ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. King Eswara"t Little Need. M:.ny tutcrestiag rvuuub-. n-a of f!Uus ere give,, by Mr. F. Martin la TUui-j 1 Ke- lief erring to the Ute King EJaard lh authw say: "Lady Iiurtua e told ai a amus ing tnvioVat which WBtml ahea the late King Edward stayed it !. ,juob a. 1 hop. ir, that ya have f.KinJ everything to your liklngf h id to the royal visitor. "'Yea,' aaswerrd tho king; t,t. tf I may make sufgvstto. littl thine would add grvatly to the oia fort of yur guests. "Xh, air. a hat can that b! Writ. Laiiy Puttoa,' Mid hit ma ty. "the on thing needful U a tk4 i in th baihroMUt dot. Vleoew To Need Gcaeral Took IUlC lrovt ! Th Old Staadard UraaWa TaaMlaaa ' cadi Toaac ia eqaaliy valaabW a ba wl Toaue bexaaa it bu tr.a n, kwrna toaic prorti 4 yt'lNINK sad I IKON, h) acai aa tho 1jm, Iv.vm Malaria. Eariclae th Blood aad ttuild th Wool Syat. II cna She Didnt Hav Oh Mr. Worrtiaor Why raa't o get ' up a early a th rwk? Y both oc cupy lh saute ruota with aa alarm clock, but jour alway at least an -hour lata. Tilly, the Second Maid Team, but th alarm Hock Uloug to the cvh au 1 ain't got one. Good krahh aqMada ar r4 d lioa. Faftgiiard yoar digntk aad roa frwd toar Btalth. What'( ladiaa ntubla Pilta prTHk tka Mftgaard. X mOkum aa wU aa a purgaUta. Ad. How laid. Hew Imr (irao! lltnr hUKhand dlod of rtcarrttva juat aa ahr k4 al pHt rtMHigh coupon for a vanity box. Whva a auxhanri flddlra aay his ttm and a lf harpa on onw itting thrra lant BWfh harmony. Kpln lt year Imported 10.3X3 tons f eoffc, compared with 1MI74 ton In 1!1S and 1S.ST3 In JIH. Don't Poison Baby. hava been killed or wrooaa health ha : r- - - "-"m " vi me naivoucs ruuueu to children at all, or to Mybody without labelling Uent isou." The definition of ' narcotio ' j ""f kAk' rtiutv pain uiui produeti tlerp, but Kbit in ixnaoa- i, ; r,"""1 -, nmia, eonvuieumt ana dcu'A. amen meujcine oonuuning opium am tliium are ol Drop," "CordiaU," "Soothinn Ryrutsi,Seto. Voo should not permit anr nedicua to be ffivrn to Tour children Of what it I croipoaed. CA8TORIA CONTAIN NABcXiTlCS, U it boar theaignatura CwtorU alwajt Um tU MI n llUUs Chills Oootl for Malaria, const ipotion y biliousness -a fin tonic a Ann..!.. I L II vwwmu vr niuiwry uaus Bhrn Drutf Co..Wac.1n. u.iu,.Jni..,,..,, Kcduccs Bursal Enlaraetnenla. Thickened, Swollen Tissue, Curbs, Killed Tendons, Sore ness from Bruls or Strain: atop Spavin Lameness, allayi pais. Dots not blister, remove th hair or lay up th horse. 12.00 a bottle at druggiiti or de limed. Book 1 M frea. ABSORD1NE, JR., for msnkind-sa antiirptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds. strains, aainful. iwrillca vsins of II hcali and loothes. $1 .00 a botti it drug- I KH)t. nd all those who hsv had occa gliti or pottpaid, Will tell you mort if you " ,mUicin prais th. writ. Msde in th. V. 8. A. by n.,e"t ' K,lmer bwmP Koot; tTe- rr u'"' ? ' f Every Woman Wants FOR PfJtSONAL HYQ1A "ssthtwratsr for dowtass stops catarrh, alcaratian aad iaibua aaansled by Lydia E. Co. fa tea vaara. A baaliag wsaJ.r for bsmsJ catarrh, saswthroataad sore eyes. EcMoaucal. Ha - -- -l QREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHSU1A TREATMBNT JL a SHaadanl reaiedy for fiv f I W ysarsaadrasaMotsiaarTSars V, Tr eipensaessia sr ' lar tbraa a4 lung aWsassa by j ttr I . MOrf r )i; I '' Sasila and Prartleal f TrraUMoaAMhaia.luuM, vrsaiaieni, eu., sol spoa n- JtiMl. V Al oal dratrUts. . B. OL1L1) CO., Ruutrt, VI, StuyVirk-tNl Vagu Eaoauant OMorvaaity for KaooV advance ia all trad. Can also us all Mechanics at Good rfiv.i. Apply b paraaci to DR. TAIoNSR'S FniJS DYSFEFSUl THL1ETS Qalek BUsf far Mealag a4 aHoasask Oaass. AJwurt SuccMful-Snfftr No Mort OhsalaaU as mta aalj - tta, 10 aad . . P- TANNER REMEDY CO. r.asoxaoM . sMrroi, ktAss. OLDALSE TEETH WANTED JU' n,?L T"1- Tvlor. Mrlr. Black - baas. II n " Tripple B. SmbIm M. C. W. N. U, CMAHUOTTI, HX 9UtH7. Weaa Trick. w u x a Un . . . ' iva::.v and to l:it. ail, in drv e!ls,r it ii ' !! a . . trt. Xj the L'JiW(Ui'tit lt day saw her devoted huslud turntus ,h,r K;iri,,,a hlkM. ulHia l)(f ur I ...ul.iu t trout.; t i;1J ta u 1 4.