ROANOKE UK HERALD. l'Z " ' " ' """" r.l .1. I. liial.' new . . ..... I - FiibLi,hfD tVERV FRiDAf BY u,u) t.hllirn bau, lle0U uioc.k.t- HeralJ Publishing Company, Inc. ,.,1 sin .v. J. T. Stainback .... F.uiTuK Is It Possible? Subscription $1.00 Year in Advance Masj-aohiisetts has heeii held - . ----- -- up tii tho Southern States I'm- s.i Telephone """ livr time as the one example el , perfect labor conditions, especial Kntere.i os Sr.-cnki i'i.-i Maun -.rn v as regards its cotton mill in- i fill ni the I'oit Ortioe ur K'iuilv- ; KHpi't.: N..ib Crolina. un.lcr Art of dustnes, that we have UIU-OhM-1-Mrdi 3, is7i. ouslv iinnvn to think that it is "- - - superior to us in these matters. All coii.n.iihi.'ntioin hiil.l lie ''lt, t'nlKiu lllT item Cllppeil r'-rsoii. w.hir.K rctiin, ..f niss, trom the t ireeiisliuio I aiU e must in nil esses enclose stamps, of the recent visit to lireellslioro , of the lion. Andrew .1. IVters. All canU of thank. r.iution of re- f Massachusetts, shows a verv spect, etc.. etc., Will be chartfe.i tor al .1 1' the rale of one cent tvr wor.l. interesting Sidelight nil this ulo nmst accompany article in all case ex- t Massachusetts would seem cot.t where customer ns a rental- ac count No insertions tna.l.- for less to he a t ar hetter held tor t he be than '! cents, nevolent ( '.') etl'orts of Mi-ssrs. M.-kelwas ami Swift than North All items for publication must ,..,,,,,., be turned in or reach our oth.e . M. vtl,s U;1S ,;l'K1.n ,,r a More TlirUSKAY NOON in t,lul. lllspectiou of the null mI order to insure publication in u. , iin ulsvl,.N .,, the Friday issue following In (;llV1:.Hiro; and it ua.-. c,.iiditi..n'. the case of lengthy items, even as u. lninul tiu.1M ,u.rt. ti;lt ,ot more time must be allowed. N" tu.,mghl improsed hun. Me charge made for insertion of )S u,r iiiiniVuir Wllh min oin,t. matter of purely news value. tln;. m th(1 Niir,h. lVlujn, ;i u. - - -- doos, from a State that ranks Friday August U, 1115. among the leaders of the I'nited - States, and his comparison of t he Willit'be Warburg now? I'.reeiisboro illages. with their big open .--paces, lawns and pleas- Mexico will now take a course urt, )ars t0 the crowded eoudi in A B Cs. tions of the North, where the operative.- aie forced in nio.-t Those Russians are going to Ca.-es to reside in tlats. wasver. Berlin round the other way. ratifxing to local people. "Mr. 1'eters was also thorough The next step forward should N jmpresse.l with the oivam.a be a whole time health oihVer for ton f the local cotton manufac Halifax County. turers. declaring that it is amony the most wonderful he has eir Just to show what a hopeful known. He wa told in detail of cuss we are, we are still hoping the attention gien to the health, for a business men's association ed'i.'ati.'ii and comfort of the op ia Roanoke Rapids, eratives. and during the rentals he voiced manv epr ioii ul Ot: course it seems hanl but it wonder. His visit to the Milage is absolutely necessary for that ;in.l w hat he saw buneji of Climbers to .in it to ,., .me of the big features . it the Emporia again this week. ,,r him, he -aid. He felt that this alone repaid him for the Now that European nations are .li-taiice he had traveled for this AviTrmg"to"-ciiiitract for all the brief vi.-it to North Carolina. " ammunition wo can manufacture. tJiiv fs really no excuse f.,r cmi Presidential Possibilities tinned shipments to Mexico. An iiiiienious trieiid stiv:w!e-ts Th.-.N'ew York World is 1 . 