mm --Number 47 ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C FEBRUARY 14, 1919 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance SLL. Is. in. r r. g i ' a : M VL AND Al'RcUAN SPRINGS M'A S "ll" all the Allies m;..u : .., , ,, ha Ihh-ii wands art gaat.t-,i v. !,;t! '; 1- Sevur and ' lermany will ,:.. - -. - :;r. M inis- th I r at .1 pr , .: . terAood tow !(..: We ho c tm ..! r mean to insit mate ' 11' mvht hav' made Co i an-..n ;t ,i't',o near, r h - -1 ai ii,at.v as to dear, i t; t: u .-..). el..' Mr. ami Mrs. (. I'.. to.k. Noruna. Were guests '! I parents recently. Mis Florence (Vbb. of i'r v !in. Vu. is a guest of Mi !. Files. Miss Sal iit LiU !.' rti 1 February . from cvut !. t. (:. "r ,.' her fia-.t. ' choss notes DO YOU BELIEVE ,,tit,;,itw IN ADVERTISING? .,: rnMn, January L Hives was e- Tke Hm!Um tki Oi. IW ,u tuvuir. j C r n. Btt ial wri jprrii jrnur fercd. BILL TRIANGLE ' WPAlCN MRS. JOB TAYLOR a-.- ami death , of Camp ,..-t of Mr. Li'mo i S am. e i'l urce : it l.cger r-vti ,i l a!. .tact iii'iltg M. Jenkins .it sday. : an ! k. L it m t.nd imr I la1. kich- ur. i; K ar P a , 1 1 ote a '.' Ration a.-.-eliiUed t ...kms, 'a., Mr. Ernest Brewer r 1 1 r .! m-- accept- to his uorn in Koaiioke. a. re u' I 'ar- eontiy, after an etei !e.l i. t to his paretits. lie a, m- . I :rham. panic! hy Mr. Tumjiif kiuear t .;a voter v If will visit Koanoke for a ;-.-, days w-n-t;t Mrs. Uiv'iran, of Macon is vi ;;,t'iu!s in itmj' Mrs. Ivl. l.iles ami oth r. in tin.-, section. ,.,, j Mi-s Annie Mae I'.re.ver vta f.,r N,w "a; home" to anunrirr..!' v i- .-,,-tt j,.itll. J Keh. 7. in honor of her y u . ' !: moriiin.', Mi-ses Mohorn ami Chichester, : ,; (I,,, of I'.rinkli'j ville, anl her hrthcr Cnariie who has jn-t r t ' r !, i es s.ent I'ri- Ir"m "tm'h. j,, ,i-... The Aurelian Sprinys I'.aml ray t fiis sMtnt I'ri- 'li'l li'nir to Private Clias. Krew- u;n;i! er I'eh, S. hy jriviinr him a sur- ... .. brise concert at liis home. ' ' is visiting his 1 e-i-,'. y.t Mrs. Levi Browning who lia- .: .t, , lieen hovering hetween h!e umi at ''" x tins w ritiny. The family of Mr. Frank Sha. is ahle to out aam, we are y laii to note. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Harris are ill. we are sorry to note. - re ' itiotis of i ; ted. Whereas Here's a little Fml. not a t-' : to take from us nionial. In (VtoU-r VA F. ' . )daiidco-wa.rk- :Col,urn turned his ad.V! rt , S r. we wish ul , ., . .. nation of htT , over to our isemtv 1 Vpar-: , rt-oiutit-ns; ; trivinj? us authority to ,; . ,., ,r death the I h-rt we thought his - Krd Cross his 1 would justify. In other v ..rt'iUr and capa-Mr, (.liurn platvd his ad,.rt ,inK completely in our hand-, a ' ,iv to her hushaitil . .,, ,.,,.. the lulls. a copy of these! Here are his sales for the i to her bus-'. four monts of 11US. Sej -i: ' . t to the lloa- $:, II: October 'i' ' . r S-a- ,,V,,.,,,T ?.-,.;i:.l,.TT: ! '1 : !'