Herald Volume lV.--Number 36 ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C NOVEMBER 30, 1917 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance Roanoke Rapids HALIFAX COUNTY RESERVE MILITIA 37tk Company, North CaroEu Re serve Militia, 5 fa, wot i at Weldoa, with Dttackntrul at Eifield Orf amir J. Sii'.eti Member Frem Resenurj acd Roa eke Rap'.Ja. Officers Elected and Drill U Begin Shortly run quota sixn four men a..k .r wr r iJ At the o hce el Geo, (.. Green . ..,... ... ...... u-...i....i..! in ncuion. on m. ") niirht was formally orvTinized i orjjanueu the 37th Company of the North ! Carolina Reserve Militia. Under the ruling of the Adjutant Gen-j eral. the Company consists of , ixty four men, 4'2 under a Cap - tain, to lie citizens of Weldon and j community, with a detachment of twenty two men under a First Lieutenant at Enfield. The home of the Company is ti be at Wel don. Rosemary and Iioanoke Rapids were asked to furnish sixteen of the Weldon contingent and the following were solwted by Mr. John L Patterson of the Halifax County Defense IJoarJ: A. M. Proctor. A. E. Akers. J. R. Baird. W. S. Hancock. L M. Spivey, H. C. Leitner. J. T. Stainback, S. J. Bounds. T.W. Mullen. Rev. L N. Talor. A. L Taylor, W.F. Horner. J.F. Welch. W. E. Byrne. E. II. Ricks und M. R. Vick. After the oath of allegiance was taken hy every member of the organization, officers were elected as follows: Captain, Geo. C. Green, of Weldon, First Lieu tenant, R. C. Dunn, of Enfield, Second Lieutenant, T. W. Mullen, of Rosemary, First Sergeants, A. B. Stainback. of Weldon, and Dr. W. L Fleming, of Enfield, Second Sergeants, Geo. T. An drews, of Eniield. M. M. Drake, of Weldon, L M. Spivey, of Roanoke Rapids, Mess Sergeant, Wm, F. Horntr, of Rosemary, Supply Sergeant, C. W. Howard, of Weldon, Corporals, L C. Draper and J. B. Zollicoffer, of Weldon. Rev. L N. Taylor and J. T. Stainback, of Roanoke Rap ids, C. H. Sullivan, and Charles Mather, of Enfield, Cooks, R. S.4 Travis, of Weldon. end Dr. C. Highsmith, of Enfield. Musician, J. E. Rives, of Enfield. Artificers, Wm. B. Lawson, of Weldon, E. S. Hamill. of Enfield, Chaplin, Rev. N. C. Duncan. The purpose of the Reserve . Militia is to act under the orders of the Governor in emergencies of any kind and the enlistment is for the period of the present war. Only men are selected who are beyond draft ag-e or who have been or are sure to be exempted from the draft. The Company will probably drill once a week. Arms will be furnished by the Federal Government just who is to furnish the uniforms is at present a much mooted point After the election of officers, Captain Green made the Com pany a brief talk, stating that he thought the chances of their be ing called out very remote, but that it was their business to be ready if a call should come and that he wanted a compact and pffieif-nt organization built ur. The members of the Resemary- Roanoke Rapids contingent were given a lunch by Mr. Jnq. L. Patterson at the Manhattan Cafe in Weldon after the work of organization was completed. ZOLLICOFFER MORRISETTE The following invitation has been received by friends: "Dr. Dallas Bancroaft Zolli coffer requests the pleasure of your company at the marriage of his daughter, Tempie Perry, to Mr. Ernest Carl Morrisette, on Saturday, December the fifteenth at nine o'clock in the evening, at the Methodist Church, Weldon, N. C. At home after the first of January, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS I In the absence of the pastor, j who was sick. Rev. C J. Thomp-; son, of Raleigh, circulation roan-' ajc-r of the Kibical Recorder, (ie-; livered an able and inspiring I . n . i sermon at me Baptist vnurcn last Sunday morning. The eve- j ning service was well taken care I of by the laymen ! The ladies of the Methodist Church will hold their annual bazaar Friday and Saturday, i li l .l i i-.w : .u --n iTiTinwr iin aim cm in me nan , over the iraraire. Fancy work ' w" ne garage- fancy ork, will i on smlaind th following -.. 