- 4 V v. i jLJCI- Roanoke DS in I ? s nr. 5k t' ft 4' s i i t f 1 I Volume III. Number 37 Baptist Church News Notes The offering for the orphanage i Ai r i ci 1 1.. o l hi me ounuay ocuooi iasi ounuav Tr.ii- j . j . .0 ,. ; - Mrs. J. K. Jenkins and little amounted tO Over $o2.00 which, - . . , . . , . . son. of near Parreael, spent last was the largest single offering i, . . . . ... AHA! AAAill.iil nt thll Oilhi I f.M ... i . rtii i , . , . ; Mrs. W. G. Lynch, this object. The school is fast getting a reputation for its gifts ' Mrs. B. F. Williara9 who has to the orphanage. been spending some time here The pastor conducted three ' with relatives and friends left services last Sunday: the regular Sunday for her home in Warren morning anu evening services. ' ton. which were well attended and n ....... e .Mr. 0. L. Williams spent bun one service m the attornoon. d . Hender3on where he at. which wa u specia lhanksgiv- tmleJ the funeralof hi9 brother. ing service for the Junior Order. , , r,, 7 . , , in-law. Macon Stone. Ijist Sunilnv wiw fho nnntor a regular Sunda'v for preaching at Tine Forest in the afternoon, but owing to the special service for the Junior Order MrJ. W. House K...u.y ...... u.,.ln,...i...e..i i" thecountry for the pastor, preach- ingioa large and appreciative; congregation. ! At the regular church ! conference, at the conclusion of ; the service Sunday night the church very generously voted to increase the pastors salary; this kind act of the church was un- expected by the pastor and he , assureu ine people niui ne appre ciated the motive that actuated them in this liberal action even more than the salary, as it was an evidence of their confidence in him and love for him. Mr. Trueblood has been asked i more than once, duriner the Dast i year to consider other fields of! labor that paid considerably but feeling that (.od wanted him i to remain at Roanoke Kapids longer, and appreciating so much j the loyalty and love of the j Roanoke Rapids Church and its j friends and the kindness of the people generally, he steadfastly refused to consider other fields. The church in its generous action Sunday night was not aware of the above facts and did what they did spontaneously without any solicitation on the part of any one. The prospects of the church 1 are indeed bright; preparations are on foot for a Sunday school entertainment. In the early spring the church will concen trate its efforts towards the erection of a parsonage, one brother has already agreed to Kivethe lot for this purpose, andi H- t,0. a wi LI ; will doubtless raise about $300.00 to wards this purpose. The pastor and his family are away this week attending the Baptist State Convention at Elizabeth City, the pastor's home . town and church where he was; ordained. j Mrs. Trueblood and baby wib I remain at Elizabeth City for a I few weeks. Mr. Trueblood is ex- j SindnSr. ment here next Sunday. His ' subject Sunday morning will be; 1 hft rhtirph at rhi at o nhia .: v ' r 1 ' at night "The Perils on Impure ; I if" I The Cemetery Again As Secretary and Treasure of the Cemetery work, I would like to ask all people who have rela tives buried there to keep the graves in good condition, round ed up, and if there are no head and foot posts, have enough in terest to place some there. Why not keep the square clean on which the grave is located? If you own a square why not keep it in good shape? Why not plant sonje lawn grass on your square and in the alley? Some pledges have been made for the cemetery work and have not been paid, wish all would send the amount pledged. R. L. Topping HERALD'S CHRISTMAS CONTEST NOMINATING COUPON I hereby nominate District No in the Herald's Christmas Contest. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 10,000 VOTES Date, Dec 1916. Signed Nam ol perton making nomination will not b published. ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Messrs. David and C. T. Kidd spent Sunday in Warrenton with ! relatives and friends. L. J. Boykins, of Wilson, called on Mi9S ijIIIian Eimore Sunday afternoon i ,, , . , Rev. C. H. Trueblood and111 selections. J. II. Nor- family are attending the Baptist ; man. register of deeds, by virtue Convention at Elizabeth City this week, Evf, Ho8kina of Birmi hm A, who haa vjsitjnK MiM MarRarette Hoskins jef t for Raleigh Tuesday. Mrs. J. F. Laden is spending a handicap on account of the ill some time in Liberty with her i ne8s of Judge Cook, was opened; parents. I Mr. L. A. Merrit, of Washing ton D. C. is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck. I. W. House spent several days in A'inston-Salem last week. . . - . ,itK fr;on,ia j Mr. M. D. Britt, of Portsmouth, . spent Thanksgiving with Miss Susie Allsbrook. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. yy p Horner Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, a full attendance is desired to complete arrangements for the Bazaar December 16. Walter Kee and J. L. Williams spent Thanksgiving in Gumberryjed foroman smj :j. h. (;liU.k WSIS with friends and relatives. W. D. Tillery spent Wednes-I day in Richmond with his wife who is in the hospital there. The friends and relatives 0f!;f"e. impression is that the Miss Lessie Bray will be pleased i iL.. ; I 10 learn Liiai one 10 icuuciuiis . : I nicely Irom an operauon ior,' ,. ... . . , . .eTO appendicitis which was perform eU lUSl OUIlUd UlLClIIUUll. J. W. House spent Thursday in Halifax on business. Miss Minnie Daughtry inter- j tained quite a number of friends j jn her home Friday evening in nonor 0f ner fifteenth birthday, she received many nice presents, i ten o'clock the crowd depart-1 ed, oaeh declaring that they had j spent a pleasant evening. , The Ladies of the Methodist Church (Roanoke Kapids) w"' ! hold a Bazaar and Turkey Dinner; uA .n,.i K . nir novt tn H , III 1.1IC UUIIMMIg i M . thja afternoon (Friday) ( anu wj-uigut ouu coiu.ua;. , The ladies of the Presbyterian ! Church will hold their Bazaar and Food Sale on next Saturday, December lf, in the Horner Block. Lunch will be served at all hours of the day and many attractive articles for Christmas Gifts will be on sale. l i c,iaiai, , Mr. F. M. Shute. who has been in charge of a job printing and newspaper office in Boykins, Va.. has returned to Roanoke Rapids j and accepted his old position as foreman in the Herald Office. 