. - line ,-t-rv ice i y i- o-.r I' WiTH THE CHlJii; All Saints Church I'piBCUp!) Rf. LtwU N. Tylor, Rector Mist Laura Carroll, Parith Worker IhhIAhi ' 'iipatli)r . : . His inlinile : . i .'v aw tit to : it our he-1 a I co-worker, . r, t :n'fefore he it , I ! i; Next Sunday is SeptuaKesinia Sunday-TOdays before Faster. ; ti o death of our Celebration, of the Holy Com ''' ' 'h'ly :,,1, l'arvtnnion. : ' alSS;; A. M. Sunday School and t - .re her death ! Adults' Bible Class, T. W. Mu! ii r more and ' len. Supt. r - ile , we how1 Divine services at 11 and 7::!". t a ; I resignation . vmans' Auxiliary Wednes- , i . ho doeth all ; , ., .. day afternoon .l.M. ,,. ,U. om. 7:150 Wednesday niht Choir re- ; 1 1, i a,:d His power hearsal at Mr. Lehman's. . ;i i in. hie woman j (lirls Friendly Society Friday ' i 'Thfe and we 7:;;o p. M. Little Candidates a dean mapira-1 Clas8 Saturday 3. v. M. 1 it. r i i iitit iiess and . i ,. . .vru-ju-tcr I Social, for Boys and dirls -.-e .-.tend to her Club to-nipht 7:.m ..,.,) h,i,,and. father, j The public is cordially invited. - :aei-.';s our neartteit Vi.r .-1 -', t. ' ti - 1:1. I'l 'III " , , . 1 . , death, is very much impruvt ek as the tfuest intion. e, w ho is serving the Legislature, ik-t'ial with his i racers that (iod .1 comfort them tni' 1' oi. rr- Methodist Church Rtv. Eugene C. Few, Pastor at t :;( resolutions t:' Lieken-hcarted 1 Sunday School at 'J:!') A.M. a: d .-ister and V. V. Woodruff, Siipt. i o printed in the Services Sunday 11 A. M. and ; !- ihrald, also in.7:.() ,, M i.reai.hinvr both '..ri'iii Vt m iiil'i irf a c'.pv : u'h ', the' minutes' of i nu.minjf and evening hours by tnat a le an ii, e i re-1 '.t;u' spent the ek ui Kaleiyli. .I'oin lias return i to relatives at Mr. Llovd Melvin is back from ti Richmond. Mr. Jack Smith has also returned from Kncky Mouiit. Mr. Winie ( iia.--yow, of la ck.. Mount visit his parents Sunday. Mr. Moody, of TownsviUe, had the misfortune to yet bis car burned up recently, while Mr. Claud Bowers was working on it at his father's simp. It is said the car was jacked up. It j fell breaking a Kas liyiit which "-yeant Major I cau.,t., an explosion. No , of Camp Mer-j vvas mrt. . das wnn ins e: rv this week. r .". t Hewitt Spent ' ,.d w i Ii friends at ilioinpson spent ! - al Society of the ; the pastor. ri-:, Chan-!, td' Koanoke Braver meeting Wednesday :. ! a e-'.v be sent C' ll"'r I niht 7:150 o'clock preceding scs- , a; Noi.lcsvtlle. I'"'- sion f Teachers Training Class. !; Strangers and all w ho desire to worship are invited to cooperate , with us in any or all of our serv- ' ices. . s 1 : i -s. Aid Society I. F. I leek with W m. Horner 1 it'o. L. Haves. Norfolk on hi ISI- Miss Until Liles entertaim d a number of guests '1 uesday .' ;, iny, Feb. 11, in honor of her i .riint Florence Cobb Mi x as being on ; onU-rtaine.l char.nir.-ly afnl naciously as usually she does. r r.arkliy was : this comminity rive in France declaration of loidoil with the ,,i i returned from over sea , : was wounded . ... II. U.e ia,c Mr. Bernard Morris has t. b.c-e of hi- p .lust A (TIE LEE ARP !: Fee, the four i i ';' Mr. and Mrs. W. , !!. of kosemary, : . ky Mount, met " : - ci'lent last Wed- "i at the home of . . A iiiie playing with a e .e,i e her clothing be . : .iti ;, d she was terri- o, !,efore the (lames e'ii:.;'ii -bed. She died ;. : i v al teruoon. Her i "h! here for bur- , i w ere held : ;'i ! ri- MIOE5 , ! 