Roancke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapid, N. C Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot en EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power or it Purposes at Low Rates RENT DIRECT WATER POWER AT SUM HORSE POWER per TEA! Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators Between 16 and 25 years of age; 8th grade education; salary paid while learning; rapid advancement; splendid surroundings; sick benefits; vacations with pay after first year. Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. Specially Attractive Bed Room Suits are now on display in our store American Wal nut, Circassian Walnut, White Enamel, Mahogany fumed Oak and other finishes appear in this moat complete showing of modern bed room furnishings Let Us Show You the Line. Prices in every instance are as low as the goods can be sold you by any dealer anywhere. Gem Oilstoves reduce the heat of the kitch en and save money in fuel hills - We stock them. B. S. WEBB Exclusive Furniture Dealer Roanoke Rapids 1 ik Ql. II STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marios HcJcomb. ci Nancy, Ky, says: Fcf quite a long while 1 suffered with stomach trouble. 1 would hnt pains and a heavy feeling after my CKils, a most disagreeable, taste In my mouth. If i ate anything with b4.ttcr.otl or grease, I would spit it ujx 1 began to have regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a coarse of these, I w ould be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were se good at ill tor my trouble. I heard THEDF03DS nmotaonTniyiY! seoMimended very highly, so began to use it It cured as. I keep tt in the bouse an the time. It is the best fiver anedidns made, I do not have sick headache or fiswach trouble any more.' Black-Draught acts on f 3s Jaded liver and helps tt to do its important work of uewiflg out waste materials and poisons from the sys tm Tola medicine should be in every household for as m time of seed. Get a package today. It you feel sjtsisa take a doss tonight You will feel fresh to race ae a package, aii druggists. ONI CZNTA DOSE NOTICE 8mM bid will b received by the Beard f Schaol Trustee ef Roanok. to and then opened for the purchase of bonds in the mum af 110,000., to be wwed fur Kapktt, Nortfe Carolina, up o'clock, r. M., August 6th, 1917 the purpose ef building and equipping Graded School buildings in the Roanoke Rapid Graded School District, the tame to be iaaaed pursuant to election de clared therefor: aaid bond ta be of de nomination ef Five Hundred and no-loo ! Dollar each, being payable and redeem able a follow: Kive Hundred (luOO.Wi) Dollar thereof on the lit. day of Jan uary, on tnouMiHl nine nunured ana twenty Bve, (1926). and Five Hundred ($600.00) Dollar annually thereafter un al Bank. New York City. N.Y.;iad till all are paid, at the Hanover Nation bend bearing interest at a rate not ex ceedinc u per centum per annum. payable emi-annually on the 1st. day of April and on the Int. day of October, respectively, of each year, which inter eat ahall be evidenced by coupon at tached to (aid bond. Said bond ar to b issued pursuant to declaration therefor in an election in aid district duly had in accordance with An Act to Amend the Charter of the Graded School of the Town of Roanoke Rapids, Private