ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. ,3 stla Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Dont take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious, constipated, Leadachy. listen to me! Calomel makes too tick ; yon lose a ay's work. CaUsnel U quicksilver and it salivates ; calomel Injures jour ' liver. IX y arc bilious, feel Inir, sluf flsa and all knocked oat. If yuur how 4s are constipated, and your head aches r stomach U tour. Just take a spoonful of harmless ldson' Liver Tone Instead ot sing nickeling, sali vating culouicL IXslsnn's Liver Time Is real liver medidue. Tou'U know It Belt morning because you mill wake p feeling flue, your liver 111 be work ing, your headache and dizziness root", your stomach will be sweet and bow 1 regular. Ton will feel like work ing. You'll be cheerful ; full uf Tlgor ad ambition. Toor druggist or dealer sells yo Mtle of Imdaoa's Uver Ton (or Frank. , Newly wed J iiiet lloli Sitlklns to day and lie snld he envied uie. Wife ImiIi Sptlklns! I told you to cut Itoh Sptlklns. Ncwlywed I shall hereafter. He's Kin h a brainless dolikev. ' nai v 1 1 n a- i UN GUARD ! At this time of the year eoU feel j Weak, tired, listless, their blood Is thin, 1 they have Ivcl In rs and perhaps exemlcd nil their iiientul and bodily ; energy aua ttiey want to know now to renew their energy and stamina, over come headaches and buckaches. have clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, and feel thechllarntloQ of reul good health tingling thru their body. Uood, pure, rich, ret h!d Is the heat Insurance agalnnt Ills of all kinds. Almost all diseases come from lm.ure nnd lmpov- erlihtHl bloml. U Is to be noticed In the pale or pimply face, the tired, haggard appesrnnce or tne listless mnutier. 1 l'rlnk bnt water a hulf hour before! Ineals, and for a vegetiible tonic there's I nothing better than lr. l'ierce'a (iolden Medical Discovery, the olj fashioned ticrbnl remedy, wlilch bus had such a fine reputullon tor tlfty years. It con-' tlklll t,i, nunu.,ini 1 I m made from Golden root. Blood- J,','':ln. '' ".: rKit, oregou grape rixit, (jueen's rist, "''out four years I suffered with storn Itlack t'herry bark, extracted with gly- neh trouble. It seemed lllte a lumji In order to Insure pure blood and to Imrdly get my brenth for the tight, build up the system try this tonic smothering feeling. This lump, or rii"u an msi . irnri iiut'U sUvuivli IMscorery. .Oct It now I WHAT DID SHE DO? MARY JOHNSON'S HAIR Was Short and Kinky Now itt Long and Fluffy Sh0 Ustd NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Prira J5p. If rour dalfrrun'l supiiIt yon sMid Ui uk. Krfusr nt.Klinitrs. Msncifwliirtd bj - 1 Kill All FlieS! "s!""8 I n-iii;iif. Oaia Sly ainsraitrvuaisia'iM II lllrt. Sat.elan '.rnmrll,c.niuitsrt rlp. i UimnWH, H.l wr whi If hise aj.yin- juram- Mtiiur, f U.a .An- Jli Patsy lunfiii MHMir, io m haui Avc nootiini. m. 1. r WANTED kll h4ti4n s irtte mB snd tuBrt snS lrn an1 'lit ti.rr 4 jm uf M. llfii-uf tin Imm.1 mill. In tor h'te. Itatii in ihf bw.t pn ol ike Mats snl psvlnv the hisnpt Wrwsnl Hit- lMMt snil sr.- l!Hnr t par for It. WrIU) trs ns la p.-r.iD lor u-rui sni sntw-s. M. L. HOuJf N. Ui.,HOCKV MOUNT, J. C. SilUiaaa SUCSY MQUWT SSILLS EGGS-POULTRY Wa Sis U laraest kanalen of Bus tot Poalur In the South. WHAT NAVC VOU TO SHIP! Tbs nlb-st aiarko srir s'lsrsnte-d ilh aslek reoirnr l.l.s nua trfai. lief ereaees. isl Kallonal Bank, Hlcbmund. Vs. WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Comniuk.. Marekants, RICHMOND, VA. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We alaa da kirheel rlass o( finishing. Prtoes and Catalrie upon requeaW S. CalssU Oatkal Ca., fctaasaJ, Va. C.s,OMFlMTeetfc p-jpjksrwij ft I ait fctsh for nlil arotd. silrw. DlaVtlniim, dniaVl sToial ml .W iij jAwc'ry. Will rd4 wh by retani msvll tnd "HI atoll) good 14 fof rrntfAr pprl nt (trie.,.Ps. WANfCD sccoBd-hanil Bst, kartaa, soar karrnK Ki ntae. Wrst Sj Sfkea l HMOMD SAO COM T sjirlal lm a Csrj. -r ir T7a Hill 0- 6 few cents under bit personal guaran tee that it will clean your sluggish Uver better than nasty calomel; it woat Biake you si -k and you can eat anything you want without being sali vated. Your druggist guarantees that eaeh spvmful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you l by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Wann's Liver Tone because It is pleasant tast tug and doesn't gripe or cramp or Bmkr thera sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Hudson's IJver Tone to ieo,e who have found that this pleasant, Tege tal'le liver medicine takes the place ot dangerous calomel. ISuy one bottle on Biy sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about we. Adv. Spring Run of Distemper MY t.K WIIOIXT AVvilI'KD lit IKINU (,CPAHN" A 'illay of monrjr brings vers ajrejl results. It is a ur cure an.t a preventive if you r II as per directions, aimrle. safe and sure. The II else ts twice the quantity and an eunre mors thaa the te else, (let your knrse s in best condition lor 1st sprint an I iut. All druggists, kameaa deal ra nr msnitf rtur'r. PI-OII MEDICAL CO Maaafact.rera, (.wake a, lad. MET SITUATION ALL RIGHT Small Boy at Least Showed That Ha Was Possessed ef th Quality ef Resourcefulness. Senator t'.illiert M. Hitchcock of Nebraska remarked ut a social gather- lug that when one was doing his lwt It wax all that colll.l lie expected of him, mid contributed the following ti ry mh an Illustration: One afternoon little Jimmy was In. vlted to lake tea Willi a chum, and when he returned home he fmiml his mother anxiously waiting for him. "1 hoe, Jimmy." sal 1 1 the mother. after listening to sundry detaiU of the affair, "that you remembered to wash your hands before you went to the table." "We ere culled In so iit !i ly." an- , swt red Jimmy, "that 1 iliilu't have but one:" e. laliueil his mother, with mm h ramnii. "What .lid you ,u.r -vhv, I ate v llh that one," was ,. n.wriiig r.-.l of Jimmv. "and ,., ,,. .,.. , ,MM.Ul.,.. .,.,,. ailelplila Telegraph. COULD HARDLY GET HER BREATH On ACCOUnt Of TlQht, SmOthe.ifiB .. . ,. reeling, CaUSed rfOm ACninQ Lump In Stomach. Black Draught Relieved This Lady. Kings Mountain, Ky. Mrs. Tell whatever It was, ached constantly. I couldn't sleep nt night. I had no appe tite and I began falling off. I am nat urally a large woman but Just weighed 1155 lbs, 1 got so nervous I felt I could not stand It any longer. I knew In my condition t coOld not live long. We had one doctor, he snld 'Indiges tion.' I took medklne from Mm, but It Old not seem to help me any. We h:id another doctor. He said It wca neuralgia of the stomach.' I took hi medicine, still tin re was that aching lump, rinally the doctor decided it tnlfht he a decayed tooth, and advised n, laVa teeth llrnwn which 1 did. I didn't get any better. 