Wteaem Twi Need i CrtierI Took ! TW CKd Standard Gros( Tasttkaa dual Too.se ia qaaiiv vaJai M a Cl oral Tceae twouw it crssu.oa tba known tonic prosrrlia ed QUININE ud IKON- ft act. . . Ij,. Dr,. Malaria. Eanche taw Riood aad Bailde F asf Jf'M ft ROANOKE RAFIS3 HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. Wett th Neat Man. "DM ywa wake up Na 447- N r. Cwuldat wake kits. I dad the snareM 1 rwuliL "What was ihair Waked uji N. 4,-v, Cut. r.ut Siiohted. jWe; j,,., fum "I did. hut I aial e,jas fa st.v here in. Van 0.-, trv ikt. t the fannly- "Why. Mary. k r ,,,3 ,,,- ... ,s o.-,y. v,m rrr wv , r tea day, and yH, ,,illa, rr, ' picture ptal rwrd." msPm CHtar aul a . .Tl mmmtr. Ja,. H a Man a diplomat instead f a Mat awl be til be tnw ; )H lt UMr nutmuit l the unv thine. rani 4,,, ,-ors, 'Wn and b.Miig fkn lb best. If a hum (s twuot kr aoal,, t'hartat .. 4... a 1.. . What is Castoria C " ta- ant-rtituta for Castor M. Paregoric, Opium. Morphi- JL, . " "" .t. For mora tha, Uurty yrM it k bB iHT t et U 4u ruing ttterefiuim. v m iiiu narur! "ndendM vt thek-lthaf lafWd LxI"-"U thai (l.ikJrr-KxtnrnraaK,1n.ttip,ritnM,t TV ,r. Opea-Alr Exercise and Carter's Little Liver Pills W tw ayfaaM Iklafi For Constipation II you can't get all the exercise you should have, its all vm mm important that yow bar tha other tricd-and triM remedy for a tor. pfal liver and howala which doa't act mwiy aoa Mlurally. iao IIJITTLI Tak om pin very alght j aaere oaty fvmwm aura nt 1 C kt CHALKY. COLORLESS COMPLEXIONS NEED CARTER'S IRON PILLS i ? Lm.1 I I i i ; 1 IfffDMnONAL SiMTSQIOOL Lesson tBy MV. fH HTIWltKR, P IV. B!W InatKui .1.' (tik-ar,!.! CrlrtL 117. ir N..,., rstoa USSON FOR SEPTEMBER 30 CALOMEL IS Of, II SICKENS! ?io? m mm drug Don't Lose a t v's Wiri ! 1. Your live- Is Sluggish or Bowels ConstipaU- Tke "Jods$ Lku- Tone." It's Fine! oara auiouar Tour lirer ia aluc THE GOODNESS AND OF COO. SEVERITY (Review J l.rtcfN TKXT-r.nW l i aM ra-Kua. altiw I anm-r. an j pin. ' la Bmr -rm 103 S. ! A frofltnMe jr In spenil tlw hoar oald be ti make a Mn.ly of 1 w nl.-I a rrTr as r-eiinl-! ta the less. a. slciiwl f.ir our ivitdins tmly. and have the !) of the quarter a Illustra tion of the fnNiu and wverlty of I Ood. AnniHinrt'iiMTl of tht ilaa may i rn niiole the Sunday before, and the different lovson of the flimner a am. loa reel liy. iuty ,Bi ,:1 kaocked aot Taur kaa ia dull, your teacue ia coated; brecth had; itomack oar aad hoaela cuattipated. But doat Uka aaliTatiBf ralomej. h mikea yoa Kk. yoa atay Iom a day mork Calomel la Bercury mi auickiMrer ahich causes aerrosis of the hoaea vaiomet rrasBea lata aour bile like anme. breakiac it up That i vkea yoa ftel that amful aauae and rramp tag If yoa want ta enjoy the a'cest. tea feat liver and bowel clejinf yea erer r tperieaeed Juat take a apooaful af kamlesa Iodcoa'a IJyer Toae. Your druraint or dealer aella yoa a f.P-eea! hottle of nndaoa's liver Toae under y feraoniil noney hark tuarantee ai rarn rpootiful will rteaa alutfish Urer better thaa a doaa af asty calomel aad th&t it aea't aiaka you aick. nodaoa't IJer Toaa U raal Uer Biediciae. You U kno lt aeit bmtb ln beraaaa yoa arUl wake p fwHax fine. Soar lirrr will he workiai. your kradache aad ditriaeaa toae. year stomach will he aweet aad your howela reruiar. To will feel Uke workiag ; vou U h eheerful; fuU of ytjer aad ambit loa. PodMia". I.Wer Toaa la eatlrely eretable therefore harmleM aad raa it allrate Give It to your rhiMrea! Mtllw-na of people are uatne; Hodaoa'a Mer Tone Inate of daaaeroaa eal ontel aow Your dfurtlut will tell yoa that the a!e of ealomel ta alnoal your j stopped entire'y here Ad. . , ' . . I III ft UIIIV V IUph,maPa. . i. vanicaaien er tne Nation's Sma II M II Uli II H B lit HI I "'aiafaiK ItlK. (vt. S :15). The rtreumatanoea r4 thfh ' VUUILaW liH9Wl ao.LaiM .u ilM,, DIVERSITY IN prayer were extraordinary. The orll was o aertoun that lnnlei nought aftt I prayer to the Lord with fasting, aark ; rloth and asho. In his ronfesslon the e.4le's Kins are placed In contrast j with God's rlshteo!nas. He acknowl I edeea that their nornrwa and sufforinpi Justly Mong to them. Daniel, the holy man ailnsf whom there la nn I record of w ron);d.!pg, Includea himself with his Hs.