I; 2 I i i X .- t s V A PIDS . - MER ALBi T ROANOXE RAPIDS, N. C, APRIL 12, 1918 Subscription $1.53 a Year in Advs.r2 -. 10ME n V, . r y - ' TB BIMFT CALL r :re4 lLct.'m uue to Armt LOCALITIES AND llZE) 0' OP LCCATE QN T ; Tka fixing rt&ztxtt tf Ecssaaryl Caacke Rapids, Wel- ta, Ttca, i.sr-"V CrC. and Littleton in Hahfax County tar fsJ tr :rjr f-r rhysal examination when duly ordered to tan. '.rv .. . . -. flattiaw Taylor Primmer Rowland, . Exum H".Cry Hubert Jono John H. Davis 534 kti lies' 1143 1151 in i 1307'; 14CJ l io 1744 17S1 1771 1775 18C3 KS3 3) EXJ $575 ms siso tiu 2301 CIS cn tr trj ca C3 C74 CCS en John L Tkcswt : -1 Collins , 4 :3s C. ( jjr , ' Kai.j Crown .l ' ' Cza Edwin l!t., fclzttrcp T. Ward -JdaJWnn Jcta Vrnkina JaaMS SaoiA Hammill JuSa Tarry Ttcr-tE. Wright . .. , EustraEiwtrin" v .; Harry IS. , : LmS R. fYttmaa -KJlliardPitt , 'r " TkonaaSuRt Jester L McDade John William Uedlin Currant II. Crown Wllaa T. Edwarda Taltod Harks We3oi H&zx - ' ' Weldon Roanoke Rapid Weldon " Rocnary -LitUetoD Littleton Weldon ; .Wekbn Weldon Littleton Rosemary "--5aari VekJon V , ratnctalif. Wea Roeemary A Littleton Roanoke Rapida Rosemary Weldon , Weldon ,U'sk2an Weldon Roanoke Rapids Thelma -Rosemary Weldon f jjt Aurelian Springs Roanoke Rapids Aleck Clanton r4 0. Harrison - WeWon Anr Esnlel Williams Roanoke Rapids Tnrr 'ID, Whit Roanoke Rapids Fran WirJas " f" r Roanoke Rapids Weldon Thelma ' Roanoke Rapids , Roanoke Rapids WelJon Roanoke Rapids Welddn Rosemary, Qttleton Weldon Weldon u Coanoke Rapids Littleton . Roanoke Rapids Rossoke Rapids Roanoke Rapids ' Roanoke Rapids a Littleton Weldon Weldon v ' 'Weldon r Thelma Weidatf ' . Roanoke Rapids Weldon Littleton ; . . Littleton . ni ziiLzrz C23 Walter a Crl.T.n . . : trr Jluca Ciyton Fisher EurtrreU C23 Lt;" rrsr : ' . t7 Ka ' .-w-.. '""I Geor.-ierce Tkoc" J-Un ' f fn FndL w i."' V WiUiamJd n U,;, NattJsJ.'r an v m Junius L'i , " ;:Georrt V'ryCootta I "Johnl,-" V ' t V.y RossC-;-'.-K ' ;X i . Edwrriritney I . J Chtrl. "trtson t.'.'J Georrv ;ty "-T.Ti Gecr, rxra .. "I ,1 .JaiixaCtr-iV-' '. -Eckier '7. JohKl ; Ctn 14 WCL'iL;.Ctba it. Uticr autic! "ilof CL Ira are rr;-" a irtsse ' . EZan and der r:rds of thlaLlI L"i.;, 'rxon 6 of the Act of May 18, 1917, and by rvioe Regulations, the Local Police au V!t in person or through deputies each .la ca O Eat, to locate such persons if a before this Local Board. Further infor- i Csrning these persons is ayailable in the , Very truly yours. ; ; A. W. Andleton, Chief Clerk. r Cs County of Halifax, State of N. C. ' V v- VH-id a cl'-J farm-;-" to. rork .3 - - - l trra ;'i f sr T, H. Taylor and ' family left Thursday for Portstnouth where they will reside in Utef uture,Mr. Taylor having accepted a posi tion with the Street Car Com pany of that city. C M. Dickens who has a posi tion with a Government Con struction force in Petersburg was here Saturday to see his family. . " -Misses Pattie Byrd and Mary Mstthews and Miss Byrd's guests. Misses Lucile and Bessie Hall and Mina Clements motored to Emporia Sunday spending the day with friends. George Guy left the past week for Norfolk to accept a position In the Navy Yard. G. E. Rose, of Henderson, spent Sunday here with friends. W. 0. Thompson after a short visit to friends and relatives in Wilson returned Monday. W. S. Harris and wife. f Rich mond, were here Sunday to see relatives. F. W. Broyals left Sunday for Durham to visit relatives. G.'M. Pressley left the past week for Asheville to visit his family, J. Sanders spent a few days this week in Henderson visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson left Wednesday for Tarboro where they will make their home. Messrs. W. C. Bass and J. J. Wade motored to Weldon Sun day night where they went to hear an address delivered by James Pou, of Raleigh. J. R McGee after a brief visit to relatives in Mount Olive re turned the past week. & D. Haraill. of Thelma, was here Saturday on business. Mr, and Mrs. T. L Clippard, of Barkley, Va,. are here visiting in the home of J. T. Garner. Misses Lucile Hall, Bessie Hall and Mina Clements after a weeks visit here to Miss Pattie Byrd re turned Monday to their home In Durham. Rupert Lyles and Miss Bessie Jarratt werr married Saturday afternoon in the home of the bride's mother on Roanoke Ave nue, J.'E. Spencer performing the ceremony. . R. L Johnson, of the Westing- house ElectricCompany, Atlanta, Ga.,is here directing the install ation of a turbine engine