7 . . . I m wil be served durinar the bvr. Turkey, chicken salad. oyitera, cream, cake, etc Mrs. Long, of Garysburg. is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. G. Jarman. Johnjxook, of Garysburg. has accepted a position with R Marks. Mrs. M. E. Faison and Miss Pennie Mizell left Wednesday for Robersonville to attend the wedding of Miss Carrie Manning. Susie Allsbrook spent Thursday in Portsmouth with relatives. J. Samet, of Greensboro, and M .Kline, of Greensboro, spent a few hours with B. Marks Wed nesday as they motored through to Baltimore. Harry Stern, of Rocky Mount. spent a few days here this week with Abe Norinsky. Rev. J. Sidney Cobb, of Church Roads, visited relatives and friends here this week. Larry Jordan, of Camp Sevier, is visiting his parents for several days. Miss Mattie Grimmer is spend ing several days here with her parents. George Taylor, of Camp Sevier, is visiting relatives here. Miss Nell Wicker, of Frank- linton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. J. Bounds. ' Mrs. Will James, of William- ston, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Shell. Mrs. Leyta Taylor, of Rober sonville, is visiting Mrs. L G. Shell. !Risses Ruby, Sallye, and Sula Williams spent the week-end in Raleigh. j Miss Emily Mitchell, of Bath, is visiting Miss Lena Rivers Jones for several days. The ladies of the Baptist Church will hold their annual white sale on the 14th and 15th of December. Lunch will tie served. Master Richard Cherry spent Thanksgiving in Emporia with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Webb spent Thanksgiving in Williamston with relatives'. ' Calvin Massey, of Pleasant Hill, and Misses Lizzie and Maude Camp, Maude Allen and Lewis Camp, of Garysburg, spent Sun day evening with Miss Myrtie Faison. Miss E. Ruth Davis formally one of the facultyof the Roanoke Rapids graded schools spent the week-end with Mrs. T. J. Rook last week. Miss Davis is now teaching in Carthage, Tenn., she is also primary supervisor of Carthage. While here, Miss Davis paid the River Road school a can at wnicn she received a warm welcome. Mrs. W. G. Lynch and little son, Graham arevisiting relatives in and near Robersonville. Dr. E. E. Hachman returned this week from Philadelphia where he completed a post grad uate course in a new method of Local Anesthesia. v Mr. Archie Butler is spenbing several days this week in Balti more and Norfolk witn friends and relatives. Man's Ineofialtttncy. . . "Yes," tald the woman who aotn timet let" out. an aadlbl thought, "If a fact" "What's a factr ws queried. "That th man who growls about his wife's cooking tt homo wlU cheerfully eat any old thing when he's camping," explained aolay female thinker. GOVERNOR APPOINTS ADVISORY BOARDS Governor Rkkett last week an- nounced the appointment " one ' hundred legal advisory doards in ;wrth Larouna to act in advisory capacity to the Cininty Exemption i. tr-i . -ii l 1 ivwirus. imswuim Il,,low" ! the appointment of advisory medical boards in the counties. While the functions of these boards a primarily for the ex- nHion oards. unquestionably,! Ifhv will Iwof immMtf servi.- ' to rtY'istrants who are summon- ' " - - " - i-MH-ar bvfore the ud nd who believe they have just just! -i..: ... ; v.,n. n..i:r . i..,..i i tali I lUill 9 lNilU , ,of Messrs. W. E. Daniel, of Wei- . .. . 'don: A. 1 . Kitchin. of Scotland Neck: A. L Clark, of Roanoke. Rapids, I w inilew-love Elizabeth City. Nov. 26. -Miss left this week t j spend Thanks SarahJudson Winslow, of Winfall. j giving at her home in Tillery ac and Mr. Robert Leslie Tow ?, of ; companied by her little friends, Roanoke Ranids, N.C., were mar ried last Thursday evening at the Methodist church of Winfall, The ct remony was performed by Rev. William Towe, father of the groom, of Aureliun Springs. Miss Marie Winslow, a younger sister of the bride, as maid of honor, Mrs. G. M. Atwater, another sister, as dame of ' honor and Miss Margaret Hathaway were the attendants. Rev. E. C. Few, of Roanoke Rapids, was best man. Messrs. E. II. Ricks, A. M. Prector and G. M. Atwater were groomsmen. The bride w as gowned in white duchess .iHn. embroidered in I pearl and silver anil carrying a shower bou'itut of bride's roses' and lily of the valley. Immediately after the cere mony an in formal reception was given for the party and guests at the hmw of the bride. Mr, and Mrs. Towe left for an extended trip to Baltimore, NewjL Applewhite Sunday, lork, Washington und eastern cities after which they will be at home in Roanoke Rapids. News and Observer. Mr. Towe has been a resident of Roanoke Rapids for the pist three years. He holds the position of Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank of Roanoke Rap ids and is one of the most popular of our young busii.e s men. Mrs. Towe has visited heta several timesin the home of Miss Virginia Hart She is a beautiful and cultured young woman and her many friends here are rejoiced to know that she is to maKe her home in Roanoke Rapids. WALLER-TAYLOR On last Thursday afternoon Miss Sarah Waller and Mr. George N. Taylor were married in Weldon in