S f 1 ' e ii 4 X i i w IE uesE ODimH MCPCCCADV LULUUHIII My wife la ooe of the b. si m M-mwi on this continent, allhi.UKti s'.. isn't fclways as gentle as a Umtt with ti it.l auca. Artemua W ar.1. She alone la nt.-t-u.-ha nothing H ft r. ,if l,.T FARMERS' UNION THINK RAILROADS OFFICIALS ARE EN FOR DAINTY DINERS. Where the rlih, jfouit Mmntv.l tit. k ory uut U to be rjioruicil. tin i.' .,! IllHllV lri;IUIUl wua t-1 t..t!.liii iu; Ii Willi Hitl er ftul.s Hickory Nuts and Cheese. It. at to a t'rt-iiin fit.- i;ili!.' fcpo.miul I li.i't-'t' th.n rt.M M t.i bleupocnfuls of cr.aiii eh. is.- Mix iQoroutihly. adillnu u liitlf ml n i nary to make It rr,aui I lax -a cupf.l of hickory mil in. .ii u.,1 broken, mix with the cit..si . with g..lt, )fiiT. iinil a hit!.- 1 in n Juice; -;iak in balls ami m-r tuce leaves us a bal.nl Popcsd Corn Pudding S. cupful of milk and '."n i.i . of popwd c.tti wluth has I.. . u pouiljf 1 It!,, I l,. stand .1.. In.ui threB i sc slitlitly beaten. . . of bro.ii KtiKur. one tal.l. .....i , butler, a (exv dash,. of mh. i pour I- to a butlereil "i.!.!t:' 1 liak thirty live miimtcH m a nlo . auj serve with cream ami mai 'i" i Medford Steak. 1'ound rum! .t with a wuodeu potato inastmr ui meat is th'n. Cut In uniform lay on a small bit of unumki d l...ei a little chopped union, nimm.ii .x. II roll up and tie and cook in a l.ikin,. pan with a little butt.'r for an li. t r Macaroon Custard. Soak t"i aroona In a quarter of a cupful auge juice. 'heu well softem the yolks of two curs, beaten I'.n'iili. one and a half cuptuls of mil., two tablespoufuls of sugar and one :..b'n spoonful each of dry macaroon cntiulis and bread crumbs, flutter a Mallow puddins dish, turn in the cutai'.! ai..i cook in hot water, cover, d. twenty minutes. When half dune. In at '!,. whites of the eggs, add tun t.;,,-. spoonfuls of susar, two teaspoot.f -ils of lemon Juice and pile ligtuly en the custard. Serve cold. Peach and Tapioca. Soak a half cupful of tapioca, add a cupful ..f . a gar. salt and a pint of water, coi h ua til clear, then add a pint of pea -lies cut In halves. In layers with th.i tapi oca la a baking dish Hake until Vown. Serve with cream. titled to more revenue. Products ot Plow and Farmer Who Lives at Home Should Be Eaeir.pt From Increase. By Peter Radford. Lectin. I ui ii.. i 5 I n'. I lie le. .Ill .1. II. II ol the I II I C I ' t at e t't iii'iier. . i i 1 1 1 1 1 . - -'. i 1 1 ill tt.intnu' an illi'lease 111 ft. uhl t.lle It, the aSI. Ill cl.isMiie.itiiiu of ieir'.t.'1'x, the app.ua leii ,t ' ' e p.. 1.. slate ii i '.titer s'at-' e.'t..: 'i- e.iis fef an tirr.-e.1 ;n rate. .,! ,) i ,,( ,.h ..: I't v-i.l. tit : -. Ii ' .. 'll J. , t t.tlS.e t lie f..MII ,'..,! ' h- I.,' ,., fir. 'O t I. e U ' ii 'lie pe r., ai .. an i:., t. ,ne :i, '. .J.1 r.i'. s It , t'u pel'.' i . ! t i.e I n.. I I ,-.. t !. . I , ,.- aft..l.fi! 'He ui. .. .t it.. I ,! -;. t s.i'..,l. Ix .,!,,! ill' . t I I. ,1. I til. mac er-a.l.l Tie rails, th tile k't .-s t-' - '.v ' ' ' cattle, and h.-rb fer !' . i- r. I ef '" ei. thr t he may hnnu- f .rtli f" I ' "f the earth. t'a. '.. From the pl. ntit'.: le t' it .' ' n one iil'i'. falls u e.m.t, t ..it . ,'.s t. o craving of an.ith. r GOOD EATING. rinnanas in hot liaenn t.tt iin l rerxe.! with crisp curle.l tiai on nil !he sain. platt.r tn.iK" a t ! dish Oust the liah.,-i.i-xvilh ray e;.;,e j,.