- U-k aril jlu .u- i " rv s.u, l,,.,ul kt rf ; Siuall thauk, Juu u flsr Joar trouf.l, any ay." -TUl'$ all rttht, B1y d.-ar. Ttwlr ; UarUug uttl Ki.k, aaa aashrj hue ,hi, iu..0inr v,w b,..,lHt hw, r.jtll.iK aKwt lik t,m ,u4 thf uud ,11 lt hi TmHt ,ur huu,. tuy ,.t fur t r,'Ml' ndult. tlMMhifulB..- j HAVE SOFT, WHITE HANDS Claar Sain ana) CiMd hair Utlitg Cuticura Trial Frta, , Th Sp t rt,,B .n)1 Mlrlfy. th ianttant t anoth and hal, IWsid. t ths frauraut, sujwr-crraiuy rtu.4 llt n-at littl akla trmtblM h umilng riou by kwpltig th prnv fr from obstruction. Nothing bttr t any prto for all t4M tmrpon. KrV nipl , h by mail with Byok. A.blr )st(t,r. futicura, Ivjit. U Boston, s.Jd Trywhr. Adr. Hr Opinion. rlrst I'ainter I've just l. u show ing my aunt round. Most amusing, tuvartul l)- picks out the wrong pic ttirea to a.lmlre and den.uiHV th good ones. Stwml I'lili.tcr I'id she any any thing U.ul aiinel lirst l'ttiutcr th, sli like yo! Ocm Not It Is easy enough to be pleasant he life Hows by like a aong but some nten won't come lu on any terms. I'atlenc Is fr.inntly lauled, hat tenacity Is what gets there. I? ts stlumtiM that h.e to welrt a p4itinil. It tnke 5,0110 been ruined for lit by parerario. Uud. The taata and dug diLoiA,l mnii b,11 i,n,l 41. a K. . without mn m ,i.i, k... DOES NOT r ' lf atvtart World' Sugar Production, The New York Jouriuil of Commerce Is responsible for the following figures In rvgunl to supir production: The world's production of sugnr In 11M8 aiiiotmted to 37,l!3.IHK1,UHl pounds. The priHluctlon In the United Stutos, not lu . liiilliit; exlcnml misscssIoiis, was 2, iMiumls; lmport!i from lluwall ainoiiiited to 1,1:i7.imi,ii IMiumls. from the I'hlllpplnes to 217, msi.miu pounds, from I'orto Itlco to Wti.UOO.OOl) pounds. From foreign source B,41tJ.(HKUH) pound were re ceived. The consumption In the Unit ed State In 1010 was T,00O,(XJ0,(XI0 IHiumls, or 7J.13 pounds per capita. The United Stntc eziwrtcd 1,080,000,. 000 pounds. Splendid Medicine For Kidneys, Liver and Bladder For the Dst twentv rears I hava hem scquainted with your prepsrstion, Bwamp- , vn.nt.ii ,i. iiiuaiiiuwuuu VI IIIV UIBU.irr. 1 firmly believe that it is a very valuable medicine and recommendsbl for what it is intended. Very truly yours, DR. J. A. COPPEDGE, Oct. 2ft, U16. AUnreed, Ten. fYsva What SwsawvRoat WUI Do Far Ysa Send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Binghsmton, N. for a sample sis botti. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of vatuabl. information, telling about th kidneys and bladder. When writing, b nn and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent tad one-dollar tisa bottles for sale at all drug stores Adv. Mild Malavolenc. "I hope I haven't a meau disposi tion,' remarked the man whose head resembles a billiard boll. "Of course, yon haven't" "Hut every time I see a fellow with a few irps of hair laid out to the best ndvantt ge on top of his cranium. I enn't help wishing something would hnpprn to It." Seven-Thirty A. M. Walter What'll you have this morn lug? Fresh Breakfast ! Burr. Evcrj body seem to be agreed that In times of war the former Is the most Important man of any notion. If