour he may . wish to have honey and ? butter for supper.- j ' j.J'j'J J " Thousands of gallons of the very "quintessence- of sweetness,' as an old bee keeper used., to say, is lost in the country for the want cf a place to store it, A real strong colony .of Italian beei is worth as much !nr a year , to a t amily as an ordinary Jersey- cow - is"; worth. Bees make th Corn and Cotton better by mixing the' pollen of the different flowers, there" by making the seed larger.vand heav ier, insuring- greater - germinating power, i Farmers, if they so desired, by providing ample slotage space for" the bees.-could raise ; honey to .sop both sides of tteir bread every day in the;; year : and . not 7 trouble to make syrup. Honey. - has valuable medi cinal properties that no other, sweet has.-f-J.vR. MeLendon, in Progressive; Farmer. t ; ' ' " ' ."'""" .? t: - .'-' :;; : ; . ;;-; ; Cotton Advice.. : ';- There has been a larger redaction lntbe prodoction of the cotton mills. Prices have .fallen. ; Wages in the Northern; mills - have been reduced, and for the time there has been a re duced demand" for the; raw m aterial. - The Southern farmers should take these'facts into consideration and ctir tail the acreage for 190Sl'; Plant food crops, raise, more . hogs, more fruits and vegetables tor the market and less cotton. . :.-:'y ::- . ;. r - . The acreage fort;19 07-was larger tnanrit should have been. A late cold spring interfered with the produc tion, and the weather conditions and the; labor conditions throughout the season .united to reduce the yield per acre.-i -yyrX i 1-'.'"-" If we have in 19 OS the same acre age as in 1307 and have a better crop yearrbetter weather and better labor conditions with 1 a smaller demand f romftbe jniilsllts is clear;tha(pflces would fall, and the crop would not be remunerative. .: . . The remedy is. te reduce your acre age ten per ' cent, and raise other crobs instead. Home and Farm. ; QUEEN O'ACTHESGED--. - PRAISES PE-ItU-NAi - . - THBEMGLI SH TEA-H A C IT. -How S Art Arrieriean - Business ' Man r .'."'.1 h mm i M m. f" JtNU ' V.V. 'Sr. f? T American business man: with the;Engf -Potest says -Homer Hoch HAnd; by Iti i iisa tea hahit; tie nad gone to xxjn 'A- 1 don -as-the manager "of. one of "-the i biggest enterprises- in, which American 4 y4 X .- ... . o -1 l MI88 JULIA MASLQWEXv vI i glad tb scrite my endorse "tnetit of the great remedy, JeruVui.?X aosottiost heartily. '-Tuli&Marlotce, JtAnJr . remedy' .that benefit digestion Btrengthena the nerves. r Thenerve. centers require nutrition.. If the digestion is impaired, the nerve; centers become aneruic and nervous debility, is the rami. ?;--.-;;;':---:.' " ' -J -;:',-crs v 5 -i-- Tradition.- r as writer ? in- su vei ymuu : tells, the tpry ""of the collision of -an j iPrHM- im not anervine nortt -' , stiinulant. It benefit tAeneries I - by benefiting digestion. :2 ; free the stomach 76t .'catarrhal coaeestioxu and' normal digest iotr is the : In. other'word,Peralia goea to the bot tom of the whole difficulty, r-.whea; the dis aCTeeableiymptoma disappear. - wnwir.v:,-1.'!.. . a"v 5s-s: IJ-jf-.'-- 1 ; wm troubled with zaj totnaeh1 for x years. Was treated by; three doctors They said that I had nervous dyspepsia. I was pat on a liquid diet for three months& v;! improved under the treatment, but m soon as I stopped taking ;th medicine, I got bad again , y ; L saw ?a? testimonial r f a man .-whose ease was similar to mine being cured bjr Pernna,;so 1 thooshjk I would give it a l procured a bottle at once and com--meneed taking it.. I have taken several bottles and am entirely cured. i Peruna is sold by your loeal drug gists Buy a bottle today. ;- 7;.' .-Here;.and Thexev.:;; rv .- ; : Pon't be afraid to do more than is required: of you. ;, : - Bon't be afraid of ezperienee. He is the . best teaeher. t ; ; ' . The less money a man makes the more he has if he isn't married.. ; You can nag a. man into purgatory easier than you can pray , him into heaven. - ":: . j-' ..- Always - speak well "of . 