1 Mr. Shute's family will remain' j with relatives in Williamston for 1 several weeks. R. M. James spent Sunday evening and Monday in Kinston, N. C, visiting friends. ROANOKE SUPERIOR COURT AT HALIFAX i - - . . JuAa. Hirdincr Prntdp f.rinJ juase naming rresiaes urana Illr. r,rlu,n . ,. (M-r, Installed APPOINTIVE OFFICERS FILLED Monday was u busy day at Halifax, all the newly elected county officers taking the oath of office and entering upon their duties for the ensuing two years. W. k. Harvey was re-elected chairman of the county hoard of commissioners and Ceo. C. Green Iwas re-elected by the board as j eountv attorney. W. B. Drowy w-as again selected as superin tendent of the county home. All of his office, is clerk to the county board. The highway road commissioners also organized by re-electing John L. Patterson chairman. Halifax Superior Court, after Tuesday morning, with Judge i W. F. Harding, of Charlotte, presiding. Judge Harding is one of the ablest jurists on the bench and he did not waste time nor make a lengthy charge to the grand jury-but what he said was clear- .cut. to the point and the yrand jurors began work at once, The following were tlra .vn !o serve for the term: W. II. King, ('. J. Stacey W. H. Melvin, C. P. Faucett. B. U. Higgins, J. R. Staton, Robert S. Ularlc, K. 11. Walker, Jesse Shaw, Willie Fulgham. R. 1!. Barnhill. Otto Meyer, F. W. Stansbury, W.J.Collins, Ceorge W. Pettitt. S. L (libson, W. K. Knight. Georire W. IVtt.itt was aimoint- selected as officer. Solictor Garland E. Midyette j took right hold of the State (docket like a veteran, and the m 13 ' iriunaie in tne Bc.ei.uuu ui mi. Midyette as nrosecutiny nttornev , . . , , I 1113 IS UUUe ll.Otlllir; ft Halifax court, but he said he visited Halifax some years apo when he was at college. He has made a favorable in pression upon I the bar and the people generally by his fair and impartial rulings. Roanoke News. Kill AH The Winter Flies - "Don't let your ho ne become a wintP1. haven for mes - aa vs lhe State Board of Health. 'Even the clean home, when the weather coId u.comea attra,tive to , . . ... "iesand onl" the greatest v,,,l- !.. t ..... . . ance w Keeu me n out. t or when - fliea do et into tlle hmp at coming of cold whither, don't lot them go to the ceiling- and stay there. And don't think that the first freeze ,vill kill them out. Flies are not .lead when they lie around stiff with cold. The next warm spell or next spring will h, 'im th"' m possi.in- 7; Tn case of a free: e. inwever, houM be I. They every fly in the house 1 swept down ami burne. should be souk'iiI out and brought in the house, from the cellar to the garret. Scientists tell us that the llies that were hatched )ate anj tnat naV(, not t.()m,,.t,ni tneir jfe circle are the v which live in an even temperature through the winter and become the progenitors of our countless millions next summtr. Conse quently now is the time to fight next summer's (lies. 1 "This is the time,". says the Board, "when swatting tlies will be really elective. But if there are too many to sw at, trap or poison them. I'se lly paper, and every other means in order that not one may be carried over from one season to the next." RAPiDS, N. C, DECEMBER 8, 1910 SAFETY DEMANDS FEDERAL CSflTSJL GF THE f: A 1 L R 0 A D S Only Way to Meet Emsrsncies ci Mien, Says A. P. Thca STATES' RIGHTS PRESERVED Principle, Which Ri,lwiy, HV iluuild Govern Rft.juldtury Ste.n in Inter- kti ot Public unci tin. -Com-pu'Sory Ss:t:m ot FeJciui Invo'o ration Fjvu.e-i. , , ef the laleft inn !el , u i i'-Ii V. i; !