Roanoke ALD Volume IILNumber 17. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, JULY 21, 1916 Subscription, $1.00 a Year in Advance oER 0 f"T PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Miss Mary Boram, of Norfolk, is here visiting Miss Maude Thompson. Miss Lela Eury left for Nor folk Monday for a few days visit to relatives. Miss Annie Williams accom panied by a party of friends from Enfield, motored to Panacea Springs Thurday evening. N. L. Steanman, of Halifax, spent a hour in town Wednesday on business. Frank Whitaker.of Enfield, spent Wednesday and Thursday in town on business. Bobby Muir, of Pittsburg Pa., is here for a few days visitign to friends. Mrs. J. P. Ashworth .and daughter, Miss Pauline, left Monday for Greensboro and Burlington, where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives. Miss Nellie Mountford is here for a few days visit to her sis ters, Mrs. B. P. Dickens and Mrs. R. A. Lewis. Jasper Thompson spent the day Sunday in Norfolk with his wife, who is in a hospital there for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Craig and H. C. Tucker motored from Henderson here Sunday Spend ing the day with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Saunders. G. W. Morgan, of Aurelian Springs spent Saturday here on business. Mrs. R. L. Byrd and children after spending a few days here with relatives, returned the past week, to their home in Emporia. Messrs. J. C. Mullen and Frank Futrelle and Miss Jose phine and Alice Tillery motored up Tuesday from Scotland Neck and spent the day. Mr. Joe Williams is spending some, time in Williamston and Washington on his vacation. Dr. D. F. Patchin has returned from his vacation spent in New York City. Mr. Clark, of Greenville, spent several day here this week visit ing his brother, A. L. Clarke. Mrs. Margaret Manning re turned to her home in Richmond on last Wednesday. Miss Anna Hamilton, superin tendent of the Roanoke Rapids Hospital, returned this week from her vacation. Miss Anna Gannoway is visit ing her parents in Lynchbury. Mr. Jno. L. Patterson returned to-day from Ashville, N. C, He was delayed several days on his return by the recent flood in Western Caralina, being forced to return via Knoxville, Tenn., Roanoke and Petersburg, Va. Mrs. Wyche's class in the Presbyterian Sunday Schoo will give an ice cream supper . Saturday (to-morrow) evening at eight o'clock at the Rosemary Schoo house. Everybody is invited to attend and help this worthy cause. Mr. Jim Ceppedge, of Raleigh, was in town Monday on business. Mrs. P. C. Cahoon, of Eliza- beth City, and Mr. V. , 11. Mix- Mi on, of Henderson, were called to Garysburg, on account of the illness of their sister, Mrs. F. T. House. - Boss, The Mischievous Monk. Mrs. C. H. Hale, of Halifax, is here visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. House. Miss Grace Airy, is here home of Mr. Foy, of Mount visiting in the and Mrs. A. L. Clark. Mrs. Parish and children are here visiting Mrs. Parish's sis ter, Mrs. Herman Hudson. C. E. Mizell spent a few days this week in Zebulon.on business. Mrs. Norris, of Wavely, Va., was called here this week on ac count of the illness of her fath er. Mrs. W. G. Lynch and little son, Graham, left to-day to spend the week-end with her sister at Hamilton, Mrs. Wells D. Tillery and son, Bruce returned home Tuesday from Ocean View, where they spent last week. VULTARE ITEMS Miss Coghill, of Boyton, is visiting her sister Mrs. B. M. Pugh. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Vincent attended the ball game in Roa- jioke Rapids Saturday. Miss Blanche Vincent and Rufus Gray, motored to Emporia Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. E. Baird is visiting her mother Mrs. Anna Vincent in Petersburg. J. A. Vincent and son William spent the week-end with relatives in Ebony. We are glad to report that Dr. T. H. Valentine of this place, who is now it Buffalo Springs, for his health, is getting on ex ceedingly well. Misses Olivia and Josie Vin cent accompanied by friends motored to Emporia, Sunday. Mr. Robert Pugh spent the week-end with his father, Mr. M.B. Pugh. Messrs. Rufus Tray and R. E. Cleaton were in Roanoke Rapids Monday on business. Mr. Brure Isles of Pleasant Hill and friends, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Stinson called in the home of Mr. C. V. .Vincent Tuesday night and accompanied by Misses Blanche, Olivia and Josie Vin cent motored to Emporia. STANCELL ITEMs Mas. Annie Grant is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Clements in Lawrenceville. Messrs. Frank Robertson and John Gettys, of Roanoke Rapids called on Misses Mary Fleetwood and Lucy Clements last Friday evening. Mr. E. M. Clements went to Roanoke Rapids Wednesday to attend the Bridge Meeting. Little Miss Lottie Grant is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. Lucy V. Grant. Misses Lucy Clement and Mary Fleetwood are - visiting re latives in Roanoke Rapids this week. Miss Mary Garner spent Sun day and Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grant. Miss Tempe Cleaton and Mr. Geo. Steele called on Mis.s Racheal Myrick, near Littleton, last Sunday afternoon. Little Miss Lillie Riddle, of Portsmouth is visiting relatives at Barley. WELDON TO IMPROVE STREETS The Commissioners of the town of Weldon have taken a long step forward in the issuance of bonds in the sum of $155,000.00 for the construction of improved streets in the town of Weldon. Eitulithic pavement will probab ly be laid on the principal business streets and improved gravel streets will be constructed all over town. The cost of the paving will be borne half by the town and half by the property owners. Big Tent Meeting The big tent meeting on Hamilton Street is now in full swing, and bids fair to ho a wonderful revival. Already peo ple from Halifax, Littleton, and Weldon, as well as from all parts ofthe community toattendingthe meeting, and the crowds increase as the meeting grows. The ministers of all churches and the choirs are co-operating beautifully. Mr. Ham the evangelist, is truly a great preacher; he preaches with an earnetnenss and fleuency seldom equalled. Mrs. Ham presides at the piano gracefully, while Prof. Betts stirs the great crowd with his clear sweet gospel solos. There will be services Saturday night while three services will be held Sunday, one at 11 o'clock a special mammoth men's meet ing at three o'clock and another service at 7:45 o'clock. A special meeting for women will be held Monday night, and meetings each night next week at 7:45 P. M. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce that I am a Candidate for Register of Deeds for the County of Halifax in the coming Democratic Primary to be held August the 3rd, 1916, for the nomination of County Officers, and if elected promise the same prompt service render ed in the past. I will appreciate the support of all the voters in Halifax County, N. C. J. II. NORMA Notice Advertised mail in the Roanoke Rapids Postoffice. Wesley D. Allen, Miss Kate Barkley, Baldwin Detective Agency, Atlas Clary, Mrs. Nellie Haograve, G. T. Langley. Mr. William Vincent, Misses Mary Fleetwood and Lucy Clements motored to Emporia Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. C. Davis returned home last Friday after undergoing an operation for appendicitis in the Sarah Leigh Hos pital in Norfolk, and we are glad to say he is progressing very nicely. Miss Virginia Bradley and Mr. E. Dromgoole nre home after spending some time at Buff aloe Springs, Va. Mr. U. L. Norwood attendei the District Conference of the M. E. Church at Maconlast week. Messrs. R. S. Moody and F. Clements motored to F.mpoiia Saturday on business. . Miss Lillie Vin cut spent a few days list week with her grandmother, Mrs. M. O. Square. Miss Lucile Clements is after spending quite a with Miss Lucy Clements Garys urg. home while Messrs. Shaw, R. Chas. Grant, J. II. Fj. Cleaton, Jr., and J. C. Davis were horn? of Mr. E. cal M, lets in the Clements Sunday afternoon. Misses Mary Fleetwood, Mary