ROANOKE RAPIDS KEKALD rUBUSHED EVERT FRIDAY IT Herald Publishini Company Inc. J. T. Stainback .... Editor SsWriptioB $1.00 Tear in Advance Day 570 TELEPHONES Night 568 Filtered as Second Claw Matter An ll 8, 19H, at the Pot Office at Roanoke RapMa. North Carolina, under Act of March S. 1879. AH nn'r:r'cion honld be addrewed to 'he HeraM Publishine Co Person! wishing return of msa, moat in all case enclose stamps. All cards of thanks, resolutions of re spect, etc., etc., will be charged for at the rate of one cent per word. Cash mast accompany article in all cases ex cept where customer has a regular ac count No insertions made for less than 26 rents. Friday, Sept. 22, 1916 And beach! nothin but a thin palm Is it not a hypercritical Mr. Hughes? time, Villa has been defeated with a loss of 250 men, but as far as latest press reports go, he was not killed again nor has he lost any more legs. Let us remark in passing that this is positively the best time of the year in which to advertise fall goods. Villa, Carranza, Obregon and Company had better look out - the North Carolina Militia has been ordered to the border. breathing place for the tired and jaded folk of the Roanoke Rap ids of to-morrow. Ideally locat ed, inherently suitable, this park should be taken by the people of : the town for the children of the town"forever. Unless something is done by those who love the town, and done quickly, the opportunity to save this beautiful spot will be gone forever - the trees and grass will give away to brick and concrete - and following in the footsteps of innumerable other towns, Roanoke Rapids will be come a parkless, sordid grimy place with only germ laden streets and alleys for the public playgrounds of its children. This matter should be agitat ed by the mothers of the town working through the Civic League -- by the pceachers of the town -- by all those interest ed in making the town more at tractive and better fitted for the NO. S767 REPORT OF THE CNDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ROANOKE RAPIDS AT ROANOKE RAPIDS in the Mate of North Carolina, at the cloae of bi September 12. 1916 Resources usiness IISMM.7 1. a ml disnrants (strept thoM shown on b) ii'iai Hwns . IVdurt r. Nut snd bills redisrounted ... 1 U. S. BONDS I). S., deposited to serur clrrulntinn (pr vslur) . . b U. S. Bunds plnlgrd to nrura U. S. Deposits (iwr vtlin) Tots 11 S. Bunds t. BONUS. SKCI'KITIKS. Ete. Socumm oth than V. 8 Bonds (Dot including storks) ovnrd unuMm'd t.w (s) Total bonds, spruritte. str S. Storks, other than Federal hVservs Bins, stork ". i. Stock of Federal Reserve (fl per rent of subarroptionj.! . 7. a Value of banking house (if unencumbered! 13 399 73 b Equity in banking house s. Furniture and fixtures .. '. """" 9. Real estate owned other than hanking houee""!"r" 10. Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank 11. a Net amount due from approved reserve agents in Ne York. Chi. ami and St. Louis 1 S..-JJ u b Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities 12. Net aroouut due from banks and hankers (other than included in ID orll I 16. a Outside rhecks and other cash items . sj;s b Fractional currencr, nickels and centa .. ris 6u 1C Notes of other national banks 17. Federal Reserve Bank notes IK. Federal Reserve Notes 19. Coin and eartincates '. . . W Leral-tender notes 21. Hederaptvua fund with U 8. Trees, and due from 1) S Treasurer . Total ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF A COMPLETE LINE OF S.Oou.OO lit. 421.77 IN.ft.XM) l.cuu.uu .'X.50 l,l7.17 1. BSOIV W..1W.7S 2. HI7.W FAU SHOES ,57l 411 s.04.1 41 I.0U2 IJ r.UKi Hi 4. MJ il 1 . it4l H 5 w.i ;s MM mi I.Hiim Liabilities i6. Capital Mark paid fwi rtm ,i Surplus fund u iwl m !7. a. Undivided profits I ri W ' b. Lrw current sinenses. Interest and tases naul iiuiu ......, physical and moral development I ilZST'''"4"'' . IV Individual detwsitl subject to che.'k 1111 87, i'ertilied Checks . . ti!?fi St. Cashier s rhecks outstanding IK" SS. United Suites deposits . ... 1..'', Total demand deposits, items 56, W. 37. SK. SI. 40. 41 and 42 MS 711 M Time deposits I payable after SU days, or suhiect to 9U das or more notice) Total of time depoeita. Items 4. 44.and 45 .. r n til 1 tit Othar time deposiu , wvr.nnit TuUl ISIT.llOl ft? 64, Liabilities for rediscounts. Including thoea with Federal Reserve Rank ... SVtXIOOO State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, n. I, C. A. Wyche, Prenitlent of the above named bank, t)o solemnly iwear that the above atatement it true to the beat of my knowlejre ami belief. A. Wjvhe, President Correct- Atteit: Wells It. Tili.kky, S. F. Patterson, W. L Ihino, Director.. Subscribed and iworn to before ma thig lath day of September i916. I, W. Kellogg, Notary Public. My commission expire March 7th 191H. of its people. Another Republican Fallacy Expected York Incidentally the farmers of Halifax and Northampton are requested to remember that the Highest cotton market in this xvo-m of the State is located Now that the Maine election has been explained to the osten sible satisfaction of both parties, the