1 1 1 n t a war hence live tickets will Uirhed because the kaiser lailed ,.,,,.,- ln tlu tieM lls UA to state in-his latest notewheth- (IW... er -surf-bathing on this side of , "VlHllt,,,w. w,,,,,,, .inil U lll. the A-tlantici.'penui- ab r .ml jum Ki,hL I heodoi'e Roo-eelt and We have a splendid idea m re- Wil!iam E. liorah. ganl to restoring peace to Mexico. ., u , nnn luu U'lu. A. but we I eel that it would require vllltl;iv more men and ammunition than ' , '11S(, .im, ,,t.(.(j this country can spare at present. m,l( ; o William Randolph Hearst - "Russian Army Hemmed aMl IIarrv K n,.lw in-Narrow Areas" state the head , Wlia1 K(.nl vum) line. : In view of this lad. we th. cmduhiU. . suppose the Czar now consider,- , ttiul, li;lV(, fur Vj,,. theenemy wilyaswella.-.troni ,.1V;,llU.hti liat we (u ,u,t expect t-Ttiel." them to know it. His independ ence I-, a cause of nervousness. The United States they tell us ;in,i t.y i,ave no foiiception of now has scads of gold reserve m imv many Progressive and Ke lts, vaults-we have more fold mbhean votes he bring to than any people on earth have to ticket. ever had- we-we and J. 1'. and ' - We think if Mr. Roosevelt John-1). and A. C. runs at all it will be on the Re " " " publican ticket. This is by no The iK'tiires sjiown in the I'eo- means an impossibility, if the trios' Theatre last Tuesday night race looks hard. It w ill !e hard of actual lighting in Flanders, unless unemployment is wide looked Very pretty but did not spread. noticeably-'increase our hanker- I! Mr. Kryan w ill not run. If fng for European travel this sum- he does Harper's Weekly will mer. have a hard time swallowing the - - words it has written about him. LIia fr-George deposes that 4 If the bosses prevail, I'en "Germany is shattering the rusty roae '""' Smoot will be the ticket bars that fetter the soul of Rus- ' substance, whatever it may 1-e sia."- This must be gratifying inform. They will prevail if the information to thp armies of outlook for Republican victory ia Grand Duke Nicholas, especially food. when they ruminate on the di- 5 -The Ticket would draw a version that didn't divert. Iare vote, especially Harry , . Thaw. -Collier's Weekly :-A :new3 dispatch says Mexico .,,, .,.,. is being Hooded with currency,, lhuu mIuhJ that every printing office is turn- " " ing out its-own particular brand 2146 Haliaax People Take Treat of -cash. The Unhealthy enndi- ment First Day ticrrr down there and the fact that - sudden demises are somewhat The new anti-typhoid cam casfjal', especially in this particu- paign has started off in record larbranchof industry, are the breaking fasnion. In Halifax tohry things holding us back. : County the two dispensary phy- , sicians, Drs. C. P. Parker and It is gratifying to note that the W. H. Sloan, gave the the initial anti-typhoid inoculation cam-; treatment to214fi peopleatWeldon paign in Halifax County is meet- the first day the dispensary was ing with such satisfactory re-; open. This sets a new high water suits. -It is also gratifying to j mark for number of persons note that Roanoke Rapids leads ; treated in any county in a single the rest of the county in this , day. The best record made dur matter some two years. The ! the previous six weeks campaign spring and summer of 1913 saw I was made in Cumberland county jlajl m -v'i VV-rS, i.v' vifVA Their Care aivd Cviltivatiorv CLARK & SHUTE INSURANCL Lift, t irt, TornaJu, Hml, Cui-Ur, Bji!t-r Liability. Health and Attitlt'nt, PUu GU, Parcel tut tkid Ktgistf if J Mail, Autumobtlr, t-tc. LET US WRITE YOUR BOND No. Six-Sixty-Six Thi it a prMctiptioo prfparej raprcially lor MALARIA Of CHILLS & FEVER. Five or tu dotea will break eny catc, an.l if taken lli.-.D at Ionic Ihe Fever will nut return. It a.'ll on ihe liver better thurt Calomel and does not (ripe or ticlen. 2ic M Franib S. jtt Key Rote, Named After the Author of "The Star Spangled Banner" Tne Floera Ar Uaually Largo and Double. IN THE HOME GROUNDS - q.i K- i 11., M . f I I .! i d.,.