A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR &&$&s&$$$$imi Is Our Sincere Wish For All of Our Friends and Customers I fegrereagaBsgS" Half Price Sale of Men's and Boys' Cloth ing Friday and Saturday. It will pay you to see these wonderful bargains Auction Sale of Christmas Toys Christmas Eve Saturday Night at 8:30 we will sell all Toys and Crriftmas Goods at Public Auction, to the highest bidder. Buy Christmas presents for the family at your own price. If advertised or sold elsewhere its always cheaper here. Don't be misled by imita tors - Come to the Home of Bargains. The Clothing Man 2nd St., Roanoke Rapids J. GOLDMAN ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY BT Herald Publishing Company Inc. J. T. Stainback Editor SutarivUim $1 00 a Year in Kinxt TELEPHONES Day 570 Night 568 Kntered as Second Claw Matter Apii 3, 91 , at the Poat Office at Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1879. All communlcationa ahouid be addressed to the Herald Publishing Co. Persona wishing return of maa, must in all cases enclose stamp. All cards of thanks, resolutions of re spect, etc., etc., will be cbargnd for at the rate of one cent per word. Cash must accompany article in all cases ex cept where customer baa a regular ac count. No insertions made for lest than 25 cents. Friday, Dec. 22, 1916 Merry Christmas! Russia is always ready to talk Turkey. iription; for uncle a year's subscription: for grandpa, a year's subscription; for auntie, grndma, et cetera ad infinitum, a year's subscription. Congress has decided to reduce the high cost of living and has taken steps toward this highly desirable end by beginning con sideration of a bill to waste thirty five million dollars of the peoples money on public buildings (government monuments) in towns of less than three thousand population!. News paper at 7 cents a pound is a commodity that we can no longer afford to give away or to send out on credit. If the date on your label does not end in seventeen it means that your subscription is in arrears. Please i Sanatorium. " r deals Help Patients Take Treat ment at Sanatorium Probably the most direct bene fit realized from selling Red Cross Christmas seals is that it helps numbers of young men and women, who would otherwise not be able to do so, to take treat ment at the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and there learn how to fight their way back to health and usefulness. Dr. L. B. Mc- Brayer.who isexecutivesecretary of the Red Cross Seal Commission of this State and superintendent of the Sanatorium, writes: "Just this morning we had a letter from a minister in Zebulon, ask ing for 2,000 seals which he ex pects to have sold to pay the ex penses of a patient here at the CEDAK SHINGLES. 4 X IS fifty to bundle. $2.50, 1 t) inH t "ill nan lull I cl n) ' while they last. K. E. Wollett, Littleton. N. C. DON'T FORGET US remit promptly if you wish the Herald to continue coming to you. Don't forget the Christmas Tree. community Rumania is probably willing to discuss peace terms. Soon be time to do Christmas swapping early. your Russia wants a piece of Tur key - not a peace with Turkey. If you can't afford shoes at $30.00 - why buya4d machine and quit walking. Now that we have the Avenue raised to such a high level, let's all try to keep it clean. Why worry about the high cost of living now when the high cost of giving has launched a strong offensive along the entire front? It is our private opinion that if this Christmas rush gets much worse the good old Seaboard is going to give up trying to get a passenger train through at all. The rulers of Europe, contrary to the customs of the past few years, have not definitely an nounced their plans for taking their Christmas dinners. That even great moral reforms should be accomplished through immoral methods is certainly debatable ground. That popul ous communities should imnose how desirable, upon the people of distant states who are oppos ed to such restrictions is not moral, is not ethical, and in the case of National Prohibition is, what is much worse from a practical standpoint, an absolute ly infeasible scheme. The passage by Congress at this time of a National Prohi bition Act would not enhance the morals of North Carolina and Kansas and would breed an utter contempt for all kinds of law in New York and Pennsplvania. Prohibition of the only per manent type, individual prohi bition, is gaining ground with every advance of education and science - it can only be hindered, not helped, by clumsy statutes, carelessly enforced, and the pro hibition agitators should adhere to the campaign plans which have already made dry twenty three states and not jeopardize all future progress by ill consider ed efforts to club the more popu lous States into submission by constitutional amendment. "The Red Cross Christmas Seal" says the State Board of