EOAKOXE EAriDS HE2ALD, ROANOKE E.AFID3, N. C. CD Based On Cost Per Tablet It Saves 9c CASCARApNINE si h ma tm tbla Man. i .t ., . -11 ukum f Reduce Bursas tawmtita Thickeaed, Swolloa 1 Imuc, Curb FiUed 1 mmIom. Sore Ma froaa Bruis or Strata, Mop Spavia I aanetiee, allays paia. Duel aoi blister, itawtt the kur la th bona. U.M a bettla at iuf(uti m selorerrd. Book I M free. ABSORBIKE, JR, lot sAaokiad-aB atweptic kniowBt lot bruit i, cu(l woaade. attain, painful, IwujKa via mt glands, ll ktal and loothta. tl.M battla at dn iata m Bo.iiaii Will tU you awr if oa uritt. Mad- ia tht V. S. A. b IIT" Taut Mt NT. aeiMRiw4 ijula. Jiw Mri IM KMiluf ruu, Tno. fwMMiiMiAii.t(Hl" . win., a. TNOtaaa t. oantt ' a siai. si i sa naiai bicmiakspaieut::, WnteautsfUw. U N. HANI. But A Touch af Natur. The scene U a crowded bus. A aol dicr, buck from the tretictica, ulttltm In a corner near the entrance, puts Mx hand Into hi KH'ket for his fare, mwl pulls out a shlllltiK and some copper. The hua Joltn violently nnd. to the sol illcr'a (llsiiiny, the hIiUIIiik sllpa from hU tliiKcra Just as lUlits go out, as they rImr.vs do In Londciit, on these liiy, when a hrlilu-e Is tu lntf cnwscil. The pitsseiiccrs with one accord hckin to crope for the soldier's shllllnx. "Tmld it Mlled off, uuite." says the conductor. Then ll(.'ht. gn up aealn, and discover three puswiiifcru each liohllnK out the shilling. Clirlstlnn Science Ifoultor. DOT TF.0UELE KOT EASILY FICtniZEO Applicants for Insurant Of tan Rajactad Aa xaminiaf phyticiaa for on of tha prominent lif insurance companies, in an interview of th aubject, mad th as tonishing statement that on reuon why so many spplicants for iniuranc ar re jected is bscauM kidney truubls i so com mon to th Aimrican people, and th large majority of those whose application are declined do nut svsa suspect that tbey hav th disease. ' Judging front reports from druggists who ar constantly in direct touch with tb public, there is on preparation that ha bten very successful in overcoming vuuuuiviii. xoe sniia ana ncaung ' inuuenc of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root is I sooa realised. It stand th highest for i it remarkable teord of sue ecu, j W find that 8wsmp-Root ia strictly ' an herbal compound and w would ad- ! vis our readeis who feel in need of such a remedy to giv it a trial. It ia on sal I at all drug stores ia bottles ef two sues, median and large. j However, if you wish first to test this . great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Buuhamton. N. Y for a ""??. '.thamton, N. Y for a I sampls bottle. When writing b sur and bkhudb mm paper. Adr. No Reason for Complaint Sergeaata are seldom it a loss for an apt remark. A raw recruit, the sleeves of whose tunic were six Inches too long, and whose trousers sagged more than Charlie Chaplin's, presented himself before his noncommissioned officer and complained of the lit. "Nonsense I" retorted the sergennt. "Why, It fit absolutely lovely. Tou look as If you'd been melted and poured In!". A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, and It la the lauda ble ambition of every woman to do all she can to make herself attractive, i Many of our southern women have round that Tclterlne 1 Invaluulile for clearing up blotches. Itchy patches, etc, and making the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema and other torturing skin diseases yield to Tettcrlne. Sold by druggists or seat by mail for 60c. by Shuptrlne Co Savannah, Gn Adv. Natural Affinity. Manager Do yon want this role? ActorIs there any "dough" In ltl Baltimore American. ' Ta f,M - CnlA In Ha, flaw LAXATlvi Bnndu oimninsT tmm. IMS rf find MM? If II hills ui am BY ST. aslasamlsaakksa Ks. New Tork poor nre lessening use of milk becntise of price. JShtorTlrSrEfct I t. 3 ViSS Had tya aara Bros .UrrOaaWsll faailanuT. . im '"-'TTis j i Baa i m iii.ia- r vaaaaaaii :djffttnjf 'aim? B-frau - Beams. Waruwlaa la? orltt TtaaiawslfMBrtS Ik I salary aa saw. Sit fear