I Roanoke Rapids Power Company j r; Bounds Motor Company WELDON.N.C. Chevrolet AutomobOea Republic Trucks We can supply you NOW. Phone or write for demonstration i Bounds Motor Company 'Brighten Up The Home Make that old piece of furni ture look like new with CampbdPs Varnish Stains We carry a big line in all of the standard shades, also Lucas Paints. Putty Window Glass ' cut to any size t Roanoke PHarmacy Co. We are expecting a large shipment , of the celebrated Favorite Ranges This Weds See our Window Display Later The advantage of small fuel coasuinp , tion (i leu than the ordinary range to gether with the superb cooking qualities and the lifetime of perfect service it gives makes it the Favorite in a hundred thous and homes. We are also showing a big lot of Cook Stoves and Heaters of every description at very reasonable prices. . Cash or Easy Payments B. S. WEBB Exclusive Furniture Dealer Roanoke Rapids YT VT VE DESIRE TO AN. ff NOUNCEthatwce vv bought the entire stock and good will of the ware Department The stock will be mov ed at once to cur stores and we cordially co licit the ccntiuntd pat ronage cf r.Ir.TillcryV friends and customers in their HARDWARE budnca - m Roanoke Hardvarc Co. rerythugbliafdirara" Next to Tint National Sank Roanoke Rapids Roanoke Rapids, N. C Save Your Money by Buying a BuUdinf Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Powtr for at Purposes at Low Rates WE RENT DIRFCT WATER POWER AT $15.00 jt IiORSE POWER see TEAR HELP WANTED Our New Cotton Mill Will Be Ready to Operate by January 1st SEVERAL HUNDRED people will be pivHi permanent employment, at good watft s, with splendid changes for pro motion. We want families from the country and will pay them ample wages while they Are rvarninjr the work. We will ic ready to employ a few families by tho latter part of October. e C Full particulars in regard to wages and local conditions will be gladly furnished ujmn application to The Roanoke Mills Company Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina Owing to the difficulties in getting cars from the factory and the increase ' in prices, all propositions I have made on the Bris coe are hereby withdrawn. When possible, I shall keep these cars in stock and prices will, be quoted on application, and all orders will be filled as promptly as possible S. J. BOUNDS Halifajejand Northampton County Representative for (he BRISCOE The Car with the Half-Million Dollar Motor Have you ever had the price to take a real vacation away from everything you're tired of and all the old places? I CUR VACATION ' this year can be the best you ve known f if you begin now to save for it Start an account with us tcday and w&tch the pile grow truly an inspiring sight! The First National Bank ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, , CICO the best office and library paste on th market Carted in stock in jars and una! tubes by the Offae Supply Department of the Herald Publishing Company, Roanoke Rapid Pains, Dizzy Spells MraP.CtwrIctittf UVtweU, Tetw, writes: '! suffered Ua bearing Wa pains, t . The k-"7 speRs rt so bad that whea I would start to waft, wouU jast pretty aeariy fcB. Was very tec a ru-lo. toij "1 hut bind thought Cardui would help a. . . He cot . bottle... It helped tie so siuca that ee ot e another botae. I Cot whole M better. The toij spells and the bcaring-Uowa pains , , . kit ate entirely It you sre weak Bad ma-dowa, or suffer Iroas womanly pains, TARE (RUB OUT PAIN, t wkh good oil animerA. That's 8 y to stop then. I lb beat rubbing "iTat jgj jQHBTADB CmJ for tU J; t. . Horses, Mule, Cattle, Eke. j Qi favour mem AcL. Paine, Rheumatism Sprain. Cts,Bursnitcn 25cJ0c.$U Aiall HilL By E. PHILLIPS OFPENHEIM saaaar aeaaaMc.- eta, m Catarrh Cannot Be Cured u. T tllutiHl r,MbUua. aM Zt""' ,h ' e . mh" "wlu' i4OTra iwinim ,rv, MM be I', i. CHENBY CO. Pr n AU Uriwrmi, a Teh., a UU'i rBuiy fur rosMlptUM. The Ycaan's Tcnic You can feel safe la gir iac Cardui a thorough trial. It it composed ol did. vegetable, mediet as! ingredients, recog sized by standard medi cal books for many years, SS beinj of great value in the troubles from which oaly women sutler. The enthusiastic praise of the thousands of women w ho have been helped by Cardui in 1U past 40 years of successful use should assure you of lis cenuine merit, and convince you that It would be worth your while to try this medicine for your trou. btes. AH druggists sell it HOUSE For Sale ! Electric Lights - and Running Water Located on Hamilton Street Rosemary, N. C. Will sell on easy terms and for reas onable price. Apply to W. E. FROELICH, 103 N. Cherry Strait, Winston Salem, N. C. Christmas Goods Our store will be headquarters for Xmas Goods & Good Things to tt Rosemary Supply Company Leaden in Fine Croceriet Ptone 533 Rosemary. N. C s-- n as ji Outmg vi W. T. ROWLANn Dittyct Manager MUTUAL LIFE Ins. Co.. of New York Oldtit tmi Lwirit DifiJead ttfrng Cm. uy Uaitcd Statu r. Cifl at Firit Natwaal Bank at Htm Raaiai A. L. CLARK INSURANCE Life, Fire, Tornado, Hail, Burglar, Boiler, LiabllitT. Hnlth . 