BASE BALL TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW - OPENING GAMES HERE OF THE TRI-TOWN LEAGUE Jw." aU L . Volume III. Number 11. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. G, JUNE 9, 1916 Subscription, $1.00 a Year in Advance ROANOKE Rapids Herald PRIMARY BRINGS OUT LIGHT VOTE Fint Legalized Statewide Pri mary Draws about one third of the Voters in this Com munity LOCAL AND COUNTY RETURNS Only 215 voters out of a possible 600 registered their preferences for the different candidates here in the first Legallized Primary held on last Saturday. The vote here was a decided reflection of the vote over the State at large, all of the present officers receiv ing heavy majorities. Below we Rive the returns from Roanoke Rapids Precincts No. 1 and 2 also the official returns from Halifax County. Roanoke Rapids Township FOR COVERNOR Thos. E. Bickett 178 E. L. DaushtridL'o - SECRETARY OF STATE J. Bryan Grime3 198 Haywood Clark 8 J. A. Hartness 1 STATE TREASURER B. R. Lacy 196 J. S. Mann 10 ATTORNEY GENERAL James S. Manning 164 Edmund Jones 26 Thomas H. Calvert 17 N. A. Sinclair 1 COM. OF LABOR AND PRINTING Mitchell Lee Shipman 194 David P. Dellinger 10 CORPORATION COMMISSIONER William T. Lee 193 D. L. Boyd 13 COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE W. A. Graham 191 S. H. Hobbs 8 A. J. McKinnon 7 INSURANCE COMMISSIONER I James R. Young - 137 C. T. McClenaghan 71 The County Vote FOR GOVERNOR alCKKTT PACGHTRIDGK Brinkleyville, 121 61 Butterwood, 19 9 Conocanara, 57 9 Enfield, 147 187 Faucetts, 28 2 Halifax, 101 10 Kehukee. 69 23 Littleton, 76 18 Palmyra, 17 2 Roseneath, 91 6 R. Rapids, No. 1, 105 15 R. Rapids,No,2, 73 15 Scotland Neck, 320 28 Weldon, 271 11 1,495 3 ATTORNEY GENERAL James S. Manning, 1,445 N. A. Sinclair, 158 Thomas H. Calvert, 64 Edmund Jones, 197 COM. LABOR AND PRINTING M. L Shipman, 1,639 David P. Dellinger, 108 CORPORATION COMMISSIONER William T. Lee, 1,548 D. L Boyd, 296 COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE W. A. Graham, 1,579 S. H. Hobbs, 110 A. J. McKinnon. 176 SECRETARY OF STATE J. Bryan Grimes, 1,266 Haywood Clark, 576 J. A. Hartness, 33 INSURANCE COMMISSIONEE James R. Young, 7.63 C. T. McClenaghan, 1,099 SIAlt, ThEAaliKKR B. R. Lacy, 1,561 i J. S. Mann, 306 FOR CONGRESSMAN (ITCHIM MITCHELL Brinkleyville, 1S1 1 1 Butterwood, 25 2 j Conocanara, 66 0 Enfield, 302 33 Faucetts, 34 1 Halifax. 110 3 Kehukee, 96 3 Littleton, 85 8 Palmyra, 19 1 Roseneath, 95 1 R. Rapids No. 1 113 10 R. Rapids, No.2 83 6 Scot. Neck, 341 10 Weldon, 278 4 1.828 88 JAMES WILLIAM BURTON James William Burton died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ella Burton, in Rosemary on last Friday, at the age of twenty one years. He had been ill with pulmonary tuberculosis for nearly two years and had known the imminence of his death for some time. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon in the Rose mary Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. A. C. Chaffin. All of the funeral arrangements were made by the Woodmen of the I World, who also conducted ser-j vices at the grave. ! Mr. Burton is survived by his 1 mother, Mrs. KWn Burton, and one sister, Mrs. Jarvis, f i Winston-Salem, N. C. He had been a resident of Rosemary, ! practically all his life and was; admired and respected by all who knew him. ROSEMARY METHODISTS The Rosemary Methodist Church, which has been without a pastor since the resignation of Rev. R. F. Taylor on account of ill health some months ago, will now have the services of Rev. W. R. Shelton, who has just graduated from Trinity College. Mr. Shelton will serve the church at Rosemary also the Smith and New Hope churches. He is an orator of rare ability, having won the Wildey-Gray Medal for oratory this year. Mr. Shelton also represented Trinity College in the Peace Oratorical Contest and won first place in that this year. He was also se lected to represent the State in the Southern meet, where he won second place. ORPHAN CLASS TO GIVE C0N- CERT The Concert Class of the Odd fellow's