li Jl oanoke Rapids Herald It R Volume I. Number 48. SOUTH ROSEMARY ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, FEBRUARY 26. 1915. Subscription, $1.00 a Year Asking that they he included in the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District hy Special Aet of Legislature. WANTS BETTER SCHOOL FACILITIES The ''ollowing petition has Iwn pivse Tr ist G rat It 1 . .1 i. I i i I'd i 1110 r.naldol c'loOI 11 s of the Roanoke Rapids ! School District h the citize: s of South Rosemary. To t c Roanoke Rapids Gr tied Scliim Board. Gentlemen: We the pi pic of Sooth Rosemary and c mmunity south of your Grade I School District respect fully j etition and pray that you ask Hi present Legislature to incorporate us in your said schoo iiiti-Lif it.... m, ., ., t ; uiUlll. IlLLIIHIIIIK til H III yourlne where Smiths' Ch ,rch road crosses Chockovotte Ci ,'ek, therm along sai.l 'road to the West to Mrs. W.llis Cheek's line. .1 T ..l i':o: . cm. n . uieiici .Norin aiong uuie .neu s line to Hill's-Creek, thence d nvn the creek as it Hows to the New Road Bridge, thence along the new read to Dickon's line, thence west nlomr their lines to Uni-Wn. day's li ne, thence north to New Hope road, thence west along New Hope road to Medlin's line. and thence north along Medlin's line to a point in your present line on Chockoyotte Creek. Signed, C. M. Pearson, ('.. J. Starkes, C. M. Dickens, N. L. Lthoridg.'. L S. Hodgens. B. A. Powe'J, K. B. Williams, K. F. Lane, R. W. Jordan, K. D. Parks, (1. K. CI ray. J. K. Pears in. B. I). Hawkins. W. H. Shell. Jessie Johnson, Riley Gay, Kvie Birdsotig, Baker Browning. C. II. Speight. The available time before final nHin ,.f u,,w:. jiu nun. 111 vi 1111 I'nw iik mir i icCmi,i,. io ahrt f. passage of such an act as that requested, but if the matter is v,uii,,i' .i, OJ ,l.;ki.1 ; t I . I .A. V. U.O H.T ( 'VIOiTI I'll II. may be done. The extension of the School District limits to take in the territory of South Ro .emary will lie a good thing for South Rosi- maryanda good thing for the rest of the District, suit is im- prohable that opposition wil velop anywhere. Mrs. Alfred L. Marriner On last Wednesday night, Mrs. Alfred L. Marriner died at her home i i Roanoke Rapids. Mrs. Marriner had been suffering for three months with tuberculosis iof the throat. She is survived y her husband, Mr. A. L. Mar riner, and father and brother, who are residents of Roanoke Rapid.s. Mr. nd Mrs. Marriner have lived h 'e for five years and be- " " for ye:rs in Rosemary. Marrin r was very popular and , , , ce- j u leaves hosts of friends who mourn her losi. Tore 111 jintr nerp wprp rpsineirs The interment took place this r iayes was a groat over; u in., 1 uputy nperm ; . ,1 '..L.-b ir, ' athletics in all forms and was tendent, Metropolitan Lite Insur- llliilllii , ai ik vol u Ltu.n ill liiu Roanol Rapids Cemetery. Dixon-Waller I .i r. i Miss John V. Ellen l'I.W11 UIIU I'll, 1 aller, both th(. P'lt 11 if 11 .1 terson Mill lllage, were dtiiotly married at the home of Mr. Sam I'ridgeon in Kosemary. on last; mdii evening at five, u.cuvk. The ce: oniony was performed by the Rev. William Tow e. The friends of the happy loouple decorated the automobile1 with white ribbons and old shoes the woman. "And you must ex-1 tions and gets results which here while the ceremony was being cuse me for staring at you so tofore have only leen done by performed, and also jn'rsuaded hard; I am a member of the the careful computations of the driver of the car to take the Stand and Stare Club." J clerks. We will be glad to ex- couple home by the most round-, She proved herself so active plain this system to anyone in- anoui way. 1 lenty 01 rice was . . -.. , r . used and a good deal of merri- the man began to teel uncom- ot handling accounts is time and parted for their homes ment and confusion ensued. fortable, under her gaze. Final-' labor saving, and what is more Mr. and Mrs. Waller will be at !y he rose and said. "Take my important still, guarantees abso- yy ijVI)Ch f i,iUvrence home to their many friends after seat, madam; I guess 111 resign lute accuracy. Another good ville, Va'., spent Saturdav here February 23 8t their residence, from my club and join yours."