31... GUaa, Parcel Poat and Pcgi.tered Mail Automobile etc LET ME WRITE YOUR BOND T.W. MASON 1. A.WORREI MASON, WORRELL & LONG Attorneys at Law Offieeat Roanoke Rapida, N. C, and Jackaon, N. C. Hartford Check Good as Gold Through Civil War A check of the Hartford Fire Insurance Companjr'for $ioo sent south in 1 8 6 1 in payment of a lost was received too late for collection. ThroughouttheCvil War It was everywhere accepted as cash. When returned to Hart ford in 1 864 it was literally cov ered with endorsements- For oyer a century, through war. oanie and fires, the Mart. ford's name on a promise to pay nas everywhere been as good as goia. Let the old reliahle H.rtf nrA Fire Insurance Company cany j SI 410 eMaala CA. WYCHE, Agent rtM. Tke frut A. Sum, 0e4 It to aaiy U the lacr ahadM mt lallao,- tk ertUe dedaNe "that UtM Wnm ertriaiee get at ante nor eatopletelr ere tfcaa LmiIm ataarri. De yo kaow tha re ue ru t.U It Is kcmM taef live the Ufe. They he? a mam mwm iBotloaa la ere,,. fbO eaake a iur mm innr aealas tM their reeateaa. Tk7 eat thlr ewi We tote amall pcea aa4 Sire the reealt vlthoat eeaceaK Mt TUI la are they aeeee, It rrt This afssa, Letnex vt t er ker toBMrrow algkt a la at the preaeat SMoieat wlta Jeaa Tottrhet. She had aa tffai, with that ua port la the summer, ee they Ml , ghe vaa eertalaly la Madiid la Ortfier with Brvtoldl. the tralm Jj; Th uea ar, ,n IrMt TOink ahat ahe nairt hara laaraaa) trvm auorlatliif with tkeiat Sow lamina Uaurel, ae far as ve kaow, haa Bern had bat eoe affair, the prtaea f fyrf, and has heea faithful to hlaa 11 the time.- 1 It i. out atUatJ JohahadheaH it apra In plata word. The black dwnoa upoo which his hand had lata) hearlly, waa allra bow, wlthoat a doubt. Jewing at him, Blocking at hlaa ellTe and aelf -ataertiTe la the sober words of the elderly, well-brad ma who loaoged npoa the table, Far a moment or two Joha waa eraanad. A wild Impulse aaaallad hlai to leap up and confront them all. la choke the lie bark dom .v of the man who had tittered It Xrary oeere la hla body waa tlnjUaa with the dealre fir action, The stupor of hie senate alone kept him BMtioalaaa, and a strance. lncomnrhenaiKi Ity of thought. Ha realiaed bow thlnts were. Thta m. k.j a token liil a . . . . - - " Kwnauaionger. Be had spoken what ha had accepted " ". wnai oiner people beUeredV Joha roae to hla feet iM m.A. wi. way toward the doop. ilia r.. .v-a little Sin of dlaturhan n nodded to tome nieo whom he knew Hhtly. At he pained down the stalra, ne met GrallloL Then once mora hla elf-control became Id danger. He Sflied the Frenchman aaTagely by the Caaliaaa' aa Laat Paae -. Dr. E. E. Hachman SURGEON, DENTIST ROANOKE RAWDS, N. C Office Over Herald Pub. Co. JEWELRY The ideal gift forChristmas. There is no other class of merchandise that will give as many years of pleasure and service as Jewelry Our stock was never more com plete. Beautiful Cameo Brooches in Cornelian and Pink Shell at S4.50 to $55.00 each. Rings with all birth stones $1.00 and up Cri-MlV! Only 14 more hopping days before Christ- mat. Place- your orders now and we will . a at reserve ths goods for you NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Halifax County, Roanoke Rapida Township. Notice of Summon and Warrant of Aiiacnment. Wella D. Tillery vs. J. P. Hoikina. The defendant ahov. n.m.rl - .... 1 nin l.H. notice that a llimmnni in U. -V... - - ......... , Mlv MtfUVV entlt ed action waa iaaiiaH . j defendant on the 9th day of November 1917, by J. K. Dickenn, a Justice of the Peace for Roanoke Rapida Town ship, Halifax County, North Carolina. .u, nun, ui rurvy rive ana BU-1UU (S4 ).M)t Dnllara. Hno ni.in;ir k- account, which aumtnons is returnable before naid justice at his office, in Roa noke Rapids, in aid county, and in Roanoke RaniHa Tmvnahin nn tk. ink nt n in, nj vi i'licniurr, i.tii, ine atTcndant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was iaxued by said justice on the 9th day of November, 1917, km.i me property oi the aaid de fendant, which warrant is returnable b fore the said Justice, at the time and p ace above named for the return of tie summons, when and where the de f mlant a iswer or demur- to the complaint or me renei aemanaed will De granted: This, the 9th ilav nf &v.iL, a n 1917. ' J. K. DICKENS, J liatioaa Al ekak Doaa Nla na .a r. . ve UIV a VaBVSJ. j Year New Her: Ara you Uiinkins; of vuiiuina; a nomer Here are the six essentials- Beauty . Durability Fire-resistance LOW first enae Lowpaintirnsnd repairs uood insulation 'Insulation,?" That naaca a nousa warm in "Ti'r" I m ,Urame'"' We have a frea illus trated book which - tell bout "insulation" and th. other points above, and the different kinds of homes. Would you like a copy HaLfaa ZullwtZz CaV)V W. G: LYNCH, Jeweler Roanoka Rapids i aaeeae, it, c '