Roanoke Rapi ERALD jL?b Volume V. Number 2 ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C APV.IL 5, 1918 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance GREAT PATRIOTIC RALLY SATURDAY Has Mcctiaf ef duces ii New Reaskel2UsNe.2at 3 P.M. fnctiti by ei School CkiMree aaaWsWsWarSav bft Anocttti . AO Patriotic tmut iifi I Qom Stores Dar b Heetiag . Haste by Rosesury CMctrt lui SPEECH IT ML W. L LONG Tht citizens of Rosemary and Roanoke Rapids wilt celebrate the first anniversary of America's entrance into the war on next Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock. The celebration will take place in the new building of the Roanoke Mills at Jackson and Fifth Streets, which has not yet been filled with machinery, tendered by Mr. & F. Patterson aa it happens to be the only building large enough to hold the crowd that is expected to auemble. The program will be short, consisting of music by the Rose mary Concert Band, the singing of patriotic songs by the audience and a speech by Mr. W. L. Long. In order that every body in the towns may be enabled to attend, the businessmen of the commun ity have patriotically agreed to close their places of business on Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 o'clock. This means that every mill, store, bank, and business place of every nature will be closed during the meet ing, so there will not be much doing anywhere else except at the meeting. Every citizen is urged to dem onstrate his patriotism at this moat critical period of American history by attending this meet ing and doing all in his power to co-operate with those who are leading the vitally necessary campaigns ' for providing the nation with the necessary funds to equip adequately our boys at thi front and those who are so soon to go to the front for their country. ROANOKE RAPIDS DEBATORS WIN Local School WillTktrefort Participate Fiaib at Ckipel Hill A small but appreciative aud ience assembled in the Central School Auditorium last Friday evening to witness the over whelming defeat of the Enfield High School debaters in the state wide contest The local High School debaters showed better team work, better prepar ation, better grace and ease on the floor and presented from every standpoint a more forceful argument winning a unanimous decision. The question argued was: Resolved, that congress should enact a law providing for the compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes. Roanoke Rapids was represented by Marion Saunders and Nellie Jones, who upheld the affirma tive and won the decision. En fields' debaters were Exum Bellamy and Carrie Clark who very ably defended the negative. It will be remembered that Miss Clark won second place in the County debate last year. At the same hour Bessie Hedgepeth and Minnie Daughtry, Roaqoke Rapids negative team, were debating at Enfield. They also were victorious and thus won for Roanoke Rapids the right to go to Chapsl Hill to con test in the finals for state champ ionship. Both teams will enter this contest This is tbe first time Roanoke Rapids has won both debates and tent a team to Chapel Hill. The debaters will leave here next Wednesday accompanied by Miss Powell, the English teacher and Sunt Proctor. A great deal of the credit for their victory is due to the untiring efforts of Kits Powell in training them. PATRIOTIC CONCERT BY OXFORD SINGING CLASS The concert to be given in Roanoke Rapids by a class of children from the Oxford Or phanage should enlist the sym pathetic interest and patronage of alt our people. On former visits these children have shown themselves to be well-behaved and well-trained, and the con cert is always worthy of patron age. We are informed that the con cert that is being given this year by the Singing Class of the Ox ford Orphanage is. in some re spects, different from any that has ever before been offered to the public. The program this year includes Beveral patriotic numbers that are calculated to inspire and enoble-to create a deeper and more abiding love of country and its institutions. Do not fail to hear this concert: tell your friends about it: come and help to give these children a rousing reception. WITH THE CHURCHES Baptist Church Ret. C H. Tracblood, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. W. S. Hancock, Supt