-; thing in the service which we visiting his brother, Mr. ' W. G. with Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Hege. Boston Transcript. j are rendering our patrons. Advt. i Lynch. ROBERT B. HAYES KILLED BY TRAIN Returning With Some Friends from Raleigh to Wake Forest When Accident Occurred. Death Came Shortly After Acciden. FORMER RESIDENT THIS COMMUNITY Wake Forest, Feb. 21. A most li.,l-i-il.l.. n,i.i,!..r.l !,., ....... ..I. ...!.. "'.- ihkiu mtii vouipeie v i , . i ii , , depressed the whole student body and college community occurred at three o'clock this morning, J' I t atterson spent Uednes when one of the Wake Forest lluv ' 11 ,",1('in on business, students, Robert R. Hayes, was S. F. Patterson returned Sun cut to pieces beneath the wheels day from a business trip to of train No. ('.. Mr. Hayes and Philadelphia. l e i . e i i i i aim oi ma menus nan u-en to Raleigh to spend the evening and were returning on the north u;"'d train No. I, when the ac- , eident occurred. From the few facts that can be obtained it appears that Mr. , Hayes jumped from the platform ! f the ear near the power house. 1 It smm tlfcit Uu itir.M.,..l k,.n In j. nvi r m "nler t0 tfet " nearer his room, wlm'n is seven or eight hundred yards distant from the ''''I'" ut Wake Forest. In jump- big Mr. Hayes must have either caught his overcoat in the handle on the steps of the car and was jerked under the wheels, or it is quite probable that he did not got a good footing on the slant ing bank, which is very close to the track, and fell under the wheels. The result was that he was caught by one of the trucks of the car and dragged for more than f0 yards. Mr. McDulTy who was on night duty at the power house, was the first to reach the scene. Mr. McDutTy stated that he found Mr. Hayes in a concious condi- lion, but very badly mangled, and hediod soon afterward. The ' wheels struck the vountr man in the left knee an(1 the thiKh 1,one was crushed about eight inches above the knee. He also receiv- 1 . . . . . . tl, entering the college at the beginning of the fall session. eil internal injuries and was'ule ldSL wniers 01 aoveriise- badly bruised just below the nu'nts that pull, in America, throat. The First National Bank of Mr. Hayes was a member of .Roanoke Rapids is the only the freshman class of Wake Ntaional Bank in Halifax County, (e. llis home was at PalmerSp rings, i"smci, wmcn is looaien in men- i.iara iwvii. .-liter depositing Va. Short funeral services were ; moni'- Advt. their silver oli'ering in a silver 1 held in the new Baptist church' The family of Mr. Julius Jones, tray' in t,1l n!l1"' "' Miss Cam at Wake Forest just before the of Patterson Mill Village, return- Vaughan. they were eonduet : train arrived, which was to take ed Saturday night from Grcens- ei y Miss R".vd to the reception ! the body home. lro, where they were called on ro,,m vv,u'n' th,'v w,','t' r,ct'i vel Mr. Hayes was one of the best liked men in the freshman class, j He spent several months here! last' summer with his brother.' iur. ueorge u Hayes, Jr., mana ger of the Tatterson Store Com- , . r t 1 - pany, at Kosemary, and during the time of his stay here made hosts of friends. His sudden death has leen a complete shock to the entire community. The liody was laid to rest in , the family