for the Rosemary Manufacturing Company. Vernon Spencer left the past week for Portsmouth where he has ' accepted a position as as sistant clerk in the Navy Yard. Miss Maude Summerell, of Fayetteville is here visiting her sister Mrs. W. S. Clark. Geo. Carmichael motored to Petersburg Sunday spending the day with friends. The Rosemary Graded Schools will give an entertainment in the Rosemary Theatre on Friday evening, April 19, for the benefit of the Red Cross An excellent program is being arranged and the public is invited to attend and thereby help in the Red Cross work. assistance to their government in iU hour of need. " : ' As the Fifth Naval District has only a limited number of these appointmentsstits disposal, application by .those interested should be made Immediately. Enrollments may be made and full informaSon secured at the Navy. Enrolling Office, 101 Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia. c -Perpy Eaars, v? : Ectm:a. USNRF. : herety Cjralf a jcfC'-te SCO 1 tLct, rl.'tct to the Cotton Today 32 I -2 C0AN0IE RAFi: AKDLOCAlliS lECicmxs cmna lLU: HERE HIS till Private 1st Class Whitney Kellogg of theUnitedStates Army Recruiting Station. Raleigh, N.C.. will be in town from April 10th to 16th, inclusive, for the purpose of eanvasing for recruits for practically a9 branches of the Army. t Men can be accepted who are between 13 and 41 years of age and did not register. Men so accepted here will have all ex penses paid to place of enlistment The Infantry, field artillery and coast artillery are open to men wishing to get in the thick of tlje fight The Quartermaster Corps is open to stenographers and typists; also for men who wish to take training as cooks or bakers. The Medical Department is open for nurses, pharmacists, mechanics, chaffeurs, clerks, or men wishing to learn - medical work in being connected with Army hospitals. The Signal Corps is open for telegraph and tele phone operators, electricians, etc The 20th Engineers (Forestry) is open to lumbermen of all kinds. The railroad regiments open to railroad men. The quarry and mining companies open to mining men. -The motor service com panies open to chauffeurs and mechanics. The other Engineer Regiments are in need of electri cians, carpenters, Diacksmitns, cooks, painters, plumbers, steno graphers and clerks, saddlers, cobblers, tailors, instrument re pair men, engineers; for practi cally any kind of engineering ability is wanted in the engineers. Every man enters the service as a private at; $30.00 per month and all expenses. If he is married his wife gets ari additional $16.00, Am -child llftta, second $7.80 third $5.00, etc For each parent that is dependent upon him for support the Government allows $10.00; soon up to $50.00 per month in addition to his salary. Every man has excellent op portunities for promotion to the non-commissioned grades pay in France, $40.80 to $96.00 per month and all expenses. And to the ambitious young man every opportunity is offered to obtain commissions in the Army, for officers training camps are being organized and every man is given opportunity to attend one. CarawssEvaas Saturday afternoon, March 30, at half past six o'clock Miss Bettie Carswan, of Rosemary, and Private Ruby E. Evans, of Co. H. 119th Infantry, Camp Sevier, S. C, were united in marriage by Rev. R. L Topping of the First Christian Church, in the presence of a number of fronds and relatives of the bride and groom. " The marrics was performed at No. 233 U r.rj? St Rosemary, N. C. The brkte is a i3rk-T ct the First . Christian Qtirl.-. l.v -'r friends wish f cr them a lcr. j LJ fcrrpy life. ' CAMP FIRE GIRLS GIVE GOOD SHOW The entertainment given at the Peoples Theatre on last Fri day night by the Camp Fire Girls under the direction of Mrs. L S. Mosher was very successful from every standpoint The pageant and song numbers were uniformly good and were enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. The number given by the Boy Scouts under the direction of Scout Master, L S. Mosher was also thoroughly enjoyed. The proceeds derived from the enter tainment amountdd to $42.25, af t deducting all expenses. It is probable that the enter tainment will be given again in the near future in response to the request of many who were unable to seeit last week. If it is given again new songs will be added and an enlarged program presented, announcement of which will appear later. 