- r , l.i--;- - ' EBEN E REXFORD. i.ili ..ill l.f h iu uiie fur l. -: i ueie uiil Le i.loiiU to f to 1 llll. lliStllS to kill to kei.) uiie ut work hi1 tun" .v iKiii-l-iiiling uii . luu.iy ...-: 'lie tint it the weather i tu ii.i.' buuhiii. i do the We are exclusive agents in this Township for the .lohn T. Iiewis produits. These Leads and Oils are known the country over for their superior ipiality. M. A. Daniel Rosemary, N, C. Rcancko Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power for all Purposes it Low Rules Do You an I l.HTKICAL IRON? iiy One aod be LuiivinrtJ. OLD PAPERS neatly wrapped in packages. 10c per hundred. They are the very thing to use under your carpets and mattings. Herald Publishing Company r e ,.l;t I..IU i..,.l emu .vliiiale the If tliU i .ill I.-.- ...ti l- I lining a ;li water to suit In which ta tl.iiie, the .1 wuhout c- HERALD PUBUSHING CO. PUBLISHERS - PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES RUB-MY-TISM I" the li.ot.- .mil It will leiene i,,i il.i, .iii.ikiir luit will keen on t-iv.. -li.i: II in. thing Iuul lu.iieue(l to ii nil.. iu tender, delicate 1 1 .,!.- t.i I.,- t-M'i.fcil tu air t..r tier su linie .. tiuie tiinl u i u n a aeriuus ii--k i f h .-iii! 1 1 ii r ilant. lr it. is .Ln j tint IniHicn, It mil re (Hit a fiiiin v. I. tell it will take a h n tune to ieinei. (.li t he t.m liileflll with any thiii i-.s il'luate as a see.ilin: jlant In h.ulit weather newly transplanted te iiin! "ill require shading fur a d.n r.r two. 1 ut out a tirele of .i.aiM' lu..u iwiier. about a foot a. .-us, n,. ihe a olit to the center on one tnie. i f it, ami fold Ihe i.aiier over two ir thietf Indies, niniiito; a wire l ilt alul III thl"l,t'!l the tiildeil pal t. I Inn wire s. to liuhl tile paper to-(!i-llier and acta as a sn mit lur the lime linn', n paper iinihiella It should lie ut least twelve IniheB Ioiik loin; enough to liiseit Hi (he i-r, i i.i-i' to ihe ueedhng. and hold the i r .i. ie well nhoe the plant It H i!i-i.l.i',i lo nroteet. '1 Ilia kind of a ri..-i!i.a li'i'pn the ami away from the. pi. .lit hill does Hot llltellele With lli-i' I ii i 111..; Kill ui air ubuUl ll. l,ni kind of ii purport are you go int in i-H .- i iiii r g hoi ii ill' 'I nig their Malkt ! i r- M. i.s gi i a th. in gurli a stiff iiinl prim .i , p. in .Hue that I ulwms !i'.-li,.iii i, r the pui.r plants. A ath-k in t:in .'hi.T of a clump does not fiiriii-h .. i.aii sitistaetiiry huppoit to III.- : -l.ilkv . n i In- nut.s'de of It, and a hoop Mippiirleii on alicks Is oen to the uhji-i in, ii of lii-ing only a little better ii.lhiiig. IUth is in. plan and one that woi'ks will ai.d .an he easily earned nut 1 take a strip of coarse un-sh w iro netting ef tile size of the, ted l.y I irs. I'.. Ii. and W ('. : t'artt-r at I'av.'ttcville when l.".ii;i if.iii' were tivated in a day. Tu say ihcsf r.'sult.s ai f t'M'ct'd- Mil!- tin' I'.iiid.'st fit'. tati.ins tit' tin' h.-aitii a itli'iniu's is putting ll niildi.v. Tin1 second set id' enmities t.i undertake the anti typhoid .aiiip.iit'iis are Halifax, ' Wilson. I .ilu'i i-oiiiU', Iredell and Wavne. U'liii.' ('oo.l results were; expected from the.-,e cminties it was scare. -I-, expected that they could I. teak the records establish ed in Northampton. Wake or; 'unilierlaiid. The on!-,- oth'T new counties heard lion) were Wilson and Wayne where and 'V!4 re spectivel tool; the initial treat ment the first day, While this does not lieirin to oompar withe Halifax it i in .-triking contrast to the fir.