(.le. M. Supplication for Mercy and Fee. SSSS'SfV Hli OIIS H0LS0NE-DIUCI0US i 3 umn MiTMees aenita aa i iatllli kmm no "a . &TAM0ARO t EXC1LUNCI CHATTANOOCA BAKE IV The Cauae ef the Commotion. Wind's the irouhle uo there TWO VARIETIES OF HEROES One Whs Admita Ha la ef Make-Be-ieve Claaa. Telia ef Life in the Trenches. There are re heroes and niiike-lie-Hee heroes; and they are not always easily tlisii(iiismlile. 1 do not lil.lr from biyaelf Dial I belong to the make helleven. And yet. it Is relimrkitlile ' I hiil I tlld not timl the mftnui week at the front as terrible as the first. It is Dot us bud there as it seems, snvs a writer In the Atlantic. When once you net accustomed to the blia Hint you nitty be dead In a ! 'lay, or lit an hour, or In a minute, and when you nre clear us to your future, ur iiiixsI is relieved from constant depresNitHi. Involuntarily yon hewme kind and helpful to those about you. you do not jset vexed over trllles, you are ready to make all sorts of sacri fices. of course. If, In the midst of such a conditiou. a grenade suddenly drops Into jour trench. If you we three or four of your comrades gcttlug killed, I Jour misery returns, nn matter how j giasl an outward iiHwarunce you may ! keep up. At least for a while. Hut then nun In tin thought comes that getting wounded means rest and safely, uud rimhI care. And death? thai I still less terrible. One honst of reaching one's destination along the shortest road.' Is not il,i4th every one's final destination? Atlantic. Why He Left The large, florid gentleman Mt ,he movie threw down his program In very evident disgust, and as he ground our Iocs on his way out. we heard him mutter something. Th seat he hail left was lietter than ours, so we moved over Into It. wondering what could have aet the old man off so. In about a minute we found out. In tl... km. , Just iH-hiiid sat a young man and a i young woman, both grown. As the hero Mushed across the screen, theiuali salil: "tHi. dere be Is. llwess his heart. 'On Tclled.n. Israldlne Karrar'a huh ly, ' know. Mu't he .list the tweet est slngT "Mull huh ! Hut he hln't huff so Iweet us on Is. Is he?" Thai's as long as we stayed. Kan sas City Star. NorniNfi so rim-Tivr- as riixia HABP.K w Malaria, t hill, m rVvw. fklat of Police, 1. w. Kfjaold., Newnnrl Ne,Va .aara: "lllsaplewiiraiarts.aaiarnd aasaefcfurrail!ai)4lfrr. HirHwdn.i., aeaarj foriTrrd barrfaoad aoreneiir aaffferllT " Kllllr aaaai.r..u.lldru, (lata, or br Pawl Post, rrpalii, froai Klorww- waaauirion. if. t;. aaiauo., waaamric S Claud Mow au aupnia eh Ueer rills. Keeaia Today's pun Many a government weulher forecaster has been badly winlher lieuten. When a girl shows a young limn a picture of herself she exMMts him to ask for It. Still water runs into Jugs. Why That Lcae Lck? Morning lameness, sharp twinge when bending, or ao all-day back ache; each la cause enough to sus pect kidney trouble. Uet after the cause. Help the kidneys. We Americana go it too hard. We twerdo, overeat and neglect our sleep and exercise and so we are fast becoming a nation of kidney sufferers. 72 more deaths than U HRO is the 1910 census story, use uoant Kidney I'll la. Thou sands recommend them. A South Carolina Cam John W VIIm. I D- No. I, TravaUr'a S. a C, a a r a : "Hardshloa waakanxl ay kkdnaxa aad 1 had wfol aaina in mr hack, r ataadlly got woraa aiul kly annoyed by scsld. ad toe fraquaat aaaaacos of tha kid. r aacretlona. n hi. avatfcj palna In my hips opt mo awake and air anklM mA u. evened. bad awrul dlaa anWiu i.