- - COAKOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. 1 X -1 . .w ju.. , f 0 Q onKroi i Tti "tiffin r - i - ii Hnin in i" i -T' 1 ' 'v tmii ,i ; s-. k ,, a l- , n1,U,", "'l-rul thing. I. th rvsvie-trus-th .u,t tv...bllltatt..u t J ltr.,.fc .... Ih.a.- u..vB M IB th. .i K.-mnu nt h iiuii.t- i iiy ii. n itit ii wir luunif uiHMTS. DEMOBILIZING WAR DOGS Mm The WHr iliiK't f tin- Hrltlsli aiinv wlinh n-rfinnrd liiiiiiiiifralili' llm-1 ilit'ds iliirin tin- grt-iit wiir, ore leln( ilriiinlillliii'il iiml ifTnrts urc liclnc tmidi1 tn imniili' for their future rare. A fund of SliHMXN) In bi'liiK mlsi'd In Knttliiml fur tlil pnri'iiMp. Sacrificed Principle to Safety. Thf triilli nf the fnlUmiiiK story Is Touched for: Henry Smith of Newton. N. J.. rnlses chicken, hut their Hvcm Hre not wnrth nipper when they won't lny. I.ntely they have lieen tnk liiK chiiiices, mi one diiy recently Henry went nut In the Imck ytird iiml killed one. An he curried the oorpiiit delicti tnwtird the kitchen, he ohserved Hint h" wnn followed hy n horrllicd pullet, "yoiint: Imly," suld Henry, "off gm-rt your heml tiiiimrnnv ninniiiii; If you don't Iny nil evx tudny." She couldn't. So she siiciiliced her nioiiil princlplex und Mule nn vg finin the hennery next door. Several hoyn s:iy they miw her roll the ckk over to her house. She li ftl ii live. Farmer Valuta Airplane. (Jeorce Kniiiikel. h fininer of Ayles bury, Siiskiitchevum, hns rctiially or dered nn airplane, nnd goes on record lis the first fnriner tn ailopt tliis ve hicle In his regular business. Sir. Komikel, who was one of the pioneer fanners In that reclnn, believes thor oughly In nurleuitiire by machinery, nnd plans to use his airplane in mak ing trips to various cities to dispose of his farm produce. Having bpen the first farmer In that part of the country tn buy an nutomohile, hi- np- jinrently buys Ids first airplane In ihe j rime mntter-or-rnct nusmess way. 1 FIND FLU AND Vitish Army Surgeons 8ucceed Identifying Many Forms of Bacilli. In I nndon. The virus of trench fever nd that nf Influenza nnd nf some forms of nephritis have been Isolated and Identified, according to a report submitted to the director general of the army luedlcnl service In Prance, hy a number of army medical officers, wlio -rt It! ENTERTAINING WOUNDED AND SICK SOLDIERS WHERE GERMAN TROOPS FIGHT STRIKING MINERS m tl.- lliilii- mining .liMiUt, C.iii.;.!,), w VETERAN FORESTER IS HONORED The slate of IVntiwyl vnnin on ItH urhor dny plnuted SU tree In honor of lr. .!. T. Itothr-Hk, who readied tin; nt;e of ellily on April it. Under lloth rock, one of the vice presidents of the Amerleiin Forestry association and for '. yearn hend of the IVimsylvmilu association, 1st known an the "fulher of forestry In retinsylvaiiiii." WOUNDED SPARTACANS IN BERLIN wlHl W 111 A:- .ursesbiintbi)jliiK wounded .Spartiicims Nuirtin nns were left dead or wounded on the streets of the capital """ "' ' inmie neiween me MUMPS GERMS have been Investigating the causes of these diseases. The report, which Is preliminary to one promised noon, Is signed hy Mai. (len. Sir John Rose Hradford, consult ing physician with Hrltlsh expedition ary forces In Frnnc; Captnln Posh- ford nnd Captain Alison, and Is print- ed In the llrl.lsh Medlcnl Journal. Investigations which have been cinv ducted have resulted, It is believed. In . of wvuuvM j JWUs, .older, u , yard of ,h. lu-l-lt.! wh.l. th. wiuudeMt. !,,.t K..wniiu. m It riHijw hiivo ,?h tr' nn the Krankfurter Ailee In Merlin two ructions lite Isolation of the germs nf mump. m "'' typhus, the cause, f which have hitherto been obscure Cranbsrrlss 20 a Barrel. Chnthnm, Mass.