I v. St ! TUe two "bod ran Wtily tor tE"bp3& I Afoul of Villa's Men By Capt Gorge B. Rodney 1 wiBoggiagiiii vricht. H14. bj rrauk A. Kuumj.) teg without offering word In answer. But when the miner told him he was douttltrdealer, and what was worse proTed tt, be came to life. "My word la aacred; not even Tings can Impugn my honor'." be jelled. The paradox would have beeu funny had it not been 10 aerloua. Obispo arose, hla faoe twitching, hi body positively sinking with auger. "Here, put a bullet In him some body!" he roared, pointing at l'pton. Taking advantage ct the diversion, Kynaston drew back, shaking off hla guards. But In a moment they aelied bun by the elbows and threw him bodily out of the door, Upton, hla ftngera clenching and uncleaching con vulsively, stood eying the furious half breed, while Dorothy laid a restrain ing band upon her father's arm. Before he could even respond to the loving preeaure of her fingers a group of angry men rushed through tha open door and threw her forolbly back against the wall. She fell to her knees. Staggering again to her feet, she was aware, aa one In a dream, of a hideous, fury dlatorted face thrust within a foot of pi door. "Don't!" said Kyuaaton hurriedly, laying a detaining hand on the old arm that swung from the rifle barrel up In the glinting sunlight. "Xoa can't do tt In cold blood!" "There ain't a drop of cold blood In any American who' been In Mexico the past twe years." Ths magatine gate clicked a car tridge Into the chamber and tbe nerv ous hand swung up the piece, tbe mumle covering the fleeing figures. "There ain't a drop of cold blood In any Anglo-Saxon who's seen women an' little children shot down an' fourteen-year-old ktda snatched from their homes to take a hand in their ki'.lln' bees. Seventy-five yard law Is what they'll glt! He's got It now!" The rifle spat Its mouthful of lead at the leading runner, who crumpled and rolled over aa shot rabbit rolls. The rearmost man be of tbe artillery fame stumbling over the body, gave Wilkes time to snap a second cartridge into the chamber. Just as the man rose to his knees the bullet caught him squarely In the back of the bead, and he collapsed a second time to rise no more. "An' that's a part of the debt paid." growled the old man, hla very beard quivering with rage. "The full debt ain't never goln' to be paid off, but anyhow there come the third Install ment!" Away down the hill. Kynaston, look ing over the wavering rifle-barrel, saw a figure come hesitatingly up the hill. He seised Wilkes by the shoulder, preventing the old man from firing. "Dont shoot," he said quietly. "Don't shoot. It's the blind priest. Perhaps he brings us news." : luminous wi; resisting, he drc v he followers ct Zauata stole It. N'o? iuu proois or owujruip sunn ne ior-; Dot nil f,.t xie warded from the sbiiue. that his name ; Lis a -in about her t may be cleared of suspicion." ' g(kve WB a(,d Dum He broke oft, patting his recovered -!t i8 raor, lb.u , c.u F!noiirli '.1 I ft-1 HUiV Th, In "tagger Back and Sink Forward the Center of the Group!" ker father's scornful countenance; of a Dozen dirty, evll-smelllng peon Bol dlers hanging to t'pi.m as ants bang to a dying hornet. - Then came a sharp crack and a spit of flame. She saw her f in her stagger baok, sink, belpleitsly to his knees, and sag forward on his face In the center of the maddened group. A bare five seconds she stood there. Then the full meaning of the Bcene enacted under her eyes dawned upon her. She was about to scream, but a hand upon her lips mercifully stifled It. A strong arm drew her back through the open door, and she heard, still as if In a dream, a voice she bad learned to know and love. Kynaston was speak ing brokenly: "Steady, Miss Dorothy! I know! My heaven, If 1 could only have fore seen this! Come quickly and make no noise. Use your breath only fur run ning." "But Mr. Kynaston daddv my fa ther" "No use, I tell you! They have killed him! Murderers! Just as they prob ably killed others last night! Come, I say!" - There was no withstanding his ap peal, for he had seized her hand and was fairly pulling her after him. Thus they began their rase for the shelter ing trees In tbe bottom. Breathless, sobbing from the excitement and the speed, not knowing by what accident the way was clear for them, the girl ! hurried along with him, dry-eyed and staring, as one who has seen a sight ', preternaturally appalling. "You see" he panted It out as they ran "I tried to get word to you and could not. I feared you would attempt some