vv. Roanoke R APIDS ERALD LJL Volume IV.-Number 18 ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS C G, Freeman, who has been pending his vacation at his home in Colerain and Norfolk, returned here the past week. CM Us Maude Wilkinson spent r. i . . : aunaay ai wean iew. Miss May Blunt, of Washing ton, and party of friends, spent a few hours in town last Sun day with MissEllalee Chauncey. J. C Smith spent several days in Norfolk this week on business. Mort White, of Petersburg, pent several days in town this week with his mother. Misa Cammie Vaughan. her grandmother. Mrs. Mary E. Dan iel and C W. Humphrey spent : the week-end at Ocean View. , A number of the boys from , Company K of Warrenton. spent i the week-end heie in their homes. ' Eddie Kidd left Wednesday for Philadelphia where he has accepted a position. f O Mrs. G. D. Shell and children J spent Sunday at Ocean View. Dr. D. F. Fatchin has return ,. ei from an extended cruise in i- Chespeake Bay on W. L. Long's ! yateh. He also visited relatives in New York while away. Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Johnson Jr.. of Charlotte, are visiting his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Orin Johnson. Miss Maude Wilkinson is visit ing relatives in Scotland Neck. A. O. Brav is visiting his uncle, R. 0. Bray. J. K. Dickens scent several days in Baltimore this week on business. Miss Lizzy Camp, of Garyi burg, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. L. A. Faison. Miss Hanna Mary West, of Richmond, and Miss Annie Swin dell, of Swan Quarter, are visit ing Miss Cata'irine Eagleton. h Messrs F. &Smith. H. F. Cherry, Dr. E. E. Hachman. Walter Kee, and John Merritt spent Sunday in Norfolk 'and Ocean View. Dr. Paisley Fields spent Sun- . day in Raleigh with friends. Mrs. D. C. Stronach returned home Thursday after an extend ed visit to relatives in Columbia, Mrs. L H. Hale returned home Monday after an extended visit with relatives in Halifax. Mrs. S. F. Patterson and little daughter, Mary, returned home this week after visiting relatives in Winston-Salem. Rev. C. H. Trueblood is con ducting a meeting in Wise this week. W. D. Tillery spent Tuesday in Scotland Neck on business. , Mrs. W. S. Hancock and chil dren spent Tuesday in Scotland I ,Neck with friends. ' Fred Sale, of the Richmond Bluei. sient several days here this week with his father, Mr. R. C. Sale. Miss Lena River Jones, left Sunday for few days visit to Ocean View and Bath. Miss Annie Mabry is visiting relatives in Richmond. lliss Ruby Williams, of Ral eigh, has accepted a position with Prof. A. E. Akers and will make her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Williams. Mrs. W. M. Hamilton and f daughters. Pearl and Francis. left Wednesday for Bunea Vista, from where they leave in a few davs to make their home in Philadelphia. Mr. W. M. Hamilton, Bernard and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ham ilton left Wednesday for Phila i " delphia where they will make there future home. Frank Robertson left last week for Norfolk. Mrs. H. M. Hudson is spend ing a few days in Norfolk this week having her eyes treated. R. S, Hyman kft Sunday for Petersburg. Mr. Walter Clifford left this week for West Point. Va.. where he has accepted a position. Miss Earline Fleetwood is vis iting Miss Eula Collier. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society will have a food sale in the store that was Miss A. EL Hall's in the Horner Block. Come and buy a delicious cake instead of cooking it in this hot weather. for your Sunday dinner. Mrs. C E, Stainback and Mr. Will Peers Stainback of Hender son. Mr. and Mrs. C B. Stain back. of Pittsburg, were guest of Mrs. J.T. Stainback Thursday. J. T. Chase went to Richmond Tuesday on business. Mrs. Viola Collier, whs has been visiting relatives in Tavern, N. C returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bounds and children returned Saturday after spending a week at W rights- ville Beach. Mrs. Edwards, of. Greystone, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mar vin Collier. Mrs. Fred Peck very delight fully entertained the Presbyte rian Aid Society Tuesday after- noon. Mr. J. W. Smoot has brought to our oifice th larget tomato we have yet seen. It measures slightly more than fifteen inches in circumference and . weighs sliehtly more than twenty two ROSEMARY PERSONAL LOCAL ITEMS ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. G, AUGUST 