-Cupe Cod cran berries are selling at ..) B barrel re tail. This Is the bluest price reached since the hoe. . started a hundred venr. .. era can nil only a small nart'nf ,1 ,Z orders, they say, owing t ! ,, I, , demand. The market Is also b.irl the fruit. b" e 0 ....... . ,IM - JUST liUHI Alt OVER Critait S;t. Stand cr Li; W ti Any Comfort. S tcr-u-La C.vas Goad A-v ce a-d Crc'ui Docs World cf Cool H.-'l: n l T-Vi.- M l!uv ).ar .. I vs hi .n M - .TI'l- iT.-ru.g 1 hurl j I juM liurl nil ..,.r. I ail J w it-ii! ..f lt..iil.V l- l t,.r UH.S, si,,,,, , ,,,,( -il nw in u rvlmu- in if ( i'IHII ,.!,J , ,lW j,w I M.i.Ji Kt Mi-M;i law- Nll l hi" Ih Iiij! nival Mi,.r in i- Im. kiil li, lu iinini u , ,i i-iilttl to r It , . , I k.nl mil) laLfn fi' ii...- h. I Ml it would i.. K,aH xi ; h.Hit amt I m-i It ril,i ()); mt II il.it n Jut i-l, nf ,.,ki. Uiic which iInm hav ih'trr ..is.-. i IhkIsv ranliii," Cunlui i rvniuni'ni t si!n.li fiiiidl rtmiiliiiitf. m rui:iii! v .t:iin ml h foiitiil tn U h, in in tliUsiK of u. h wlh ii nut iiii,. i Bialfiirimiilim that iln imt r- HUirv im;ir:il tivaiim'iit. Try it. AiW. HE COT THE CECRGES MIXED Baseball Eprl Fiilntly Mad Som. thing lo Lff. About Pron,pent Men of Iht Worid A f .r'.ii r pii. In r In ''..i. ..v. .. -11111. i N'm ilni . i,. I. i !.,, ...ii-.-lit .iiv ii'ul .i.i i .n a s. !. ,;,. ;ird, w" ''- mu lt:. .ir i n l Kii. lM .l oplc, .1'iiiii.. u ,n-;ii!rin M-.-ll on,, da jr. hiirl.'i- is well km, n for ihe sp.,,'1 in,. '-,tutr' ... a-,.t, . 1'iilt. it'll is in. I cicl . !ih m -'i' v in-ill, r than llie htw a In.v . 'I li s l.i.ii r c;i i iim-oi I., ...-'.tv .,( o!in' f..r !n etid of Ihe r..'!.. tij coiiv..rniii.ii : ''I'liU Vnr sit.v h,i , , .in; i,iii hi.uihI vniiie." ..pin, , i;,. ,-,i, ,. ,.r "I low ti n ;" 1 1 1 . - ii il ,.i f,-, i,, "Will. o fal.,. i:;i;l:,n., f,,,. I,,. -Iiiri'-c. Ivi.-lui l nlsun. I.ill u kill'.' null a s'.eni t'me ill."-'." "Whet's li e ln.illi" S-nii,. hi;.. t:lke I slmt el Kilt.; tii'HI Vl't" "Why, li. i. imt l ai. Thev his! ,..!l"l nil bun Kiiu- (n or.-.-nnv p.,ii.. 1.,-asf-Uc the eiiU ililn-- y,.(i v. I,, i.,. pcrs i!n-,. day j I'riiniir ;enre." Important to dl Women Readers of this Paper P"vifn l npnn t!ii.iian !s nf w-nnifn lv Lnlvy or l.!a I Icr tnuililj ati.l never ll'IWt it. Wiimcii'ii riimptaiiit often prove to be B"lhin rl but ki.lni'y tiouhle. or the result of kidney or bladder ilncroie. If tlie ki.lni'vs nre ti. t in a liculthy ron dilinn, the.- niay vnie the ether orgiim tn become diiriwil. You niy mffer p.iin in the back, heal aelic and m of nmliit ion. l'onr heidth in.ikea ymi nrrvnin, irrita ble and mi. I despondent; it makei anv i.ne so Hut hundiriN ef women rliim that Dr. Kilmer'a Sw.imp -Knot, by n-i-tonng 'if alt h ti he kidneys, provid to be just llie rein-d) neided to overcome such tonditioui. M.my er,d f, r a tiiniple ImttV to fee ;liat Swamp l!,wt, the great kulnev, liver nnd lj.id.ler medicine, will do fur 'hem. Hv en.dii-itu tin cents to Ir. f . I L t .... r iu , ii'n'jniin.en. you my rn'Mve Minnie