burying ground near ' Palmer Siipinirs Mr .inH Mru M-:fJ l't0 .c f'aH.s mtt the bodyat Nor ma Sunday and accompanied j jt h 1 ,. ' ' , , . , auaimng an enviaoie recoru as 'a baseball pitcher. He was one 'of the best Drosnccts for nitehor that Wake Forest had this sea - son. He went to Wake Forest with the reputation of being one j. . . . , , . , , 1 1 , , , acillJI (Jill II- lie ill nil, Ulttll. Madam, said the man in the streetcar, I know I ought to get up and give you my seat, but, unfortunately, I've recently join-: ed the Sit Still Club." "That's all right, sir," replied 1 : : 1. .L... ami conscientious a memoer mui PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS F. M. Coburn. of Rocky Mount, spent Wednesday here on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. R. Marks left for the north to purchase sprint? goods on last Sunday morning. They are expected to return today. Misses I mm and Nita Noyce spent the week-end at their home in Rich Square. R. H. Travis, of Weldon, spent hi . i t i Wednesday in the city on husi- J. R Boyd returned home on last Saturday from New York t ity, whe-e be spent several lavs on business. m. . ... , . Mrs C. A. Wyche returned Tuesday from a few days visit in Henderson. u- P IWn.r .-.t U'lnw. , . , , day in KiehtnoiHl Oil business. Miss Maude Wilkerson spent Monday in Scotland Neck visit- ing relatives. N. R Taylor, of Durh; im. arrived Sunday and has accept ed a position with the Roanoke Mill Co. Mr. Herndon Smith, of Haw River, arrived Sunday and has accepted a position w ith the Pat terson Mills Co. Mrs. G. D. Shell, left Tuesday for Baltimore, where she will purchase her spring goods. . ,, ... , , J. II. Kmg spent 1 uesday in Littleton, on business. " ' were a manufacturer or nierchant occasionally in need of 'ur(is, I would do business with National Bank op-rating with . 1 e 111 i( 1 a Regional Bank of the federal fitted in very appropriately with Resorve System, says Libert Hubbard, one of the keenest thinkers and incidentally one of t u.. 1. ... . .. i' 1 11 operates with the Regional Rank of this Federal Reserve account of the death of Mr. Jones' father. . H f 1 f . T tr f aiiei a ween 5 visn 10 inenus and relatives near .lackson, returned m.iiie 011 ja.ii i nuav. J. M. Faison, of City Point, Va., spent several days here visiting his mother, Mrs. Laura fajson A. 1. White has purchased the : i .et m i,- i . .i residence 01 m. uicwens. we I , , ... rosi(itl.u.e in Pldl,ft "unuing a rtsiueme in Roanoke Rapids, - . , , , ance lompany, spenca lew nours 'in town on last Monday. Mr. : Nelms while here settled with 1 check the $1,0(10.(10 life insurance ' policy carried in his Company by Mr. G. K. Carter, recently de- . . ICiiSfil, .. , , . , 1 hveryone interested in modern accounting is invited to drop in at the Hank when convenient and look at the new system of accounting we have recently in- stalled and the machine by which it is operated. The machine is ; almost human. It does calcula- ; a nt'L.- . i . leresieo. una mooern system AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Occurred on Roanoke Avenue Monday Morning. Two Cars and a Horse Mix-up with Fatal Results to the Horse DRIVERS NOT SF.RIOUSLY INJURED What came very m ar being a serious automobile accident oc curred on Roanoke Avenue on last Monday morning. Two cars were returniie.' Roanoke Junction. Jack who as driving the car met a horse and butrgy. I from Wood ; 1 1 -;n l long- mg to Mr. . G. lot -nil's stables, Roth drivers dmlged each other, both turning t" the right and then back to tin- left until the collision occured. the car driven by Jack Wood striking L t 1 l .1 1 the tront who,; of the buggy, 1 'is so frightened he horse bathe broke loose from the ''" and bunded with Ir.ght uasneti iiiiijuii' car coming up i,.,!,;.,.! i. i- ,. ...... m ill i hi . I i . . 