-. iSSf VVT raaiorad mo to we-siixn. ' - ' dadL. . a DOANS,.D"" namMam co, auprALO. nr. ll aeiTafta 1 I AmaMa H I'.i.t Make Quarter Pint of Lotion, Cheap He re Is told how to prepare an Inex pensive lemon lotion which can be usihI to bring back to any skin the sweet freshness, softness, whiteness snd j beauty. j The Juice of two fresh lemona struln i ed Into a bottle rnntnlnlng three ounces i of orchard white makes a whole quar ter pint of the most remarkable lemon J skin heautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordi nary cold creams. Care should be tak- i en to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Erery woman knows that lem on Juice Is used to bleach and remove auch blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan. and Is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and heaullfler. Just try It! Oct three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make np a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion snd massage It dally Into the face, neck, arms and hands, and see for yourself. Adv. There ia a wonderful diversity in one-piece dresses, and there must be. u-. ,... k , .. .. I -r ..; nn.r new iiiiugs an tne time j ar women will not buy," says one of I those who sells frocks nearly all the days of the year. It Is business thut j wake the world move forward, and ao designers call uivon the four quarters of the globe for Ideas and Inspiration. This fall there are Chinese and Kus lan and American Indian Ideas Infer preasl In new suits and dresses, or dis cernible In their trimming, along with clever Inventions that are home grown ami very modern. Nut with all this casting about for Dew inspirations there are almost an freakish dresses. Kverythlng must bow lo the decrees of the mode and manage to arrive at simplicity In effect mat ter how much elaborated In details of trimming or tiidsh. The result Is the prettiest and most wearable frocks that can lie imagined, w ith the straight line models in great favor and the smart Russian blouse winning Its way to the front. Hut the at might line dress bus no monopoly, as may he gathered from the clever model In a one-piece frock shown here. It follows the lines of the tonneau skirt, at a safe and wine distance, with the small, side drapery that holds Its place in the season's styles. Just how Its wearer gets In or out of It is a secret that lies between, her and the dressmaker, but the belt la discovered fastening at the side and probably the bodice docs the same ONE PIECE DRESSES cuffs with overlay In white Ha ring satin. Making a Joke of deprivations Is one phase of French fortitude In these times of trial. The I'arlslenne makes light of the scarcity of coal and says she will rely uon furs and exercise In the open air to keep herself warm this Winter. This lircilictlon s.-eins to given (vv. lrt-10). He pleads for ! frum the cook of 'Ml s anger and fury to turn away, and his remembrance of the Holy City and hi chosen people. The Lord's honor waa at stake. He con f esses that Israel had no merit, were utterly destitute of ngnteouness, and pleads consideration on the ground of covenant relationship. Another way to conduct the review would be to ask different members of tha class to report on the different les ona by giving the vital and central teaching of each. The following nre suggested as vital teachings of the several lessons: Lesson 1. God in ...mo.i.-e.i inc inoiie. ami furs l-essnn 1. God Is absolutely holy are everywhere, tin suits and frisks therefore those who hare been sancti Ihey apear In hands, sometimes run- I "cd by Arc from the heavenly altar are tlmious and more often in section, on tne bottom of skirts and coals. Collars and cuffs, fur-covcreil buttons, and narrow fur bands and fringes of fur lind a place on all outer garments. IVep cuffs, IhiiIi close-llttlug and during, and narrow collars that widen into broad revcrs are among the new est phases of fur trimmings, liut with the broadest collars and the most gen erous cuffs are coupled very narrow handings in pis kets and about the bot tom of coats. Collars tire as luxurious and enveloping us those Introduced lust winter, those on suits of the convert ible variety that may be brought up about the throat at will. One of the new fall suits, trimmed with gray squirrel. Is made of wool veiour. Mjuirrel looks well on the wine, blue and green shades of the present season ami combines beauti fully with the soft "glove finish" of wool fabrics. The suit pictured Is a conservative model with a atraight hanglng coat, belted In at the waist- A Mitey Wiae Understood It They were talking about avintiou. "As I understand It," sold Mr. Mltey Wise, "the monoplane Is a flying ma chine from which one falls, the bi plane Is one from which two fall and " "I get you," chirped the qulck-thlnk-er. 