3, 1917 Oostanall Girls Camp AND Cotton Today 24 W. D. Burgess, a Confederate Veteran, of the Old Soldiers Home, in Raleigh, is here for a few days visit to Mr. J. N. Byrd. Miss Mary Borara returned Monday to her home in Norfolk, after a week's visit to Miss Maude Thompson. W. S, Whitaker spent tke day Monday in Petersburg on busi ness. C 0. Medlin spent Monday and Tuesday in Norfolk and Ocean View. le they Mr position Company. Mrs. Coley. of near Littleton, is here for a few days visit to her daughter, Mrs. S, M. Thompson. W.J. Norwood spent Sunday in Norfolk and Ocean View. Mrs. T. W, Worley and child ren, of Henderson, are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Saunders. Robert Whittemore. of Burling- ten. arrived Thursday and has resumed his former position with Rosemary Manufacturing Com pany. Mrs. J. E. Dobbins, returned home Sunday, after spending two weeks at Ocean View J. H. Harrison spent Sunday in Brinkleyville with friends and BULLETIN you reposed. This being our last day in camp The Camp Fire Girls enjoyed we had quite a bit to do. The girls i their first outinir on July 23 rolled their blankets in Scout' since they reorganized June 1st order, cleaned up the grounds The Girls knowing but very little 'and off we went for our final TOWNSHIP VOLUNTEERS jutut the preparations for a paddle. Everything went along ! ii ic i ov-vuia writ ov srrKXJiniy save a ICW niillOT atcvi- CREDITED TO COUNTY! nxious to show the girls how dents to bathing suits. We re- mucn tney really Knew aooui turned to camp and dinner was camp life-went to clear the prepared. After dinner we could camp on Saturday afternoon be-not figure the way to get down fore the arrival of the girls Mon-1 the tent so our only boy, Tom- day. ' mie. volunteered to try and Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance After this the girl quietly WJH THE CHURCHES Hi Mayor J. T. Chase of Roanoke Rapids is in receipt of a letter from Hon. Clause Ki'ehin in forming him that under the ruling of the War Department volunteer enlistments in counties to All Saints Qmrtb Re. Lewis N. Taylor, Rector Next Sunday is the ninth Sun day after Trinity. Services: 9:15 A. u. Sunday School and Men's Bible Class. T. W. Mullen, Supt 11 KM) A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon. An Every-Member Can vass will be conducted in the afternoon. P. M. Evening EiAt o'clock was the hour our sunwise she went un the tree! Pravpr and Sermon. Monday to and skinned the cat two or three j August fth. is the Feast of the 'agreed u m tor all the irlrls i s rxui mt at th ' . .ar l:n j nomff. Dul t nu mH thu vera cntiv un. TnKcfiminiti.m.t I i:La t "X Ui RT33 UUUI F,WV A'Ciiwh v i - . ...v. ...... . j n . ti.Li.i..-. w. - . I 1. . 1 4 4 V.. . .k.,l. SiimpthirU' llr.llil!;il IllllllU'nftl the tiA Vix pniuu nt V4 tun Tl, .i.it.!;,. nww x.ritiullv in. Mr. J. G. ButU and family m counties of greater population 1 tdrls arriel U fore the hour set, j Everything was in readiness ; vited. ft Mnnitiv fir Halifax uhfr .1 1 4. t.. 4 ... liiimofi i:irlv 114 Hi'vfn.tHentv. I,.. n'.Lv.l .ml u-oltim tnr . 4.-4 "- itner ire crruuru wic vuwu .--. u vvnikwiu li " v will reside in the future, shjpa wnicn furnshed them. We arrived at camp about eleven the cars which arrived at three. I M . Butts having accepted a l g Halifax county has less o 'clock and haa the jnt boiling with a few red bugs and mm- Kff j with the bteadman More tn4n 45.000 people, the volun- n very snort time, hverytmng uito bites, we arrived home! ounces. Mr. Smoot stated mat relatives. he started his garden late in the j Clyde Taylor left Wednesday spring after everybody else and ; for RaiejKh to enter Page's insinuated that if he had started i Sehool of Pharmacy prepatory to earlier he could have raised to-jj.:,.,. tne examination, which matoes three or lour times as will ned sometime in Novem large as the one he brought j down. ttttofcM lit a thM. lhar ar acarty 2,WW auta in a ytt mt band tewtd whom. RIGHT METHOD OF GRAFTING Raady In Sprint Whn Bflint U Run MHa, thawtry Day Bttt Whan Paaalbla. Rarh rnr at this time w print our method of grafting,, which la ai fol lows : When In the 'pring the tap ba glng to mora In the afbrk, be ready; thin orcura early in the plum and cher ry, and later in tba pear ana tppie. Do t..e grafting. If poaaible, on a mild ahowerr weather, ma wy aunng enowery wrauicr. , BeceMarTtooUarachiaei.orathick-ed: President and Treasure, G. btaded knife or a grafting Iron (with ic. Gurlev: Vice Y resident, K. V which to apiit open tha stock after j Matthews; Secretary and Mana- tooth aaw), a bnmmer or mallet to aid tha millttlnn nroceM, a M. P. Williams, of Tarboro, spent the day here Tuesday with relatives. G. L. Hayes motored to Enfield Mondav. where he spent the afternoon on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Hinson and son, Jack, left Tuesday for Greenville, S. C, where they will make their future home, Mr Hinson having accepted a posi tion there. N. 1. Lisle spent Sunday in Gumberry with friends and relatives. 