0m IV brought home sample of Hlack-Irnuglit. I had been ,. ,. - , . , . ill," I.,IM1FIU .... noxt fiiomiu?. I fold him I nol rveti I M. ftIt l" ;l,'r- iTought home a pack i Fly Killer I , . . ... i.. . age, and two packages cured n.c and I iuuy neiice svea my inc. i wttgn 183 lbs. and am the picture of health." Your druggist Bella IHack I uaught Try It. Aiiv. Reasonable Inquiry.. "I sliMilt! like a Mrterhiuse steak with niu-liriKiiiiK," saiil the striingiT, "siitiie ili'liriiti'ly drowned tonst with pli'tity i.f liiittrr " "'Sense me, stih." Interriipteil the waller. "Is u tr In to (rive nn or der ur Is you Jis' reiiiliiisclu' Ixiut olJ tlmesr Importur.t to Mothers r.lan.iue tuirluliy ml) loitll of CASl'dlUA, that fnmotts old remedy for Infuuts and cI'M'Iren, uud we tlmt It . Berrs the Slgtinture of In vse for Over ers. Children Cr? for Fletcher's Castoru An Aur'ac ous Guest, "The Hons never touched I'anlel when he was thrown Into their den." "Miiyhe," ventured th painfully precocious child, "it was meatless day." The Sole Recourse. "I wish they could find a rnmiMly for lliin dcndhK'k. MTli imy one to unit it Oie key to the pitui.tinn." To Drir Out Mattarta tnd Build t I he STttrm Takf the Old frtsinlkinl uKuVB S TAJITfll BSS eblil Ti -MC. Ton kfh'W what f a mn Ukioa thtftrmul.srlntM tn ftrrf lahfi, sriowm Hit Valua tUd lXUD ID 4N TaSlek:M (uHb. & It's less credit to a man to he good If his Income exceeds his wants. Self-denial Is also on of tbs attri butes of patriotism. BOY SCOUTS! ! .Conducted hy , ..uncll at tb B? St-oula ef Anrrk al WHAT DO BOY SCOUTS DO? Some people have been" heard to ask, "What are the scouts for Just eamp tngsndoutihiorfHnr The following Is not unusual; its Just mhut the scouts In one place, I., Angeles, have done during the wt year: Sold t;.( worth f the first Lib erty loan Unols and $:ra,S." of tha secoait IMstributeil' Mt pieces or LllTty nond llterwture. Sold worth of l, t,iK Cliristman seals, and dlstrlt.ute.1 cirxulsrs for the Ited . asking fr r'rtreh test hooks to be used in nnv camps. INstrtl.uted l,Kver I'l.slge cards In the residence districts snd put up lbsver fixt conservation jwistera. I'ut up Murine t'orps recruiting p, and navy wters. Col- bs-teil thousands of magazines tn be sent to the soldiers. uinhT the auspices of the National Collegiate IVrioliCBl league. Assisted fxdice department by con ducting "Walk-Kite" campaign. r"urn Ished ttnskets of food fur hungry fami lies at Christmas time. SerTed sa "guard of honor" to icl1an mission. Assists! In production of patriotic pic ture for local film eoniany. Built Liberty bonfire for Woman's Liberty loan coinmlttee and furnished dotmmstratlon Infore 110,(100 people. Assisted In parade, gave demonstra tion, and assisted In servlns brteeue to the Liberty boys fur celebration by chamber of commerce. Furnished pro grams and assisted the Vuletlde com ndttee In other ways. r'urnisheil exhibition at Fourth of July celebrtttlon. Cnnvasscd offli-e buildings nnd assisted salvage depart ment of the Ited Cross. Acted as mes sengers at Ited Cross chapter hodse. Planted forty acres of "hmfle gar dens." Acted as "Little T.rothers" for soldiers and sailors, writing them let ters nnd keeping them stis on con ditions In their homes. Ass Med dur ing "Kindness to Animals" week. Cave flag program for Elicit club. As sisted city and county clerks at elec tion time. Cave scout play. "A Strenuous Aft ernoon," and assisted with one other program for the entertainment of chil dren. Administered "first aid" during parades and for numerous cases of ac cident throughout the city. iver l.uiO scouts given training nt the boy scout weekend camp near Hollywood; 275 scouts at vacation scout training camps In the mountains and at Cstallna Island. Assisted churches, clubs and other organizations with demonstra tions and