campaign may proceed. If the man who led the Frank lynching party will only step forward and confess, we pre sume he will be sent to the Senate. If Henry can deliver the Ford vote, and Tommy the phono graph lovers', we believe Roose velt and Hughes will do what ever else may be necessary to elect Wilson again. The "contemptable little British army" seems to be proving more than a match for the War Lord's most seasoned veterans, and it may well be that England is de termined to fight to the last Ger man instead of the last French man as so feelingly stated by the American hyphenates. Parks And Playgrounds It may look like a far cry to some who have not thought about the matter from the Roa noke Rapids of the present day with its free wide spaces of sun and air to the Roanoke Rapids of our children hemmed in with concrete and brick, possibly con gested with mills and dwellings and, unless something is done now, more than probably devoid of park space and playground. The experience of practically every American town which ha been subjected to the rapid ex pansion of commercial and in dustrial development has been an uniform one - parks and playgrounds have been ignored We quote from the New Times: the following illuminating editor ial anent the campaign plea of the Republicans that the Demo cratic prosperity is a war fed exotic, destined to wither away like Jonah's gourd vine with the first dawn of peace. After men tioning the enormous foreign trade of the United States, with exports in excess of imports by nearlv a billion and a half, the Times proceeds to demolish the pa"y Republican high tariff argu ments, stating in part as follows: If we are to enter world mar kets it must be on the basis of world prices. For the first seven months of this year our exports increased practically a billion. I Imports increased nearly a half j billion. War exports did not imake our exports increase by i that sum unless we include in j that category raw materials for j manufacture, and foodstuffs. That is to say, what might be I called our normal trade abroad :is thriving without the war i trade, if the two trades can be supposed to be separated. "On the other hand, thatjnor-j mal trade cannot be imagined to exist without imports. Foreign buyers could not have sent an other half billion of gold, and it is sanguine to suppose that we would have taken an additional half billion of securities, either our own cr foreign. It is easy to imagine that we might have ex ported more goods if we could have produced them, and would have admitted more goods. When the war trade ceases our product ive capacity of other goods will be unlimited, and we must either produce and sell or close our factories. It is the exchange of goods for goods that keeps factories busy on both sides the ocean. It is the hindrance to the exchanges of goods that closes factories, enlarges and disturbes international currents of gold, and makes bankers prosper while traders languish. right here in Roanoke Rapids is shown by the enormouse increase in deposits of the First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids and the Rosemary Banking & Trust Com- The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids has increased its deposits from $121,570.16 on September 13, 1915 to $221. 718.75 on September 13. 1916, and the Rosemary Banking & j Trust Company has increased ! its deposits from ?2o,5z5.50 jon September 12, 1915, to $51, (375.57 in 1916. All told about $126,000.00 of assets in the most readily available form have been stored up in this community dur ing the year just ended. While this does not represent, of course, even an approximate: estimate of the total addition ! made to the wealth of the com- i munity, it does represent the amount of saving the majority j of the people have effected, and it is gratifying testimony to the j real prosperity we are now hav ing. Also it should an be added in centive for thrift and economy -those who collectively have saved the eighth of a million will need no extraneous inducement, but to those who have had no part or parcel in the undertaking, the figures should be convincing ar guments both as to the possibil ity and the value of steady, con sistent saving. TWO DOCTORS FAILED Pearson Remedy Co , Burlington," N. ('. Dear Sir:- 1 have been suffering with bad blood trouble for sometime, my feet were raw and I could not walk, I tried two of our best Doctors and found no relief, then I used the Genuine Indian Blood Purifier and I am now able to do my work such as washing, cooking and house work. 1 gladly recommend the Indian Blood PuriHer to anyone suffer ing with Kidney and Blood trouble. Respectfully, Mrs. C. H. Faucet t. Holt Street, Burlington. N. C. For sale here by Hancock-House Co. and Rosemary Supply Company. MEN WOMEN and CHILDREN which we bought so advantageously that we are able to offer the same high value at the old price . . . Big Shipment of Mens Ready Made Clothes - Authentic Styles - Extra Quality and Up PATTERSON STORE CO. GEO. L HAYES, Jr., Manager Trustee's Land Sale Default having been made in the notes now past