1 J. J. Riggans visited relatives in Vaughan Sunday and Monday. R. S. Baker, after spending a few davs in town with friends returned to Petersburg, Tuesday. In a recent meeting of the stockholders of the Peoples Store Company (Co-operative), a mer cantile company recently orgf nized here, it was unamimously agreed to incorporate same and the following officers were elect tern from this township will I credited to the county as a whoh. Tha Halifav fniintv Fvirmticiri Board has not yet met, and at the Kmir nt frninir tii nwsa Uf have .IX V. . w. v ' ' f. . , - - been unable to team when tht y will meet, iney win noi mevi ut- morrow, however, as was stat d last iwV. Tarda have not been mailed to those called up for the first draft and it iooks now as 11 u-ppIc or ten davs more will elapse before the Board will be- mn it aittinirs. In this issue 01 tne herald appears a comprehensive sum mary of three years 01 tne ureal War. witn a list 01 lis iuu mosi important events. Read it Full information in regard to the work of the exemption boards is also given. As usual the Herald this week is filled with interest ing news of the war. the county and community. RABBIT TRAP IS INGENIOUS 04 Salt Barral St In Qraund Naar ruth Pile Where Animals Fre quent la Recommended. To make a tran for rHliblts tnke ao old salt Nrrel and twt it in the ground Bear brush pile or in any place fre quented by ralihlta, aa.va a writer in an ej -hHnp". The lid (3) m inside tne bttvrel with about, one-hulf inch all around to keep It from freeilng to the barrel. The rMl (2) on which the lid swings la xtupled on, not In the era- nuito hitea. i-1 , was going along nicely when one safplv of those freiuent showers came! Xhe Camp Fire Girls take this up which interferred w ith the opportunity to thank all those cooks but not the eaters. The ! u ho were so arood to lend their rest of the afternoon was cars tovarrv them to four days spent in arranging the camp. 1 0f their first camping trip. Viarht rama anrl it mntinnpn TV. ...w... tkl to rain. The Manager of the camping trip were: Irene John Panacea Hotel came over and in- soni pearl Hamilton, Fannie vited us to stay atone of the Marks. NellJones, Ruth Jones, cottages, but the girls were too Fannie Taylor. Norine Cranwell, anxious inswap m uirir wcu tirady tzell, Minnie 1'augniry, prepared camp, we ttiu uy m- galhe Saunders, saran uaugniry, cepted his kind invitation to xinn, Wood, Myrtle Anderton, spend a few hours at the hotel Josephine Hege, Annie Taylor, after supper. Mr. Harrison turn- Alma Ezell, Daisy Sheffield, least ed the pavillion, with a good but not last, our Jerry; Guardian. piano, over to the girls and they Mrs. Leslie S. Mosher. Assistant sane their Camp Fire songs and nnnrHian l isa Susie Humohrev. romped to their hearts content. The next morning we arose at MKYV lice AC ugrM C Few, Parts Sunday School at 9:15 o'clock. W. V. Woodrutr. Supt. Preachitig USD A. M. Subject: 'The Holy Trinity". , Preaching 8:0'J r. M. Subject: "Stages ot Christian's Develop ment" THESUNLICHTi7hr,:lIKLP'i"i.ed 1 Und these services. So essential is sun'iiht to clean- was very hard task, this being tne first night for some of the girls rn sWti in the ntipn and most of -" - , . tOOVI'VIUI II .'. . . . v . . the night was spent looking for ijnes9 ant good health that the bugs and reptiles -which we did state Board of Health says open not find. With a good hike, the up and et the sunshine in. remainder of the day was spent Houses that have been closed this , i - .? ti ) ... . . i reading anu eaung. e aiayeu 8Ummer or that have not r.aa g i;.nK.k, Supt. around the camp fire this night dajiy airings, especially as to the j p'lur 'churcf and sanir our cami) sonirs. Camp fnmiahiror nnd ckuhinir. need! ,4.,... .. was somewnai quiet a xne gins -the cleansing effect ot sunshine Ingenious Rabbit Trap. lee hut about two-thirds from one aide. Cut notches on upper edge or barrel In which ends or rod rent. I nen tauten the sreen door spring to short ..4 II. I ...! 