-l;i.i..'l.ii. 1 4. Tl,., Hi,. i,ii,.r. , .f ....I..I...I ,..f. ..,..,. ,. "I'l'ate lllioef h I U II e'i,.-:ell.- ail.! ,,. ..i Hi' r.uiwnj inn- i , . , is guaranteed togive et.tlivsatis- iiii iiu' fnirrni u...riiMii-iii u!..i faction. In vi( w of the fact that with in,. m:..,.s ii... .:,..: .-..I the 1'. S. Xavv I iepai'tniei.t has ut ! h Ailri .l I I'll. -in . . . 1 1 j, -.ii i , mst piaced an order amoiiiiting tin- liiulttav I'i' iniu'.' .v.l i irv . , .... , ,, .'..iMuiiuv. ,'.,., i. to "v,'r nillllyn ,!:,!i:,rs ii.iir M.ii.'.r..i:i ..i is... r. 1 1 1 1 'he General K!f-trir '. for ui.) heii.i.' t lie Ni.wi.OnU j..iut similar Turbines, the delivery ('"'liiiiiii.'.- mi ii,i,.isi,n,. i ,,i ,,. (obtained on same to the power w, , i., ...i,,!,.,,! as u ...in.... If (',., v is uf ,,tTat sati.ractn.i;. e ii ir In ilra! -u.vcwfiillv villi nur , .... , '. . . . .. . . , .... W ith this unit installed in con- tia'i'ihal ruin I'in Irs, v.i, Mr llnini. nn.i .1.. luu.t i:,i,. ti,ai ,.- i flection with the present ilydm-iian-...ii..ii.iii i an ...iiimi , . n.iii!i,.ii i Klcctric I'euer development of ,f m !' m"il''"'-v "' "'.the Power Con.panv makes the hall .mil vtttlf!i tnir Hait--i1"rta! t-.ii s.v is i..V M.ii.- in,.-, i.y ih,. p.-n..H powerdeveiopinent ol this local n.'iii iiiiinsiii .r itiiui. i,s i, iniu !-r j t 'onitany second to none in ,,.,:aH..;, ili .ii.ti... ...: fill 1 1 ht. State or eountv. I ll'lil'V llll..ISV'llt,,.. . c. . . d mm.c ' lllls ti'"1" lunnneunit will, States Rights Would Not Surfer. , m i ti,,,:,, ,,. inKifi.,.,. in ; be '"stalled at a large expense w in. n iiii.... in ..in. -i nt. wi.... in and it is reasonable to beleive i.iri...,siy t,ii,,t.,i i.: -..M. vf..ia that the Roanoke Kapids I'ower ll.tii't iin..isi.il ..it tin' r:ilr.:i, In ,. ,. , , ,,,-i,' ,,.. ..airs ii, ,.,,i,.:,.,i .., "i'l'i'n.v are conlid.-ul t'-at a thai ir.iirii ii.'....i:.ii -ti w.-iM - i " . . now in il i will soon i:i- It icate i hi '! e V!si r ! Ih" ,v '''' ;to use some of thi p,.wer in U.Ml'i I... l!ii In .'.lis v - Mi. i , ... . . ,t,t- ...... ,, .,!,... ,1,., .l!Mll ' ' 1 ' " !-!l'''!- w.i. r, .t i',- I i .... 1 1 it v. ni ! .n sach a :.re nut lay ' -!' r ! I . r ! . :K- il; hi I . it'. ', w , ..I il,. ii 'n. , ,,,. - i;,,;,,,;!.,. !,r,lu. ,,. ,..v i. .'ii il i l.-n . apjii eciate t :,e I ,m-i i i hipan -Vvlt.it tl e R.:. A,loct. i ... i . . ,. , , , i , I u.iJai lug ail h in our ut::re n- I .l It'. l' i '-' v. ' '. II,.' .a: 1 1- I I,,;!,.,,, v! i ,. ii, ' VoiopilU lit Ul'd We UVt' s-ire tins lust vvi,..i. ,.! . i . .: vm ".. -iii-i n.fws will be received bv all as a ",1,n;;7' l,y M" ''" "' ' sure imiication ,,f the buildimr 1 I . N t : : i' i t, '.i i t at ,! ,!' ' ,,l !',';: it' iii,,!, ,.K.i,i, i;, ii. .,., is r in '.he I, ear future of a new mill. ' , , - ,M: ' ia " ' , l!,a! t! v .a: t ! " ill. P. ,!'' I' .'. ' It .t ', .Jiw ,,' ,-ai J - I,.' ! 1 la- 1 r 1 1 -1 1 ' 1 t.i-i ti - -i,. r J -1 :i I in.-,, I,"" .,' an I l.'-'hl ..I I., il.t.., t . i i. . ..: i i"u 1 " .-il. itil.t t hi -I, . ''. '.M '' ! . i 1 1 r all ralll'.','!, I ,..!...: ,s ,1 .:a J.' I it, i.alrr I '..latllis n.,i latt. ii " ''ai'i'!'i" , ih,. ' I '', t li,. M !!,. It.lt'V- ,:' I sl.iti tit,, I, a' i , IM.f !:t .t to .1., .'.t.ii is !.,,:, ,l rtiti- I ..,s !',. tt.'liiaj ', ', HI'," .a. 111'., i, ; ,, i,. Si,, I ,!,,; . , i 1 ,. 