Don't Miss Our Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials Its your change of the season to save money on our clothing requirements for the summer. Specially attractive are the beautiful lines J Coat Suits and Ladies Dresses priced for quick clearance - But there are bargains in every line G. D. SHELL, Headquarters for Men's, Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS ! I wish to announce to my friends and voters of Halifax County, that 1 w i'l lv a candi date in the coming IVmocratk Primary to beheld Jane the M.. 191S for the Oitkvof Kect-tt r of Heeds. I want to thank my friends for the loyal sup;vrt tfiven me in the past and wish to say if lam nom'r atetia'ii 'eotod I will give the same prom; t atten tion to a'.l. matter of evming into the O'ii v and the same courtesy wi.l he extended to one and all as I. Tet.'fore. Kepee; ..-, .J. !, . - v.- April the t"' TM ' ,k-,-.l t - '! ni'l I '. v'i M l-U-l.r ........ I ' ' .1 When You Need Furniture We ii.vite you to con e in and let us show you the big lues c i furniture of all kinds we have just received. 1 Every article of this new Furniture is fresh from the factory, modern in design, durably & attractively made. r Out stvk covers the wuole furniture rat'jje from kitchen to attic in cheap to hiiot r.i.l furniture. Cash or Easy Payments i Virginia-Carolina Furniture Co. V'l . ! n'i,'. i : 3 a risking in I urniturt i T! i (,. I s. ..! r tit '..'.ill " ', n. - " : l.y ilu' l;..r i ..! I.,!-: C'.n.M! v. Sh"I 1' Y.- : t . . H v : a ,'!rt ' i ' -' ' ! it r. t-.. I: !.t nr.i ,' l-'-.-.i it' i i n l ' i ! .1 .! 3 1 i v i I i .. t 'A : , IV ,.ri h -.i.i l.-t-..-r. S.i.ilh K-- i i ' t.c ..,-n n M.r. ..i u ,i!t i .1 .: p..-.- . - h . t.-r !.' h i n: - in:! a :..' ' : u or nc'it : -'. n t .i n ; -: 1 ni-a' n ar ; .r. ; " ami I'" .'i -IT, I '!! .' 'It lilt- I' ll P vh " r. I -- n: : " ' ' t- !. l.y t'i. i tv t oti ;n rli- - , 1 5Mid I'i'M .'ii !,! ' lt'-M --1.1111 i Ia i: tl' the in f-ii ...Iit ii -a: I .ij.r-i. ! U.-w'i-'-H-. .1. r. A ."i. 1'''-. i'H . i I '-; . 1 ''.'.' S-i)ih l:..' -:i-r -f t:c I:.-h'.1 "!' I "in Ci.ii iii -r.i'i'-. I'mt IIh.:ux ',.,t.t .. 1. II N"!,M N ( .,'r lurl. , I ., I !!. ..H'-i ..' I .I'l-'H-l. InN -v U-.V'.I ..i!!f !i.ll II! Go To Harrison For Dtvss oi!es. Organdies and 1 .awns in the daintiest and newest patterns - lii variety and low prices 15c to 65c per Yard L.un Cloth, Nainsooks, Batiste, Madras, Dimity, Sheeting, Table Damask, Napkins, Towels, Ginghams, Chambrays. e give you the 1 st at always the lowest prices. J. H. Harrison, Jr. We Sell Satisfaction Roanoke Avenue Rosemary, N. C. Unparalelled Values in Mens Women's & Children's Shoes HOE Beginning to-day and continuing for Ten Days our entire Lines of Spring and Summer Shoes and Oxfords will be sold at reduced prices. S The sale includes hundred of pairs of new and stylish shoes just bought by Mr. Cohurn during his recent trip to the factory at prices that enables us to sell them to you at less than wholesale prices. We haven't space to quote prices. Will only say that it is the greatest value giving shoe sale we've ever held - and that's going some! Many $4 and $5 shoes, made this season sell for as low as $2.48. Our big line of hosiery is also reduced. We want to remind you that the prices quoted are going to sell shoes, and to be sure of getting exactly what you want, we advise you to come early and avoid disappointment F. M. COBURN Halifax and Northampton Counties Largest Shoe Store 1 0) STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy. Ky.. says: Tor quite a Ions while I suffered with stomach tu'uWo. 1 voulJ have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a m st disasreeable taste in my rmuuh. If I ate anything with butter.oil or grease, I would spit it up. I tet:ati u have regular sick headache. I had used fills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all tuf my trouble. 