3 - Roanoke Rapids Herald Volume V. Number 6 ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, MAY 3, 1918 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance ii ' - v HONOR FLAG PRESENTED TOWNS ;.. Firtf Homt F!i k Nortk CaraEna Fr. Hindi tlWG.ffr. .. - . r U. M tardner GREAT CELEBRATION OF EVENT This community celebrated mt fittingly on last Saturday afternoon the signal distinction it has earned in having won the first liberty Ian Honor Flag in the whole Mate of North Carol.- na. It is an achievement of which the community is justly proud, and its celebration was carried , out with that energy and enthus iasm which won the coveted and much prized bit of bunting that flies to-day from the Roanoke Rapids Central Graded School Huilding, in mute testimony of patriotic service well and quickly done. Lieut Governor O. Max Gard ntr, ho presented the Horn r Flag on behalf of the liberty Loan Department and at the re quest of Mr. Jos, G. Brown, of Raleigh, Chairman of the Central Liberty Loan Committee, won from an enthusiastic audience the j full meed of attention and round after round of genuine applause. Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary turned out one of the largest crowds in its hist ry to hear Mr. Gariner and tha spevh jus tified it Only one building in the commnnity could hold the crowd that gathered even in the face of threatening weather which rendered an open air ad dress inadvisable the magnifi cent new Mill No. 2 of the Roanoke Mills Company, not yet equipped with machinery - which was trnl over for this imroose bv Mr. S. F. Patterson, Manager of j Roanoke Mills, and Chairman of of the Liberty Loan Committee of Rosemary and Roanoke Rapids. Preceding the presentation came a parade of nine hundred of the city's school children, the fraternal orders, Hoy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls, headed by the full Regimental Hand of the Slsth Infantry, from Camp Lee, Vir ginia. Hon. W. L. Iiong. in a few well chosen words, introduc ed Mr. Gardner and the Lieut. Governor made himself solid with this community almost immedi ately by his tribute to the energy and patriotism of its citizens w ho put through its one hundred per cent oversubsciption to the Third Liberty I-oan in record time. Mr. Gardner's speech was a mas terly plea for continued endeavor in the work so well begun. "No room exists in North Carolina for .-TI the flacker, the pro-German, the . . , i.f m pacifist, or the I. W. V." in Mr, Gardner's opinion. He was im pressed, with the co-operation between employer and employee, and with the welfare work car ried on here as nowhere else in the South. "My commission to-day," he said "is from the Liberty Loan Department to present the First Honor Flag to Roanoke Rapids, as being the first town in the State of North Carolina to secure this honor." Quoting from Mr. Brown's letter, "in doing this, please convey to their community my most cordial greetings and ' heartiest congratulations on their splendid achievement, for it is a splendid achievement to win first place in competition with all the ' splendid communities of this great State. It would be honor well worthy of their best efforts to be first in any line of endeavor in North Carolina, but to them there is a special distinction in being first in patriotic fervor and In patriotic activities. "However, nothing less than this could be expected of the sons of the fathers who signed the Halifax resolutions!" "The United SUtes Treasurer, John Burke, in his recent speech in Raleigh, said that $5,000 sub scribed on the first day of the campaign was tfqual to $10,000 on the last day. Whether this be nity in almost exactly the num literally true or not it is true ; ber of its fifty odd hunbred in that the promptness and hearti- habitants. AND Robert Y. Whittemore left Sunday for Burlinrton to be! gone several days visiting friends 1 and relatives. ..... . llliam Wood aftera few days