Orphanage at Goldsboro will give a concert here in the school auditorium on next Satur day night, June 17. Arrange ments are being made and tickets will be sold for this concert by Carolina Lodge No. 225, I. O. O. F., at Rosemary. The concerts given by the class this season have been meeting with very favorable press com ments and the public here who patronize this entertainment may feel sure not only of helping a most worthy charity but of wit nessing a most delightful enter-1 tainment. Admission will be 25 and 15 cents. Patterson vt Roanoke Mill Juniors (Itpportrtl) The Patterson Mill second; nine played good ball Dy shut-. ting out Roanoke Mills ten to nothing. The great battle was won in the third inning by Patter son Mills getting six hits. The j hitting was started by Connor's three base hit and was followed j by Taylor's two base hit and he too was followed by a two base : hit by George Mc and after this ' game was over Patterson Mills : left to play Rosemary. j Ed. Note. (Results of Rose- j mary game not known at date; of going to press.) I Notice j Advertised mail in the Roanoke : Rapids Postoflice. I I. J. Farjria, French Pov.x!!, J. I W. Westbrook. j NOTICE! ! Baseball Club Debts This is to notify the public ' that no debts will be paid by the Roanoke Rapids Baseball Association except those in- j curred on the written order ' of the Secretary, J. T. Stain- ! back. All debts so incurred j will be paid promptly. j This 9th day of June, 1916. Roanoke Rapids Baseball Association By W. L LONG, President. RETURNS OF FIRST LEGALIZED PRIMARY - VOTE ALL OVER STATE VERY LIGHT KITCHIN CARRIE3 DISTRICT. BICKETT WINS IN BIG RACE Zebulon Weivtr Nominated In Tenth Second Primary For Grimes and Hnrtnet. McKinnon Wln Over MaJ. Graham. Th II rat primary for all stala of fices has hen accompanied with up- , .,-!( .illYi.iiliv lii i-niiiitiiiir tin vote. Tina, with poor telephone service on account of heavy electrical storms In the afternoon, 1ms handicapped -M el- LatPsl ri.port9 llull,.ale nauie Kitdi- In returned to Congress, Robinson leading Heavily in tne Seventh, but in- dlcatlons iih-o point to the possibility of a second primary. Return bo far, with practically 75 per cent of the 1 m .'iMitM hxvrtt f-oni. favor I.Vhelt tor governor, .wanning lur Aiiuiuu General and McKinnon for commis loner of agriculture. Thfi primary vote all over the state was Unlit. In , were only IWO extra Dase nils, I Willi ij. K. M mocks of Cumberland, fact (hero Is a wide diversity of opln- a triple by Yoder and a double 1,1 ,ha v,ith district Lee n. Robin Ion over the satisfaction of this pri- . . f. j of Aluon leads with U. L. Spenct maiy. Zeuhlnu It. Weiver Is noiui UV , d . of Moore claiming second place tor a nated for congress In the Tenth dia-! Elltpuria plaj'S to-day and to- sucond primary. In the tenth Zelmlon trlet by a aubslanfal majority. ; morrow at the Roanoke Hapids V- "ver la nominated. All thesa I'residrni Wilson polled a heavy R p . . l h . j are Uemocrals. In the ninth district vote on the preferential ballot on th ; Ua" 1 arK a,'(1 , 001 " lt; mb Jake Newell of Mecklenbnns, Repuhll liemix iatic side and Theodore Itoone- have strengthened up Consider- can, U nominated In the only contest volt was reported leading among the' ably the fans are expecting fasti ,h "tats 'no8 Republicans. epublicans. E. L. DAtJGHTMDGE Candidate for Governor, who was de. fcated by T. W. Bickett. Kitchln Claims Election. Wilson. Nash Cour.'y Rive Dutiglit rldi: an official vote of 8r,.r; Blcketl Hi! 7. Edgecombe county gives naught ridge 500 majority with three of the 14 precincts yet unheard from. The Kitchin forces aro claiming the Second District by a majority of 7.000 VOt:". In Kitchln's home county of Hall fax. Mitchell received but 58 voles of tho 2,oi;o. Cleveland For Bickett. Shelby.