EOANQKE RAPIDS HERALD Generalities are without value. Hlanket criticism is worthless. What we desire to know, what it PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY BT js fajr that the elei.torate shouM Herald Publishing Company Inc. know, are the exact details of . your disagreement with Presi- J T STAINBA.CK .... Epitok dent Wilson. What has he done --- that you would not have done. SnWriptioB $1.00 t Yew in Advance and what has he failed to do that you would have done or TELEPHONES propose to do? Honesty and D7 570 - 568 patriotism demand that you put yourself uHn record in such a Entered m Second CIhsj Mutter April j r as to permit people to 3, 1914. at the Post Office f KoHn.ike "' i Rapid. North Cwolin, umier Act of juuire you as they are now able March 8. lJ?. to jud.ee President Wilson. For All communications shoulJ tie example: addrewed to the Herald Publishing Co. 1 - Would you have tiled ill Persons wishinR return of mss, .t. . linltp.r ir.ljnst th j.,.,.. muit in all esses enclose stamp. atailt protest dgaillbt tlie Una-, ... ion of Belgium and backed up ah -rH nf thanks, resolution of re- that protest with the United! RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest wnv to stop them. The best ruhhing liniment is MUSTANG LIHIIUEHT Coo J for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc QooJ for your own Aches, Tains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. ;Sc. At all Deal era. Trustee's Land Sale apect, etc., etc., will be charted for at t . vavv- the rata of one cent per word. Cash iau.s iw . mint accomnanv article in all cases ex- 2- It IS arrai cept where customer has a regular ac count No insertions made for less than 26 cants. Friday, Sept. ,15 1916 arrant nonsense to talk about action that would have prevented the Lusitania tragedy. The vague advertisement did not appear until shortly before the hour of sailing. The occur rence was one of those things that civilization has made the ; world regard as incredible. The - jonly honest question is this: The worst is over-Congress Would you have made the dis h ndiourned at last! i aster the subject of diplomatic 1 . Unit It:,'. Iltilr i 1 -I deed- "I t 1 11-1 It was right! some Kerr ride, all j negotiations or would you have And it may be the Maine Re- broken relations with Germany publican victory. Those Republicans must have mistaken the Saturday Primary for the general election. Mrs. Catt, the eminent sutTre gette, is awfully suggestive of trouble. The South Carolina Blease is practically extinguished by the results of the latest primary. J lu t il ll.tt.lt' III tl.C Mr I ! tll'.l'IS IV.-.H , . III thr Kri'MiT tif IVnl. U:li,i- I,, i- ll;iii'n (Vuiilv, North I'll' u:lh;i, I 1 1 ' r ! h 1 1 i itlltl .au'rs where rvci:.l. . I li. u I : i . I mil i aiul i'un t in; ft rt.ini mi au. I in iir tlie Town nf Kiiiiimke Kii i,l-. CiiuntyHi.il State nl'.ii'i'-ni.l. in uIm.1i I, .1. M. McMurray inn tni-trr. mid liavii. tieen directed lv the ImMeis nf saul notes to eset't'i-e the ...'.ei' uf Mile Riven me hy -Hid deed- of tiu-t. 1 will, as trustee Hl'uriwiid. mi Tuf.la . Mu lier loth, l'.'l';. at 11 ii'clofk a. in., o 'er fur sale at politic iiiiiMi.ui for cash in front of the Olliceof the Ir.ai ..ke Kiiii- at once? ! ids Power 1 'oiii':tn in -aid Town uf 3 Would you have urged j Koan..ke i:ii.i. Ou- Mi-.t! iit-uin nntrrti nn pmlmrirn iinon ' property : the shipment of munitions to the ! Allies? i "OWNER HAVING FAILED ' to c.ll and pay charges on one Flanders auto, we will sell said machine to the highest biddi r for cash. Sale at our garage at noon Sept. Id. li'li;." Tate Machinery oV Supply Co., Littleton, N. C. m TWO DOCTORS FAILED Pearson Kemedy Co. . liurlmgttin. N. I'. Dear Sir :- I have been suffering w'th bad hlotid trouble for MHiietinie. my feet were raw and 1 lould not walk. 1 trietl two of our best lloclors aiul found no relief, then 1 used the Ceiiuine Indian HltHul Puntit r and 1 am now able to do my work such as washing, cooking and houe work. I gladly recommend the Indian Wood Purifier to anyone sufftr iiiH with Kidney and Hlood trouble. Kcspectfully. 