-t ! f, .re servinu' Cherry Sherbet Ian. a cupful of t !iei rv sirup left t'lntn eautied fr',:t adtl the jni. of ! : lemon, a I ' 1 1 p f ' 1 1 of '- !; '.' and a pint of thin or. am. frmv.) as usual. Apple, and Peppr Sauce rut 'in rlpo, tart apples in thit k sin. s ia 1... ers with pre. n p. pp. is. uiso i-i.c. .', sprinkling each laxer -wall salt, usint a half cupful of salt to half a doze:; peppers and every doa-a apples. Tie a teaspoonful each of cru -t."d t l... s mace, pepper corns ami nast urt ititn seeds in a muslin ha;. Prop if iu'. three pints of vinepar am! lutiiir I t tits boiling point. Add a cup of suiter a i l pour boiling hot over the apples Re peat this for six niorii'.tit' ; ; ,.f. Hi" seventh put over thix lire and conk f." half an hour. Remove th" spi. Pa? uud fill into jars wl.iin hot. Brook Trout Baked In Cream Brook trout is a dish inch is hart to spoil, but this combination is -tir" ly worth trying. Hutter a b.ikinu dish, lay in the well-dressed trou: and cover with a rich sweet cream. Tut Into the oven to heat slowly, then tc brown Serve In the dish in which !t is baked. Season late in the rooking bo that the cream will not cuiii; . Cold Slaw. Shred a head of cab bage very fine, then pour over the fol lowing, boiling hot, n half cti f i! id vinegar, a tablespoonful of hutter, take from the her.t, add a beaten egu and three tahlespoonfuls of sweei cream. Season with salt, mustard, pepper and sugar. Pour over the cab bage hot. Banana Pie Iiaks a shell am! fill with sliced bananas well sprinkled iwtth sugar and a little lemon juice, then heap with whipped cream, s v. et ned and flavored. i A most refreshing salad for a hot Oay la salmon, celery, a few sliced hard-cooked eggs and a good dressing. The celery gives It such a crtsp, nice flavor. A bit of sour pickle linely chopped adds to the flavor, also "Do you find that set of books you bought interesting?" "Not very," confessed the man who tries to improve him self. "Do you regret your bargain ?" "A little. I'd feel better about it if the man who comes around to collect the cash was as good at telling a funny yarn as the one who8oldme the books."-Tit-Bits. i IN. I. .- ai,.l pat M. lb. II !x ttl t lie Sell. I) al.d W.'l addllieli.il railway lllile.it : i . . d. .! in a' . ..iiiiredal' t!ie mm t in. ti! of larni products. If in the wis liotti of o, it- K.r.i',.,i. romiiilf-ioiis aa increase in f'-eicht rates is necessan !"'i:.' ah-.1;' all lmprox ein.-i.t tn our ran-pnria'toti serxtce, and an ext. a s i'.t ,.t out iiiii'-me. then an increase shv'i'.i le tiali'.d. ah' I the fanner is ..:: I.' slur- such pmport .mi of Tie it!. '-. ase .,s just ix b. otits tn hull. b.;i i'eii. s. ur." suitest niis to make ,n ' 0 tb," !'! .iiuer ;tl Wali'll this ill f. t Use ..halt be b'XPd Ra'es Follow Lines of Least ReS'St ance. Tit,' ff it'it rates of the natmn have Lte.-n b iiit up aaii it lilies nf least re 'statti The nicu bant the maliu Ml l-irer lit" 'V'her, tile Hit!!' r. the tulub. fti.au an 1 tile --at'!, man have hid !i-.r tiatbr bur. a,.; 'lint-nan' i I'v.iui.'ei.l ami in h;ali ttl-tat'e.-s !!; x hax e pursued ' he rabla ad w : imut tv. rex a' ! x it !i tip- p,.w r nf nt lsu !. .! : : n.'ii'' 'It- x ha" ha :t.:. ei .! '!ic 1'- , the ra. s :u..l xv ;'!i 'itire- '-a ined .-eeil tlicx hax . at- h ! '' X I'.O nu' n! nir f liltl-p. Ut.lt 'nil X -1 , ta an. I s line n !:,n , bad ra:'"'.n! i mil Illi-Slnl.s. these llllcrest.- wt'li sktM ami t in tiit.K. ate r. pr- -..!:' .! at i n n bearing in xxich ti,.:r business is inx ni ed The t;. riiier is seidnin repres. nt.'d at rate heaf'ii.t;s. as tr.s nrvai.tat ..ui baxe iiex.-r had Hi.- final,, tn em ploy conns. I tn dexelnp bis !,. nf the case and. as a result, the p"lucts of the plow hear an tine. put burden of t,,. freiith! ,.x.nsM g;,mi'e at the fr'-icbt tartfTs abundati'ly proves he- ;i."ttif Cn'toti. 'he ',. adltiB lift :cu'.t ural pmduct t lln Smith, al r. aiiy leuirs the Inches! frmirht rate of anx ::ei essiirx' comnimlity in com merce, and t ie ra'e on acriculttiral prndads as a whole is out of pro por'i.ia with that of the products ot the factory an. I the m.ne. We off.-r no schedule of rates, but Imp,, the commission will he able to t:xe the ra.lrnad su a an increase in rates as is nt c ssarv without l.-xxini; a ''urher toll upon the products of the pinrt' Tile instance Seems lo pre- - tn an opportunity lo the liaiirnad roiun:isimis to enalie the rates as ;,. ' a- . u ai-ru 'il'tira! and other ciass- s "f fr. fin w-.iho it iliMitrbUK tlie rat, s cti stapl, farm prnducts What Is a Fair Rate? Wo li I !' ! k'U".V '.V'l.it enlist itules a tni.