Worm or Tspsvnrm persist In rear, It I. because rou hsv. not ret tried Ih. rest V.rmlfufe, Dr. Peerr. "Da Shot," Oa das o lbs work. Adv. A man doesn't have to be crooked to follow his natural bent. Some people never find content ex cept la contention. It's always the bottom dollar that counts. RAPJA Grinilaled Eyelids, CjUl CTts inflamed by expo Eyeog sure TO aaa wwm uhi wia ukkly relieved by MMBjefy. No Smarting, hist Ev Cosnfort At DraftrltH or by Basil Sc per Bottle. Mat rWahTttbeitSc. For Seek farteC ft 6XDUT8;StlMSai00L ENGLISH SCOUTS GREET US l-it-ML ta. Sir lt.4i.Tt S. S. rad.-a-Vuvrll ha ritta t Mr. a,a H. UvllllTMott. vi.trtlt ( ttw U,y Somts 9t Aitwri.-a. stating that Aawr-K-a rntry latu th war ha ItxTvaard th aliva.ljr existing airoag lrtbrly fMIng btwa th English aid AbmtI oaa sroutsi. Th KngHsh rtilf a-ot la hi M tr fna Londoa aim tWls aooMKhiag th ,rk doo for thir mttntry by I:n4rllsh lt, S4-at, as f.Ukw: th great historical tp taka by th l iUtt S'ata la chhIb Into h r I fW that I aut and yua a Kuril of rrwtinr frnm tha ' S,;'T,U ' M? w,- r nora utt nr la vmious f.ctu tx-hiDil th mvn. not n.-v-srll,v lilvlng th taking ap f artua by hoys ndr th ac for military pmli. but by aitlng at tih,r r railway bride, tl graph and cut.! tin, rvsrvolrt, wr work. r, th tat have doo ialuh! imtional rvt-. Al th.y har prfnrmd th du- tie f orib-rlle In large auiuher for . .... - , uiiirrnni, giiVTTIIIIH'ai iBr mncea ami nave rarnea out the coast-wntchlng aervli ever alnc the first onthreak of war. They hv aim supplied trained lcnaler and mhulMm-e men where required. "I feel sure thnt with th tralulng they have received the Boy Scout of AiiHTica are In a inmUIob to do very valuable service for their country be hind th scene In the present crlsl. SCOUTS' FIRST WAR SERVICE. Members of th Boy Rcouts of America gave a practical demonstra- tlon of the services which they can ! render In aa emergency when the dls- j aster at th Eddyston Munition com- 1 pany's works occurred. More than 120 Uvea were lost In thl explosion and several hundred people were Injured. I Word was sent to schools lu nearby I towns requesting the services of scouts. All member were Immedltite- : ly released from school dutle snd hur- . ried to EiMyston and to Chester, where they did splendid work assist ing In first aid, acting as guard and : doing various sorts of put ml duty. j Their assistance was so iuvHluvble during this trying period that many of ; them were held for three days. They also caine to the rescue of th West- j ern Union Telegraph company, which was flooded with telegrams from anxious relatives of munition workers. TAKE DOWN YOUR WIRELESS. Here's another opportunity for boys to demonstrate their loyalty and their scouting ability. In accordance with .. ..-.i..- iuu.,j . ,,., ,,-.,1,1..,,, the United States, it Is Illegal for any persons not authorised government of- flclals to operate a wireless plunt or to have one ln such condition a to be curable of oneratlon. This ai.ulles to receiving as well as to transmitting stations. Every scout should dismantle has appuratus Immediately. This means the taking down of the antenna wire, and the disconnecting and packing of the Instruments. Scouts should not only dismantle their own apparatus, but report to the local police department any stations aside from those they know to be government stations which are ln op eration. SCOUTS AID FIREMEN. The fire departments In many cities are beginning to recognize the value of the assistance which trained Hoy Vouts can give. Under the direction of Robert J. Charles the Boy Scouts of Knnxvllle, Tenn., are being trained to assist the Are deportment