X4 ''A " V;'-v, s;,-: ? ; .. - (. !. , ; 4 s J. 5 - t. . WE SHOULD ACT NOVVI VL IIIO MING! IVirtH 41 HIT VVCIIl UV'VYll yto Cuba to clean things up politically and imwi niov anti lite OHuiiion-Hiiici loan T7vS4sisSV tfe. m, u iuuiiu uidi navana was one ui vfillow-fever pest holes in the my surgeons learned that the mosquito was to ey declared war on the mosquito. The weapons were not swatters. There was but one weapon ne city was cleaned with absolute thoroughness. Mosquito-breeding swamps were drained. Lakes and streams were covered with oil. Now Havana is one of the world's most healthful cities. The lesson taught fifteen years ago has been applied steadily by the Cubans. In this country the house fly bears about the same relation to typhoid fever and dysentery that the mosquito bears to yellow, fever in the tropics. Both insects are dan gerous germ carriers. This community ought to rid itself of flies. The means of doing so are the same as those employed in ridding Ha vana, the Canal Zone. Manila and New Orleans of the tever mosquito. But the job will not be nearly so big. Our citizens should call a meeting by the middle of next week and form an organization to conduct the spring fly war. There is no time to be lost. Once warm weather arrives the flies will mul tiply faster than we can kill them off. Let us act now! DON'TS STANCELL ITEM Miss Mary Lawretve and' Mr. ' ioo. Stivlr isitt H "i th- home of Mr. B. W. Ymoci'.t .lr. S in- uav. Hydrophobia has played fret 1 r'lt prrt.rty mhftn placing irrsn- J. S'ail firss la sioves furna. es ".replaces unless you are sure ta fluss and ctiimneys are clean 4 Alt ittmi a ilAt.ni.ui T.i rnlua tQ . v- - .:- : :.u .i ..... .u- u contact with ixJ Use leineut. un urjuuimm uu uu; uiiuufcii or galvanised iron where tim wi g.)i 0ut this section. Many hutfS and throu!l- 'cows which were bitten by the 4. Leave your horn, wliti a lamp j , . burnine or turned down low i a Wa.h rlothiis- or other articles : Some peo In gasoline. bentlne or naiihtlia. nor 1 treated for the bites. allow .H kept in rur house Throw water on flames caused Surrounded bjj Mexican ; Bandits Your Old-Age Pension dotrs ip had to be have al killed, been Mr. Walter ClemenU called on by buraiug gasoline, biun. uaphtha j Miss Mary Hunt near Kmporia. or coal oU. as It spreads the flame Sunday. Smother it wtUi a rag or covering ut j sum kind. Mrs. Lena Yyenn of Ahoskie T. Usa any but tan safel? much; wn0 is visitinif her daiikih- and others ar oaugeroas -j , I Permit ctil dren to nlay wita matches or start bon&res ter Mrs. B. . very seriously il! Vincent Jr. U WORKMEN'S COMPENSA TION SPREADING. I Mr. Dallas liainey, Misse-s i Louise Mornis and Mabel Kainey A few your out more f Tow; our Ar-"ivt rsury Edition left. t.o they will appreciate it. Workmen s compensation legisla tion will necessarily lead to aa In crease In the reported number of ac cidents, particularly those ot less se rious character, luvolvmg a compar atively short incapacity tor work; but It mar also be expected to bring about notable reductions iu the actual num ber of accidents by causing the instal lation of accldeat prevention applian ces An Importaat eec'.ioa of the bulle tla is devoted to the progress of re porting aud classifying accidents, In itiating for the purpose of securing uniformity of practice in the report of the various states. More than half the states have adop. ted workmen s compensation laws and It may be expected that before very many more years the Idea of com pensation for Industrial accidents will become universal throughout the Vai led States spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. T. H. Valentine. Mr. Davis, Camp .", called in the home of Mr. K. M. Clements Sunday afternoon. The Fragrance of The Lily and the deligh'ful odor of the Violet can he purchased at our I'F.RFUMK COUNTER. You can have the "sweet scents" of Easter whether you have the t'rtsh ;',iurs vt a bottle of our perfume. Rosemary Drug Company ROSEMARY. ,V C. I -1 Easter Ties Cjf Just received to-day a ship ment of the smartest styles and patterns in Men's Neck wear. J We also have a nice stock of new Fancy Shirts, Un dewear and Hosiery now. Everything new. Rosemary Supply Co. Fine Groceries & Genti Furnishing DON'T EXPERIMENT with your teeth. $5 Have your Dental