r Roanoke Rapids forM;iZfjZ. MELISHEB tvtn f:pat it tio-!. a-:A con'ii"... and f. ere- t'ore mvrtab.e. ;an t.i f of- PnM;d;n fnmnin- Inf. tiivrs ! ' : run-;t t In ' . Uvn ir.-tnu-tf.i t. rii-r.v the J. T. Stain back .... Kditok Tx'.l- t t.V ch tr. I 'f .. thes ti intact. !. SaWripti-. $1.50 . Tear AW. The law nuk., it r .:.t,ry J re i-hv Vivian. r the TIUPHONTS parent. j".aM: . r f. " r- IXt S7ft - slsi t., ir..tit!y r.-r- rt r - i" atut .. .i..tr vf :iiv t r- :. .. ttiiv Ftr4 M "Wihi CUw Jttrr Airil have a'. t : t. . ai.ii S, i914. kt ttw IW Ortk- t Komi tN t j,,,. wi i are KKk. Wfc f" ' lf retir!a!,.e. r.ier tiie la a :..!...re Mr-k S. l?7 t , dt, Sl) is juM-hal.V hv a - n- altv ,.f a tine rut ve.linJ All vmnv.uihntx.in h-iu..l " - .j.il.h.H.r.-alN- mmcC.v ..rth.,ty.l:im ,n-m. ',r--.niiarii..f n.-, 1 iT an.m r,-a--.n l.-ere kil (Brtrt.'iw trn(i t?lt ir t!. Slate a t. .1! Ur '! - f tses that are i: t ivinrtiM. On Ail int-ib uf thmik-. tv-'.f '.- r' Uvv,,.,t t of : za ' I'l,.' ..f t:ie r .',- ru . ' ,,:'r5 rvc.: it;. - f.r the o. ftrel th rt "' v,i! !','r ,l" 1 ' , i, , ;, , . i. ... I ..y.n..-.r..... ' c(.t hr wtuit rr tit a r. i r - fHV!a..v tf.a-. ta-'.'t- .1 lul rtt S iwri mW fi-r l" re-rt the ; ri'.'(. . . f t iieae arii'tic t f.r '."'.'. :nA tre . ( t 1 '.' !:-u '.:iv are '"( ia'lei I'l t." atteoi I!'.'1 iM-. I ' ;;e t i-lM-v attef.lir-i. ir. - :ei i la'if Wheat it !e;Vat ' A , k-t ,, r. . 1 1 ea-.-. e.t.'a-r t!.f ;i.'h t'.irt ;. v-i , -, i r , t U'.e tt'.l' e'.ii-!a' l i tiletr .at!ei,t w h. w n'A ha e . un- ierv '1 i.irat-ti'.e. !) ai i'-ch FriJy. Mv 17. 191 H Father' I 'a." . - the first f -.ery m-'.xu Tliere i !! eleeii ea- n 1 1 T the hunter e Hi:-.':.;!- ft:' 1 1 j)at. I-'or the t'r-t thr e ntoi.tlw of l;'!- there were a Ma! i-a-1 -in the t:ite r (".t'teil t i the Yuucari't-.Uir.eit to Ul!e llrai'i ef Health. ti,-ele- al'ter that wu!iJe.l 1-", :n (ilUi1(1 (i, ,,,llU ;t, ,,,,,. As: France ' t on i-.iti "t,-l tne iani .l,.y j-,,. p, , ,. , Kel ( r' March :!.i'.ni. The rreatet yell.. a r-n.. in the (ipimen ef the Anu'e'es Tunes is the 'V!!n. who w.'ift tiu'ht fer America. We met a nun the nth.-r .ia. wlio actualiv a.lnutte.i tiiat the Ailniinistratii.n knew mure at..u:t running the w ar than he i : 1. We are in fav.r (f a!!ouiik' fennan s iiiiathi..er in this co.intrv r..' emmuh ta let them reach to alieut three feet Ir.nn the griuiinl. It i rejuirteil by tlerman !n..ner that HiM'KMH.ia; is dead. We'd had an i.iea that the old tfeeer must have been pretty sick fur Uio past few weeks. Those American s iliiu-rs who utole that red hut stove from the French railway station the other day certainly indicate that some of our hoys are w illing to tackle a hot imposition. "A I dislike s!ummm;r. I will nut attempt to explore the heart of Congress" which jroes to show that whether fieorir be riuht or not. he is inevitably and ubiquitously an ass. Now that (iermany and Ilussia have signed a peace treaty the Bolsheviki are unreasonable enough to think tliat (Iermany should desist from further in roads upon their territory. "Kngland's spawn" is the Kaiser's pet name for America. And the funny part about it is that he thinks its an insult. If you want to get us mad old top, call us something Gorman. A small piano is now being manufactured for use in the front line trenches. We submit that a small but full throated or gan such as used in this section would prove a great deal more harassing to the enemy. A Patriotic Matins! I'nder tin a .