Ik )- . 1 I Nan Music Mountain .1 - i Fty f t --- fUniM k itaw aciuiax Pnf s breaking he the nlsAt boss, utandlnf la in t the taUtM rni, saw t horseman rtd in at a leisurely pa.-e up ttle Thief lUvt-f iwad. Tti buruTimu scruHiicU the aM'rohlus str!ii.er e! 'v. Thcr m ionirthiint sr tin.l wunethins faml'lar la the . of th ttsurtk But boo t!i ti!-'. t ihVt b:i I dUmouureti In frnt of :!' Vra dm, turned hi h l . .!. M I' ll c stlrti.v wtlkvd fornl on !.t ':e M:in Itlhhed hi Ve hanl IfA.n- tie ou' belter them. Thn lie " an io.Tilul'His stwtltic an.! Sv! U.'i.ry ile ;in lnt' the K-i" Cc. Xlin't fnemN of you:-i n r-w tmn-.t uiwtnir rUht turn," ho .1 o,l, bu'sin na h'k. Iv ;.; ilmn, furl.mle the 1-nni! :.in to Vim'. III i I, um'V akl!i tii' Hi'W "'''. hu b ha.l ked half a 1 cn i;.r leUnrvl? questl-'. att! .vi.i.:. .1 1 miwfii' twice an ti'unv. the barimtm j at l4 S!l' relUt heijic! (;;! tiji-, stair. VioxtiV himnelf with evlte- I ti-etit, the nlaht tunc!, nr'.rmms he laid hiiml ou ti.e u.'erktKl) a.vl th other on I Spuing v,n' Vv.j "You couldn't he or.ie." V.o v.lii-ej j.(.f"l Imnlly, "at better tin, ." I The mt rywii.tr la"k- ' '"''! the siletie within the room one nicU lv.xe thoiit;ht its iMMiimnf-. if tli- re j wore aueh. wrapp.-! in shi' i'vr. 1'ut :ir tiitervult a fnint ollck'iu son.. 1 rt-uM he heard. The n!Ht l:mn threw e;ta the vleir. l'y the lUht v'f tw M u'e-laitips, one et mi tli ilroor nt.il the other on a wlcilow U-i'.e. four ff u sat ahout a rickety table in a lil'-.".Ml-Jeath struscle nt ohpK No vol. e l.fi.ke the tense silemv. not evc. whoa lie itoor was throw u hii.ii.lly . pe.i. N. one neither l.efevrr. S.ott, Krtmk Elpaiwi nur M.'AI( In looko.l up when le Spain walked Into the rooi.i and, with the r.UM tnnn tlptoeir.K be hind, advuneed coinpowdly toward t!e , liroup. Even then his prison, e wouhl have passed unnotleed, hut that lioh Scott'i ear cieehunleally reroriled tl i litnpiujt Itep and transialtted to his ! trained tntelllcenoe merely uotk-e of aomethiBU untiMial. i ....: ;.s iirvt i' tittiii. raiseu m eyes. S'sriiins: as tb.e siht of the BHD Veii i:r for d, I r st have twn. m ; a. V ..f 15..1 So. :i's tHs!y ui.'Ved. i! -s .At rrsM. a of sun,.rlse slowly d.s s. iol i:.to a fna th:t amtvy luv!tsl i1.. ..:h, rs. as he LJ found .mt f. I.. - ,1. t. fi: .! out for tlieius..W-. I u, i '.uls'ul Ms do.il. th-. -'own tt: ;so k. .... isekod Up h s h:: id. K s su-ju-ious eyes n-er r-e atv the of the (;irt at the tatte; lut h,n he h.ij thumlwl his cards and l.,d Holt ue tj the other of the r. t -r:n1i players to rettd tlw won't.Mr Vjili.iA be Jwreeie,t KI Sk-ttl's t;o U!. MM.tst 'lr.'ssiol, tl.d hioiktsl to v.her.. the stmt's i:azf was tun.. J for an t iliitiiit!..u ;f it. I.ofev.r's a eyes, at the siplit of the ttunusl ta miliar fa. Nhlnd Elpaso'a chair, starting opened Uke full moott. The US fellow spread on hand out, his , cards hidden within tt. and with the otlver hand prudently Jrew down his 1 lie of ehtps. VieMlenven," h shU lichity. "this pime is InN-m.st " lie ros,. and pit a l-nt hand across the taWe over Elpaso'a shoulder. "ll.tiry. he ex.'lamied tmpassUely. "wie nths tion. if y u pKise ud . uly oce: llow in thunder did you do Itl" CHAPTER XV. Strategy. One vk w-nt to repairs. T a ni.'t of notion sin h a week is loiter i than ton . ars of servl.v. Hut chain.'