'oo't l' ll.erli' , at .luieiian Sprites, l'.d'.l. l'ulilic invited. C. I: M. I"'. 'leacll- Presbyterian Church Rer. Stanley White Pastor, Miss Julia Thompson, Organist 'Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Evening Service 5:00 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Baptist Church Rev. T. S. Crutchheld, Pastor Sunday School 9:15 A. M. W. S. Hancock, Supt. Service 11. A. M. and :'V) v. M Sui'vet at evening . ,.ve Ciiurch I -V ' ;ect at evenii. pi's Suppt r. ' ' l.oi'U;. supper :.t e efN ices. . ' I'.iole cia- . i: i; al 7; 15 I'r.r. .-r i..- 1 om -'ihr. : 7. F Rnjemary Raplist Church Rev. A. G. Carter, Pastor SSL Willing VVorlors Tvleet i. Fast , . . 'I' ( ieo. i ). . o , ,,f Lynch- The "Willing Worker' : i ..I'eak his sales list Friday afternM.p. w ith sold r ln,),;.;;i 1.75 . lii'rnici! I'eele. a-t year. ' The regretful illness of Mis met i : . . Sunday school 10:00 a. m. C. S. Cregg, Supt. several sisters Fieeta Marks, the President, re-.-i r ,i' i: -,g here. His calltd for the appreciaPle ser- lit; l-V M. Coburn, alo vices of Miss Alma Lee Vauirlian I'pw but to the retail in the capacity of "Chairwoman" er, he continues to New members were enrolled, at w- cords the same as and the weekly convention of the Thi society was highly enjoyed hy Miss irn started his shoe each one permitted the entertain- d.-;e ' ee :,; jt-ro and his nient of the hostess. o1' almost trebled A food sale in the dm-,' 1ere vied. M to - o the Sab er, ice will ... .,,,,i.;..i. . -c of this M'irning service 11:00. . ; , . is adopted i Evening service at 7:.'50. -'; wards will be: Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 P. M. ' lit, at 7:150 the; U,'o ..irHioll invito oil u-hnnan ie will hold its ; . . '., . know Illl.'A - f 1M nil SM1V DIttt,l' i-rary meeting, ' ,,lra e en .lacKsnn f.t. will he held by elm, Supt. of this Ail the members, study a ate cordially in-1 Don't foriret Washington's f rem ti e e t l ' hi . i ovt r.. doia !the The hearts of the iruy ', ! of Mrs. Job Taylor were .-a i iei,- ROWLKi RAPIDS FFR50N L AN;' ui mvs carry oti Us i'.a.-. increased . W. C. A u"'"1" ,n ,r'e the t:ew s of her death i: a ! tr-ore hospital at an early h that. t!ion.!tiL' was ria.-l.e i r was declared the vures and circulated tl.r .. ar.,;t.a isaked t,..r 0n,,.L!!lltv. - ard lia'.tax Mm. Taylor came to M-u: . c i.trn-.jteit s l;ap,js ai,Jt six ears ay w ; vt.'iahlework. b r hu,,anii Mr Jol, Tuy ' ' ' Me . U. I. i-resi,jt.r.t ar,d Cenoral Maia.o r-.-as. helping iQi,v i.. .'i it. it iiaiua. i aii .'I'ti.-., Ta r. t but tries C. A. is to - anti prominent among ine ;ea iL'n countries ;,r ...., , ,i,., Hikx 1 1 id I i i UV I lit t I 111 lilt .l f ' I industry'. She sinm leca".e ra,-e or co.ur. jt.nti(ied with the church, a; tabusheJ host- ai,() chantv work of the CI),.,. amps, and has mijnity anJ pave liu.rallv her ' --,r:s 4111,1 wo" time and talent t'-r the h-tter- eeoa-od in ,,.irt tlf the C(rmunitv. ',!!;,iustn,'s Mrs. Taylor was (tie of the ! !"' t,",'i" orc'.uii.'