7 i i .1- IN . . r. -! pre Vol V ... ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advanc U. ... , ., TV. AN1.' L. !.--. R i vivVt.g : ; Mr .1,.;.., !! i ',.1 i, . Mr- !.. . A. II . .. IV III tl.i . R. P....: ! Mrs. :.!. ;uu;. h i. . Ltonded : uth J "m-.' Mr. r . V. ;i','. , i .. o : s. u . . .- t..l i'; a : . .-. !r. W.A. .! . : Mr. K. P. i' ' Mr. WaVr I. i.v from a i . ... 'TO. Mrs. A.i'. .V. i I, it ,! t I U K.I..:: HUM 'if the i,.:,. miant du.t :. s. L . i i l.'M . . Mr. A. 1'. .. ' . . lediies.iay in i-:.... ;. ... The Choral ( ; .'. v at :ii l'. m zo is re'iiif-t' " Mr. I!. D . : : L. is Filing i S. and C. A. .. Mrs. J"M.; k'ky Mount sp m ' re with re;ai;,t Mr. W. S llai. lUl KlVelS I 'in Philadelphia a.. : l l-ere tht'y p..r. . oils. Mr. I iick Tys . ' visiting !!'... - i ' Mrs. T. N 11... r . in is visiting . . . In tliis week. Mrs. I., Hale is 11a, Richmond Urn '.. Mr. Roger Wan, . Lire, is visiting 1. (IS WCCK. Mr. and Mrs. I tar, ler have return. I i . : Wilmington, a natives here for m The Presbyter, i ! I iciety will iin ' ' sday with Mrs. r . ;;:imi oelock. .; : e urged to ho pi ' 1 z the last n.ei-t'i z : " ess year. Miss Sa:. !' riii'd alt. r .-, itn reia. i . . 1 . . Th- I'.'...' car-i i. ViT) III .ell i ' mis. j.-. A most d"i: ! as ji-ivt-n 1-y Mi - ' t. her new 1' n;. 1 ist Friday :.iw. .. The house was U . . i , . rated with cut !!.,. : )uit? a minilicr ' " - 1 ours" wert remien. .i !;. : piartette: Mestinine - 1 1 laneock and Mi- r-. Moore. F.ach sane: :.u .ite solo. The jfiiestrf were rei sandwiches in lh" .i by Misses Loni? and ,V; Kvere dressed colonial i . large number of l-v Jpresent r.UJ. JENKINS TEILS CF PVT. WILLIAMS DEATH WITH THE CHURCHES emary personal LOCAL ITEMS AND CRAWLEY'S SCHOOL . t ; ! !?..:. '.rti. lay t !' ' a as lit '.i t in ti. -.. Ti:.' . t: i ,t t e 1 rate l.-.. -Jl. a S. h. ..: A di- 1 . ad ,art rs Third Ikittali n, U"th ltitantry. Fiance. Jan. F'.th. t I; M . I - '-l v A. All Saints Ctuich RtT. Leots N. TUf. Rrctttr W'si Lur Cartel). Pin.b Wrkrr .ia?r i i. i .. : att-r iua" I. . x'fUi, t!v . . a- u;.!i.-i-i ". t r . i i and 1'r Mi. v l.-a.i Aur. i r. .1 .1 a i' f .-' r i .. a ;.!t'. ! U'a-llH!.!'- than Aii- a, ".rinativi' y Mors. i lv. i t, r. ! t! o n.'u- t i ;u. t ...... :.i v ii ;.-. ', n .: m;i':.'M .-. mate .Ii r it .i i (' a i ii. - o ;i'o ti a ti..' I,! t ! e cuii'l;'. n t anal, well di.'c. on ti oi ., i. .ii. a lT.int. Ai.i-r.ia'i rad.-s l'riv . n your It tter .f .'!. it is ).. -!ia.- the . ft an ei'.cer to e. tn , ;i i. n '.c e.iine l.t'As I v. . th. rs and re!a .ii it is .j'.it'' ruves-,.-li as tr.c et'iiial an t ot a ea.-uaity lacks . deta:! is a.i available m !, 'eri ii ir his death: hi A. Williams made it. n e sacril',.v on Settein lii, I'1!, in what froved to t '' :; - t! e i. e.;t dec;.-ie i. e . , ;..,d the iti-t t " x ! it'u this ere;ai.!,:a- - ,i. lie was v. ith is ' '. . ,; iail act- .. . :. ! '..o ft'einy. .I.i i' i I . !i .Maci.me r ' ;' d .' a.- :n- : ..tai;e. lis. - t. '. :; ;it. II w a-II-" 1 ' ' e,il ! i 'li.ii 111 ! f ' s ;,t i ;:t. ( ;n i till i, .r Fe.iic, ,rt France, .' r-i. J .f n t i n -1 ' a ir, 1 ' rai nil ot!u r v'ai'.aut 0"in- te iiliains moved to NVt S indav iij iiti-ca.m Sunday ' .bvs I . .re Faster, the net Sunday he'i.rf Fer.t. '.:l" A. M. Sun. Seh.M-.l and Adults F.ihle ru-s. T W. Mul len, Supt. 11 A. M. CfM.ratinn of the Holy I'vininumion and Mrni'm, Mr. (J. E. Kose. t.f RoxUnj, is sf tiding a few days in tow n. Miss Ftta N'unn, of Kichmond. will lif liere Sunday March '.'th to j rt-si.le over a district conference of the Christam Church concern ing the "Men and Millions Move ment'". 1'f legates are expected from ail the churches included in the district. The ll adinr t'Suh w as very de lightfully entertained bv Mrs. George L Hayes Friday after- T::!i r.M. Kveninn services and VM'n- sermon. Mr. J. Sidney Terry, of Pur Wednesday Ash Wednesday. 