ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N C fl a Vtt. I llfl I T-tv 'M h- i 1.H . . v . I - - , . - - - i runiAiii hluo 4MPCRTANT HPPt1 SiS OF THI ANO OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS OVEN THE KEWSJCfTKE SOUTH What It Taaarg P ic IB THa tautik. land t,; g, fjn4 la Hf Pa-ag, pa Yahirtijtoa Thrae g-ncraK pf the regular Sim... Leonard Wood, ,!uy,h U SotMt rtitvd t.emer ihtrf of the general ttaS. and .-.h uf whom I rained u:uiaiied d. vision daring the wai. and Jf.'.n J Chamberlain, in ;; u teller.,':, upputtit before the Amorlcaa iii'o the subj.rt f r.u!ii.T jii.-tu-!'. :! d tasitis fr;a tU- i.n.a r. mi l!;t twnd!n n.UfirU IUo cor ..i'l tbty n ui-f ot c-.iur Biariiul. I'uiifr M;m h Ki,!J.'' 0 l.un J ui Umnrs b hf ffd!! laul banks on tort M;: fi- l ivoidmc to ttu inoiiK iy !i.-n',-n' f ihf fanu liaii K ar d TV.t- (.-d. ral .and oi t)u!!ia If.ids in u:u-ua f kwtt.i i4 d (' Actum Sr"a:y i f S'a'- ' a'hoiii, th- tati .11 t!.at r.i . : i v question fr' t na-t: ! o. n ' '.lie 'n:te S'aif a:ul Japm. af ! "a' j llidaalion-i t'i" imhiT i n:ti fn-ra the sim.i'u n m s- t a I r.d tne rinrl tnnib;- at -n. ' a at e ct.itf. iv,h fM'M.n-. ' aiuiJ vtH'O be amuaMv -ItUd t i jut m anv av stram.t'u 'he hUiuro beiana the to loun'rus. Hear Aiimirul Knupp ha rep.t til i ! the n:.v (U-paaiU'iit tf n l.oi ! n j tha ttj M!!-t d ii'i-ii hi. I M u kili ; d bv a hotter ,; .- ,ui o!i .U I . S ! S. Pe-;ki-iiljik. i I'resiaeiit W :Uon ha d:r t.' I li e 1 1'iiinx'jial lio.tri! oi the d"'!' n"it of! t OMinii'i-ie aiid the r il.road admniistra i t'am to leopen '.;. i iil.-n of prli e a j bili.:at:,m atul et',do:i vol" to fimt a i o;r. j l.!OU jtiout,d o:i v.h.i" ht'.ei tu t.a,reo Chairman I'n-k ant, urn i lua ii.-' hoard !! tal.e lip t ie i i -. . i in ,' i i t'.e railroad ttut.n...oirj;ion i;n."itMe ' iJ.'lv. I American t roups t . n ;t:ih. (.f ' ITJ,' Otf ale f.urn:n t- tin- lii.t, d S a t from l.u"0'f iiuiuij tV- (o- ! Ill' OHUVll. Vi"r. IJ.J" I l a! l'...k' i" : told llie now s j ;';t" i;u- i oi it, . la 'un.lii; arnvod l!o;e fioul l':o-i. la ;ay i!o- r.'.iuh'T of nan r i mri Hi f uin Kuro,'. I' i auo i f !;u k J,:ne the m:i;.bi i Ion. W. nit: aiivh r of ' 1 north Ku. i. , aa! son !;:-:.u ' tli.-pa'i !, i-'a I. Now I! !',,, -nihil lo Vol -a:i p.l'rattons an M ill I, of l;"i:i-;.iis, I. ;!l n-e io ;i P R el afdsoii. r Am. ra an for. na " s i:i I'-i the mil l v ; in h,s h. r. I of m:t: . .h:i";ii.i '. i maris ! e os on Aft "1 -j. i,a! tl.e 111 o- Hi.' IK--'ha' iliav nin'.e Ml"!; s !. :f. h Cfi'Mij, tit WiNon i . atnini; of the I n ;o 11 r ! a, : n o ; . and ' I. us fie iom, ii"ti lo lake Link tn Ut. European Ai'. '.ra s vv. ie i mod in cm.'ti.' wild t'e that have l.rok-ti mil in the I'liniaiiij A r.ioh ,, passenger I rain in tins ih.'nit and ;e, led the ladwav loa'ioii al Cjjrati wala. Airii' we e ,.. f j,.,. bore and the mob vh oomhed ;,n.l n.nio, til to ir.tx'lnne Kimble fr-m the ;r. foiiKiileiahle unriHt stiii ens's iu Iiell.i and Lahore It in learned in lainihm that the I'ni.'ion in Tuikev is causiriK fjrave u.ito. Internal ifsoidei- m rife. H, . curding to lepor's from Hear Vdmiral tin,. K. X , at Constant inople H ls feared there will shortly he uutuieak uud massai ips of the Armenian popu lation n i. larxe scale The Rltnnllon at Smyrna, whore the Tut'ka anil (lieel; are ready ta .;,.,K at eai h others' throar i. is typi, a i f tho t-iliiutiott ihriiiiKimut Tui le y. f-andt of briminil a'- d"ti.i:,a-ii.t; the country, even within a few i ;, , f ('unpluntinople, and roninu!ti:i4 atri- ions mill tiers. The committee of union und proi; ress. the young Turk or,;an;,,!io:i. whiih was driven from power in ("mi Kian'lnople as a result of the a lied vic tory, is reported to he score' i ,n Id'iMiug an eupigeiic reorsaniiation f i-ioveaient. r Furiher disorders are feared in I'fypt. A division of llritlsh troops is nr. the way from the Dobnidja to re inforce the troops of Major (leneral Alleiiliy, the special liiph coinmis uioner lo Ksypt, and lo relieve a larn" Dumber of Australian and New Zeal- 'concession at Tien Tsin and soldiers who will return home. W-'2e increases arerasine about !S Prenident indications are tiiat the; a monih for aj prtiimaii -ly f.'