Visit to his Wife left Monday fori , Williamsburg. Va, holds a position. J. Cox accompanied his wjfe to Richmond Monday where she goes to enter a hospital for treatment Mri w Froelich of Win. ston. Salem, after a short visit here in the home of Mr. and Mrs, j, R CflX fcft Mondty for kmfl .;i k ;a Bertha Cox ' J. E. Dobbins spent Saturday in Rocky Mount on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harrison visited relatives in Brinkleyville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Bellamy and children, of Enfield, motored here Sunday spending a few hours with friends. G. L, Hayes was in Emporia Tuesday a short while on busi ness. Mrs. C. 0. Bird, of Emporia. 8pent the week-end here as the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Taylor. Messrs. R. L. Jordan and Jaack Moore, of Norfolk, spent Satur day and Sunday in town with ! friends and relatives. ! Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson, j (nee Miss Nellie Mountford), ar rived here Friday from Norfolk : spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Dickens, leaving Monday for New York I where Mr. Carlson has accepted ja position. i T f tIJ . 1. .! J- J- v,Bue moioreu 10 naiuax Sunday spending the day with friends Mrs. W. S. Batton, Mrs. E. B. Williams and Messrs. H. M. and 0. P. Johnson left Monday for Tarboro, called there on account of the death of their mother Mrs. Dennis Johnson. J. D. Hawkins, of Thelma, was here a short while Monday on business. L. S. Cannon spent a few days out of town this week on busi ness. Mrs. McGee left Wednesday for Mount Olive to visit friends and relative. G. S. Gregg left Sunday , for Gibsonville and Liberty for a weeks visit to relatives. Due to the inclemency of the weather, a small attendance greeted the Rosemary Concert Band in a concert rendered in 'he 0l)cra Hou9e Friday Even" inir. An attractive nrnirr&mme ing. An attractive programme was rendered and those present were well repaid for their at tendance. Miss Adeline Clark after a few days visit to Mrs. J. U. Loftin, returned to her home in Phoebus, Va., Wednesday. W. R. Moore, of Henrico, was in town Saturday on business. Apropos of the prohibition bill passed by Congress sometime ago making dry States "Bone dry" it seems that there are Oases left in the desert evidenced by the fact of several of our citizens being detained in Emfioria, Va., because of pro curing and imbibing too freely of the Moonshine variety made in Virginia. ness with which the people of Roanoke Ranida took their allot- i ment of Liberty Bonds, infused into our campaign more life and energy, more vigor and more 'pep', than any other occurrence during the progress of the sev eral loans." Mayor J.T. Chase accepted the Honor Flag on behalf of the towns and utder his leadership, the audience unanimously and enthusiastically voted the Lieut Governor's speech the greatest address ever made in Roanoke Rapids, and Mr. Gardner num bers his friends in this commu ROSEMARY PERSONAL LOCAL ITEMS NOTICE On last Sunday night when plaits of the new church were ex - hinted and discussed, some of , our people responded readily with their subscriptions towards the 1 rtk. dnA ' wnere tie:" " - fcever. carus were given ouii u i 1 1 bers and friends of our cause, and , i . .L I am now requesting that these! , . . . .i. 1 cards be turned in to the proper . , t . on Sunday night May 5, that we may proceed with the acceptance of the architect design and be gin the erection of our bng hoped for church. HAUFAX COUNTY ECONOMIC & SOCIAL Til. .1 k..!Ui;. i. L.I....JL. u.i;i. Iitlef BuIlctiatWbrae4byHaulM Ceuity Club at State Uniftnity Chapel Hill. April 30- "Halifax " 1 J O li vounty economic ana social is avenwed in the last campaign, the title of a bulletin to be issued j The list of Ha,isax in a few weeks by the Halifax ! Corporation subscriptions ai County Club at the University e!gewhere in this issue, of North Carolina. This bulle- Those