umi mm urn a PROCLAMATiO In 9 t " 1 it' k f 1 Hy Ino G-Tvrmor 0 t'v I! ,rvft .t ;i l".t DANDRUFF QUICKLY' 5'iOPPtX) i-i'i' twit- v w cure an ,t i ' at i- t.. ki! . Th- -: Th-re t v iV 57 r ntervct a Stvon.t t'i V W ...'l. t tn Oft.- at Kali.i. North rrvim. un.- ri' i.oo I .! 1 1. .1 I .t uf 'I 1 , the fh t Ui::'. s w :'. hi i- t' i All (Mmmunk"tin:H Jviaaeii to the iir..i i' mut ra ail cajtea encUux atumi'. 1 l Alt cfcr.U of thank. rv . - si, rtc, U".. lu I ' : th rmt of cvnt jvr v i. avnmi'any artu-.e m a -t.-v ;t wrir eustimu-r h rri",r .vunl. innT'.i.'is n ! fvr i "an 'i? .-ita. Friday. March 30. 1917 i i '.v foil 'r:,; jvouliar ani ti.wtH-uinat t I. X!'-' h-tM x ur hu .r. t '.!? who ri tu.vs of tvao I'.atoJ J?UUs art? uU-at t s t0 fed. Z Frx tn the- south tiv is. -II tut-til is tn:tvi : Cart hna. Fu.l eri.j an.! sro-ueh ':e the s ir' j aa:nst tho of ;..-. vt. la wry Mate th U,tr..c cotton l the boll vt.-il has t-1 tt 5 .: owvJ ! a purxyvi-s fanm-r's credit. IVu 4 tVtvnat 1 'J 1,1 t!e stt a h a.iv:.iuv e..c :;y and tho cor tat. 1 co,;.m,-i 101 i o- its attack, it .-. toc r 1 1 t 1 t st .y:d:i.v to :a:i to n.oot it with tho i e. Active, to-v:tt lro:ni acres o! j.?::: .'. The i'.nu'suifd cro'.v In 11 Ijav . .t a liccct 'i ti.o r.ft x 1 i.v i ..1 : j .h ;!. .i.ce A i.. a '.'I'M -ii.' bo tae t. food and feed crops u 1 ifee t 1 ev 1 1 Hit ti. I J.-n t. V Iet's start an unihrehal ri.-.a.'e. Tho weather man has alreadx committed the overt act. We are laiitin tr. t overv thinjr but the hatchet tacse days. tar 11 ; v a i t i:u ol tae la.v. I he im rcdai t ill ; unt.tcd a ivar'Ccs under tae i;. - la a t-.-ii i lui-i to taae ion,; ctiana tnat the .a;';::cr m.i. ; pr-d ice h:s cv he l;as oi'i.e tit is ho u ;,i find dltii ary Mip,"!ivs. A.l tittle tilings n.ake a ..u' "o t. feed crops esi r.tnti to our eif Ik ;t r Now, thereto! e, 1. i'i;oin;.s Walter weaiot.s that have r ar.i jrrtts-cs. is framed to t.ive theM a credit stc: that !, vi-t Ji. 'X s, I . . :" l.-a. d Ins i i ,-i f (,.. ..-nor w in fai.s to .:,-..'lf and .'.in!;!, the ; vr!y -el'.i-e j!;;.:,e tA'ntf pr -.vdi no f -i lie w ill wisvly and , r cv. 1 meat and ia al. :v d v. in i htaini' ; t.tiu r i 1 1 increase ation. Ihei.ett, tli 'Ven roart m i-.;r tcH-d :f'd r.-tX. Carohiia. dii iiceoy J. .-;.rt.ato and m TlirUSiUY, TliK He i !l V OV AIT.1I, isi7 AS I'l.ANiiNt, i.Y an.l on that day carles' iv ur , .. . a U M : . -....1 y iia)j ; C ' " t f trv ,; . '. v!. . j ;a'!. ir InanJi ft' ; ri as well , s f t - i t Ittclicn. !J Lai,1 " n wo'kslk-p J v ' v rvr- Ij !..: : . 1 Ss.pj v' . 1 r, . tr: ..jJc lite 'i n.v v , .... . .C J C. r ' : ". ... . f laundry J 1:, 1 or ; '..vds. I. i'l ' r Tj. r1 "V 1. Ad i:::i ti and d evi and d to call t!ie p "i. practical wa.vs am 111. ars ,.f ad j act nt to the town planUni to Tiiere are only t , kn Americans t-d;.y - Ante and traitors. 'ican town p.aiiU of every kind to r.uvt ar d increase their i'ot d and (v. d We have it on p'od a.itinr:t that prin has only executed a strategic retirement. The sinking without warning of a whole lot of garden seed is an entirely justifiable act. Thousands of i-aragraphers re gret bitterly that t'ongros meets on the 2nd instead of the 1st of April. lant fo lit s at;.; d m d their A Red Cross organization in this community shoulu le started by the ladies and a II me Cuard 15y the (.uuernor organized by the young men at once. - a''K).it 1 1 miles from the British "Russian Army Ready for imt the Turks appnarentlv ave German Blow" states a head- exe,utinj, a skillfull retreat, and .Must led pretty conlaient m.. ..... s:iv.. thP maiur ,H,rtion ill nf !...; r..muc The thing tf greatest moment. r;- ot ii.corpor..!. rut into excel h ivir.g t-very vac int l"t in an.l grain or grass pea-' or potatoes . Ail faraiors' tiruinii.ailon C ..msel liter ineiuoers to hcavi.y crops this year. All iana'.erils to iin t that their tt 1 ants shall j ft ed crops ample tV the s-Ui-t-. m.ite t 1 their fata livestock. 