such qulxotlo thing. Tbey meant j to kill me, of course. It would have been better so. Then when you came ta I intended to anger the old scoun- . drel at me, and partly succeeded, i Then when they threw me out my j guard ran back and I sawed the raw- i kid that they had tied me with across j an old 'Wagon tire till I cut it through." i A sputter of rifle shots cut short his explanation. Pulling her to right and left to dis turb the aim of the Mexicans, he dahed through the cottonwoods and raa ap the slope. Even before the door of th house could be opened to them, they were pounding on tbe frame. A second later tbey staggered Into tbe room to fere the gray-bearded ex deputy sheriff. "Wbere'e Upton!" he demanded truo utenuy. ' wnre Upton f" ' Beyond a bii. f ned be paid no at tention to Dorothy, nor even to Kynas ton. "He's d-d-dead!" sobbed the girl, giving way at last. "Ob, Marian, he's dead They have killed him! I shall never so him again!" Th (trl, sobbing as only a bereaved daughter can, flung herself Into the waiting arms of Mrs. Fane. i Be drew th half fainting girl Into a bedroom, and so was not a witness 1 cf what followed. Had she remained I ot tn North It baa returned. Thanks CHAPTER X. The Blind Prltet Halt. Very haltingly and slowly h came across the open, bis long stick tap tapping his way among the loose rocks ot the stream crossing; then up the hill slowly, as some wounded animal might crawl. In tbe Mexican camp silence had again fallen. Save for a few sporadic shots and a shrill yell or two. the place lay quiet In the red-hot glare. Between the house and the alfalfa fields a tea; lone prairie dogs perched atop their burrows, basking In the sun glare. "I wonder what he wants" re marked Kynaston "There's been ne gotiations enough between us and that bunch of hell-cats yonder to end a war. Look at him. Wilkes." "Aye. I'm lookin'. I'm wonderln' If lt d be a lick or miss to plug him, too. Wouldn't hurt none at that, I reckon." He fingered his rifle suggestively, but deslHted when Kynaston shook bis head. "Look! He's found the bodies." The old padre paused abruptly as his stick struck soft flesh. They saw him kneel and reverently mike the slgu of the cross. Then, rising, ha hurried haitli.irly toward the house. "Swiores -senores!" they heard him ; cry. 'Tor 1 amor de Dlos do no more j violence! 1 bring you news " "W hat ii6rs. clegu (blind one)? I NMi"re In Senor l'pton ?" ' Muerlo idead), senor." j The padre threw wide his hands They saw his face working. It was wicked, senor! It was wlsk ed beyond words. Hut vengeance is Hod s I am old, senores, who was once young, and I tell you with the ! psalmist, 'Never saw I the godly man j forsaken nor the seed of the righteous j begging bis bread.' Seek not to hurry ' God s justice. It has leaden feet, but It comes surely." "I only hope It pleases him to send it by my hand." growled Wilkes. "What Is your news, padre? Speak quickly, for my trigger finger Itches. It you did but know It." "Shoot, then, If tt pleases thee. As well die by thy bullet as work out my life slowly like a pack-mule In the tlerra callente ot tbe south. Is that a woman's sobbing, senores?" "It Is the senorita, she whose father was killed by the brandy-sodden fiend yonder. W hat is It to thee?" 1 "I would speak with her. After all, , senores, I am a priest a blind one. It is true; but I can still see well enough to point out to the unfortunate the only true path to peace." Dorothy and Mrs. Fane came for- j ward, the girl still weeping but striv ing plucklly to repress her feeling. "Thou art welcome, father," she said In the vernacular. "It Is a bouse of grief thou foment to. but thou art wel come doubly so for thy calling." The old priest gently raised his hand with all the authority ot two thousand years In his gesture: "Peace be to this bouse and to all tbe Inhabitants there of. I will not trespass long, my daugh ter. I go south again with my mission unfulfilled." "What mission Is this, father!" It was Marian who spoke. "My search for my lost Emerald Bell," the padre replied. "It is writ ten, 'Many shall aeek but it shall be hidden from them.' " He paused, a sudden flurry from Dor othy meeting his ear. His hearing, quickened as tt Is In the blind, was as ' delicate as that ot the prairie dog. which the Apache say can hear the bursting of tbe seed-pods in th bunch grass In th spring. At his words th girl bad released herself from Mrs. Fane's encircling , arm and was hurriedly loosening Her balr, whioh fell In eheeted flame over 1 her