who gubscribed at the tin, of about 7o pages will con- Roanoke ma Company are as tain a series of artiules by stu- follows dents from Halifax, dealing with every phase of the problems now cu.urom.ng u.e cuuruy. uesu.es t . : . i . i i , onering remedies, suggestions, i .u Bu-uuu.. w ii.ro present problems, Those from Halifax who have charge of editing this bulletin are Robert Madry, Luther Pur rington, Jr.. and Sidney Allen. The pamphlet will really be a document attempting to show the people of the county just where the county standsin thematter of education, natural resources, farm conditions and practices, food and feed production, and wealth and taxation. A short history of Halifax and its leading men will be covered in the first pages of the bulletin. Next will come articles having to with the subjects mentioned in the preceding paragraph. As a fitting climax to the little booklet the conclusion will contain a sum mary of "Where Halifax Leads and Where She Lags," also chap ters under the captions "A Solu tion of The Problems" and "The Promise of the Future." The boys from Halifax who are putting out this bulletin are actu ated by no selfish motives what soever. Instead, they are sacri ficing a part of their time in or der to make such a publication possible. It is realized that the best way to remedy a bad situa tion in any community is to get the problem and the facts before the people who have the solutit n in their power. It is with this idea of tieing up the students' brains with the citizens', the producers' practicability in solv ing county problems, that the bulletin is being issued. It is only through the aid of the University files and the in valuable assistance of Professor Branson, head of the rural and economic department that such a bulletin is being issued. It will contain facts, statistics, and in terpretations, not theories, as a basis for the conclusions. To issue this bulletin it is nec esssary to enlist the support, both moral and financial, of all the citizens of all Halifax. The mer chants and all other business nun .-II t II.. .1 ....... ... k,.t.. Will LKT Ifl ni M n'n M' iisiu III...VI . w f. . , 1 , K , ,. Una var Savuig Societies of me expenses oi ucn a puunca- Uon through advertising. Nor will this be a poor advertising in - vestment, iui hkoc uuhvviii ue Iliaoeu 10 every uoine in uic county so far as possible. The definite plan of distribution has not been completely worked out but such a plan will be announc ed by the editors in a few days. Two thousand or more copies will be issued at first, according to the amount of the advertise- ments. This is a supreme, chal- lenge to the business men of Hal - ifax, and their support and co operation will determine the tot- al circulation and benefits of the bulletin. Through them alone ROANOKE MILLS ' EMPLOYEES SUBSCRIBE' ! w., p , . D i.un ti i :l. i j. Liberty Leaa Bads I , wnTHFB VTA? FOI HONOB Ft Ar. . i Th hst featureof the lihertv 'Loan Ikmd Camtiaign in thi since the oversub- scription of the kan some weeks . x . . ago, comes in the announcement ... , . , e make this week of the tact . . . . , M that ninety employees of the j Roanoke Mills and eighty-five j employees of the Halifax Iaper j Corporation subscribed for bonds this week. The popular sub i scription in this community to 'date, has been increased from : 58 to more than 2;l as there j are other names yet to be furn- ishwl us l,y the urty n j Committt-e of people subscribin g i . , . i ii .i ... ' if Donas. is prooaoie mat tne ' , percentage oi population suo-! scribing in this community will ' l wus, V 81(,w in j u c 4 u- u i getting his on ana he was taen reach five per cent, which islj- , , , . , , better than the State at large E ssie Ontland FnniVft Hot. ( landi R y HedKepethi I. , JoneSi u,a Wood Willis Hux, E. J. Vaughan, J. B. Robbins, i " ' --jTommie Staton. Ruth Gumms, A. L. Bain. W. H. Guinn. Bettie Brown, Stella Wood. Dollie