- Willi fifteen of 211 precincts heard from, ImiiKhtiidKe C22. Bickett sol, (iilmes 4M, Hartness 733, Clark 01. Mann 7TI, Lacy G17. Calvert 2lt3 Jones m. Manning 5"G. Sinclair 109, Shipman 672, Dellinger 757. Lee 713. Loyd r.ii2, Cruham 875, McKinnon 20K, Hobbs 217, Young fnr in tho load of McClennghan. W. A. Mauney of King's Mountain is nominated Representative by Hourly two to ono vote over R. B. .Miller, with a small vote fur Cham pion. n f,i';i - ts u?ijfU!ijnjfUfU7U JAMES R. YOUNG Comrr l'.'.oner of Insurance, who de feated C. T. McClenneghan by t substantial majority. The Herald 1.00a Y.r f r laKes nrsi (jaute 01 acneauie t r- . r frill from Roanoke Rapids. Rained Out Yesterday PLAY HERE TO-DAY j AND SATURDAY ; The Tri-Town League was for-1 mally opened at the Emporia Park ! on In it Wednesday afternoon, Judge Wester, of Emporia, i pitching the first ball. Over six i hundred spectators were present' to witness the openirg g'tmo, about one hundred having come over from Rosemary and R'a noke Rapids. Neither team had gotten suf ficient practice to play really fast baseball, but Kmporia seemed to have worked down more! smoothly than the. Weavers and took the game, 7 to '2. 1 e l.uca for the Creens held the Weavers H 'Wit to m hit-, 'vlil.' Iht r,frcn.i ! got ten nits on uurney. JNeiuieri pitcher did any passing and there ball. Game will be called at 4:00 o'clock. The Rosemary Concert Band will be in attendance at the Sat urday's game. Children's Pr- Day Program at hvterian Church the This program will lie given im mediately after Sunday School. Song by School -- America. Recitation - Nellie Jones. Piano Solo -- Alma Ezell. Recitation -- O. B. Crews. Song - I'll be a Sunbeam. Recitation -- Unv.c.W Ezell. Recitation -- Jesse Robinson. Piano Solo -- Mary Wyche. Song Evelyn Welsh, Pauline Welsh. Violin Solo - Herbert Scott. Recitation -Savanal McDon ald. Song by School --145. Rwiti.tioii Mary Jone-i. l'jano Sulo - Winifred Bock wit h. Recitation -- Joseph Butts. Exorcise by several liltle girls of Wrs. Beckwith's class. Recitation - Pauline Welsh, Piano Solo -- Maude Jones. Recitation -- Frances Wyche. Recitation - Thehna Hem ming. Recitation - Margaret Mc Donald. Recitation -- Wilbur Anderton Recitation - Stella Ciles. Piano Solo -- Ruth Jones. 1 . . - x. . II Kecitaium -- -Nonne t ranwen. Song - Mrs. Wyclie's class. Sung hy School -- IK !,!r,j. W. S. Hancock and chil dren sire visiiing . Mrs. C. C. Lawrence in Murf-eesboro. Mrs. 11. M. Poo and chlldrei have returned tii tin ir homo in uckv Mount :tl!er sper.ding a fe v dtiv.i wit'i Mrs. l'oe's sister. Mi v-: Autre .Miviiin.- R-v. Ber'nt'i E. Brown, ot Tarlioro, w, ill condiicta mission ii t'ie Ktii-C');iaf I'hapel, beginning Sunday, June 1 4 Mrs. G. B. Crews and son, aro visiting relatives in Norfolk this Weei. C. W. Graham spent the week end at Seaboard and Norfolk. Clarence Mh U-t ifter oppnjn;-s.ini.-llliie wi.'ii I'el-i'ive-t iiml Hef.d-t in '' i s, a , return ed home Sunday ii!it. Misses Agnes p. -gram nn A'.ce S ii:i v, of'i are visiting Miis Annie Medliti at Rv-semary. Mr. Jimmie Lawrence, of Scot land Nt!ck is here visiting Bruce Tiikry. Miss Bertie Milbourne left Fri day for her home in Drayden, Md. I I IS IN N. C. CRM HAS MAJORITY OF ABOUT 25,000 over e. l. daughtridqe for governor. . KITCHIN IS RE-NOMINATED . House Leader Carries District By L.r8e Majority-Second Primary for 7 M OHO nu ... gressmen. Ualeiiih. Aliomey Ce ncral T. W. Hli kett has a lead of about ia.nmi over Limit. Gov. lmn,"htr,ili;- f,r the laiber naiorlal nomination on incomplete re turns from North Carolina's (list legal ized statewide primary. Rain cut down the size of the vote and t lie long bal lot made the count Blow. CotiKressman Claude Kltchln carried every county in his district and his majority is now estimated us in excess of 7,00(1. Bertie, the homo county of his opponent, ('lineman V. .Mitchell, (;ave KitihJn a'luiit 00 majority. On'j'.c : f.-u; frtai t'to .-is-h :. Godwin wlu pntar the 9ec01,a primary trlr-t 4nr1l.