.ooO , -m- peaie treaty will he siKned before the president departure from aris for home. ItriK. Oen. Wilds P. Rii hardson, 1". S. A., having arrived at Archangel, Kussla. with his staff on board the first big lie breaker which has made Its way Into the regular Archangel docks since the beginning of winter, one of his lirst acts was to mak rut) 111 to the American troops a telegram from General I'emhing tailing upon them to maintain their morale. It is stated in well informed quar ters that the situation of the peace negotiations was such that President Wilson would probably be able to sail homeward M. y 20, and possibly a little ealler by May 15. InforaRition reaching the peace dele gatPj'at. Paris tpmla to show that the Oeilfiians. are not planning to take up tie and delay the signing of the I iM Dty. as they desire a settlement of ,.Uie peace terms at the earliest pos ' aible moment. . The Polish-Cerman boundary ques ;ion bat been finally disposed of by the council of four at Paris, but no an nouncement baa been made of the de cisions taken. It Is understood that Danzig will be internationalized, and the Poles will have a corridor run ning from that city to their frontier to give them access to the sea. ,-;0- T5"i w.'.I be aso'her world war b- ; fee; as ia June, is;, accrd'ng ?o rver In tr? Bn!ih Journal i.f A- ' troogy This pror-bct :ga h tiirlf ! s "stephapal." and asks for a s riou hearing. inamnoh a be cla-m to have puM.-hd a year ia in eaih case ta tuit da;e cf the war ! of 1?U. anj of tLe a of fcos- : Illl !!. I The decision of the I m'esi S-!e goitrnruin' to ap,s-t,nr Hugh S li b- i -oa, wrnry f the Ami-ncan em- j bassy ia Pans. a the f; T na'.nis'rr to j Poland. announced I ju. !nki of Poland Aa agm-raeni .t-v.aiej ..we vH3 3 uud-r neui r rerun tv;-rrnta ivseivaMon wiiih 'u b- i u; soon. The A ; hb tP-!'a-y r.r n:' reports f'.a: lirjvitarit .. i ',H"''M,n ' R '-. j'-''6'' itenc..i I Pen 'f n A'-w .-an 1 w-re k'!i"d Li a ; i : a'B oar. A ; t) . v. I J !tm a j ..!,lifrs n T"er'i he ; ' i 'rl, ! s 111 Ihe 1 est Of ,r, i The i : n i to hale H ! I 'i or I a - 'tn j mi o's,' if; " . : :-t. ;' .1 i ' 1 j I V.S j Th 'so ., li.H'le the i; a ' r. no. I M .. l.:.i he. U Os t -l I"" n f. r . i ami vi noe o; i a..ti:ie A pet u.ent ot i A - iii io'U'.a", . . it ;i... l la .,, I . .1. u.'ii ihi'ii J'l'i ill a l"t al'l e. I......I. i ' far I ii. i ,r, I 'lie M ,s I... , "u a :i ia i and K 1,1..; k ot; iii; l la ,1 Ha :t. iv.i .1 I.I'm; H'-v io .;'i;i,ar.! I'; .. .. e. e'l 'i e l.i W !,. tra I I'. sat, a. ;t o o.l.'ld ti ej oi Domestic l". a" f-K- ,r i i.lO'll d hxh I at : s (io. n: e! ,i i;. .(.; 1 ::oii a i M. ai.i.a.,; li;.,.. Sla'.'s : T. . ,s ' ar"..l a'a aghey c ' lapi.e j is .tl Kill i o tiers! K I I i -f ot !..;. S!. - . Kill slat.' let; in paid,. her l.o 'l . s at C e !:,.. or Morns Si. . a I'. (', I'lea-ani t f-r llov ll, or. f Al k ills.... !t.i.eiy federal and . en', cii.ji can flv ;p of the ration ll olv 'I l sp,.;ike n of Ih in Chi. Amri n an l.ii-'i S'i. a the iii' .; : ti' inn mean - of st.) fill? ins ind'istry a id preventiMj in ni' iral luiiher r 'a lu u i s'lort- S MII'i ' S he W Inch W as ( l"I'U( he, ominr internal innal il its r.ipul'v i; se.iuis- ness " Fo'iiov.i! ,f r. ivefi'iani resfii ti',e on ;e tntrl,e'n ,.f the cot'on crop and feil'iciinn in aoveane pla ited to) cait-'M wers iireed al the nie.'iiin of the F ir""-rs Km s'l 'tail and Co np evat ve I'nion of Ameni-a In fi'ivn tton in Denver Speakers poi".td out that a pu re li.ver-eled farmine '.an would ill'l in the development (,f ho South, whiih had heel bund i"a lined bv run fin :tit iii'er.itioin to i.,. ton. T'rewers of lv:e N'-w Y.irk lll'r!''' have tai.en :icii,,ti intended to st .unit ,let r'r.maf .n of th.or ci ;i"n foitt laM'l' of '2 I .'lit IlI'OI:!!' c,,tit "t in.iv ho pfod'H ' 1 wi'h.ait vn l.flnc t; e food craisoriai'i i'i ri'ir'i' li T v hi 't two of !. ir Lumber I.eK-n i'.str'!..i lion of t f i",w of 'he s'r.'nij'h s.,,., ft'il in barrels feiri'e labels d e-rib-!: tt it a noi; m'oxu a' nip l-ever A let. f an S.m Fian-t-en s:'." that the !.!' Who'd. fh,ir,e.