Work done by a reliable and experi enced man. These ZFthM win VWAi Time Special Prices last but a Short DONT DELAY Best Plates, upper or lower . . . $7.50 22K Gold Crowns and Bridge Work a Tooth 4.50 All Gold Fillings 1.50 AH White Plastic Fillings ... .50 All Simple Silver Alloy and Amal gam Fillings .50 Teeth Cleaned .75 All Teeth Extracted (with medicine .50 Don't put if off till to-morrow but come to-day and take advantage of these low prices. ALL WORK GUARANTEED BrL E HACHMAN, Surgeon Dentist WELD0N, N. TYPEWRITER REPAIR STATION A srest deal of the work doiie In 1 these si!iors is cleaning typewriters. ' sad & . nmnion method fur doing this i Is to Immerse the machine into s tub at vat of gasoline and wash or brush out the parts This should neter be I allowed Inside of a building, but should I be done ou the outside or iu a room I separate from any other and wall isu tllaud j Mrs. S. J. Bartholomew and j son, Kinmette, of Ca.stalia, are spending several days with Mrs. j Joseph Shaw, Mrs. 1'artholo 1 mew's mother, who is ill at this j writing. i Mrs. Annie Cirant and litii j daughter, Lottie, spent the week- i end in the hospitable home of j Mr. Charlie Grant. .Miss .Mary Lawrence spen Friday and Saturday in Norfolk shopping. Mr. Uohert 1'iigh, Roanoke Rapids, spent Sunday with his father Mr. 1!. M. I'ugii. Mrs. T. E. Hofler is j-reatly improved after undergoing an A smaO party of Americans niake their stand against a band cf desperadoes in the heme of an American mine owner across the border. Thelastdropofwateris gone! Thar capture means death in ib most horrible forml And then Read Afoul of Villa's Men Bu Capt. George B. Rodney, U. S. A. A powerful story of condi tions along the Mexican bor der for some time past and involving incidents which caused the United States to take a hand in putting an end to the depredations of the bandits t0ur New Serial! You must be sure to read it I T .!,! :... (!, il,t: ' The average man in this country is spending every dollar he earns, and the consequences are he is fac ing poverty. It is an every day occurence to hear of some man who in his young er days had accumulated money dying penniless in his old age. Ninety per cent of of the men to-day who have attained the uge of sixty-five years ae de pending for support either upon public charity or their children. These figures are alarming. Start to-day to accumu late a fund for old age with a very little self denial. Open an account in a savings bank and deposit regularly every month one-tenth of your salary for ten years and the re sult at 4 per cent will be as follows: Vr . Monthly One-Tenth Amt. Saved with Salary Iii po.-ited int. in In yearn $10 $4 J'iSO .".(I 5 787 '.(I C. 78.') T." 7.50 l.lOt. UK) 10 l,47.i operation in St pilal, Norfolk. Yllu-el.ts HoS- "THINK FIRE" BEFORE IT HAPPENS FONT allow matches hcvt ' ' niav nni1 tMcr IiON'T leave Irtiidlord, in.-i"e' collar to p-irrpt HDST thmw children to ilae with f..'c ;-t gf-': y" i yourAif tnninhl vciTtlune to till- ' y.'ur iwn house from I undergoing four h ' d loi ate all exits iiwav lighted raatrheH clftars, or clearettes. IM)N"T ko lino na-k losfs, bpd rooms, or (.!':: s. msIiik maihcs or candles to light our way DON'T use insecticides In the t1 cinitv of oon flame tlKhls. Mauv such compounds inntaln volatile inflatnma 'drove M A titimher of people ln r- ;irr planning to attend the cmt t'oinmenceinei.t at .luckinii 1 " r i -day 21st. Miss Reda Kdwards who has been in St. Klizabeth's H.-.-pital, Richmond, lor the past :..nnth letnrn.-il l-...m.' ' -' is wonderfully improved ;.:ur operations. Misses Olivia and ,losie w i.t s;,ent Saturday in Roanoke K;ii. ids shopping. M. Y. Self filled hi. appointment at Oak ?.. Church Sunday V. Rev. j regular M. He rendered a good to a large and attentive sermon emigre- ble oils. ! ttON' T use ieronene. bemlne. or ; naphtha in lighting fires, or to uuliiui i a slow flre-lt mav result In death j gatlOIl. PON'T use gasoline or Dentins to j T jj Valetjnt, gnj Mr clean clothing near an open flame, I light or lire. j R- r-- Cleaton went to I-awrence, ikint use alcohol lamps, especially j Friday on business. if made of glass; they often break and the fluid is ignited at once Miss Alice Ellis, of Valentines, DONT fill any lamp with gasoline, I Ya., is spending