4. j Vol unie V. Number 41 AN.'k KAnfo rfKCNAL wo lual rati Mv? I'i arle W'V'.v spnt ;-ev Tdi us m IkA'hutuna the L'dft tek. Muss Mildred Snodgrass has ktarrt'd to her home in Balti- mre. Mr. 1. V. K'.'llojrtf is vi?:inp lricnds heie tlvs week. Miss Mau l Wlikhsnn srxvit h'f ral ia the past wk ir. cotland Neck and Norfolk with iends and relative. Mi.- Vivian Wi.kinson viited Wativea in Scotland Neck dur- ig the Ho'idas. Mr. E 1. A. lVker. of Nor illt. left Monday fr his home. fter an extended visit here in he home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. founds. Mr. Ed. A. Parker, of Nor. lk. is visiting her sister, Mrs. . J. Bounds. Mr. and Mr. U S. Mosher, of orfolk, visited Mr. andMr. J. . Chase here hist week. Mr. Seabrook Jones, of Camp Jackson, arrived Monday for a hort visit to his tarents, Mr. La m kv ii t iss Mattie Grimmer pent!dpaiofsurDris was consummated he Holidays here with her par- hts Mr. and Mrs. Lousis Crim- lr I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grimmer. ; Petersburg visited relatives . We the past week. ' Messrs Richard Hymnn and: larence Grimmer, of Wiimlng-i In, spent a few days here last eek. i Mr. Harry Lee't, of Norfolk, ft Monday, after u several days ; sit here to friends. I Mr. Thomas White left Mon-! y lor iSewDort iews. alter Lending the Holiday s here w ith latives. Miss Cammie Vaughn return- !to Greensboro Monday, after nding several days here with latives. Mr, Clarence Toppinvr spent hursday in Richmond on busi- ess. Mrs. G. I). Shell is in Balti- hore on business this week. Mrs. Joe Cherry, of Rocky ilount. spent the week-end here with relatives. Miss Mary O'Flaherty left Tuesday for her home in Balti lore. Mr. R. O. Bray and daughter, liss Lessie, 8ent several days ; n Danville ths past week. Mr. P. C. Duncan spent the Holidays in Clayton with rela- ives. Lieut Joseph Houe returned to his home Wednesday, after spending some time here with elatives. Mrs. L H. Hale and J. W. Korthington returned Thursday rem a visit to Richmond. Mr. and Mrs.' M. S. Chandler and son, of Portsmouth, are spend ngsome time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allsbrook Mr. H. L. Divis, of Ports- louth, spent Christmas with Miss usie Allsbrook. If.. ! T A U'..J.r,ir u u a is..!. ...,v,....r.k- iursuaiiics i n. TTaiuaiiui.m. iliuic Oliu Mine 'lau ft, 1 1 ivi vaunt- . . Biie left Thursday for Williams' ton, where they will visit rela tives. Mrs. J. B. Green and daughter Miss Lottie, .p'nt several days at Lawrenceville with relatives. Mr. T. R. Atkins and daugh ter, Lola Atkins, left Christmas day for Petersburg, Va., to spend a week with relatives. Misses Metta and Inza Jones spent several days in Richmond with friends during the Holidays. Judge Mullen, of Petersburg, was in town this week. Mr. J. L. Patterson and family spent the Holidays in Atlanta with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stainback and family, spent Christmas at Henderson with relatives. Miss Inez Williams and Christ ine Cranwell and Claude Williams Spent several days in Williamston with friends and relatives. lit. A. M. Proctor returned BODY OF WHITE MAN FOUND IN RIVER The body of a supposed w hite man was found floating in the river near Pollocks Ferry on Sat-; unlay morning December L'lst. f he County Coroner was notified: 1 he notified the Northampton authorities, as it is claimed they nave authority to high water n this side of the river. I held the body until Tuesday 21th. 12 oclock. then I took the the body out of the water and examined it: found the man had a gun shot wound on the left side if his head made by No. 4 shot He was dressed in overall pants blue serge coat, and wore about No. 8 shoe, there were a pair of gloves in the right hand pocket of the coat. ' 1 wrapped the body in a sheet and buried it with his clothes, relieving that the public should know )f his, 1 am sending it to you for publication as local news. Signed. G. S. Mingia HARRISON - JONES i -v marriage oi tiuiie ruua rhrismaa mornin at the home ,f t, ani i.Q r T.vb. uinn Mf Frnnat .InnM and Miss Kose Harrison were united jn wedlock by Rev. Raliegh L Topping, of the First Christian Church. The bride and groom are both til known here, having made Roanoke Rapids their home for many years, Mr. Jones is a member of the force of Hancock-House Co. Mrs. Jones is also well known IH,ca,,u UUUIMBU "Iau ,,C,,UB who wish them a long and happy wedded life. When tht Worm