Wood, Harry Jones, Willie James, Gatsy Hatts, Kva John son, Josie Ezelle, Daisy Sheffield, Carrie Freeman, Lucy Etheridge, Sallie Sheffield, Fannie Wheeler, C. I). King, Lula Batts, J. A. Abernathy, W. C. Elmore. VV. G. Stinson. Frank Mosely, Rufus Powell. J. L Hutchinson. W. E. Hux. E. F. Williams. E. L. Gray. T. J. St. Sing, John Conner. John Wood. Etta Privette, T. M. Privette, R. H. Rook, Grace I Simpson, vy. n. ivioseiy, victor Weston, Effie Keeter. W. W. Harvey. W. T. Glover, J. R. Browning, H. C. Wynn, Roy Ricks. E. L Thompson, J. W. Vaughan, John Neal. B. J. Hux, Lester Hux. J. Silverthorne, J. W. Iwis. J. T. Spencc, II. C. Leitner, Scout Bain: L. R. Hux, G. E. Buckner, F. D. Dixon, C. R. Weston, Emma Etheridge, 0. B. Harris, C. W. Welch. R. E. Pierce. D. R. Montgomery, Ida Massengale. Scout Wyche: Henry Jordon. J. F. Layton, Lena Bray, J. D. Ezelle, G. E. Williams, W. H. Harrison, Chas. Welch, Sr., John Hawkins. Scout Jackson: Estelle Harris, J. A. Chrisman, R. 0. Riggan, J. U. Vaughan, Christine Cran- well, J. F. Welch. J. H. Williams, Claudia Sheppard, C. P. Stout, E. L Ennis. N. B. Thomason, Inez Belle Williams. These subscriptions are suf ficient to win a second blue star for the Roanoke Rapids-Rosemary Honor Flag, as they make the total subscriptions of the community more than 200 'i greater than its quota. The names of other subscribers here to Liberty Loan Bonds will ap pear in the Herald next week. There will be a patriotic meet1 ing in the Rosemary Theatre Thiirurini? mVht Mn- tka nih .t 8:!50 under auspices of the Wom- . Unm. ...,. j M by Mp &if, Q , VVe,(i(m y h)iiv tQ h, i nrpnt Offiic- 'ly Useful. We all of un Hie fanm-re a mighty lot of advice, liut the moot ot them don't mind It ; Rometimea there't bit of it they can one. , will the bulletin go over the top, Any citizen who knows of a short history of Halifax or his-- 1 torical incidents, or any facts of interest which are worthy of bi ing published in the bulletin arc asked to communicate with ti e editors at once. Henry James Writes ; r. Stainlack. I Iear Sir:- j A few lines tonight as I we ran t P c,ut anywhere as we ,,,,..,.;.. i u- r'r,'aa,"ll,ICT' "e 1 un'r: I ' " e ; . preparing to leave and it looks as if we will leave in a very short time as they are examining us now and selecting those who are fit for oversea service. The ones that are not tit are placed otf to themselves, so you can see our, time isn't far olf, and if any of the people want to see their friends and relatives before they go to France, they hud better pay them an early visit. Well, we took all of our gas in structions last week and it was real exciting. We were out in a i m aim t.neus started to; l,u.tir,. mil .,. 1 U 1 I ...TJ.-I - .111..!. I uiu.uui; an ani.i u us. w f nati , , . , . , , to hurry and get our gas masks , ,. , , . ' rJ" ruianw w .n,,r,,,laM After that was over we had to go in an air-tight house tilled with tfas, so you see we are very well prepared to go across. We go on target practice with our new rilles this week and we also tret paid off this week and we are turning in all of our cloth es that are unserviceable and getting new clothes in their place and everybody says we are going to leave next week and we are j willing and ready to go, as we are . sure tired of Greenville but sure; wish we could pay old Roanoke Rapids one more visit le fore we go across. i We were all very glad to seour' friend, Bruce Tillerv. todav. He and some of his friends from! v i school in Asheviile came over to see us and we all enjoyed having him over to see us. He sure looks good in his school uniform. Only wish he and a few more Roanoke Rapids boys were going across with us. Guess I must close. I remain as ever. Yours truly, Hknky L. Jamks. Co. H. 120th Infantry, Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. i Advertised Mail The following list of mail re mains unclaimed in this office. Same will be held ten days and if unclaimed will be sent to the Division of dtvil letters Washington, D. C. William C. Bass, Postmaster. Mrs. F. L. Toney, Mr. John Blackman, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, Miss Josephine Tillery, Mr. M.A. Barnes, Misses Mary and r lossie Garris, Mrs. Hattie Lynch, Miss Mattie Wright. When calling for the above list please mention advertised. FOR THE SENATE T tiorMlw .Wlare mvself a --- - candidate for the olF.ce of State Senator from the Fourth en- vv .