Preaching 11 A.M. and 8:30p.m. The paster begins two series of sermqns Sunday. The general theme of the morning series will be "Missionary Baptists: what they believe and why they be lieve it". Subject Sunday morn ing: "The New Testament Church". The first subject of "Seven Sunday Evening Ser mons" will be "Heavenly Recog nition, or Shall We Know Each Other in Heaven?" Men's Bible Class Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting and choir practice Wednesday 7:45 p. M. Helping Hand Society Friday 7:30 P. M. Everybody welcome at all ser vices. Rosemary Methodist Church Rev. Charles M. Lance, Pastor Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 p. M. Sabbath School 10 A. M. J. B. Boyd, Supt. Prayer meeting and choir practice on Wednesday at 8 P. M. A cordial welcome to all, strangers and visitors especially invited. Methodist Church Rev. Eufeae C. Few, Pattor Sunday School at 9:45 o'clock. W. V. Woodruff, Supt Services at 11 A. H. and 8:301. Preaching both hours by the pas tor. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Presbyterian Church, Rev. Stanley White, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. M. J. T. Chase, Superintendent. Morning service 11:00 A. M. Evening service 8:15 P. M. Prayer Meeting 8:15 P. M. on Wednesday evening. All Saints Church (Epbcoptl) Rev. Lewis N.Taylor, Rector mmIm Ann Next Sunday is the First Sun day after Easter, commonly known as Low Sunday. The Easter Music will be repeated. 9:45. Church School and Mens' Bible Class, T. W. Mullen, Supt. 11 Celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon. 8 P. M. Evening Prayer and sermon. Monday night at 8 the Girls' Friendly Society will meet with Mrs. F. G. Jaiman. Choir rehearsal Wednesday night Cottage meeting Thurs day night The public is very cordially invited. roanoke rapids personal AND L0CAL ITEMS ! Miss Margaret Gary has re turned to her home in Spencer after spending some time here with her sister Miss Vivian Gary. Misses Mabel Boyd and Vivian Gary spent. Sunday in Norfolk. Jim Young is spending several days here with friends. Harry Stokes left Thursday j for Baltimore to spend several 1 days. J. H. Matkins is spending a ; few days in Norfolk on business. j Mrs. W. Is Graham and Mrs, A. 11 McAllister returned Satur day from Salisbury where they .visited relatives for several weeks. i Mrs. F. M. Shute returned from Williamston Sunday after sending several weeks there I with relatives. Lloyd Baker is visitingrelatives. in Jackson. i The Ladies Aid Society of the j Presbyterian Church will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 'o'clock with Mrs. F. M. Shute at the home of Mrs. IL C Sale. linn's Jones, who is attending Massey Business College in Richmond is visiting his parents here. Miss Mary Pruden and Miss Gertrude Dixon and Messrs. William Vincent and Robert Cleaton, of Vultare spent Sunday in town. Robert Few, oITrinity College, Durham, N. C. spent the week end here with his brother Rev. Eugene C. Few. Messrs. Earnest Jones, Robert King and Ivey Mohorn motored to Petersburg Sunday. Misses Mary Traynham Wyche and IiOuise Bain spent the Easter Holidays in Henderson with relatives and friends. Robert Cleaton and sister, Miss Daisy, of Vultare were in tow n Wednesday shopping. J. A. Moore spent several days in New York City this week on business. S. F. Fatterson spent last week out of town on business. Misses Ruby and Sula Williams spent the week-end in Raleieh with friends. Miss Myrtie Faison and brother Lloyd spent a few days in Seaboard this week with relatives. The Boy Scouts who have been awarded War Service Medals in connection with the Second Liberty Loan Campaign will be decorated with these honors Saturday afternoon at the Patri otic Rally. The Union Intercessory Prayer Service, Thursday 8 P. M. All Saints (Episcopal) Church. The public is invited. There will be a business meet ing of the Roanoke Rapids Chap ter of the American Red Cross at the Chapter headquarters Monday afternoon. The Pageant"America" will be rendered at the Peoples Theatre to-night by the Camp Fire Girls': ably assisted by the Boy Scouts. The cast will be composed of about sixty girls and boys and a catchy musical progam will be one of the features. The proceeds will be turned over to the Red Cross. Little Baby Dead On Tuesday afternoon Maggie Virginia, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spence died at their home of pneumonia. All that loving hands and medical skill could do were done to save the precious life, but to no avail. Interment was made Wednes day afternoon in the Roanoke Rapids Cemetary,- the services being conducted by Rev. E. C. Few. 