'yourself. There,;"are others who will , attend to the other side of it.- .'.,"; " ". : If a' man is right, he can't be too radical, and T if he s wrong he can't be. too . conseryative. Bytx X i If you expect to haye u to . . borrow money, better borrow;; it before yon need it; it is easier to do so.-. ' : money UsJnvested He, was fbrmaliy introduced to all his heads of depart anents on the first day-he went to the. -ofl,ce & Af ter everybody had strolled ;aay; and- he bad. turned to- l(ls desfe, a small ' clerkly-looklng X person ;ap nrrtaoh'fil 'hint And said : ." leasef - sir. 1 'wJsb to know if .we can-nave some V;;Tear rings?" said .the manager; 'Iwhat in the name of the Thames Em- hankmept are tea ringsT" - - Rings - we put on. the- stovewhen .we make our tea sir,". Thank you."" :y 1 "When yon make your; tea "'Oh, yes; sir;, we hav;e irtea reg tOariyevery afternotm, Thank you.'. t 4The imanager; looked into the tea--business.:' He found Jhe clerk was 'Tights The whole ofiioe force quit" Wo):k in the middle of'tbe afternoon and,: drank tea.-: The proposition did not." appeal to his American mind so heiissuedt ;aa lorderBtoppJng ttea- drinking. T There flrasa wild protest J Here N was: thl3 American -overturning tjief precedentiorfhtur) was a man who dared :tor5depfiye the ritonFKthelrmaThe . - "J have careful V figured ltou-aaa find thatif airti, Uattle we .ship to market each year Vere. one cow, "she would: browse on tLe tropical jregeta-tlon'along-theequator while her tall -was js witching Icicles: ofC. the North th .aid of the bisrher bramches Of ... . t- 'S -. : "... TT r .... - - mathematics; I :have made1 a careful computation .which "shows hat-lf all the-nogs .we slaughter "annually' .were one hog" thaV animal xuid "dig the .Panama Canal jln,tjirot roots and ahalT and its . squeal would be- so Joud-. it would-jar tne ; aurora ; borealis," Kan-" gas" C3ty ' Journal, - - " , " - TORTURED FOR SIX.MOHTHS I - .,:,- By, Terrible Itching Eczema Baby' Buffering .was Terrible Soon " "Ecsema appeared on my son's face.' Wei- Mrs. T. (X Willadsen, of Manimis; (Pent to a docfor who treated him. for three months.- Then he was so. bad that his face and bead 4vere nothing but: one - sore and his ears looked as if they were gqing'to fall tSc bo- we. tried another . doctor for four h months, tbe baby never getting ny -better. iio xiftijiu. ana legs naa Dig ; sores on j,nem jand tho poor little fellow suffered Tso ter- nbly that he could not sleep, i After Be it. J - : ..... . ' Tbi3 woman' says -Tc&ia n. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound! -r sared her;lif e .IteadL lier letter. Iowa,Trrites to llrsrPitikliam: - I can truly say that Iiydia E. Pink bain's Vegetable' Compdund saved xay.; life, and I cannot express my eratitndo to yeu intwords.. For years I sufTered Vith the worst forms of female com- r: y plaints,- continually -"doctoring vand -spending lota of "money for medicine y had suffered six months we tried a,set f followed it as directed, and took Lydia 7 -the Cuticura Remedies and. the first treat- i VL TH nlcham's Vtretable fJomnound and ment Jet him sleep and-rest well; in one it : has restored meto perfect health,; '"t week th ' sores were gone and in r two Had it not been for yon: I should have ; months heJiad a" clear face. .Now he is been in my grave to-dayT I wisn every -;; two years and has never had eczema aeain."- m-fr-in-ntr wnm.n wnnlrttrv ifc. - r - r; Mrs, touis eck, B. FD. 3ifin Antonio. - n -vWp' imrTt TexApr. 15 1907 , "f ; : .V ' FACTS FOR SICK JOLiEU. 1Fot wxty-.feius lgwggm. held out for a month and then japitu-t- There Js no disgrace in playing the ham's ; Vegetable . Cbmpcomd, inadd Hi if.'.y-i. lated. :for his. board of directors stood with -'the clerks.- Tne 'directors drank tea tbo. 1 HeirescIndedB:theOTder bought the new" :tea - rings,- ana - kepV J Cab on the amount ; of " gas used in brewing; ; jthisLnecessary "everage.T ; Ue discovered batthete clerks 4i' Jiis jofaces oost the company;, lor gas :used: to brew It 385 a year., y-z-viif -f-y -.