of that city. Whenever a fire Is reported the scout commissioner la notified, and he In turn notifies the scouts In the city through the officers of the various dis trict commissions. This Is part of the plan devised by Mr. Charles for th mobilization of Boy Scouts in time of , fire or other disaster. SCOUT KNOWS HIS CITY. A scout knows his city as well as he knows the trails in the forest. He can guide a stranger wherever he desires to go, and his knowledge of short cuts saves him many needless steps. He knows where the police stations are located, where the fire-alarm boxes are placed, where the nearest doctor lives, where the hospitals are, and which Is the quickest way to reach them. He 1 knows the numes of the city officials 1 and the nature of their duties. A scout is proud of his city and freely offers bis services when he can help. CIVIC GOOD TURNS. Th civic good turns of semtt are adding very considerably to the com fort and wellbelng of the communities In which they live. Recently the Boy Scouts of Alameda, Cul., cleaned the beaches on the south side of their city for a distance of several miles. Under the direction of their scoutmasters the boys of seven troops separated Into groups and cleared the stretch of sand. Following the cleanup, they held a scout rally and made a big bonfire ot he rubbish they had gnthered. South Africa's Qold Produot The output of gold In the Transvaal during 1018 has been valued at $197, 423,500. This constitutes an Increase of $4,287,540 on the output for 101.1, and is the highest year's return in the history of the Transvaal. The previ ous record was the 1012 production, which, however, has been beaten by the 1016 output by over three-quarters of a million. The 1010 output represents approximately 40 per cent of the world's output South Africa has now, since the first discovery of gold In that country, contributed $2,575,000,000. LE550N (By RCT. f Xaot.r t E Canki. uu. Wwn.N,wFiliii LESSCN FOR AUGUST 5. ; MANASSCH't SIN AND REPENT. I ANCE. IJTSSON TCXT-H CbtcV V 15. j t CHiLl'CN TtXT-Urt th ai. kl fo. aa ata vay, as4 th uarWchWtfui maa ) kt taeuahta: aad M rvtura aata I ha ' I LaHt. aa aa iU nava ami uaua klm. : ; aad la ur God. for ha 1U atHiB4utiy 1 ankML-laalah iS t. t I Th rvlga of Miuwk as th hg- ; i rat ef aay f th klags f Juitah. It I ! ! atrang that a atokrd king ahoaid ' j kava th dlstUwnloa ef the tungvat i ' rWgn. Thl raa l amtuntrd for, pr- ' i h(w, by th fact that th aalloa waa ! ; la auch a atate that thtr bhdatroui I MMTtiptioa nMl4 to ga t It fullest ! avlopiM-t. It awni t b aary In a world of ftva beings, that th-ir artlou aiust go t a cert I a tag of uVveloiuiH-nt. It a as aa with th inhabitant of Canaan before that tana was possessed pgr Israel. Israel I wa kept In rVjpt ntll th Iniquity of that nation was full, lu this case doubtless the Utrd permitted this to j go oa until lha Idolatrous practice)! would become extremely obnoxious. ! Another reason why thta Is done Is to 1 show ;od's hug forbearance. He ts hot willing that any should perlh. but j that all should come to repentance (II Peter S O). And finally, we can ! account for It on the ground that God penult the things to go on long In order to vindicate hi Justice when he fudges. He does not strike In judg ment until all hope of repentauc la pest I. Manasseh's Sin (vv. 19). Thoftgh he had the example of a good father, be with passionate eudeavgr gave hint self up to the Imitation of the heathen about tdm. Thl shows thut grace Is not Inherited; a good father may havs a bad son. It also teaches us that It Is absolutely necessary to bring th grace of Cod Into vital touch with our children, for that grace Is absolutely essential to their salvation, duly Uis grace can counteract the donun-urd pull of sin. 1. He restored the high places which had been destroyed by his father (v. S). It Is thus seen that he sought to undo the good work done by his father. 