ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD Fl'BUSHED EVERT FRIDAY BY Herald Publishing Company, Inc. J. T. Stainback Fditor The crowning climax of tie chautauqua was the aJ'irvss !' I)r. Cailimui Tuesday night, atul the immense audience sat en tranced under the magic spell ot his beautiful language that Mow ed like a ceaseless waterfall. Or. ("adman is indeed a master of laniruatfo, a profound thinker, a historian who has the lore sum achievements of all aires and Night 568 countries at the tip of liis toni-ue, ------- a man who knows the truth and fcntred aa .Second CIh Mutter April vv10 dares to speak it plainly S l9U at the 1'oat OmVe lit Koanoke . , . - Rapid! North Carolina, under Act of ()ie I'annot hear him without Subscription $1.00 Year in Advance f UFtiCMS Four Very Clever Artists Who Will Be Heard With :: I Victor at Chautauqua i THE twtnffla:uimitwmmuu:uuiiit!x.nmnr;rg:iiBifiiuiWiu:nta Dy 670 March S, 1K79. out feeling a n i ns p ira t i o n - to greater love of his country All communication should be anJ for hmailitV. This was Dr. addressed to the Herald PuhinhinK Co. , , , , , . , ' i , Persons wi-hin return of mas, - adman s second Visit to Green nrnat in all caaea enclose stamps, j vi He, and he will ever hold a ; warm place in the hearts of the e of Pitt county. I Greenville Daily Reflector. Petty Politics And Worw All carda of thanka, resolution of re- .,eo.,e of j.ju county anapt. etc.. etc.. will be iharired for at ' ' ... . the rale of one cent per word. Cash j muat accompany article in all caaea ex-1 cept where cuntomer ha a regular ac-; count. No inaertiona made for leaa than 26 cent. j J35" a v. S . tj- Friday, June 30, 1916 Now for the Seven Days! Has it not occured to Senator1 Overman that extraordinary loyou ? times require extraordinary I measures? The one thintr that I the United States needs desptr-j Have you loosened up for that ately at this moment is trained: season ticket to Chautauqua? I men; yet Senator Overman pro-) poses to reject some of the few ' The last of the thirty more ( that we have because, forsooth or less rare June days. i it may cost something to keep them. He would excuse married Ths Fourth is certainly likely j men from duty on the border to be properly celebrated this j rather than take care of their time. families while they serve the country. Our vacation plans do not con- With the possible exception of template a visit to any of the his- the rejection of Kuhlee the toric scenes of dear old Mexico! senate of the United States has j not in years staged such an ex We can feel it in our bones that hibition of microscopic polities as "mother didn't raise" this "boy in the rejection of the bill ollVr to be a soldier". 'oil by Mr. Hay, and passed by J the house, to take care of the Nothing to mediate -- merely j families of guardsmen who are first class Al thrashing to ad-; under arms for the purpose of minister. protecting the country, including I the senate, against the attacks The November election will of enemies. Furthermore they, demonstrate whether or not the ; with the regular army, are the Kaiser has the decidingly vote in only men who can protect it. American government. ; Yet this senate, resting secure behind the bayonets of the Roosevelt to Dine With Hughes guards refuses to protect the in New York - a case where i families of the guardsmen there will be no smile "on the against want. On the contrary, it proposes to knock holes in the wall, already painfully insurli jcient, that protects the border I by excusing married men from 'service. The senate, in other words, calmly proposes to sub ject the border towns to the risk of rapine and pillage to save a few wretched dollars. It is foolish to declare that provision for those dependent upon guardsmen would necesi tatelike provision for the famil- . (,f soldiers of the regular We don't know whether those I army- The regular makes fellows who intend participating j soldiering his business. The call in the amateur minstrel for the to the border means no financial benefit of theball club have taken sacrifice to him; on the contrary, out insurance or not, but we j it usually means better pay. If think it would be well that they I the regular's family could live did so. It is never wise to tempt! on $1.") a month while he was' rate too far. (quartered in garrison., thev can certainly continue to do so while he is on the border. But the family of the guardsman who' has been drawing $75 a month are prepared for no such catas trophe as the loss of four-fifths of their income. 