an as ah ef mf tolas ear ss ro Ts aa ana ta asVs faaiTania. MOA1S ROAD BUILDING LARGE TASK Pretidewt f Natiosial Highways Assa station Telia Haw Great Sye teas Can Be Built. Thank ta th pashful. perraair. Motor car, Atneriraa mad buildlag ha "got B oa at last. There I. rv- ' erywhrre th cry for roads. The draw back has been that, as yet, there has , been ee eo-ordl nation of the Biultt . tdlau enterprise. Th elaVit '. th National Highways aama-tatioo. t-hartra Hear PavJa. ta a rt tatl that !Ht htat yar fc4. Ma! af o, po,W far th far r-a hnuvrout. thrhoat th. fm.try. Mr. IW ft.ntr.tJ, I. that ra road read, that ra. f, thoa- aamla of mllea through atat after , atata, are, nperly. aot th reapoast blllty of th state, but of th Button. 1 lit vvhld hv the federal finrernnent build a ayateta of national rnada lB iug th Weat with tb East, tha N'orrtl 1 and the South, cooneetlng ery part of th country, aa Is th raae with the natlonat hlKhwaya of Europe, and, as hUtory anowa, aurh as was th etwea- ( tlal rqulpueut of arery flrsU-Uu i power of th past aeeordlnc ta tha ftwtoa) Evenlm Transcript. How would such a a eatirtuoaa con struct I im ha paid for and kept up? j "Suppose," ask this eminent enirl eer. "th (orenimeat built 100,900 ntles of property ptanard nda. and at the same tim purchase, say, 300 Good Road Needed. feet of land on either side? This land would so continually Increase In value and In deninnd for leasing nn long rental, that the cost of the road and the lund purchase would soon be puld. A rental rate of $0.60 per acre would pay the Interest on the cost of con struction. But such would gent at vast ly higher rates In cities and towns, high enough to give the nation an In come equal to Its total annual expendi tures, from these oatloual highways alone I" GOOD HIGHWAYS IN ONTARIO Approximately 55,000 Mile ef Read In Province 43,000 Mile In Fairly Good Condition. The province of Ontario bas ap proximately 65,000 mile of road. More than 43,000 mile have been treated and are In fairly good condi tion. About 20.000 miles are well graded earth roads; about 3,000 miles lire surfuced with broken stone and about 10,000 are surfaced with gravel. In the city of Toronfb there Is on motorcar to every twenty-flve Inhab itants. INPRCASFn UAI IIP ftC CiPUO wnw. wi niiivrw Influence of Read Improvement en Ru ral Property la Deeerlbed by Bal timore Flnaneier. The Influence of road Improvements on the value of rural property was de scribed In a letter recently sent to the Manufacturers' Record by the president of the Bnl.iinore Commercial bank, who wrote : "Around my home town In Virginia property could be bought three years ago for $00 to $80 an acre. We put a fine road several miles through that county, and today yoa cannot buy anything for less than $100, and some I held at $150 per acre." Net-Work ef Good Read, Thl whole country 'will some of these day be a net-work of good roads, which will have a place on the map along with the railroads. qnA ' Uncoln highway linking the East lind 1 the West, the Jefferson highway. Unk ing th lakes and the gulf, and the Dixie Overland highway, are a begin ning. Georgia's Good' Road. Between the years 1909 and 1914, Georgia surfaced 6S64 mile of atat toads. Illuminated Road Signs. For Illuminated road sign . an acetylene generator has been Invent ed In Europe that require attention only once a month. Dark Neat I Fevered. The nest In complete darkness has advantage. Biddy, a every farmer who ha discovered eggs In the hay mow knows, Ltkes darkness. More over If nest are dark she it much less likely to take up egg-eatjng, a decid edly disagreeable habit la a flock once It sets started. SCOUTS (Caadarted by National (Vcil f the Bay Scaitta ttfiftt SCOUTS AT FORT SHERIDAN "B trepared." l th arevt swnttsv t lid Judging I y tar way th boy acoata : octal at Fort Sheridan enedw-ted ZSVV 'LTVP " awarty fiur thwassBd candidates ar- ni at the trmialtut ramp, th writs' wwk ha) bn an tb.wBchly amoltrd