Laws of North Caro lina, Act of Session of 1917. . All bid will be addressed to the Board of School Trustee of Roanoke Rapids, Roanok Rapid. North Carolina, and most be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of ten per cent, of the amount of such bid. No bid will be considered for less than the par value of aaid bond, with interest accrued. The aaid Board of School Trustees of Roanok Rapids reserve the right to reject any and au bid. To bond ar to be prepared at the ax nens ol Ins purchaser. For further information, apply to the Board of School Trustee of Koanoke FINE GROCERIES and GENT'S FURNISHINGS Fancy Groceries A Specialty Rosemary Supply Company Leaden in Fine Groceries Phone 533 Rosemary, N. C. Rapids, Roanok Rapids, North Carol in. . C. A. WYCHE, Chairman. JNO. L. PATTERSON. Secretary JI-S-ia-20-2-! NOTICE On the first Monday in August, the 6th, we will offer for sale fo the highest bidder for cash the old jail and lot located in Halifax, N. C. Time of sale, 12 o'clock Monday, This eighth day ouuiy, iu. J. H. Norman. Clerk Board of County Commissioners. SAVE AND LEARN Young man, if you want to be come a leader in the world's affairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, keep your eyes on the future and study your business. Men who make good burn the nidnight oil at home with their boob and plans. . Put Your Savings inOiirGiro U so that you may have fundi on hand to j grasp business opportunity when it i comes your way. The First National Bank K0AK0XERAPID3.N.C V . ,,s of for Fresh Butter and Es Wt are very particular aa S vwlwre we buy our mutmf and eggs. Only theM farmers whose graastseti we know are Jmgi right can deal with us. Ym can profit by our di s you trad hert. As vom can be turt that are .aitt u particular wher wt get our anr butter uwiin i cha dairy butter. When Boston Burned After the disastrous $80,000,000 conflagration that swept Boston in 1872, a Boston newspaper paid trib ute to the Hartford Fire Insurance Company's prompt and liberal set tlement oi its $485,315 in losses. "All adjusted claims were paid at sight," said this newspaper, "with out discount or delay. Such a record is its own argument (or integrity, ability and determination." The Hartford has promptly paid every just claim lor 106 years. There is a feeling of security in having your insurance in a company you are so sure of. C A. WYCHE, Agent K0W TO DRY VEGETASLES cob, us:r sver." svar?. ! -""- Lie i.-.xw. Cut khj.-is . . half wav tiown to th ttt..:-! ! " ... serai wit tV r-rau:nit'rf .Ti ; briur rvj'-.;l not to -vw? any of tiw rVisif rest U tV ev i Dry from 3 to 4 hours at IK' tr. 1 113" F. Wht n field corn is us1, i plump routing far stan? is j the proper dtim of ripeness. A pound til cried com per dozen ears id an averav'e j tel J. Corn may be drkd in te sun. Pry in oven 10 to l.r minute ? r, 1 finish dryirp in the ur. - drying ij, of cnir;e, rot sr. factory in n: ist wt-st': g"1 w " dried v.d;:ct vs'l r".rUr i: jei-'lor ar.'i r.: to nitract'w ;., ; Jpearanctf. V.'ht-n irU ct in t' . : it should i iK-att-.i in t -., ! before trir.7. to kii. it m f .. . j BF.KTS tiii v 1. . .with skin unt;( a iir: ttv-r : : I three-fH,rths ' n. ini- i j water. pe! t r.! 