-- atonal District, subject to the action mary. of the Democratic j'ri W. L. Long. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS j 1 wish to announce to my friends and voters of Halifa ' Countv. that I w ill be a candi date in the coming Democratic. Primary to be held Juno the 1st., MS for the Office of Register of Deeds. I want to thank my friends for the loval support m in fh. !uit ami wish to! say if lam nominatedandelected- 1 1 will give the same prompt atter tion to all matters of business coming into the Office and the same courtesy will be extended to one and all as heretofore. Respectfully, J. Hunter Norman. April the 30th., 1918 The Union Intercessory Ser- - lvice for the Nation and the Allies will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 in the Roanoke , Rapids Methodist Church. ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Ernest J.n.es has accepted a position with the H uncock-House Company. Mrs. S. F. Patterson and little daughter smit several davs in Richmond thw u. k i Mr. and Mrs. John k Patter son left Tuesday afternoon for I New York City. I J. A. Moore is siiending sever- 81 ua s ,n 1 ,,rK 1 n UUs-, ; S. F. Patt rson has been in 1 hiladelphia and New ork this giving them the privilege of pay we?k on business. ;jnff jn installments, the above Miss Helen Weaver sjient the 'number have decided to loan their week-end in Rich Square with money to the Goverment to help relatives. win the war. Miss Jennie L Whitaker has Mr. J.J. Williams, Superinten returned after sm'iiding some (1,"t of the Halifax Paper Cor- . time at her home in Asleville. ' w . t - , ... Jirs. canine neie. .miss una t . . 'nvers juries, j. nouse anu Ernest Jones attended the Bara- ii,;i.,.i, n . . . i. ca-l'hilatheat onvention at Rocky Mount Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. St:inback spent Monday in Richmond. Mrs. R. 11. Stevens left to-day for her home in Dayton, Ohio, where she will spend several weeks. Lloyd Baker has accepted a po-; Hard v. Ralph Evans. J. J. Wil sition with H. Marks. , iiums, n SmHh, R.W. Lyles, Miss Lathmn Junes, of Wash-j Joe Smith, H. M. Hudson, A. H. ington. is visiting Miss Ella Lee j Horner. C. S. Nichols, W. R. Chauncey. Miss attio i..ain haa from F.astvi lie, Va. There will l a !mx party at Smith's Church tonight for lene tit of the church. J. 11. Matkins sjK'nt Monday in V. . II. " 'K Lloyd Baker spent several days in Wilson this week. Cleophus Bray has accepted a ton, June I'atilla, Henry Pearson, position with Roanoke Pharmacy. , John Pendergrass, Ernest Dob Miss Lula Jackson, of Little-; bins, John DeVine, Willie Mainor, ton. is spending some time in the! Chas. Squire, ('has. Webb, Sim home of Mis. W. S. Hancock. S. S. Spivey and son, of Sea board, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Datightry. Mrs. J. 11 liuyd. Miss Mabel Boyd and W. P. Boyd are visit ing relatives in High Point. Quite a number of o ir people; attended the pageant given at Littleton last week by the local Camp Fire Girls and Hoy Scouts. Mrs. J. W. House has returned from a visit to relatives at Rich Square. The Cam;) Fire Girls and Boy Scouts went to Littleton Tuesday afternoon, to give their flay. They had a full house even tho' the rain casm down in torrents, and a considerable 'sum was realised which will be given for' tf,e benefit of the Red Cross. ; Mr8 Hege assisted Mrs. L. S. j Mosher, who had charge of the I play, jjiss Snodie Moore, of Green- ville is visiting