Rapids Her ALB V Volume III. Number 25. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 Subscription, $1.00 a Year in Advance KOANOI-ffi J Hi ! " i si h M !; ; t. n ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS P. R. Trueblood, a student of Wake Forest, and Norman True blood, of Elizabeth City, are here visiting their brother, Rev. C. H. Trueblood. ! Kelly Jenkins left Monday for Chapel Hill toattendthe Univer sity. Emmett Matthews left Mon day for Chapel Hill, where he will enter the University this year. Messrs. Mason Faison and Buford Stanley and Misses Sarah Stanley, Lessie Bray and Lottie Green, motored to Lawrenceville Sunday, where they left Miss Green to spend a few weeks with her sister. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet with Mrs. W. F. Horner next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, i Please let every member be ' present and bring the mite box . and talent money. Miss Ruby Williams, of: Raleigh who has been spending sometime here with her parents, ' returned to Raleigh last Sundav. ' Hurley King has accepted a j position with the Roanoke Pharmacy. j R. J. Lewis, of Littleton, was ! in town Thursday. j W. M. Hamilton and son, Her- j nard left this week for Potts dam, N. Y. Mrs. Carrie Vincent and Miss Williams were in town Friday. I Miss Carrie Manning, of Par mele, spent Thursday in the; home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. j Lynch. Mrs. T. R. Lynch, of Ebony, j Va., spent the week-end here; with her son, W. G. Lynch. J. C. Welsh left Thursday for St Louis. Dr. Paisley Fields returned this week from Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. W. S. Hancock and chil dren, after spending a week in Littleton with relatives returned home Sunday. J. W. Taylor spent Wednesday and Thursday in Raleigh on busi ness. Samuel Senie, formerly a pro gressive business man of this place is in town for a few days visiting friends. Rev. Lewis Collins who filled the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday morning and evening, returned to his home in Henderson Mon day. Miss Walker, of Raleigh, is visiting Mrs. W. F. Horner. Mrs. Hattie Matthews, of Gholsonville, Va., is spending ome time here with relatives. J. R. Manning, of Henderson, who has just completed n course in law and been admitted to the North Carolina bar is reading law in the offices of W. L. Long. Read the advertisements in this issue for the announcements of fall goods arrivals by the com munity's most progressive mer chants. Mr. Robey W. Adams, Superin Undent of the Aurelian Springs High Schools, spent several hours here Friday afternoon on busi ness. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Parshley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr. Williams and Master Herbert Scott motor ed to Enfield last Sunday. Bobs, The Misshisvcus Mquk. " Mr. Walter Clifford leaves to - day for Philadelphia to bring his family to Roanoke Rapids to live. Mr. Charles Welsh, Jr., and family left this morning for Baltimore, Md., where Mr, Welsh has accepted a position. ; L. S. Mosher and C.A. Wyche attended the meeting of the Albemarle Presbytery which met :at Stovall, N. G, this week. The Roanoke Pharmacy Com pany have installed a new fountain and are enlarging and remodeling their store. Mr. Lunce Rook gave a most delightful Brunswick Stew and Barbecue dinner at his hospitable home near Rosemary on last Thursday. ROSEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS J. T. Bishop conducted pray er meeting in the Rosemary Methodist Church last Tuesday night. Miss Bertha White after a week's visit to friends in and near Franklin, Va., returned home this week. Mrs. L. C. Daughtry returned this week from Willoughby Spit, Va where she had been visiting relatives. Miss Irene Cannon returned Friday from Hampton Va., after a few davs visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lehman after a two weeks visit to friends and relatives in Winston Salem, returned home Saturday. Miss Pattie Byrd returned from Durham Saturday where she had been visiting relatives. Messrs. A. E. Stowe, P. D. Harris, J. C.Neal, 0. P. John son and P. V. Matthews motor ed to Brinkleyville and Ring wood Sunday. Miss Grace Grumpier, of Franklin, Va., is here this week visiting relatives. A. P. Thompson has resigned his position with the Rosemary Mfg. Company and has accepted a position with N. L. Steadman at Halifax. He and family left the past week for Halifax where they make their future home. W. T. Clark, of near Aurelian Springs, was in town Tuesday a few hours on business. Six boys of the Rosemary Con cert Band were in Enfield Wed nesday where they rendered music at a land sale. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Keeter after a few days visit to friends and relatives in Petersburg and Hopewell, Va., returned home Sunday. C. 0. Byrd left Sunday night for Camp Glenn after a few days stay here with relatives. Miss Hazel Cobb returned Wednesday from Littleton.where she has been visiting relatives for a few days. John B. Bridges, of Norfolk, Va , was in town Wednesday on business. R. F. Crawley is out of town for a few days this week. Miss Dolly Grizzard is visiting friends this week in Garysburg. E. F. Baker and family left Wednesday for Tarboro, where they will make their home in the future. Messrs. (1. E. and Howard Rose of Washington, I). C. wert in town a few lays this week. 1 Mr. Chas. Shell returned this ' week from Raleigh, where he has been in the hospital for some time, Miss Irene Anderson, of Wel don, spent a few days this week with Mrs. T. M. Jenkins. Miss Fortune, of Richmond, Va.. is visiting Mrs. W. C. Wil liams. Mrs. R. P. Beckwith and little son returned this week after spending several weeks in New Foundland, Canada. Mrs. M. R. Vick returned Monday after spending the sum mer in the western part of the State. Miss Winifred Beckwith left Wednesday for the State Nor mal College in Greensboro. R. L Applewhite, of Halifax, was here Saturday. John Harrison, of Littleton, was in town Monday. C. T. Johnston is breaking ground on Roanoke Avenue to erect a modern building for his Barber Shop and will have liv ing apartments up stairs. B. P. Pope, of Weldon, was here Tuesday on business. H. Shearin was in town Mon day on business. Oscar Wade and family have moved to West Durham to live. Mrs. Luke Taylor and family have moved to Durham where they will make their home. W. 0. Thompson, Manager of the Supply Department of the Rosemary Manufacturing Com pany has gone to Sanatorium, N. G, for his health. i Arthur Batton after spending several days out of town on busi ness returned home Wednesday. Mrs. S. M. Sitterson, of Winston-Salem, N. C is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Hege. William Branch and family, of Rocky Mount, have moved here to live. David Edwards and family, of Rocky Mount, have moved here to live. Van Johnson and family have returned to Henderson. Norwood Thomas and family have moved to Warrenton to live. Benjamin Rose and family have moved to Warrenton where they will make their home. Lawrence Bowen, of Patter son Mills, has accepted the posi tion of Boss Dyer at the Roa noke Mills in the place of Mr. Chas. Welsh, Jr., who has re signed. Supt. J. D. Spicer and Deputy Supt. T. C. Malone, of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company spent the day Tuesday herewith A gent F. G Hege. STANCELL ITEMS Miss Lucile Clements returned home Tuesday after spending a few days with Miss Lucy Clem ents, in Garysburg. Quite a large number of peo ple of this community attended the revival services at Lebanon M. P. Church last Sunday. Messrs. Reuben Stephenson, of Raleigh, R. E. Cleaton, Jr., and Wm. Vincent, of Vultare, called on Misses Lucy and Lucile Clements Sunday after noon. Miss liinie v iucriii returned home Sunday afternoon after spending some days with her grandmother, Mrs. M 0. Squire, near Garysburg. Mrs. Annie Clements and Misses Lucy and Lucile Clements spent Monday afternoon in Roa noke Rapids shopping. Little Lottie Grant returned home Saturday after spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Lucy V. Grant. Mrs. Annie Grant is visiting relatives at Barley, Va., tnis week. KERR LANDSLIDE LAST SATURDAY Warns County Man Defeats Judge Winston by Eighteen Hundred Votei, Carrying Every County Except Ber tie. Heavy Vote Cast. KERR'S HALIFAX MAJORITY 1,000 Hon. Jno. H. Kerr, of Warren, defeated Judge Francis D. Wins ton, of Bertie, for the Democratic nomination for Judge of the Third Judicial District in the primary held on last Saturduy by the decisive majority of nearly eighteen hundred votes. The vote in Halifax County of the several townships was as follows: KERR Brinkleyville, 234 Butterwood, 23 WINSTON 7 26 16 132 52 24 69 116 14 25 46 36 93 13 669 Conocanara, 43 Enfield, 250 Faucetts, 49 Halifax, 76 Kehukee, 26 Littleton, 72 Palmyra, 12 Roseneath, 50 Roanoke Rapids, 1 215 Roanoke Rapids, 2 125 Scotland Neck, 216 Weldon, 356 1647 Kerr's majority 973. The vote polled in Roanoke Rapids Township was the heav iest primary vote ever polled and very near the record vote polled in a uenerai election, com Kerr and Winston had workers at the polls here, but the Kerr leaders scored heavily over the opposition as shown by the re turns. PAPER FAMINE IMMINENT ' The seriousness of the paper situation in this country is re flected by the appeal of the Fed eral Trade Commission asking all paper mills not at present doing so to operate their mills on Sun day. This action is taken after the mostexhaustive investigation into the conditions leading to scarcity of paper of all kinds and the consequent high prices. Most mills are at present operating only that part of their plants winch it is absolutely iiece3sary to operate on Sunday, and if the request of the Federal Trade Commission is complied with on an extensive scale it will mean about fifteen per cent increase in paper production. Many paper authorities are predicting under present cenditions a paper famine on many lines by the first of November. Building & Loan Annual Meeting The regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Roanoke Rapids Building & Loan Associa tion was held in the offices of W. L. Long, First National Bank Building on last Tuesday even ing, September 12. A large and enthusiastic attendance of Stock holders were present and the following were elected Directors of the Association for the coming year: Jno L. Patterson, J. T. Chase, W. D. Tillery, A. L. Rob ertson, C. A. Wyche, A. E. A kern, W. S. Ballon, J. W. House, M. M Faison, J. B. Boyd, S, J. Bounds, J. E. Buck, A. L. Clark, J. Y Unison, VV. S. Hau cock. The progress the Building & Loan Association nas made (Hir ing the past twelve months has been most gratifying to ollicers and stockholders alike, who con fidently predict for the Associa tion an ever widening sphere of usefulness in the work of up building the community. This community wis much saddened last Wednesday by ihe death of Mrs. W. E. Saunders. She was seventy one years of age. She leaves a husband and four; The meeting at Antioch in children to mourn thir kiss. We; Warren County held by the extend to them our deepest and minister resulted in four addi most heartfelt sympathy. i tions. SPEED LAW BREAKERS FINED Four Motor Drivers Brought Be fore Recorder by Chief of Po lice with Promise of More to Follow. the eye of man than are the Arts FAST DRIVING TO BE STOPPED f Man".The speakers on tne af- ! Urinative side were, H. T. Bat Recorder Win. S. Saunders, j tonandJ.C. Groce; on the neg upon complaint of Chief of IV iative J- H. Gay and J. R. line .1 r linir.i ,vrra,,i, O'Neal. Both sides showed this week for a considerable number of the community's auto- mobilo drivers, four luin brought to trial on last Tuesday nftpmnnn Those b'routrht to trial fr driv- intr in excess of the limitations provided by statute were Messrs. of the winning side. These de Marvin Starkes, E. P. Moore, 1 1,atcs wil1 held semi-monthly Fenner Smith and Jesse Jones, j as lon 83 the interest continues All of the defendants admitted anl oftener if necessary. The without exception to having ; next debate will be on Saturday broken the twelve mile limit, j n'Kht before the fourth Sunday, some of them pleading guilty to I at7:45- Men and women are as much as fifteen miles ,,er;invited to come- The hour. None were willing to ad- mit to reckless driving and, in fact, the warrants as well as the evidence submitted did not charge or attempt to prove this last. The Recorder rendered judge ments against the defendants for the costs in the case and dismis sed them after reading the State Automobile Law to them and giving them warning in regard to future violations. Warrants against others appre hended in similar violations will be issued shortly. The Board of Commissioners have asked the Chief of Police to have the speed- ng in the corporate limits cut down to the minimum and Olficer Baird is evidently trying to obey these commands. HILTON-CUSHION Miss Gertrude Hilton and Mr. William Cushion were quietly married in Rosemary on last Tuesday evening. Magistrate S. M. Thompson performing the ceremony, l he marriage was a runaway affair and was quite a surprise to the many friends of the young couple, who neverthe less wish them happiness and' success in their new undertak ing. ROSEMARY BAND SUNDAY CONCERT A most delightful concert was given on last Sunday afternoon in-the park at Roanoke Rapids by the members of the Rosemary Concert Band. The music was thoroughly enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. Al though an amateur organization the Rosemary Concert Band can safely be said to compare most favorably with any brass band in North Carolina, and it is hoped that some way may be found to have these Sunday afternoon concerts repeated from time to time. Christian Church Gleanings There were two additions to the church last Sunday. We hope to have forty mor? to take their stand by the close of the year. If so, we shall have a membership of three hundred. The Sunda. -school is improv ing rapidly. The minister and ollicers or- dallied Mr. riuioni novo louiej work of the ministry last Sun day night. Mr. Floyd has been preaching for a num'oer of years but had not been oniauied. He is now preaching for two churches. Messrs. J. 11. Gay and j'. R. O'Neal went to Francis, N. C, last Sunday and conducted ser vices. The minister has recently or ganized a church in Tarboro. DEBATE A debate was held at the Tab ernacle last Saturday night and a goodly number of people were present The subject was inter- esting.Resolved:"That the Work of Nature are more pleasing to lhat splendid preparation had b,'en matle- No i were ap- Pointed as the debating is for l)w development of the members n meir cnurcn wont ana mis mav avoid possible friction. Kach tTSn is their own judge ana speakers lor next lime are: Resolved; "That the White Man was Justified in Driving the In dians Away From Their Hunt ing Grounds in North America". Affirmative, H. T. Batton, T. J. Topping, J. R. 0'Neal;Negative; J. H. Gay. J. C. Groce, C. J. Topping. Each speaker will be given ten minutes. Mist Minnie Daughtry Entertains