'Tis sad to part from those we love, It fillr, my heart with pain But soon we will meet above, And never part again. Father. Cotton Today 34 HERALD'S SPECIAL EDITION APPEARS SCON On account of the sudden and unannounced departure on last Saturday night of II. Cuthk'rt Scott who has been engaged here for some tfme on the work of getting up a special industrial edition for the Herald, we think it necessary to announce that the edition will be issued in the next few weeks - as soon in fact as the work can be handled through the office. All who have given Mr. Scott orders for space, w hich have not been checked up by this office direct are requested to advise us promptly that they may not s ,n- be omitted as there is a possi- A'tcr several days visit to bility of the records we have in fWet.d and relatives in Mocks hand being incomplete. villo, N. C, Rev. A. G. Carter The edition w ill not suffer in returned here this week, anyway on account of Mr. Scott's .Ml-sfluilena Hart of New departure. The Herald's regular lKli-t XeWs is here visiting in the staff will revise the copy written home of her sister Mrs. G. L by Mr. Scott and complete the work which he left unfinished. C0MMEN0RATIVE EXEECISES SUNDAY WillTakt Place in New Mill Build inf. Meeting Held under Direc tion of the Ministerial Union and will be of Religious Nature. Musk byCombined Choirs of All the Churches. Orders will At tend en Masse. ENTIRE COMMUNITY IS INVITED On next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock the people of the community are invited to gather in the new mill building of the Roanoke Mills Company and nnrtieinnto in pynreivioa nnm. memorative of our entry into the Satun,a' in tuwn on busine89 war and of the boys from our K. (i. Brown spent the Easter community who answered the call to the colors and are prepar ed to give their all that our gov-' eminent may endure. Held under the direction of the Ministerial Union the exercises will be of a religious nature. An inspiring program is being ar- ranged, all of the details of which have not yet been con cluded. There will be songs by j the joint choirs of the churches of the community, short speeches by several speakers, and prayer. ! Most of the fraternal orders of . the community are issuing no- j tices to their members to meet in j their respective halls before the , exercises and march in a body to the meeting. I HON. JAMES H. POU TO SPEAK IN WELDON Will Address Mass Meeting in Graded School Auditorium Sunday Even ing at 8:00 O'clock Hon. Jas. H. Pou, one of North Carolina's most brilliant j and patriotic orators will address a mass meeting of the citizens j of Weldon and Halifax County, j in the Graded School Auditorium; at Weldon on next Sunday even-j ing at eight o'clock. Music will be furnished for the occasion by the combined choirs of Weldon's churches, and the speech of Mr. Tou will be well worth hearing. Every citizen of Halifax county is in - vited to attend and hear Mr. Pou discuss the war and the rromentous issues of the day. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this method to thank our friend; and neigh bors for the many kindnesses snownusuunng u.e nmesa death ot our baby. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spence. Uncle Eben. I "A man Is Judged by de compimy ho ! keeps," wild Uncle Eben. "Hut you's ' got to keep de compauy. You aln' ftneter be Judged by de company you jef butts Into," 'RC5L1IART PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS V". S. Whitaker who has ixiMui in the Navy Yard Ports- r v.h. V.'. is here this week ai d v it! take his family back wit ! in'm where they will reside i.i ti e future. J. V. Sumlin. of Durham, s;v;t a few days here this week w'th friends and relatives. V.". 