awl ilna that thert M nrnf. k- Ev7 kny had rvoHrd rarvful Inrertl.i B hla iluthv and ha 4 he rfuired ta th romti aa- r rra to ef the mot mmruMa qut(,a r ranllitatea. Th hnya wtit m duty at arrra la th km mint, aad aiaay tld a War thotr posta in f aala antil Bin at alrtt. Tnira th ttts th randlUta mt " " , T "MHr nlf8. " amta. ! SHtwtjr,",r "rt' wr tUr th! ! T.! ' Tr 17 ' '.,!ht 'T Tm , WRIT WVHIB Bl)( o , kp thro la II n ami dlrrtl thaa ! ta their ronipanira aftt tht-y bad txa awlcniMt Of eoom. hiila thea xptrlal Jnha, the mma rarrt.'d oa their rerular atwk nf artlBK aa wihfliea at th n, Jutaat'a office, anartermaater'a offl-e, of the senior Instructor, and at many of the com puny headquarter. Tha aeouta had a hous ta offlcera" row for their owa ae. THt C0Urt COOO TURN. He Dose On Every Day and Some time a Thousand and One. SCOUTS "PUT TOWN ON MAP." Boy scouts and the power of adver tising put the town of Kelghley, Eng land, on the tnnp of the world aa a liv ing lesson In the way to beat the U boats! Kelghley has awakened to Interna tional fume becuuse It 42,000 Inhabi tants have voluntarily reduced their bread ration to the lowest In the coun try, nutnely, 3.T pounds, a against 4 pounds per head allowed by the food controller. American advertising methods turn ed the trick In Kelghley. Poster In every shop wlUdow, advertisements In the press, Innumerable pamphlets by these means the entire population had been drawn Into a hearty co-operatlou with such astonishing food economy that the town has been officially held i up as a model for all the United King dom. The boy scouts hnve also been en listed In the war on waste, and report regular all their discoveries of still useful things enst on the rubbish heaps. Not so much as a tin can or old piece of cloth I thrown away In Kelgh ley. SCOUTING SPIRIT DID IT. With every reason to feel proud of membership In the Boy Scout of America because of the gracious words of President Wilson as well as the commendation of Secretary of the Treasury BIcAdoo, It behooves all In scouting to guard against having this very thing a negative Influence to boys. The spirit that should be encouraged Is often expressed by the scout who is doing a heroic act or an especially meritorious good turn makes light of the effort to bestow praise upon him and dismiss the subject with the char acterization, "Oh, shucks! any scout would do this," or "I was simply doing my duty." After all, the achievement was made possible becuuse of two factors: first, organisation, and, second, the spirit of scouting. AMONG THB SCOUTS. At a warmectlng In historic Fanueil hall In Boston of nurses that hsve : ' " I (XJk i aeai ajiui I Uirt-lJ In Iha U....ni.l. A ....l. u opuiiinu-aiuci imu war I " DO' ,cou,s ,M1" ,n nian' hi i ) 'i ui r ujj Their knowledge of forestry and wondmanshlp enabled the boy scouts of Hurwlck, Vt, to find a woman who had wandered off Into the woods. The boy scouts tracked her through the woods and found her lying numb and cold In the rain beside a log on a ledge of rock by a cliff. Wolf Patrol of Boy 8cout in Sioux City,. I., did their "good turn" one day by finding a lost child that had trnyed away during the night . Joe Hill, a Kansas City scout, was fatally Injured by a motor truck Just before camp. "Mamma," he directed, "turn my money over to some poor boy who will have a good time In. my place." Five of the older hoys of a New Jer sey troop of scouts took charge of the entire service In a church one Sunday night Three of the boys spoke and the other two gave oat hymn and read the 8crtDture. ;1 nRITj QUICK WORK REQUIHEO. ! A eertata Irish sergeant la en ef the home reclment was eiceeillmsly j wroth whea b dlvnvered that un i of hi a atea had paid a Ml to th rerfittratal barScr aud waa minus his aitisfarh. He Immediately went Bp ta , hi Hi. "IHvate Jme." he Marwt, -w ha aa earth cav yoa pertttlKii ta -t that ! mtacb uirr I .ohdy," anawered Jones ancutv cerne.r'Y. "uy thoBl!ht It wmld Ita prv wy appearance," i "ltnnT yimr aearanc aid a face like yours r bawled the enraged ergeant. "If yes dont hi It a amtla at th afternoon parade today therell be trouble T A Stickler for Perm. The Bar-li;hted humorist hapiened , to bump into a pedeatrtan who had a I groiH-h, The pedestrian grew pugna I clous. "Take off Ihetn glume and I I II punch your far for you, he cried. 