Roanoke Rapids ERALD Volume II. Number 44. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, JANUARY 28, 1916 Subscription, $1.00 a Year in Advance PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS i E. W. Canncn spent Wednes-j day in Norfolk on business. N. A. Twislale. of Barlev. i Va., was here Tuesday on busi- ness. L. J. Jenkins, of Halifax, was here a few hours Wednesday on business. T. M. Stroud, of Greensboro spent Thursday and Friday here I on business C. R. Kmrv, of Weldon, was in town Tuesday a few hours on business. W. L, Rogers spent Saturday and Sunday in Suffolk and Nor folk, returning Monday. Mrs. James W. Sykes arrived Wednesday from Burlington, and is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Ashworth. W. F. Coppedge and family, of Halifax, spent a few hours here Wednesday evening with rela tives. Fred Henry is here visiting his sister, Mrs. H. B. Foster. Mrs. Frank Tillery of Scotland Neck, is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. TMlery. Dr. G. A. Smith, of Black Creek, spent the week-end here with friends. Mrs. W. E. Staton, of Scot land Neck, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Womble, for the past few days returned to her home on Tuesday. Hubert Staton, of Scotland I Neck, spent a few days here the past week with relatives. B. D. Webb, of Williamston, is here visiting his sons, B. S. and C. A. Webb. Mr. Edward H. Wright, of Thorald, Canada, was in town several days this week on busi ness. , Isham Glover, of near Hender son, is here visiting his brother, E. B. Glover. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet with Mrs. C. A. Wyche next Tuesday at 3 P. M. Mr. S. E. Beckham returned Wednesday from Burlington, where he was called on account of the illness and death of his wife. William Pitt who recently moved here from Northampton County, has entered into the employ of the Rosemary M'f'g Company. J. E. Parker, of Raleigh, after a few days visit to friends and relatives returned homeWednes nasday. Henry Fort, of Greenville, spent a few days here with friends during the past week. J. B. Gee, of Henderson, was in town a few days this week on business. Mrs. L. H. Hale went to Little ton on last Wednesday where she will spend several days visit ing friends and relatives. J. L. Patterson left Thursday afternoon on a business trip to New York City. Mr3. C. A. Webb returned this week from an extended visit to relatives in Columbia, S. C. The Rosemary Concert Band in a Concert given Sunday after noon at the Rosemary School house rendertd a most t'e uhtful programme, a large crowd was Dieoeiil, arid all enjoyed the the music so ably rendered by this deserving Band. Cherry Bros, have OpeneQ their up-to-date ice cream parlor in me ou.iomg lormeny them for a pool room. They , nive instaueu a . new . fountain, tables and chairs wd, i i 1 1 j i i A have renovated ana reaecoratea l, in .ntsttTPt t e entire place in a most attract- ive manner- J. R. Mohorn, Peter Harris and Lunce Rook had the great good fortune of catching three foxe BIG AUCTION LAND SALE A SUCCESS All Lote Sold at Good Prices Many jjw Building To Be Erected On. Roanoke Avenue In The , Near Future , ! The sale of Roanoke Avenue ! lots held by the Atlantic Coast I Realty Company on last Saturday ' and Monday was pulled off in I ffreat stvle and the .esults of the . sale were very satisfactory to the property owners. J Although not so many town people were present at the sale as had been expected, there wpro novorthpless visitors hpr i from miles in every direction. The Atlantic Coast Realty Com pany developed the property in , c'ts contributions and forwards fine shape, putting the entire I same to the American Red Cross, stretch of property from First ! Although Thursday was theof Street to Roanoke Junction in ficial day for receiving contribu-anDle-Die order. All of the cross tions, there is no time limit set streets were worked out and eve- j and contributions will still be re rything possible done to show up i ceived either by the Red Cross the property in the most attract-! Association or in this community ive manner. j by Messrs. ..A,.. Norinsky and All of the lots sold brought: Samuel Senie.