-S.CSvi: X?y Ai - rl , y&i.-M'j ii . , . . . L 1 : . Ji. 4 One of . the ;: largest employers .; of advertising; brains hit; the nail on the head when he said,;Give me the man who can hold on when Others let go ; who pushes ahead when others turn v back ;y who ; stiffens ' up ; when others - weaken r- who knows no such second ; fiddle if you play it . as well as you can. words .as . can't ' or 'give up, and r I will show: yon a man who .will win r in the end." t . FIVE MONTHS IN nOSPITAIi. 2' ' " . Fertilising For Peanuts Pops Jh peanuts- are ' caused-4y a deficiency, of potash -in; the soil, not a deficiency; of. lime. fLime : applied to the soli releases polash and thus aids. Use a. fertilizer strong In phosphoric acid 'Aid potash. Many peanut, grow- I,Iers;use vplaster,7which has the same effect of releasing potasn mat may -oe In -tbe soIIPtaF ih using; phosphate liberally yon wilf of necessity apply forty pounds iot& pounds of acid phosphate, as this is the result of dlsaolvlng the lime phds "phat with sulphuric acid- The sandy soils of- the. peanut section are -defi-cien t in potash, and a liberal applica tion of acid phosphate and muriate of potash will4 Increase ;the crop and do as much toward - banishing pops as lime.-W . F; Massey. : y ' Bet ter;;Kno wlcclge," :p 'j- It Is better for a pupil to know the composition ot feed Tor growing stock than to be ableto name the battles jof the Revolution.-; It is befcterfor him to know, the meaning of protein-and nutritive ration ihan- to know what Is mek'nt by the least common multiple. C.' Davis. Pert fl:eafhness doesn't" indicate-in-oividuality. ' .r.v-,?:: ' teaiT'i hi afraid to dofmothan1 paired of you. - tomnT.b.e afraid begin arthe bo't ; 18 the safestwaytlimb. .KirU who are wdrth hrHSgiitr 4 d are.seldom given-aVvvcigb. : t fiC not, thenly;: body vHere"an4he.rp$ . Trust no' man "strmem6ry---nor your own. 'X- You can hag a man jntoCpnrgat ory .easierifthanJyog iTf man : is risrht - lie .can 't ?be -too radical; rand t if - hes Tvronglihe 'can 't be ftnserrative flyf eectf3to havtorrow money',1 better :; borrow: it bef ofey'you need iti it sis easier todo gypt: Discharged Because' JotOTs. Could ' V ? ; l Not Carell r LctJ PBrockway.3ivSecond5Av., Anoka.MInn. says: !After lying ior nve - montnss in a hospital I 'was dis- rV ' charged .as incura- six months' to ltve. MyUheart-was affect-' edIlb'adfsmolhet' ing spells and sbme- times : fell . uncon scious., I got so I couldn't f r; use . my arms; my eyesight was : " impaired -y and the kidney secretions were badly dis ordered, I was completely worn out: : anddiscourae4when :ibegan using Doan's Kidney f Pills, but they went rright to the cause of the trouble and Mid their work well. I have been feeling well-ever: since" ? ; Sold by all dealers; ; : 50 cents a box.4 Foster-Milburh Co., Buffalo, Y. -fe It ;. isn t ; so ?much what: j a ; young girl does that" fascinates a man: it's - Everywhere; Tgo I speak for tettebis'S, because it eured. me of ringworm in' it3 wont form. My whole chest from .neck to waist was raw as beef; hut tettesixe cured miv It also enred a bod ease of piles." So- ays Mrs. M. . Jon.es o( 23. Tanneuu St., Pittsburg, Pa, TxTfxatirB, the great skin remedy is sold by druggists or sent by mail "i6r:j3- Write J, T, iotftr? zaurs, ppt. A, ;3vannah;tOi;.,;-.; --. : .;-: - y " ' " ' : i'-rv -5 " ".:: y rVeakishness doesn 't indicate, in dividuality. ' f V ' ! - . i "w. : . J: v.;- Capudlne Cures Indigestion Pains, Belching,, Sour Stomach, and Heartburn, from aterer cause. - It s liquid. Effects drug: stores, immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 10c. Z3c.. and 00c., at V "William Clausen,' a New. York art dealer, was arrested on a charge of selling, spurious paintings. f Urs. WmsiowiSoothlng Syrup for Cnnoreu teetbing,softenshegunis,reducesinnammai tion, alia ys pain,c.res wind colic, 25cabottl8 ; Let ;no one know so many . of your secrets that ' you ' will -regret his .be coming an enemy some day. , " ' nTS.StVitcs'lliuceervonsBIs neiy manently cured by Dr. Khne's Great Nerve ttestorer. - fa trial Dottle and treatise tree. Dr. H, SL. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phi la., Pa. V : .i&m DUCK HOUS1S. ',ry 1 v W con ckickenf brooders i fa iafducrbuse wh4ref :tn:littie .vducjclgii sjen?,12: tered-andcared for iront thetimo they are ibatciedttotiheUtlmewhetti theyare' dressed and :ent t; market The house is ;500 r f ee; longaind: 46 feide,";There are pariitions-every KJO&feeii to prevent : drafts of ra& .The; ducksi:; arev graded acccTding:f:i age th6 little fellows gettmg whati i call-" ed "baby4 food,- a" little later Ndr. 2 .feed, "and as they get considerable size ;and strength, -No. 3 feed. There i an, alley running," through r. length wise of the honse". ' :Through this, al-. ley. a car, dn""whlch there Is a box twelve "feet, Jong"' containing feed, is pushed along, and the ducks inipens on ;either side af e,fed as systematical ly, as the large, dairymen . feed their 'h&dscr.cdiir i ; it "fe'quifes-a thorough , knowledge of the habits' of ?the duck to handle them .suocsfnllKi Although a : water fowl;" they- must be kept comfortable and dry while, youngs Water is .fur . nished- Tunnthgf along In: ; a r trough -where they- can reach their bills in and drink; -but5 they cannot get into for JlghLiandlantemafare keptUaurn; 4ngaoClight" their-pens all ,'night; ot they would injure themselves by. tubk ining against the partitions. Tribune f I fHoh't be !araid3to.'Uie;:fa illj&mes and under ail;circujnstanie&; It is no disgrace to be-called a gen- leman.;'v; XMyi " rsi To 'Drive Oat . Malaria and Bniid Up yyiyj: the System 'y, Xy:i:yS Take; the' Old Standard Grovk's Taste less Chil Toxic. ; Yoa know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed z .on e very, ooine, snowing i- is uagy- iu--nine and Iron in a tasteless fbrflv and the: most effectual f onn. ; i'or grown people ana cniioren, sua y'y- -v--: - - y-- The ocean is not the only "body filled wi thTbreakerSifSH ; tFk&o-Gurb for Rhciu- Wi snatiom, Ccxo PoSsij-M 'l7fahd:&&xta I Botanic Blood Balm ( B.B. B.) cares tnir worst cases ot . Rheumatisms bone Opains.-. swollen muscles and joints, by pdrifykif the blood. Thonsanjds of rases eured- by BB- Rafter all other treatments failed. Price fi.oo per arte bottle at drug stores, with complete directions for home treatment. - Laree sample free hr writing Btood Balm Co;.-Atlanta, Ga. WAT ECZEHi IS TBAEl. Urs. Thomas Thompson, f ClaritSTtller Gra.. writes, under date of AnxU.23, HOT: "I sulfered 18 years with tormenting, eczema; , had the best Uoetors to preserbe; bat noth iag did me aty good until I got tettesim. It oured ) me.v; I am X soi thankf Ol" Thousands of others can testify, to similar eures. y Tettebike is sold by druggists or sent by .mail for 6O9. by J. T. Skuttrihe, Dept. A, Bavaanan, as. '"It isn 't ; the jshar stuck'on himself." man gets Hicks : Capudlne Cures Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, overworked; or what not. It refreshes - the brain ' and nerves. It's Liquid and pleasant ttf take. 10c. 25c.. and 50c., at drug stores.; ' " :. When a man plays for sympathy, he loses if he wins., ' -" " ' v:::;- -.-t- -;' .;: .. - .y'TJU yTtm Tour: Feet Aeba and BnrnT ;: - Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes fel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions. Swollen, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feet, and Ingrowing Nails. Sold by -all druggists and shoe stores, 25-cts. . Sample sent FUSE. Address Allen S.'Olmsted, IjeRoy, N. Y-yy Han's Mission as a Citizen. ;v Some have said that it is not the business of private men i to meddle with; government a bold and Hishoh est saying, f which is fit" to " come from nb mouth but that of a ; tyrant ; or a slave. : , To say that private . -men have nothing to do with government is to say1 that private men Eave nothing to do with their ' own happiness or mis ery thatj people ought not to concern themselves whether they be naked or clpthed, fed or starved, deceived or instructed; protected : or - destroyed.