'But, my dear sir," said the hutnor- rat calmly, "It Is quite against the cus tom, yoa know. Who ever heard of ordering off the glasses before the punch was served t Th Brighter Side. Rhe Thl la the third time you'va com home drunk this week. He Pont be so p-pesslmlstic, 'dear. Tou should think of the four bights I came home sober. ACID TOO RAPIDLY. "Walter, ask the orchestra to play something different." "Any particular selection, slrt" "Something slower; I can't chew my ! e i- i i ',vfx-,i iii nmia tone. Another Game. At playing card 1 feel compelled To say 1'va earned no glory. But, oh, th lovely hand I've held In a conservatory. H Did. "Ton remember Jimmy Jlmsnn, the bad boy everybody snld would surely come to a bad end r ! "Yes. what of hlrsT 1 "Nothing, except that In his case for once everybody was right." I On Way to Get Along. "They seem very devoted to ench other." i,l..l iii.. j . ..... , iinimi. niic uornu i iry in ten hlin how to piny gulf and he admits that she' knows more about bridge whist than he dues," Not Guilty. Judge What is the charge Cop Suspicious character, honor. your. Accused (Indignantly) It's hlra that's suspicious. Judge. I uin't sus picious of nobody. Reveraed. "When we were flrst married I gave my wife a regular allowance." "And now?" "Now, she takes all my salary and let's me hnve the allowance." . Couldnt Find It The Kid This map Is not correct The Teacher Why not? The Kid You told me the general wus going to Ueconnolter, but I can't find the place oa the map. A Reduction. "Do you find your expenses lessenlne In nnv vrnv?" Mil'. .114" .....I!.... II ..I , . i rii ( irpuea iue luau WHO l.llia lo be cheerful, "since I took up this food control Idea I don't have to buy nearly so many dyspepsia tablets." Possibly. Fldo I don't object so much to my mistress kissing me. bnt I'd prefer for ber to kiss me. before her fiance, not after. Rover Maybe he has his preference, too. Tee Pushing, - "1 had Idea I'd grow tip and own this business some day," said the dis charged office boy, , "That's Just why yon were fired." said the boss. "Bver since yon started here you've been acting a If you al ready owned the business." Conclusive Proof. Judge Tou say that rod were run nlnf slowly when 'yon ran over tht man Chauffeur Well, Judge, my nombef is AC1437S136J, and he got It USED HERCULEAN STREK3TH Sir William MacGregoe Years Aja Caioea Oiatiacttca by Savmg Many Lives From Wreck. Sir William MsHJr.p'. M fi, ta a Biaa of llcmiUwa trvni:!h i i"t until be rt fcnue j.ar ia the rvwwf of tue luliaa fMa a shipwrecked essW. b- itattsi that be luot tt.4 revlous'y rear tard tbe value ft his ttreat strwuith, y a c,rrejiatlef. A br4iea bum was th only rmnre with the nmmW ves.se. aud ever this. atin and ataln, Sir WUliam rtamhered with a man or wtxtuta a his hock, and re oft fa than b4 a child tlx. bt'tweea bU teeth, held by the rlothea. Oa a reef below mi wttiwaa. whe k. n ran.B mvrtatrd. Iwviiic g, at ; the ship Jrit and beeotu nut A j drunk. Tw wiea h wetit after her ; were la the act f Mnt 8wcf4 out ! te sea. h.a Sir WIIHum s'ld ton a i nHf. Mrd the wottmn " hair Man bta teeth, rrasprd the to Ke-n. and lirwutrht all three to a HtH-e .rf afey. ; r thin he re.