Gam. rand Lucy Clements call ed on Miss Lucile Clemejts Mon day afternoon. WEAVERS GAIN 1 ON leaders; j Taking Three out of Four Games Played This Week. Split Even in Seiic with Richmond Grays FRANKLIN RE-ENTERS LEAGUE STANDING OF THE CLUBS Won L Emporia lli 9 ROANOKE KAP1DS12 11 Franklin y 17 Pet. .GUI .f.21 .346 . nmei I3 applicable to our health TO DAY AND TO MORROW FMP0RIA AT a3 to Our clothes. roanoke rapids You may not be able to afford .. an expensive trip to the seashore By telegrams to the Roanoke or to the mountains but you can Rapids and Emporia Clubs early , afford a rest and a change of en last Saturday morning Franklin j vironment for at least a few stated her desire to re-organize j days. her Club and re-enter the Tri-1 A few points not to be over Town League. The Franklin looked in taking your vacation are I Club has new and stronger back-! ing and is reported to be streng- i will not be jeopardy. Stay at no thening up materially. 'place where there are flies or Roanoke Rapids took both Fri-;mosclultoes- Second, know that day and Saturday's games with 1 yu there are sanitary means Emporia on the home diamond, i wherever for the disposingof sew split even in the series at Frank- ae- Third- know that the food lin Monday and Tuesday. Em-served is not fl infected poriatook both games from and that the milk is clean Franklin played at Emporia Wed-!Forth- know that 'our linking nesdayand Thursday, the Wed-1 water 13 Vme- Fltth- be vacc1" nesday game by a score of 21 to ated aainst tvPhoid fever be" 2, extra innings being unneces-! ore leaving home, thereby re- jducing your chances of con- The Richmond Grays divided with the Weavers here on Wed - nesdayand Thursday, the visit - ors taking the first game on a second game went to the Wea vers 8 to 7. Patterson Mill Defeats Rosemary Patterson Mill won from Rose mary Saturday in a very good game by the score of 7 to 2. Sanders and Snotherly were the opposing artists both being in good shape, Snotherly having a little better control never be ing in danger after the third inning. Carr and Barr featured for Patterson Mill with the stick. Score by innings: Patterson Mill 001 000 COO 7 Rosemary 010 020 0003. Kellford Defeats Patterson Mill Kellford defeated Patterson Miil Thursday of last week in one of the prettiest games played on Kellford diamond this season, Kellford has one of the fastest teams in Eastern Carolina, loos ing only one game this year. Shields for Kellford was com plete master of the situation from beginning to end allowing only two hits and fanning twelve, Snotherly ailowed six hits and fanned seven. Score by innings: . Patteiw.n Mili 000 000 000 0 kellford--.lM 000 0003. Jim WomLle Killed By Fall Jam m Dewey Womhle, eigh teen ye.iM old s )ii of Mr. J. W. Woinble, of Roanoke Rapids, was fatally injured by a fall from a scaffolding in th Newport News' KhinvHrH on hi.iL Toesilav afLer noon. Yoontr WmnblP wnrkinir ' "?) - ' i yi,;,.,...r,i ui ii... t,'.,,.. ii... l, i,i m'Mt ri ut I i -t t :ll li-H UM 4 llllfllfl , .... i .li.,i..U-;ii..tifirt lv " t irt-nm the injury and that the doctor feared concussion of the brain. Thursduy morning a telegram teliingof the death of the boy was received, th. deceased never j recoveiiiig consciousness after the injury. He Uxiy will reached here it i n; 'lit and the interment v il.i .the il;nv Saturday afternoon ! :,t iw K.viiikf Rapid s C. meiary. : 'I lie fv;:,...