1. AH merchants and bankers to c , ir. sl their custoir.ers w h.t are engaged in farming to iiicrease the acreage plan' ..1 to Jo. d and feed crops to such an extent that it will be iinr.t-ee.-siiry for thorn to purchase any food s.inpiies n t v?ar. The times are troublous. No man en say what an hour tuny bring forth: but if we shall act with jiruuetice and diligence, the "meal will waste not n r will tue 01! fail." I lone at our city of Raleigh, litis iue Itith day of .March, in the year of oar Lord one thousand nine h indrod and seventeen, and in the one hundred and Airty-iirst year of cur American hi de pen den ee. T. W. r.ICKKTT. Covjrnt.r. SNTKii;i) Martin. Private Secretary tiore Co. ,1 ,1 it:. i kj V 4 y f'vtlilic 'AHIVNAL BANK .;-e.i. N. Carolina i 1 1 ... CLRK iNfelANCE I'drni.',-., tt..:1., !fail..r. rt.ilrr, II.- to I r. t. Plate .I 1. .litnJ ktgitteird Mail i.lfr. P.. 1 i.a-,!,f. 1.1..--. ! Autui . Ill .. 'i.WKII'i: YOl'R KOND m at,J i. at w .:t tin.v.:. Tht unusual ha.r rr-: -'.r.r aua ItMf trasj of th..uatKi ut 1 uts rtv lia.r ..(t any hrmi 'tkrr t;. v t af hie . ' t : a . ir .Wi.di uf . j rt fM. xg fciir ..!.. I it.-iuri .if thr ' 'p in fhit.1 ! t.tir i 1...W. I tl is th mv.-t t ;. arj int'at- i r g toTii.', is n..i ti. at .r i u.J rtteiitfs t .a.nt-s. t.f r'tln t . !'t a h.i .hirv to ha. at. 4 to kref. j n . .r hair :t. tu-t;uu at.U .uaututnt.,e t'hanna.y t'.v arki K.tx'nitiy i'u! to. a'f ViMrrUit.a Hair ia: timiv on a jotiv Kuarantrv to rv- .ia'i.lrulf ur nnw r!ur,UJ at) s- and a ivittir. -ut ol town .-i.t.Kiir U(.(ili J bv mail 1 fWi2i:i! To&oane Is Bo-uty Aid Announces Specialist M.IJrta laat T.h al UtnMt to Warn A- 1. a Ih i a tirt at.) t Kauty ti.l--1 . t . t. .d l.v Mil.trrJ ...u.i. Uauly - . is.wt, ol lU.-lott, Vaa . la of un ......a! ititoirj-t. ' I . an niMiuni. nil iki twttrr hta'th " . of than t.niollllf,'' -aw iklli.i:vd P. UIV. ' I a ..r n.any n.iiitha a vktim .f toma.h trvut'if aii nvrtuusnw. I l a.l ulTetvd trtrihly trvmt iains that folK.ard falmg.'rna alw aouitl n.itl to my irrk. Poor titration la aliy hroufht on m-rvouMiona. " Ui-lu f .aim1, hottov.r, aiwn I tool il o aiivutf i ' M'tvial aotn. n ahuai.t " ttMiotiiM. " Not Uh;k altor I th tunolinv trtatitiont, my patron Itii to remind 1'irof the improve im nt in my votuiitiun. Ami K'.-auw health la the quietest way to t.eauly. the impmvrmn.t aa par U. ulariy iiotiee ahle in my face. "What tonoline rvaily dul for m 1 . aniHit nay: I am -o grateful that I am very willing to recemiiiienj tonoline pul'li.'ly. ' loiiohne i a purely vegvtatil rej aration hieh gv to the arat of com mon nialailtea-atomarh and kidney t'ouhle, catarrhal affectiorn of the rnueoua mcmliranes, liver ailment and impuntiea uf the lbd ami iuickly ietutea proper action. Ti.noiine is being explained daiiy to nan people at Kovnoke Pharmacy and lloaemary Drug t'u. Notice: An tonoline is wonderful lUsh bulkier it should not tie taken hy any one not wishing to increase hi weight ten xunds or more Although ii'Hiiy rerts are reeeived from thoa '.. o huve heen henetited hy tonoline in severe cases of atomach trouble and nervous dyspepsia, chronic constipation, etc. - 5nc H0X FKEE - Roanoke Rapids Power Company 1 Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 3 Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on j EASY PAYMENTS I Eltctric&l Power for ill Purposes at Lew Rates 11 RENT DIRECT WA1EI POltl AT $15.00 lt HCRSE POWER pet YEAR W. T. ROWLAND P.