rir b'.tfle hy Puree Pot. Vou chh ptir.hi'e medium and aw ilze boulea at all dnn itrres Adv. Accidental French. An Am. i lean lady In I'nrhi yvanted limit. Hater, hut could nut imke the nnld v.ni!erdHtid she yvanieil ii hot. After several Vain nttempls she ex ilaimed In tl'sKiist. "Slum:" Hie maid orlMitenctl i,p Huhlciil.v, Wl.t ,,T and returned with i ilti her of hot water. It was not until some time afterward liat the b.idy bcrnetl fmi n friend ihnt the ulr' hml eviibully mlsiinilcr dood "StiKi!" for "chiiiid," which is ihl! I'lemh for "hot." Itli'lilllninl Tinies-ltisptiich. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been il household remedy all over llie elvilljc.l world for mole than half a century for const ipntl n, intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the kb tiefaily depressed feclinj; that I'ccnnipnnics such disorders. It Is u most valuable remedy fur ini'lucsilon or nervous ilys. pepsin ami h,.r i rouble, brlnuiim on lle.'iila' he. cnni iu' up cf food, pnlplta li. li of 1 1 . . I t , ,i,nl luab.V nihi l' syinp 'IIIIIS. A few d'lses of August I'lorter wiil rcl eve viii. It Is a gentle laxa tive. Ask your tlrimfist. Sold in nil ' ivilU' d emu tries. Ai'.t. His Wife's Husband. Smith- I lost my lileiitlty for two whole wivks lasi summer. .lones- Ilnvv ili It happen? SmithSpent my vacutiou nmong wife's nhitlotis, where I was simply known us Anna's husband. Philadel phia inquirer. No man can choose bis own father, but he can use a little judgment pick ing his fiither-ln-lnvv. Vs ln th ( TeeiMet n0VS BRV Bow ML MiniCINN nstl enn-M t Stnniscb nd Boon lrenll FtrtMllr luZ Man Is good; his enemies are bad; md the rest of Ihe world Is Indifferent. Vnii Granaloled Eyelids I vf m 1 Evei inlamed hy eipo sure to Sen, Dnl and Wlnt 1-7 mC Su,s'klyteliwedbvllarh' LY 79 fyH-y- NoSmaitin Juet Eve Comfort. A foul DnreiKti ot by mail tec pet Botti 'or leek si lie ryi free writs t .4wlaa ty Reatredy C Chlcttbw GONQUESTOFTHEAIR ACRiAl. E? CERS. "..'(CE FOrt PA3SEN W!L AND B j Convcpt.oa of Pan-Amtr can Arrt waat Mill St ntuiat Enl ttmcnta th U. S. A r Sr t. Jr.-v. !! V Antru m ti,,n. at.l . .r-. nt.,t'vs ,.f I'l fin nill'Hi w !., w ul "t ! I-.- t,r-l I'm A h-i.,., b.i it.. r.iin.ini,,,!. i, , , .Hi; l. t j .-r i H.it hr in V 1, '.i-Um h.iii J , ..n ( ,i. V S A.r S !... M l 1 r .t,,iUii tifs, Bi.w suti, .ht in tk iiiintr. tu i.-ii,.itm..m ,,f tv,,. r,t..4 st.ii. a N h.k.l. S iiiih.'itii l,! '.f .i;, i aya: "Th- a mn. an r.i.iiiin I riin!i,B iiPu "linliil,. h-lil 1 t AtUntic C'tv f-ir nu the nu.rih nf M.iy ,!! I.rms to an-tition (if Amru-.n M-uil ih wnnil-iful (rnt fs 4 ntin. Th w.nk nf air THfl ilium thv Wr Klahllshnj its IT41 t .alpihiy fr ...iniiii.-n un ! nu inur" the . ri , m ih;s ,.. j try nf a ruttiplHic apri.tl rvi run I ""'Uns all iiliK n, tuiis f.ir thw 1 tMnmriatuiii 1,1 i-rsntis. m.n ami I j m'ii hrfinlie I I ' Ht'f.ll'H Km ( lllS ,.f 1 I , ,,nft I Hnily ,r..i!i. t this v, . , ,. w , n ,, , j fiill ui"i,ition. with tn...tnn in 1,11 ) riuniri.-s nn iliis hfinisii!i ;1 ii. ; rn.i-,1 Sin.. tn.nl lr.. , 1 j t il l.sli-il ai r.iss ihH (1, unr, a l Wlli ll. I... en.,; ,V H, ,,,mn .,!., 1 a. hoiir fivin s.iui.. ri-n'y . mii (: j trilMitiiii; (i,.:iiu Onrti r.-.it.Ml i,nrl I " ii't it.on imr M'i-ihin ,-.Mt lint j im'i'I Im. j hi m,ir i-omnl.-i.