-(vl the Alhrt i.Jd Ittil from (Iiiwi Vh'torta. and the Harke UM M.ilal frma Australia. HEAL ITCHING SKINS With Cuticura Soap and Ointment They Heal When Others Tail. Nothing better, quicker, safer, sweet' r for skta troubles of young and old that Itch, bum, crust, scute, torture or disfigure. Once used always used because these super-creamy emollients tend to prevent little skin trouble be coming serious, f used dally. Fre sample each by mall w ith Bonk, addresa postcard, Cuticura, Dept. t, Boston, gold everywhere. Adv. Lived in Land sf tha Llkulala. J "1 see by the neWKMiiers that the former queen of Hawaii ia dead." said Ki-rogKlii. "Her name waa I'kulcle, wasn't ItT asknl JliiiNon. "No, it was Llliuokiilutii, and alia was a famous person for an Island queen." "Well, It doesn't mutter about the nnme. She lived In the land of the Ukuleles." 1iiiI1hiiiihIIs Sew. flat f Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Countv sa Krsnk J. Chny make oath that h Is enlor partner of the Brm of F. J. Chuney A Co., doing business In tha City of To ledo, Counlv and Bta! aforrsaM. snit thst snld Arm will par th sum of ONE HUN I RED noi.LAKS for any case ot Catarrh that cannot h cured by the us ef HALL'S CATARRH MKPICINR. FRANK J. CHFVKY. Sworn to before ri and ubsrrlhfd In y pre.w?K thl th day of December, A. I. ISM. frn A. W. Oleaaon. Votsrv Public HAU.'J CATARHH MEDICINK la tslt n Internally and seta throusrh th rtlood en th Mucous Surface of th Mrstem, IiruRgi't, 75c. TrstltnonlKls frt- r. J. Cheney a Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Th Draft Said a "rooky" to his roiiiuinion. both hoimd for military service lit Cn nip Sherman tit Chilllcotlie. O.: "Say, wlm t put the chill In Clillll cothel" , "I don't know. What did?" "The dmft." IiiilliiniiiNilis News. Important te Mothere Examine curefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, thut fumous old remedy for Infants and children, and see thut it Bears the Rffnlirltr B'Snntur or in use tor uver ao t ears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A Good Preliminary. "tioode tells me his daughter Is go ing to marry a title." "Has he had It examined 7" Tk Oahsee That Dees Net Meet Reed Peeanse of lu kinie and laiauve attect, Latstlee Urumo golnlue can be taken by anyone aitboot eaoitnc Dprroiun-M or hnHing in the baa4. Tbere Is only one "Hroaio yulaloa" a W. UBOVS slfsaianlsoa sua. Bav The. difference between u skin-deep beauty mid the other kind Is thut you . Ret the other kind at the drug store. A single dose of pr fvrr'e "Drs Shot" . will expi'l Worms or Tapornv No second ""se. or eiier purganve necessary. Tones up IDs atomsch and Bowels. Adv. St. John, X. B., Is Cunudii's second city In volume of customs receipts. Dr. Pierce's relicts nre best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic Ad. Henrietta. tl;la women are working In a coal mine. I Backache How this Woman Suffered and Was Relieved. Fort Fairfield, Maine. "For many months I suffered from backache caused by female troubles so I was unable to do my house work. I took treatments for it but received no help whatever. Then some of my friends asked why I did not try Lydia E. Ilnkham'a Vegetable Com pound. I did so and my backache soon disappeared and I felt like a different woman, and now have a healthy little baby girl and do all my house work. I will always praise Lydia . Pinkharsja Vegetable Compound to women who suf fer as I did." Mrs. Alto D. Oak is, ' Fort Fairfield, Maine, HPt af JL tf m&wmz ooi-ipounp TiVjonro dxtazak haapzzd thb , Always Have Mra. U Jl Patterwoo. Keatwdcy Et, Venphis, Tsaacwca, wrtteat 1 har beea a friend of for inan yaara, I hara Bsed it eff and oa tor catarrhal csmpiainta ud found It a vary aacatlaat raatady. 1 hiT a small family of childrea. Tiaies ara kard wtik aa, hut I caa acarcety afford to ta without Pera . especially durloa tha seaaoa of tha year wrhaa ceugha and colds ara aesvalsat. Us always recoat BMBd P-runa to oar Barbara, for the benefit it has bee to as " Old Stuff. "What atarted this ror Inauired the juti "t'Uliting talk. He called ate a tnia- "What lutd Jim call1, hlta?' "A varlet." "You're tsuh aUut einht hundred "ni Ik hlud the tiiio-s. That niicht have lea fiihiing talk during the uiliiaie sk. It IsBT Bow - MOTHER! Ihiv yKi ve as MOTHER'S JOT SALVE for Colds, Cmgha, Crnup and Cneutuonla, Asthma, and