-al services will he con ducted by Rev. C. H. Trueblood ofthe Roanoke Rapids Bapsisu Church. Take a Vacation It is time to take a vacation. Everybody that works either menta11 or Physically needs a year. Perhaps-you think you can't afford to take a vacation this year. The fact is, in general you can't afford not to take one. You can't afford not to rest your mind and body and get away from routine work. Perhaps you have not thought what a break-down or spell of sickness would cost you The old adage, "a stitch in time saves First, go where your health ' traetin fever 90 or 100 ; pei" cf nt 1. A. few dont s will perhaps be , lnPlac,e be,fore kin the start. Don't take any cares or wor ries. Don't exercise too strenuously at first. Don't eat injudiciously. Don't spend too much money. Don't forget that rest is what you are there for and that a vacation that does not put new life into your bodv and joy into your heart is a failure. Good Water for Farm Homes Clear, sparkling water is not always pure water. A refresh ing draught from "the old oaken bucket" may be the beginning of a long and possibly fatal ill ness from typhoid fever, dysen tery, or other disease. The germs of the so called water-borne diseases come from the bodies of persons afflicted with those diseases. They do not live long outside the body and do not originate in nature . Fo the most part the germs which get into drinking water and pro duce disease come only from human beings. If we keep the waste products from the bodies of human beings and animals away from our water supplies, we keep the water free from disease germs. The usual sources of farm water supplies are wells, pumps, springs and cisterns. Running streams are so seldom free from dangerous pollution that with out purification they cannot be considered safe for domestic use The most common form of water supply is the shallow well, reaching into a layer of earth saturated will) water, these are really utile more tnan reser- ' imira fill4 snrljii'p untev " 'they drain the surface for a radius of sometimes several hun- dred feet. Wells of this kind on ii npvf.r tf. iniir within of;f'of any stable, barnyard or " 14 vi 1 "i-. privy, and should be on Higher ground than these that all drain age may be away from them. They should have a water tight curbing and cover and should have a pump for drawing the .....1 . I. I 1. t i -wuier lauifr until a iHictiel anu iiliain. The ' old oaken bucket" is too -often the "germ laden 1 bucket. t Perhaps the safest means of ' suppling water for the country - ' , " wc." Ul t'"'" i These should have drains and care should be taken that no drippings seep back into the well jor down by the side of the pump. ..y- TOWN COMMISSIONERS HOLD MEETING The Board of Commissioriers held a special meeting on last Wednesday afternoon at two- thirty in the law offices of A. L Clark, Mayor J. W. Taylor, pre siding, Commissioners J. T. Chase, S. J. Bounds, W. P. Tay lor and J. T. Stainback being present. After considerable discussion in regard to the various appli cants for the position of super vising engineer of the new con crete paving to be laid this sum mer, the Board appointed Engi neer Dresbach, of Greenville, N. C, at a salary of $150.00 per month. Mayor Taylor was instructed to award contrat for making the one thousand yard fill on First Street to the lowest bidder and have work begun on same as soon as possible. Halif ax County Democratic Pri mary The Democratic Primary for Halifax County will be held on Thursday, August 3. This pri mary is for the nomination of all county and township officers ex cept the Clerk of the Superior Court whose term has not ex pired. Nominationst will also be made of two members of the House of Representatives. Mr. W. L. Long has already been de clared the Democratic nominee for the State Senate, no candi date having come out in opposi tion to him. The polls will open at the poll ing places in the various pre cincts at 7:00 a. m. and will re main open until 6:00 P. M. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES I will sell fur cash at the Courthouse door in Halifax, Monday August 7, UHlli, the following described real estate in Roanoke Kapids Townshipto satisfy tixes and costs for the yeai l914 taxes. James Adams, 92 acres, $17.76 u: 2.94 19. 