1 Yet he is a trained man, and Wr T''"A&' Z&fe" KfV:Tt ?r?$KZ seal ;.. -tm Bargain Cooeter SPECIALS! $3.00 Ladies Low Cut Shoes, Latest Styles Coriietista vith Victor' Hund. a lino (pinrtct, prmliiiiMg .-plcmliJ Diusio. Second Hand UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Used throe years, latest model, tfoml condition. Coat $102.50. For sale quick at $45.00 Cash, or $50.00 on Eay Term Herald Publishing Co. Rovtil Typewriter Agenti ROANOKE RAIMDS, N. CAR. face of the Tiger". Some single men getting mar ried to get out of going to war some married men going to war to get out -- oh! what's the use. The anti-preparedness advo cates, we hope, are painfully noting the muddle at the border and revising their views accordingly. CHAUTAUQUA Chautauqua opens here to-day. It brings to the people of this community a class of entertain ment and lectures which could not come to a community of this i trained men the United States size except in the Chautauqua llmls desperately. There is not way and which cannot be seen !'e to " thti ; ,, there are far too few now. We anywhere in the wor d at the i . , . , , ' jhave already saved so much, Chautauqua price except in the:mont.y on the KuarJ that our f . , . i '. - v r.4l ' r. . . . .. . . B . . , i , . i '..I I, . 1 II. 1.11.1 . M i 1 1 I ! i ' 1 ' 1 I, .'I., .: I . .,!..( . , ,.M,M!. .l! ii'r,- f,r i f :: Herald Pub. Company nam Carbon Paper T W MASON J A WOI1IIKI. linrt.l.iirir. N C. Hi. l. .s.j.mrr, N (.' V, I.. UiM;. N,n,,kt! .1., N.I'. MASON, WORRELL & LONG Attorneys at Law Offiiet: Roanoke Rapidi, N. C.f and Jat kon, N. (.'. Chautauqua tents. Chautauqua brings much more, however, than a series of entertainments by talented ar tist. It brings to the community where the citizens are willing to receive and become imbued with it, the Chautauqua spirit of scien tifically efficient co-oieration and progress in the advancement of the community socially, com mercially, spiritually. The Chautauqua is made poij- economy is now going to cost us 1 thousands of lives and millonsof money. We have been spending $;i5 a year on the guardsmen, ! and as a result they are half trained and half equipied. He cause of our murderous economy they are dixmied to die like. flies in Mexico-the United States has been too cheap to give them ! instructions and equipment to save themselves. j Now the senate promises to ! further that sort of economy, i Kvery dollar bo saved may easily i Bible by the action of an hundred; be drenched in blood; but it will broadminded citizens of this 1 nt be the blood of senators, so i,i: i what does that matter? lAJUIlllUlJlbJ ... " O - , f .. , , . I -dreensboro Daily News. Selves VO preveni. uicic uchik a Chautauqua loss. These guaran tors demonstrated their confi dence in the community, in you, Mr. Average Citizen. Are iuu going to see to it that as many citizens of this community as possible receive the benefits Chautauqua " brings? In such way can the guarantors be made Fighting Ttberculoal. If there Is one dlxeaae above other whera medicine a.