r I.'r V ... rviuse" nui mT it Tk Herald PskLsluaj Cs,, lac J. T. Stastbacil . t .:.:r. r--- : ir-e.. t-J r.r.u.c tr.c ; EliITCR c.r.sUr.t.y ir.craj.r ,? : SaWriso $1.54 a Tew La Aitiact &r.i we ver.t.r h.i serv.eei sr. : TUXPHONXS a cr.er:. Uy 179 Entered u cce4 Cee sfatur AprU I ti'.i, at tse Poat OS; at Rt.ke Rapt. Scrta Ca.xav unr An cf Marts. S, 15 All cn t: E. A MATTHEWS Attorney t Law SOTARV PUBLIC A.I MtcaicaUona afcou! fce !: ! to tr. Hrm.i Pvtl.et-r.i Co. ,:.'. rv.ur jf is Fire Ntwa Bil4.r.g t: cw t.dM 'jk-r.; Roanoke Rapid N. C A . card, cf U..'.il. r-w,..ut f r . .... u . CLARK & CLARK trt rate t,r crr.x t-rr '.rd lutj cut fc.-xa.f .ay rtic. ia i ce ci Attorney at Law ct h.r. euua.r t . .fi Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ewoct No marLa Ked fur thaa a tMta. u""u ; Friday. April 25. 1919 A. L CLARK S-.r;.s I T'.rr.av. LIFE AND FIRE - - INSLRAN E Why sr.Ji.i Italy ti-sr.e? Loam Negotiated on Real Eitate Finish tr.e Jwb-t-y Victor) bonds. Dr. J. Frank West DENTIST Roanoke Rapid, N. C. OFFICE. URIC THEATRE BUILDING The "Old G-ari" r.ever sur fer, jerti - it abdicated. It tar.es a "V" to bfin the purchase a Victory Bond. Formerly Occupied by Dr. F!eU If y , are r t , o n, to ta.e DOCTORS PRE" your sr. are cf ictory bonds- don t te 1 i t. the Ma re, PR CALOTABS Italy seems to Le following the custom of .so rr.ar.y cf her sons in foreign lands by rlayir? the Monkey at the Peace Cor.fcrerice. FOR A LAZY LIVER Gerrr.ar.y is to decide the ac- Wonderful How Bright and ceptar.ee : the Allied Peace' Cheerful the World Look Treaty by ipulur vote. What After Taking th NVw a spectacle to see ILr.d e and the Naules C&lome, Crown Prince electioneer around the polls. Have you tried tr.e ne w nausea- ies3 ca.orr.el tnat r.aes ca;omcl taking a pleasure'.' If you have, you appreciate the wonderf ul vir tures of calomel when robbed of all its unpleasant and nauseating etTect3. Calotabs is the sensation of the year in the druj? trade. Pharma cists regard it as a perfect rem- in in- Herr Krzberjrer, who is visibly moved and aifected every time Foch has a conversation with him. should not be forced to at tend the Peace Conference he'd probably have a jumpin' fit. Think how useful those Ger man helmet trophies will be for defensive measures to those be lated husbands whose "sick friend" has kept them out until the small hours of the morning and friend wife is peeved, scept ical, and belligerent edy for the liver. Its e:fects ' biliousness, constipation and digestion is most de.ightful. The next time your liver needs a thorough cleansing try Calo tabs. One tablet at bedtime with I a swallow of water, that's all. ' No taste, no nausea, no salts, no 'griping. You wake up in the It is up to every citizen of Roa- riftLu Punifij Virt ii-iu r-ifid rha lifiut possible government to stand jrn.ng feeling hne with your hind the new Board of Commis- i S3?tenl toughly cleansed and i a nearly appeiue ior oreaKiasi. Eat what you please-no danger sioners and give them co-operation and support. Five men, unassisted by popular aid and opinion, in session only two hours a month, will not be able to achieve much, it matters not how firm their purpose may be. We must have leaders, but the town will be well governed only when it governs itsself well. Incident ally; uniformed and unintelligent criticism is about the sorriest form of support there is. M. McRAE FAISON RESIGNS FROM OFFICE With the resignation of Mr. M McRae Faison, Roanoke Rapids loses the biggest postmaster it has ever boasted. Few be they who will question this statement from the Toledo viewpoint and few will be those who are unwill ing to admit that Mr. Faison has handled his job with its thous ands of daily contacts with all kinds of people with unfailing tact and courtesy and that the business of the office has been carried on with smooth efficiency. In him we lose a good citizen and an unfailing booster in every feature of community progress and the Loyal Order of Moose, in our