2. lie erected altar to Baal (v. 8). The Idols worshiped on thene altars seem to have been Images of llcen- tlous appearance, provoking the Indul- ! rence of the hmnnn rmsKlmi. Then, i fore, with this worship was coupled the erosscst licentiousness. 8. He Introduced Hie star worship ! ""-"' ". "" '. '. nt t. fn.l,l..nn. A ...... -I 1. a. j ,,w t,,-h cicunj iiiese aiiurs lu m ?ou"e ' th' "" I ,ev1 ,th iM hllns,',f' I ne "P Moloch ln ,,,e Val of ! '""""n (v. B). He not only encour- i "K"1 "ul rsmp on tne purt ot otn- rs, but be even caused his own chll- I dren to pass through the fire. I 6. He practiced magic, witchcraft I and dealt with a familiar spirit (v. 0). j 8o gross were these practices that I they did even worse than the heathen whom God hnd destroyed before the Children of Israel came Into the land. It seems to be true always thnt when those who profess to worship God turn away from him, they Indulge ln sin ln excess of the unbelievers. 0, He rejected the Lord's testimony (v. 10). Doubtless the prophets had again and again admonished him, but he teems to hnve turned entirely asids from such 'remonstrances. II. Manasseh's Chastisement (vv. 11 13). The Lord In grace used the As syrians to chastise Mnnnsseh, so as to bring him to see his evil ways. He was captured, perhaps while hiding among the Ihlcket ef thorns (v. 11). bound In chains and carried to Baby lon. This was most humiliating. Ills hands were manacled, his ankles fas tened together with rings and a bar. III. Manasuh't Repentance, (vv. 12. 13). Eortunntely, the chastisement bad Its desired effect. Manasseh was brought to his senses and turned from his evil ways. The steps In his re pentance are as follows : 1. Affliction (v. 12). This was most severe. Bound with chains and dragged to Babylon. While this was severe. It was light in comparison with the sins which provoked it Many today are groaning under the weight of God's chasUsement who have not yet come to realize that the weight Is light com pared with the offense. Affliction Is God's love token (Heb. 12:0). Its pri mary design Is to brine men back to God. 2. 8uppllcatlon (v. 12). Manasseh had the good sense to cry out to God in tills condition. It Is the unmistak able evidence that God's chastisement ts accomplishing Its purpose. We are Instructed In Jaine 5 :13 In time of af fliction to prny. 8. Humility (v. 12). This Is a com mon characteristic of penitent souls. Those who come under the hand of God always recognize It In their hum ble walk. 4. Forgiveness (v. 13). As soon as Ood sees the signs of penitence, be turns In mercy to the peultent and grants absolution for sin. No one needs to wait long to receive his for giveness. 5. His kingdom restored (v, 13). Manasseh not only was forgiven, but he was actually restored to his king dom. Those who truly repent God will not only forgive, but be will re store (Psa. 82:3-5). 