-t day's work in Bun' aiid CuinherlaiHi during fj-,i t.i't .'hoipron vbef only 73 and H2 respectively tinik the treatment the opening day of the campaign. Quahtiei of Precioul Stone. An FnEiish lap dary, writing In tha tnhldie of the tev. liteet.tb century, gives an imposing list of the tffcrta of "gems and precious Btonea," , among w hich h enumerates "the mak ing of men rich and eloquent, tu pre aerve men from tliunder uud lightning, from plagues and disease, to mova dreams, to procure pleep, to foretell things tn come, to make men wise, to ' atrengthen memory, to procure honors, to hinder fascinations and witchcrafts, r to binder slothfulness, to put courage j Into men, to keep men chaste, to In- crease friendship, to hinder differ ence and dissension, and to make men Invisible" containing the gladioli and stretch It over the plants before they begin to send up their floww stalks 1 support It on stout stakes that project about eighteen Inches above the surface of the soil, using enough of them to keep the netting level all over the bed. This is the season for making war fare on the enemies of the rose. II one would have Hue flower be must, make up his mind that he s got to fight for them. I use an emulsion of aoaii and kerosene. It is very necessary that the applt cation should get to the under side uf Will cure Rheumatism, Neu- the leave and the inside of the raigia, Headaches, Cramps. Colic bushes, where the insects .-e liuii Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, liurns, Old to hide away, therefore it will be wel o t .. f - - Ji i? to have someone assist by bending the Sores' Tetter Ring-Worm tc bushes over and holding them ln that lem,a.. etc- Anliseplio Anodyne, position while the application la being, used internally or externally. 25c made. I Worms, slugs, green lice and Hi rose chafer can be kept from Injuring the bushes if the emulsion Is applied thoroughly and frequently. As soon aa my lilacs are past th flowering periods, 1 go over the bushel and cut away all the seed cluster The lesult is I get a fairly good croi uf flower on what is geuerally consid ered the "off year1' of thla excellent old shrub. If It Is allowed to develoc seed, it generally bas few flower ex cept on alternate ) ar Speaking uf lilac reminds me tc say. that I do not Indorse what souit ; People say about this plant being a No Insurance How often do you read those word in a news paper in connection with a destructive fire and pass it over without giv ing it serious thought? "NO INSURANCE" it means total loss. The huiisc- tiuisauce because of Its habit of send hold goods ymi have labored liint-r lng up so Uiany tuckets from 111 , . '. , ' "( to accumulate go up in smoke or That it is prolific ln this respect I art ruined hy water in a few admit, but there is no good reason fot 1 moments, and you are forced to allowing them to grow until you have b jn a, wer a m Wlthnut a thicket of bushes. Give your hot . " blade the sharpness of a knife by tiling It to a keeu edge, and go over tin j Wouldn't VOU lest Mure, culn- ground about your lilacs at the sprout I'ortaUy if you knew that should in season, and shave off every snrout that show Its head above the grass ! SlU'll a disaster Collie to you You can do thla Just as easily uud lap Idly as you can cut off so many weeds and by doing It you can keep yout lilacs from spreading all over tin yard. These bushes are nuisances mil) when allowed to have their own wav Give them the attention they need : W hose policies guarantee ahsolut and they are easily kept under con j protection against loss. troi. me secret or su.cess consist! the amount of your loss would he at your command, almost iimncdi ately. We represent the most reliable insurance companies in America, in not letting them get the start you. ol BECKER MEETS DEATH BOLDLY. Walked