-. i a per pnhli.-h.'.l there, has if oived !n fniiiiaiiin f.oui iis coirc spomhrtt tbi.t the J,-;,nese eh' ru men' has spi'iid with the I 'nit'd ('iites for the killing of two Anori can foldier by Jaianese soldi, r-" in the recent di-oiii har.res in the French ployees of tlie American Railway Kx presH ronipany have been annoum -d by riiroc'or fjeneral llines. Julius II. Harm's, president of the. Fodt ral Urn in Corporation, has been appointed wheat dire, t,rr of the I'nit rd States by l'resident Wilson, it is announced at Dip office of the f I administration in New Ymk Ti atisporia! ion of tntoxiratinir li quors for beveraee purpose thrtiuh a dry state Is not prohibited under the Reed prohibition ann-mlm nt. the Supreme court holds in an upin.on was rendered in ptoc edine rr-. ulf in from the arrest of Homer CndT at Lynchburg, Va , under the law while en route on a passenger train fro'n Baltlmt re, Md., lo Ashcville, N. c. Meeling at Columbia. S. C. with members of Ihe 3outh Carolina d-le- ! Ration In ron;ress, the twenty dele nates from Ihe South Carolina Cot- ' ton Association to the convention In Xpw Orleans next month, headed by j Gov. Robert A. Cooper, passed a reso lution indorfinK the proposed cotton marketing corporation, but Hiegpsted that ltn capital stock be made two hun dred million dollars insttad of one hundred million dollars, as propofed. The Tennessee legislature by a ma Jority of one vote has ?iyen tho yote to the women. The tuffraRe bill l ad been oendlns- for several weeks. HERALD'S REVIEW of NORTH CAROLINA A Record Of Important Events At Throughout The INTERESTING 10 .1 unua savings of per v l t to te state amd counties Through loer rates. i :.p r SUI H gaa A.I M.ocd tj Ba'ds of C.ti jj c Eery Cou' t in S:t. l I " !' Ot .,' O .d r"ad ruiitiR of t ! IJ"" a no:. II be n tile i. .' il l, i I T ti the t Of ' I ,'1 j s l"i n; i the rales - I m t .o I : 8 e, Tue l" the lal'.i i ni.a aN it-te li -;a.; r W S r'-.l.., -i ,;.d : a'. St saw ji l ;lf. 0 g of l"i.i k. I 'It IV : e ;1 O i1lill( oil !lja,i Hid s..n I. said Mr " tie,- i, ,l, an ral Is a tor, till i :it--Sar i to the lo:.;h Vhe.i the t .i S is I . . in- s The l:e i of u ; 4a i- n h. vi.thoia f tae 4" ll Ms tl., I"a ,lia t:t'e :op!a s S o I !! fu ri: nt t.n r mi i !'.'i 'he tr ,cl,t nil pi.;trls ' J. ' .I a..) r,'..,:s, il;,. theon is f u h , t he sav.tit. A t'oll I lll.nle mil Carolm t i lest f. r I' i i by I',. ,i , ':,! f T t I'o ,1 t , e li u'.vi of the , 111 !la s tl.-oe . 1 of the Ml n'lt.'l; pav on d -la ' .1 I oi' til.' 1 I .. hi : ;; !. i h I 1 1 , t ,!"el; frail I". .1.! a ' ti a, a a', ry la..' the , onds T , x I ' .-nis.-li i f I' 'id- -., ), . s-. oro r ai . v u" 'os i ,;1 fa. tiut:p v ir .-. nri f. i ii-v B ckrtt ClI' rm'ri. I " t I. rt.-l S .'. me. :' ' S .'v it n;... ',.- ,,, a i;n ill the :., .r', ai nan' that r, 'ia fioi Pa k-'t bad a.-. the rim rm insh.j ,,f rh- 1! Ir- g1 ira t. rioii'(os. ,i ,.f V.,Ke ,n,d ,, r.iur.t;.. The to be r.i: ! in the '-h r-. e i $ I T-.e i .,..; '!! M iy !! and last, a w..