- iin.tw N'n frutii my piwsii,. iuvusion Tltmanil nf mlWH triim.,! la anil out of the servi... hv row wjititii! ii, ):n m t!i npnr.it inn of nt: ari,(; ;,cr. i. e I "The ;-.. nm-nt r,!. f.,r !lf.en , t!,i,is;,, ,,.., , rA, m lM. 0.f( rfi j b'r one or three yens' tim.-. T'lu is h-mriil ,i, receive a ouii k i'..siv.n here is in tinnortnn'tv f.ir i.iut. i . I.. iium. ill itely ;'ssiK'ied to duty in d,. service and nf th nupiher who enlist those w'm pis-) certain eja-nitiations w il he given ftirts .itnl halhion piint- in i? instruction. This liberal offer is I e--iiv.,lent to a one or throe ve-irs' j I'lllcv" ri)iirs in aeron.int'c-!. and one ! tivi v becon.e exnerf in all branches of I iiviat'oii. and if ipialified a noncom missioned or even a cominisiio'ied of fleer. In aibt'iion to regular ivy. cbithinc. (piarters and rations, eiira pay hecins with instructions tn np I erite the aircraft. As th number nf men wanted Is limited to fifteen thou- sand fnr the entire coutitry. quick ap- I in i 'iioii in mo nearest recrnttm? of ficer will be necessary before the priv llepe Is withdrawn. "Kvcryhody directly and Indirectly Interested In aviation should attend the Atlantic City convention and exhi bition in order to keep abreast with tlie times and become familiar with the development of aircraft for de fense and commerei il uses and wit ness the demonstrations of the world's createst airiilane aviators, who will fly, and ballnin pilots sail to the Atlantic air port from all over the country." THE FARMERS OF AMERICA STANDING WITH THE SOUTH penver Removal of Rovernment restriction on the marketing of the cotton rrop and reduction in acreape planted to cotton were ursd at the ni"etinE of the Parmeis' Kducational and Co-operative I'nion of America In convention nere. speakers pointed out that a more diversified farming plan would nld tn development nf the South, which has been handicapped by confining farming operations to cotton. A report by the committee on cot ton and cotton products said: "There have been more severe re strictions on cotton ever since the beginning of the war than on anv nth er farm product. Even today there n pi restrictions on the trade with our allies. "With these facts as a bisis we feel justified in asking our govern ment to make every effort to have those re-nrictions removed at. tlie curliest possible moment." The report also advocated reduc tion in the ncreapo of cotton, declar ing that tJie S mlh h;n been brought to industrial slavery by dependence ti i ill ('lie cl np. LOAN SHO'JLD BE Atf-Of-PED BY SAVINGS Or THE PL'OLIC Washington. -Liberty Loan coin mitto of the several reserve districts werr- urged by the treasury' depart ment to conduct their Victory Loan campaigns with a view to securing the largest possible proposition of subscriptions from private Investors. The loan should he absorbed hy the public and paid for out of the savinrs of. the public, said a telegram to the committees. Resources of banking Institutions should be left free. RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE FAVOR PLANTING OF COTTON "Washington. Mode'e'e rainfall and temperatures somewhat above nor mal gave conditions faro'ahle for cot ton planting, germination of seed and growth of that which Is up In much of the eastern portion of the belt, hnt the seas -t ront'nnes later than the average. From the Mississippi Valley westward continued rains and cooi weather further delayed the prepars Hon nf soil and planting Is progress ng slowly. l.tW.'tB LtfCM mEI-MTlflJIJU SUNDMniOOL Lesson it., r.rv Irt t -r t:t. Jr. LESSON FOR APRIL 27 THE HOLY SPIRIT OUR HELPER I t .x t iat J im i , ; l .I't. Tl I If f r .j I'll ' t.in t-t i;,. t I- . i - f Itl tin-. .. ,,.:.. f. . , ,.r tia.