-.who are soliciting good prices. We understand donations for'the Halifax County that the great majority of the Society, lots sold will be built oh in the I This community has raised for near future. The community is! the Jews to da-e about $50.00, in undoubtedly facing the 'biggest addition to the money contribut building boom in its history. In . ed by the Jewish merchants here, addition to the contemplated! Halifax-county as a whole has erection in the near future of new raised about $0!U).r in addition churches on Roanoke Avenue by : to the money contributed by the both the Episcopalian and First ! Jews ..f tin- county. Christian Churches, Mr. J. W. Smoot and C. A. Wyche are con templating the erection of some handsome residences on Roanoke Avenue for rent and it is prob- able that several more residences on the Avenue will be in course of construction early in the spring. HONOR ROLL Rosemary School: Ora Gardner, Pearlie Wallace, George Clary, Bryant Gray, Rus sell Birdsong, Guel Pylant, Bruce Mason, Erma Johnson, Nellie i upon probation to become famil Crutchfield, Roxie Gregory, iar with the laws that govern Elizabeth Thompson, Roland Scouts everywhere and to put in Johnson. ;to practice indaily life principles Central School; i that will enable him to become Beulah Graham, Charles Welsh, resourceful, se! -reliant, and of Josey Moore, Maude Jones, : service to others. Fleeta Marks, Ellen Jones, Francis Wvche. Carl Harner. Arther Leitner, Jennie Shor Sally Moody, Fannie Marks, Bessie Hedgepeth, Bright Mc Alister, Richard Cherry. in fox hunt last Thursday morning. Mr. Mohorn rarely re turns without one fox, but three is a record even for him. He reported that his dogs ran anoth er, but unsuccessfully. The January Term of Halifax County Superior Court begins next Monday, January 31. There are quite a number of cases to come up on both the civil and criminal docket. There are an unusually large number of jail cases to be disposed of. Mrs. E. H. Adkins and little son left for Henderson Wednes day where they will visit rela tives before returning -to their home in Rochester, Minn. Work began Thursday on a storebuilding at Roanoke Junc tion for Mr. George Taylor. This is to be a small frame building but will be replaced by a more pretentious brick one when busi ness demands it. What came near being a seri ous accident occurred Monday when a ForJ driven by Mr. Samet, of Weldon stopped on the railroad crossing in front of Fast I C.;,.V, Mrt IW Mr Cumot loft -ujij uViinh uaa with him in jthe car whj,e hfi wa3 mak'jng frantic effort3 to crank the car. The presence tff mind of Arthur h f Rog probably chjld and car He , , j ..n.j rusnea TO tne rescue anu puneu -"' """"s thfi chjld from the car gjving- the!the week e,lding with Thursday : ! car a shove at the same time night, same being Sam Ingram, which sent it clear of the track colored, drunk and disorderly, j 'just aa the big locomotive rushed i $10.00 and costs was applied to! pasit (Sammie. NATIONAL JEWISH RELIEF CAMPAIGN Thursday was National Jewish Relief Day, formally set apart to be so observed by proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson. Jews havebeenrer.dered homeless ' and destitute in the war zones '. by the great conflict and their j misery is such a3 to excite the j compassion of every raco and; creed, Contributions for the Jewish j out-of-;sutk'rers are being received and. handled by the American Ked Cross Association, Washington, D. C. There has also been form- ed here the