i! fii i 1 1 i ROANOSE RAPIOS HERALD. -Xrt PUBLISHED IURY FRIDAY BY .f.t'i', church worker 11: tt.w comiiuitutv. Herald Publishing Company, Inc. Creator uint. truth -m ! . . - honor are expected of a mini- tor .1. T. STAINBACK .... EMTuR of the go.-spel than of trie i. Mir. ;i: y num. What would be cn.iot-,-,l Subscription $100 a Yr in Advance m another, cannot he a!iocl in ;i -.ta'idard hearer i.: th.' ii.r.'l t Telfphone f'.' "' the church, an-1 Ui.A.t in:tli hi. i it i t'ul I tnni -ii'.- -t 1 1 1 1 .. i FntercJ as Soorul i'ls Matter A.ui n,en. cMhed in the sarii.-!it- ..: X r..U. at Uie Post Ottu-e at K.miu.kr , (. ;( , ; ,,. Kapids. Nona Carolina, un-ler A.t ..t , ,,, , Mrb 3. harassment to richt t...i.K...-. - t. ;i!e as it is matter for tin1 All communications should te ribald jests of tin' eol T. r. addressed to the Herald Publishing Co. j j j livu .j..,. Persons wishing return of mss, 11 .., must in all eases enclose stamps. muok and disgrace ot tne t tit!'. scandal, ha been leart'ed tne All cards of thanks, resolutions of re- le(i;;on of with holding eon!hlei:ee roTerChfC.:n from itinerant preacher, who must accompanv article in all cases e- 0ome without Other recoinmemia- t tion than the sermons thev ,v than 25 cenu. or. Many such may ! ii.viv . an,J devout, but the few b':ic. All items for publication must su.,.,, tnat mav . f,,un, j r , be turned in or reach our ohVe r;1I1ks ,,f the mintrv t .! i before THURSDAY NOON in arv t- that as. order to insure publication in Tiio ri.atost folly that ma-, the Friday issue following. In arise from the whole sad i t . .-i. I. -n t . the case of lengthy items, even wju ll0 tnat 0f a sptH-ial clay more time must be allowed. No ,vhi.-h will try to smir.ii the charge made for insertion rt-pntation ofcountU-ss t! matter of purely news value. mmm s 11ow5 arvd Ki-ubFV- Their Care and Giltivatiorv Friday August 20. 1915. with the smut and poor outcast. usaiais tain ot one . -..v - ;- v y .v .. c: King Cotton - outlawed. Bulgaria out outbalks the Bal kans. "Russian Retreat Continues" EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE Mr. .1. T. Stainbaek. i dit-i. Roanoke liapnl-. N 1 I 'ear Sir :- 1 am taking the libertv of w nt inir vou in behalf of the candi -- shows that noble organization t)ai.v oj- m. t-eow is still working. Hon. T. W. Bickett. ! the 1 'cm - ocratic nomination for iioen,. It seems that the one boast of n,,xt Nt.ar England's navy went down w ith the Royal Kdward. The Suffragettes are invading North Carolina but we hardly think they are "up in arms" as vet. The Frank affair has reached final settlement - a few ruffians wrsus tie State of Georgia and the ruffians won. 1 realize that- Mr. I'.h kett i well known throughout tbe State, having canvassed it several time for our party, that I can haiM.'. add any thing to our kia.wie.ti-e of his public service- or In-' vrent ability as a stateitiaii aiid an - orator But ha me ir. id An ultimatum from Whiskers jn the same county with lum for Carranza may be the next de- twenty years, knowum l.sn. it. velopment in the Mexican situa- ,js private as ell as public bir, tion. will bo lad if 1 can help ac iUaint the people 'of the Stat. Appealing to Carraiua's better wjtn snu. f hi.-, splendid .piali nature reminds us of telling it to tjt,s as the marines - in Ksperanto at .s nuu., as the people ,.f this that. county admire lum tor hi- elo iiience and intellectual power, I may say that we love lum more for the purity of his eharaet-r and tiie geiieroMly ami !i;i!i ''. his heart. He has inU.rod more constantly and more ii!,.-elilsh! If there were only some kind f,,r the upbuilding of the o.iu.t., friend near at hand to let us than any man who ha.-- hud know when one Mexican crisis in it within my recollection, and ends ami another begins. the men whom he Ice- a.-M.-ted with wise counsel or Imaucia! aid Umpire Bailey of Emporia in the time of need are ,e.:ioii. needs the services of an optome- His office has been headquarters trist -- any man does whose eyes for those w ho were intere-ted n are three yards out of focus. any movement of moral. onai ,,r financial uplift, as well a- a The Climbers must take three clearing house for the trouble- o! out of two at this writing, but the embarassed and unfortunate, we are not so unloyal as to even I hope that my language urn intimate tnat they can't doit. not seem extravagant, but I am writing aboutaman as exeeptji.n- Britannia may rule the waves al in character as he is in elo and welcome to her salty quence, and 1 think that nvst