-ri tiller ;i.t ' if.. .: 'a ' .1 -' t i.. I. ! l-KVni'l..At. UnXU- l: .n . I'lMVI HV T ir T r - Jl -.it 7. . . ,i -.1 ti.:i.i INTV i: ( I .1 t k t li-ii. I I ' . I .- i: ami . - ii. I Si N h- II. .11' IT i I. Th Hol Spirit From ltd I I . . t in ! i t ' i . . . i .. i. it i.. .i I ..i .i ii.- i n .ii t'li- ("t- i i 'iil'M. ..n. in ii.itnd. wiili ti, I a I j h.-r mil il, s..n 2. Hlwt i liis iiiihiii"' tw T 1"). j (1) Tlif i l.rl I m r..i,if..rt.T. v I T). Tli lli.lv Su rf i iirii' r. i- rroa-ntntiir whu lnli.U In lliv k.iIh of the iM'liever t.l stlvlli:tlill. en "mute, ilcfcud fnuii the iiieii.y ami pl.nd Ills cans. Ih fore H.mI tlie i lither. .Ieu knew and told llie dis. tpies id the bitter i-rMs-ni!,,Bs which awaited them us s.h.ii us he t si l tnki n h's de parture. What a lilessi-d prMl.ve to have the 1 1 Spirit In and iilsni ns to tive wisihiiu to d'sc-rn i:.l's will, atcl .u.-r to nvenvine . mj'ii'ti.iii ' '-') The Wei ids lulje (v. S11). Vic ory Is to . achieved . the Spirit Wo-kh's in ami tlin.in.-h the di-ciples. j (a) Me vlll n.iict Hi,, w ,.r!i! of sin (v. V The 1 1 if till sin is unbelief j in I'hrist ( ;i). Tl,i lll:l i,.f N i."t ! pi itnarilj int. il, - t'lal. I.iit nmriil. It j Is an iitiw ,'!lh',.-ss in si;; r-,-n.. r to ! the 'Inn,.- wlli (Jehu .'t is. p.). The j way .he 11. .' Sp im mica's the world ' Is tbr.iuuh li e l. -it'iii.iiv i.f tl !iii are tillnl w 1 1 h In im. (I.) lie will cm- j viet the world of r:Ldit.H.istiess (v. M. j This is i;-.i,,. thn.tivh tin- r-.siirr.-i 'inn lilnl asci iis,.ii (1f i'hrist (v. 10). II, s I coii'lus: fottli from the tr'He nnd tt ecu;. in int. loaieii was nn in-lispu! I'le .i. ml' that he was what he clnn I t.. he. lie is thus -hnun to be 'he i rii.h, ,.,, n. ),..,. ,.,,.!, u,lV ,. j propi t-x.-l by faith In him. TliU 'is I ei..r il... ,.r k..t....i. of sin ami iipiirnpriiitloii cf th.. ri.-lit- l-tless I.f I'hrist. (c) II,' wi cotl- L't the world of jii'liMm lit to conn. (v. s). I'hrist told of a jinliiient to man'. Till' L'!llltallleee of this Jil'ljIM. lit Is that :at,in. the prince nf the world, wtis Jmlireil nt i. , r..-.s. (v. 11; , f. .!"!.u IL' :." !). ('!) 'Hi- rhrMien's fable Into till truth (w. i'j. i:n. The r.ihi,. a spr I'ual I k, there!'.. re If ,me would know Us iiteauiui; he nm-t have the Holy Spirit (1 'or. ":1D. (I) He Kloiiilcs I'hrist (vv, 1 4. fi). lie does not speak of himself, but In all thincs reveals I'hrist. The only way to know the tbuv nf the Smi of tlo'l Is to have the Holy Spirit make It known. He r.yeiils nil th,. divine riches i nil trace that are In t'brist He makes real unto ihem the pi'i'soti nli'J not k of I 'hrlst. II. The Holy Spirit C'ven (Acts 2:1 -IS). 1. Time --l'eii!ecos (v, j) This was fifty day s art.- the Passover S:rb hnth (Lev. L':t:1.