-nrA lliat lti nvaaarvi 1 n IT- T. Attorney General Bickett' majority i for the Democratic iiomliintlon for gov- j ernor over Lieut. Gov. E. L. Untight ridne is now pullulated at above JS.000 on flgurei from B2 out of infl counties. ' The returns now In Hand show a see-! ouii primary for secretary of stat between the Incumbent J. Bryan rirhlieft nnri .T A TfnrlnnMH of TrAili.11. , alfo for i-oniniiHHioner of Hirriculture between the incumbent w. a. Graham j I and A. J McKinnon of llobeMon. All j of thu otVr !-"iinibnti are re-noml- j nil",,r l'i"-idcnt Wilson polled a heavy vote on t'ie preferential ballot on the, Democratic side anil Theodore Hook-'. veil was reported lending among the CLAUDE KITCHIN House Leader, who was renominated by a safe majority in Second Dutriot. PRESIDENT WILSON AT GRAVES OF THE CONFEDERATES Enthusiastically Received by Large Crowd of Southerners at Arling ton Cemetery. Washington. President Wilson at tended the Memorial exercises held in the Confederate section of Arlington National Cetnclcry, but did not speak. His appearance was unexpected as hn had previously ai'uounced that he would be unable to attend He was enthusiastically received by a large crowd of Southerners. Tile exercises were Impressive In Iheir simplicity. Senator Vurdaman, orator of the occasion, pa' T tribute to the Confederate soldier and the seif iui rillcini; women of the Souih. De fending tho ri)?ht of the Southern States to secede he declared the ans wer to the nuestion "Is it well that the Confederacy failed?" rested with the future and t lie way tho general government used us power. He said Ii i would rather bo a free citizen of itepunneans. kill fsVA feu- r3 ft v ,.ff. 1 4 a Democracy like Switzerland than R. H, Craig and wife and T. thslaye of a militarism such a Uer-1 w y fnm A beautiful floral Southern crom : Henderson Saturday spending was unveiied at ii.e bn:- of the con-, the night and Sunday with Mr. federate monument afr which iiowers . and Mn. U. M. Saunders return-wc-e strewn over (ho R.avoii of the 1 jng home Sunday evening. L"c;,h "vi-cw",:n!! "'at Ge"' Ve' ietary and Mrs. n.uii .is ncru. pi. ii seats at th speaker's platform lie ld.i the present. The United S te Marine played during the eiiirlse.i which wo-e under the sue plse. of the Coe federate Veterans' As FtxiMlcn. th l-oas of Confederate Vetenr-, ithe V'nllud Daughters of Ihe Confederacy r.nd the SouUiarn Re lict Society of Washington. The Herald S1.00 a Year PERSONAL AND i LOCAL ITEMS Bruec Tillcry is visiting rela- tives in Scotland Nedt. i Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Briant, of KaiM,enianf spcnt a few daVS ; here this week, returning home ; Thursday. They were aecompan- lied by their mother, Mrs. ! Laura Faisoii. M , , ! Mrs. Mark Chandler, of Port- sniouth, is here visiting her , mother. Am,rews an(j ljule son, Banks, left Ill. 1ft Af ,. iii i.i mi ay for tlit ir home in Ha.v River. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kidd. of Warrenton, spent Sunday and Monday here with their parents. Circle No. 3 the Aid Society of the Baptist Church will give 1 an ice cream supper in the park Saturday evening benefit of s:tnie. All are invited to attend. ; Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mizell and children, of Edenton, N. C, ibpcina icw lidia ibis week in ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lynch. j Mrs. Harvey Keene and chil dren, of Suffolk, Va., are here visiting Mrs. Keene's sister, Mrs. S. J. Bounds. Mies Eliza Moore, of Green j vi lie. is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. P. Vaughan. j W. C. Rodgers, of Suffolk, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. i Rodgers. i Messrs. J. B. Boyd and J. A. Moore were out of town a few days this week on business. T. O. Vaughan, of Weldon, wp.s in town Wednesday on busi- mss Mrs. New by, of New BeHsn, .. .. vluif ir. Ul.l(, IUI UIIUO MOIL IU I1C1 OVJIi, S. Newby. C. B. Moore, of Henrico, spent Tuesday here on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Byrd and children left for Emporia, this week where they will make their future home. W. W. Smith, of Aureiian Springs, has accepted a position with the Rosemary Mfg. Com pany. Mrs. Wm. Wood after a short visit to Greensboro, returned