-... i .. ...a.i .arr Vl'flV.L lini I is. Co.. ol Mew York ('iiet arui Luritt i:virnd Pitidf ( 1 -njr u. t1) I tiilrd StatM t t.irih.-r ihloriHMtioli CiCO - The Best and Library and Of f ice Paste on the marktt. Herald Pub. Co. Funeral Directors Embalmers Day or Night Service Anywhere Hancock-House Company. Inc. W. C. WILLIAMS. UuW Emkabaatr NM Paaa: 1W S90, SSI. SM 3 haa Floral Off rring Supplied on Short Notice. si M ( PUREST lSr'A I GOODS MfBv Vfor Use oa the CJI .t ' i line the roada to the rear are clear and in pootl cmliti'm. Editotial Correjpcntlence l.ill U-T linivfr:il niiiitfire the German retreat on the west- .trai,lill!f wiil be rreM.ilttHi the Mt";,iiin of ('impress that meet April 1', !!17. Tin? hill provides for the estab lishment of training areas and training units, approximately one in each (vnure-ssionrtl district will organize ami .train men in the several areas. TKOS. M. JENKINS j I-Vtnry Public ! Ros-1 -.ary Supply Co. Building 1, N.C. i Dr. E. E. Hachman SURGEON DENTIST ROANGXE RAPIDS, N. C. (if . c Over HrraM Pub. Co. Everything For Baby Here Ifa not only a question of what you get for th baby. But whtn you get tt is also an tmpor 1 1 vam maLUvr. Mt. tfraat deal to do with tho condition tn which Send me hy return mail a fio box ! thay raach you. I eiii'luM' ItK tu help jiay 0 tage anii i We employ extraordinarily careful methods I "" km tn handling aU goods for babies' uses. And we " 1 ava everything you are llKely to need, such " baby foods nursing bottles nipples-paci- tiers talcum powders ointments and all wt. . S3f ,om that -m. W remedies. otlier colleBP luta a t'i'tter RtNilluin, ha - Kffsraa; Roanoke Pharmacy Company -Lafayette J.-urmil. PretCfiption DfUSgut v.. o A. I I.' J. V WORHEL Hi h S.iuarc, N.C I.'an.l., N.C. WX, WliitHLLL & LONG Roanoke Rapids Herald Roanoke Rapids, X. C. I however, mav prove to be neither ine man vwio naa a ne.a oi the Mesopotamian campaign, nor trarant spuus dreakm oui tnroutin me mu-i Knows mac rn f,.,nt llllt nin.Unl.nrV poor though he may be at present, , plans wjth rvgilti to the four or yet great riches are in store for . five army curp9 reieust,d i,y the hm- (contraction of the line. With .150,(100 to 12()t),fKiU troops at his Govenor Rickett has gone to-dispo8j it is a9 certain as anv- soum caronna ana wneii tie thing jn this waP can the . mppta thu Smith f'nri.lina (U.v. r i :i. i , I nese tillltS - . . ijerman commanuer win ernor that famous sa inir istro- ..u (v . t " a iieu eiieii:Mc 'iiie' a lie. tr. . ,, , intrto take on anew and deeuer 1 1. . :i:.i K..t;., .u... ana " the presence of significance. ; it will take the form of a fre.h 1 8uch 8 b!'.dy, of men a (Mli'"c' tl) 5. 7 to 8 p. m, community win ueneiit sa: very much indeed A!forr.fy at I aw Roan .Wr Rapelt. N. J tck&on, N. C. and ! drive at Calais: but in view of DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST Utiic S.Lml Moor Lyric Th.atrr Building Wo onni'fflrii'ftto Vio T ittlwtnn i. . e. .1. . .. . 1 ! COnHliUnitV " tiie liiet, LiiiiL 111 iiiciiujs unvfs, . . . , , . rtT n sT a rww News-Reporter and its m,ial.the German casualties have n RCC0!,lnt ft, lar su,ms 01 CLARK & CLARK editor. Mr. T. R. Walker, upon am0unted to more than 200,000, j n. lhat w,1! l,e , Atlorn , at Law its having attained its twenty- some observers are disinclined: 1 !'" first birthday. In con.niemoration ; to accept that theory. Kive (;er-! " suthcient votes are cast ft Roanoke Rapids, N C of this auspicious occasion the . man anuv corps cannot be GXDtct-' nt this special session of i;'t ;,i. r,. rpru rn.n ithnk Hmidin News-Reporter printed fourteen e(j to accomplish much against Conr-ss- the-e units will be pages, telling all about Littleton tjie millions of the French and ' er"ta-'ishe(l a- s-wn as itraeticali'c. and