Turned. Ella lit lil the umtialrable position ot younittT HlNtr, mid both her oKjf sle ter Mid brother did considerable "boi Ing." One liny nhe rebelled. "Marji yon boa me junt Ilk jon was my mamma, and Will fuaaea Uk h WU mjr r Kb blubbered. Thursdav from Richmond, Va, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore and family spent the Holidays in Franklintonwith relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wyche and family and Miss Susan Holaday spent some time in Hen- derson the past week. Dr. John W. Martin has been honorably discharged from the U. S. Army and returned to his former position as physcian for the Patterson Mills Co. The many friends of Miss Marie Bishop will be pleased to learn that she was among the successful candidates for Nurs ing Certificates before the State Board recently held in Asheville, Miss Bishop received her train ing at the Roanoke Rapids Hos pital. Messrs. W. G. Lynch and Frank Williams motored to Ebony Va., Friday; spending the day with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lynch and . son, Graham; returned monuay from Parmele, where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Daniel, of Oxford, spent Monday in the ; home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Taylor and family visited relatives in Ox ford the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Satterwhite and family visited relatives in Henderson a few days last week. Mrs. C. W. Graham spent Christmas in Seaboard with rela tives. Mr. C. W. Graham spent a few days in Burlington the past week. , Mrs. W. G. Thompson left Sat urday for Norfolk to visit friends, Sergt rrancis ratterson is spending some time here with his father Mr. S. F. Patterson. Mr. R. A. Williams, of Four C: N.. C, has accepted a pcon with Allsbrook A Cook. FROM OUR SCHOOLS; The following pupils have re- ceived head marks. Fifth B grade. Bertha Cox. 1. Sam Jones 1. Roy Medlin 2, Joe Lipscomb 1. Lilllian Glover 1. Addie Bee Moore 1, Mamie Moore 1. Leo la Vaughan 1. Mamie C. Williams 1. Roy Thompson 1. Filth A grade. Mary Ander son 1. Ruth Allen 2. Gaynelle Garner 1. Erma Cranwell 2. Catherine Etheridge 2. Gilbert Brown li Annie N irU 1. Glenn Gurley 1. Sixth B Grade. Jessie Jones 1, Robert Merritt 1. Sam Sledge 1, Cora McAllister 1. Sammy Marks 1. Nellie Williams 1. Otelia Vaughan 1, Fred Vaughan 1, Bernice Peele 1. Sixth A grade. Thurma Bark ley 1, Gertrude Bray 1. Nellie Crutchtield 1. Florine Holt 1. Viola Brown 1, Charlie Holt 1, Maude Holt 1. Mamie Glover 1. Seventh grade. Joe Watford 1. Hal Bain 1. Merle Bell 1. Cleo phaa Bray 1, Eula Collier 1, Bernice Hitchens 1, Josie Moore 1, Bessie Hodges 1, Louise Jack son 1. Maud Jones 1. ' We have held three spelling matches in the Fifth grade and Caterine Etheridge proves to be the champion speller. Central School Comparative standing of grad es based on neatness, conduct and effort Fifth A grade 89, Fifth B grade. 90, Sixth B grade. 88. Sixth A grade 89, Seventh grade 90. In the Grammer Department weareuing the old fashioned method of conducting the spell ing recitation. If a pupil mis spells a word the one below him who spells the word correctly is allowed to "cut him down." Failure to pronounce the word be fore spelling it sends the pupil "foot" The pupils delight in calling this a "footmark." A pupil who is head at the close of the recitation receives a "head mark" and goes, foot for the next day. There is marked in crease in interest in the lesson and also much improvement in spelling. High School Honor Roll for December. 8th grade. Josephine Hege, Thelma Mills, Gladys Morris. Eva Sadler. 9th grade. Wm. Jackson, Mar ion Saunders, Helen Allsbrook. Fannie Marks, Ruth Mason, Edith Matthews. . 10th grade. Charlie Spencer, Jonnie Vick, Bessie Hedgepeth, Nellie Jones, Traynhan Wyche, Mary Matthews. 11th grade. Geraldine Wil liams, Eugene Lehman. Perfect attend for December. 8th. grade. Jessie Brown, Jose phine Hege, Thema Mills, Fred Welch. SPECIAL MUSIC AT ALL SAINTS' Next Monday January Gth is the Feast of the Epiphany com monly known as Old Christmas The Epiphany Season commem orates Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. Services will be held in All Saint's (Episcopal) Church as follows: 10 A. M. Celebration of the Holy Communion. 