Wlkere 0 You Buy HOE We wish to call your attention to our big line of SHOES for Men, Women and Children, one of the most complete in Halifax County and especially to the prices quoted below, a good many of them having just been received. S? Gray Kid Oxfords Military Hed, just A A On table of Tumps, Talent Leather ami o jr received, extra sml at r.'tU Kid, $3.50 value HO Crav Kid Oxfords. Louis X IWl arrived m AQ One table of patent Leather and Kid o or this week and priced at t.tU Tumps $5.U value .b5 Mary Jane Iimps. Patent leather at 2.00 . i . i i i . i One table of odds and ends lor men and women at White Oxfords, leather sole 1 .50 and 1 .75 "" One big lot of Tennis hoes for men, women and White lumps children at barpain prices. We not only invite comparison on the above quoted prices but on every pair of SHOES we sell. Come to see us when you need shoes of any kind. :::::: Gobom k Woodroof Leaders in Low Prices Roanoke Ave. ROSEMARY, N. C. STRETCHING PARIS TO MEET THE NEEDS OF FRANCE THE RED CROSS HAS HELPED WHERE GOV. ERiNMENTS WERE HELPLESS. The avalaacfca t refugee that 'H ti. r I'trU frwa th aorta of Iram-a lia.l brpB ui A-!! af the ml authorities. Theae homeless, SMit.ued people wera a new respoBst liiiirv t be mMM to the thousands of .mt. J ni.-B that came steadily fraai Uf kheuil.ir nf the ( front. I'ans U no old rtty. It was .m rvu.'j to late la It a ahl. rhU Ikh. Ik populate i already l.iiM At. So It amd .he bent of. Ita l- !,.iiltlujr by offering up Ita far rvt Vw huSMine cortstrwtloa ae.-ta-ei iti:Ni-.e. Xln were waive. Tha . I aim- k either nmatilnf tha tw,. hit or fuli'd.c tli tUht la tha War raiturles. I'.rss a distracted. P l wonderful luilivil how aotiljr I'-oU tried t meet thl condition. Ami it Is remarkable how Parts met It whh tli l, I .if our u lied Cross. I'iiIihh.i 't'iI hjr red tape or precedent, mr I'.d Cross put ovoralla and J i'ul.r. carried the hod, became archpl l" l e-:iiieer ami contractor anit went j Im.i tli l.ir.l'llii of home. Her was! a u.-li lot lliat lay xa.aut; her as i ; r .;'!i.-l hospital; thera a aura out! buUdlcf. all of which la a fortabrht era started oa their ii; toward aea aparuuatita, runaia and aieepiLf warda Wa here at hum who associate tha freat Ked Cross niotriueiit with baad a.ea aad whit (uwucd auraes aiuat loaa thla aid llluaioa la tha Hfht af a thouwi-1 ath wurka far haaianh. la thla rms wa - tha KrO Ctw trst aa dliUaiata rvavUirliic tha dU authorltlra af Harla aa la their ablllt) ta ranMHl; tha aituatloa. thaa af archltrtta rvuwdallof auUdlBf a, chaa tnc hulldlBg lana. hiring lain gath rvd hy tlimrlM frua tha ai-aol dlrry " lh- utdrr naa. all tha whlU workUif auiVr rrn ltua(tbabla kaad leap, whlla Kathrr Tiuw rrivd. "IX H ikm, g t It dtmr. Sa aut at ti yarrvta ram thfwa da llrtnt roil tu And tirm hia It rlaaa trnaira, to ct ur hr out el ahmrr ImhIU; i-i unfurl and frvab caur aica tw ataln tnkr vp tba (ival tru' that Kramif hx W'it an wll "ta i-ar ty aa." It If nt irhi-r that out l'rm h hmtlicru lnll' la your awt Rrd Otiaii Just a llttlv aiurv thaa joi do. ttut ahuulil thia How' This? W. On HunrM Dnllan awr tor any c aj f CararHi t caaiw ba rurad kr Hall a Catarrh hfedirtM. Hall a Catarrh hfvdiriw has ha takaa tT catarrh uffre-r tw tar aaat thlrtr vr rar5. and has pumm fcaowa aa th KttirT rriiaMr n dy tur tatarrh Haii'a Catarra M1k lar arta thru tew Bto4 a tha Murus surfara. -xa-ltiRC tha rNn s from tha Bluea aad hralwc th ia n4 arttona Afir o aarv takow Hall' Catarrh Mr-ttKiac fur a abort