SOANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C DONT a. u Ask for "Bayer TaMcts cf A-siai-in" in a Hater pactage-markt-d with "Rivrr Cms." Ymt bus) my -lUyrr." Nx sk foe imtj As'iria n, Bam . "Buy" bmwm fam mr ayttiiic th' Ciim "Hay Tatlt As'".! pnnre saf by tuil!i,. ,4 l-npi. i .my AspUia ml. lets . i. u ! SWS. II MM B SHtlBg th Isuyif ,,- a with th safety -R,y t kma .fca-v aud a tablet, N ,u Way! Rewaro vf vuntrfita! ,ha!j r. rfutly lln.skha manufacturer was tt t th penitentiary f.s? iWliu(' ttW t-omitry with talcum .wil.-r tat Ma, which h elahtwd tu l- Aspirin. L Last PI rig Restored. I A tusxtston (Surrey) H1 )it I rv....rl hr ihltng m,. wtu.h ds 1 ap-rcd th if si Mia t:k,n while hi1 wa feasting a t-alf. It was the anion, I had t j )od the rnj. mi.' k it .1 n!. i..( ! j fi.lllllt ill calf U-lRl.M' kiiou u "liie I l4U'H ivw." 1 A few day tin- ( wss pu, chusd ttiul killed t,y tu Oxfurd hu'.h tr. who. being (.f the ,,st ring, mude a search ;ni. discovered th riug emU-ddid In mi li.icmal or-an. 1 1 has I.. in rii.n,l In Hie owner. l.i'tiil.m Mail. ' " CnId In the Haad k aa arma atiarh of N camrrh far aoaa h ara ium, t fr,qj -3, "n ttat p- uaa ( HALL'S t'ATARHH IEIIClNt .111 th ,-,. ci,r,, th, alno4 and rw.r tkaat habit t. rolda Kfpl4 atlavka of Acta catarrh aai laait n itiroiilc Catarrh IHU.'t CATARRH Mrmnxi H t.. a InlarnallT and a-ta thnuah tha Blood a tha Muroua irfjr., cf Svainn. fl IHuaaiaia TVattmonlala ftaa. f a latarrh that tULL'i 1'ATAKRll MKtUClN'B will tvra r. 1. Chana? 4 Ca.. Tnlada, Oaia. All M.atd Up. "IVi ymi wiiiil tu mi- I In- lnMik nf tin' l'm? ' "n; I'm inn! iix-il i iiuu,'U as il !."- kntisax Hiy .! ti r tin I. "DAIE1E" FOR FALUMG iffi A small bottle of Danderlne costs but a few cents at ny store. It stops falling hair, itching scalp and ends dandruff, besides it doubles the beauty of your hair, mak ing it appear twice as heavy, thick and abundant Try HI Too Much. 'Mil! So yuii have Ikvii In the treni hex. Tln tl (if cniirsf i'U tie light In rending 111) lul-'-t lunik. 111 tltlerl. 'Ti n I my mi tlm Wi sti-rn Kriinl.' It Is nnij'" Ami tlicn tin- man wlm lnnl rriilly ln there iiilmly ind the gure frniii his liiiyiiiirt 11111I i'i'ihiriil It In the at iiMmnl. l.lfe. Common Lack. "t" eertuliily Is H wonderful Un guis' Is there a limgiie he I111M1 1 mnatereil?" "till, yes; lil wife's." Talk Is ihenp, hut Hinnehiiw gussipl always guliis etirri nry. Coiufipated Children Gladly Taktf "California Syrup of Fi;w For the Liver and Bowel Tell your druggist you want genuina California Syrup of Figs." Full directions and dose for babies and children of all ages iwho are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Look for the name "California gad accept to other "Fit Syrup." ' BUY ASPIRIN IN A "PILL" BOX lu th tUx.r ckag prut- restim, and U, d,,s fi H.,t, Tw.!ua. I., t".ar,ti. Ncuralsia. til a'is.. I.mul.-., Slaii., rid. ri.,, It.n w-tual Clds, Nimti u4 l"a:n u.-hitjIIv. Tl.l-t .f AMMrlK.- H rad mail aiid wmt Ki,i j, vrk4 J Vrt iv, ..f 1J laWi tH. tiH fe a trv rvutt, (lx. in huiiUn. j Bl h..ttl. of l.Hk-ala ,alMlrti Vritk is tli trail awri f Hhvht Manui,inr Mi..K-aiit "f Sali,-j.,.it Why U a KcUSca Cbntf Hli hail jt 1 1- .lis-i iy in-i- i-f fi Imiuiiiiv m.hv iu liiil 4 nail..),i.lU ilMri.