- Gato, the -Elder. --; ry-'-f- Ir'yr ed. If, then, your brother do you an injury, do not take it by. the 'hot and r: naro anaie, oy represenimg xo your-. self all the ccrgravating circumstances y.-: of the fact 't, b ut look on the soft side, I and extenuate jif ' m by. considering the nearness 01 tne re--. lation, and the long fnendshipTand r famnianty,between iou---obligati6ns tbkindhstwbicnj a; single 1 proyoca- iibught'nottodssolve yoirv will $ takethaccidentby ita manageable handle-li-pictenis. f 1 oC tiie , happy , homes of to-day is a; vast fund of infdrmation as to the best methods of prompting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the World's best products! : ' v ,r :' ;:- " .Products of actual exceHence and reasonable claims . truthfully r presented and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the WeU-Informcd of l;he World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting" and obtain ing the best the world afFcrds. ; v - -L " One of the products of that class, of known component parts, . an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians ahd conv mended . byii tfcriWefl-Infor orld as a valuable and wholesome family it. A strange characteristic- is-a love laxative is the wcll-fknown Syrup of , Pigs, and Elixir of Senna,;; .To get its beneficial 1 effects - always : buy . the genuine, manu faCtured by the Cah'fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and for sale by all leadingdruggists. from roots and herbs, has been tho r standard "remedy fore female ilb. andhas positively cured thoiisands or women who have been troubled nith t " disblacements. inflammation, ulcera- : tion, fibroid tumors, J irregularities, : peTKjfeinsbackacbef that .hea3v: ing-down feelinaHatolexicyiind tbri,dizinessornerTouss tWhpon't y?utay it t&SXmSi women to -write heror advice. ftfe She - Has -gTiiaea - tnonsanas w aealtlu Address, Iynii Mass ; t v , ; c : Everything has ; two $ handles; ? " the ii'SS Str- one : sof fe ahdrnianageable, the i ptner. ;,; siich as will not ' endure to be- touch- ..-rr - y Pi'! ft'. If yos Mffer from Pits, Faillas fiiakMst Bpaams, or bTOCaHdja taatdeso, mf - c'New Olsoevery sad Treatment' riH sire them hnmWlate rIUf; amV llyoa go mJmnI ! t.dp ! Imb4 oar - E PI LEPTI CI CU R CT Oompllea wi th Food aad Drags Aet efOskma- " ( fltpili Qi rs AO'S aa4 taU UiZm OX, tt. tW Mtf oari Sfastt :'.lss Mt , SAVE THE CARTON TOPS . .. '. ".aai Soap Wrippers rrow "20 Mule Team Borax" ; : --rW!t-: ProdooU and xeh&ngft lha for.."; vr"'- i - : 40-pase illaatratod atalocBQ mf 100O attleles siren war FREK. Address ' ' PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO., New VarhuT Loeaf assats wsntod. ; Writs for moasy Aakiss sUa, , THE DAISY FLY KILLER 'atmi'inW rlies and affords comfort to erery aoma la dlBtac room, ., lepinKroooa and all pi so as whera fllea ara iroitieiomt. i: JUa'h,x - Clean, neat, aai ; - Injur anrthiiur. Try tham ooot and tou wtH ht er be wlthonf tbam. It not kept by cealera. aeat HASOIJ 6OHEK8. X4 DdaH . 1W DOVE-TAILED PUTTY LOCK SASH Itr builder east afifofd t ose" the old kind wnen he can get tberPntty-Xveli 6Ln Jasts cheay. For sale by : If aifiUcted with weak "syesr a . v - :So.V208.;i5lfetiXi - 1 .: ;' ... t . " i , "-s -. -::---ir.i-:'' IipiferveProstrationi I .-"" 111 If you want a pair of shoes that you don't hare to rqueeze your foot into: ,4 ana vreax a week until they tret stretched into the- shape of your- foot- i r : . : to Jit thm : a-nmnan 100 wnere your weigns xomes,: and tney ;: .hare tbe style .to suit you. no matter how par... y; ticularyou are. Xook for the labeL , - . ; ,FRE D. F. FI is L COJ. Broefcton, Alass. i v. 1-Is,:-: ImIH '-yyf-7yf': - . -'. - v' '.r-.f.. j.; It I M V:-l k ? "Ml ti ! U-'vataaM Mars oa tiet,' sereisemete.- Cent ires on rwwtt la UUJXi ltiiiL up iur, uuetrvy cuidj j. wy. .v

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