'lPt ii. 4 ' inch slices. I.ry t 5 h..t JlKVtol.Vrr. ! rUMPKIN AND Rl .V.;.:! ; SQUASH. Tar? and cat i J inch strips and blancii 'i m -,-utes, remove surfaw r- i-tt - . and dry slowly from 8 to 4 h"!r, I raising temjerature fnm ll-' to 140 F. Celery cut in one inch strips is dried in the sair.e aa pumpkin or squash. i CABBAGE. CabSagt' U shred ded or cut in strips a few inc'.v- 1 long. Blanch 10 minutes, tirr.i". : remove surface moisture 3 1..-. 3 hours at llv. to HV F. PEPPERS. Peri-' w: I dried by or ( r.e si-l . r; niovinjr seed, ciryin'T in T:io nn ! and finished in the drier at 1 ! . A more satisfactory h t" I place peppers in biscuit p.T.i it oven and heat until skin scit.r . : Peel, split in htilf, tr.ko out v. 1 and dry at ll'" to 1 X'' F. I-i clrj -;injr. thick fleshed iTpiH-rsIike t1;' pimento dt not incroi'so h-t t . quickly but d'y siowiy ar.d cvvr i ly. Small varieties of red t ;( i may be spread in the Ju I U'iltml ami Art'tr t' ) W 1 1 fct-VJ l l4 V 1 1 v.1 J I I J isj 1 1 i I. the drier or they mv e dried in the sun. VEGETABLE SOU!' Yl'Z TUBES. Each ve-etu!.Ie : Y the soup mixture is ptv;v i jhhI dried sepurtitely. They are put together in pn portions (uiiirn ; the desired llavorod vx'-a', A fefr.litMiiri (. ! several vestal -lea tua'.ri a tv.'.: ' i i 'I i oesiraiiie wip tn tur-. ; i oi most often iwtd r.rc w-: cu -i huge, onioi);;, c lory r.l u v... ; HERBS, E'iV. U-wry l j parsley, mint, sace tr.d hen s t i ! all kinds need not lc bn';. ' are a'!'i-..'d tostani evera! days. I 'tN-y sr":l'i l1 -t ! to l-'t' Y. ! : ' - - r r' that ' 3 irdril tie l Minsurt ta D Injury Pcack Tra. I o rt. The let V.'IMTER SPRAYING FOR CURl n N x. t' or s t r:-ctlv tlirrt1 D"1 emitlf Aaunaant la the rr.ost coriven- tfor.taine is the' A small amount j rurins Ust nuar th cn : apTi-ulturv at Juuihla rwWvd a . l acn tia:-, JUfcl f,m)d nuinJ lntiuirt egowrainj a a r i" O or two tiU a as afferttas tk lavi "it ti e vkia iiwi. n atpMi m this la y"r "s'' iit I. J. C. WbJtt. t ' jaf,,,, imrHoultara, shuwad that I in a trie trout.W m Wr ruri. (r?a Tc'. tii4i tU rwrt ot th ra dutae a trusliia wurk rroa ta oVpartowBt at B'M-tii ultur sImv4 alsa that la a tr nthius f thf state, knf atirl was aoa fldt-utly atmuilMBf ta da CuaalderahU lulury t iivach tnwa. lS- h It sf rurl 8rt tnake Ita af wraw sluirtl; aftt-r the tJuaaosalae MKsiitt of the imck. Th dlsvM ta iiuil t y a fuiiKU hl h jts la tha lrM. Tli fTitr4 part uf tha laaf hm a ttiUkrumL u(Tl appraraar tlmt Is Bir vr bn rurlwl or vrtBaiaS. If th mhrr Is rH4 partlralarly, a rviMKh isJ, la llkl tu aw ilnaa : li 1 vUtll a txinl r i.f a.tuc ut thrtw puffvd aa4 A u r.e tlUIll- tbJckvtwJ arraa. Injury ta taa hansn ua in :tn ' '"""'y xittnuo uutu som Uiaa ' In Juim hn tha dlsvaaiM ixirtloaa, it . v .-1 jar fllr ,,, mm tsrt tnrB blllck mtt i-i 1 - Joil CCn- tiadly-lufivti-j Wsrr ilnip, '.v ';i.t.i. i'tiraifin 'l ' Bot rtbi eh thia la rurl during the aumiurr, one tt ka i.:--.Tsot various I)mJ, lti w-wn tha tea, i on loo "larket. To prv'tit Its reiiarnca th roia i." i.soa tney "l,ri". irr shimld ba apray4 , pn-rly ilurluf the dormant aeaaosl ' 1 ' PaPT this lutif or la early spriu. Ua 1 '!:'.: u:nes trom sulphur U the spray DtuKt rumiuooly - can le """t ton' " l""leriy ppUed will a Ur-ly prevent leaf curl. In stvttixt here Ssa Joa acal IMS the sunie sprTln( a hick should ba ".'''