Halifax County He brew Relief Society, which soli-; BOY SCOUTS' EXAMINATION Canidates for Tenderfoot of the local Rov Scmt organization will hold their examination Tup. day evening February 1st, 1916, at 7.30 p. M. The requirements for the! Tenderfoot are for the purpose; of giving the Candidate Scout a clear idea of the principles of the movement which he is joining. In reality the Tenderfoot is not a Scout at all. He is only a "greenhorn" who has taken out his first papers, and is placed To become a Scout a boy must be at least twelve years o'd know the Scout la v, sign, sa lute, and the significance of the badge. Be able to repeat the Scout Oath as follows: On my honor I will do my best: 1. To do my duty to God and my country and obey the scout law. 1. To help other people at all times. 3. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. In taking the Scout oath the scout promise to kosp the twelve laws under the following divisions; Trustworthiness, Loy alty, Helpfulness, Friendliness Courtesy, Kindness, Obedience, I (7h0frfn!nf-5q Thrifr Rraverv Cleanliness and Revereno. In addition to the Oath and Laws governing 3c its the canid dates will be req lired to give a written test on the composition and history of the national flag and the customary forms of respect due to it. The four out of the following knots, square or reef, sheet bend, bend, bowline, fisherman's, sheepshank, halter, close hitch, I timber hitch, or two half hitches. All boys who are successful in najaino- th evnmin-il inn will h passing tne examination, win tie nwnrn in TonHrfot n-ifj n,,AaA Tn,lf,vr It-, I ma nt o -. v w special meeting, with the usual cermonial exercises a part of which are secret with a final in-; teresting program for the public. ! RECORDER'S COURT Business is decidedly slack in the local hall of justice. Only f..;.,i .i PROGRAMME Grand Rally at the Roanoke Rapids Baptist Church January 30th to February 11th, 1916 Sunday, January 30th ' m' Sunday School as usual, ! Sunday SaWV Rally-All , the schools of the com-i mutiny pHrticipatiiiK-Address t the School Audi torium hy Dr. B.. W. Spill man, of Kington, N. ('., held secretary Sun. School Hoard, Southern Baptist Convention. Usual worship conducted hy the Pastor. 7:30 p. m. Monday, January 31st 7:30 p. m. evotional service ( 15 ; minutes) conducted hy j. ! W. .louse. . Niecia Music. Stewardship". sermon bv: Dr.Livingtton Johnson, pas tor First Kaptisi Giuich, Kocky Mount, N. ('. Prayer. Hymn, lienediction Tuesday, February 1st 7:30 p. m, Devotional service 05 mi nutes) conducted hy M. McKae Kaison. Special Music. "The Church:- Its Origin, Mission and Destiny", ser mon by Rev. R. A. McFr land, pastor of I'irst l!ap tist Church, Scot land Neck, N. C. Prayer, Hymn and Bene-; ' diction. Wednesday, February 2nd. 7:30 p.m. Devotional aery ice (If) mi-', nutes) conducted by J. K. j Dickens. Special Music. ! "ihe Work of the Sunday School", address by Rv. E. L. Middleton, of Kuleitfli, ' Secretary Depaitment of Sunday Schools and Statis tics, Haptist State Conven tion of North Cieoliiia. Prayer, Hymn and Hcne diction. Thursday, February 3rd. 7:30 p. m. (Special Union Meeting of all denominations in the interest of prohibition and law enforcement) Kev. H. C. Smith, presid ing. Opening Hymn. Prayer, Kev. K. L. 1 opping. Hymn. Extract on Temperance hy Kev. Ueo. h. Beat-den. Scripture Reading by Uev. ' ' LrodSnof the speak- i That 8 number of the m0M er by Kev. A. c Chaiiin. i fatal diseases are now on the d forewent".1 ""add'Z 'i" ' "ease is the statement made in Rv. r. L. Ga,Kieid Secre- j a recent bulletin issued by the rsyan'Leagur'Ina A"" Federal Census Bureau at Wash Prayer and Hymn. ; ington, D. C. The diseases men -Benediction by Kev. H. F. j jjone(J as showinR redllced death (NOTE: This meeting ia j rates since 1900 are tuberculosis, Li.teotTheiCnrhl;.sHannd!pnia, diarrhoea), disease,, friends of temperance are i diphtheria and typhoid fever. mlkgMucYerAMi In one decade from 1904 to of the choirs are urged u. : 191 1, according to this bulletin, inKnginKn1 tHle '' ' the death rate from tuberculosis Friday, February 4th , I" o1' it3 i200'1 10 7:30 p. m. Devotional services j , 5! 