.! to a .,. in the Sleepy fat hospital. Is Sj.iiin U o! no es. ape from one wtsA of th!t.kiir. and for that we, k he th-iti'd ! nl.oiit Van Morgan. And the Impulse I tliat moved hitu the first tuomont tie SIOR nr-isl its. ei'.h.T ;li or fr..!i''le f.-r h hitW ! l It e i to ti-l. N..' . i- ts:: I .. t. s .,, h,i -ti. '.i .' trv. t::v ,t. ..n h'.u tl stie ;', ."iiaos o ttie -Y oi.S: .r i 1 . v. t re to t i.o o h s t,.. ,i! .s, o if ' y r. r. .,r !..; . all tV V is ,d "etu tii." 'he t.ro,!! hrm. .z;' I wi-.h a to-r.-d ..me tr.-k ,-: - . - .w tthl." v .r.-nn a loHile il.. .1- .u v M r.; a t !..ut:. withia the v- in'ain tustie ss l. -u!d c.mut ti ' i" I. on la the 'uht. O.-i-,., ii.i was ' e ! l t. l"..ill :'. I ' i," .as : .1 . .. ton to Hs.. 1 . .. t ' - . s , ssi , .sil.sto.!, t. t I,, t ;il:.' .-:is (1iir ' i I urlo a t. 'i-oio t -'!'v ..i Iv Spat: in t' e Uirr." s. Is. s;. .;,(;,. assir!ia ' ly. lay in wait for the oi l ul ! ! Intenvpt.sj hi in one Vy on the road i to siltspy 'at. w:.Um: the twvUJj 1 tail. imt'.ftly for h.s wlNKy. ! "Yon tant he the i ciip I'.ull. that can t i a horse to ride." r. : Hopj iuc li.'a near tl: i l"!o;e pushed t.a.'k ! of Ids hat and 1 .' ' wottl Int !- Move it." h. i !i.i a cheerful CI 1 h I years aco I h-id h ! s. s i tn ni 't.s"i ! .,,.s! lev '1 1 s .'I... and t 1. 1, ..-sti.iu. i'ul a- e turn of W.ll U rd f-i'h 1 1. I- -r thai ,d 'i ,'y i "in tn the rr.. or s'eal ir s 1 I o Sjkhu. ; t.vi t '.r. Is,, he t r..koii t'H-'t ed r p. "You lo said, ii .', -rt-h - -' at t. u lend to ev. rv f r v."" II. '.,t v. oh a ?v Ve Tot.s "nv-vst r jiii. the raiiroioi. " "':. a'- iM i i. ' j a cup! l j.s.. t. ,r... an .v.-r i , l- csp ItullT" "Wl.-i k ..-I . s 1 ... ' k V "S.s. M.' VI. 'ti toe .nt to. y,l r ov. r nt ( a a' asas. tl- a! out thai ftri that tiv-i v h I Hike?" :uU fa. lisht.sl "Xaat Say! she's a little hummer!" "1 hr she's f.m low to Thief river, tosohim: axhaaw." "x'Mtae y I'ak.-'a Iras' thnv wtra ai.ii. S.ssi h. r In th kitcht hiakin' t.r.-,-. I." v 1 i i rii Srl Urrk THT REX TYrEWKITFR IS Sfctiil to ik : r srar I't-rs of V'- rivv. It a Fi ni rwe with j ;a i . t. isTt 1 es. .i . m. i iitftr w.Hnl. Fet ruarv t'. j r n C A. Wychc M Safety First Pay your Electric Bill on or Be fore the 10th of the month to save your discount. Roanoke Rapids Power Company v r.s msi Had Hit Handt I. Till oil ,1" you think th d.Klur has hialv. d yu?" Jill. dtsl.iytiui an o,piy h., ilsk : "Looks iiiorv a If he'd helped hiais.lf." f . ' t st c..i! l fet out of hed and into a sa lie was to spur his way har. and fast to her; to make her, against a soore of hitrly cousin, his own; and never to relensA' her from hi sudden ami iijiin. With 1k Spain to think was to do; nt least to da aotnethliiiS, hut not lih or.t furtiior careful tint kin, and not wi'h.nit iiiirieipaMiis every chance of t'a.lure. And Ins timaucr was to cast up aM