-:, tnr rate making ami have never bear,! ' an..ne who did cla.ni to ktm'.v mucti abniit it, but if the pr,,. peritx ,. i he faun is a factor to be ('.'ii mb r. d and the railroad utmniis--i. in c.ticlmle- that an iin r- ase in fa n- is n. ce.-s.,ry, we xv.ii,ld pref.-r t'u.t it ..it:,1 tn us throurh arti, les of . , :. . utui 'inn o;, tli.ur jnuriiey from '!; in'. try to the faun 'A'.- woiiM. for , xainpie. pr.-fer tii.it the rate na ie-g- in a. a a- a, pr, --eni and the ra!'- nil lli. ul heal' tile i, r.'a.-e, for any tanner can tmui avn.d the burden by raising his own meal, and a fann er xx ho wul not try to raise his own meat ourIH lo he penalized We think 'lie rate .,u ,,a! and hnck can much l.e'ter bear an increase than tlie rate on co'ton and flour. We xvoiPd prefer that the rate on plows r.-piaia file same, and machinery, pianos and sik h articles as the poor er farmer cannot hope to possess hear tin- bur.it n of in, Teas". The increase in rates should be so arranged thai I In- farmer who lives at home will hear no part of the bur den, but let the farmer who boards in other state and countries and who feeds his stock in foreign lands, pay tlie price of his folly. A Plea From the Mother'. Club; We aiv pi'i'iai t' kti.-v our boys Art' the Suns oi' i'ar Heel State Proud to know that we, their I'arents Can by law pr-!cvi their fate. Then lot us all br up and doing I'o not t'aiter do not wait. Send our plea t l egislature To i-avt'our bos t'r.iin this fate. Take 1 1 kiii them tt:e curse of Li quor Savt- tiit iii iroin a drunkard's 1'ato. So xmi'll Ik- pro. i 1 in future ages. That they are Sons of Old North State. II Miieliibt-i' on tle ni rests the hniii.r i if a i'uliit'e p,-.. pi, fate Ki'n.i'o.bei' in 1 1:.'!:' i- making 1 1 !., , of th.-o;,i N nh State. Then let us all U' p (tn.-tit, lb. ".ot turn !, -t ih. x fall. I '.i" ' I - prax to x in t : .' victory I- I; .MiKtavt ex !'r ')! all. Ib-ip t,i (i,ih, I b t;,o" l.upior I ,, j r. .teet "UP vir!- and boy s Help to keep tlieui p .re ami sjHit- ra'.'i. !-.--' pei.)., mothers' x e love 9 I es i.ur Nati , e S thee lk.t xe low our : .. s the best. lake irotn tneni the i urse 01 I .npier And thy name lur l md will bless. i lo. I xx HI bless and make thee stPoUl'lT. In the future ears tn .'..me. Sax e our box s. we humbly pray 1 tl oe Kr dti the 1 'urse of I 'etnoii Rutr I'.v In pi i i k M il Stenographers e have a big .stock of elx ster's C Note lx)oks. 1 on tan't Inn! any bet ter. I Ox each, "li the doen I! urc no fuilhct ;u -V llhin iout Hei Id Publishing Company Mv Re cent Cost Sale Left a large number of my IVy CjixkIs shelves eiiiply. And I have been leceiv inxr Lirpe shipments of Pretty New Spring Goods all tins week, in order lo replenish niv sloi k with woods ol the VLRY LA I ! SI S I VI I S I lus sp.i.-f will not permit me lo i!firiilt iti- manv itittrrtnl pal I'-'iih. Iiiif", fir , luf von iml . . nir ti i n.V l.tlt ,Ui look thri.i n' i i mi t il in oi i h" to .ipptfx' i -tin i .,'in- i sltinniiik; Imut Exceptional Values in till s, ( n-pr, ( rr-pr Ht ( hii.rv I,.imv hn( Silkn. I n. t :- .iul ,tiir ot c pifttirt IV--- liitu'li.uiis lint I h.ivr r.-r I tni ' 'u il,t rrpf- Cio rivt, 1 mi Iti. ii u ill I .otH 1 .ti I K .ItlJ Kill i.M,,.!. ti. s ..t -! m S rnu Wmd.ivs ,.U ..I oh s ltt..tils rtin 1'uilipt I hr ,tu lltr I, ilk ! the tin n Wells D. Tillery High Grade Goods at Low Trices Mr. ('apron and his wi ft-strun-uied valiantly to teach their little dau.'hv Kduh to repeat the i 'letter Try as they miuht, a the little mi'l refused to proiiuun iv the first letter of the a: iha bet. anil after several am e'lorts Mr. t 'apron retired fr .m the struo'le thst'oura'-'ed. Mr.