14b.8- per : 100,000. This IS a minutes), conducted by K. ; drop of more than 2o per cent, specfaT music .i and is accounted for aj a result "Christian Education," ad-1 of a more general understanding KMtt7'T'0Ai the laws of health, the im- of Education, Baptist state Convention of North Caro - Prayer, diction. una. Hymn and Bene- Sunday, February 6th 9:45 a. 11:00 a. Sunday School as usual. Usual worship with sermon i 000 - the lowest . on record - &riZF$i gainst 1B0.5 in 1900. -While the Young Peopled Union, mortality rate from this disease ?f8!lorthSuSinvention i fluctuate' greatly from' year to Usual worship with ad- i year' there ia however a : marked dress by Rev. J. D. Moore. ; decline. " v . 7:30 p. m. aTrgMov'igSi February 7th, will conduct a school of j rnetnous on loung reopie a Wo,K-A The public is cordially Invited to come and enjoy the above progi am -Every member of the Church is urged to at tend these services. Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom Come Greeting: These Presents May Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for thevolunia y disso lution thereot by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deio-iited in my office, that the Royal Feed and li.ooery Company Inc., a corpora .ion ofthi StHie. who's nrinciim othce is situated on Main Street, in the town of Little- tl," "unty of Halifax, State of North Clir0in, (K H, whitelna I being the a.:imt therein and in ii.r..r "P"" whom process msy he served). . H ,h . rimi.n! nf 1 Chapter 21, Revisal of lKtfi, entitled ' Corporations," preliminary to the is-' suing of this Certificate of i)iilution: ' Now, Therefore, I, J. BKYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corpo-ation did, on the 17 day of January, lalti, file in my office a duly executej anj attested eonsent 'n writing to the dissolution of . said cornoration. executed bv all the ! stockholders thereof, which said consent and tne record of tne proceedings aiore- Baid ere now on file in my said office as provided by law. JZtmZl XiaUeai at Raleigh, this 17 day of "January; A. D-l916, j BRYan grimes, l-28-. sr.tary of sta'u. j ROSEMARY BANK ELECTS OFFICERS The Rosemary Banking & Trust Company held its regular annual stockholders'- and direct- ors'meetings.last.week. Otllcers; tor the pnsnino- vpot. ucYP rtfrl ! do fniinura t v Miun T V " " ' V.:, tumi; ur. r.-u. jarman. Vice- President;- George . Carmichael, fsisViioi" C W Whtta Aoj,' The T tl. ! nundinal y nun in a u c about 8 on its capital stock last year, out. instead oi declaring a dividend, the Directors voted a tu.j.n .u - i..i iiivuoami uuiiaio IU U1C oul UiUo . fund. The bank has had a most .... . . , . i...u J1. ,,u .u.uci.u. nnn fnroa tno mnct nrnonnfmie 1 -. i Fidelis Class Elect Officers j The Fidelis Class met at the l home of Miss Rosa Harrison on ; last Tuesday night. The follow- iing officers were elected; President, Miss Cora Brantley; First Vice-President, Miss Fannie 1 lHazle wood; Second - Vice-Presi-; dent; MissI Honeycutt Secretary, j Miss Mary Stanley; Assistant J Secretary, Miss- ;Mairy Langston: treasurer, Miss Kosa Harrison, ! Assistant Treasurer, Miss Pearl Andrews ;Reporter, Miss Maude Wilkinson; Teacher; R.M-. James. , Leader of Group' No. '"T, Miss Sarah Stanley; Leader of Group' No. 2, Mrs. G. N. Bucknor; Leader of Group No.' :i. Mrs. A. R. Burnett; Leader of Group No. 4, Mrs. Lena Brewer. ; DECLINE IN DEATH RATES Census Bureau Shows Remarkable Reduction in Deaths from Preventable Diseases portance of fresh