12 3.08 1.39 1.33 Catherine Bowser, 'M acres, J. II. Hrown, 179 acres M. C. Carter, lb acres, John Carter, L'U acres, Luke Fleming Est, 7 acres, C. W. lvey, 1 2-3 acres, J. T. lvey, Town Lot Nat Jenkins, 50 acres, Whitman, Manley, 10 acres, Fayet Manly, Est., ti acres, Sarah Mosley, Est. , 10 seres, Mary L. Simmons, 22 acres, J. B. Thompson, 26 acres, Willie Purnell, 10 acres, Mrs. Bettie Gurkin, 220 acres, 8.02 7 9ft 3.82 VIS 1.66 1.82 1321 7.03 36. TO 2.62 1969 Mrs. Mary Love, 20 acres, M. W Ransom, 47 acres, W. P. VAUGHAN, Tax Collector Roanoke Rapids Town ship. CARD OF THANKS The many friends and rel atives of Mrs. L. S. Hodgens of Rosemary wish to express their thanks for for thoughtful ness (last week when the good people of the community at the instance of Rev. Mr. Chaf fin pounded the family with all manner of good things. It is just such little acts that brand the people of Rosemary and vi cinity as real neighbors, and es pecially so to the unfortunate. Each and every one who had a part in the bestowal of gifts are thanked most heartily by all of Mrs. Hodgen's family. Mrs. L. S. Hodgen I.OST-OPF.N FACE WATCH 20 year gold case, between the First National Bank of Roa noke Rapids and my house. Liberal reward if finder will return to R. M. Hudson. Pjaoo!p jrr u hob -ni 00 pus eob;o hdh oya3f etr) jv 8uA eiaoseioii wet rr pool 'poor pooQ SnonDJi)qni i J 'q)ap mi ei)vq uiiX Zno t) )q?U O) aaij Cpoq eqi 8u;na nodn spaadap Lit Aoaaj pus c;juj Baapipata waq jaqio 3Aoqa essasip auo uaq) n -ionojssU, tuuqBij Advertise in the Herald "mjr i r''WW MMWtMiiimt mntfttKtn WITH THE CHURCHES Rosemary Baptist Church Rev. A. C. Chaffin, Pastor Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Mid-week services Wednesday nights at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited to all services. Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:45. Hon. W. E. Daniel, of Weldon, will lecture the Bible class and we urge every member of the class to be present Visitors art welcome. Methodist Church Geo. S. Bearden, FuUr Rev. Morning Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. W. V. Woodruff, Supt Preaching at 11 A. if. Subject; " The Ways of God." Preaching at 8 P.M. Subject; The Wheat and the Tares." Good music. The public is invited to all ser vices. Rosemary Methodist Church Rev. W. R Shelton, Pastor Sunday School at ten o'clock. Morning worship at eleven o'clock Evening worship at eight P. M. Praver service Tuesday even ing. " Choir practice Thursday oven ing. - All evening services at eight o'clock. Everybody welcome. , Children's Day exercises Sun day evening. Episcopal Church Henry Clark Smith, Rector Services in All Saints Mission every Sunday, except fourth Sun day, at 11 a. M. and 8 p. M. Holy Communion every first Sunday. 11 A. M.; second and third Sun days at 8 p. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 A. m. - Sunday in Rosemary 9:30 A. M. Choir practice Friday 8 P. u. You are cordially invited to every service of the church. Baptist Church Rev. C. H. Trutblood, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 9 :45 a. m. W. S. Hancock, Supt Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night at 8:00 o'clock. Senior B. Y. P. U. every firat Sunday at 7:15 P. M. Junior B. Y. P. U. every Sun day at 2:30 p. M. and Junior choir. Sunbeam Band every second and fourth Saturday at 2:35 P. it. The public is cordially invited to all services. First Christian Church Raleigh L. Topping, Minister Sunday School every. Sunday morning at 9:45 in new Taberna cle, Roanoke Avenue, corner of Ninth Street. And every Sun day afternoon in the Old Red Men's Hall at Roanoke Rapids at three o'clock. "Get the habit". Preaching Sunday morning and night by the pastor. Prayer meeting at Tabernacle every Wednesday night Cottage prayer meetings as follows; Roanoke Rapids every Monday and Friday nights; Rosemary every Tuesday r.'.;ht; Pattersontown every Tuesday and Thursday nighta. Police Court New If ti Charlie Carpenter vs Willis and Louis Hux, affray. Willis drew $300 and costs. Louis $100. J. L. Flora, drunk and disord erly, $10.00 and costs, Joe Williams, wife beating $25.- 00 costs. Recorder Saunders stat ing that a town warrant had been used instead of a State's warrant and that $25.00 was the largest fine that could be imposed under the warrant used. It..