Health, "offers any community an opportunity to care for its indigent tuberculosis patients. The sale of seals is as much a business proposition as any be longing to this progressive age. Its methods are highly endorsed by all business men and women, and its permanency assured by Is past record. Red Cross Seals a id their work have come to say. ' ' E. 13. KWG. (INl'EUNATION al EiMie) Expert Sign Painter will U' in Roanoke Rapids for several days. I .paw ordc! s for signs, show curds and banners! at Herald Office. WANTED GUOD CLOTHES Presser-to begin work January j 7. Good opening for the right j man. Anulv to i T. W. Northington and Son. When you need any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY LOST GOLD WATCH WITH Hunting Case and close link chain. Finder will please re turn to Herald Office ana re ceive re.vard. mm Seals Have Business Value A Real Parly. Worry had attended the Christmas pi'rty cf a little friend and eujojed It very much, especially the candy and other goodie. A few days later the mother uf his little host met Win and usl cd : ' t'ld you hove a good time, Harry, ut Orriu's party?" "' should say so!" responded Harry, ent uatiistlnilly. "Why, mamma hud to i It up with me three nights I wua so a'ek." Pi i j The Christmas note is peace g aid good will. Whatever dis- R cords, wrongs or resentments the S year hus held for us, the blessed C hrlsttnastlde should end them Ft q 1. If you have pushed aside fj a ly hand this year, reach out 3 and clasp It now. If any dear j t.e hus been loosened, knit It up p f gain on this gladdest of all aid- gj ' ersarles. Let all wounds be If 1 ealed, and all resentment and B I ride be burled under the Christ- B i las holly, while we celebrate the j I lrthduy of the Prince of Peace. B wertft et food tmi property twy rear, rtu o4 But and Muff rmr to wiia h It nfc to ite. Dudlf ! rats bul harmlai to Huma beings. Km umpir dry p, No tef whatever. Valuable bouklrt in tch on, "How to Drer Rata. 16c, 60 nd $1 .0 0. U Seed, Hartwu IIW arf Cml term For Sale By Roanoke Pharmacy Co. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, I'Uroa County, sa. Trunk J. Cheney makes onth that he Is senior rartnt-r of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing buslnens In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRKL) DOLLARS for earn and every ras uf Catarrh Cat cannot he i eurcd hy the use of HALL'S CATARRH : MED1CINK. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to before mo and subserl d In my presence, this 6th day of 1 leoeniter, A. r. 1M6. A. W. OLEASON, Seal) Notary Public. Hall s Catarrh Medicine Is taken In ternally and arts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sysiem. Bend for testimonials, free. K. J. CHKNKY ft CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family 1'iiU lor constipation. E. B. GLOVER FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER Roanoke Rapids, Day Phone 506 nawMMMiiiiMiiiiii'iitiwHi'nii huh mil i N.C. Night Phone 540 What boots it tht athe German armies have swept over Rumania, haven't the French and English j business reasons, and that they could not for any reason claim To enable their policy holders to live as long as possible was the sole reason for a large life insurance company buying last month 43,000 Red Cross Christ mas Seals at one time. This firm made the statement that their action was dictated solely by Iff I OorvT troops, rash fellows, captured two woods, three deserted farms and a villag?? When we stop to consider that the money spent for Red Cross Christmas Seals is spent in the fight against the plague of Tu barculosis, it would seem that every one of us would use at least some of these seals every Christmas. General Leonard Wood's state ment that il the National Guard had met good troops "they would n3ver have known what hit t'lem" should tend to ease the pains of those guardsmen who have been fretting to get at the Mexicans. Try your hand at a poem on the following lines and specifica tions: snows blows coal gold, silver, diamonds, etc. Christmas suggestions: For father, a year's subscription; for mother, a year's subscription; for married sister, a year's sub- any credit on the score of phil anthropy. They believed it good business on the following grounds: That the presence of tuberculosis means a great financial loss to the community, and its greatest ravages are found among the poor. That it is more logical to spend money to get rid of the disease than to reflect the cost of sup porting its victims in an increas ed tax rate. That the affliction of the bread winner of the family with the disease means lowered efficiency and less earning capacity, which in turn means a lessened power to provide the proper nourishment and environment to successfully combat its growth, and that his incapacity often throws his family upon the public charge. That no one