1 1 i ly I I .o 1 1 I ,I . The impact was suliiciont to in jure the horse fatally and, dania- god the car pretty badly, crush ing in the radiator and inllicting other damages. Frank Cay was pretty badly scratched on the face and hands from the broken windshield. The other drivers were practicallv un injured. Misses Boyd Entertain On last. Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boyd's homo was the scene ot a Washington sivcr Tea artv ,rimi ,,v Missos Clara and Mabel Bovd, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Roanoke Rapids Methodist Church. I he decorations of ho homo the spirit ol the occasion, color scheme was patriotic. enriched by beautiful rode The icing irna- nous, uw ,-merican nag ami pictures illustrating important events in the life of Washington added to the appropriateness of the decorations. : ti. . .i . 1 The guests of the evening were received at the door by Miss i l,y 11:0 ,ast"r' lu'v' u lillain 1 'nvt land the ollicors of the society. consisting of Mesdunes A. I Rain, President. J. W. House, -.,. i :.i.... ie (. 1 ICe-I Il'MIU'Ml, . l l.yncn, Secretary, and J. II. Collier, Treasurer. They were then introduced to the honored hosts of the occa- sion, (Coorgo Washington and j his witol, Peingauiniraiiiy ropre- 'sentedbyMr. J. L. Price and Mrs. . 1. M. Jackson, attired in beautiful Colonial costumes, ex pressed from l'hilad.ophia especially for the occasion. They wore then introduced to Miss Custis, represented by Miss Irma Bojce (and it is inter- fuin "" : Deuutit'ul oid rose eo!or'( ial dross over a bundle wore a hl wn" conducted them to the dining room whore Mrs. A. K. Akers jiresided Ti. . .. The guests were here served refreshments by Misses Mabel Bovd. Mabel I'.vrd. and Alice Ho'kadav. cost m. d as Puritan Aiiaitk'ii, a Cut which souvenirs consisting ot miniaturo lmirlirN wore preset) tot tty Mis Clara Hoariie. The guests now re) drawing room, when a number of patriotic u red to t ho they sang airs, such as "Hail Columbia", "Star Spangled Banner" ami "Dixie". After the festivities of the evening, the guests, praising the Misses Boyd as hostesses .'S Boyd as hostesses, tlo- WITH THE CHURCHES Christian Church Raleigh L. Topping, Minister Sunday School at Rosemary Opera I louse every Sunday after noon at 2:; Ml. A Welcome aw aits you. come and receive it. ('. II. Speight, s"Pt. L. (i. Shell, Sec. Episcopal Church Services every Sunday morn ing at ele'.en o'cloc' . Sunday evening at : even thin .' Sunday School eve y Sunday morning M ten o'. . ick. Mr., Supei inde '.. I-'. very body invited vices. all ser- Baptist Churc i Rev. Jesse Blalock, Pastoi Sunday School evt y Sunday at Hi a. m. S. Hancock. Supt. Services Sunday ..orning at 11:1.". Subject; "H aring the Message. " livening services at 7:.':n. Sub ject, "Satan's First A Ltae!:. " Presbyterian Chjrch Rev. H. F. Morton, Pastor Sunday School Rose! viry Opera House Sunday niornii.g at ten o'clock. S i - h Sunday morning at Ros-man i ipera Hons at 11:1.".. S-rices Sin. day evcoing at the I heal re, Roanoke I :'Ii 1. .body is cordially all services. Methodist Church lap- ids, at Kec wel conn 4 , ; j Wm Towe, Pastor Roa Moke Rapids: Siinda school Sunday morning at lU-'i. W. V. Woodruff, Supt. N-cht services at 7:ii0 o'clock, Sub ed ; "Truth Crushed to Kar'h ill Rise Again." Rosi 'Mary : Si lidav School at It) o'clock, J. B l'.o. d. Supt. Nii't't services at 7 :.'