41. n nlhMi aillt itl hilt- iue in iiu WI1U ....... ..... .. torn of barrel, so It will Just Bold lid level. As s-Kin as a rabbit hops on ii. I ,l..n It irix and he Is deiioslted In the harn-L Tlie lid rights itself tn ami 1 ready for the next one, A small ear of corn may be tied on lid for bnlL . " PrnbyUriaa Chorea Slaoley White, Pastor D. T. lYdwtll, Stated Supply Sunday School: 4. J.F. Welsh, Supt. .'reaching services at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Morning Services, "The Sav ing element of the Church." Evening Services. "The Cisy of Compromise. " Prayer meeting Wednesday ta at- Baptist Church Krv. C. il. TiuttUd, Patter Sunday School P:i A. M. W. 1 usual 11:(.i0a. :h services. M. and 8.00 P. as M. were tired or had over-eaten am unable to tell w hich. 1 Mon- dle in the water wa3 enjoyed be fore breakfast. This morning Mr. Harrison, sent us just seventy five hot biscuits for our break fast The girls kept an eagle eye on the pathway leading from the hotel to camp and when the said biscuits arrived, the guard ians needed armed Militiamen, for the girls set upon them like a ger, W. O. Thompson. This Com- nmtinir mnniu a r ihim mnt' h hnn in migration nnlv I.IU C'.I..IB ' " ' 1 . '. ' J B.W - - -- W 1 1 knife to trim the scions, and a supply j -u,,.. thrp weeks and the results ot good fraftlng wax. Saw off a branch -, ;,, tn nil in. cerned, its success being assured. Mrs. Emmett Wrieht left Monday for Petersburg to join her husband, hehavin accept ed a position there. Misses Bessie and Lucy Connor ; are visiting friends in Virginia. Miss Mary Westbrook left this! week for South Boston to spend , several weeks with friends and relatives. Miss Ruth Spencer, after a three weeks vacation, visiting relatives in Norfolk, returned liome Sunday. Miss Mabel Pitt is upending several days in Tarboro and Rocky Mount PREVENT GNAWING OF TREES Simple Way to Keep Mlee From Doino Injury Is to Make Earth Bank et Few Inches. The simplest way to stop mice from gnawing youug fruit trees Is to bank thn well mith earth six to ton inches hiirh in th iitumn. then trump the flrnt snow htrd armnd them so that the mice cannot easily rench the tree trunk. Wrupping the trunk with heavy paper or tying around It lath, pieces of shingle or veneer is effective. Many orchardlsta use wire guards, which are made of heavy galvanized wire with (our or five meshes to the loch. These will last for several years. i iiti'f i iniri 1 1 it r 1 1 1 1 kr m i il I e-s- and iresn air. aii nousenom , ()av a (, Thursday nights, furnishinirs should 1 exposed to n. ,... ...i u;. .. ... , , n,. . . ' , i later ii 1 1 ik ami iium 'ii- Wednesday worning- inegins direct sunlight for a number or ticp vVedi ts.lay nights were set upon finding a place to hours at feast every few days, j jipinj, Hand Society meeti wade. By searching, such as Direct sunlight is the best diin- . ,ht wUn Mis8 Sadie Camp Fire Girls can do, we found factant known. It kills terms i,.- a place to w ade and a good pad light or daylight may have as good effect but in a much longer time. Shutting the sunlight out of the house is an unhygienic cus tom. It should go a has gone many of the ideas and cusloms belonging to the dark ages. Germs live and thrive in dark- noua that riaiiti KurmhihP .w. r- t , o i 4 v. ..,.. . ... pack of hungry wolves. The girls should find its way into the home t.:. ' nf1 fi... i . .. ... l .ii receiving iour uwiui anu urc daily and lis presence snouiu guardians two. The guardians . be welcomed as a messenger of.tl.eB. Y. P. U. Every njember spent the rest of the morning cleanliness and good health. The, come and bring one that is not looking at a page in Good House-; drawing of shades and the clos- a member, keeping about good things to eat. ' -lng 0f windows to keep the car- j Wednesday 8:00 p. M; prayer After breakfast half the girls i peta and draperies from fading; meeting, subject for discussion; went to a nearby store, a distance j should be discouraged. It is bet- j of one and a half miles, to buy .,P to have camets and draperies ! cakes and candy, while the other ', that are faded than to have boys ing at eight o'clock half started hon a desperate chick-! and gjrls with cheeks that are; en hunt. You may know we were j faded. Roses