exhibitions. (Julte active and helpful young cltl tens, are they not? MAYOR TAKES SCOUT OATH. An event of unique Interest wrs the taking of the oath of the Itoy Scouts of America by Mayor Hunter, of Terre Haute, Inil.. as part of his Inaugura tion ceremony. It Is undoubtedly the first time this has been done in the history of scouting In Hie Vnlted States. This will men a more than a mere curious distinction fnr Terre Haute. It Is a partof the heralding to the whole land that Terre Haute has shak en off Its old mantle. The principles of the scouts are universally remit nlied, and the fact that the Incoming mayor of Terre Haute has pledged himself officially to these principles speaks slgnlllcnntly to the world of what Is to be expected of Terre Haute from now on. As soon ns the applause subsided, a scout stepped forward and presented Mayor Hunter with a reproduction of the McKenr.le sliilue of a boy scout as a reminder that the boy scouts of Terre Hniite were always ready as the mayor's service In his efforts for r. new and better Terre Haute. SCOUTING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I'ny M-iiiit truliilii2 us n pnicniMi of edtii'iitlon wm (tlven Impi'tus nf a re. cent me.'titiK of the lioston School Masters' association. Juilne Sullivan sjsike of hoy seoiit tniltiltr.' ns a rlvlc ussi't. The hoy scout niovi'iiii'tit, he tirici-d, mis show ing (rrovvn-nps what real rlvlr truln Inir shinild he. Superintendent Pyer advncntel the hoy scout proemm as a rotniileiiirnt to the program of the ptilillo siIiihiI, hocnuse tliroujrh It character Is devel oped and leisure time employed, not only tn the advantniie of the hoys hut to the advantage of the whole com munity. I-i-n llussel desrrihed the hoy scout movement hs "tin nifency wil!-nlch pelnpi(rlcully lMrfeet." The Huston school committee passed I an onh r authorizing lieiid mnstcrs and ! iitilnr ttititcrs of hi'h schools snd I masters nnd suh imistcrs of eleim n ; lary scIiimiIs to ciwipcrnte In the ordure liatlim ntid encoiirngcnicnt of tr.Hfii it hoy scouts In the schools. BOY SCOUT FIRE LIGHTER. The nest fire liglitcr for scouts In the woods, says "Pine Tree" James A. Wil der, Is a pry-can full of sifted nshes t'lak.d with kerosene. A ti-nspoonfal of these ashes vlll hum for fully thirty minutes and Ignite the wettest wood, even large wo id. Her Choice. 'Kind words are more than cor snefs." "Give me the coronet and the other girls can make as mrny unkind re marks as they like." Louisville Cour-ler-Juurnnl. Explained. "Why Is that house next the corner ne always empty? Has It the repu tation nf being haunted?" "No, but the msn who (Ives In the comer one gives lescons on the Cur- The KITCnm If our Aw.eri.-a ! to t-, ( un ,-.r B-atM- !.i (,-!Lf t;er rltlaras n.ust W fc'ysi. -v..t. ,l.y t.utM'.l. tu i,r) re UUoa t I fe.-W J Uuu-Mds. COOO WARTIME DISHES. We cannot say that we are ; ur part In food ssvlirg and srvin ' Utiiesis e uaste ; lutely nothing. Not a I I crumb of bread should : jj Im The crumbs 1 ' 1 that fall fr..m !! bread I Uiurd tu cutting brvad ! mill amouiit to ut bast a easpK4tul fnnii a few slices. Put tb. in in ' chopped meat, tu pud dings, iu gravies fur thirki-nlng Instead of nest Any numUr of ns 111 occur to the os.k sho Is tri;.g to save. Veal Sweetbreads. Se,-:br.;ijs apdl quickly and should be us.,1 tts as HKslble. Plunge them into cold water and M stand un hour, changing tl water tl.e. put them to cmk in slightly a-Miil:,!ed water, Isillliig hot, C. k for t urty ailuu'es rather slowly. iH-ntn. l' Into cold ater tibh k...s tlnm' white and flnu. Now they may- be ts-d In various ways. j Liver. Part.!! .ne a.und of beef liver live minutes. Iruln. K.