6. Apprehension of Ood (v. 13). Through this experience Manasseh came to know God. He not only came to know God na the Jealous God, th One who will not tolerate a rival, but he came to know him as a Ood of mercy. He came to know him In a new way. Happy are those who sub mit to the chastisement of God, who opens their hearts to receive the new revelation of himself,' even though it be through Qie band of cbasUsemest , New Discovery! Takes Place of Dangerous Calomel It Puts Your Liver To Work Without Making You Sick Eat Anything It Can Not Salivate Don't Lose a Day's Work! I rlisporfml a trjrrtaW compound that do the work of dangerous, sarkcninj calonicl and I ant every reader of this jur to try a bottle and if k doesn't straighten you up better and quicker than salivating: caltiel just go back to the store and get ytur money. I gTiarantir that one spoonful of IXxlson's Liver Tone ill jnit yvur slujifjish litr to work and clean your thirty feet of bowels of the sour i bile and constipation poison your system and makinj you I puarantee that one spuinful of this harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, bil iousness, coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour stom ach or any other distress caused by a torpid liver as quickly as a dose of vile, nauseating calomel, besides it will not make you sick or keep you from riMES CHANGED IN KOREA Government Which Twenty Years Age Was Afraid ef New Methods New Welcome American Ideas. j Twenty year sgo the old Korean j government was so afraid of new Ideas . that a Korean student In the Methodist Episcopal Schixd for Boy lu Seoul whs arrested and put Into prison. What j was the heinous charge? Simply that ! he had formed a literary society thnt discussal matters of general Interest! I But time have changed and Korea now appreciate Amcrlinn Ideas, says ! the World Outlook. The Imprisoned j boy, named Cynn, came to America to study and later became the efficient ! prlnHpul of his old boys' school In j Soon, And how the boy discuss cur j rent events nowadays! Mr. Cynn has I since then distinguished hiinself In a general conference by a simwIi notable for Its thought and lis English, lie Is Just one of the miiny Korean youths who have tested Uncle Sam's tree of knowledge and found If gil. 44 tt i ! fiirlct Ilea I Amnncl if WIIW. UOC LCI I MR, Make a Bleaching, Beautifying Cream The Juice of two fresh lemons strain ed into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white iniikis u whole quar ter pint of the most r murkable lemon skin beuutiflcr at about the cost one must pay for a smull Jar rf the ordi nary cold creams. Ca.e should be tak en to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will k.-ep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lem on Juice Is used to blench and remove such blemishes as freckles, sullowness and tun and Is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and benullfler. Just try it 1 Get three ounces of j orchard white at any pharmacy and ' two lemons from the grocer and make I up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage It dully Into the face, neck, amis and bunds, ft naturally should help to soften, fresh en, bleach nnd bring out the roses and benuty of any skin. It is simply mar velous to siuoothen rough, red hands, Adv. He'd Blow the Whistle. "Suppose," rend ('apt. John J. Tof fey, Jr., instructor of the Sixth com pany of the Ninth division, at Ft. Har rison, front "Small Problems of In fantry," "thnt your advance guard hnd been surrounded; that oU knew the approximate location of the enemy and his number, hut his position was strongly held, and darkness was com ing on. What would you do?" "I'd let It be know that I wns . uniou man, and then I'd blow the whis tle and go to supper," volunteered one fellow. And then, when he was "bawled out" for his fl infancy, he hnd nnother answer Just as good and much more apropos ready. Indianapolis News. Well Covered. A benevolent old lady saw nn un fortunate motorist coming out from underneath a wrecked car. "My poor boy," she sold, "are yo covered r "Yes," replied the motorist, "with mud, blood, chagrin and Insurance P London Opinion. Cruel. Cholly