- k c ai: t rotr.'irinrig the zone pie 1 il f The li re W iW. Frinklo. Ihle. ...ii'ip H.,1 f .j X u'f i iinpf n. W".l..n. Johnston Hr.r r.e't Wavtie, Ciiml-rrland. I h.un .mil Waryn. Rfrtrtt Foreign Lrnmn. H W 01 -tin. toraporarv S'H" com mit'eeniin. has ai'tiomted Maj. ( Hon X Hiilvev. ni I'tarv ir.strui tor it the Stitle College of Agra ii'.lure and Kngi npcrltig, temporal? State secretin' cf the Foreign Tchm. The call for the St. I.ouis convention to le held May 1 has b.en issued. Ary soldiers or 1 ors iii'erested in the American I-eion may sxiire full 'nformation from Ma jor TTilvev The lonv. ntlon at S? I.oios is for the purn ise if "tT'inai'ir a", as, oc a t on cf '';e n:;r le'.-rall-i oona,s.d of al! si'ld rrs anil siolars of the l.:le war into a ti ,n p i .- in. lion p..itn asmv cia'h.n on M e 1 The h.isi of represent if Inn Is the cinvP'ition svufe:). j,.,,) t'-e niouher of d, legate is 1 m fed t i la if Ih" num ber of IS pre entafvo in the I'. S C. nti ess B'nck.ide LlQuor Seized. peven gallons of hbx kade whisker wete f nrd by revenue offiiprs in a tohino Inn re?r the home of Wal ter Newell 'n Ma rV. Creek township Three fermen'ers were seized at Now ell's ben, p. The off cers spaia hpd for a s' ll but found only mirks where one had bpen set up Mdpy Pepper. Ph'wing in the fi Id ne ir the burn left horse and plow far other parts w'.en he saw the ofT'tP's. peputy Collee 'ora K O. Richardson. IT, 0. Oiillev. V. K. Raines. Joe Hn'chins and TVn nty Marshal J. P S'pII mad' the raid Gat Fails to Born. The frit t that the government ship ment of special ra f"f the flying ma chines used in the "circus in Hip air" failed lo arrive and that the local gas could not be used satir-fai torily n-res- fid ited t uttiiig short the Victory bond demonstration here Right planes with Interesting manipulatiHiis for an hour but there was no attempt a! a sham battle in the air schedule and the German plane that tame out and did some extra f ist flying, went bad. in that Ihe engine missed alaimingly. Time for Returns Extended. The coliector of interna! revenue here has received instructions from the commissioner of internal revenue at Washington, I). C. granting to all corporations which filed tentative re turns on Form lf31 T an extension of time in which to file their final re turns until June ISth. However, inter est must he paid at the rate of '4 of 1 pr rent per month on deferred pay ments and an amount equal to one half of the totiil lax must be paid by June ISth. No extension of time is (ranted to individuals. pnnn nniin uuuun State, Reported For !&:SK4BI LEADS ML a; .1 tiia ::i Le o:-e of i",sarr i V pro-..!N ia il,.liv f h . t i'. it;.rr.:s 1 :: . n.e a'ii.: tm: t CS.nuaa Psct " i oi.isei'.i of ", o.ait.s, J i: Crtin. i uuiiKv ,l.ri.; ,.V -" .. ar j J (J si;k!. i;,o -.", t-- and the I'Hrli,, ass-m-d . i h teo.j ii.i'iivi! a: u r r, . ""' l"' f til." I 0"::ht - i i". I n-f r o.r. Khl Kli :'l am 'l,t.l fie tin? - 'i ir. K..I l it earuv .s l-:e la v OT.fes H a fl :a I li.Mtv r '.' l t 'e r I ' s f .U I . rs ,,! d la. M h T N II. . I ' x tie ;. i'-.r .!; I f t I.-. t of Ti ::t os rs i-l '-stl 'U d f r -r f tar MietH Ml", o .!. f, - I to M i t V r of ai'i a -I't-n i- its, at- ri st I ! . I-4 . M ., h. l'il"ds ' ir.,' '! Ti i a -e of ;;i-!. i ;ihs t,,rtt : 44 : rnold. :t;,?. ' I f tl. S'lOW.tlf H "."'! ; Ihfham. l",u -'n ; " . ! . .'-. il'e .".0 ' ; . l..ll ;;,'-e. 3.Sf,; ..' . l.',"s',i,vu ; ; '. Mo'' r- 4". vim ix I V i -" li:. a:.,;: ; Mi-nit. '".4 . V isho.clan CI '; V I - "". hJOaTv; W ) ' ! Yo iiiFvi!ie. :i:i. r'ii t-'; Nrrth C-rol ni C Ifrt. a. V r'h l".aol'"l lep lit ;T" ,n I ' l'r OiIh; .loin, If. (' I ,ral r'.al f a! v J..s U'i'ir T -P i n.v .' 1 M. . c. w lhd vn, : M I. V ( ot r a ' V l';tld !'.!": s; I .... v-,n I' i n. Wl, 11 III s s- v m r . k ,"- !: It flu th V.i I H h Pom! : : N ll Tho.op M-. k.'. Sii" i Ii- -! S"e;f t '. Sef'-I J, -. t i: v.. Chi .: f'oV Tot ll Ask P-r drnl tt Resign. Pel; or:-' , f, r hi. r-.j'!i..:..n l.umir. ,! si'iilii'ts of si , Colleg- fire !;s tight - ,i.'-i--.l a it iitot fi.'