-uiove 1 the skin and veins, then brown In a . little hot fat, chop, a, I I a fourth of a i teBssMiuful of mustard, a tcnssinful I of salt, a few dashes of p.-ps-r a ! fourth of a teasHHnful of worces- ! tershire sauce and thicken aith a tea- j spcjiuful each of butter and flour. I Add a hard cooked egg and a tea- j spoonful of lemon Juice. Serve on I corn dodgers. j Corn Dodgera Itoll together one i cupful of milk nnd water, add a cup ful of eommetil and cook five mln- ! tea. A! two well beaten eggs, two teassHinfuls of unit and a tablesiMsin ful of fat. Heat thoroughly and bake In well-greased pan twenty five min utes In a hot oven. Serve from the dish with a spoon. Brown Sttw. This ts a gmd dish to make a little meat go a long way. Cut a pound of the neck of a beef In Inch culiex, season, dredge with flour brown tn fat, then add potato water to cover. When It Mis up set It t ack and let It simmer slowly for three hours. Three quarters of an hour be fore the end of thp cooking, add car rots and turnips cut In cubes; a half hour before serving add potatoes. Three fourths or a cupful of each veiretulile vlll he a pHul roHirtl.m. rvnn't you wish thst you mlgtit iwe Si ring pe. p nut h. Iilnd each tree rm't you wlh that ynu might hear All the briH'klets shouting cleur GOOD THINGS WITH 8ARLEV FLOUR. In many of the darker cakes, using spices, tnolnsses and chocolate, hurley flour may he tucd exclusively In place of the wheat flour. lour egg iiiks verv light, ihM one cup ful of sugar, heat ing It In gradually. then mill a ttihle spnotiful of hot wuter. a cupful of hur ley flour inlved iitnl sifted with one nnd a half teiispisuiftils of linking povviler, a fourth of a teaspootiful of suit nnd n tintmotiful of lemon Juice. ! Fold In the egg whites, beaten stiff. ! nml hake In a slow oven l.'i inliiiitos. Plain Barley Cakt - Sift one nnd ii i half tenspooiifuls of htiklr.g powder I with two rupfiiU of flour, a pinch ol salt, ('renin n fourth of a cupful of fnt, add three-fourths of a cupful of corn sirup, a Iwnteu egg, tvvothlrds of ii cupful of in! Ik lidded nltcrtialely vvl'h the flour nnd well Peaten. Add u cupf'il or less of rnMns well ttoiird ittid stlrreil Into "the cake. Pour Into n shallow pan niel hake "it iiiliiiitcs. Carley and Ostmr?l Drop Caks. Take ii cupful of litTlcy Hour, one nnd n fourth cttpfuls of rolled oats tlmt ' have heeii well parched prnl put llirotigh the meat grinder, a h;:lf a cupful of I fat, one-fourth of n cupful of drown j suiriir. the same of corn sirup, olio egg. three tllhlevpootifiils of water, two tea- I nfuls of linking powder, with h I teaspootiful of salt mixed Willi th 1 Hour, nnd lastly n half-cupful of nuts. Barley Cakes. Take two cttpfuls of t'grley flour, three teiisponnfiiN ef Imk . Ing powder, a half teaspoonftil of salt. sifted together. Cr. aiii a fourth of n cupful of fat with throe-foiirlhs of n j cupful of sumir. add n half cupful of I mil!; and three-fourths of a cupful of I nut meats. Prop on well-grenseil pati and hake In a moderate oven. Barley Pie Crust. Prepare the pas try Jttst as usual, using hnrl.y Hour . Instead of wheat. It will he a littlo tinnier to handle hut will he tender and flaky. A must dainty pie enn he ninde of custard, using three or noli ' nmrshinnllows to sweeten, and two or three tenspooiifuls of rm'onut stinvd i Into the meringue instead of the u ' gnr, whMi dot s (iway ! I. tidng -u gnr. Arabian