.ii i te done Ur the Mule will alw pretest I pun t'le! ,,H' r"rl- T'11 "',r' wnslat et ea 4 purt roiuineri'lHl lime-sulphur to right iv 1lIt-au , jmr, H(,,r. Kr 8a Jim M-al aad until , f,,r leaf rurt rumhliied It may he ap i (:( at at a pited to the tree In early winter aftar , . and re- j they have rienmie tlioroughly donnsnt, ; or In early spring Just befor th bud . ! of the tree sturt to grow. If M 8M i Jose scale Is irosetit In th on-hard ao4 leaf i-.nrl alono 1 to ba sprayer for, . r' i ; tr.e . M !.'k. ev.tire . n a cat : u n M::a:i l' v las , .!'S(vt - vvi tne. .?.id pack .id by : n proper; it ; v:il it K'iv- 1.1 wn per iii','. in 1' ia ,r. kind .ia t . -trator. the lltne-Kulphur niny he diluted to pnrt of the Uiue-Hulphur to 13 callous ! a.i., un,l .... In lw .i.rl ..i n.iui ni.' ...i m . I a. Klmrily befnrv the tries start crowtk 0)1 -;.:tien. .ut p-"r .I'm Bwnlnt re 'V'-il hint he ivl tLul !m went nnil QUESTION OF ORCHARD SITE Southern Expeur I Lt Dslral In Many Sections a Aecaunt af Wintar Injury. Vo r An on-hnnl neiils food soil aa4 emid Kile. A southern exposure la th lenst ileKtrahle In many section ba i,'," "ile in luea. I iiiiw hi winter mjury irom lu sua nain In n few i -hlnlne nn the fnaen hnrk, but Ban ;t ho twd married her I profltiihl orehiirds are located on rack ivxl uv for Ufa." New j nit. Newly eleared land I general!" i well d'liipti'J for orchard. i Novelties in Petticoats Our prices stand comparison. V The Cooperative Store Cc. lacorpf l.d Talashotte S14 W. B. Burch, Mgr Girls Have Pretty Face And Beautiful Complexion An Atlanu man makei new disrovery that inaktl an old fare look year, ymmirer. If your kin ! brown. or covered with frecHei cr blem l.hei, jmt une a little Cceotone Skin W'hitener; If. made with coeoanut oil and i. perfectly harm lan. A few dH.' ute will imi.rovc your look. 1U0 per cent. The worn cut k in rom or evenly, leaving no evident of the treatment, the new healthy under-.kin appearing a a lovely new completion. Ju.t e.k your druavi.t for an ounce of Cieotcne Akin Whitener. and il he will not eepply ynu end Iwenty-flve cent, to The Atlar.ta. (ia.. and they will mtid you a box by return iniiii- Ifyour heiri. hnrd Ia eonh. i kirky. nappy and will m ver -iny -'le-rM r- "'e r.w llmr Dnn.'nn afH it ill hrri me .ti'ewht. I.uur. o(t. irl't.y aid h.i.till i few tly, Mnl order. Mini. "efor law !. but va..heJ ve!l and dried i'i iit sun or in drier, 'l'hexa fo;r"' . for flavoring soups, p..r.- h, , gravie.-t, oinlets, t tc. ! STORING DRIED VECETr,LJ!S When vegetables are flrt t-'cr ! from th'j drier, if co'i'i'o'i''', ! dried they are very brittle. They ' are n ore easily handled ; )c in better condition for R'.r!olf2 f allowed to Rtand 1 to It r- r u, absorb enough moisture to nviL' them more plialli; bofnc-t r;. . into baesor storimr tftcrxU: . If it is not envonitit to Kro products inineijii.e!y rri '-i-y aa . -jam . r MaaWaaa .up, v t w-. a a a a Ur. rredertc Jacobon ssyp 75 per cent of women need Phosphates to give them Strong, HeaUhy.rouwied" ' figures and to avoid Nervous break down. Thousands of wom en grow strong in Nature's way . V.' ' tt l.'t , tawaawiaaMaaaaaMawsMMaaaaMiMne Par SALS fcr Rasaa PWarC Rauwke RaaiaW.N.C WeJb D. tlSarr. Raaaalw RapMa, N. C K. A, Defeat, Roaeawr. N.C I Tots'T sot a Sol In I It waaat tkar this i in pat tha on." It tWt, Whar was PRINTING Coot. Printing h the Dress cf Business. That Is the Kind We Do. Let Us Show Yea "Consider the Lilies of tl:e 1 r. Field, How They Grow." ' , TrW life -f the lif ' ht ft ff v i-A ct t. Thp life f rrtirt tlir.'