-). ". The marks of the Spirit (vv. These are cvternal nml iiiterniil : (1) lAlrmnl. (a) Sound of a mldity wind; no wind, hut merely the sound of wind. Kor this sound (o be heard In the curly morn attmetetl nt tentlon nml cnuscil the people to gath er. The reference o wind smrirests the all pervasive H fc-trl in Inll'ienee cf the Spirit, (li) TniiKurs of tlatne. Knch of Ihe dis.lplcs was crowned with stub a lotiKue. The tom;ues In dicate the practical possession of the Spirit's cjfts, lin,i f, ,ir(1 tllj) ,nrifv. Inn energy which removes the dross thus iual.inK i-fTecttve the testimony! (c) Speaking In foreign ImiKiies. Kor these humble Galileans thus to speak caused gnat nmnzemcuf. (2) Internal. This Is seen In the trnnsfortnutioii wi ght In the dis ciples. Instead of cowering before n Jewish mnld. Pe'er now boldly stood before the chief rulers of the city nnd declared them to be guilty of murder ing the So:i of Cod. 8. The effect (vv. 5 i:i). (j) xh( multitude assembled n amazement and confusion. They heard he gospel In their native tongues and Imiulred Its meaning. (L) Some mocked nnd foolishly attempted to account for this remarkable occurrence hy accusing the disi iples of be'hijf drunk. 4. rnllilltnent of prophecy (vv. 14 IX). Wonderful things had' occurred hut Peter knew where to get nn ox I'lanallon. lie went to (iod's Won' (Joel '.MS. !'). tied 1,11,1 predicted III-:! stlell lll'ireoloils- il' eai-l-. M I.. take place In the lnt days. The Higher Interetts. abandon or lessen Ki,teii,.t To agencies now is folly unspeakable. Not less Ilia,, before, but more Hum before, Just beciiuse II Is a lime of crisis, Is there need of (he regular ministries. The very time when men can least of nil afford to mm aside h.v one jot or tittle from scrupi,f fulfillment of spiritual obligation Is In the time of crisis. The higher In terests we must remember are the Interests lirst endangered under fa tigue and strain, and need therefore all the more careful nnd steady guard ing. Worry Not About Tomorrow. Kvery worrying person is a split ..lf He does not throw his entire person ality Into what lie Is doing now, but allows detachments of his thoughts to wonder what will happen to him next When Jesus sb. "He not anxious for the morrow, for the morrow will be anxious for Itrndi," he was telling tin to be our complete selves today, with out detailing u section of ourselves to look out for a tomorrow which may lever arrive.- Henry Slonne Coma, THE MEN IN CLASS Al A I VliT r.na i tmi bac tnjr.tir A ma iM& t? as ig mu acl h at nui ai at twenty. 'a.ua, M .-r. f !.tf la th iiii-ju-J. A !"lfa al-J by (.T.rwrk au4 rr-l-s Uiu ( krui irfa,iiiiTlr. iLr fcoi.:j fiu.i:,.ij an iuniri ail m.rlaut iiu'i'imi.1 ayiir. Ta via it la fiwrsUy tK knj!t. K tD. m ciea atwt la j.n.per workiBf cua .'.'" aid jua w;'l -ueral,u tu,j wtr - ! m t laa A. 1.1 ,tM.i MRUAU lritu tkl t'ap';h-a Tioiioii au4 -"..r .vT.ai W'U ! t IB W-.M-iL;: .-ur 4nt wiU b nlirrn nr m i aiip!i, your tiiui a.-fi. j.i ,.. ..r rimiir , earn wrurfc. I1"-" t i.t unt.l ). a lav t la r'j-ft- ' 1 t'"iiiu.-iir to a trt-ia B.aw ii.'W. t.j t.t ywr iriirnMt af ;t a t-:sl h..t pf OOL1 UKl.il. Juari.iu I'1 rjn,l,.. Thf? a- B.aJ J.f tl. .i r. wii.ul, liu.rt4 Ilaat Irm : trf km. I ..ur frrt-(ranUath- u..J. day wU -'. .1 t-.ii-.) i,p an4 fM-!ie fii.. M r.fa..a if ili-t i not K..;ii,i.t m a.k f..r ta iniLHtH t.i'l li M' !il. l.rJL4 lu tk Mini ., kirv A J Th Ort."iist c Undertaker. "" ' . I. i I'll I . ,W : i. tvi..