Head Ca ts rrh? If yon havefct get It at 00 CO. It will cure you. Adv. General Tendency. "It costs AlKcnwMt three cents to send you a letter ho." "Yes," replied Mi Cayenne; "as mith most artielea the price goes an, hut the quality ds not Improve." Esteem. "What la to le done with all these bills on hand?" "Why, fisit 'em." Aauinutho eyeltda with txau Cr Bal as si liuBt, ind hs tfcw awrniRS usavrvs Ik- ntrmat trcstha4 aaMtwa yuur tfHk A. New York reMrts Slit auto thefts In all months. SELF DEFENSE Defeat Backache and Kidney- Trouble With Anuric Many people In this section hav suffer ed from rheumatism and kidney troubl and hav found that Anuric waa th moat aucvessful remedy to overcome these painful and dangerous allmrnls. The lucky people ar tlioM whs have suffered, but who ara bow well because they heeded nature warning siKiial In time to eorrect their troubla with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's railed "An-u-rlc" (douhle atrenglhl. Vou should promptly hed thas warnlnxa. sum of which ar dissy stalls, backache, Irrrsrulurlty of the urine or th painful twinge of rheumatism, sciatica or lum bago. To delay may make poealhl the dangerous form of kidney disease, such a stone In th bladder. If you sunt quick relief buy Anuric now a pack age) r send Dr. I'lerca luc for trial psg This will prove that "Anurtc" eliminate uric acid aa hot water melt sugar. 'V OpnULUCDHDC Bold lor 47 yeaum. For Malaria, ChiUa and Fvre. Alas Fine Qervaral Strengthening Tonic. BOcsa $1.00 aaUDrag Its SauJIPilLSauS Dote, Small Price, Bat Orttt ia Ivtry Otht Way Genuine brs ettnehire PAT T TH PPADI r a faauutavr UVl UU llllllIllllNlkiilli y a S I S ts a - .CARTFR'SI X 1 .r. I of Vome aa IjTwA l.pSMa-M as 11 'I Hit I I PERUNA f- For Coughs and Colds in the Home. Recczxsszi It to Our Neighbors. Tkoaa wrha abjat t. li.wid 1 Laundered Soldier's Watch. lU4h Uuixk red didat hurt a aatra at Sub Antoutii, Tex. The watch waa j thought h-sMly ieft by the owner la thai j pocket f his arniy shirt, la th para et it carried ta the lauii.lry and! : went thnwiKb the hjg washing Biai-hia. One of the laundry etniiloyee feet at ta the k. just In time ta save R from sxiiiK tlir.Mti.-h the wriugvr. Tha watch mas still marking tliue. Net Sa Sad. "Is this ao f your ailolenreatT "li. no, sir; he Just a Utle qi in the lo-ad." Natural Place. "So Bill divvx-d up his atoryl" "Yea. and then took It ta a swaHov title party." 13 " IT c I ds A 4a iom awaf Stmt CHENEY'S EXPECTORAUT Hi Ortfinal Gwtk auMlCoURanady STOPS THE WORST Ul COLD W U HOUKS Ml ; fee Caish. Csts. Cnssja iJ' ThrasA. Wins lis Caah 26c and 60o at all DrucglatS) WOMEN OF VIRGINIA Basic nty, Vs. "1 was in bat stute with womanly trouhle and waa all run-down aud routined to bed. The diHtor was attending m three timea a day but I was getting worse. I bear of 'Kuvorlte rrescriptlon' through a frleud who had been benefited by It I could hardly raise my hand and) could not sit up in bed. I began tak ing the 'Prescription' and the first boa tie gave me strength, 1 kept it ay until six bottles were used. I waa then ahle to do all my work. I doubt not that the use of it saved my life. "hen I iM'cIn to run down now I take a little and it always helps me and builds me up at once." MUS. J. W. I'AlH'.ETT, Commerce St. This hcrtuil tonic for women I made up In liquid or tablet fonn, and can be obtained In any drug store. Contain no alcohol or narcotic, and Its Ingredi ents are printed on wrapper. Send Dr. V. M. Tierce. Buffalo, N. T, 10 centa for trlul package tablets. Adv. JJlIk 1 Carter's Little Liver Pills Make yea feel tht joy of Uvlag. h It '-rnnii te be happy or (ed good whea yea are CONSTIPATED This eld remedy will set yoa ritkl ever sight U,"'N '" theBkHai, Try CARTER ; 'S IRON PILLS fE5-at$WHOlSS0MI-BEUaO0S vat tAMrnatv wths amis n vn mahib os rnawa atsttirt makb TSIH TNB STANfakBD . vritllaV wssj pastsr So tata. or ast to I Mk Boa r ortt a sa4 ha (.MATTAROOOA BAKEKV ywurw, fn b..n 1