1 Mrs. C II Kauc.tt Holt Street. liuilmo;ton. N. C. ' For sale here by llaiuock House Co. ; and Rosemary Supply Company. AT OUR ARGAIN COUNTER The bookbag and lunch basket are again abroad in the land! "French Infantry Takes Or man Trench in a Hurry states 4- Would you urge universal compulsory military service? 5 - You are frank in stating that Huerta's morals were of no concern to America. Does this mean that you would have recognized Huerta? (i-As matters stand to-day, would you be in favor of inter vening in Mexico? 7 -Does your attack upon the Wilson shipping bill mean that you are in favor of ship sub sidies? S -You speak enthusiastically d by tie heal'll:;. ii'.irrt il on Koatioi.e I of trut from date July lsttl, Itook L'ofi, at 111 I Avenue CollVeV T. ' Va.iejian l;i I. and i i e pHe;e I,;. (Jl I.i.ts No. lu.'.'J and liol Koa'i noke Avenue and i.ol No. lirj',1 n.i Hamilton Street entiveyed by deed of trust from II. K. Shell, bearine; ilale July Isth. l:'l:! and recorded in Hook 'J.'.'i, at paoe '2. C! Lot No. ;',:! Minli-on S'l'eet con veyed by dee, I of tru-l from Mrs. li.M. t lurk in, beannc: d.ate Jan. loth l'.'lii, recorded in book :.'T:! at patre lii'.h .1. M. McMurrny, Trustee. 'J 15 It a headline-reminding us of the 1 of .tht' rints of the worker- D,,es awful hurry we'd be in to go back home were we ordered to take a German trench. not ro of hist 1 this imply that you endorse the Clavton Anti-Trust Law and the Seaman's Bill? Or will you urge their repeal? '.What are your speciiic complaints against the Federal II T It valued- "'serve i.aw .' ID As Governor of .New lork. you opposed the Income Tax Amendment. Does this antagon ism persist? 1 o you or do you " Newspaper advertising is a not ljelieve 111 l,ai'in for t'repar show window that goes out and I e(lness out of a tax (,n 'ncon.es, shows itself to customers instead inheritance and munitions? nf waitino- fnr them to hauoen ! VVe We wltn V0li that ll 13 a along is the unique way in Your Test Grades TellTheTalo. If Governor Craig was buked by the primary Saturday this highly result is impossible of accomp lishment by the voters of the Third District. ll .-Wif - which the Henderson Gold Leaf states the proposition. Maine went-but whether she leads the procession or has simply taken a sneak on her own hook, remains to be seen at the celebrated Tuesday in November. It looks as though the end of the war may be glimpsed, although from afar off in the reverses sustained by the German arm3 in the past few months and the constantly in creasing preponderance of the allies in men, money and metal.;. The threatened railroad strike has taught the thinking people of America one lesson and that is that adequate legislation must be passed rendering a stopping of the commerce 'of the nation by wage bickerings forever impossible. "YES!" or "NO!" Mr. Hughes? To The Hon. Charles Hughes: E. The professional writers who sign this letter have small inter est in parties but a very deep in terest in democracy. It is our hope, through this voluntary as sociation, to assist in the pro motion of honest, educational discussion in order that funda mental issues may not be decided in prejudice and ignorance. Mr. Wilson's beliefs have been expressed in law and in declared policies. He has made an open record by which he may judged. critical period" by far too critical, indeed for candidates to talk in terms of office seeking rather than in the simple, earn est language of definite Ameri canist. Respectfully, (Signed) Samuol Hopkins Adams Ray Standard Baker Ellis I'arker Butler I. Ames Brown Dante Barton Irvin Cobb Wadsworth Camp j J. O'Hara Cosgrave j Stoughton Cooley i William L. Cheney George Creel James Forbes Frederick Stewart Greene Oliver Herfod Prof. Louis Johnson Richard Lloyd Jones Peter B. Kyne A. J. McKelway Basil Manley Meredith Nicholson Harvey J. O'Higgins Albert Jay Nock Charles Johnson Post Eugene Manlove Rhodes Wm. MeLeod Raine Broadman Robinson John Reed Opie Iieed Edgar SHwyn Wm. Leavitt Lincoln Steffens Augustus Thomas Frank Vrooman George West IF the pen you u?e vvritrsi with nn riA ease and a smoothness, day in and day out, it Ehows up in your test grades. Therefore, whether it's theme writing, taking notes in class, home work, or what-not, use the efii- p cieni m Self -Filling 7 Fountain