-. ( 'apron called the m. , to hi r. and ii, an atl'ectioiiate man ner asked. "Kdith. dear, tell motluT why you won't iearn to sa.x "a. " "W'elk mother. expaoit'd Kdith, "It's because iust as soon as I say "a" you and father will want me to say "b.' Harper's Mai-vaitie. The I lex eland Plain Healer I ;otes this conversation: "This man ( 'arran.a makes me sick. by doesn't he com,, nut from behind the bush ami say what he means. "Is i.s Mr. Carran.'.a a bush Ii" liter'.'" "Push tighter! 1 should say not. Hon't yx.ii know what "bush" means'.'" "I thoui'ht I knew." "Weil, y,iu don't. Ther'es a xx hole lot you don't know." " ell. xx hat does it hn-an "Why, of course it means x hi.-ker.s. " Not An "At Cost" Sale But simply cutting the price half in two in order to get rid of some Men s and Boy's Serge & Worsted Suits Biue and Black $12.50 SUI TS REDUQ-D CjQ $15.00 SUITS REDUCED TO $7.50 Only a few left and those going fast Patterson Store Co. Department Store fir The xomiK man in the bureau of information laid the railroad "Cuide down and looked reproach fully at the woman who had turned in a volley of questions. "Madam." he said, "you can't possibly take all those trains ou are as kino; alxiut." j "I know it." she replied, jj serenely, "but as loiiis didn't have anything eise to do I I tiiouoht I'd just see f,,r myself how much you railroad men really know aimut your busi- J Mess." Kxchane. Kedtl WTiat do von think of bis new car? (Ireene Oh, it's all riht as far as it trues. Patience I certainly am a foolish crjrl, Patrice What now? "Why, I followed that advice,'' "See America First," and now there's hardly anything left in Europe to see!" "And do you really love me?" "Iive you? Darling, you're dearer to me than my wheat." -Buffalo Express. "You say he is an eccentric danc er?" "Extremely so. He persists in ' dancing waltzes and twosteps." Tit Hits relates that a virl. j reading in a paper that ti.-h a.- excellent brain-fond, wrote to the editor: "I ear Sir: Seeing as ou say j , hoxv fish is jr h kI for the brains, I what kind of lish shall I eat'.'" To th;:- :!.c i d,t,,i reioi.-d. I "Dear Miss: .lud;rinir from the 'I comitositioii of xiuir letter, I should iidvi.se you to whale," eat a j "Just think of being able to sit in a telephone U;th in New York and talk to your U-st girl in San Francisco!" "Pve thought of that, and I've been wondering how long it will be before sonielxidy writes a pop ular song about it." If you swear off swearing do ' not pound your thumb with a i hammer the next day. Carter's Inks A Big Stock and Large As sortment of Sizes. 5c to $1 the Bottle. Also Fountain Pen and Stamping Ink. cot-wi ff 111 i iitf it'Hri i : r c; .,1 ii III Is Yours a Self-Closing SENGBUSCH They Save Ink, Pent, Time and Money and are abtolutely Dust Proof. Try one Free and if you don't find it exactly at wt claim you may return it. Herald Publishing Company Spring is Coming1 C, It is certainly time to buy that suit of furniture, or that new chair or drugget you have been needing i C I et us name the price you will he surprised at the low prices and easy terms we will make you on the Best Line of Furniture and House Furnishings in this whole section Alston Furniture Company our Credit is Good otions, Dry Goods, Shoes. Groceries, we an give you what you want laving first-class goods And complete lines of N C )ne of the largest !ommercial enterprises KLitering to the people of this community. Have you tried our service. o 1 Vnce a customer lJsually means always. Satisfactory and efficient service and prices Ejxplain the increase in our sales. Cut out the "hard times" talk ptimism works better ! Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power for all Purposes at Low Rates Do You Ue an ELECTRICAL IRON? Try One and be Convinced. Marcl 1st Is the beginning of our Regular Inter est Quarter All deposits on or be fore that date will draw interest Com pounded Quarterly. Rosemary Banking & Trust Co. B5 '1 ft i "7

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