Bridal Presents. Among modern Arnhlntis the lirlde- i mnkes the hrlde presents, which are Sent a day or to hefore the nun- tlals. As soon s the hrlde reaches the bridegroom's house she mnkes hln presents of hoiwhold furniture, a Sienr and a tent. New Idea In Shaping Glass Tubes. A reported Herman method of shap ing glass tithes consists In placing a core of the desired form nml size Iu a somewhat larger ginss tube, exhaust ing the Mr from the tube nnd sealing It, and then rotating while kept hot until the outside air pressure fits the glass closely ntsiut the Core. Congress, for Example. A man and his money are soon part ed, according to the law and the pnrph ets. Hut not half so soon as a man and somebody else's money. THINKiNG MORE ABOUT DEATH ' War's Effect on the M.nds of Ecsbsh men Is Declared to Have Been Extraordinary. In Kntltiiid the effect of religious thought of tline years and a lilf of war has tl i-xtraordiuary. The re vlval of religious f. rv.-r. in many iu staniss tile itirect result of p. rsoUal loss by iU-;i!li or fear of impending L'-s, lu,s reflected itself iu Lnglish lit. rtittirv. The most ast.mishing of all recent conversions is that of II. C. Wells, hard beaded unit yet tender-hearted Ssialist. who now writes of religion as if it were discovery of his own. Another writer who has Hru Us I by the war 111 faith in a life U-vond the grave Is Sir Oliver Lodge. vv! his.k. "Kay n d." dealing with the l-ollltllUliietitiolis s.-ll. I to have been rv elved fn.tu bis son, is one of the phenomena of present-day literature. The war Is making the world think intently about death and what i-oms after and. in 1s.11se1p101.ov. is them to establish a closer relation -taring life with the eternal.-KM-lmiige, A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER! IS TONGUt COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOURf 'CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS CANT HARM TENDER STOM ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children sin. ply wiil not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which he-nune clogged up with waste, Uver g'U sluggish, stomach our. v Look at ths tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath had, restless, doesn't rat heartily, full of cold or has sors throat or any other children's ail ment, give a tenspnonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harm less, and In a few hours all this con stipation poison, sour bile and fer menting waste will gently move out ot the bowels, and you have a well, play ful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" Is oftltnes all thnt Is neces sary. It should be the Drst treatment 1 given In any sickness. Beware of Counterfeit fig syrups, . Alc your druggist fur a bottle of "Cal- Ifornla Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that It Is made by the "Call-1 firnla'FIg Syrup Company." Adv. Too Late. i "Hello! Is this Senator P.lnnkst" "Yes. What do you want?" "I want to he appointed iMisttnnster j of Iireezevllle." j "Who are you?" i "I mil the son of the present Incuni- bent. Father Is very 111. mid the dot tor says that he cannot last another day. As no one else outside the finally Is aware of the seriousness of his Ill ness I thoiiL-lit 1 woiiM cull you up to make sure that I was the first " "I'm sorry, but some one has antici pated you." "What ! Who was It?" "The doctor!" Judge. Cuticura Heal Eczema And rushes that Itch and burn. If there Is n tendencj to pimples, etc, t prevent their rcturr by making Cull- I ctiru your dally toilet preparation. For