The Junior B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist church was entertained last Monday night by Miss Min nie Daughtry at her home. Miss Daughtry and the Social Com mittee did splendid work in ar ranging for the young people's entertainment. Music, refresh ments, and various games were enjoyed by all. The merry crowd dispersed about ten o'clock declaring the occasion a "Big Time. Those present were: Sal lie and Daisy Sheffield, Ger tie Wheeler, Bessie and Carrie Hedgepeth, Ellen Jones, Ruth, Margaret and Sadie Womble, Rosa Pearson, Ruth SpiVy, Mer- tie Faison, Mary Faison, Beatrice Underwood, Callie Mae Morris, Lula Rice, Annie Tippett, Fannie and Annie Taylor, Eva Johnson, Pearl Hamilton, Jennie Short, Viola King, Josie Hargraves, Dollie Wood, Elva Wheeler. Min nie Daughtry, Earl Daughtry, Ernest Murry, Julian Allsbrook, Charlie Barkley, Emmett Har graves, Jack Wood, George Lipscomb, Jesse Thomas, Nor man Trueblood, Willie Daughtry, Clyde Hargraves, Robert Sulli van, Ovid Harris, Willie Glover, Dennis Bunting. Red Cross Seals Now Being Printed Red Cross Christmas Seals for 1910 are now being printed in Cincinnati by the millions. The design for this year is said to be more attractive and of a better quality as to workmanship.paper, adhesive qualities and color than any seal of recent years. It shows in the center panel a Santa Claus in red on a green back ground with a pack on his back bearing a red cross. The letter ing, "A Merry Christmas" and "A Happy New Year," is car ried vertically up and down the sides of the seal, while the date and the words, American Red Cross, are at the bottom. Mr, Cleland, of New York City de signed the seal. The plans for the Red Cross seal campaign this year are the most extensive they have ever been. Three hundred million seals will be distributed and it is expected that 100,000,000 seals or $1, 000,000 worth will be sold. Last year 80,000,000 seals were sold. North Carolina's part in last year's sale was 802,252 which was a per capita sale of .393. As the standard sale Bet for al states is one seal per capita. North Carolina's sale must be more than doubled next year if she would reach the Btandard For the past two years she has held fifth place in her group of seventeen states, which group is based altogether on population. WITH THE CHURCHES Rasenury Baptist Church lev. A. C. Ckaffia, Pastor Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mid-week services Wednesday nights at 7:30 p. M. The public is cordially invited to all services. Rosemary Methodist Church lf. W. R Slehon, Pastor Sunday School at ten o'clock. J. B. Boyd, Supt Services First and Third Sun days at 11 A. M. and every Sun day at 8 r. u. Prayer service Tuesday even ing. Choir practice Thursday even ing. First Christisa Chorea Rileifh L Topping, Minuter Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 in new Taberna cle, Old Red Men's Hall at 3:00 P. M. Every Sunday. Preaching next Sunday by the pastor. Morning Subject; "Our Father's Care". Evening Subject; "A Wise Man's View of Life." Methodist Church ttv. Gen. S. Burden, Putor Morning Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. W. V. Woodruff, Supt. Preaching at 11 o'clock sub. ject; "A Man Out of Place." Preaching at 7:30 P. M. Sub ject; A Test of Faith". Prayer meeting every Wed nesday night at 7:30 P. M. Good music. The public is invited to all ser vices. Episcopal Church Henry Clark Smith, Rector Services in All Saints Mission every Sunday.except fourth Sun day, at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Holy Communion every second, third and fifth Sundays at 8 A. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 A. if. Sunday School in Rosemary at 9:30. Choir practice Friday at 8 p. m. You are cordially invited to every service of the church. Baptist Church C. H. Traenlood, Putor Rev. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 A. if. W. S. Hancock, Supt Services every Sunday at 11:00 at. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night at 7:30 o'clock. Senior B. Y. P. U. every Sunday at 7:30 P. M. Junior B. Y. P. U. every Sun day at 2:30 P. M. and Junior choir. Sunbeam Band every second and fourth Saturday at 2:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited o all services. Olrto Absorbing Curtoelty. Perbape many a man has been ae- eepted becnuee tome girl had an ab sorbing curiosity to and out what aha could mate at aim. to Have Effect. Taos who bring aunahloe Into tha Urea of othora cannot ksep It from thamealToa. J. hi. Barrio. turvtvalo of S)ton Aga. atarhla haarta and conoreta "domes" art not aaoaaaartlr surrlvala of the eus ccs. Solamn Diplomats Lla. Many a trua word mar be ipoken la imt, hut a diplomatic U le always pra tarnaturaUy aolsmn. y N Maana. "No, Clara, ouutripplnc ona'a rival doaa not nooMaarlly moan a better showing." life. Optlmiatle Thought, later est hiinas some persons and en lighten othora. Wheleeale reelfleiem. II w ftBould ell lore our enamJes wt eoulda't hare as. i

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