'The h) -drop plane is one from which they all fall out." Indianapolis New. TEACHERS VAWTED SKOAL IWUM I MINI ELfiH "J""" ry eool, 171 to ;() UdlatotMablaiatsiasMiaadoosirooa ; ) Oraaoaad kkg school. Caaplao jUaaaiitU tasnhen. Capraeadoalad 00 " Writ today, apasad oaroilueat. lTA4,C4WaS.C MOTHER! Hare yon eer used MOTHER'S JOT HALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Ca tarrh? if you haven't get It at oac. It will cure you. Adv. 0 JSfi qualified for his service. Lesson 2. He who turns away from the Lord shall be Judged by the Lord. Lesson S. In Heiekluh's reformatory work the Passover Feast was restored, showing that the only way to get peo pie to return to God Is to gather them around the Cross of Christ the Atone ment by Blood. Lesson 4. Though our unfaithfulness and cowardice have shamefully humili ated us, we should turn to Ood In prayer. lesson ... God's gracious Invitation Is extended to all without money and without price. Lesson fl. No matter how wicked one may have been In hla npostnsy from God. If he sincerely repents, fjivd will ! be found of him. j Lesson 7. Regardless of one's age I and experience, God can use him In ?in mighty work If he will but open his heart urlto hlin. Lesson 8. The Word of God found and read will mlghllly convict of sin, and transform ones life and environ- 1 ment. I Lesson 0. God's predictions as to the I cnptlvlty of Israel were fulfilled to the i letter. Nothing shall fall of that ; which God has sold he will do. i Lesson 10. Jehovnh Is the shepherd of captive Israel, and will surely gather , them out from their wanderings mid save tnem. i Lesson 11. One should be unflinch ! Ingly loyal to God under nil clrcum- stances. I Lessons 12 and 13. God Is able to de ! liver those who trust him, from flre and from wild beasts. a rapid rvsiauranr, auilresslng one of the wait resses, "Aw. Ilclsolse said that Claudlne wasn't any better than she ought to be," was the reply. "And Claudlne aays she is, too, and If anybody thinks liffereut she'll make 'em prove It. That's how the customer got hit with tne ketchup hottle." K Star. BALLET GIRLS AIDED BY WAR Nw Russian Government Make It Possible for Dancer to Enter Learned Profi ;ns. vatisas nty PAIN? NOT A BIT I LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF N humbug! Apply few drop then Jut lift them away with finger, - Russian ballet girls are being ,!. men ,o enter the learned profe sion. special commission to pre. I pare reforms In the former "imperial. ! now state, theaters hm t for abolition of the system under which a ballet pupil could never be anything hut a ballet dancer. At the age of nine yeara many eirls entered the ballet schsil of the Marin sky theater and spent their childhood learning to dance, receiving scarcely ny general education, and were or dered to go on the ballet Mage. If they refused they were exdutled from all exivpt the lowest occupations. In the future, girls who have passed , through the ballet school will be con sidered as having received a complete slx-elass secondary schooling and will inns ne quaiitiiKl to matriculate la This new drue la an .ih a discovered by a Cincinnati chemist. It w""la"' university and tiecome d.s- 1 called freeion. .nrt '"- '"-.' engineers and terhnl now be obtained In tiny ooiiie as her shown l clans. iff' If I i t ery little cost from any drug store. Just ask for freeione. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender corn or callus and Instant-1 ly the soreness disappears. Shortly you will find the corn or callus ao loose that you can lift it off, root and all, with the Auger. Not a twlnire of ha In THIS DRUGGIST KK0.YS BEST KIOXEY MITE Sixteen years ago I began to wtl Dr. Kumer Swamp-hoot and today I brhrvs it is one of the bent medicine en tho market; and my patrons are very much pleased with the result! obtained from its u and .peak very favorably regarding it. bwamp Root has been very .ucoeasful ia t. l, 'j Kmey, liver and bladder i-uruing to ine reporta received no nraitsnry in recommending aorenesa or Irritation ; not tn,.uhI,7 "cording to the reporta received even tha H.h. . . nd 1 have no henitanrv in imamui.. ing. e ther "r.r: ,or 1 h? . - -i'i"j'u When God Probes. J God loves us too much to let whst ! would hurt lis amy with lis. So, be j cause of this love, he himself Is will I Ing to hurt n In order to save us from l Hie greater hnrt. Probing Is done In ; order to get rid of sompthlno- that would Injure. And so, s Prebendsre freezone or afterwards Thl drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loos en and come right out. It I no humbug! It work like s charm. For a cents you can get rid of ev. ery hard corn, soft corn or corn between the toes, a well as pain ful calluses on bottom of your feet It never disappoint and never burns, bites or Inflame. If your druggist hasn't any freefone yet tell him to ret a little bottle for yon from his wholesale house. adv. An Irish Comeback. An Irishman employed In a large factory had taken a day off without permission and seemed likely to lose his .Job In consequence. When asked by his foreman the next day why he had not turned np the day before, h? replied : 1 was so III. sir. that I conl.i n.,t Oct. 3, Very trulv rmira OWL D'm tJ STORE By R. F. Bote,. 1916. Sedalia. Missouri. Utter to Dr. KilmartVCo. Blnlhamton, N. Y. e con Vo C ""u. 2 1" " - ' IW. that , Working Under Difficulty. Hurglar I hale lo work a Job alone. If I get pinched I can't turn state's evidence on nobtsly and git off. Easily Don. "I'd like to ge: a little runabout." "Then why don't you ask Miss Flighty to marry you?" ?MLH2,L 085H business ua, Km ar7 ra a.niiai. Wright' Indian VtirtsM Pill rmtala sothinf eat vrttabla Insnsllafita, which set gratif aa a tonlo and purgaUva by atlna aMlsa sad not kg brluuisn. Adv. Some men attempt to do a main tent stunt ort a sideshow ability. flsCS3 1"" Wktarlet. pmswa, Sa2lLiVa-l WGrtaalaiei Ejelkli, "'"l Sort Er. EiNtlnSasMd by r Jw ftasf and "Wqulcklr lrikmdhrMaThte. TnMIn rCMitisMaiaewtajai UhSawaaa,,JErCart - At Tan Oi.SJ m aa Masaa,aitaita. tffiSViTSw-trSl thing, with fastenings along the under arm ind shoulder. At the front and hack of the belt embroidery finds a place In the sun of approval, and a row of misleading button down the front of the bodice hare no duty other than to make a pretty finish for it. ' It Is the collar In this frock that be speaks much thought on the part of Its maker. It is of colored satin over laid with white satin with little satin covered buttons set In a row at enrh side, and Is altogether Independent of the high neck Vhlch finishes the bodice. The plain sleeves have small For the Kitchen Window. in you rememtier now, when you and I were little girls, our mothers and our grandmothers used to wear em broidered gingham aprons? asks a writer In the Philadelphia Record. They cross-stitched then, you know, using the little block pattern of the gingham for a guide, and many won derful designs did they put upon tbem. Well, Interior decorators have been saying a lot about- beautifying the kitchen these days, and one of tbctr Idea ia to put little -half draoea af FURS ARK EVERYWHERE line and trimmed to li.nu i-mns . I esch aide. It I plain except for big patch pockets, also trimmed In points to correspond with the coat. Several of the French designers are turning to Japan for much of their Inspiration this autumn. Thl nroha. bly mean that we shall see Japanese motifs In embroidery, a much aa w saw them Inst year, nn the new frocks. gingham at the whitlow not curtains, you see, but Just narrow little box plaited strips of gingham, wide enough to relieve the bareness of the window frames. Well, we can go a step far ther and embellish those same drupes with our little needles. All one h. , do Is to cross-stitch the white square of the gingham In blue thread or the blue "quares In white thread Just like mother and grandmother used to do with their aprons. I've experimented with a set, and they're tha auaim.s.. dearest Utile thins Imaginable. except to neal. Hs never hnmblos ex- 1 cept to exalt. Do let God deal with I you ; do not be afraid of his probing." Most of u hnve been afraid of It; we may be dreading It Just now. We shall not fear If we remember what kind of love la hack of it: that all-sacrificing love that died for us on the cross. 