free samples address, "Ctiiloura, Iiept X. Hoston." At druggists nud by malL Soap 25, Ointment L" nnd 50. Adv. Nothing Even Midway. .letter "He's away ahead of his time with his Ideas." Hotter "Yes, nml away behind times with paying his hills." Cruel Comment. "My wife was stung on that last bon net she got." "No woiiiler; she's nl wnjs got a bee in It." T'hi nialiy pisiple have this rule of conduct: "Work not lest ye be worked " rr feery e Tv1 h" sol only espeie W-trms ir T.P'"im hi.l roans mil the msitis In whhh Ih'V hrd aril lom,s all ths Sicostlva. Onv e SufflclspL A4v. Kvci sslve si!ltei,ess Is seldom tin j spoaklnir terms with truth. laaf Are You Bloated After Eating With that gassy, puffy feeling, and hurtlnij near your heart? For Quick Relief Take ONE (FOR You can fairly feel it work. It drives the GAS out body and the Bloat goes with it. Reawvrs Qwickly Iasfisioa, Beartbara, Sear Stoaaaca, cte. CM EATONIC from fomr DrrngpH with thm DOUBLE GUARANTEE Si" aw. I i?&C J 5V -",4aVsriaf h ' ' I It's Poor Economy to Endure a Bad Back IN tKrse days of rising prices, we need CTcry ounce of strength and the ability to do a full day's work every day. The nui or woman with weak kidney it half crippled. Sore, aching kidneys; lame, stiff bark, headache, dizzy spells and a dull, tired feeling and urinary disorder are daily sources of distress. You can't afford to neglect kidney weakness and make k easy for gravel, dropsy or Bright' disease to take you. Get a bo of Doan's Kidney Fill today. They have helped thousands, They should help you. Personal Reports of Real Cases A SOUTH CAROLINA CASE. Mrs. A. T. lUlUrJ, M Kutwan Ft.. Iteaaettsvtlle, 8. C, sum: "I auftrred tbree years from M!ny trouble anil tl mJ.m' I t"S didn't aaem to h!p me Tl. funs in n,y but a -e so bjd at tina I felt as if aiy tsiek .Tr brukea. My nerves a wreck and t!. r-iiris sbit up from n- bvk tnt my hrad. I hat u.jiv si 'is and bit txxly sselled. A fru ad rec Dean's Kidny Tills sad after I used the first tui tb swellings snd pains er relieved. Tii re tsvs csmipletly cured ins and I hare had no sign of kidney complaint since.4 DOAN'S J fl 0 a Boa At At) Store 'isiEi9ar For MAURi A, CHILLS and fVER. 18 A CRIME AGAINST NATURE Stop it or you never can keep well If yon wake with a hi kssts in tKa mouth, coated tongue, peihapt headache, your liver is torpid. A torpid live deianges ths whole system, produces dyspepsia, eoativeness and p lea. Thee is no belter lemedy lor these disorders than DR. Tl'TT'S LIVLR PILLS. Try them just one and be eternally convinced. For sals by ail diuggiata. Dr. Tuft's Liver Pills Sounded Like That. The nurse In u well-to-do family overheard the Jlttle son of the house toMiug his sister how he had hid he hind the portiere uud spud on Mg Ms tor and her beau. "tih, tell me what tiny did," cried little sister. "It was such fun." chuckled the boy. "The big chump fhl'iieil down on his knees and then he said: 'Answer me, Clara, I can stand this expense no longer." Huston Transcript, tats of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. rhaney makes osth that h ts senior partner of tlie firm of F. J Cheney A Co., dolus; business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and ttint said Arm will par ths sum of ONK Ht'N IRED IK'LLukKU fur any case of Ciuarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH ME0IC1NK. FRANK J. CHFNEY. worn tn before me and subs' rthed In my presence, this 6th day of December. A D. 1st (Peal) A. W. Olesson. Notary Public. HALL'" CATARfiH MEDICINE Is tak. n tntfrnivUv and acts through the Blood on th Mutoua Surfaces of the System. liriKKlsts, Tic. Testimonials frea. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo. Ohio. Over There to Stay. A Southern darky, who had enlist ed In the American expeditionary forces, vvas all inilt' upon arriving In France. "My! My!" he exclaimed, "it sho' takes some nerve to cross dat Atlantic ocean. If It don't freeze ujl ovah and a railroad ain't built across to mall home In Atlanta, I's a Huro pean fo' do rest of my life." niMR riMtrw a r.oor Tovtc Ami Drives Malaria Out sf the Sjsieea. Yonr ISslleh, acts tike mae-lr ; I bavv girtn It to numereua people In nny irlsh who were entrrlna- wilb cbllis, nialaria and fever. I ree enimriitl II to those who are aiitTerers anl In ro-f-d of a gtxA lonle." Rer. S. HivaianowsVil, ft Riephrn's Chur. h, Perth Amlx.T, K. J. I lltlr Rabek, 50 rents, all dmrrists or h Pr. el Post, prppalil, trosi Klocaewskl C Wasalnton, D O. The Refusal. He- Ilow'd you like a M t dogt She Now, Charlie, haven't I told you that I don't Intend to marry? When n man pnwnts a girl with an engagement ring It Is i-vjual to a declaration of war. Ir. l'ierce'a I'lessnnt reliefs are ths original little liver pills put up 40 yenrs ego. They regulate liver and bowels Ad. Life is full of uncertainties, even to thoe who exjiect the worst. ATOM AC YOUR STOMACH'S SAKtP 4MwawwaQ...S1S4ISxSawlSN A NORTH CAROLINA CASE. A. T- Webster. re;dar St., Or, fcsm. N. C. says: "I suffrJ ss erijr frnra pains arrs ths snmll vt r bjik. My kktneys tr sore and at ttmea ths set-rations er unnatural sr.d rv ai no rnd of trnubla. P-"S after I tesaa Isqin's Kidu. jr 1'ills 1 ot bvtttr and 1 bad bit htlia fain tn my b.vck slm-s. Ths kid tivv secrations wers cleared VP. loo." Seven rears later Mr. Webster said: "Whenever I "nave th leant need of a kidney medictna I tnke a few dnses of Doan's ard they always five, ma fine resuhs.' KIDNEY PILLS Foster-Milbura Caw Buffalo, N. Y Ckstaiata SOLD FOR SO YEARS. ALSO a riNC GENERAL STtr "CTIITta. IN6 TONIC Sals ky All Dra asarsa, Ont-Sided View. "What sort of u man Is (irvenT" "Fine. The hct ever." "Is he trustworthy?" "Very." "Would you lend money to hltnl "As to that I can't say. I've only Imrrowvd from him." Kicking a nmn after he Is down la one way of making him get up but at Isn't always safe to do It. Distemper do Be CtMtnOsJ kr ton us. Uitsi Honssas FEVER PASTE SI'S ana WHITE 1 1NIMFHT rrtas) Ak; 0 Head the fV rVectkai Home Vilsisssilasi a f.-r henhlet on AaoSTMlsT "X. is cows, u auaeai.r it wai soars a rite h. (nil latrti' 1st. Cs, 100 Irasa tarns, 1 plNcuralfiia ted wins Why mifTcr from e.cmciuting ncu-n'-iiia rains when n applicn-ttna U agei't aUiiiniciit will g.vt quick felitif TriillillitT.rTlti ff-M trtrt. fr?rrStta initiini, tciatica.. hradiiche. ri.i in cbtorde,pii, cuts arid bruiser. 35f PfR BOTTLE AT AL!. DrAI.FR! Bdt'hbottlen.ntulnsnit're iaa baa uualvJc buUJeof limoieuu OILBKRT IIRnS.a CO., HlttmoT,d. fAKEH'9 HAISt BALSAM A t"ilrt prrrM"" ' is"tt fllr. U eovl f(-st 4n&nA. Fo. RK-. 1 .W mnt BaaXT M irss art lUrf Tomato Plants Li'.'JKTiJsa tat. lit. "l isii lut itfl tut at l.lwi st 1 Hi f Sera avt s lumv si I ' 1) r.JAMISOS. SI W KR VI LLA.a. a sfcaopsY M serath. S sSl Trr 14. Tl 11 fnm fi' er i iiiom evllraa ass sSMS rvtlL Sr mr f IS. mmi ' a. ia Try Ik Tl Isl wu .al .- SSSB. ar waSV- JSsrJ. WHsite DS). TMOWI vAs tai aaa e sa. tmoms.1 . cam asuTswurra. a W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 20-191, of your IS9 1 CHaCea I

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