.m aildr. s, ti to I'-, li'-t.t V. f I,' .! la k. .oil :f Ih' ".':id of 'h s in-t'tat on de l, ties th. re'luesi of the .'idinN. they have in ilua'pil that Ihe mii'er w.ll he lakei: o II. p board of r ste s The request of the ilndcn bodv fai Hie removal of P!o,r!t l! dd., k f.d lovs a w:tve of dss tli-faction atti'iff the i.fnt u't'iril Stllilelit;. Ires,i!ll I! ddnk acitdii.r tn the students, b o! ind cited in no'tnt'er. if the fai ul'v that !,p proposed to ciirt;ir the agri i ult'.ir.'il course and i erd the engi depart'iietit of the colleg" Th.s plan would litve enl out lhre profi ofih;p'i. Gpvfrnor Pavi Trlhute. ('."tern If. k 'I pan! t gh trihtita ! to the 1 ,ie Cat ' lorial servii e " V l mn mi !. nif in F".vorth Method;:.' ih'i'ih. when lie presented a porlra'l of Ciptair, Ibi.m. who fell on the bat tlefeld in France whp gill.ntlv leid ' it.g his ( oni'iai'V of the !2'Hh Irf'intrv in a ih.'tee the enemv antl whi pressed on i(h h s men. urging then forward in spue of w-mnds in the urn n ti il leg reieived hef ue the morta 1 winter! !efo! him. h last words be ! ing. "Co on. boys. I am with you" Labor Unions Intrretted. The Itait igh labor unions are at ! tempting to have a say in the recent tangle in Reg hospital tnanagenipni here that caused (lie student nurses tt quit their posts, alleging in, fair treat ment and in.'idpquat" fare, and whlc! brought e.lumt a sharp dismissal of al tne rurps and the sunitti'ining ol nuis-es from the city and neighboring ' towns to take their places The Rai ' e;ph phvsioiatis have sustained Ih, ' course of Ihe trustees of the hospital j Make Return By May 15. t irgan f. i"ons and Individuals gen : entlly ore advised hv Collector of Tn i li-mat Revenue J W Ilailey to under score their ctlendir May la, Ihe las j day for the filing of returns of Infor j niation. giving the names and d dresses of all indlv ilu ils to whom pay """nt of salaries, wages, rents. Inter j commissions and other gains, pro j nt and income of $1 .OOfi or more wen l"ld during Ihe year 11S An egten slon of t'mp from March 15 to May 1! was granted by thp Commissioner o Internal Revenue for filing of returns Mo Bonus for Deserters. Sham protests are coming to Co' ernor Pickett snd others aminst th policy of the wr.r depirtmont u. v the full pay and 'i bonus I. riischarga! mpn cf the army wh, wpre really desertprs and were con "irted and spntencpd and then senrpi their spnlenres for desertion, havin frtpn given later honorable discharge The profpsts are esppcially from lr cnlities where desertion was a sottrr of special trortble and chagrin for th' patriotic and law abiding elements o the people. The Capitol And Herald Readers 11 ' bono issue cf tooc,c:o 13 VOT ; CO EY LARGE MAJORITY FOl GCCO HIGHWAYS. I0FWE ALL TKEKA::! FSD5 Org ?ti?et m Nearly tvt.-y S-t V.'orkfj Struouly ta Put tn t'.iJt "Cr th Tup." Kt-i. PHI.".'. ti - .:). or ri i;"t. l i j n n. t ea. e, da . ot ;.M. !.i.tii!e pr rty not in etie.-s . f '.. lU.'.ne.l. ,e;ii;pl tla- oa, , (, p ,,; ; .. iM Cotnt.e. in ,r;h C.rolo.a ;.i matter of r. ad ir-o-trn. ti-i l' ;. . t m.inl vote tour lo ona ,t v. i. a K'.""" (' l o:.d issue far the ;,, ;m- -vei.ient of it h.nhwi.y. Kvet ni in toad in ihe oiiniy ami mv-i e H e l.'Hs. r . ties ,t be paved Co : i 4er:als to by ued to be th t-rn. a. , lIR'nn tin neit iev .,.ks bv a c.i ii tn.s,.t ,f throe Aa be iho-eu by ;' 1 1 tors h .se'i at the poll. for iis ii proa" bid ilaiuh l . V't'iry. and hhui afler the noils onea ed their iiptim.siu mrreased Ui ai, i'la-ns in neat Iv every in shhoi ao,a oll.eil Str.l;l!ims!y t,, pt -s..;i. our the lop. tak:t na vhn.o- .i. the ntiti element a; in a ih,i ' lo.;,; , ieiti.ui last y.-ur when Hie a h ,o.,;. -nf hand- thoiii-lit tlity hart I In .e' n ".-owed up." ti lie sadly d.ii ippmiite., when ihe r.'SMlts cama In r'aiinei., in ome I , unship '-irport ed the prop. notion nmre etit'ui -i: as tic. ally than any evt r put before them. Ajamtt Dam Buildirj. Spent er Firmer., re t'e Yolk n rner S'.;i,er. n: h.oh the Kowari dinl Ihiv d'oii side o "a s'l'eam. have lac it,n j.r.'