8 p. M. Evening Prayer and sermon. The following is the order of music for this service Processional "From the East ern Mountains-Voloir. Gloria Hawks. Magnificat Hawks. Nunc Dinutlis Turle. "Earth has many a Noble City" Stuttgare. Offertory "Brightest and best of the Sons of the Morning "Morning Star." Doxology-Bourgeois. Recessional "As with gladness men of old" Dix. Fourfold Amen. The public is cordially invited. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C JANUARY 3, 1919 1500 00 FOR omlANS The Barbecue and Krunswick Stew given Saturday by O. E. S. for the benifit of the Orphanage at Oxford was a decided success. Through the untiring efforts of Mrs. Fred Peck.. Chairman of the Orphanage Committee and Mrs. W. P. Taylor the sum of &00.00 was sent to the Orghan age as a Christmas present The store formerly occupied by Wells D. Tillery was beautifully deco rated and attractively arranged as a d!mr, hail. A prom oi $120.00 was realized from this supper. The rest of the amount was made up from private dona tions. Besides the money raised these ladies have secured about $73.00 worth of canned poods to be shipped and they are still re ceiving donations. The spirit of Christmas and of Him who said "Sutler i.,.. . uttie cnu-. dren to come unto me and forbid them not" Mimed to pervade everybody's liea-t and Roanoke Rapids measured up as she al ways does to every worthy cause. "Many lare contributions from the big hparttd men of the com munity were received and for these the Order of Eastern Star is truly thankful and the heart of the Orphans will be made iilad. Especial credit is due to Mrs. Fred Peek for her faithful! and unceasing elrorts in this ... . ... cause. lhe Worthy iMatron, ! Worthy Patron. Officers and Committee of the O. E. S. desire j to express their thanks to the , community for it's help and Co - operation. CORP. ROWLAND HALEbeinthecaseMr- pae advised BACK FROM FRANCE The Herald was notified of the safe arrival in New York of Corporal Rowland Hale, of Rose mary, on December 20th. Corporal Hale was brigaded with the British and took partin the battle that broke the Hin- fjpnlifrtr linn nn Cnmliria frnnr and was wn.mrW in th h.tti. of the Somme October 8th, after whiVhhPuhUnin. hn,nir. al in London, where he remain- ed until December 13th on which ! date he sailed for America. ! IF YOU HAVEN'T GUN, TAKE A FORD But the Main thing in Hunting Deer or Dear is to keep your nerve A Ford car played a new role on Christmas night on the road near Shaw's store, South Rose mary, when in addition to its many known uses, served as a huntsman's weapon, when sud denly confronted by a real deer (not dear). Said Ford was in charge of Mr. Exum Matthews, who in the excitment of the oc casion charge full power ahead out running the animal and al most precipitating his car into the ditch at what time it is Baid that the experience was so .rare and exciting that Mr. Matthews lost his equilibrium and "lit a rag" leaving the car behind and gave the broken legged deer a chance to esc ipe. l he a'twve experience of Mr. Matthews soon Lecame current gossip in liosemary and soon severn! -cout-ng parties or quasi sjortoinun w .re out afier this strange challenger of a Ford. It items thai the only one of these Nim'ou-i w ho met any de greeof success were Mr. "Mack" Johnson and "Du'ch" Dickens who on - Saturday afternoon went out and taking 'the trail whore the FurJ left off and soon came in personal contact with the said animal. It is rumored that Dickens was so eager to make sure oi his catch that it was necessary ro choke him off, The find was brought to Rose - mary, dressed and Venison i . i, , . . ., auui iieu many nauies in me VII- Iage as special Chsistmas deli cacy. The horns are on display at Mr. Johnson's and the hide at Mr. Dickens. This statement is made to verify the truth of the above statement WITH THE CHURCHES AH Saints Caurca fwriit Rev. LwUN.TtW, Rector Miu Uuri CtrrtH FwiJi Wtrker Next Sunday is the second Sun day after Christmas 9:43 A. M. Church School and Adults' Bible Class. T. W. Mul len. Supt Divine services 11 a. m. Cel ebration of the Holy Communion urporate communion of the IVish and sermon. :30 p. m. Evening Prayer and sermon. Monday Jan. 6th Feast of the Epiphany, Holy Commun ion 11 A. M. Evening Service 8 P. M. Tuesday night the vestry w ill meet with Mr. J. A. Moore at 8 o'clock Girls Friendly So ciety Fridav 7:.'t0 P f TitH- i - w -m wax. Candidates Class Saturday 3 P.M. 1 he public is cordially invited A NEW STUNT IN PENALTIES Raleigh -Something new in penalties has just been inflicted by State Food Administrator Henry A. Page