() o'clock, conducted by a layman. Come and worship with us. AN OPEN LETTER "Speak Now or Else Hereafter Hold Your Peace" I lear Sir In the interest of base- for thf r.ll") seas n. I have one personal request t make of you. Will you not ta 0 time to write mo your idea ot the necessary rules and 1 'gulations that should be adopte ' in order to prevent as far as po ssible any dispute or mis-uimesiaiuiings for the liilo season? By doing this vou will help ; teams, tors, and th tli league, the varioi Iilayors, the spect everybody coneernei . Please do this at once so tha the gov ernors may have the alvanlage of your ideas in p 'siti;; the rules for the coining m. Very truly yo irs, J. T. CilA 'K 1 .esident If you haven't received one of the above letters, don't let that fact deter you Iron making any suggestions you thi k timely. Your name may have 1 11 in- advortt'litl.v oinilletl. The lea !' ie is anxious to obtain ' 'no view, in regard to the eondivt of the league, of all the citi.. us of the entire community who are inter osted in league baseball. R. E. Welsh, spent the week 'inl with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch. Mr. C. A. Jones, of Scotland Neck, was bore Wednesday on business. Hugh Armstrong and family, of the Patterson Mill Village, ; have moved back to the farm. CONCERT PROGRAM SUNDAY Ar ItRNOON Given by Peoples Theatre Orches- tr. fn, R.f;. f PnL. ( u avri ill l f llirtl liuit l Rapids Episcopal Church Given in Peoples Theatre ENJOYABLE AFTERNOON ASSURED The following is the program decided upon so far for the eon cert which will be given by the Peoples Theatre Orchestra in the People; Theatre on next Sunday afternoon for the beneiit of the 'loanoke Rapids Episcopal llUl't'h. This conceit will begin prompt -';. at throe thirty. No admission .vill be charged. A collection -vill be taken up during the con cert for the beneiit of the episcopal church. The program :s a very attractive one and those who attend will be assured of a nusial treat. Francis L. Jones will be Director. I. March - Washington Post -Sousa. -'. Selections II Trovatoro - Verdi. i. Duet - (Cornets) - Selected. 1. Song - Announced later. ". ( h'ortiire -Sounds of the Sun ny South - Iseurnan. ii. Reverie - After Vespers -Maret. 7. Song -- Announced later. S. Saxophone Solo-- I o You Remember -- Danks. -- Mr. Francis L. Jones. '.. Selection - Lady of the Slip per - Herbert lit. Xylophone Solo -- (Selected) -- Mr. Frank G. Hoyt. II. Star Spangled Banner. Hospital Beneiit Concert The Benefit Concert for the Roanoke Rapids Hospital given in the Peoples Theatre on last Sunday afternoon by the Peoples Theatre Orchestra ami other local musical talent w.n one of the most enjoyable eveiirs we have had in some time. The program arranged by Mr. Jones, Director of the Orchestra, was a very ambilius one and was splendidly and brilliantly execut ed by the several performers. The Peoples Theatre Orchestra are a group of musicians of more than ordinary talent and their elforts on this occasion deserve the most favorable mention. Ilartman's overture. "Night in Berlin" was probably the most ambitious number on the program ami it was executed vit h both feeling ami color. The cornet ami saxophone d:iet. layed by Messrs. Jones an 1 loyt. Von's "Last Nioht Vas the End of the World" was veil rendered ami brought IV mi iit audience a prolonged and . , earty encore, which we person ; ily regret was not forthcoming. The short talk given bv I'mf. kers was clever, timely anil ppropriate. Mr. Akers is an hie speaker and his five-minute . dk was helpfully suggestive, .''catling for a closer communal 1 .j-operation. The songs rendered by Mrs. V. S. Hancock and by t lie Misses , iara and Mabel Boyd delighted lie audience. Ail in all a most delightful hour anil twenty minutes was ' ad by all who attended. The oMiiniinily is to be congratulal- J upon having available local ,alent if suchattainincnts. We do ; ,-t believe there i.