air, rest, etc., 1 an(j the efforts of various so cieties for the prevention of this disease.. The death rate from pneu monia was 127. irj 1914 per 100,- The diarrhoeal or baby diseases show 8 decline of from 133.2 in : lm por 100 000 tQ 79 4 in 1914) j 1904 per 100,000 to and typhoid shows a decrease from 35.9 in 1900 to 15.4 in 1914. The marked decrease in these two diseases gives emphatic testi- I mony to the effectiveness of the ! present day methods, not only of cure but prevention -- improved water ' supplies and sewer sy3 ; terns, campaigns against the fly, and other sanitary precautions. . j Diphtheria shows the greatest : decline in death rates which was !U3 per 100.000 'in 1900 against ' 17.9 in 1911. This decline of 59 i pr emit has bfn ?TKr or l"ti Continual but fluctuates some what from year to year. WARNINGS FOR STORES, BAZAARS, CHURCHES. Holiday fin In these while FILLED WITH PEOPLE are usually holo causts. ' ' LIGHT, Inflammable decoration make Area easy to start and easy to spread. A match, a gas flame, or an electric defect may do It. WATCH gaa Jeta-! Decorations may be carried. against tnem by atr cur rente. WATCH SMOKERS! Do not per mit them to light cigar laalie hulld- AFTER EFFECTS OF GRIP State Board of Health Advises Against Dangerous Diseases That Follow Grip : 0n account of the serious after I - . . - ettectaotgnpor influenza does the State Board of Health feel called upon to issue another warning regarding the treatment ! and prevention of this disease. I .1-1 mi not cause tubercu- v" 'l'""i thg reAhmc0 ami weak. ens the bodily functions to such a degree that latent tuberculosis : """v '-" j-i t ,,, k.u.i used to attribute tuberculosis of the , tQ an aUack of - .... an attacx ot grip from which the patient never from which the patient fully recovered." It is quite important, the Board advises, that a person with the symptoms of grip, for grip is no slight ailment, go to bed and have a physican's care. It is ' .- person who keeps up, n ,.-s.s cold and couuh. and wo n.-.-er gets cured of grip that is lively 10 come down with Pneumonia. tuberculosis or most anv other disease. "Hut what is really better than curing grip," says the Board, "is to keep it off. Kv getting plenty of fresh air day and ; night, by avoiding overeuc.;;;.r, overworking and excesses oi ( every kind, bv keeninir regular' habits and taking exercise daily, I and by getting regular sleep and i avoiding people with colds or' Krip, you can reduce your liabil-! ity to contract this dangerous I .disease almost to a minimum, i Keeping up a strong bodily re- sistance is by tar the best safe guard against this enterprising, bold germ." PROGRAM OF THE Peoples and Rosemary Theatres Week of January 31 - February 5 MONDAY, JAN. 81 PARAMOUNT Mary Pickford in "Kit tle 1'al". NESTOR "Mingling Spirits". TUESDAY, FEB. 1 BROADWAY FEATURE Albert Cheva lier and Florence Turner in "My Old Dutch". WEDNESDAY, FEU. 2 REX "The Little Mascot", featuring Hahy Erl. Animated Weekly No. 201. L-K "Saving Sue from the Sea". THURSDAY, FEB. 3 PARAMOUNT "Rug Maker's Daugh ter" with Maude Allan. REX "The Silent Member" with Hob Leonard and Ella Hall. FRIDAY, JAN. 4 LAMFLLE "Just Plain Folks". JOKER "The Whole Jungle was af : ter Him". ! SATURDAY, FEB. 5 1 GOLD SEAL -"The Broken Coin. " i NESTOR "Flivvers Famous Cheese i Hound". Notice Hy order of the Board of Directors. Thcra will he a meeting of the share holders of the First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids at its banking house, between hours of 10:(iu A. M. and 4:00 r. M. , on the lSlh dHy of February, ICjlti f,.r ttiM nm-nnna nt' thf. ulMt'tiitn nf Directors. Th is the 12th dav of Jan- ' Uarv, I'.'lli. C. A. WYCHE, President 1-12-16-51. PREVENTION IS WORTH WHILE. Fires In winter Impose unusually evera hardships upon the firemen. Frozen hands and feet are common In