upon 10 grocers 0 Rocky Mount who were found W inspector E. L HarrU to be exceeding the margins of profits t l i . l m on nuur ami omer ioou Products, Contibutions to the Ued -ros3 we a thingof the past and the offenses were not serious enouKh to warrant the black list wmcneiiecuveiy ana quickly put a merchant out business. This the merchants in question that if they would publish a statement in their local papers explaining to their partons and the public that they exceeded the allowed mar gins that nA futher action would taken as a result of pastoffenes. The merchants involved were T. L Worsley, F. Y. Arrington, H. C. Joyner, E. T. Joynor, J. W. Davenport Powers and Miller f-J Bartholomew. G G Levy oromer. jenKins s jennes, and G-C" bb,ns', , , t A a" ev!dence of the the Food Aministration is still doing business a; the old stand, rood Administrator Page is consider ing and will probably announce within a few days the revocation of license or the blacklisting of one wholesaler, one ginner, one roller mill and two retailers, all of whome have been found guilty of violating Food Administration rules and regulations affecting their business. RED CROSS ENROLLS 788 MEMERS Results of the Christmas Roll Call are as follows: Rosemary Booth, 136 members Rosemary Mfg. Co., 212 mem bers :s Pattersson Mills Co., 137 members, Roanoke Fibre Board, 12 members: Roanoke Mills No. 2, 66 members: Halifax Paper Corporation, 54, members: Roa noke Rapids Booth etc. 171 members: Total, 788 members. This does not include the colored Auxiliary which has not report ed. Chairman Publicity Committee Quick Btntdletlon. "Js' tno hm f"r prwichlif," Mid th BIIMUe brother, "id I Jont wnt t shii.t my cohI for fear m o' jm hurt aIipII Inm-m majr think Tin a-folar to k iik'Ic the cuwhmIik-ss out o' yoo, n' Dink trik for the door. r tumbla iliroaKh th wlndowa, ao Jnat go oa home x-eallf, a-hllat w ara a-a(nr in of the hymn : Thera'a hotUr OflM i comln' by an' bjl" Vnted It Loom. One dn? when little Charles, tare feani oll, was restlea, his grandfa ther took him on his knees and gav his watch to Chsrlea to play with. 1 After tug-Rlng and rolling at tha stem of .w-,cfor !??!J nam: uruui, . m Preposterous. "I conldn't help but laugh." "Whars the matterr "That summer girl wb Jnirt now climbed aboard a Pullman after telling fourteen sorrowing suit ors good-by, aald she was gulag to At lantic CUj far a net." Subscription 1919 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ARE READY War Savings Certificate Stamps. Series of 1919, and United States Thrift Stamps (to gether with Thrift Cards and War Savings Certificates, Series of 1919), will be furnished (1) to postoffices for sale to the pub lic and to agents of the first class, and (2) to Federal Keserve Banks, as fiscal agents of the second class and also for sale to agents of the first class. such agents being classified as provided in the above-described circulars. Postoffices and Feder al Reserve Banks will maintain available supplies of stamps, cer tincates and cards in amounts sufficient to meet the require ments for such distribution and sale. Agents of the first class and cash agents of the second class duly appointed for the sale of War Savings Certificates and War Savings Certificate Stamps. Series of 1918, may act as such such agents, respectively, for the sale of such Certificates and Stamps, Series of 1919, without further application; and they will by the receipt or sale of War Savings Certificates or War Savings Certificate Stamps, Series of 1919, or by the receipt of United Stamps Thrift Stamps after December 31, 1918, be con clusively presumed to have as sented to all the terms and pro visions hereof. Collateral agents of the second class already qualified to a suffcient amount pursuant to De partment Circulars Nos. 95 and 101, for the sale of War Savings Certificates and War Savings Certificate Stamps, Series of 1918 will not be required to file anew formal applications for appoint ment as agents, nor resolutions and pledge agreements, and they will, by the receipt or sale of War Savings Certificates or War Savings Certificate Stamps, Series of 1919, or by the receipt or sale of United States Thrift Stamps after December 31, 1918, be conclusively presumed to have assented to all the terms and provisions hereof. Collateral se curity pledged or to be pledged under any of the circulars above mentioned will be conclusively deemed to be pledged as