1 heard THEDFORD'S E. B. GLOVER FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER Roanoke Rapids, Day Phone 506 - N.C Night Phon 540 recommenced very hichly. s becati t use it It cured me. I keep it in the house all tie time. It is the best liver medicine made. I dj n i have sick headache or stomach trouble any more. Ulack-Draiitfht acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for tie in tune of need. Oct a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. I'rice 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE REVER TIRE They prepare you for all conditions of motoring and give genuine satis faction. Granite R Plain Tread Tread Tread Tires and Tubes in All Sizes We have in stock Grain Cradle Spring Tooth Cul tivators Just what you need for cultivating your cotton and corn. See the Perfection Peanut Planter Everything in Hardware Roanoke Hardware Company; Roanoke Rapids, N. C NO. 5767 I REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF j THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ROANOKE RAPIDS j AT ROANOKE RAPIDS I in the State of North Carolina, at the close of butiness' May 10. 1918 Resources t. Im nd diunti (npl thot hown on b nd tl L'41 :r. l Total Un !!.'.. Is d Note ftrtd bill, mliirount! (other than bank acrtanm Bold) IS ll.nn STil lU.-MNI UU 2ll.r.l , 2. Overdraft, unwrnwl ... .- . yy7 I. V HUM'S lolhar than l.ibrrty Hindu, hut ini'ludmt; V. Ortifiratraof indrhlrdnrol Ifc.r.m rfrwttrtt to wrur firrulal toll (par lul OW b I . 8. lMnd and rcrtincate of in leoledru'M pleriK't'd to vrurt? r. Lk-pocili of inrirlitoilno ow nfd and uniildtrpd.. I. 10 i mr vaiu l f I'. S. rlondu a id rrrtifieati I.lltKKTY LOAN HONDS- a LiUTty lin hnmlH. :l 1-Z nt and 4 xr p'nt. urij.litd 3,(Mum d LitMTt.v l.onn H'initii. 3 1-2 lr rt'nt and 4 I'rr r'rit. t'ltK! to at-runr StaU or d i-i. f. or lull taliU 2.1 Mrft.lHl 5 rMtfMHi Bl'NUS. SKi I Kl riKS. Kir. Imher than V. S I i. Si'untiM niripr than 1'. S Homi i not int'ludinr t'N'k own.t uni0ilrtn1 t.M.yTo.rrft To'a! tmr ilii. Mviintirn. rtr 24,fT't "Jl Btoi-k of Knlraniicf Hank ( 'il' per cent of utiarnlition I.v'iO.ihi a aluf of ti.-ir.kii i; h'nim- ri.l'.TiiJ" h K-iitiT y in linnt.inir Iioum I:l.67n i F ii nil'.ie ar t ft xl urfr- a ',i ; i4 Kt'ii tlatr in Iml otlirr t han luris inn hoUMl" hi I-a fill rm-rc ailh Kmh ral Hmt.c Hank It. Ml t Cah in vault and net amount due tnm National tutrik ;il,a lo Nrl amouliip due from tuink. liauKer aiid trut coniaiiH- other than llu ludt'd in Itrnm 11. M. and IS q Total of Itema 14. I V 1. 17. and 1 S2.HO im rle.l.fflitton 1 und with I;. S Treaa. and doe from IT. rf Treasurer ,v S.rrfai.rwi lltti-rert earned hut not eollerled ain'rommate -on Notet and Hill Uec'tile not lUlHt due 171. l:t Hur SavinK Hiluate and Thrift Sumiw arttially owned a airent for tale 1.2H im MuliaUid eurretit- in transit mi i,t ToUl ... .IW,SM.54 Liabilities " Tai ! .Inrk p, J U 6. fund I0i. a. I r,dividtl i-rotlla . '.". W b I. current exprneea. intereet and lanes wid 2.rrf6.l6 37. Int.