Composedly to Electric Chair Murmenng a Prayer. Sing Sing I'liauii, Ussinlng, N. Y. l'hail-9 Hei ker Was put to death la the electric . hair here for the killing of Hernial! Kosenlhal, the New Yolk rambler. Ihe funnel New Yolk puhV e lieutenant retained his cone pusuie slid piotested hi Innocence tu the last He went to his death with a pbotogiapb of his wife pinned on his ehirLiver hi heait Three shock were glvasn before the prison p..ysl.liij pronounced Becker dead at I o'clock Becker led the way to his own )ie cutiuii. The condensed man sat up all night on the edge of hi cot. calm ly talking to le put y warden Charles H. Johnson .. "I have got to face It." said Be. ker. "And I sni going to meet It quietly and without trouble to any one" Wyche & Ricks No. 666 Tbi is a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five of ail dose will break any case, and If taken then a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel sod doc not gnpe or ticken. 2Sc Two Bluejacket Ar Killed. Washington Tao American blue akeu were killed In an attack by datives on foil au Prince, Haiti, held by Hear Admiral lapel Ion witb too den liuui the cruiser Washington The attacking party was beaten oD without bavin approached closer than the outskirts of tne city and order was maintained tu the city It elf No slior weic wouuded and th loss uf the attacking luices was cot reported Tne daad. William Gouipers. aeamon of Brook lyu. Cason H Whiiehurst, ordinary sea man, of Norfolk. Va. Difficult Demand By England. Washington Consul (ieneral Skin ner at London notified Ihe state de partment of s new British regulation requiring masters snd sailor on neu tral ships visiting British port to be provided with passports or Identi fication papers and to present such papers for registry if remaining more than 24 hours In British waters. A large proportion of the crews oi American ships are neither natlv Americans nor naiuralited Americans and cannot receive passports from the tinned States. When KABO Corseted Your fare reflects the perfect comfort your body enjoys. Your mirror reflects the satibfactory figure with modern waist and properly proportioned bust line. A Kabo day is a com fort day. Why do our doctors and nurses recommend Ka bo Lace Front Corsets to their patients? 1 here is a reason and it is to your interest to know this reason. Ask lur doctor. Wells D. Tillery . Everything for Everybody Roanoke Pharmacy Company PURE DRUGS Carefully and Accurately Compounded By Expert Druggists A Store of QUALITY AND SERVICE In Every Department Norris Candies Montauk Cream Fine Stationery Toilet Requisites SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Low Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets Now on Sale TO "THE LAND OF THE SKY" Asheville, Waynesville, Hendersonville, Toxaway, Brevard, Hot Springs And All Other Western North Carolina Points Spend Your Vacation in the Cool Mountains of Western N. Carolina Week Fml iiii.i Suiuhiy Frur ion r.Mintl trip tickets on sale tn Asheville, liliu-k M.nintHin, Mt. Airy, Morphead City, Wilmington un.l various other mountain and sea shore resorts. For illustrate.! U.ol..,n, roniiilete detailed informa tion, ank your aent, or eoiiiiiiunicate with. O. F. YORK, Traveling lYisseiitfer Aent. KaleiKh. N. C. Bread and Cakes ! We have taken over the exclusive gency in Roanoke Rapids for WHITMORE'S "Sweet Home" Bread Fancy Cakes and Bakery Products DAILY SHIPMENTS exactly the same as formerly handled by the Branch Bakery. DONT FORGET we also handle the best in Groceries, Fresh Meats, Vegetables, etc. TAYLOR & COI.I.1FR Phone 524 - Prompt Service tarn 9M , .MS .. ...

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