cidents In flchtlng winter Urea. Pneu monia frequently follows exposure of those driven by (Ires out Into the cold. Defective heating and lighting equip Ueuta and imuuUble rubbish In fur navei rooms are the usual causes of whiter fires. Such Area are unneces sary and will not oocur In premises properly cared for. Where are you going to put thf boxes, excelsior and other combustible packinK material that come with Chrlsinias gifts? Tnknowu to you, the Ufa of a child may hang upon your answer. Fire prevention laavea no afleiwatu f regret. READ YOUR INSURANCE POLICIES. Before attempting any hasty or Ill advised decoration which may cause Ore, examine your Insurance contracts and sea If the policies contain any thing like this: "This entire policy, unless otherwise provided by agreement endorsed here on or added hereto, shall be void," etc., "If the hazard be Increased by any means within the control or knowledge of the Insured." If you burn, you waut your Indemni ty: . do nothing, therefore, to Impair yeur centrect. WITH THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Rev. H. F. Morton, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Rally Day services 11 A. M. No night services. . Congregation will be given an opportunity to hear Dr. Spillman at Rosemary Opera House. Rosemary Baptist Church Rev. A. C. Chaffin, Pastor Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Mid-week services Wednesday nights at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited to all services. Methodist Church Rev. Geo. S. Bearden, Putor Morning Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. W. V. Woodruff, Supt. The School will attend the Sun-'ny School ' Rally" in a body at the auditorium, . and the Presbyterian Church at 11 o'clock. Subject for evening sermon; "A Patched Religion." Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7:30. Subject "The Lord'B Prayer", All are welcome. Episcopal Church Henry Clark Smith, Rector Services at All Saints Mission every Sunday, except the morn ing service on fourth Sunday, as follows: Morning Service --11:00. Evening Service -- 7:30. Holy Communion each first Sunday morning. Sunday School 10 A. M. Sunday School and Rector's Bible Class in Rosemary 9:30 a. M. Rosemary Methodist Church Rev. R. F. Taylor, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. J. B. Boyd, Supt. Preaching every first and third Sunday at 11 A. m. and every Sunday night at 7:30 P. M. i At Smith's Church every se cond Sunday at 11 o'clock and fourth Sunday at 3 o'clock. At New Hope every second Sunday at 3 o'clock and fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock ... .. .. The public cordially invited to attend all services. First Christian Church Raleigh L. Topping, Minister Sunday School in Rosemary Opera House every Sunday morn ing at 9:45. Preaching at 11 o'clock and 7:30 o'clock. Come out. There will be services in South Rosemary Sunday afternoon at three thirty at the home of M. i W.Taylor. The Junior Christian Endeavor meeting will be held at 6:30 Sun day evening in Rosemary Opera House. Prayer meeting in Roanoke Rapids on Monday night: Rose mary and Pattersontown on Tues day night; South Rosemary on Wednesday night;' Rosemary and Pattersontown on Thursday night and Roanoke Rapids on Friday night. Baptist Church Rev. C. H. Trueblooi Putor Sunday School evei"y Sunday at 9:45 a. M. W. S. Hancock, Supt Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. m. and7;C0 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night at 7.30 o'clock. Teach er's meeting just after. Senior B. Y. P. U. eyery Sun day at 6:30 p. M. Junior B. Y. P. U. every Sun ! day at 2:30 p. m. and Junior j choir. Two great weeks ahead. See i program for Grand Rally. Don't J miss these services. Bring your friends. Vanity is selfishness that exacts tribute, but never contribute anything.