col lateral security thereunder and hereunder. Forms of applications for new appointment as agents hereun der will be furnished on applica tion. The provision that the amount of War Savings Certificate sold to any 'one person at any one time should not exceed $100 has been repealed by the Act approv ed September 24, 1918, and is no longer in force. POSTMASTER BASS RESIGNS Mr. W. C. Bass has resigned as Postmaster at Rosemary. Mr. Bass' resignation comes as a sur prise to his many friends here. His resignation will become ef fective March 1st Mr. Bass expects to remove to Durham and engage in business with his father-in-law. ' NEW COMPANY ORGANIZED Among recent new charters granted by the Corporation Com mission is the Roanoke Rapids Land Company with an authoriz ed capital of $100, 000. 00 and $30,000.00 subscribed. The new company was chatered by Messrs. S. F. Patterson, C. A. Wyche and W. L. Long and will deal in real estate. MR, JOHN SUTTON Mr. John Sutton, aged 63 years, died Tuesday at tne Roa noke Rapids Hospital of tuber culosis. He survied by his wife and several children. His remains , were buried Thursday at 3 P. M. in the Roa noke Rapids Cemetery. $1.50 a Year in Advance ( ROSEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEES J. . Spencer was in Bruns wick County, Va.. this week on business. Wade Dickens, of Enfield, vis ited his brother R. L. Dickens this week. John B. Jenkins, of the New port News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co, returned home Monday. Miss Beth Bagley has returned home after a short visit to rel atives at Jackson. Mrs. W. M. Hardison and family, of Belhaven. arrived this week and will make their home in Rosemary in the future. Dr. C T. Windley spent Christmas with his family at Belhaven. J. J. Banty and family spent the holidays with their relatives near Conway. Miss Irene Cannon, of Norfolk, spent the holidays with herpa rents Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cannon. Rev. B. M. Shelton and Mrs. Shelton visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hayes last week. The many friend of Mr. Shelton were glad to ees him again at the services of the Methodist Church Sunday night Pvt Willie FerrelL who has recently returned from overseas spent a few days here this week, en route to New York, E. T. Todd has accepted a pos ition with the Rosemary Manu facturing Company. Leiut Loftin, of Mt Olive vis ited friends here this week. Miss Myrtle Anderton is vis iting friends in Emporia. Dr. F. G. Jarman was called home to Elkton, Va. last week on account of the illness of his sister Miss Helen Jarman. Messrs. John and Norfleet . Vick spent several days with relatives in Seaboard this week. Miss Jennie Short hat returned from Franklin, Va. Misslvey Wright is the guest of Miss Margaret Matthews in Clinton. Julian McGee, of the Universi ty S. A. T. C. it the guest of his brether J. F. McGee. Bobby Muir, of the Westing- house Electric Manufacturing Company stopped over a few days en route from Pittsburg to Atlanta, Geo. CarmichaeL of the U. S. Marines is spending a few days n Rosemary. Mrs. Wm. Belt and family, of Cremo, N. C, have recently moved here and accepted pos itions with the Rosemary Manu facturing Company. Mr. Mack Moore, of the Ports mouth Navy Yard is a guest in ' the home of Mr. C. H. Speight Mr. HenryH arrell and family, of Petersburg have "recently moved to Rosemary and accepted. position with the Rosemary Manufacturing Company. The many friends of Mr. L A. Grissom regret to learn that he has resigned his position with the Rosemary Manufacturing Co., and has moved to his recent ly purchased farm near KittrelL SCHOOLS OPEN NEXT KONDAY After two weeks holiday the Graded Schools will open Monday , for work. Parents are request ed to see that their children are in school on the opening day and that they continue regularly. An opportunity to make up lost time will be given to those child ren who had to be absent on ac count of sickness or otherwise. January will be devoted to a re view preparatory to the term ex amations which will come the last week in the month. Atten tion is called to the fact that the compulsory term is in effect now and all children between the ages of 8 and 14 who absent themselves from school will be promptly reported to the td. ance officer. The parent it held responsible for the attstaca of his children and it it hepxi that no ana will have to ba reported. J 4 4 1 t. i JL J i