of sovereignty, but American dol- our people would consider it mm: lars seem to be some little rulers and moderate. It would iml I, be in the world of finance. difficult for a stranger to imder- stand the intensity of the a;ier The saddest part about the tion 3,1,1 admiration which i- b ;t piling up of all this money in the f,,r llim hV his "1"""r 1,,iL ; " United States is the fact that we i Whlle he is aKva's thelfearles. had to read the papers to learn and iiicompromisingcham.ioi) of that it was happening to any ex- a" oa"sos wmVh S(H'm to him tent whatever. !De S'd causes, he never forfeits the confidence of those who dif- .:fer with him. His houestv of Whatever the Georgia's court, decision of the men in charge of her penal administra tion stand convicted at the bar of a greater tribunal -- that of enlightened opinion. American public That news item about the mil lions of bottles of mineral water furnished the German invaders of Russia by the German com missariat will go far to dissipate the general impression about the Germans and beer. Disillusionment thought, purpose, and act is con ceded by all, and his sagacity and wisdom have made him the trust ed adviser of men in all walks of life. He has been for manv vear the acknowleged leader in all public activities of our communi ty, professional, social, religious and political, and his inrtuenco has invariably and consistently been for what was clean, honor able and progrfsiive. A conver sation with him is well nigh an inspiration to a discouraged or troubled man. In conchsion, -t me say that in my opinion he would make one of the greatest governors our btate has ever had and the inter- thing made up as it is of .urlS prise, disappointment and shat tered confidence. The case of Rev. B. E. o'Bern is peculiarly painful. A man of striking personality, seemnigly a sincere and energetic christian, honored with the responsibility and dig nity of the pastorate of a church, the sudden exposure of the rot- uespeenuuy, J. B. YAKHol'nrilll. Register of Deeds of f rank lin Countv. Ktep Secret. What the world heeds la the n -;., lute step, the look of cheer, the t,mlihi(r countenance, and the Kindly word Keep aweet. George L. Peria i . K - . CLARK & SHUTE INSURANCE Life, Fir. T amnio, H-l, BurUr, Uoiirr Liabilitv, Health nd A.cicenl. f'Utr GUst, Parcrl Post and RryistrrrJ MaiI Automobilf r rti . LET I S WRITE VOI R BOM) No. Six-Sixty-Six Thit M a pttwitp:iutl prtpafej eapeually tor MALARIA or CHILLS & FfcVt H. tivfl or ktx iiuc wul bttuk any cat, mud d ukeo ihen u tonic the I ever will iul leiuro. ll on the liver tntler ihtu Cakifflcl tod Jurt but gripe or tulcu "8 We are exclusive agents ir 1 this Township for the John T. Iawvis products. 'I hese ; I.emfs and (tils are known the country over for their superior quality. M. A. Daniel Rosemary, N, C. Co to Volt Ov.n WooJ and Select Vour Tree. SHADF. FOK THE FARM HOVE ,.t the i r l !'., I 1 I,. I .' I ; h .i liuuie -, Ull.l I.IIL.' I ,U Mil .111. lia idUl I ' , I . . I : , ..I .i i. i.i- I in.. HI i i i.-r - I l-i-I 1 ' 1 ll.c ll... o I e- li. Di.liie form U widely li.ii.,a. .! 1(9 leaf In ranful lu i uiliiu- ll. c Hnwers and trult are .I.. lot ni.J Hie tiee la ctarniliig lu us a.iiniiiii Jics 1 t.ti niijii'i In a ruvurUe lu parte i f li.r- W ;t Lecause of lia quick tr. .. ;h i lie tlo era ere uli-0 daiuty Yet tin rt 1; iitrvur the slabihty of tl.e mk, aiid. ttio b in iiui. k lu prtfera My biii, tiuiu a Uiure btuiily bi.tcl iiin 1 Lf I-up lrro ur klille uil la uhei el l!.i- In-lit of our lidtl.c Bpertefl, lhe i,n iil) t ut l.-j'8 lullp allllped ItuiiB mill their beautiful orange Urn u.aikliig ea u lelal alidi uui iui t r. iuo riiiJeilug them inost use ful cl.a.le Uetra TUe tree Is a rt-latne t '-.i 1,1 i li.i- ii. o noli, hiul uu uf uur luoat '" t I .alu.U.ii- l.llib.r trees i li 1 lie t.asSMood. to geltk'eable hi t i. h.M bee i..?l,uae. alid beefnl ..f tile oakH i ,.:i I. i..ui i i U be ,1 ! "I' -I . II.' ll I.i ..II III. il.llllll.il ! illi-lf u . Ili lll-l -. lie i liie r.ir 111 If- 11,1 il- . i.ai.n.al . ul'i -I, thili uin lullctaituiv oi. J lillili r.'coin i,,.i,,!.il lu luit Kbeu laiiieiitlng ibnt oil laiitiut n.ad to i..i high Ciliea u, a UUIser. lliall, Juiil gu to w.iii unu Aotida aiid bel.-i.t a fe tall, .-.li e, lit Hlierllueus. As be) tan be O'i i; Lna.il at oiii tbere la no danvr of iiiiury (liroUKti npuaure uf the i. in in I b.'V ar lu tbe best (.uasible ii'iiJlUiMi to grow. 1 m nut liejjlei t to lui'lude ou er t 0 r 1 1 .ieeii8, fur 1 tie biriH if not Cor i. hi i -elf 'ltu-y .lu no enjoy Hi,? titielter . f l li al bi an. In u nl.iu LaUe,lil In b.Uled auowilulUi. 