.itl .ii",.i!sol over the probability of a tr,; nt of l a h b dtoni l.fids h.-::' il uio.a'i'd as a rt suit of a I rue dun C le i re, ted below town. It is ,t i'o(! Ih.. fie proposed 'him wl! h.n k w .iter Iron '.i to 1', f, tt i-(.p f.,r lamoih ir. l i.e 1,. miles up Ihe r:ver It i., s.i'f, fi's w 11 cover intwt of the v.ihuhli liotloni l.iinls. h;.ck up tr baton sra'!i. requiring ferries to ( ros what are r.ovv small creeks, c tvr traUe. il .tuMga pr iperty H-;d it i' rhoira d will end itigef Ihe he-lfi of 'he t 't:ens of Spencer hv cl.i-'hii (la ewer outfalls and render the wh-,! of the cottnt.-v un! e:.lf iy . iii'ganiz.,tinn loinposed of m .re 'li.c 1 'in farmer in llowan and liival-o-has been organized anil coiins. l et ploved lo stall the prectlon of the dart if pa-ss ble. This organization i:- !'P it! ed bv Mr Phillips, a well known !av.don fanner Socialist May Be Maor. Asheville - The temporary hont of more th in S.hou soldiers who are hero to recover from the effects of the leadlv gasses of modern warfire th residence of Hie first Xorth C irol ni.o. lo fall fighting ngHinst R,."nany holder of a creditable record for over nihscribing i.ll impottant wir drives Ast-vllle fact's the probhil ty of he i .ng governed during Ihe nezt foil vear by a socialist. Henty J Oliver itrdidiite for mayor, whose (hint " just now seem gcellent. i no n i-:vi ot "ilist and h's favorable find'd oa is the result of a unique situation i' municipal utilities. He is a sncce fill iiierthimt and investor with t strong personal following and a c on paign management which seems I is' now to have Uie tail on the other twr1 candidates. Arrest of Blocksdert. Wilmington. Acting on a fn re -eived bv phone from Risiky Pai-.t tt station of thp A. C. L. north of W'l mlr.gton. thp polit e met a b!g Hu l atti rar at Ihe city gates and air sled a while man and two negroes ve'zed ?4 quarts of whiskey and confiscated the automobile which belongs to ore of thp negroes, and whitli will be sold a' public auction. Th white piati was 11. II. Nat e, a shipyard worker and he is charged W'th having Hip whiskey, though he denips It Is his. Gift ta Collrge. Creenshoro. - At a meeting bp of the trustees tif Ihe (ireetisboro College for Women, nn institution under con trol of Ihe western North Carolina Methodist conference, announcement was made that J. A. Ort.-ll a retirpd men hant of this city, had made a gift of to the Institution, tli money to be expended in the erection if an auditorium and conservatory for the music department Plans for the building will be prepared at once and ronstrurtion begun early this sum mer. Plans of Power Company. Hendersonvllle At the request of Pr. Morse, chairman of Ihe industries pommitlee of the hoard of trade. John A. Law of Rpartsnhurg. S. C, ad dressed a Joint meeting of the Indus tries committee and of the executive committee of the hoard of trade. The object of this meeting was to have the power rstnpanies represen tative place lefore the people of this .'tr annroximately what they intend to do and to express the company's at titude toward this city as a field for industrial development. OTHER Wm HQRE TROUBLE IN PEACE CONFERENCE ASPIRATIONS OF ITALV SEEM IN-' SURMOUNTABLE OBSTACLE j TO FURTHER PROGRESS. ' i m be of bekri I ; MarViall Fb Rearti Tbat Germany j ta t Verw.lle S Fully j Ateratf.ted Rerrtntaf ev j I'aria The aayiiralip of I'a'.tr ai ; ivsard the Aana'ic oa cut still appear be tse iBsurm.irtable taa before the ..a. .1 of four at tl. raria p.. e o.Kferonee j fHeuaB of the Itaraa o'a'.'Mi araa ?.illiiwe.1 bv i,i a.ldi'ion tl coafi-r eioe. but a vet there apparently ka her a no h-v.-u , m .he d.j.lhls out he demands aWtt the lial.atis , ,n iter irre!ai i!!e the ii-mpnonii-e 1 offer of the olh.T nttrtuMtants in the! ' lavid Lloyd t;e.