makes a profit up on a dead man but the under taker, and he makes it onlvonce. whereas a live man is a constant source of profit to every one with wnom he does business, and the more alive and the more nrosDer- ous he is and the more business he does, the greater are the profits of those with whom he deals. ME ytuTe THVT5 NfCEARX, J 1 j i Teas and Coffees f We have a fine variety of (J teas and coffees to suit every J Jt taste and every pocketbook. ( 14 C Ji Most people judge tea and ! coffee by ths price they pay. $ W But you will find that we are "J fij offering some very choice $ grades at unusually low ft P"ces. A Let us help you make your J; V lelecuoa "There's a Reason" For Tn-dinj With The Co-operative Store Co., Telephone 614 Incorporated Chi. Welsh, Mjr, AN AWFUL SUFFERER Pearson Remedy Co. Burlington, N. C. Gentlemen :- This is to certify that I have been taking Indian Blood 1'urilicr for a ehort while with most saMafdi-iory results. I would irladlv recommend it tnnnvnne suffering as I huve with indigestion, constipation and nervou? prostration tor the last three vea-?. 1 have been an awful sufferer. Now 1 feel well and strong, work hard every day, eat anything with no bad results. In fad, my condition was so awful that it seenm almost like one bung raised from the dead. I feel that I could not say too much in praise of thin j;reat blood and nerve remedy. My prayer is that you may live long and pros: er. Respi-ct.fvlly, A. G Boone. Burlington, N. C. For tale here by Hancock-Houe Co. Rosemary Supply Company and Roa noke Pharmacy Compuny. Decoratlona for th Tree. A pretty decoration for Christmas which Is so easily made that the little tots can do most of the work. Is paper chains. Silver paper and blue paper make the prettiest Cut the paper into four-Inch squares, then cat the squares Into strips one-fourth Inch wide, and paste the ends of the Uttle strips together, linking them as yon go. Silver alone is very pretty, and alternate links of blue and silver give an attracUve effect The pnper costs five cents sheet so the expense of the decoration Is small. Not Playlna Favorites. Ton say this girl show is intended for the tired business man?" "That's the idea," replied the man ager. "But we don't wish to discrim inate, and during the holiday season we are glad to receive the patronage of the tired ccUegs boy." HalifajuCounty, North Carolina, IN THE SUPKRIOR COURT J. E. McAliater, Plaintiff, VR Hattie D. McAliater, Defendant, The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County, to obtain an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is requested to appear at the term I of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March, 1917, in the Court House of said County at Halifax, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for re lief demanded in said action. S. M. Gary, Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax County. Thi 29th day of November, 1916. 12-l-4t Some Timely Gift Suggestions From the Store of Beautiful Gifts Bathrobes, for men and women in attractive pat terns. Millinery selling out be low costany hat you may select from an as sortment which has hats oriprinally priced as high as $10.00 to go at $1.98 New Line Sport Coats Just Arrived will sure ly go between now and Christmas when we offer $25.00 values at $15.95 $12.50 values at $7.98 $ 8.00 values at $4.98 An assortment of won derfully attractive gar ments. Bring the children to Santa Claus Headquart ers now in full blast at G. D. SHELL'S Ibc Store ol T ThosiuJ Citt Got Somettuig You Want to Sell? Most people have a piece ol furniture, a farm imple ment nr nmtKriA .ln f-. ....... wow which they have discard- ed and which they no Ion ; ger want These things are put in Z the attic, or stored away t in the barn, or left lying abou., getting of less and g less value each year. t WHY NOT SELL THEM? f Somebody wants those very tilings which have become of no use to you. . Why not try to find that somebody by putting a want advertisement In THIS NEWSPAPER? Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power fcr all Purposes at Low Rates WE RENT DIRECT WATER POWER AT $15.00 Per HORSE POWER Per YEAR Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year To All j C A. WYCHE, Insurance Your Pin Money is Your "Seed Corn" Take Care of It If you are not already on the list of systematic savers, our Pin Money Club will interest you. It is a "Safety First" idea for Christmas Shoppers. By depositing a small amount regularly yufiaccumulate for "Santa Ci uius purposes. . -0 . - No trouble to fully explain our Pin Money Savings Club idea. Give us an cp portunity when you are around our way. Classes 10c, 25c, 50c and $1 a week. Get your book early so as to get into the class which you desire. Rosemary Banking & Trust Company Safety and Service t

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