Pen NON-LEA KABLE Let U9 fit your particular stvle of hand writing with a CONKLIN that will help you in your wulk iur )uuS to cowe. Roanoke Pharmacy Co, Preiciiplion Druggists 3 Ordinance . HE IT OHDA1NEI). I,y the Hoard of CornmisHioriern of the Town of Roanoke Rapids, that it xliall he unlawful for any person or persons to skate with roller Wise Choice is not possible Un- skates and to coast with waifonn or sleds on the suit-walks or the lown and on the sidewalks in that territory over which the Town has criminal jurisdic tion. Every person violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined $5 Ck) for each and every offense. I'assed and ordered published by the Board of Commissioner! of the Town of Roanoke Rapids, N. C, this, the 5th day of September, 1916. A. L. CLARK, Secretary Treasurer. less you yourself make equally specific statement of purposes and convictions. Without intent to, offend, we foel justified in charging that in no single public utterance have you filed a bona fide bill of parti culars, nor have you offered a single constructive suggestion. Quality Canned Goods We protect our custom ers by handling only such J brands of canned goods i whose makers have high I reputations to uphold. ! There are numerous poorer ( grades marketed which we j have carefully avoided in j ekcting for our trade, i though we niBjtit profit more J by stocking (hem. j The prices of these better grades are low enough to i suit all. ' "There's a Reason" FOR TRADING WITH The Co-Operative Store Company Inc. Ti!tpt 614 Ck... Wfl.b, ft. Second Hand UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Used three years, latest model, good condition. Cost $102.50. For sale quick at $45.00 j Easy Terms Herald Publishing Co. Royal Typewriter Agents ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. CAR. T. W. MASON J. A. WOltRKI, UaryKl.urir N. C, Kich Square, N.C W. 1. l.liNI,, Kiamke K,. d, N. C. , WORRELL & LONG Attorneys at Law Office Roanoke Rap'idt, N. C, and Jack ton, N. C. SsTmuIRI V ! " .ito imMIN n i v I When Boston Burned After the disastrous $80,000,000 conflagration that swept Boston in 1872, a Boston newspaper paid trib ute to the Hartford Fire Insurance Company's prompt and liberal set tlement of its $483,315 in losses. "All adjusted claims were paid at light," said this newspaper, "with out discount or delay. Such i record is its own argument for integrity, ability and determination." The Hartford has promptly paid every just claim for 106 years. There, is a feeling of security in having your insurance in a company you are so sure of. C. A. WYCHE, Agent 81.49 Closing out all Oxford Shoes at less than cost price of 1 0 per cent off on all low Cut Shoes 25c. Dress Goods in a big variety of Weaves and Patterns are being sold rapidly at 10 Cents Per Yard $7.50 Suits of KEEP KOOL KLOTHES Now $6.75 Every Taylor-Made Suit is an AlLWnnl ,,,7l a a 1 1 rr wii tj nil rVF.RV thread has bcn tested. You tlms get rcul (imlity for your money togrtlitr with tlie best of tailor ing skill. To Measure Only at Rosemary Supply Company Phone 533 Rosemary, N. C. DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST Office Hours 9 to 5. 7 to 8 p. m. Offie Second Floor Lyric Theatre Building Patterson Store Company GEO. L HAYES, Jr., Manager R. L. TOWE Notary Public t il.e F IRST NATIONAL BANK Roanoke Rapids, N. Carolina thos. M. jenkins j CLARK & CLARK Notary Public Attorneys at Law Ro,e""?riuApl,yvCM iWin Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ROSEMARY, N.C Itoom Na r. Hi.tir in Hank Huildmg Fall Newness and Freshness Everywhere in This Big Family Store - Your Store WALK OVER SHOES ARRIVE! in the latest Fall models and the latest fall leathers - serviceable, yet dressy with the added advantage of lines and numbers full enough to fit any foot School Clothes For Boys! The celebrated STANLEY MANLEY CLOTHES FORBOYS, recognized for many seasons as the best clothing that can be produced - A moderately priced line unequalled in quality, tailoring or relative value Chesterfield Hats for Men IN THE LATEST AND MOST EX CLUSIVE BLOCKS -Hats for the , smart dressy young man and for the man of conservative taste . - . Hancock-House Company . DEPARTMENT STORE