niu yo wlU a a r-at tWiirovi'triaat ta Jfuiit frienarl k-.llk sstrt taktbt Hall Catarrk atii tar at ut aaa at r.4 wt rtrra. aGil fur tr-atutiHjal fr r' J Hr T CO. Tvtado. Oeia. tiuU k all ac Wanted SAW MILL to contract cut Half Million feet pine timber at once. Phone Halifax Builder. Supply Co. Send Km a Csx.cfl 'LIBERTY9 IXOSE 3 Pat Lhartj Iriad BrtMl JffA Hata ttat praaaal ) aay . S. 9V JU df:NDTriCKMLrIEaakaafaa THE RED CROSS MAN By AMELIA JOSEPHINE BURR. Of tha ViflUntea. Prokm with pain and weariness And sapprd with vile disease, Back to the land of ruined towns. Of murdered men and trees. Through Switzerland from Germany The trains of wreckage ran,- And on the French frontier they found A Red Cross Man. And when to what had once been horn Those haggard exiles came, Young wheat was green above the scars Of steel and blood and flame Round new built houses where once mor The work of life began. And still they found to welcome them A Red Cross Man. There the husband clasped again The wife he mourned as dead The child was on its mother's breast. The old were comforted. What wonder if they hope to find T?ie Angel of God's Plan Who meets them at the heavenly gat A Red Cross Man! Lihwta hrua auaraauaa Hum. A 1 aualitf liMa full awnwiiwa: high . awl auua mm.: atuiart w4ai: avlia .wvira aaa mm fort. Bawk. tea, a.rT.walwat I.. Piaaduliarariltotawad.. W.M tUt .Ml imJ . Mil. wff Hum . Jl fc arM I. ..y liwi la If a A.. tem. m lltoNbi. W lAJtL av. Moamaa. altar, aVMMaaN.C. . 2$ n x. North Carolina, Halifax t ounty, In tlw Suwrior Court Mm. Lriiniv (lay W illiam, Plaintiff va. Ii 1). W'illiatna. IWfrndant. NOTICE Tlit Itt-fvmlatit. G. D. Williams will Ukf itotk-v that summon in abova n titlnl action was maurd an tha 3rd day of May, l'.'lrt in an action entitled aa lot whioh hh brrn roninielM-ad III the Su-m.r Court of Halifax County by the t'laintitf for an abaolute divorca av'Kiriit the liefendeiit, U. D. Williams, uHn Hie statuatory Krtiund, and tha !aul i. It. Williams, Defendant, will 1 further take notice that he is required I In air at the term of tha Superior I Court for Halifax County, North Caro lina on the :ti.l Monday before tha first l Monday in Seitemlier, lilM, tha sama ' briiix on tlie l-'th day of Auifuat, li 1H. and anwer or demur to the complaint i in naid action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the lelief prayed : ill said complaint. This the iilli day of May, 1W1H. S. M. C.AHY, ! Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax County. VliMp "HOWDY PAP" Is The Word Known In This Community? WE ARE ON THE WAY TO THE 100 MARK THE' LOYAL ORDER OF MOO SE Organized in 1887 Lodges in all the principal cities of the United States Club Rooms Open Every Day from 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. Charter Open Here - Fee Only $6 Regular Fee $25 - Join Now Save $19.00 $7.00 A Week Sick and Accident Benefit - $100 Burial Benefit Free Medical Attention for Self and Family Due $1.00 per Month rf5 ' pi BENEFITS Club Rooms with Bath, Reading, Writing and Lounging Rooms Gamos, Music and other Entertain ments Free to Members Free Vocational Training for Chil dren of Deceased Members Mother's Expenses Paid while chil dren are in School if she desires to accompany them Organziation will be effected TO-NIGHT at the Masonic Hall at 8:30 - - Organizer may be seen at Tarrymore - Fill Out Your Application Blank Now and Give it to the Organizer See the Mooseheart Picture at the Peoples and Rosemary Theatres at an early date ..A