- f-'tU; and recov ery depends upon leaving the body free to flht Us owe grim battle with death, It Is tuberculoma. Good food, food air, sane wholesome living, are the specifics which sconce and cods man sense alike have discovered. Its Kind. "Look at Jones leaving the third I liAnaa ha tin. KcnAft In fA V A . r to feel that their confidence in ; nere it , picture of unrest for jo. nlaeAd. ' Yffi n"viD picture, You know about the company whose bcnJs you buy. You found out about your house More you bought it. You know the company that insures your life. But do you know about the concern you may have to depend uon to pull you out ol the worst hole in your tuiifi i .xx.ut.uic your fue insurance company? Have you thoueht of the tremendous resources and the hundred year rec ord of prompt, cheerful payments behind the old, reliable Hartford Fire Insurance Company? The Hartford Fire Insurance Company Write or Telephone C. A. WYCHE, Agent The Pursuit of Profits is made more successful when the othVe niutine is etiicient. W e can help make yours a model office -that's our specialty. Among the other time and money savers psI-P: BOOKS AND FORMS will help in every department. Ask us about, them. Office Supply Dept. Herald I'ub'i; Iri ig Company Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia M Bairn. Look as good as your city cousin. No i.i.ttlcr if you ih 1 an nr I r kl Mitgnol ut iLIm w ill fiiirrty- t yoiir tl.m imt.u.lly. I Irdls liutil.tir -i, t-u. Just put a l.lllo on uur fate nud ruli it o!t U,;uAi Lt-fuicdiy. h.mj.le n-id lo i I- Try a bottle tu tiiiy nml b'V'ii 1 1'" tinprovi'inrtit at oute. V l.itf I'liik niid Im-K-J Color. 73 cents at Ptut; ij;s or by In ml dnec't. SAMPLi : FREE. I YON MIC. I O..40S,. Ptli St.. Brooklyn. N Y. I he Genuine Indian Blood Purifier 1 or (.,!, Ii i,li..n, i . i inn. ?--i.iful, t .jiini . li. t-. , , l.ui.l.i, r. I I... . I Inuil.lfs HI-'I - ' . U, I ' IcMUii. 1 r.'llUrS ttllll i hull)1 t.f hi,- in i-Uf ;r jls j.lllrly . 'HI, II', lillilMil.S (hi liMKlillC, (,f , ,in, ,.- otln i miiu'iiil. I'..r sail- I v I'rui; hihI p-m-nil stores or wnti. l'lhiiim Kim.icU Co., iui'liii ton. N. ( '. W. T. ROWLAND Diatrit t Manngfr MUTUAL LIFE lm. Co.. of Nrw York Old it and l.arKrit ttivijdid Pajriog Con pan ib the L'tiitfd Statri fr futttier i.ifoniiation fall t Tint Mahoaal l'.it.h ul HomuLc Rapida DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST Oflice Hours 1) to 5. 7 to 8 p. m. )f.;c 5rcond Floor l yiic Thtr Builtling NOTICE -1 1 1 1 ( lllollDH. llhhii.x Toiii.ty. c. t. i:n i ant. riiimtiir s M.M1Y Hr'l.l. UliYAST, llt-fenilant Tin' ili friiiiiinl almve narni-il will Inke notu'i- lint ll.i plaiiitilT Iih (oniniinrid mi lution i-nlillcil u i hlmve in the Supi iior Court of Iliilifiix County, tu olitHin n HliHilutr divorce from the .li fi'iiilHiit: and the 'Hiil ilffi-mlant will further lake notue lliat yiv in reiuired to pienr at the term of the Siiierior Court of said County, to he held on the 3rd Monday hefore the first Mon day in Se.ti n;l er lit the Court House of mtiil County lit Halifax, North Can. linn, and annwi r or demur to the complaint tiled in said aetion, or the plBint !f will lo the Court for the relief demanded in kaid complaint. S. M. Gary Clerk of the Superior Court, This 13th day of June, l'Jl6. 6-16-16-4t I 25c Dress Goods, a big assortment A complete line of Ladies silk Shirtwaists in the latest New York Styles $1.00 to $1.25 Patterson Store Company GEO. L. HAYES, Jr., Manager CLARK & CLARK Attorneys at Law Roanoke Rapids, N. C. !(.. in No b, t!iUir id tieUik Building THOS. M. JENKINS j R. L. TOWE Notary Public Notary Public Rosemary Supply Co. Building ! at th. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROSEMARY, N. C. Roanoke Rapids, N. Carolina SPECIALLY TTRACT1VE ESI Offerings in Men's Shirts A. L. CLARK INSURANCE Lif, lite, Tor omit,, Mail, RuiffUr, Koiler l.inlnlit, Mnllh nnti Actuilrnt, Plnte Clatt, Parrel Potl and lrHIteird Mail. Automobile etc. LET ME WRITE YutJR BOND We are showing an entirely new line of Corliss Coon Shirts for men, containing the very newest patterns. CClub shirts, the regu lar Negligee shirts and Silk shirts JUST RECEIVED Midsummer styles of Dress Goods of all kinds in the newer pat terns and shades. Hancock-House Company DEPARTMENT STORE ;VW itm tt jk - - - . -et.. J ' -e4. ..J ....