11 Drewry, Sup't County lliev. was in town a few hours V e i;,e-ii;iy on business. Mr. and Mrs. A'vin Hay, of iVrt-mouth. Va. after a few i lure to relatives re t a :,. i bum1 Tuesday. N. M. Ihrrison, of Brinkley spent the day here Sunday v It I: Mr. and Mrs J. 11. Harri- Hayes. W, O. Thompson left Thursday f i r Wilson for a short visit to relatives. V illiamMedlin has resigned his potion with trie Rosemary Sup ply Company and has accepted a position with the S. A. L. Rail way Company at Roanoke Junc tion. M. (!. Jenkins left Tuesday for Croenslioro where he goes to join a Hospital Corps being termed there. Mrs. 11. G. Coleman accompani ed by Miss Dolly Grizzard spent Faster in Roykins, Va. Misses Bessie Hall, Lucile Hall 'and Myna Clements, of Durham tire lu re for a few days visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. I'yrd. i B. 1. Hamill, of Thelma, spent Holidays in hntield witn nis family. F. A. Fisher left Friday for Baltimore where he will reside in the future. S. M Holliday, of Enfield was in town Sunday a few hours to see friends. J. T. Bishop spent Sunday in Littleton with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Matthews motored to Thelma Sunday spending the day there with friends and relatives. T. ", Mullen after spending the Easter holidays in Peters burg with friends and relatives returned here Tuesday. FOOD KENACE WILL BECOME GREATER British Ministry of Food issues Striking Sslatement In n recent statement by the British Ministry of Food occurred the following which is just as applicable to the United States as to Great Britain: "War is making bare the world's cupboards; the granaries are being emptied, the flocks thinned, the herds butchered, the mines scraped. War is mak ing every thing dear except human life; the destructive mon ster is consuming more food es sentials than it 's producing. Want follows hard in the wake 0f the chariot wheels of Mars, ' and the whole world is threaten- J 0d with hunger, the menace of j which w ill become greater with the prolongation of hostilities. Victory will goto the combatants who are liost fed and nourished. The food question is now para mount. Food production is as i essential to victory as food sav- 5nif.Thn Knnrld nnrt tVip hna mo,t befriend the sine and the i bayonet. Paper, Sir? Experiment? with lack pine have shown tlmt It 1 wi 11 Riittpil fnr mnk. Ing krnft pnper. On some of the nnttonni forests this tree is used to plant lnnd which is too poor to grow other Umber. BEMIATIC PEEDXCT MlMAKItS nllu On last Saturday afternoon' the Democratic Precinct Primary TWd LM L" Owrwbtcrik for Roanoke Rapids Towrship : R Hur,d,J Abmuccs was held and the following dele- UUiil Lm" Cen,lttf kW gates elected to the County Con- ""f ,d Kspa. vention which meets in Halifax' on Saturday. April 6: Lunce Rook. Hannibal Shearin, Her-! bert Bell T. M. Jenkins, L. & Cannon. L. G. Shell, V. F. Hor ner. Dr. T. W. M. Long. W. L Long, J. T. Stainback. Louis Grimmer, A. L Clark. A Democratic Executive Com mittee was elected for Roanoke Rapids Township as follows: A. L Clark. Chairman. M. M. 1 Faison. L S. Cannon. V. F. 1 Horner, Dr. T. W. M. Long. j STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP i Statement of the ownership, j management circulation, etc.. of August 21. 1912, of Roanoke Rapids Herald published weekly at Roanoke Rapids, North Caro lina for April 1. 1918. State of North Carolina Countv of Halifax. Before me. a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared J. T. Stainhack, who, having been duly sworn according to 1 law. deooses and savs that he is I the Editor of the Roanoke Rapids Herald and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above ; caption, required by the Act of August 24. 1912, embodied in Wurin 1 arolina ana PHMy section 413. Postal Laws and,1"' in the United States. This Regulations, printed on the re- c;m only redetermined, however, verse of this form, to wit: afl( r tV n I,orts a" the Fed" That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, man aging editor, and business man agers are: Publisher, J. T. Stain- back, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Editor, same; Managing Editor, same; Business Managers, same. That the owners are: W. L. Long, J. L. Patterson, S. F. Patterson, Dr. T. W. M. Long. T. Stainback. A, L. Clark. E. H. Ricks, J. B. Boyd. J. T. Chase, W. P. Taylor, B. Marks H. M. Taylor, "j. W. HuuseJ,i0n .lhat, V.,nfwn13 is country Hancock-House Co., W. S. Han cock, Taylor and Collier, S. J. Bounds, G. N. Stanley, C. H. Vaughan, Roanoke Pharmacy, J. A. Moore, C. A. Wyche, W. D. Tillery. all of Roanoke Rapids. N. C. W. F. Horner, J. E. Buck, Rosemary Drug Co., S. M. Thompson, all of Rose mary, N. C. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities are: First National Bank Roanoke Rapids, N. C. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and se curity holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon tne oooks oi tne company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security hold- er appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any ; other fiduciary relation, the name. of the person or corporation for Tuesday of next week for the whom such trustee is acting, is!purK)se of 8ccurjng liberal given; also that the said twoplptp(,s from aU who wU1 donate paragrapns contain statements embracing affiant's full knowl edge and belief as to the circum stances and conditions under which stockho'ders and security holders who ao not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securi ties in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, associat ion, or corporation has any in terest director indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other se curities than as so stated by him. J. T. Stainback. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 2nd day of April lolo. R. L. Notary Public, My commission expires Sept. 1 14, 1918, COMMUNITY WILL DOUBLE QUOTA aw.ilu MKiiHUSUltLAG That Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary may have the signal honor of flying the first Liberty Loan Honor Flag in the United States is rendered possible by the action on Wednesday of the leaders of the UUrty Loan Com mittee in sending check to the Federal Reserve Bank in Rich mond for the tlrst payment on Liberty Loan Bonds to the i amount or $.,oU.UU This is d,ub!e the (luota of this com mutiny and is several days in advanee of the 0nin of th i'i'.ku Of e ure, this does not mean that the citizens of the commun ity are freed from obligation to purcha.-e bonds, by this action of the IilTty Loan Committee. The patriotic obligation of each in- (UVWI,il1 clllzen 8 10 eviaenee 10 uie exm,toI nis aDlllly 10 P"'hase bonds his support of tne r,atl"n- u,e nien no Phased these bonds have done handsomely -it is up to the rest of us to carry the community's takings still further. In a telegram to Mr. S. F. Patterson on last Thursday, Mr. Jos. G. Brown, State Head of the Liberty Loan Committee, pressed his appreciation of the acllon 01 lMi community, wnicn I"aces mom certainly tirst in ,t ra! i.e'rve Lanka are received and compared by the Treasury Department at Washington. NEW FLOUR RULING MADE Under t!.:le o of the new con. servaticti program of the Food Adininistratiun designed to meet the more desperate food situa- ml its A! nil retailers and millers are than 21 pounds of flour to a town or city consumer, or more than 48 pour. (Is to a consumer in the country. Nj consumer may have on hand more'than thirty days supply of flu: r; and if his requirement for thirtv days are less than the quantities above specified, his purchases should be madetocon ferm to his requirements fr thirty days. NEW METHODIST CHURCH PROGRESS Further activity along the line of erecting a new Methodist Church in Roanoke Rapids has been held up recently for the architeCts drawings of suitable j,ar, s ii'urin the past week in a business meeting of the Building Committee it was decided to iaunch a vigorous campaign on , to thi9 wortny es9entjai causei A committee for the soliciting of pledges is to be appointed at once and the names which con stitute this committee will be announced at the Sunday Ser vices. No Compromise. Luke wns weighted down with pair of f'Tt of n fcize remarkable even for n nmn of tils color in the poly chrome of human kind. As he wail sitting one day engaged in tbe game of cUiiier which has to do with cube of t-cne with blnck dots upon their sides, Sam approached. In hit preoc eupatiim, Sam trod upon the foot of Luiie and remained planted there. Lu'e turned upon him indignantly. "Q(t o(Tn dat foot," he commanded. "cut off. an ta d wax r