in the cheeks are Advertised Mai! nungry tor cnienen ineu uver m0re valuable man roses in me Rottmary Baptist Church Rev. A. G. Carter, Paitor Services Sunday Aug. &th. Sunday School H):o a: M. d. S. Grog;:. Supt. Service 11:00 a. M. Subject: "The Kyes of Jehovah." Service 8:00 r. M. Subject: "How? When? Where?" Monday 8:00 P. M. meeting of "What is the Bible?" . Choir practice Thursday even- Details of Grafting. at the desired point, split the stock S little way down, and Insert a scion at ark enter eriee taking rare that the Inner bark of the scion fits snugly and exactly against the Inner bark of the Hock. This together wltti the exciu alnn of air and moisture until a union results constitutes the secret of suc cess. Trim the actons wedge-shapeo. as shown In the picture; Insert them accurately ; the wedge should be a trifle thicker on the side which comes tu Contact with the stock's bark. Lastly, apply grafting wax. Each scion should be long enough to havs two or three buds, with tha tower one placed as ahown. The "spring" ot the cleft holds the scion securely tn place, and there fore tying should be unnecessary. If both actons In a cleft grow, one may later be cot away-farm Journal. An 0.4 Trait Bncle Ehen "I Just had letter (ram my English tousln. He was In the trenc'jc. He aays one day his conrpnny waa ordered to charge, and the first thing he knew ha ran Into a lot of barbed wire, several mines and a hundred German batteries." Aunt Mancy "Jnst like Osutgo now looks tere W oinf."ura. $1.50 a Year will keep you posled" on all Local County State and Worldwide Happenings, Provided the Money is Used to Buy a Sub scription to the Roanoke Rapids Herald Its the only way to do a. Why Wait Longer? the camp fire when the Rirla carpet. WaiKeu IWO mues tu ei, uiem I and then chased them down. We j had three good fried chickens j for dinner with erits and we thought it somewhat better than cabbage and pone. BASE-BALL I The following list of mail re- mains unclaimed in this office, same will be held fifteen days and if unclaimed will be forward- ed to the division of dead letters Patterson Mills defeated R-1 Washington, D. C. noke Mills again Saturday by the j William C. Bass, ; Postmaster. The owner of the nearby Btore ' score of 4-1. j Alice Williams, Mary Wind- brought over a horse for the girls j Pace and Hilton both pitched Py ;vir Odall Wilson, Miss Ada t- rirlp and with eitrh teen fltirls. ' K.ll noWVior nl'nwino- n run Simmnn. Mr. John Pierce. Mr. - ' ...... c . . 4 i ryr un iivivi.v, wiv'.b m' ----- one horse did not seem to meet j after the first inning. Pace allow-! J. G. Pollard, Geo. Jackson (Col), the requirements, so ne returned ; e(j oniy one hit and fanned eleven Mrs. Maggie Adams, Mrs. r lor ii i i 4 t.: i i ..... it .... l:.. i t-i t, n Wlin tt muie aim iwu uitjiics. men, 11111011 BilOWeu sn nius uiiu , enctl dunnsun, ir. vimmc j. Every girl proved her sportsman- j fanned nine men. i Jones. Mr. J. M. Hodges, Mr. ship as a horse-woman and cy-j McAIister for Patterson Mills Troy I. Herring, Mr. M. C. Car- clist. 1 cauzht Pace in gon tvle work- thv, Cora Curley. MiBS Bcttie This being the last n'ght, the ing him hard whenever ncces- Clemmons, Miss Lillian Brid well, girls begged the guardians tolsary. Miss Tour Barrik Miss Florence let them nlav a few iokes. After i Barrett and Lattimore for, Bndgson, Miss Annie liilor. most of the girls had gone to Patterson Mil 8 led in bitting. dreamland, the jokers started! and the menu carried out thusly: First course, Powded hair, Sec ond. Smut on face, Third, Smut ran out and the work w as finished with shoe polish. The powder was so highly per fumed that it arojsed one of the dreamers and the ' joker soon warned 'her that they would-what-this is what she said: l "Hush or we will demobolize Standing of Clubs W L Patterson Mills 8 2 Roanoke Rapids... 3 7 Pet. 800 300 Lucky Youth. "Toting Bend's Is an absolute nin compoop. He doesn't know enough to eorae In when It rains." "He doesnt need to. With all bis money bo can afford a new umbrella every day la the week and a aan to carry it tor Mrs. Martha Moore Mrs. Martha Moore died Wed nesday evening about eight o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clements, on Back Street Her remains were buried Thursday, afternoon at five o'clock in the. Roanoke Rap ids Cemetery. Rev. R. L. Top ping conducting the services.

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