-rge and l'r anient Wilson . A delay of three dava is in prosiH'. f ! , for the meeting at Vena, lies laoween : t i I 'he representatives! sf ihe a!he I ami ass s at, J powers and the Uernian ! delegate th d.diterv to the ; i aiaas of ihe allied peaie tettus Ti e ! liermn del.lMci. Marshal Fivh has j ben informed, caitttitt re, h Ve!!!e j j until April S. tlrigirally Hoy were invited to be there April li j j The three divs .leliv tx.ssiblv m v j j ! of betieflS t, the m tent j pleting the draf' of Ihe length? tb a j I inert, whtirtt is saij to approtima'e I liM'.OnO aorrts S"me doubt hat been expresed lint the allies would be! able lo give the Carnians tr. ire f lai a j summary of their peace tend. Conn at' the first treefinc at Vers idle vmwg lo the leng'h of the do, un;"'!! I Talk of th Chilian gav-eintpent ending merely "ni!'wetigers" t.i Ver I sialles re, eive the peace ireatv is' discounted bv orTiml ittf irui.i' ion re j ceived by Mirjha! Fo. b fiat the tier-' man delegation will coni'.t cf m j Personage, lie olwl h? Count von . Iliv kdorff HaiiUati. the foreign mm ister. F0CH READY TO ACT IF HUNS REFUSE TO SIGN THE TREATY , Paris -Th" f;,,., t;lal Marshal Ft!i and Ihe allied commandor hav. Hgrcej upon the nftar? and nival steps which will be taken In the event (tie C.prnans refine to sign the treati es wade a gocd impression upon the countrv ami the tendencies which ar hemming dailv manifest in favor nf firm alliance, ai an? rtte. until th pearp tertnn have bpen execii't-d. are greeted with great sti' rf-.t f .,n The posit i n cf America in s mat tor of this sort is specially delicate, but there -eotrm to b some ground for thinking President Wilson aill tux l. - .... iinr.tvori.iiie to some rorm ot alliance until the league of nations it got in working order. Rigbtl? or wrong'?, he inipiession ha been ent oiir .eMil I that only tho financial clauses of the ) lec trealy are open to di msion by ' ( the Cermans and that this discussion ! wmild be limited. The fiortnans. it was believed, would he heard aa to j the best means of enabling them to 1 1 carry out the financial obligations placed upon them by the treaty. It a clear f-om the German attitude that the enemy counts still upjn interal lied dissension. MORE THAN TWO MILLION ARE WORKING IN VICTORY DRIVE. Washington. - 1'nciuintetl millions of subscriptions lo Victor? Liberty notes pi Hired into banks und soliciting committees throughout the I'nlted States, hut no official reports had re;u bed heidnimrlers here to irive any comprehensive idea of Ihe harvest nn the opening day of the three wppks' campaign. Subserin tions probably will not bp shown fullv in reports lo the treasury unt.l late In the week. More than 2 Oftfl Ofiri volunteers were at work in thp big cmcrled move ment to "fniih the Job". SOVIET TROOPS HAVFN'T OCCUPIED SEBASTOL Paris - The naval port of Sebasto pot. tn the ChiuiPii, has not been occti phd by Russian sovet troops, accord Ing to a dispatch to The Journal Des Delists dated Sittidiy al Salonik. The dispatch says that fighting ap penis to have slopped for the time being in the southern Crimea. The boUhevikl are said to be slackening Iheir advance in the face of allied artillery fire. DETROIT FIRST LARGE CITY TO OVERSUBSCRIBE QUOTA Detroit. Mich. Detroit raised her Victory banner over the city hall, claiming the honor of being the first large city In the country to over-subscribe its quota In the Victory Liberty loan. The city has not "finished the job" yet, for the drive continues and loan workers predict the total sub scription will near the $100.000000 mark. Today's subscriptions exceed ed $60,000,000. The city's quota was $55,484,413. COMMUNISTS IN LINDAU DEFEATED COMPLETELY. Heme. After a short siege by Ba varian snd Wurttpmbiirg troops, the communists in Lltidau. on Lake Con stance, have bren defeated complete ly. according to messages received here from the Ravarinn frontier. Lindau was the most important communist stronghold In Bavaria with the exerptton of Munich. The peasants in the surrounding country, evidence great satisfaction over tht downfall of the communists.' HOW TO AVOID ' BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Tn'mc. R. 1 1 was all ram Aowa ia baaiU, as Bervova, bad haaii arhea. mj aack ached alt tha tima. 1 wal tiri aaj aai o anbiuoa foe any. fcunf . 