I am often mistaken for a distinguished personage. Grace Mutt or Charley Chaplin? Improved, But Not Cured. "Don't you think her voice Is Im proved?" "Perhaps, but not cured." Life. Often hrlc-a-hrnc ts sold for Junk, but more often Junk Is sold for bric-a-brac. Milwaukee Journal. The furnaces of an Atlantic liner will consume no less than 7,500,000 cu bic feet of nlr sn hour. tor fjyea, Blood-Hio rea, Waterr Kre. Sticky By.a. all healed promptly with nlsHt. ly application f Roman Bye Balaam. Adv. Adversity sometimes brings out a man's good points by the roots. There Is more profit ln smoking her ring than cigarette. a day's work. which is clocking feel miserahle. Bold for 47 yoaura. For Malaris, CHllla and Faror. Ala Fin OonenraU Strengthening Tonic. 60c tad f 1.00 at til lrlas Ltt Us Wtcp. Father was stern-looking, and a frown gathered s. where round his mouth and advanced all along the western front until It a as barred bj a line of trenches on his forehead, ahen his son stood In his presence. "My lad," wild father grimly. "Mrs. Smith, from next d.s.r, tells me that four of her windows are broken. She ls't sure whether you hae done It, or whether the culprit is her son. Now, then, dlil yon do it or not?" The shade of (J.M.rge Washington got Into the room, somehow, regard less of the enemy ulieus act, and Wil liam answered: "Father, I did It. I cai f He." ' "No," said father, as lie t naked up his sleeve, with ghoulish delight, "and : you won't be able to sit either by the ( time I'm done with you." London I Ideas. Intelligent Alarm Clock. An alarm clock awakened a lady In Philadelphia Just In time to allow her to escape from a burning building. She had set the clock i:s usual at five o'clock, but that morning It failed to ring. Iurlng the afternoon she lay down for n nap on the divan. At five o'clock the nlurm clock started its racket twelve hours late. She awoke to And the house full of smoke nnd Haines creeping up the stairway. She was aroused Just In time to escape to IV street. "Thnt clock has been my pnl for years," said she. "I never knew It to miss Its regular morning I'larm before. It must hnve known Kotinllilng." Promise Easily Kept. Vftli, hnnn, I. .ft jv ,'..,., in in,- nn mm time you nnn i n never appear before again," pleaded the ctilnrlt. "Am I to tnke this as a promise to reform?" "Yes, your honor. And I might add flint I am on my way to Australia. If I should happen to backslide, some other court would attend to my case." Tetterlne Conquers Poison Oak. I enclose M cents tn .lamp, for a box or Tetterlne. I have poison oak on me : ln. and that la all that haa aver cured ncaaa nurry u on to w . M E. Hamlett Moatalba, Tel., May M, "OS. riititi Dandruff, Chilblains and everv form of anSV.'p'V" Hum iiir nianuiaciurer. raa snup- trine Co.. 8avannnh. n With every nmil order for Tetterlne w. Kl "Adv ' 8hutl,1' ,0c Llvr Plu' What He Saw. An excited man at Evansville called the sheriff's office and asked in an anxious tone of voice whether William Hnbbe, the sheriff, knew thnt "three or four boys were playing on the roof of the courthouse." The sheriff didn't but he promised to make an Investigation nt once. When Sheriff Habbe had climbed the long (light of stairs to the cupola and look ed out he saw Four tinners engaged In laying a new cornice around the eaves of the building. Indianapolis News. Natural Result "Banks looks all gone to pieces." "No wonder. He's broke." Balti more American. Preliminaries. "I want, dear, to give a blow-out." "Then first, my own, we must raise the wind." Round-shouldered men would be scarce If there were no troubles but real ones. W'henever a man begins to