'dm the truest ef Mr. W. t '. H iVneter.tial service and Hoiy s Wednesday. Fomniunion. S evening serqiee. Pvt. Jamie I'rown. has arrived I'nten Service Friday night from overseas and is visiting his audience equally with tw o r. at s oYWk. sister Mrs. A. II Sandlin this i,ltrs which showed that -b I he luitmc cor.iiaily invited. Monday evening, l'.l!, at Crawley's Sch- held and fntertainmer.t 1 1 inernorate the lirthdav of Washington. There were drills, ..,g., -0 recitations of a patri .tic at.d a ''ay. For Love C.. .;. which was well render, i. ne of the best rvc.:..' was ty Miss Fli.abeth F. mi' Ferhaps the most l.e i .t . . rendered number of the ir was a pantomime of "Th" Spangled Fanner" b Thelma Crawley, sister of 1 teacher of this scKm '1 grace and expression she ex!..; ed in this rendition were tr admirable. She delighted v as i .e. Methodist Chuicb Rf. Eugrnf C. Few Pastor T I, t !l ti. .......... A 1 ; m a- a s ,, ! .se lliea.-s;u, t wit'l uiaat eoi.r.e e ! 'fh i"its of in the face 1. 1 deteniiined re-is- t"" r 1,1 a tunc , I r..vii.:r himsolfa true and t'ari.it .- announc- loyal soldi, r and a man unafraid. s.;.'h. 1 hey It was s-ich spirit as this young orin-t ) hy niaii displayed w hich permitted of such a glorious victory in the cause of humanity and through our tears we now realize that si eh l.o Me sacrifices as this have not I'cen in vain. It ii some times dii'vult to reci"ni.e the justice ami wisdom o I'rovi dence but with time healing the wounds of sorrow, 1 am sure mil er was a dramatization there w ill come the full realiza , ii 'ules' Children's Ceo. tiun that th Croat Commander doetli all things well. The body oi I rivate Williams now rests with those several of his comrades ht w est of l't court, on a in.'iit etninence near Sunday School at iC4" K. M. W. V. WiK.druff. Supt. Services Sunday 11 A. M. and T:"u r. M. Preaching Uth morning and evening hours by tiie pastor. Crayer meeting Wednesday rt.ihi.leli.hiii Cooking and Sewing Classes week, tie has recently received his discharge from the army. Mr. Richard Tyson, of Iurham was a visitor to Rosemary Wed nesday. Mr. .!. F. Foftm was called to Troy Wednesday morning on ac count of the illness of his broth er and si.-ter. Miss Annine Med'in returned from a visit to Maltimore and night TioO o'clock. a very highly gifted your, j w m an. At the end of the program re freshments were sold f. r th" benefit of the School. The impression of visitors is that this community h i? ni M -Craw ley a "live-wire" t. aii er and one which any conim a 'ty might indeed be proud LIME FOR GARDEN BURTON BROTHER'S PULL NEW ONE H.s H-tip. Durac, 4c, Chanfet Ownership tor the Htgk Dollar t :t!..ens of our commun-es-fd their first ho sale I 1 an auction company :rtTi Brother, noted r-. seem to have divert ,.'! ! t -i from land sales ; -e-,t. ami taken up the ' -el.ng hogs a, auc- a, . -. their advance agent in town and heralded t.-rs and banners the ap Fog sale. Agreeable 1. ! ?'lan lji) pijrs and 1 reached our town It t m Alabama, said i cing duly inoculated t' t": ; and other things. ! v. the remainder of sel i ' ire arrived and at .'el ck started their sale ! i y a concert rendered i -m l and continued it r . :.o.;rs amid the squeals o:r.i;er was rather bad '. r wd of buyers small, - ",e sale was a success v.e have been unable to lie A t: :;U . ortn-i so; ll u ris w lii 'ii ,va; 1 on an oi.l car horn . '. ; niO'iiiru'ed that lie a i uo'iM j.;ay a soio, , iloi.e on a iuie coin! . m.niliers of the land i eooiiutcd by the little to the apparent amnse .f the real I'.aml. The :.'ioii birthday dinner, ui.nie 11. l'igg repre.