1 aaJ take a bum her al mtu cine hca (Uj a aa fxki. (Im day I reai aboct Lra E. ltnkbaa'a rfr table Cow tKm ad a4 what it aa i dor for wemea. ao I Irwi it. Uy nenreusneia i. . . a M ! fceadacrea saprarii. 1 n)Be4 m : weirht ami feel fine, an I raa bmt r-eninieBa i.yaia I- link ham a tabla Compouna ta any woman mbo it euaerttifajl waa." klra. ApaiJNR It. Lynch, l.kj liana St. I'ra, R . llackarh and RerroumieM ar avana. tm or nature'a warninpa, whaoa ta iirate a functjoBjJ t)iturlanfa vr aa snkealtliy ronditioa which oft.-w del ( a lido a awre wnoiit ailment. onia tn thii rorniitma ah.Mi'.J ant Continue to driur aloru? without aw hi. t.ut I jd.a E. Ihnk ham's Vefetabla Com- round and for ipeeial advire write ta L)diaE. IViLUaa Mad Co.. I yna, Uaaa. "Our Good Old Standby for Over 20 Years' Yaget's Liniment is a good eld fashion liniment having aenttVM penetrative powers ard affording prompt relief ttom pain. It alleviates quickly pain caused fmm. rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, backache, etc. Contains twice as much tt the usual bottlt of liniment. Sold at the same price; at !1 dealeri, 35 cents. GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, Ma aiTaixgai jg y xf XTTfl" xg-fr i 'i ' I ; STAR RUBBER CO., Inc. M Non-SkUl A Kihbrd S Security Cord Type B ti, n I read Tread At TO TINK8 Ot sas.NTI-KlJ l ilt MILKS l.ltl Sal liit Sal -Ii. fn, frl. ti I'll.-. I'rlr CI lnsntit.ts j;,i j? id at; iii', .s is IV s,i i,ii tvas ""I ? m Kit tiss Jul nil lias aiiit ti ti atJM rW 1, I, . a ',.. , r. ,,,,.., k n IH U;rt. aerially i,uri,brr,4 antl r.Klilprril .. . , ir ,,.r w,..i-n h full flat prlr. bit hrrrt na tr Ihlt tlmr W iun4 h-ii-k of ttur ftiar, ,,l'innl I, hr, di. Ilb-ral an, I lavarl- 3ieir tiT,ri.,rr Trttn. I u II WITH PP.IVII.BI1K or KX 1MIV 1TIHN or ipr, til In .lurrmrnt W'K I'RKI'IY KM'Ill'Bf al'lltriiKH WIIKN AVIIit'NT IN Fl l.t lei iiMl'ivigs upDKII Writ, al etim Ifirt 9ST4H SI HtlfR f'tf. INT. .villi Ml. and llro,T. Srw V.irk ENERGETS BLAUDS MASS IS IRON, CASCARA IS LAXATIVE NUX VOMICA IS TONIC These. Willi other vnliiiible ltiredl ents, enter into Hip composition of I'm co h'licrgets, lb,, energy table! for weak, nervous, run-down people. They are wonderfully active a few doses tell Hie story. Fifty cents buy a box of 4ti of these wonderful tabids, by mall or from jour druggist. Ihe Paramount Drug Co., Washington. D.CV Allan's Foot Easo For tho Feet Sprinkle on or two Allen's Font-F.a4 powders in the Foot Bath and soak and rib tht feet. It takes the sting out of C, rnt aud Bunions and Iiuuilii,, aching feet. Thru for butting comfort, shaka Allen's Foot-Eaas Into your shoes. It takes the friction from tht thoe, real th feet and makes walking a delight. Always ut it for dancing parties and to break in new shoes. AU dealers tell it, I "C-uticura Soap "is Easy Shaving for Sensitive Skins "2' ''l cjjlrr Htei ItslCV CI V Ifll I tOPfACED kxrmmK Unit) I ILI MLLLIl iTrRACTSANDKlUA ALU FI IF Nt, Lsita II mmi U.Kl. .3 tnrf.l, can't .pill or tipowr; will not anil or Injur. atyytMtia' lrtisrantad t(frcti4. ao'.,s,"d'r. or I hr rxi'Ki S3, EAUOLU tsjULUi, iw in) JUltl A'a., Braoklm, N. T. AVOID INFLUENZA! -d lu Drtsaitasl ail Pnanmonla by tula GOVANSaMi . a M II m. TH a OttllllNAI, nr.llaiit attaraal rwlr er ISe organ Innal n iMItlnti Mat awiifaoUoB raarwitosa If tlrMUtnt an. toltowea. y. waa a rat, tmrm ant t.ipt u bn. Saa aWta.!. tHIWA MBUICalXo.Uwsoi, . j :!.!i.,!!!!!si'ii"i i i tttr fta -."