humble opinion, gets a crocking good organizer. The town generally wishes Mr. Faison success and prosperity in his new undertaking and has full confi dence that the results he achieves will measure up to his size in ev ery respect Mr. George N. Taylor, who succeeds Mr. Faison by tempor ary appointment which will most probably be made permanent, gives positive assurance that re ' cf- thnhort cominss of of salivation. Calotabs are never sold in bulk: for your protection they are sold only in original, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if you do not find them effective and delightful. (adv.) BACK GIVES OUT Plenty of Roanoke Rapids Headers Have This Experience tan the kidneys overwork can't keep up the continual - it may ache You them They itra'n. The back may give out and pain: Urinary troubles may set in. Dont wait longer-take Doan's Kidney Pills Roanoke Rapids people tell you how they act Mrs. W. T. Glover, Box No. 274, Roanoke Rapids, says; "A good many years ago I was troubled a wholi lot with my kidneys. If I would bend over at times, it was hard for me to straigh ten up. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me wonderful results and I gladly give this recommendation" Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Glover had. Foster-Milburn Co. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N.Y. Adv. $100 Reward, $100 TTi readers of this ppr will M pleased to learn that there Is at least ona dreaded dtsea6 that silence has Iwen able to cur In all Its stages and that la catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced br constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Muenus Sur faces of the System thereby dextroylng the foundation of the rilene, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any rase that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addreat F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. QUo. Sold br all Druggist. Ho. FURNITURE and UNDERTA UN LICENSED EMBAIMLR Roanoke Rapids, Dy Phone 50tj 4. - ' Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS VET ERINARIAN i iOfi iMH HENDERSON. . C. 2 H N 1 Kr.ti K - . A N C I VaSGNe WORRELL & L0Q .. . Electrical Power for all Purposes at Low P.dtts MOk. r.cj r JackeM. V C E RENT DIRECT WATER POWtR AT SlS.CJ I Pr HORSE POWER per YEAR I V C, r4 W. O. W. & Redmen Charity Sale The Woodmen of the World will offer for tale various articles of General Merchan dise all of which carries votes for a premi um which will be awarded at a fixed time. W. G. MOODY BALDWIN PIANi C HCrJ Paa aad Plater Paoi at V aalule t L TIS $. t. L f4V. .P. TRAVIS & TRAVIS Attorneys kt Law HALIFAX. N C. Pr. T. i : e Sta'.t- ar 3 r a i VfE OFFE.;:l ta-Ht Artult-s ut value ,.r..un.i i. - cleaning time than ou think rv.sMLK Household smmoni is ertecir cleiniri puij.N . Some of the bet chamois skins ou eer saw. Sponges that wear and give satisfaction. Moth ba.ll an J moth flakes for the win'er things. All Kinds of Disinfectants A hundre." ot"v r thinjt that lighten the luf Jen of h'ue c lean mi; , 1liSillaJa2KKc.ia This sale is conducted for the bene fit of the charity fund of the Wood men of the World and Redmen of Koanoke Rapids. All Are Invited to Participate V a. A UfThiy U V?hyKotThi?y ,JvtR DIDN'T ACT DIGESTION WAS BAD I Stjt 6S jesr Old Kentucky Uij, Wis Tells How SLe Wu RcTmJ After s Few Dotes of BUck-Drau;!L MaiorTll!, Ky Mn. Cynthia Hilllnbothsm. of this town, itys: "At mj act, which U 6S, tfce liter does ot act to wsll as what youof. A tew ytari ago, mj i!omacb wu all out of fix. I was oonstlated, r liver didn't set Mr digestion was bad, and It took so little to npect me. Mr sp petlta was gone. I waa very weak. .. t decided I would g1 Black Draught a thorougi trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble, t began taking It. t felt better tfter few doses. Mr sppatlte lmjiroTed ind I beAmt stronger. My bowels acted natural! snd the least trouble was soon righted with few ! All druitrlsts doses of Blark-PrsurhL" Eeventj' years of sucr?sful ns hit tnaJe ThedfurJ's Elack-Draught s standard, household rtm'jiy. Every member, of erery family, at times, need the help that Clark-Draught raa glr In cleansing the sj-stcM snd r llerlng the troulles that come from constipation, Indigestion, lazy llcer, eta. You cannot kcp well unless your stomach, liver arid towtls are In good working order. Keep them that way. Try Black-Draught. It acts promptly, gently snd In a natural way. If you feel sluggish, tal;e a dose tonight. Tou will feel fr'.sh tomorrow. 