Miss Camniie! I j Vaughan. Mrs. R. R. Fleming and child- t v !....., T,..o , it-, ui i i. Lam iniuiuu, acacia, ;are mndinK several days in the , ren. i, M -..,! VV P ! V I 1M1 t UI j 1 All J ' i A. i . Vaunhan. ' V augnn Mr. and Mrs. J. U spent Sunday out of town with relatives. Aid The Presbyterian Ladies will meet with Mrs. Job Taylor on next Tuesday. Mrs. T.R. Manning,Mrs.Frank Harris and baby, of Henderson, Edward Manning, of A. &. M. College, Lieuts. W. L. and J. R. Manning are house guests of Mrs. C. A. Wyche this week. Mrs. Rush, of West Virginia. is visiting .Mrs. j. w. femoot. Mr. and Mrs. Heath, of Peters burg, spent the week end with Mrs. W. L. Long. "Claim Allowed", an amateur theatrical, was given by the ; Graded School faculty on Thurs ! day night to a large and enthus ; aistic audience in the Peoples j Theatre, for the benefit of the (Junior Red Cross Society. j Miss Walters is visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McMuiray. IMPOYEES OF HALIFAX PA- PLK CORPORATION LOYALLY SUPPORT THE GOYER.HEKT Eighty-Five Subscribe U Tie Taire1 Liberty Lmi , One of the pleasant surprises of the week is the fact that 85 em ploees of the Halifax Paper Cor Kration, in addition to those on the original list published last week, have subscribed to Liberty ftmds. Under the plan of the i (. ompany Comnanv extended to the men of buying the bonds for them and poratioti. was instrumental in .1 J (.pitrinrr Tripoli enrurniTinn- ini the !n,v are now hannv that thev - rr' . . " can do their bit in winning the w ar for liberty and Freedom. Those who have subscribed are as follows: t4 Lor.nie Keeter. W. A. Harris, J. T. Mayton. D. W. Wheeler, E. II. Owen. C. W. Pritchett. J. W. Southern, W. H. Pope, Mrs. A. J. Downey, Mary Langston, M. ' T. Watkins. N. B. Taylor. R. T. Swain, W. L Manly, A. C. Ed returned ' w ards, 1 1, (i. McDonald, J. M. ! Vincent. C. M. Rice, Lloyd Drap- er, Russell Outland.S. J. Bounds. C. W. Graham, W. 0. Sheffield. G. C. Fitts. (i. W. lluddard. W. L Johnson, Winston Maynard, Percy Newsotn. John Moss, Jim Moaning, ' Alvah Moore, Wm Kennerly. Joshua, Long, Willie Sim, Phillip Spears, George Als- Taylor. M. J. Branch. Lawrence McPhail, Hickory Mills, Sut Bry ant, Waverly Hunt. Haskin Hicks. Willie Debose, Chas. Kerney, Jesse Vincent, Abner Davis, Elija Wilson, Davis Mills, Lon' ie Ow ens, Jim Johnson, John Twiddy, I'.mnt Rililiitt C. .1. Frppman. , ,, . ... t n AniWm. iR. I). Gammon. J. R. Wirtz. W. ,11 Wirtz. J. R. Merritt, W. A. I.Merritt R. H. Stevens, J. Rice, Enis Rook. Men's Tuesday Night lible Class The Mens' Tuesday night Bible class meets in the Baraca room of the Baptist Church every Tuesday night. This class is now one of the largest classes in the community, there being twenty-five present last Tuesday night, and it a rainy night. The class is doing a great work, about $40.00 was given to one family in need sometime ago by the class. The class is giving $15.00 per month iio me orpmuiage. which .a mure i , . . . , 1 tha" enHURh t0 take Care f an The class is composed mostly 'of men who have little, or no, .,,...-, mitu far nttpndintr rhnivh or Sunday School on Sundays. I The class is taught by Mr. W. IV Oitrlipr! a deen sniritual at- mosphere pervades the class, anj the men enter into their j work with much joy and zest The class will be one year old the first of June, and prepara tions arc Under w ay to fittingly oltserve this the first anniversary of the class. By special request, the pastor, Mr. Trueblood, will repeat to the class net Tuesday night, his sermon on: "The Bible Plan of Salvation', which he recently preached at a Sunday morning service. This sermon is illustrated and made exceeding plain by the use of the blackboard. All men are invited. Unci Eban. "A man 1 n Judged by de company ha keeps," aald Uncle Eben. "But yoli'a got to keep de company. Ton aln' glneter be Judged by da company jroa Jea' butte Into," 1 .? i i i f -;. ; L ti