sometime ill kerosene or other oils while the lainp, home of Dr. T. 11. Valentine. Is lighted. Keep the burners of all oil lamps thoroughly clean DONT fill kerosene lamps after dark or wlthlo 15 feet of the lights or fire DON'T put ashes In wooden boiM ; or barrels Keep ashes away from 1 boards. Don't place them on dumb waiters or In closets. Hot ashes will I take lire by themselves as they fre ! quently have smaU bits of coal mlied ! In with tbem. j DON'T use oils with a low flash ! point j DON'T accumulate rubbish In prem-1 lees, cellars or workshops, and don't deposit such material on dumb waiters unless It is to be removed at once: while awaiting removal, keep sucb material In covered metal-lined rtcep tacle SAFETY BY CO OPERATION Tblrty-oue buildings at Youngstowa, Ohio, were condemned receutly by the attaches of the Stat Fire Marshal's office, cooperating with the city offi cials and resident In the annual spring clean-up of the city It la ex pected fifty more hluldlngs will be o iered lorn down la a few days Well aaid: "We must have co-oiera-Uun In the great work of safety Not only ki this true of tbe men Iu the or ganisations that are giving the best that are lu them to the work at hand, but the same spirit should be mani fested by the safety departments of the various plants and railroads 'Safety First.' la something that wa should not permit to be commerrlal lied Anything that stands tor the conservation of human lives lrmbs and happiness Is too sacred to be dragged lu the dust of contempt and lidtcnla or made sport of coiumeiOal lied Dargaina " STEAD1LYJJECREASE According To Census Depart ment Pauperism In The United States Has De clined Since 1880, Pauperism Is decreasing lu lha United Stales, according to a state ment Issued by the census depart meul. "The ratio of almshouse paupers to population has steadily declined al ' very census aince 1SU," the cn ' sus bulletin declared. une-fkiro t tie uiitsri la aiuu housei In 1S1U were under thirty 11 vn years of age and one-third, (event or i i INDIGESTION Pearson Remedy Co. Burlington, N. C. Gentlemen :- My wife has been suffering with indigestion for three years and j everything she ate hurt her, she was also afflicted with female trouble, j After using Genuine Indian Blood i Purifier she is now in the best of health and recommends it to all who have suffered as she has. Respectfully, John R. Stout. , vv' -;.T l 'mli M new EeiMne one-tnird, seventy or m sT . rei over. The males outnumbered the fe ! IVIOnU menlS. 1 OITID , t. . .! ' iwu to une. rreponaerance Oi paupers of foreign birth was also cited. The ratio of pauperism among negroes and whites la about equal population considered, and it waa de ,clar4 that almshouses ara rapidly becoming! merely temporary ahel tar Instead of a permanent t)om. JJ. V. Ctggga, . OKWei W. t. Uwtsr's Stmt. RoMisanr, N. C Through the above saving method you would not be compelled in old age to depend upon public charity or rel atives. E. II. Ricks. Casheir. The First National Bank ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. C. A. WYCHE, President S. K. PATTERSON, V. President J. L. PATTERSON. V. President E. H. RICKS, Cashier Send Your Friends a Copy of The Anniversary Edition of The Herald WeGive Peoht-Shamwg Coupons Reduce the High Cost of Living by Trading with A s K FOr? O U R CATALOG A s K FOR O U R CATALOG The L. G. Shell Company CALLT0DAYAND INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE. OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE. PAID BY 5TH.0F MONTH. Our Store is Now in Complete Readiness for Easter and all Sum mer Dress Requirements Men's Keep Kool Klothes, Palm Beach and Panama Suits $5.00 - $7.50. Men's Shirts - Shell's Special - Guaranteed Fast Colors, $1.00 Up. Neckties in "before the war" colors and at "be fore the war" prices. Summer Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. A Splendid Assortment of Men's Belts, 50c, 75c and $1.00. I Summer Oxfords for Men and Women. Kor- rect Shape Shoes for Men insure Style, Service andf Satisfaction. We can fit any foot. . $ M.GA Stones, Iron Fencing Highest Grade of Work, manihip and Materials Dunn Marble Works A. R. SANDLIN, ReprcwBtaiiTt well vOoJbc ROSEMARY, N. C. 4 X 7 i at" J 4f rw ,

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