1'rict "c. s rackagir One cent a dosa J. 6 YO'J can make all of your labor-and trouble-saving !elcal home dv.cs i t juble service :f TmJ ha ve con. r.int tonnecuons tat tbm. Ho nti'jr h:tr your h-ime ws thoroughly wired or nut when built, y?a can make it electrically mode: a now ty u;ir,g Wiremol J, a rr'l, r.eat metal enclosure fur ail surUte wiritij, Wiremold la Independently decoreuve, but if desired can t tinted to eiactly match or ' Ude" into the prr or finish cn your walls, thus making it almost invisible. Wiremold Extension eoet only a fraction of behind-the. plaster work, and ar much safer and efficient. We will cheerfully gie you an estimate on the coet of prop erly connecting your shaded lamps and electrical devices, Just pnoo US. Harris Electric Works LittUtes, N. C. ! j i-.i'I your ok! car hj'-v VSit .TOMPV rr.-i-fs lh.i m.w it V . - iiuvwg inn. V l id ...u L . 1 V i tory that mai'i s tr-e cir "o. What s the- r.r -.iJnion of vour bt.tv rv? Is it .in "' r"? P -s it rr.iKe car go v hug c.iU as- far it .uij? Cr con't vou knew its conditio.!? T'.i. ihfTtrfi.(.e Mween an '4tser" and a "Ir.s iven" is ' -'.ui; o Q'-'t-s'ion of how mui-.n c..:, 1. 1.; n c ; ' o J-.n-Kr. It ii our business to take Cat-1 U a iy batteries, to repair all ma! es, but o. r prtnc;pd bust:. is. to sue ,u t,et an i-'.vertidy- thj battery wuij a w ritten c.uarr.u-e 'or l's years. Bounds Motor Company Weldon, N. L. W- e-t " ' J- V i ' ' i' 0r..rh ..rl it WARNING Statistics show a Life accidentally destroyed in this country every fifteen minutes and an acciden tal injury every sixteen seconds. The average working man loses nine days a year due to illness. Don't Wait Until the Unexpected Happens to YOU - INSURE NOW. A "Marcasco" Disability Policy of tbe Maryland Assurance Corporation Provides Indemnity for Death, Dismemberment, Loss of Sight and Loss of Time due to Accidental Injuries and for Loss of Time due to Disease or Illness. Not to have such a policy is to be "Broke" and without "a Friend in Need" in the event of accident or illness. National Agency Company FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Fire - Life Accident Health Automobile Tornado Hail Plate Glass Boiler Burglary Liability mm air. i im .0 Mmiix H - l.i i,lll!l' ' sn ' X; nil' i - - . "i, '' "v v'-.'i. . ,'r',', ' r:" '1,!, t;. ft!ftfR'ift!i''l,li 'H i1 lul-mcu t.w. Toppy rtd kagi, tidv trdfint. hamitamr pound and half-pound tin Aumi dor and-' that clatiy, practical pound crvafu llama humidor with port moisfentr foe fiaf keep th tobicco in incA perfect condition mm PUT a pipe in your face that's filled cheerily brimful of Prince Albert, if you're on the trail of smoke peace 1 For, P. A. will sing you a song of tobacco joy that will make you wish your life job was to see how much of the national joy smoke you could get away with every twenty -four hours 1 You can "carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and thin. YouH be after laying down a smoke barrage that'll make the boys think of the old front line in France! P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I And, j let it slip into your think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu sive patented process that cuts out bite and parch assurance that you can hit smoke-record-high-spots seven days out of every week without any comeback but real smoke joy I R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C

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