1 lie bemlotk .in .1 cedar are tli lilimt (ileaslng of (tea rltii, their sleiider b'aiu'lteSj be iiii ii.u.a uioie tua.-erul llian t tin etiff s,!nres. l'y all means a. old the bii.ua 'llu-lr Kuinuii nature may lead to llie ruiu of talunble i-lotUmg BARRICADES ALSATIAN VILLAGE A . i I !i p &yi 1 . , , t,i ' if.: &K 1 -'a ft" 1 .T5' Ai IN taw ii. v ; v n m RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Kc zenia, etc. Antiseptics Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c No Insurance I Tow often do you red thaae wordi in a news paper in connection with a destructive fire and pass it over without giv ing it serious thought? "NO INSURANCE" Jt means total Iiks. The house hold Roods y ou have labored loiin to accumulate iro up in smoke or are mined by wad r in a few moments, and you are forced to U'lfin all oyer ayam without cap ital. Wouldn't you re-1 more com fortably If you knew that should .such a disaster come to you, the amount of your Ions would he at vour command, almost iiniiiedi- ' atoly. ! We re)resent the inor-t reliable 1 insiIriHici; companies in America, 1 whose K'!ieies (iiiai antet' absolute protection against lo.v. Wyche & Ricks L i-re. te,l bv the lii-ruiaiiB In the Alsatian I t il en frnru the Kreuch FIRST BATTLESHIP THROUGH CANAL i : ir 1, W i 4 1 -w No. 666 Tbit Is a pre-, option prep irrj fPtciaMv (or MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or til doien will brruk any caic. and If taken then ai tonic llie I' ever will nol return. It acu on the liver bttlcr than Calomel and doet nol (ripe or sicken. 25c Trustee' Sale Hy virtue uf the aullioiit v' Vrsteil in me a tiusti .v under the deed of truit to me from I.. Shell, lu-biinf ilnte June 2t'i. I'M't. Mini nooid.-d in Hiwk 249, Mt hri' f77, Ri'irintc-r uf Deeds Oftico for Halifax County. North Caro lina. I shall, at (he ileiiiest uf the hold er of the notes secured hy said deed of trust, two now pant due. sell at pub lic auction, on the lKth day of Septem ber, HUii, at 10 in) o'clock A. M., in front of the office of the Itoanoke Knp ids Power Company, in l.'imnoke liapiils, N. C, the three lots conveyed by said deed of trust, lo-wit: Lots Nos. 101S and 1015. on Hamilton Street, and No. UHt), on Roanoke' Avenue, situated in the County of Halifax, and near the town of Roanoke Rapids, North Caro lina TFRMS: CASH. J. M. MrMCKKAY, TruMtei.. AJvt. S 13 t. Are You a Woman? mm? z. " J f -, fr. ... .. i ijar Wit !!- :w - III FTnFJiTalfO pQrflll! I I V ' Bi I UIU Mm lllll ! f? HBI1I lllll K. i 2T WftB a 11ns photograph (hos the batlleahlp Mleaourl In the weal chamber ol :he Pedro Miguel locks as the first battleships to pass through tba Panama canal wore going through At the right Is one of tba elactrlc towing mules. I Tha Woman's Tonic FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS F4 Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 5ae Your Money by Fuying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS l lectrital Power (or all Purposes .1 Low Rates l . Vou I 'a'- ail 1.1 UTRU Al. IKON? Icy (),.( rttt l he . tiliviiu n. OLD PAPERS neatly wrapped in packages. 10c per hundred. They are the very thing to use under your carpets and mattings. Herald Publishing Company Roanoke Pharmacy Company PURE DRUGS Carefully and Accurately Compounded By Expert Druggists A Store of QUALITY AND SERVICE In Every Department Norris Candies Montauk Cream Fine Stationery Toilet Requisites SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Low Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets Now on Sale TO "THE LAND OF THE SKY" Asheville, Waynesville, Hendersonville, Toxaway, Brevard, Hot Springs And All Other Western North Carolina Points Spend Your Vacation in the Cool Mountains of Western N. Carolina Week Fnti and Sunday Excursion round trip tickets on sale to Asheville, Black Mountain, Mt. Airy, Morehead City, Wilmington and various other mountain and sea shore resorts. For illustrated booklets, complete detailed informa tion, usk vour agent, or communicate with. O. F. YORK, Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh. N. C. read and Cakes ! We have taken over the exclusive agency in Roanoke Rapids for WHITMORE'S "Sweet Home" BrearZ Fancy Cakes and Bakery Products DAILY SHIPMENTS exactly the same as formerly handled by the Branch Bakery. DONT FORGET we also handle the best in Groceries, Fresh M e ts, Vegetables, etc. TAYLOR & COLLIER Phone 524 - Prompt Service i ' 1 J