its progressive business i;ritish: but against the Italians. ! The establishment of these houses. We trust Mr. Walker or th Riwm'arm their u-ei-'ht ' tra,''K centers will, undouht- may live to boost for Littleton woui,j ue tremendously effective, j e'Jly' be done .n the recommend- CORONA $50 many years to come. Hindenburg'i Line-Shortening .EsDeciailv in view of the chaotic ation of c""ssmen. If your ! state of Russian political affairs community is interested, please! lit would seem reasonable to be-iconfer w,lh as many ngress ilieve that a vigorous blow jn, men as powible before April Ufi. , !sav. Rumania, mitrht unset that ana secure tne passage of the It is too earlv vet definite conclusion, but annear-tlcrinS nation' and compel a iu. .i. senarate neaee. aiiL-ea uiuicuie timt ine uern una ' ' ie, ,,, ,,.,.,... i . ,. , , , . i , it i close to us now and we shou d have made good their retreat to In view of the respective! , .... th n.l linn Th mMM t PntranePnf thol'mtprf SfntM if not dc,a ,onr 1,1 Ketting reat.y r:rz: r:: rr0 r. wzz:zrzxz; z peun enemy, fucii an assumption lie in tne not, vjchhohji o luunriu i. fact that La Fere has not yet fal-:more than ever a fight against lento the French, and that the;'?, and therefore pressure on British are still far from Cambrai and St. Quentin. The French are still making a prodigious effort to smash through, with a possibil- the most uncertain of her ene mles is more than ever the logical next step. However, Hin denhurg has so often deceived ity of success; but the chances prPhecies based on the most are that it will be necessarv to careiui calculation mat argu ments as to what he will do no longer carry much weight. - necessary bring up the heavy artillery, and batter the line to pieces, after the fashion by which theSomme line Greensboro Dai.y News. was rendered too hot to hold. In Mesopotamia the Turks have thus far managed to hold open their precarious avenue of escape. The Russians are closing in, it is true, and at present are only Valuable Reputation. The very reputation of belug strong willed, plucky and Irulefutlgi.h'e Is of priceless value. It cowe enpnile and dUpela opposition to our undertakings. Charles Darwin. special session. Wars 1 and rumors of wars are getting Yours truly, Hlgii H. Dkoadhi kst Capt. U. S. Cavalry - .u in ' Xa j' ... . . . H t 'StC? N i i . i l..M . i:.i,m-!i..i .,M U.J'y tna.Je at any time D. W. KCLLOGG, Agent Administrator's Notice Having qualified ns administrator of the estate of John M. Moore, dru-Hm-d, lateof Halifax County. North ("aro!iiiH, this is to notify all person having dtiim aainut tlve estate of Maid defeased to them to the undersigned at Hoa noke Rapids. N. C, on or before the :lth day of March, 1918, or thix notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2rd day of March, l!tl7. JOHN L. MOORE, i Admr. of Etat o' John M. Moore. ! m30a6-13-20-27m4 ; Special Notice! 1 It is a stilled fact among the Lxocrt Hrt filers that the White Orpingtons are the most popu lar chickens in the U. S. for their I'.c-auly, Larsip Stature and pro duction of large lich Eggs. fi liiis it a strain of Prize Win ners which I purchased from one of the best breeders in the South. fM t'-ggs now on gale at $1.50 per sitting of I 5 f.ggs. P. T. TAYLOR, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C 270 Madiao:. St. m3 30 a6 Service that Satisfies so many stands a fairly good chance of satisfying you, and for this reason you are invited . to let the community's lead ing store serve your needs in DRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDWARE Farming Implements & Supplies THE PATTERSON STORE COMPANY GEO. L HAYES, Jr. Manager

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