the parsonage of Rev. J. G. Blalock of the Bap tist Church. The ceremony was performed in the presence of only a few relatives, and came as a great surprise to the major ity of the friends of the young couple. Mr. Taylor is in the United States Field Artillery service and reached here Thursday morning from Camp Sevier on a five days furlough. Previously arrange ments had been made and the marriage was consummated quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left immediately after the cere mony for Richmond, Va., where they will spend several days re turning to Roanoke Rapids on Saturday. The bride has been a resident of Roanoke Rapids for several years, teaching in the Roanoke Rapids Graded schools. Her home is in Kinst .n. She is an ac complished and attractive young woman and is very popular here. Mr. Taylor has lived in Roanoke Rapids all his life, and is both ad mired and esteemed by the whole community. Several month ago he gave up his business career and joined the Field Artillery unit organized by Col. Cox at Raieigh. He expects to leave for active service in France in the near future. It is understood that Mrs. Taylor will continue teach ing here. Cotton Today 29 HALIFAX ITEMS Court adjourned Wednesday tnJ wil, not ca again untij 1 M1 t) it of' people have been in town tnis wwj. to attenj saim. Miss Elizabeth Stedman spent one day in .Scotland Neck this I week. -Hrs- lsaac urwn 01 ",uun t t r t trll.. . O. 1! ' ""'"K i... .. ,iu .... xL- G;iry one day the past eek. , .... . t.m Hark ot Weldon. is tMoX tlarK "f'uon, is s.nr inw K..v..rs sv in town1.... . l r'",r 7 ,, i V V uith fripnt) Mr. ( lark U here - - , on a furlough from the olTicer's "tv r itv.i r .l irammKampairon.ugiei.norpe, a- Mrs. Frank Musselman spent (Thanksgiving at Garysburg with I i relatives. I Miss Elizabeth Applewhite! Misses Mary Portis Hale and Annie Norman. George Cooper of Rosemary, was the guest of his sister here Sunday. Miss Lillian Harrell of Scot land Neck is a guest at the Sater Hotel. Miss Maude Vaughan of Weldon visited friends here Sunday, Mrs. Howell, of Tillery, was the guest of Mrs. Sadie Richards I the past week. J. J. Wade of Rosemary was iu town Sunday. Draper Dickens of Smithfield, N. C. spent Thanksgiving here with relatives. Rev. Dodd of Enfield filled his appointment here the past Sun day evening, his last sermon before conference. James Applewhite and family of Tillery were the guests of R. N. L. Stedman motored toi Tillery on business the past Sat- j urday. Mrs. McDonald of Rocky Mount is visiting friends here. Misa Sally Barclay is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents at Crowell's. Mis3 Show left this week to spend Thanksgiving at her home. Miss Phoenix is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her father. Bishop Cheshire of the Episco pal Church preached a splendid sermon here on last Sunday mornikg at which lime Misses Mary Portis Hale, Maggie Batts and Misses Lee were confirmed. Rev Meredith of Scotland UNeck assisted 'the Bishop. The Elizabeth Montford Ashe Chapter hereof the D. A. R.'s held a parcel post sale and served dinner on Tuesday afternoon to help it restoring the old Con stitution House. It was quite a success, a goodsumbeingrealized. The children especially enjoyed the fish pond. Miss Daughtry Entertains Miss Minnie Daughtry enter tained quite a number of her friends at her home last Friday evening on her sixteenth birth day. There was instrumental music which everyone enjoyed. Quite a number of interesting games witj played in which all took a part and enjoyed. Delight ful refreshments were served. She received quite a number of presents from her friends here and out of town. Those present were: Misses Fannie and Annie Taylor, Sarah Daughtry, Ruth Spivey, Messrs. Mahoney Johnson, Earnest Mur ray, EarnestGreen, Jack Brewer, Willie Henry, Ivey Mohorn, Basil Glover, Billie Wafford and Earl Daughtry. t Guard for Finger Rings. An Ingenious new guard for flnper rings Is worn Inside a ring ana presses against the finger to prevent it turn ing, at the same Uma being almost la risible. ROSEMARY SCHOOLS DONATETO RED CROSS The teachers and pupils of the Rosemary Graded Schools are to l amended tor their splendid j 1 nanasgiving t r.enng lor tne Red Cross. A jar of .vnr.is was started at the school tw weeks ago ana tne sum ot yu was realize from same. hieh should be an inspiration to every man, woman, and child. Not only does it touch the idea of saving, but it shows the - - w. patriotic spirit which is twins taught to our children in our schools, and the idea of helping ... . i'.'i u-Ki,.K tV,m. .1 1, ir..ii!.l nmvu ciiuviu i . v i i i. v. IIHI' the old as well as the young. i no cuuld ou spnJ a better Thanksgiving than to have the satisfaction of knowing that you had helped some tne, and I how could you help betur than through the lied Cross? This is a day of sacrifice. I o your Lit! I c ' r. . t. . 