.ers of the Koavoi.e ,:T'"An kajids Presbyterian Oh-mh. : ' 'uu" and devoted much of her time !r,,,n (in, in the conduct of its atl'air. A- i! employ- rrt.sulont 0f t(!e Frebyter as : i l,l'lain Ladies Aid Society Mr. Taylor cities and directed th Society's a:l'airs ;e ik-w to an a,njrap.!,. d'.anner. the fruits Falti- - are rvoiid of .Uiich rort v riMian iart,y towards the erection and " " earnestly i,, .., i. i.,... : , : , byterian edifice, which stavd 1 A clox' to her last earthly home. -om" t As Chairman of the local Mr C Led Cross, Mrs. Tavlor gave un- the we,- l'n'liise,es :' the,,' - t;.e ) ,r to etidea- .e to as- ", ti"Ii Willi .1.,... 1,.,, p..,! ..,.i aided in ail the war work cam liave neen .iTiiien in and any : em will he :.; p-omptly selfishly of her time and mea" during its war activries. Be Cape i severa; hi. par. . ; r- t .rnct for pii.g spent hmond. rt Wifsams. of 'a., i- spending ., re I'l t'm !.. !:'e of d ko.-emarv irs. .1. F. Mms W. ( 'oIlllH. II. Nichol- paigns when pos.-ihle. Mr. Taylor vvas the daughter of Mr. F. H. Hawkins, of Xeblesville, Ind.. aialwas edu cated in the schools and col leges of her native state. She was a hiuhlvcultured woman with a ,-trong and benevolent pe-soii- H'-ir;,-'y ality. genial and friendly with week-end in ki her associates and co-workers Mr. Frank k and loved and admired bv ail eral davs la r Mr. i : '.'. s. l.:.a: -. -f Nor !'.: ',, .- . it;:- r eat;'.e here tin- w . . .... Mi.-s Lena k, ei- .loties is viMtiug friemls ie kichmotid tins week. ki-.r :. t tie -on spetit relative w ho knew her. this w eek. About eleven years ago the jr i; yL , ,,; deceased married Mr. Job Tay- A as in tow n Wedeesda lor, and is survived liy turn, her fattier and one sister. . The remains were carried to Lima. hio. the home of her 5o. Our devoted husband, and tenderly 1 that she placed in their last resting ted to endeavor place Saturday afternoon Feb eice ei or before ruary Mb, at ,'5:"H o'clock. A rv 17. Ponatiotis 'memorial service being conduct - t to Mrs. S. 1 W. F. lhmiel. . L. Stedman. . A. Johnston, n, tv Chairman. .'.ok,.- kapids and a is !vie V tare, busi- IK'S-. Mr. W. k. 1 ..iv week-e'sl in t v, m The Valetitii.e par ; by the I.eeai C Fa.-tern Sta- h.i. I until a later d;.t . Mi-s Mary I''' ..:.t the arty planned n ter of the . ( u p, stponed ed in the Presbyterian Church h"'ir'1' will call upon1 here by her pastor, Lev. Stanley j 11,1 s w hen desired. White, at the same hour, attend- Mrs. J. . ed by hundreds of her friends ence n c lY SUGGESTIONS an(' acquaintanresi, who join the .Flore ve ' husband, father and sister in towiishoj ... mourning their loss. t of Sea- a; day here a t week. nt, Mr. Clar liftie sister, Wed'icsdav in . ee.' "i ft er War titaimtin as O. (A.ress mi nr her: INFORMATION ON FERTILIZING OFFERED ti: Fertiliser is made by men. material and machinery. Any ' one with the necessary money- can get these together and make , r a fertilizer, but to give the pro duct personality requires some thing more. The Royster brands "' have back of them the person ality of Mr. F. S. Royster whose life-work they are. They repre- me i.i.!.