- ..). n. i. ii.!.,r,i j ' li'-rM !l. t.,.., N . J In i 'I.. ;. viiiilin ' " ' .i.!i Iii SW:, v ' H'l.'li. .;.t, t'.. ;, ;, ,!., v I . ii l.' f,. N ,. , ,,., , I h- mil i. llie i-ein.-terv an. I l..ls 'ii the tomlisi, .,-., .f I I'"-'!''' sum. has Star. f the p.si,',- I,,. l,a, bnn.Ml. an I heart v laiie.h." Kans ., i n, Cutlcura Saotiea Itching Sca'a On rtirlr gently rub pit of daa d-uff and Itchlnj with Cutb-urm tllnt nient. Neit morning ahampoo with (.'uticura Snap and hot water. Makt them your every day toilet preparations and sve a eiear akiu aud aoft, whita bunds. Adv. Unfortunate. l.ady of llnii-e- If i.ne work why il.. n't you timl It? UiL'tliu I'.iil -Alas Iniv, love I. Mini Wli 1.01 ro. i ymir 'f.fl irp.,i ltl .i.rti,K iih a B.iii.r a --I n ,,in le a-M.v' ftrlfir Ir-ltai, V . . .' I'll ! r I, .tt I. 4 - a,l v lion't for. 4 ol ' eli 11 I'll tiiat pei'ut.ii: r haniy to hniiiiiiiitv. I It's Clean, Sweep, Vasi The Live Long Day! he a yot f'vl worn out., "tired to drah" with the household duies coiik iiig. rulibiii,-, rlea'-itig, dusk ing -(it all comes in thu day's work in the household) turn to ths ri(Ji'. remedy to strengthen you. The poor woman whose Imck hi Is as though it would lire.ik, who foils dizzy, whose head nehes, or black Sjiecks appear beforv her eyes, all are due to troubles essentially feminine which should he overcome. The greatest boon to womankind !.) ft temperance tonic made up of herbs, which makes wcajt women strong and sick women well. TLis is the ' Prescri tion" of Dr. Pierce, used by him in active practice many years, and now sold by almost every druggist in tablet or lnp.id form. It has had a half century of suc cessful results in most, of the delicate derangements and weaknesses uf women. If she's overworked, nervous, or "run down," she finds new life and strength. Send 10c to Tr. Pierre's Invalids' Hotel, Iluffalo, N. Y., for trial package or WTiie for free confidential medical advice. Take Sulphur Baths at nome wr tiVrV III itr i-! S br RHEUMATISM Cout, Eczema, Hives, etc. Rirht In your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing tulphur baths. Hancock Sulphur Compound TJnrc' own bl.wd rnirlMng and skin healing remedv Sl.l.PHLK -prepirl a way , m.'ke lt use most rlhcacloui. t!se it In Ihe rati; me tt a Minn acplylaj to affected parti; and take It internally. 50c and $1 Ihe bottle at your drumiifi. If he can't supply yoii, irnj ni nanu and the price In lUinca and I -e ill ftentl yu a hotlle direct. HANCOCK t.lQtnn SULPKtia Mi Rdrintt C.npmnj OM. C.U.. CSx . f.J SOtf .u.iA O Sll I J2 .A -'XS'Vsl t-l'. .' W4 sM Keducet Bursal tnlargrments. Thickened, Swollen Tissues. Curbs, Filled Tendon Sore nee from Bruise or Strains! stops Spavin Lameneti, allayi p,in. Does uot bliiter, remove the hair or lav I'D the hnrm l te '.-..I. It dmggiitt or delivered. Book lV, (rest ADSORBINE, JR., fo, mul mtiirptic liniment for bruieri, eun, wound, itraint, painful, iwollen vein" or glands. It healiand toothei. $1.25 a bottle at drug- titti or poMpaid. Will tell joe more if ii write. Made in the U. 8. A. br OiULTIlll(S w f n tm m uum, anil un ma. ! l ftw Swrtltrtk.rt Teak. At AH nf tana, earn About U seder rul rera Hhahiia I'eaat i'w one farmer Fallsril it,e from Isj ern; riii podi t feet lens, vines It eti prodialoaa reiser of - ens viae, r'armeet Se4 Camiifc,,!--' " C.y- n i mmm - WW 1 1 T il i .I . V .at a.