shouldw. Delving with trembling J,!t,3 in I, wuu iMMM, sue took from Its resting place, secure alike from sight and touch the Emerald Belli "Take it take It!" she said sobbing ly. "I wish we had never seen it) It has brought hotblng but evil fortune." She thrust it Into the-trembling hands of the old man. WUkes and Kynaston saw the tear stream down his cheeks. Tbe blind do not weep easily. They stood astonished. "Out of th North It came, and oat treasure even, they thought, talking to it. J "Now Indeed shall I go south with a light heart. My happiness would be j complete If I could but see It, but that 1 Is not to be. What Is that noise, se , noreB?" be eiclulmed. "It sounds like ' firing" It was firing a perfect feu de Jot in the besieger s camp. I nev saw a flurry. Men were running 111 and out like ants In a hill. "They're either jilannln' some more devilment." said Wilkes acidly, "or else they're goin' to pull out. 1 hone It's the last." Kynaston hsd not told Wilkes or Dorothy of the suitling news he hsd heard while In Obispo s camp In fact, the excitement of the morning bad almost driven It from Uis mind, and he now hardly believed it could be pos sible that VtlU would attempt such a wild plan. But the sudden commotion In the camp might have some connec- tilllle-, knd Bk tton with Villa's attack. Columbus was ! raV(, ,iut less man tony oxiit-s iwui iuu a cou rier could have traveled the distance ' since early morning It it was really war, be must rejoin hla command at i once, and the women must U removed , from the clutches of lhs. bandits at : all hazards Without stopping to ex i plain, he ran for the ard I "Hers, where you goln, Kynaston?" called Wtlkea. "I'm going to take a look at that auto to see If It cau run." I "WelJ, it can If a man can be found to run It. What you got In your ; bead!" i "1 oil tun tt If the engine Is in good order. ' said ilia y.uie quickly. "Oh, air. hyuabtuu. it ou liiu.i. we cuj get away In It. let's waste no time! Let's look at It. I iaii tliow you what to do. Come!" They went to the shed, where she showed him how to Oil tank and radia tor. She stood over him explaining the different stops while he tested the engine. Grimy, dirty with oil and dust, he worked like a Trojan. Suddenly something prompted him to turn. He found Mis. Kane saziun fixedly at him. "It's all right." she Bald abruptly. "I know It all. I heard Dorothy and I know" "What?" He flushed uneasily under her eyes. "I know about the card game, and I am woman enough, believe nie. Mr Kynaslon, to kuow what prompted you It was no mere quixotic Impulse that made you risk your life to save Mr l'pton. I wish you all the luck In the world. Now go In to Dorothy. She needs you, not me, at preeeut." Kynaston found the girl silting by the table, her head upon her arms, her hands nervously tapping the rough sur face. Very gently he took both her hands In his and drew them to him. holding them tightly, till lu answer to tbe pressure she uletd her head and looked at hliu. Still he said no word; only Lis eye met hers. In their naze there was a wondrous dawntnif that broiiKlit the vivid color to her heeks. Slowly very slowly In answer to his lixed gate, she rose to her full height, her cried. "1 cannot cunnut! stand It Vou dp not know ami 1 can never tell ! you " "And I shall never ask you. dear heart. 1 do not want to know what you d. not wish to tell me. This Is no time for um to empty my heart to you. Do you know, darling, those lines that go: t n e hi tiivfim tn i. ' v ,ui: int-nr.i Iiem. 1, u - i r -I so near to clod t follow tl.esu. "All that it la moeissary for me to know I know now. iou do. don't you '" To his li.i:tcr.iiiK aims the gave niute ai'swi-r, Mid ho for a sc. oml c two strode li 'IiIiik against him. her so"; check pressing his. W llke' voice brought them back to earth "If were goln'lf that machine 'II work - we've yot to leave at dark, an' that's ouly two hours. Nolan, get your eui few, 'cause well he Mexicans can slay here In quiet when those greasers yonder leave, and a hunch of them has already started east on a run. Some thing out o' the oidinary la a-happeuln' near here all right." It was not until then that Kynaston explained to Wilkes the news be had l.eaid In the camp the night before. "Well! I ui damned!" was tbe old man's comment. "Hut. Kynaston, It means that we got to get these women out of here and get them out quick. Are you ready?" Coru'luiifd Next Week l-HOURESS BACKWARDS. Very little attention has been here tofore given to fire prevention either in the