1 1 1 11 I ' 1 i i 1 . ;, ",,,! ii:,, r, ..!,.-,! i;. ,-i . ., ... ,i-. :,i, I ; i 1 , ii ! .'..'.: - !- ..11M i.-!l --l hi ;. ! i." :-. rt ..f i (.. .. o 1 !,. o:- : ia;. .'., ,, !:,,. iv,. 1 i.triai--i,,;, 1 ii:iii.:i.!! i. , , , , . I T'l,' t, 'a ,-f ,,, 1 1,,. I ,,lt, 1,1! -l'Mi ' , ",'iiti .I,..',', ii 1.. i-ro iiti''i. luipiiiiutit rittiv tttat ii-.l liii't',.! , ,, ,' lIlliMitiiini tali's it- 111 I'lVM'tit llll 1 1 1 1 ii'.. ! ''nil' 1 ,, , u ,'t' i.t 1 a i-ui 1. 11 ia-I i!k l itill;; 1 1 ! i;. Justice to P,,' 'i- at". 1 P.i.-ul-,. r, ,, ,1 ... ,!,. ,ia. .im, ,.r tn, ll:t,..'-l.:t,. . '..tall 1 i -..;.! n, in II,,. ,.,.f, i-i- "I i:- '. us I., I, oat s,,iia',i, 1 ti 1 r- I" a i Sim I !ir -i- 1 ati" Hum Ha -Ifll if it'-i in "if.' 0, i'i.' ' T" ' ' I ha 1 ',1,1111 i v ,.(,. it, i....i in, nl. 1" 1:1 - vl . u I . I ,-iiti lii'f Ih.' tn'iisiM .,1 l,,,,t, lull,',' ,'!)'', ,i'l I t , : ', '..t'l a: i, . ail a I, .,.-!. .lis . I '.I. il l',', til.. ,,,,,, ,, I'M"'"-'- i" ''.ii"- ',.! '" "f ili;,"i"- !.., Mi. .1.I1 ,- ni..) . i . . I i . . . i ,,r III .! T',(. Pa," ; a I ,. .' irnlai" ... '"i,t,,ti!:s inii - t I.,- ill .' ',,1 u 11 ! t ha : .,a T 1. It I ia' 1 : it's '.1 , a : i " is. 111a:'- 7 I , r.il nil .' .. .1 )-!- I .. Si-,. f.,'.. ... , - ':i I I-..,:,. , 1 .- a,,,' 1 tn ta 1 ..... " ' ! . ' !.. 1 i. r aii Ia I " v Ti..- b .....' 1 e-..- ' '" " " " 'is i.- " ' .,,,,,,...,. ,. .,., ,,., iv-i oa 11 1. i' ...... ..1 , .i..i,.i I'll I I II'' s. in,' ',.,!, .it .a.' . ,.. tl,,. ,., , 1 ... 1 ' y 1 ' 'Vf I'f.vi. r.i. 1 ,,,' 1, 1 : 1, a, .,1 11 .f II.' -.1 ,: I ,'t' ,.':, tl , .1 ' ! ,', 1 1 , 1 ' ,a , 1 "' oil- .. i-.- Ti'. sti'inlil, ',.,.i-.. "! -.a 1 1,1 1 ,!,',! i r . ,., ., ,,. , ...., th 0,.' int.. 1 'i,," 'iu:- -'' '"'tl in : -I I,, !,. , I. , a i.y ti. ' : :..;.! 1 . : 1 , s , 1 ' . 1 , : 'i a, ..it S'!t1 "t- I'.'.l I '1 -I Ml "1, 'is II s !: "" ; .i I.' .'Mt.'li' I 'ii- .. t I in:... no. 1 ' ' I'"- 1,1.11 li'l 1 a ' i- ..t.t !,,". 111 ia t ! , ; ' 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 ii.1 i.- 1 t .1' 1 i-i ulal 1, mi is i,. 1 . a. Ii 'tie .m.a 11 'ran:. Mils a a,. 1, 1 I,.,,.. ..M. asi,,. .. is.:,..,1,ii1.s l '"i', '"ti,',mi, . v.,ii titai ti,.. r..:is a,.. isioi,.. , iia.M ., ;: t . iitmiii,.,. '" '' '"""V" "" an,- l', l th- llti.. lei' in, !,!. a-l.ir.- ii... i .,'.. t i-.r. ,.f h -ni !, ifd will ' k'1-1' l" n " i-i c unit,- "'i l ' Cotton l'.tU' NEW MILL SEEMS ASSURED Roam.Le Raps IW Company In-.tJL Liis-e Steam Unit lie :,.-, i . ; i- ;', r I t I.T.e : l;'!il-.l a tll.r.tlt'.d..' "i.t::.. t v.i'.h ih. i ;!:-Tai l.l.'C.ric V'i'iTuiw; Me::;i i . ! .- ( i . i - . The -:.!i.e tn l e Silippeil III a .TV V:t'Mia!.!e ,.n,,t'n ,,)',,,,. , sj.t,.r;.r meiits as ih ;ii.' t "::r. ..ti macliil:el' . 1 he Sleaill Turl-ii i !.!: "I e VUI.TARF. ITFMS Misses Olivia. Lillie and .K..-ie ' 'i,,,..,,,t "fs If C Vineer.t Messrs. Win. and .Sidnov Vincent spoilt S iav afternoon with Mr . Ii. W. 'incent Jr. c, i'. i;,ihi,itt, of Norlina. slu,,lt "K' week-end with bis sister Mrs. Aina011 Glover. , 1 ... m - ,'i. , , .1 1 :..!.. , 1 " . .M . 1 . r-1 1 1 u , leu 1. in tasi a:.ioiriiment at Oak Grove Suu- ihlV aftel'liooll. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Shaw spent Sunilay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Amazon Glover. . i 1;, u. Cray was in Emporia , , 1 Moiv.lav on business. ! Mrs. 11. W. Vincent and M'-. , , , . , i , t .. 