-ent- ;oi!'i',ie.s. inottier ot nine They gave her quite time in the llrst scene Baptist Church Rev. T. S. Crutchfield, Pastor Sunday School !:l."i A. M. W. S. Hancock, Supt. Service 11, a. m. and 7;:M I m. Subject at morning service: "The Christain's Contribution to Society." Subject at evening service: "Why 1 Co to Church." Monthly business meeting at Much has been said about the use of lime as a held treatment. but for the small garden are being held by Miss Anna Rowe in the Rosemary Mfg. Company's Cannery as follows: Children Mondy anad Thursday attention has been given t afternoons at ':'W: Cirls Monday lime needs. The garden is and Thursday nights at "::!: intensively ' crimped than Ladies Tuesday and Friday after- Held and its sour soil tro noons at !!. should be looked after as m The many friends of former postmaster L, S. Hodges, of Rockv Mount w ill reirret to learn f the death of his baby which "r MH'ri LENT t' those of the larger areas. " lardeti crops as a w holt injured by soils which are 1 ... : . . I i ii ... or wm.ri in I u. r itn.. c. ot uie tieatn ot ins oauv w tnen " ' oocured in Rocky Mount Sunday Tllis is My true o! a fol- wgues, sucn as neans anil ol the vegetable crops sue lettuce, spinach, and celery. ; as and eabnage. turnips. fails to ant food and preparing them for the St. leudn Canal. It is party. The second scene near tiie scene of hi.; death, and d Mrs. F.ird I Miss ('mining- the grave is marked with his very charmingly receiving name and organization, and will ioe Kii'jgies at a beautiful . preserved until timecme for S. Gregg, Supt. I,;y table. The chiliiren the removal of the remains to Morning service 11:00. eMmg to the p. int of ex- the favored land for which he1 Evening service at n. g their eapacacities and Cod was still the smiling -s when the curtain closed. -,,'e of homemade eandv at close of evening service. It is imnortant that nil mem- after an illness of influenz hers of the church be present at by pneumonia. Mrs. Ilodg In win. nu.otinir u matiiirj f,f es is verv ill with the sfme diseas vital imnortance are to he con. es. Funeral services were held "f the cabbage and root .-ops. sidered. at the local cemetery Monday- Men's llible class Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock by Rev. evening at 7: !." Prayer meeting ("has. M. Lance. Wednesday evening 7.15. j The Rosemary Drug Company -- - 'opened another drug store this Rosemary Baptist Church week in the store next door to Rev. A. C. Carter, Pastor .the Rosemary Supply Company. , Miss Ruth Fleming has return Sunday school 10:00 A. M. G. ed from a visit to Baltimore. j Miss Pearl Powell, of Hamp- other soil materials to make them ton, Va., spent the week-end available for the growing vege- 7-:.0 ;i, v, o,ir,t m,j T l ic.nl-. lanieB. .... . n mi in i nuiu. ' i o av uviiu such as caulitlovver, kohlrabi, carrots and Soils deficient in hm. supply this needed p fast enough for these garden crops which grow rapidly and make heavy demands on the .soil. The a idition of lime to the gar den satisfies the plant's need for this element and indirectly hast ens the decay of the manure and i ....... . i .. . gavel,,, very all. Proper and Prayer meeting Wednesday ins. js gl inting arrangements tor the evening at :.iO p. M. ; M j P k,.viu amj Miss cause harm. This is the case . . . . , . - Jr.. 1 1 . ; ti. .... i .... . . Im run were completed and earn- ie coruiany invue an wnocan T.)