-pici th nuke Uapid and le ei, ar Jeverstnp to think that people who don't even chirp when the boys of the country are required to sutfer hardship, wounds or death for their country, raise a terrible howl when the govern ment taxes a few dollars out of their pockets? Uua-War Sawnc.. Soon ties, a atnotio lileetin a held I'l ti e 'um niar Opera H..;.ei.:i !a.-t TliiiXS day iiicht at v:io. The -ta;e ua ..'a itiful'y dee. -rated u :tii V. S. A. t!;u's and i!air of the Alhe. Ti.e lloM'mary 'uiicert l'.a'.d rt'iidered several S'-lecti.-ns that were appropriate f.T the I'ceaM.in llev. Stanley White led in he epeinr. pr;i er. and after wards made a talk on "what the women are doin", eivin; tlie follow ii.u statistic: The women cf l;. sct:iar.v and Roanoke Rapids ;i pr.ii.nately own .t'., ton. i hi m W'ar Savings Stamps. Liberty I.oa'i llonds .fs.Llllli.lHI, ",IHi.llO of w hii'h is owned by the ladies of the Roa noke Mills fompany. The purpose of this meeting was to v;et more of uar ladles in terested in the buviiiL' of -tamps etc., and Mr. (ieollrem, Mayor of WeliJon. the speaker of the evenimr. left no word uti-aid to stimulate this int.-r. t. I'.asil (Hover, of Roanoke Kapids, sang a solo "It's a long ways to Reriin", and foleman (Hover sang "Long ". Helen W'estlirook recited. "Ilae you done your bit"? Master Ander i ton recited, "Your 'lair and mv : Hag". At the conclusion of the above programme, the hand started the "Star Spangled Ranner", and after the singing of the first ; verseliythecudiei.ee, the crowds ; dispersed and evtri i,e Mimed glad that they had attended a meeting of so worthy a cause. Advertised Mai! Advertised mail at Roanoke Rapids I'ostotiico. When calling for same please state that it is advertised. Mrs. W. K. Rlanchard, Mrs. Berta Blanchard, Mr. Crittenden, L. M. Christian, Joseph Harris, Filzhigh Gary, N. L. Ktheridge, Russell House, Mrs. Lula .lones, Robert Moses. I). .1 M.dnud ! t L T. . l ii m vi.Mun i uuipy, Airs, r.va ierrv. ADDITIONAL DISEASES ARE MADE REPORTABLE Chicken Pox, Septic Sore Throat, and Gennai Measlei Added to List of Infection! and Contagious Diseases. Undef the rules just adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Health threa additional diseases are added to the list of those reportable in this State, they being chicken pox, septic sore throat or epidemic tonsilitis, and German measles or roseola. Under Chapter 263, Section 7, 8, 9, Public Laws of 1917, the Measuring the Infinite. "Eternity," mild the country nhort er, who wanted to mnVe things dear, .a forever and forever, and five or till everltiHtlngs on top of them. Why, brothers and ulsters, after millions and lillllons of centuries had rolled awxy In eternity. It would mill be a hundred thovxaud years to breakfast time.'1 No Compromiee. Luke was welxhted down with t pair of feet of a size remarkable even for a man of his color in the poly chrorse of liuniiin kind. As he wau sitting one day engaged In the game of chance which has to do with cube of bone with bluck dots upon their sides, Sam approucbed. In his preoc cupation, Sam trod npon the foot of Luke and remained planted there. Lake turned upon blm Indignantly. "0(t offn dat foot," he commanded. "Qlt off. Git ail do wa off 1" Stop! : Look! : Listen! The Men's Kble Class raetts every Tuesday nUht in the trso room of the IViptist ChuixK. Thiity-two men pre-sent this week, aspintusJ at mosphere and a splend.d fellowship chsuiK'terizes this IXm't Mop to hae and powder and "dress up," come uist as you are next Tuedsy nisht. The drst Aruiiveiary w;llhe obseiAeJ Fiiday r...!.t ,Uy 24th. 1 lie Il.utfonl l ire Insurance Com viny sulst riltl $1,000,000 to the 1 Kin! Lilerty l.an. Let us write your insurance in a company who protects your interests. National Agency Company C. A. Wych. :: R. L Tow First National Bank Building Meet Your Friends at the PHARMACY Whenever you have an appointment with friends in Umn make this your nut'tinjr place. When shop pintf. come in ami re.st at our fountain. A glass of our delicious soda will refresh you. Our ice cream is Montauk'u. absolutely pure, and our crushed fruits anil syrups are fresh at all times. We serve genuine Coca Cola. Our up to date sani tary fountain, with Vortex Taper Container service when desired, protects your health and quick and efficient service makes your drink a pleasure. Roanoke Pharmacy Company WE have "Big Sales" eve ry Day! Our prices to day will compare favorably with those of any retail store many wholesale establish ments. We bought early and we bought right - our custom ers are getting and will con tinue to get the benefit of our our business judgment and There is no better way to be convinced of this than to com pare our prices with those of others Dry Goods - Shoes - Notions Ladies Wear Men's Cloth ing - Children's Goods Hancock-House Company DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST Ori.-e Hours 3 to a. 7 to S r. m. R. L. TOWE Notary Public Roanol Kaptila, N. Carolina, 1. U.S., k N I . MASON, VUKKEU S Ll)G Attorneya at Law IMtkr. toikil KmtJlK. K C, id CLARK & CLARK Attorney at Law Roanoke Rapids, N. C A. L CLARK INSURANCE I ti. Kir. TwmJ., IImI. HutyWr. RmWi t bal. Mrahtk m4 4.Ha, I'Ul. I,U e...l ImI ! RrgulrtrJ M.4 It I Mr. WKltt ViH'R RoND W. T. ROWLAND MUTUAL LIFE In, f. . i Kw Ytl (Mini i lu ft Pi. Cm ftmi ta (4 ltto4 Stw Notice of Dissolution of Part nership. O. K. t'hrry hminwiUI hn iiitcivsl in '(if firm uf ( hrry t ! n t ti-r hv4nlnl in tlir tuvin if K"tiiikr N. I'., . th' iiiKd riffWl. (hi li'i-l'V ihvlMr tfn- 1 1 t fi-r h i uf riit-rry l!mth'r -',,.t. 1 III' iUltll'! Mill ClltltlllllV in tli' imnn' ul ( Inn y I'.i.itfii r. Hint m'I ( ill. iinw nun,)' tv 'mil linn will U md tr.y II. K. t lu rry. All rnii in ill I'lni to tlir Mtul firm uf t lurry limlh in ill ill-Hi n-tlli- ilh II W t lu-iiy. Km lmi iIhv ut A'fil. I''i. II K. i lu-iry. O. K t lu rrv. So the People May Know that you ere In busi ness, come in and let us show what we can do fui you in the way of attractive cards and Setter heads. Good print ing of all kinds is our specialty and if we can not satisfy you we don't want your business. Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Save Your Money Ly Buy in? a Ruilding Lot on EASY PAYMLNTS Electrical Tower for all Purposes &t Low Rates WE RENT DIRECT WATER POWER AT $15 00 Pt HORSE POWER pf YEAR Funeral Directors Embalmers Day or Night Service Anywhere Virginia-Carolina Furniture Co. IICINSID IMBAIMFR Nigh! Plw 5 HO, 5l, SM rut, 619 Jl livfal Drfifintt Suppliwl on Short Nulir. That's Fair. Isn't It? Brick Glass Cement Roofing Lime Shingles Plaster Lathes Paints Lumber Halifax Builders Supply Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. WHY Pay $10 and $15 for a palm beach or summer weight suit, when you get equal style, looks and wearing quality in one of our Sweet Orr Kool Kloth Summer Suits at M00 Our Dry Goods Department is now show ing a New Line of Flowered & Colored Voiles which we have just received. You will find the newest shades and patterns at 35c, 25c and 15c per yard The Patterson Store Company GEO. L HAYES, Jr., Manager