80 we can safely, gladly let rmrselves go utterly Into his hands and ask those nan-pierced hand to do with us what they will. Then he can begin to show n his love as we may never yet have known the meaning of love. Sunday School Times. saw you pass the factory on your hlcvcle during the morning?" asked the fore man. Pat was slightly taken aback, then regaining his presence of mind, he re plied : "Surt?, sir, that must hnve been when I was going for the doctor." Pitts burgh Chronlcle-Tpegraph. Fror What Swamp. Root Will Da for Yea Srnd ten cent, to Dr. Kilmer t Co., Binghamton, N. V., for a mmpl site bottle It will convince anyone. You will al.o receive a booklet of valuable in formation .telling about the kidneys and Madder, tt hen writing, be sure and men tior, 1 this paper. Large and medium sis bottles for sale at all drug stores-A dr. What Kind of Richea? "Riches take unto themselves wings ami fly away,'" quoted the teacher. "Whut kind of riches ia meant ?" And Johnny Jones said: "I reckon they must be ostriches. " Sloth makes nit things difficult, In dtistry all envy. American Proverb. Many a man who nets like a bear Is merely foxy. Our Llttl I Needed. If only one of the million flower that bloom In the summer days. In the neius ana gardens, refused to bloom, hiding It gift of beauty, the world would be a little less loveiv if h one 01 tne myriad star In the heaven should refuse to shine some night seeping 11s oeam locked up In Its own nreast, tne night would be a little dark er. . . . It make a mt difference In the world whether the humblest of us ne true or raise in onr life, whether we sing our one little note right or wrong, wnetner we speak our one lit tle word, or keep allenf. The smallest bar of song, breathed Into the world adds It fragment to the world's mnslc! The right thing ron did -orn..i.. made the world a little better, made It easier, too. for othet people to do right Jaroe R. Miller. Tha Real Pleasures. God will not let n be without pleas ures of our own. The fields are full of such : flowers, verdure, beautiful plant at every tep; birds everywhere : and then an air all perrtnsad. Eugenld d Gastrin. Didn't Need It The young bride had clearly former loess on industrial questions. "I will give you something to eat.' en Moormen tne tramp, "if you will gat tne ox" "h I ., . .. 1 neeo inai, t ne tramp Interrupted In a reassnrlns tone "t. leetn are quite all right." Pleasure af an Enthuaiaat Toe the price of gasoline bother yonr "Not much." replied Mr. Chugglns. "1 only run the motor a few miles. Then I get out and spend the rest of the day tinkering her np." Success Is merely a matter of doing the right thing at the right time. IVn helping to save I white bread by eating I more I PostToasties I 1 WHAT AM II f YOU I MlkMIaaaaBaasaAaBaaBalBaVBa GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATMENT manclard remedy for Hv years and result of aanrvean eaperienra in V.- throat and btoar diseases h Br J H nnj "esP Of I mlTf d Prartleal wmJ '"'i V.l.ontdrna1ta. J- H. GUILD CO., Rupm, t Reduce Straiaed, Psffv Ankle, LyssshMghii, Pal EviL foal., Bows, Swellings; stop laannu and allays p,in. Heal Sena, Cat, aVaiM. Boot Chafe, it i, , UFE tlME'TIC 110 inilCIBE Does Boa hliata m ... hair and ben can ha rkj as . $2. 00 1 bottle, delivered. Describe your raai for spread instruct inns mnA kiuj. a as a ABSOKBINB. HL. aMnwtdf Zm,ZTL il Tr1 " "tm " Hwa. " -, W. F.raUN. P..F..tt llt lrlaaSokl. aajn. Every Wornm yn rr J. aawloirS5Zltt AlMdissi aawthrssytaaW k. liiTV sw asai is? CTtI jr pTcj W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, SaTSSlrirv

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