-n .i at.d derounu iMlktcted or credited, in ad.anre of maturity and not earned iHniimTimate) BO. fV'-iilatina: rote outstanding , .""." .."."..".".".". II. Net amount due to Nul'onai flank .... " Total of item 32 and 3S .'." fi.U...7 ' Ormand de.its (..tber than bank drpoil) rlubjert to Keren ilril payable ilhin ai itas 4. Individual depneiU tuhjeet to rherk .. '16. Ortiherl cnerks 'S7. Tashier't checks outstandinr Total of demand dVt.wits.lother than hank dcpoaita) ubject to Heeerve.llem M. lfi. 38. .T7. 3. an.Uo and 41 SI3l.4UUt.H3 Timt Detiwt ubje. t to Kearrve I payable after SO dayi or suliject to JO day or mora notice? and postal saving's I 4.V Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject to Reserve. Item's 4i 40. 44 arid ts!."."."JitS.IW.74 4 I'mted State deposit, (other than postal savlnsral f tHher United State deposit, including deiNmil of U. 8. disbnrinir nfrtcer . .. I.'SJOOO H. Bill payable, other than with Federal Reserve Bank, including all obligation rep resenting money borrowed, other than rediacr.unt Total 57. Liabilities for red.scounta. including thnw with Federal Reserve Bank nee item id'l " aist.issi isi IT.usi isi 3.2il.ef, 2.M?. l fill IRMI ISI tl.KUi P7 li:i.72.ia 2:r7.27 27.(V irc.otl.7l 2n.fmn.hii tl.TJ4 54 II1.5KJ.IJ0 SUt of North Carolina, County of Halifax, . I, E. H. Rick, C'aahier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowleee and belief. E. H. Ricks, Cashier. Correct Attest: T. W. M. Long, Wells D. Tillery, W. L. Long, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of May, 1918. Hurley King, Notary Public Hot Weather Comforts in Furniture that will make your home more j.i!eas. ant and healthful liurirk.' the Hut Summer Months can U" secure.! now from our bijr .ttck and at reas onable frices and on easy terms if desired. New Perfection and Gem Oil Stoves fur the kitchen will elcminate niiu ty jvr cent of the heat with no detriment to the cotikinr. Enjoy Your Porch to the fullest by furnishing it with shades, a Crex rur and a set of Porch Furni ture, tuickly and inexpensively making it an extra riHm of your house. Refrigerators and Ice Chests cut down food spoilage - at once a comfort and necessity. We invite your inspection of the many sizes in stock. B. S. WEBB Exclusive Furnilurt Dealer lioarujt Rapids. N. C. jjgrn! for Jtson 'Phomtgraphs anj 'Jrcorti Rose's Offers CURTAIN GOODS and WINDOW SHADES 25 Dozen Window Shades while they last 48c Saturday Special 1 lb. Boxes Best Chocolates at 40c Rose's 5, 10 and 25c Store Dollar Limit Rosemary, North Carolina The Little Check "You don't need to trive me a very large check book," said the young lady who had just opened an account. "I will not write any large checks." Of course that's just a joke, but did you ever stop to think what a powerful thing a little check can become when properly filled out with your name at the bottom? It will buy your groceries, pay your business transactions, and safeguard your savings. It stimulates commercial confidence and signifies success. THE CHECK'S THE THING" The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids 4! interest on Savings Capital and Surplus over $60,000.00 Halifax County's Largest anj Strongest Financial Institution a

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