1 ,:. - . I Services will be held in "St Luke's ( Episcopal) Church North ampton County next - Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The public is very cordially invited. - The Union Intercessory Service for the Nation and her Allies will be held at the Presbyterian Church next Thursday afternoon atSo'ctock. R. W. Brown left last -week for West Point Vs. to visit rela tives. Nat Hockaday, of Camp Jack son, is visiting his parents here for several days. Miss Lois Stinson has returned to Burlington where she is in training, after spending several days here with her parents. Mr. A. L Mariner, of Camp Sevier, is visiting his wife. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Shell, Mrs. K. Jenkins, Miss Annie Roger son and Seabropk Jones motored to Littleton last Sunday after noon. Mrs. S. F. Patterson returned home last week after visiting relatives in Winston-Salem for several weeks. Jim Young left Monday for Richmond after spending the week here with friends. Miss Addye Williams, of the University Training School, Char lottesville, Va., is visiting her parents here. Rev. Eugene C Few and Hur ley King spent several days this week in Wilson on business. Robert Brown, of Camp Sevier, is visiting relatives here. W. D. Swindell left last week for Newport News, where he has accepted a position. J. W. Sander ford. Jr.. of Ral eigh, has returned and accepted his old position with the Herald Publishing Co. HobsoD Powell, of Emporia, was in town Sunday with friends. Miss Lucille Clements, of Jack son, was in town Saturday. Messrs. Carl Myers and Eg bert Barnhill visited friends here Sunday evening. J. T. Chase was in Raleigh this week on business. Judge Mullen, of Petersburg, is visiting relatives here. . W. L Long is spending sever al days out of town on business. Miss Jennie Whitaker left Thursday for her home in Ashe ville on account of the illness of mother. Mason Faison, of Norfolk, vis ited relatives here this week. . D. Whitney Kellogg, of the Army Recruiting Station, Raliegh is in town this week. Thaddus Moore is spending several days here with relatives and friends. Messrs. William Vincent and Robert and Eward Cleaton. of Vulture, were in town Saturday on business. The Red Cross has been asked to furnish 280 bed shirts for head quarters during the month of April To do this we must have a great deal of extra help. Every woman who can sew please feel it her duty to come and help. The sewing days at 4 Red Cross Room are kiondaya, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fri days. You can sew there or you can dll ft the room on these daTl.iu Tnwrial will be furnish ed you to carry home, also a made shirt will, be furnished from which you can learn how ! one of these shirts must be made. You do not have to be a member of the Red Cross Society to do this. The members on the cutting committee are requested to come on the regular cutting day, Mon day. If it is impossible for you to come on this day, Mrs. Jno. L Patterson, at your request will sppoint another day for you. 290 bed shirts are to be furnish ed during the month of April. A great deal of help will be needed from the cutting com mittee, since the shirts must be cut before they can be made. corr-iurm celeexates j WAR A.v'IVrSART J .... r .. kWWis CWs SatatJay ! Basinets Utu sad Quest-at ' Larp Ga!ta ia New O Building far Patristic Exer- " cim. Kefiiteas Ser fkea HeM SaasVy - V . Aiteraeea. W. L l CAIES CLCQwsmmT HALIFAX ruts Atr and GtacM. A birthday Mfc-hratbit im a coeatrr Mttag took vitps vim Uw ample Mai tw M firafuKtua by Um roo. i: ir lhrt for a V-Adoy 'X t eari' ma far Uw ts ' H t r ranches k&w, ea4 rf Wfy tlai.r 7U Go okVl Co eako, I ' .$ r" Ueia-BaOey Last Sunday afternoon at Six o'clock Miss Nellie Medhn be came the bride of klr.. Walter Baity. The ceremony was per formed in the Christian Taber nacle by Rev. R. L Topping, the minister. Quite a number were present Mrs. Bailey is a member of the Christian Church her. They will make their future home in Rosemary and their friends wish Jor them a long and tzy .. ... . 