- r- ? ' Hut to livi ur'fv in" ffl'T-w. rrw -b,4. lily, rri!ii tie r.i.n : rut,; i ' La,! !.'. . rltment v wt ir p.-v iv- rw : i; 1 fverv i i p '( it n' i Ut' itNlt thr r iliu.l j lnnlT' -t !. ! o'l.ntn th vu-A ft' v leatttIi... "n'llb' I.U'M iHi''1, In tVM w pi -i fU.-rM w.Vrri'UH. ? "..fi1j:,: Nh ii eororrUftti j tflt'Ht f" V h'fh f" v l.i t;i'rt ".. iv. . .; j'irr!iir'i") ;;t ! f 1 "'. en iwu- !' .-;-:' ! fnwn yp'.;ih 1" '!! liuil'-i'in v.,,:,i(-s j atid 1'fiitn ifi ,iiv.rf 'J to.-tn .ii;i i1-: N -.' : i rfvi pi. ' I'tif;' - -'ry" A '. .. . s mnkos cit jv i n,!i. i SPECU.LM.O J.K At rr .,'. --ii. the NaJi mt hf lif-tt w pi-'K it n: - ! : ' : -nifinni fire (irnn.-i.t 'nsr 4ii'y 0 i t 't i- t' in Utile, ClH til rMi '!' lO UVf tItOl rO(' l.'fk", red lifvt, and a hHRutjfii e.rplt-fcinti..yn).y - tlir anli'ht tmn IX ti 'A rannndfj witS si ffJ. well rour di-d atid irt!tl fm, ! cr-'nT ,T:. from her drurRifit, tiii iktw tlrur wtiit-h ip inxl i pentiward iidtin?nid hypny Tctia'.le fir i--r j with or without doraur'a prescrifti-w. If yotLr : drmrgltit will not ?pp'f yon, wn1 UK1 to Ihe ! Arvo Laboratnriea. 10 Fortyth St., Atlanta. Ga,. I and they will i you a two waaka Uatmrnt Yr ratoni malL ' uuttouliule-ull(Lt.d with hmff thiond. For xllk p?ttlcoti Connect CfJt n dwp pointN nrt moMt uceewfuiljr I lHhtMl with the ploot edge. Sinew 1 rtnrc httx vttnKhH from ttioo coniili'icly tlmt it hfirdly Unset t tho tiH hiory. tlie plcot ede has e to tho front en the beet for rtralgaW iic mn.r. I.-4 Hit xi"l-1 hanging ikirta and flounce. v, r v. la Maltl.s nnd , Z JijttZkJL ell..1. tilMHlrt UIV Ki'i'liiir iiIoiir wlrti .:o.- of tti'-m. nuta .... wf ( rnilliuit In , :! pur.-l-n. Tlw In-r-.f vc'ii In iirirH-a 11 nO rfvi tlii'iii , ir n;ir"i'W triM 1 t; I'." fl;a "'I'"'. It Ropal ;; .-, ii, ;; , i ii. or nmaj , '- TiirtiM' ri (I I'liulltlea. I lk , . . ..iliT tr,iMi'-oi lliy and ... ... ,-..,,. ;.r. i. 1'i'ttl- . v;. I;,. c::r. Bui th v.. ,. ' - .i n. r Is a 'mvi'lty mnl In .. - r.uis of H. Oiiiirinn. j bewu in tlw ikture ,!; . i...'i .' r 'iip bit 8 nil cut with . . .. .i. C'onil'imaMc room for ri ivl.l.Ml 1'j' Hip rnftle. in iillops ub'Hit the lower " -1 by i-rm ln tliist a nnr ilh biii''k luiTterlaert v. i. This ci'.me llnlsh for j f r' lty In white mid colored th;: i I'-rtiniuta hen the crochet ,e.U-,'.i U scented to matth the color I tiii iuii;". EOcmneca In Uk pettl- co,i: fc.e t. la swau scallopa and U. o:t wni': Tv'.s Corded Neck Lin. One of tht! prettiest blouse ot 0n spnwin Is mttde of a atralght piaet cCI silk curried over the shoulder Wlttvl out senilis. The licve are cut In with the body and the neck, a oral, is gathered to the proper by a Rllki-n cord which tie tassels In front. Th ale Hird with deep cuffa, aloof th aeuma of which art Telt Into ' cord 1 laced, drawing th cuff mt$ around the wrist. The who Ct ' of this blouse would ba lost at Cf sleeves were gathered Into a nCs ck, a OeafV proper atasr with twsl ? ar S Middy style) coattBM tV-'-l 3 young girls.

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