-r. ! sent research, unfaltering cour '" "T lagc high ideals, foresight and in- . i .-t uneht dependence. Starting from small 1. ,"e Mr. Jo,. V iiliams is at home is at h. :nm France. Joe sport f ' ie 'Hths on the other side I. ,t -1 - he did not do any tightiii,'. lie has received his honerai ! discharge. "1 la- ;.'.,nmi of the Univer. ':;. of North Carolina were very de lightfully ensertained at din:,er by Mr.and Mrs.Jn.i. L. Patt. . a Thursday night. Those pres-mt were I'r. T. M. Long, Pr F. C. Jarman. V. T. II. Brar.t'". Fm mett Mathews, J. A. Moore, (ieo. Carmiehael, F. V. . l eliman, John L. Patterson a-.d Lewis X. Tavlor. ell!'. things, the present great organ ization with B5 modern factories and selling over 4on,(ioo tons a year, is buiit up and cu, trolled 1 S' " ' by one dominating spirit. And ''V Presbyti a large part of the success 6f the1; Saturday ; ' Royster brands is due t the real , occupied 1 y human element, which is the the corr.-.r troti(rps;t cbnr.Tctcrivtic of thf Roanoke A "Dine With h Tomorrcv'' ',i-: . . euven 1 a",, - Aid on -te'-e foi'inerly i, Ti lery Co. on m :r, , t and H'. The menu ( . .'OKIUMIY head of the business and per- w,l tneates the entire organization. v. lu cares, for Mr. Royster values very highly 1 ires to build the many letters received from , ,. " : the farmers who actually use his . lit lines. ror( , . , i 4..,,vi- i goods, and invites jiersonal cor-' .-ires true Wis- " , ,i in respondence with any one who ios to grow in 1 ' the! piaiu-iuuu ijrouiems or ac-; he a !, T: : lirim y Fo'.a'.o a-: k,.e r -Fickle 'i' ' :: t "hi 'fi'ii " i ,;n eg 1, uace Salad d and Butter Pie i (. ee and in tar Lord and Sav- i counts of results from fertilized METHODIST LADIES AID TO ENTERTAIN lor .le-u Com'1 Tuesday Christ. and j, 1 lands. Just address F. S. The Men'slRyster' Norfolk. Va. lit Bible Class. We . h the word of God ; ly in charitable work. This class ih direct. We do 1 meets every Tuesday at 7:45 P.I ic and reading, hjrthday or the tea of the after- not into- 're with nor are we inlM., in the Baraca room Roanoke; t n the market. iiv.tyear. ion Saturday atternoon was tco w H i.e lean n oi program. I noon of February 21st given by 'competition to any church, Sun- M. Cohurn has diskn of the u Ladies Aid Society of the day Scl, ! or Organized Class, r snace and is ol the order. I ublic rlis.en.s( rs at .-.. Uectoauy invite the , . A , i of the smartest of food bear this bargain counter .members of the church, and peo- Methodist Church at the home i 1 here are no dues to pay, our in mind. pie of the community to attend, of Mrs. J. M. Jackson. free-will offerings are used entire lapidst Church Come next Tuesday night and investigate. "It's a Men's Claw". Brunswick Stew Potato Salad Bread and Butter Fickle Pie CulTee A i.a Carte Pie 15c Salad 25c Chicken Sandwich 25c Bread and Butter 5c CoiTee 10c