1 ! .oi. a 1 1 t c sp, nt Momluv a! t. r . ' ., . ,. '.. ... n""" m tl"' l;,,IIK' ' U- YlUcel.t. Mrs. .. W. Wilkins and Miss Ida Pligh caiied in the .,.;.e "I Mrs. U. E. P.aird .Moi.dav. A. M. Gltuvr was in Enaia.Lt Rapid.-. ,M,,!i ia on 1 0 I ,' :. s;.. I;, I'k t'lrat.tii lias paivha-. d a CIkw relet 1 'ar. ,1. II. SI, a . i . erv 1!! at tin: W l i 1 1 1 , . i s es K at brine I '.ow . i s ai d I'!l:. :.h. th S:: c spent the Uctk- ',.,! j I ; s . 1 1 . i, with relativ .. vl,,, 1 ci a Wynne ivt.irnetl M.-i.ia after spending s,,ni,' ' , , t . ne v. it 1 1 In r s. hi a. len '.nne 'an p L'. W. A. N'il.cel.t called on Mis; ;,,.i.. Kici'.c, of Ishon;.', I'riday a! ten null. , i:,,,,!S id-ay, Robert ,. ti. . ( leaton and .hiii Ingram spent Tli5inks,iii:.:r 1:1 UichmomI at- ,,.,, r ,-. I ,t!f,i! ;r.,mi. I'.C- tweeti Carolina and 'irg:nia. ke Cream Suur 11 'I Pastor's class of the Christ- : j;m t'j,,J1Yh wnich is coiliposetl of abou t ti 1 tv ,v ou ng ladies, all single, , will have an ice cream supper at ! the Tabernacle on Saturday night. ' . , ! All people, whetner married :or single are invited tocomeout. j The girls will welcome you. This . class is pledged to p.y one hundr ed dollars on the church by Jan ! uary, seventeenth Subscription ROSEMARY PERSONAL AND M:ss Marion White spent rha'ii.sMiviii'j' with her parents The Ladies of the Civic League Hoif.'oo.l. i;iV1 decided to rejieat the Cum- i:,..;,, it,,r cf "I'inity Christmas Tree of 1913 i I.-nder-.n -i-eit "tl.eweek''ei..j thia 3Wir on a" even ,urrer sc'ale 's.t'i iVi.nd, l.tre l''blli- f'lai'S for this Christmas Tree are in active .1. I . I.t'ttii, .-pent several (lays preparations and all cit.ens in-hi-t week in Virginia. tere-ted in this most meritorious Miss I'.lanch. lVaton and Misses twn e . d. ;,,! Antionnette Man- "'d,a ly "IV'U',I t0 Mlb oi:ia. of Norfolk, spent the week ''' ' in. Mr. . I. M. Gri.ard. ';' ' G- T. l.umpkins and year. An excellent program lain.iy of i is ford, stopped over w ill be arranged and it is plaUned on ih.'ir wa;. to Suffolk and spent to leave no child without some a day with .Mrs. .1. M. Grb::ard concrete token of Merry Cbri.-t-'isl Wl" lo'v. I.umpkiiis has mas this year. Mrs. K. P. Beck accopt, ,, a cali to the Suffolk with at Rosemary and Mrs. Jno. !:a!'tisl ' " L. I'atterson at Roanoke Rapids Go.,. C. r,,.-,,;; -hael attended receive contributions toward ti., Yii Kiiua.t arohna football j th,ii cl,anly .name at Kichn;. :. '. '! hanksgiv-! in- j R. E. Baird G. W. Cooper spent Sunday in Halifax with friends. JIr- 1'uir'1 !l at bis home on last Monday evening, Rev. W. K. Sheltou left Tues- he was ill for onlv a short while day lor t.heX. C. Methodist bf.inK taken on the Sunday morn (onierence at Durham. in-before. Mr. Uaird is surviv- M. G. .lei, kins -pent Sunday ''! ' his wife, an aed mother, in Norfolk. one sister and brother, Mrs. M. Kinj- and T. E. Baird. Mr. Mr. ,). 1). Shoarin was here Baird was a member of the Oak Tuesday on business. Grove M. K. Church and leaves .1. I!. Ko.ul attended the North hmU of friends to mourn his loss. Car-iina Methodist Conference The interment took place at the at I iiirham this week, family bui'vine ground on Tues oa.v evening. The pall bearers II. Ik Dobbin spent .Monday in w ere Mes.