1 j- nie over tne matrncot i ca. ;, 1y Uorfot. - evwi ly Cjr-adj t Fusil-: ; . . K Mn to (lit 'nil. ;-i hit Avtid coodUthit of tirdnd atrapo ot espMdm io wULh Um fnrtt baokot tt poll U b-"t W ntai books la float ottboopor -v If--j tbo baads frM lor pkr. y u,l wttb tt mm tbo ior cms aboBt r S-L I wttb -mm, r'T ft r i t wctrro L t ft f". ) ( Mat ac4 t-w. x aweyfcraT K !r Uur- " r - M Lieutenant Ferrebee, of Ra leigh, who has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jno. Fenner left this week for Philadelphia. Mrs. Duncan Faison spent a few days here this week with her sister, Mrs. Annie Gowsn. Mrs. C F. Musselman left the past week for an extended stay in the mvuntaina. . . . ' v Willie Fsucette, c a former Halifax boy, visited his mother. Mrs. Willis 4 Wilcox the past week. Mrs. Wallace Patterson and son, or Chapel Hill, are the house guests of Mrs. D. C Fenner. Mrs. Swain Norman has re turned from a trip to the camp at Greenville, S. C, where she visited her brother who is in training. Mr. Shearin left the past week for Ti lery, having accepted the position as guard at the State Farm. Mrs. W. G. Bass spent one day out of town the past week shop ping. Rev. Dodd. of Enfield was in town on business the past week, Jas. Applewhite and family, ofTillery. visited friends here the past week. Miss Agnes Norman has re turned to Peace Institute after a short visit in her home here. Mr. Lynn Langley left recent ly for Norfolk having accepted a position there. A new man hss taken his place as Supt of the Knitting Mill :-: Vi Miss Vann was the guest at the Hotel of Miss Sallie Barkley this week. .' Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Hughes, of Tillery, were the guests of Wrs. N. L. Stedmen the past week. Rev. WiHoox filled the Baptist pulpit here on Sunday. '-' " . .U.. D. C. met with Mrs. Gowan the past' week, Refreshments were served at the dese of the meeting ; J tlri ir-is Gowan and io- JpuInaCvusn tave the meaaks. -The Red Cross entertainment was a great success at both Halifax and Darlington, clecrir.a $00.00 for the cause. April 6, Anniversary Day of the entry of United States into the war against German World Do minion, was fittingly and enthus iastically celebrated in th!l com munity, when possibly thevnajor-, ity of its citizens gathertd in the vacant mill building jCst com pleted for the Roanoke MHla Com pany on last Saturday afternoon. - Business of every description in the community closed down for the exercises from 2:30 to 4.-00. Mills, stores, banks, and post offices answered the request of the Liberty Loan Committee unanimously and shut their door during these hours, ike there might be no distractions of any kind to prevent the public from attending the exercises. ' Consequently an enormous crowd variously estimated at from two to three thousand peo ple attended the meeting and en thusiastically applauded the pat riotic address delivered by W. L Long. Mr. Long's theme ; was almost entirety upon iner duties of the people who stay at home to back up the b?ys at tto " front by giving the government enthusiastic and efficient co-op- eration. He was enthused .over . his subject and he carried Jia . audience with him from thcU t - During the exereises WiHjn. - Jackson and Jokj'-'Vick. tJ ' Scouts, were awrrded medals ky .. Mayor J. T. Cza for work -T. in selling bonds during tie Sec-v ond Liberty Loan Campaign. The Rosemary, Concert Read, , who headed the parade of the Rosemary school children to; the building added greatly to the oc- ' v casion by the music they furn -. - ished. .' I'.Oir.oG SERVICES TO EE HELD KEXT TEEC V The right sort of beginning i; f or each day is a decided boost V to business, and the ' proper attitude toward our Government i and our soldiers is now a bounden duty and God given privilege. The Rosem8J7-Roanoe ;JUg?ii Ministerial Unioft 'at' the request of Qne vitajly interested in issues and'present sacrifice, has set aside next week as one in which a devotional service will be held each morning. All .busi ness men are urged to be present and a special invitation is extend ed to everybody who will attend services at the Roanoke Rapids Baptist Church beginning next -Monday morning at 7 o'clock and lasting throughout the week at the same hour.. .Listen for the bell at 6:45 A. M. . which shall serve notice that ' services are soon to begin. Don't miss these . few minutes of profitably, it riotically, and religiously J7z ' time." --.-.' a rr Ct nun?. , : Ckrl V. The revhl trill bcn C Christian Cur"!?-"- " yesr onAjtiM,. coai::d by Rev v of Fairfield, Hyds Co.;.r : 'TheweekprecedlnjL.il .Til there will be a song scnten' ducted in creccn.-oa .for the . r.1 -1 t t-xflea Jas au. r Vet i n h X- - tf o I. ri ; Wo aa rtM ifti iln trrn aOty asttct, tmt tho am turn eoat M r i til a tt tin cqr M X- J - V.h v

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