due secured by divers deeds of trust recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Halifax County, North Carolina, (the books and pages where recorded hereinafter set out) and Second Hand UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Used three year, latest model, good condition. Cost $102.50. For sale quick at $45.00 Cash, or $50.00 on Easy Terms Herald Publishing Co. Roral Typewriter Afents ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. CAR. R. L. TOWE Notary Public at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Roanoke Rapids, N. Carolina THOS. M. JENKINS Notary Public Rosemary Supply Co. Building ROSEMARY, N. C. CLARK & CLARK Attorneys at Law Roanoke Rapid, N. C Rob No. (. Upstairs ia Baak BviMlac .Si conveying certain lots in and near the "It is not possible to deny the Town of Roanoke Rapida, County and benefits of our present foreign ; ?.u.f which M- trade. It is possible to credit them to the tariff only to the extent that it allows goods to enter in payment for our ex ports. We cannot credit our war trade to the war as an until too late -- suitable land obligated for, it will have the am been directed by the holders of said notes to exercise the power of sale given me by said deeds of trust, I will, as trustee aforesaid, on Tuesday, Octo ber 10th, 1916, at 11 o'clock a. m., offar for sale at public auction for cash in front of the Office of the Roanoke Ran. r economic SUDSUlUie lor protect- ids Power Company in said Town of ion, for protection does not pro- Roanoke Rapids, the following duce war trade except so far as property-'- ,f o . e i,; (3) Lot No. 323 Madison Street oon- country remains on a basis of expenditure of two billion dol lars, which the last Congress ordered us to spend or to be Gurkin, bearing date Jan. loth lHlti. recorded in Book 273 at page 1ft). 1. M McMurray, Trustee. 9 16 4t - Krtftt nnfiKoaA wsbto wwtss v. t-t-t .t v. . ,s.,u u at a reasonable figure in the early days of the town's develop ment has been found prohibitive high when realization of the need of park and pay-ground pace has been forcibly pressed home. It is only lately that growing towns have begun to profit from the experience of their larger sisters. Civic pride has realized the necessity of breathing space and foresight has impressed the, need of its acquisition while conditions are most favorable. We have in Roanoke Rapids, ideally located almost in the cen ter of the town, a space picked by nature itself for the song of birds, the play of children and a .Wo I UlHb protection ;t ought to hare, is, all that will be consistent with vigor in foreign trade. Protec tion for the sake of protection and raising our prices above the world's level is a prescrip tion for poisoningprosperity; With in the necessary limitsof taxation for the sake of revenue there is ample room for difference opinion as to what protection is best and may best be secured. But the days of high and higher protection have gone. The peo ple have twice vetoed it, and the Democrats have appointed a commission to prevent the peo ple from being twice duped. A striking indication of the de gree in which the general pros perity of the country is reflected Ordinance BR IT ORDAINED, by the Roard of Commissioners of the Town of Roanoke Rapida, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to skate with roller skates and to coast with wagona or sleds on the sidewalks of the Town and on the sidewalks in that territory over It which the Town has criminal jurisdic i lion, (.very person violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined $6 00 for each and every offense. Passed and ordered published by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Roanoke Rapida, N. C, this, the 6th day of September, 1916. A. L CLARK, Secretary & Treasurer. tLVcry Taylor-Made Suit is an All-Wool Suit CVERY thread has been tsted. You thus get real quality for your money together with the best of tailor ing skill. To Measure Only at Company Pbone 533 Rosemary, N. C Man is born to sorrow. About he time our parents stop spank ing us, experience begins. DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST Office Hours 9 to 5. 7 to 8 p. m. Office Sm1 FW Lrrsr TbMln BnMmt T. W MASON J. A. WORRKL Csrysburc. H C. Rki Ruusrs, N C W. L LONG. RsmMks Rao 4s. N. C MASON, WORRELL & L0G Attorneys at Law i Ofh Roanoke. Rapida, N. C aad Jack soa, ft C Fall Newness and Freshness Everywhere in This Big Family Store - Your Store WALK OVER SHOES ARRIVE! in the latest Fall models and the latest fall leathers - serviceable, yet dressy with the added advantage of lines and numbers full enough to fit any foot School Clothes For Boys! The celebrated STANLEY MANLEY CLOTHES FORBOYS, recognized for many seasons as the best clothing that can be produced - A moderately priced line unequalled in quality, tailoring or relative value Chesterfield Hats for Men IN THE LATEST AND MOST EX CLUSIVE BLOCKS - Hats for the smart dressy young man and . for the man of conservative taste . - . Hancock-House Company DEPARTMENT STORE 1

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