home Saturday. H. E. Dobhins spent Monday in Halifax on business. R. Shell who has a position with the U. S. Goverment in Panama, is here on a visit to friends and relatives. J. A. Barker left this week for Mount Holly, N. J., where he has accepted a position. The Baptist Ladies Missionary Society and the five circles of the Aid Society will hold their monthly meeting Sunday at 3:30 p. M. All are urged to attend. Messrs. S. M. Thompson, J. J. Johnson, J. W. Sumlin and Wiley Johnson motored to Tarboro Sunday, returning Sunday night. Mrs. Roxey Jarvis, of Winston- Salem, was called here last week on account of the illness and death of her brother, Mr. James Burton. Hannibal Shearin, of Aureiian Springs, was in town a few hours Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mullen and children motored to Peters- ! burg, Saturday for a few days I visit to friends and relatives. j Mr- and Mrs. W. 1). Tillery. iMr. nnd Mrs. Frank Tillery, ! Misses Alice and Virginia Tillery. I ,.J Me Porev TilWv cconf o iuiv mi i linn j aj fv. UV M few days in Richmond this week. Misses Mary Langston, Mary Stanley and Lillie Graham spent Sunday in Norfolk and Ocean View with Miss Langston's fath er, J. L. Langston. WITH THE CHURCHES Rosemary Baptist Church Rev. A. C. Chaffin, Pastor Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Mid-week services Wednesday nights at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited to all services. Episcopal Church Henry Clark Smith, Rector Services in All Saints Mission every Sunday.except fourth Sun day, at 11 A. m. and 8 P. M. Holy Communion every first Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Sunday in Rosemary 9:30 A. M. Choir practice Friday 8 P. M. You are cordially invited to every service of the church. Methodist Church Rev. Geo. S. Bearden, Pastor Morning Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. W. V. W'vdruff, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M. Subject; " The Ideal Man" Preaching at 8 P. M. Subject; "The Long that Takes". Prayer meeting on Widnesday at 8:00 P. M. Good music. The public is invited to all Mr vices. Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:45. Children's Day will be ob served Sunday and the member! of the School are urged to be present as there is important business to come before the school. An offering will be taken for the benefit of Barium Springs Orphanage. First Christian Church Raleigh L. Topping, Miuisttr Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 in new Taberna cle, Roanoke Avenue, corner of Ninth Street. And every Sun day afternoon in the Old Red Men's Hall at Roanoke Rapids at three o'clock. "Get the habit": Prayer meeting at Taoernacle every Wednesday night. There will be no preaching Sunday as the minister is in Wilmington assisting Rev. J. E. . Reynolds of the First Christian church in their revival. Cottage prayer meetings u follows ; Koanoke Kapiaa every Monday and Friday nights; Rosemary every Tuesday night; Pattersontown every Tuesday and Thursday nights. Second anniversary service will be held first Sunday night in August. Rosemary Methodist Church Rev. W. R Shelton, Pastor Sunday School at ten o'clock. Evening services at eight P. M. Services Sunday evening at the usual hour by the new pastor, Prayer service Tuesday even ing. Choir practice Thursday even ing. All evening services at eight o'clock. Baptist Church Rev. C. H. Trueblood, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 A. M. W. S. Hancock, Supt Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night at 8:00 o'clock. Senior B. Y. P. U. every first Sunday at 7:15 P. M. Junior B. Y. P. U. every Sun day at 2:li0 p. m. and Junior choir. Sunbeam Band every second ana fourth Saturday at 2:35 P. M. The public is cordially invited to all services. Next Sunday will be Children's Day. The Sunday School and Church services will be combined into one service, giving right of way to the children. The school hopes to present the most attrac tive program ever rendered by the school.