-. auol her tow 11 1 1 the South, anywhere near ' if size of this tow 11, that can 1 'esont such a corps of musicians. A series of those oouoorU ior liilferent benelits is being plan tied by the Peoples Theatre Orchestra, provided they are wanted by the people of this! community, the next one being scheduled for next Sunday after noon. We predict that the suc cess of last Sunday's concert will liHnr out larger audiences to hear thf future ones. Your credit is always good enouj-h to borrow trouble. ROANOKE VALLEY Mass Meeting of Interested CitiiMi Held in Old Opera House on Last Monday Night Well At tended. Meeting Goei on Record for Strictly Ama teur Base Ball OFFICERS FOR 1915 ELECTED 'The mass meeting of citizens from tlie entire community who are intere. ted in league baseball was attended by a large and enthusiastic crowd of players and fans. Baseball prospects for 1 his .summer, in spite of the i'uropean w ar and low price cot ton ami other bugbears, seem to be exceptionally g'ootl. 'The mass mooting was called to order by the President of the League. Dr. T. W. M. Long, who 111 a brief speed outlined the purposes for which the mass meeting was called and declared nominations in order for the President of the League for 1915. Dr. liiing is a believer in rotation in office and declined re-election. 'Three names were put in nom ination. Mr. J. T. Chase being chosen by a gratifying majority mi the first ballot. A committee escorted the newly elected Presi dent to the chair of office and led by him the light for a strictly amateur league for the coming season was won in a walk. The preponderating sentiment of fans, players and officers alike being in favor of an amateur league safeguarded by rigid rules anil regulations. A motion to this effect was carried. An eligibility rule requiring one month's resilience on the part of a prospective ball player be fore participating in any league game was carried with an amend ment tacked on requiring at least live days work at some gainful occupation ,by every player each week, unless incapa citated by sickness. The governors for the coming year were nominated and elected as follows: for Rosemary, T. W. Mullen: Roanoke Mills, W. D. Bass: Patterson Mills. J. B. Boyd; Roanoke Rapids, S. J. Rounds. J. T. Stainback was re-elected secretary-treasurer of the League, after a stern admoni tion had boon given him by Governor Boyd in regard to al ways having balls on the ground in adequate quantity and of the proper variety for the Patterson Mills Team. Mr. W. F. Horner was elected Vice-President of the League by acclamation. A committee was appointed by the President to draw up suitable resolutions of respect for the two members of last year's league, w hom death had removed since the last official meeting of the League, being Mr. Davis and Mr. Robert B. Hayes, both members of the Rosemary team. A vote of thanks and apprecia tion was extended to Mr. J. F. Welch, Otlicial Umpire' for 1914, for his services last year. After this motion the meeting adjourn ed. Wo understand the first meet ing of the newly elected gover nors will be held in the near fu ture and rules ami by-laws draft ed to carry out the resolutions of the mass mooting for a strictly amateur league. Whitney Mosely Whitney Mosely died last Sun day morning at the home of his relatives in Roanoke Rapids. Mr. Mosely had boon sick for months with tuberculosis and his death had been expected for some time. He was buried on last Monthly afternoon in Roanoke Rapids Cemetery. Mr. Mosely was a young mm, being in his early twenties. He was a resitlent of Roanoke Rap ids for many years and his loss is deeply felt by his many friends. To get the best results go after jthem yourself. i 4 1 r If 1 1 I ir - .k- J ... j 1. V r- V -

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