dilla tiltiea and ol.stacles In a si'iia'lon. I. rush tliem aside, and have h's will if the heavens fell; and he now sot 1 imsolf, while doiiii his rou tine vvork every (lay. to do one par ti, nhir thiii to s,v. talk to, plead with. stnn:;.io with the woman, or sirl, rattier child, even, to his thought, so fra.ile she was this iclrl who hud (!tveu him hark his life iu.niu.st her otl t a.rau lii'e.' relatives. lis f-ieiids saw ilii't soinothln; wns iilisoihlnt; linn in an unusual, even an extraordinary way, yet none could ar rive at a certain conclusion as to what it was. The i tie tnnn lu the connfy who could have surmised the sitiia- tloii between the two the barn b. s, I M.'Alpiu if he entertained suspicions. was fur too pawky to tdiarw them with i liny 'tie. lien two weeks hud pnssed without I'e Spain's laiviio; soon Nan or havinn ai i Let Us Help You Get Ready for Easter E are receiving now every Jay Fashion's Newest Ofter infa in READY TO WEAR AP PAREL for Men, Women and Children - also DRY GOODS. LOOK for our Guessing Contest in the Movies - you might win a $7.00 Pair of Shoes. Watch our Windows J. H. HARRISON, Jr. ROSEMARY, N. C I To the Public Beginning April 2nd. every dollar you spend cash with us will entitle you to ten per cent more in mer chandise - in other words your dollar is worth $1.10 in every department but the Grocery Department. This step is taken after careful consideration. It is taken on account of the high price of merchandise and the greater necessity than ever before to make quick turnovers even on very small margins of profit. PRICES ON ALL ARTICLES WILL REMAIN THE SAME AS NOW. Come in and let us explain the details of this plan and we believe you will appreciate the opportunity for you to save that this plan provides. Yours to serve, HANCOCK-HOUSE COMPANY PKom S07 Scott, pleklnc up Ills cards one nt n -, ,,f h,.r luor seen, the d n.'1'.!- Tem Days of OppontnEiily for Ho me iiild ers amd Safe NVESTMENT Seekers All Jackson Street Lots not taken by the Roanoke Mills Company for its immense new mill will be sold at prices which can never be offered again on this most desirable dwelling property. Every lot from Third to Tenth Streets now unsold is included in this offer. After April 10th the price of every Lot will be positively and permanently advanced. For ten days we are going to sell this property MUCH BELOW its real value for the benefit of those who like ourselves have faith in the future of Roanoke Rapids. A general increase in property values is inevitable in the face of the great industrial activity and the increased population which will result from the building of the mammoth plant of the Roanoke Mills in April. Do not wait until the last day and let some one else get the location you want. The number of lots for sale in Roa noke Rapids is for more limited than most people imagine. For prices and information concerning our Easy Payment Plan, apply to ROANOKE RAPIDS REAL ESTATE COMPANY S. F. PATTERSON, President Telephone 562 :: Offices First National Bank Building W. L LONG, Secy & Treat. C A. WYCHE, Vice President