1 --Secretary Koanoke Rapids Chap- ter, American Red Cross, HENRY JAMES WRITES FROM CAM? SEVIER ' Camp Sevier, Greenville. S. C. Saturday night. Nov. 24. 1917. Mr. Stainback. Dear Sir: I will write you a few lines to let you know how the boys from d-'ar old Roanoke Rapids are get-' tin2 alo- Well we are getting; along very well only our camp is. in town a short while Wednes under quarantine and we are not' day on business, allowed to go out. We can't even j r. prown s,H.nt the week visit Greenville and we have en,j vith his family in Enfield. been quanntmed for one week to-uay and they say we opp quarintined for three weeks as uw hsivo ntt nf nipaclxa nnrl meningitis. I am camping over in a place they call Measles Hill ! 4 Pvprv hnHv mw u-K... I m u quarintined for measles break- j linz out in their tent and I triiess! When we get out of (juarintine we will start for France, that is the news around camp, They are issuing heavy winter clothing now. they are supplying tne h with heavy overcoats am heav' marching field shoes uiiu nexi v. et'K we gei our neavy winter 0. D. clothing and our Captain told us today we were preparing to go to France when ever the quarintino conies olf. I am ready to go only hope Fenn.r Smith gets with us be fore we leave, as we already have two of the drafted men from Roanoke Rapids in our Regimept, Robert Turner Rrennie Elmore. Tell all anc' boys to get ready and come on and go with us and help win this war for our country. Now don't forget us old Roa noke Rapios boys who love to hear the news from home so send us a Herald sometimes. Answer soon. I beg to remain, Yours truly, Corporal Henry L. James, Co. H. 120th Infantry, Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. RED CROSS Saturday will be Tag Day for the benefit of the Red Cross. The Camp Fire Girls will conduct the sale of Tags everyone is urged to contribute to this great and most useful organisation. A regular business meeting of the Roanoke Rapids Chapter of the Red Cross will be held in its rooms on Monday afternoon at three o'clock. Everyone is urged to attend. Roanoke Rapids Coy Goes to the Orphanage Truman Ballard of this com munity was taken last week by his uncle, Mr. C. W. Johnson to the Kennedy Home near Kinston. The Kennedy home is a branch of the Thomasville orphanage and is maintained by the Bap tists of North Carolina. There are about fifty children at the home at present and the advan tages to be had there are ideal. Permission to place the boy in the home was due to the efforts of Mr. Trueblood, pastor of the I Baptist Church. AND ! J. W: Sandtrs .Sur'day in Virginia isiting friends. pi Spencw. of Sealoard. ' slH.nc a few jays in town the iast week as the truest of his f brother, J. E. Spencer, Rev. Sidney Cobb, of Din widdie county, spent the week-1 end here with friends and rela-' ROSEMARY PERSONAL LOCAL ITEMS tives. Messrs. J. U. Loftin and J. W. The g looroy outlook in the fuel Smith Wit Monday for Troy, situation, which has alarmed, where they will be for the next many householders in this corn ten days on a hunting expedition. . mimitv has brightened pereepti Messrs. E. W. Lvhman and A. biy in th lust few da'9 To LRok-rtson were in Halifax a'"? 'lth the """ uthori few days the past week, where ;llea of K"noke Rapids have they served on the Grand Jury madtf "rangemenU with Mr. C. of the Superior Court in session lL Satterwhite f the Halifax there. ; Builders Supply Company, where- . ' , n . . . by that Company is to provide Lev. A. G. (. arter spent a few .... . days in Raleigh this, week visit ... r..i :.u.i.:. . 1 . MR friends. W. L Lisle, of Aurelian Sprii gs ."n.