-rs. C. V. and J. A. I la,i!a on Pi, sine--. I A. Moore : pent several da hi I leild'-r.-oll this w e.-k, Mrs. Thoma; M. .lenkins at tended the State Baptist Con vention at Klk'alteth Citv this week. .1. W. S iiali", left for Emporia .he past week where he has accepted a position with the Emporia Machine Works. Miss Maude Thompson spent Friday and Saturday in Norfolk u ith friends. w, w 1 1 .', , c m , 111. Wood lelt lor .orfolk tne past week where he has entered St. Vincents Hospital for treat- ment. II. I- I'.yrd and family, of I.niporia, are here relatives and friends. visiting E. W. Branch, of Halifax, was in town Tuesday 011 business. 11. II. Ilutcherson, of Rich mond, spent Tuesday here on hnsine-"'.. I. C. Stall visited friends in lliipi'Uiil Monday a:al Tuestiay The BosePiary Concert Baml l.iltleton W'ediiesdav w here t hoy went to Inake music for a land sale held near Littleton. Miss A :111a Blank, ef Peters l.::rg, is here for a few days isit in the limnr uf Mr. and Mrs. -I. T. Manfni'tl. Mr. and Mis. W. A. W iliiams ie't .Mondav lor Wiiminton w here they w ere called on acta, Lint of the sadden death of M rs. William's mother. Mc. rs. . I '. ( oppaee and A. I. Thompson. !' Halifax, spent the day here Sunday w ith friends. There were no services held at I take this method of expres tlie Rosemary Baptist Church sing my sincere thanks to those Sunday evening, the pastor and friends who were so kind, help congregation going over to the ful and sympathetic during the M. E. Church to hear Rev. W. R. illness and at the death of my Sbeltoiiwho preached his final beloved wife. Their thoughtful senium h. re the Conference aid ami ready sympathy were year and w i',o will serve a charge comforting indeed during this the comm., w ar in the Western time of aliliction. M. E. Conference. Medlin. HfRALD'S CHRISTMAS CONTEST VOTING COUPON 100 VO If mailed or handed in NAME OF CONTESTANT $1.00 a Year in Advance COMMI.MTY CHBJSTMAS TREE THIS YEW low aru same. The Tree w ill be jfiven on the Avenue about where it was last 'mcent, P. N. Stainback, W. S. llockaday, .1. K. Shaw and R. K. ('ieaton. The funeral services, v, ere conducted by Rev. M. Y. Self. STANCELL ITEMS Mr. L. W. Clements, of .Norfolk, is spending some tint" with his parents Mr. and .Mrs. E. M. Clements. Misses Katherine Bourne and Elizabeth Lay spent Thanksgiv- ing at St. Mary's College Kaleigh w'th Miss Lav's parents. 1 Mrs. Lucy Grant w ho has been ill for several week's is slowly improving. Mr. Ii. G. Baird who was taken very ill. suddenly last Sunday 1 morning is not expected to live. Mrs. Annie Grant, Miss Mary Lawrence, .Mr. ,1. C. Davis ami Mr. George Steele spent Thanks giving in Richmond. Mrs. John Shaw is visiting friends and relatives at Thelma thjsvm.k. Mr Walter Clements called in the boine of Mr. 1). 11. Uamey Sunday. W. II. Allen, of Garysburg, spent Sunday here with Tom Alien. Mr. ami Mrs. Isaac Rainey spent a few days in Richmond shopping last week. Rev. M. V. Self preached his farewell sermon at Oak Grove M. E. Church, Sunday. This ends Mr. Self's fourth year here. We regret very much that he will not be sent to us again. A Card of Thanki TES 100 before Dec. 18, 1916.

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