!in Hewitt snent the week-eml with the strawberry and the ed out and the services were ia' part in an nur ;ervices. en. i oi tne program amount- conducted by the Battalion ( nap o - I'iju which will be used lain. The personal ell'i cts were -chool e i'iises. caret! for by the Chaiilain and r.lor tnro ozhout the ex- wjjl j due time be forwarded . .:;s excellent. At tlie through ciumniis to you. -:oi. l.Vv. T,"ve in behalf To the bereaved mother and !, neighborhood thanked the family I send my personal, sin !) s and pupils for preparing tvn. cm.l.Z, mces and svmpathv. . :.n entertaiiinu'iit. in Cioldsboro. watermelon wliich do better reason of Lent will be at All Saints' Church i . zzung next Wednesday. Lent is a time of fasting and -'. : denial. It begins with Ash iWdnesday and ends with the Saturday preceding Easter, Sun lays are not included. It com memorates the forty days fasting of Our Lord in the wilderness, and His tempation by Satan. Because of facts and acts of self denial, it is preemintly the sea son of spiritual revival in the church. Moses, Elijah and Our Ford each fasted forty days and many contend that this accounts of the forty days of Lent. It is an interesting fact that nations anil individual in all age and in all parts of the world have abst rved days of fasting and prayer, Ninevites, the Jews, 'the Mohammadans etc, and his tory of the Christian Church ' shows that believers if all nations and denominations both organiz ed bodies and as individuals have believe;! in the e'licacy ot self- He also ... tied to the p'droi.s to give : loyal support to the school ; church which must pull to taer. : s Florence Cobb aft-r a and say that Private William. was a ty pe of the ideal soldier and man. Among his comrades he was highly regarded as a young man of character and principle, hi' ssed w ith a gracious livhtlv .sour soils, and the tiota- B. - .. M .1 J' . n u Mis 1,ois Wr't-'ht. of Ports- tl, wi"liljri becomes scabbv on Rosemary Methodist Church nui,Jthi wh(J ha . k,0I) lh mvt lrishly ,imod sujls 0utsii,- (if a Rev. Charles M. Lance, Pastor t,f ",5rS ( Wyehe tliis week few crops, liming the garden can Sunday school at 10 A. M. F. returned home Wednesday after- io harm, and more often it is . beneticial. (. liege, Supt. noon. "Where very heavy applica- Preachmg 11 a. m. Subject, Mr. Faily Hobgood. of Durham titns of manure are made the "Christian Stewardship." 7:30 wa!5 j Rosemary Wednedav needs for lime tend to be oll'st t. subject, "Cod's Ownership." ! Mps v rUe A II S KVJ1 !n 5'ie SV,! ...v...... ..-o low me manure siaris ine iiianis Jordan attended the meeting of 0tf rapidly and they withstan i the Metropolitan Insurance Co. . the injury caused by the sourness agents held in Raleigh last week. Jof t"p ail. , , , ., i Lime can be applied on the A parsonage lot for the Lose- ,,iOWOll Karden in the vjntt,r a;i(i denia thro.. , self-examiation lenten di tasting and prayer. REPORT FOR 1918 W. S. S. CAMPAIGN i ; visit to Miss Ruth Liles has and charitable disposition. By ,1 nod to her home Franklin, his otliceis he w as regarded as' an especially courteous andobed I -s. Charles Kelly is quite ill. int sol. ier. But perhaps his. inst praisA'ortoy quality, and l st of ail I" be sure, w as his m u kfd, ,.i I tilei'llig oevotiotl to duty. Y Rosemary Epworth league, 7 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:150. We cordially invite the members of the church, and peo ple of the community to attend. sorry to say. I ehv lias returned i'ltal. i ,. u I .row n:: ir. in g i- r tiimitls are ei, v. l.o 1 Mowuiuu to to ,ls W. ,r.nv , V, trv. ioen nurs-retun.ed r:cr: r.lsoii is visiting urvin Harris. Presbyterian Church Rev. Stanley White Pastor, Miss Julia Thompson, Organist Sunday School 1(1:00 A. M. Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Ev ening Service .":0d P. M. The program for the organ re citui immediately after the after noon service is as follows: .At Evening Kinder. Hymn to St. Cecilia- Gounod. Air trom "Orpheus" -Gluck. Ft rceose from "Jocelvn" purchased recently corner of Jackson and Sth Streets and the congregation are hoping that a building may be erected in the near future. A calling session of the Quart erly Conference of the Rosemary i Charge, was held Sunday at 2 P. ! M. to discuss piaiis and means re- garding the erection of a parson , age. j Rev. F. M. Snipes, of Wold.m, ' presiding elder of the Warren ton District, was the guest Rev. ami Mrs, C. M. Lance Tuesday. lime are perferahle forms. Twenty pounds per square rot! is sufficient for most garden soils. Missouri College of Agriculture. School gave a very enjoyable Washington's Birthday enter tainment Saturday afternoon in the Rosemary Theatre. Despite the rainy weather a large audi ence was present. The faculty of the School wish to thank the Rosemary Band for , their kindly efforts and also Mr. The !.:-t pay:i Fnited Vv ar W erl. is due March l-t. check imuieiiia'e'v Tax loi , Chairman. nt on your 'und pledge I lease semi o Lewis N. From filissrMii'i. Show Me ! ( '.odanl. Duologue Grey. Church near uosemary is now Praver meeting on Wednesday 1 being repared. at V::;o P. M. j The Reading Club will be en- ; tertained by Mrs. J. P. Hewitt this atternoon. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Garner, of near Rosemary ORGAN RECITAL An organ recital will he given ...LLlz.G WCkKERS WEEKLY RLPGRl' iss. Ruby Woodroof entertain .i i hi- members of the Willing o orkers Society in their weekly 'm ; ,i . tin'.; en last Friday afternoon. s is usually the case, the so il, tv eliiovetl si lile:is:oit anil . i .l ehour. one liesi bet. Do yu mean it J of the First Christain Church, of !Sm'th'8 Church by the pastor Ali tin business items were when ou sav it? All right, come Sulfolk. Sue will be accompani-. Monday at 6 r. M. - . ; .i sided over by the capable to the Men's Tuesday Night Bible ed here by her choir director and ; Mr. Harry Welch, formerly of resident, Miss Electa Marks, Class next week. Meets every soprano soloist, Mrs. Mildred Rosemary, now of Baltimore, is :,i , s Woodroof refreshed the Tuesday night at 7: 15 in tee 15a- Kenestrick-Kilhy, who is a grad- j spending a few days with friends s ii ial feature as betits a thought- raca room, Baptist Church. uate of Oberlin. ful and hospitable hostess. j "It's a Man's Class. A silver offering will be taken. " . .r r. i . next Tuesday evening at the uf " u" ' U1KU tunuay I Presbyterian Church by Mrs. Dobbin for the use of the opera The New Hope Methodist 1 house Miss Beth Bagley has return ed from a visit to friends in Nor folk. Mr. Wm, C. B.iss has resigned as the Rosemary postmaster his resignation becoming effective; the first of March. During his term of office Mr. Bass has prov- Mr, Prnc!iri! Man, this is your , Kloise Crocker-Wallace, organist; after a brief illness. Funeral services were conducted at Report of War Savings Cam paign for Halifax County for it'lN RECEIPTS Note, 1st Nat. Bank 200.00 N. L. Stedman 18.25 W. L. Long 50.00 C. A. Wyche 50.00 J. L. Patterson 50.00 S. F. Pat terson 50.1X3 Jos. P. Pippin. 70.00 W. E. Nizhoison 6.75 A. A. Schlichter 50,00 S. M. Gary 10.00 C.05.90 I'lSr.lTlSEMENTS 1st Nat. Hank. note & int. 256.71 (H!V Help Sallif New ton 5.00 I- va .loi.nson 5.00 l'.inly W illiams 5.50 Mae IVlle Warren 62.50 Louise Bain 6.50 Minnie Daughtry 22.30 Margaret Batts 9.00 Leona Shaw 9.00 Annie Norman 9.00 Agnes Norman 9.00 ; Alice Hockaday 11.00 Lena Rivers Jones 12.00 ; Elizabeth Robertson 8.00 j Mrs. Joe Price 15.00 j Home Telephone Co. 5.80 here. The pupils of the Rosemary His many friends will regret to J. E. Bovvers, refund to see him and his good wife leave. ; Sotiool Fund for postage They will make their future home j stenographic service and in Durham. Miss Sallie Medlin j expenses haa been appointed acting post- j master until a postmaster is ap- 152,54 $604.54 Respectfully submitted A. E. Akera ( j - C Y

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