Investi gate a woman's cooking he means business. A doctor may give a patient hope, but he charges for the time It takes to give It. Swift feet get a man out of lots of trouble that his tongue gets him Into. Our worst misfortunes hover on tbe brink of our apprehensions. I want to see a bottle of this ' derful liver medicine in every home here. Calomel is poison it's mercury it attacks the liones, often causing rheumatism. Calomel is das perous. It sickens while my IXxlson's live Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. any thing afterwards, because it can not salivate. fJvw it to the children because it doc't't upset the stnat ach or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight and wake up feeling fine and ready for a ful day's work. Get a bottle! Try it! If it doesn't do exarthjt what I say, tell your dealer to hand your mtwry back. Every druggist and store keeper here knows !ie and knows of my wonderful discovery of a vegetable medicine that takes tho place of dangt. ous calomeL Adv. MCjDLL HONK ( DEATH HAZARD IN BATTLE Insurance Company Statistic Slaws) th Risk That Men Tak Whra They Go to War. Marshal Joffre told James M. Berk, vtho rviH-ated the figures In my heap ing, that from February to August bat year MO.tMl soldier were killed at wounded at Verdun, says a writer la the Philadelphia Ltslgcr. A big battle crowds Into a few bouts nil the likelihood of death that comes to H civilian over a period of years. Insurance company statistics show that in fighting ut Crttyshurg a Baa was as likely to ho killed as a Raa not In battle to die In the four yean between forty-nine and fifty three. If you are thirty, you stand aa i a chance of living five more year a soldier at Shlloh had of surviving that one day. There were Compressed Into oa brief day at Antletam all the death hazards which confront a man of forty for the next four yi-ars. The Wilderness put Into tuhlold firm al the casualty risks faced by a person of forty-two until he was forty-five. Grant's campaign at Vlekshnrt matched In death perils the combine years from forty-two onward. A single half-hour ot Cold Harbor waa equivalent to all the civilian dan gers In a young man's life from twentw. eight to thirty-two. The present war is mostly machine) slaughter shells and rapid-fire gnnsj killing more than ten times as many soldiers ns rifle bullets. The Eye of the Night One afternoon IVIInh, o little col ored girl, had seen nn automobile rem over white woman. That night th youngster's mother, n laundress, rook neither persuade nor compel IHlah ' to deliver n bundle of the day's wast ing. "Nono no!" walled the excited I chiU. "If dem auto mans caln't sr n white lady In de middle of de day. how's they a gwlne to see me In Oa dark?" t ' " ' Big New. l With rounding lips and nn air at great Importance the small boy of a ! Sm,,,"-V ,",,'1 ln IMfmd imparted th. oa..,v iuci io ins teacner: "The devil's dead," he said, solemn ly. "What makes you think that?" mat the startled teacher. "Pad said so," explained the strati boy. "I was standing In the stnwt with him yesterday when a funeral pnssed, and when dnd saw It he said: 'Poor devil, he's dead.'" Exposed to Weather. Harold Hollnwnut You're coughing awfully. Percy Plnfeafhcr Yes, dash It! Ify man told me smnrt dressers wereaYt wearing tlepins any more, so I left mine off and caught a dreadful ln my chest. A woman seldom throws at anythlag until sne is so mad she can't straight. Beauty may be only skin deep, bat it manages to get a sent ln a crowded car. "Know thyself," says the philos opher. Yes, but who is to Introderw as? POST TOASTIES are the newest and best in corn flakes la EarM a