-vuani.in n1 was in town a few hours Friday . on business. , the of handIing and jeiivery Jessie Jones returned Saturday based on a stumpage price of form Newport News, where he a cord. It is estimated that had been for the past several ' the price of the sawn, wood de months as check clerk in the ijvfcm) to tne consumer will be Government service. j around sjx dollars per cord. W. J. Odom visited friends and Telegrams in regard to the relatives in Jackson a few days 'coal situation here have been this week. j sent to the Fuel Administration J. E. McGee. of Haw River, j in Washington also to Mr. A. W. arrived here Monday for a few days stay with friends. Messrs. A. L Borrell, W. I . Dickens and J. E.Neville was Mrs. S. M. Thonuson and .... ...... LNIIUIt.ll nil iiiuajf JUI i cici burg to visit friends and relatives, " L- nbl,in" r,t1?1?wl da'9 ,the past .week ,n Hallfax attending superior court. , Messrs. J. M. Trueblood and J- Bosnian, of Weldon, were; iin tovvn a short while Wednesday on business. J. J. Wade motored to Halifax Sunday, spending the day with friends. Richard' Browning, of Hope well, siient a few days here the nasi wepk visitim hi mother, j Mrs. J. E. Browning. Lucus Cullom. who is with the Society. Wednesday 3:30 P. M. Atlantic Reality Company, ot j Womans Auxiliary. Wednesday Greenville, N. C. spent the week- j 7:30 p. m. choir rehearsal. Thurs end here with relatives. . ' day night Cottage Meeting. W. II. Pleasant, a former resi-! The public is most cordially dent, who for the past year has invited to these services. been farming near Durham. arrived here this week and has j accepted a position with the; Messrs. J. E. Robertson and J. O. Haskins spent a few hours; in town Wednesday on business. 1 Robert C. Norwood and Miss Aline Merrit were married Sun- dnv aftprnom. .1 F.. Snenccr performing the ceremony. Both j live in Rosemary. ; DRAFT QUESTiONAIRE ISSUES DECEMBER 15 Local Committee Appointed to As sist Selectmen to Properly An swer Questions ! i The Questionaires which mustj be tilled out hy every selectman j registered in the draft except those already in the service of the United States, will be issued by the County Registration Boards on December 15 Men who have been previously ex empted from the draft will be required to till out the question aires just as will those who have not yet been called for examina tion. The Halifax County Council of Defense, of whom Mr. J. L. Pat terson is the local member, has appointed Messrs. W. L. Long, J. M. Jackson, and Geo. L. Hayes, Jr., aLoeal Committee to aid the drafted men in this township in the filling out of the question; aires, which from advance ac counts are both comprehensive and complicated. It is the purpose of the ques tionaire to secure data regarding each drafted man necessary to his classification in one of the five classes as explained in the col umns of the Herald several weeks ago. FUEL SITUATION SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Chaaces for Celling Cal Look Brigk!er. Municipal Aatkorities . Assured of Wood Supply at Reasonable Figure. Tele grans FicLaoged wilk Fuel Admiaistratioa RESULTS PROMISED QUICILT approximately two tnousana cords of wood, which has already . f .V . - people of this community at a ,,. nf fl(1, mfa Bhnv McAlister. State I uel Adminis trator. Relief has been promised by both bureaus. The Washing ton bureau is at present handling the matter of delivery of coal I ordered by the P.eanoke Ice and I Fuel Company and the probabil ities are that shipments to this ' fjinmanv will hpt'in to arrive in .i... .,.,...'... .,.,... ...i, me i.eAi icn uao iu mu nreiv j . ... iunrri i -riir onimMirc VYlln UIUKUILJ All Saints Church (Episcopal) Rev. Lewi N. Taylor, Rector Rouoki Avmim Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent services. Sundav School and Men's Bible Class. 0:15. T. W. Mullen, SupL 11 A. M. celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon. 7:0t) Evening Prayer and sermon, Monday night Girls Friendly Baptist Church C. II. Trueblood, Pa:tor Sunday School 9:4.") A. M. W. S. Ilai.cock, Supt. R Y. P. U. f,:45. Helping . t and Society Monday :.. Men'a Bible Class Tuesday ; :30 P. M. Prayer meeting and choir practice Wednesday night. 7:30 Cottage Prayer Meetings Monday, Thursday, and Friday nights. The pastor who has been sick at his home for some days hopes to be able to occupy his pulpit Sunday. Everybody welcome to all services. Methodist Church Rev. Eugene C. Few,' Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. W. X, Woodrutf, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. M. 7:30 P. M. by the Pastor. In the absence ol the pastor there will be no prayer meeting Wednesday evening. All are cordially invited to at tend all of tnese services. Rosemary Methodist Church Rev. A. H. Andrews, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. M. J. B. Boyd, Supt. Preaching 11:00 A. M. At the evening services the doors of the church will be) opened. This is the last appoint ment before conference and we will be glad for all to be out

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