construction of buildings or the prevention ot fires, and a recent at tempt to create interest in these mat ttirs by the Georgia Kire Prevention Society was given a cold reception by citizen and city officials alike. The city hsd formerly had an anti-shingle roof ordinance, but this was repealed after about two years and shingle roof limits cut down to a comparatively small ares, and Just a few weeks be fore the fire the area In which shingle roofs were prohibited was further re duced. Enforcement of any of the raws has not been-evident for many years, although conditions are better in this respect at present. The underlying conditions of poor construction which made such a ca tanlruphe possible are generally pres ent to a large extent In the lemalnlng part of the mercantile and dwelling districts and a;e considerably more pronounced in some sections ot the city which were nut destroyed. Un derwriters' Report. The Pursuit cf Profits is made more successful when the oflice routine is efficient. We can . help make yours a model office that's our specialty. Among the other time and money savers ! Essl-pra BOOKS AND FORMS j will help in every department, i Ask us about them. Office Suppij Ppl. Herald rubln-hing Company i ON ALL I Clothiag cau be chemically cleansed without danger by the use of amnio nia or benzine soap A safe siihstl tute fur gasoline Is gelatiuized betmne In whKU 2j per tent of benzine Is added to a mass of soap, water am! ammonia. It ran be handled wliliout spilling; the amount of vapor given off l Mailt, and Ike hulk ot Inflammable vapor Is small. Chautauqua Week June 30th TO July 6th' The "BEST YET" Program Watch for Big Feature Announcements i n PI TP. 4 La, PAIR OF TROUSERS With Every Tailored Suit PRICES? INVESTIGATE! Now is the lime to buy your Summer Suit G. D. Shell Ja th living room, she would have sMm ft fierc old gray wolf of - a jilaluiraaa open the front door and with 11 the) politeness be was master cf tay to the two prisoners: - "Now, caballeros, It Is your turn. Tie way dear to General Obispo. Tat St." i pa ypfr.tl fierce,;?, flow? t&S glgpj, be to God for his mercies! His shrine is no more empty. Evil fortune? SI. senorita! It has been so since Monte zuma gave It to Corte: and was killed. "Since the great conquistador took It and died, a broken-hearted and dis graced man; since Pedrarlas took It and was poisoned o did it to until It ! reacjijj rAthi jUoefrom which I or the bent-fit of our customers we have jusft installed a big McCray Refrig erator and will have at all times Fresh Creamery Butler, and Cheese, Cold Meats, Sliced Tongue, Sliced Reef and Bacon, Poik Sausage, Frankfurters and other Delicacies. All ice cold and in the very best condition. Call us for Fine Groceries. Rosemary Supply Co. Millinery One Day Only SATURDAY June 3, 1916 G. D. Shell Roanoke Rapids Best Millinery Store Let us prove to you the superiority of the Master Machine - the ROYAL Model 10. Herald Publishing Company When You Read This "Ad"-- LOOK ABOUT YOUR HOME That Tnrlor Suit, for instsnee--RatlitT a back luimlwr, ch? And badly abused at that. And the Chairs - Unoomfortalilo hardly expresses it and they don't even match the rest of the furniture. As to the DIMKG ROOM, BKD ROOM FURN ITURE and the like Inadequate is the word. And you have yet to consider the floor coverinff8 and window "trimminfrs." Why not let us, at small cost, make your home as comfortable as you want it. We carry a full line of Furniture and House Furnishings in stock all the time and just the correct floor coverings -runs, carpets, mattings and linoleum and shades and curtains for your windows. Our long years of experience in the proper furn ishing of homes is at your service. B. S. WEBB Telephone 600 Exclusive Furnilurt Dealer Roanoke Rapids Specially Attractive UMME PPARFI A L eft eXeiL melegsJelLgdl Now on display in our big Dry Goods Department Men's Wear ShellV Special Shirts $1.00 up, full cut, live pattern, fast colors. Straw Hats and Panamas, Korrect Shape Shoes, Palm Beach Suits, Panama Cloth Suits, Kool Kloth Suits $5.00 and up Newest Designs in Neckties For Women Warners Rust Proof Corsets, Society and Mayflower Shoes, Shirtwaists and Middy Blouses (specially attractive assortment.) Just Received a Full and Lovely Line of Ladies Lingerie If you haven't looked over our lines of summer wear, whv vou've ont a rlolmktful - you when you do drop in and let us show you. Prices lower than usually asked. . ROSEMARY, N. C We Give Profit Sharing Coupons , ' . - H -4, i "y' i. L ,. i ffa