-l k 1 1 - ti-11 i :,l-i-n.'t a 1 l,',. In fri.nt f iti.-m wallinl n yntiiiK atiln-l in 1 ur -I l!u- li 1. t mi U- -skirl . "Miy In a kitiVn i-nli,in-i." b ulnl. "li.- llw H skin-.';" -wi,) r "l'.i- lin- th.v Imi-Ii vImmIi-ii vl.l-. Important to Uathara tiatnln tatvfuliy ry tnittla f CASItiRIA. tliat faimiua aid rm (or Infanta and reliilrvn. and aa that it Bt-ara tha 8l(Datura of In Ti fur tlv.r ."at tn Children Cry or Fletcher! Castorii Character Main Rtquitit. Tli first r-,iiis;ii- tf smivsn In dusiiifss in (huiHcti-r, a unl whirh liii-l n t-tiiK'riiiiv, f.iirii-ss, mln.'-tii-ss. Inilustry mii'I as I1111.I1 inli-lll-ki-inf as i hii l-i- ih miinliilt il. - K. W. Hun. Cinw'i TaMrkaa rkill Tsntr amain 'mr ana 'tt ai nfin aaa r-'li im 'ha au"4 V"i i-aa rim'b ff lu atraaaia aaiaa tat lauffauat Bffwi. eneaaM. Sun-lulu' Hill i-vi-nliiiilly niiirtiir till- tlllrklst rli.ll.l. Phenomenal. "I Mil I ilrnw full hiiusi-sV wiiiikiil the ni'i'iilly liitirliii; iniiinimi'. "My ih-nr fellun', my ruiii-sh ui simply iheiiiiiieiiiil." Ami the gent 1111111 whs imi quite sine Hlnlhei' he ouht tnexliihit pli-na-lire ur to show fight when his iiewsin. per pal retiinrki-il : "Ynlir sllriess, olil rhap. wnlllil he I'heliiiiiieiiiil miynhere!" IMilihllii.'h Si-iilsiiiiin. An ulil man in his sernml i liililliiMni Is never us iiliutle tis the yiiimu falln-r in his first Imhi Inmil. The milk nf hiuniin kinihu-sH In never run thmtigh ermut 'piirittor. M ! ROAD BUILDING FIRM FOUNDATION FOS ROADS Aim to Dittnbutt Prnar Du t tla Cancvntrai.t Sur. 'aca Lark ta Futtr. 'lr il l'nhl rwruiM- Ifc iur f a fiMiH-laiiiMi ar t lil In ilMnliuitnc lit hsmii ii to hH lnaiN nm.iitfH tli rwt iufn-. s it at ih lui.niiy ,if ,r.-s ar - tli Mil.inil,- alii ant -vl a afi- amt lriii r. ami also i K.-MHI. if iKtHkii,!, 11. rrnM r tU j riwi fl.m hiMii;; iKtUih . tli H j rl i ri-svni tif di nulit.ra'1 Mil t I th ai' inn nt frncl. ground an'ir. or I i'fhr dM in ding ln1iiiii-. la th i . f a K'-iiH-ut i-iMisi-iliig of i-nniiiT l:ilr M.iMll MiH'li. khi'Ii a iiritlt lirti-k. U'tukii fii. u. h mlit-r v rv kliu-lit ly nr a. 4 at all. an i-ntir lu-H l.-ad Mi;j,lit I' intiiiBiriittil 1 to iwlv a f X r.V'-?, Sand Clay Road. nnr Ini lies nf fimniliiiinn, in whirh eus it wmilil h tiisi'ssary fm- the finitiilHliiiii in tnk enre if prarilrttlly the emit ilistrilmiimi nf w I,,;,,!, on th ntJ'tr hiniil. a iiHilnilillili- pav inent, in wlili h Hie I'nlivlilnal iiuils are well lumleil tin-i'thr, luiht ilisii Unite the nhiH'l Ininls to olt lute all nwessliy f fiirilu-r tlistrihutlntt hy the fininihi tien, anil If Hileiinit ilrainiie were provided and there were n ilangi-r nf helin nf siihcniili's, the fuiinihitliili iiiik'lit he niiiilted entirely. The heaviest vehicle that nriliiinrlly has passed over a pulil'e hinliwny hiretul'iir Is the l.Vtnn tnntlnn en k'hi. Smh engines Hie an designed that the rear nxle carried nlmut two thirds nf Hie tiital weight, which nr riiiigeiiient gives a piuiientinted pres sure nil the road surface n( iilmiit five Inns under each n-nr wheel. The use nf liim h lu-Hvlcr eiUluiii nt is In sight, hnwever, and unless sunn- renlailens ha pnssid tn p.-ohlhlt It. the uccur reni1 nf li-n lnn, nr even liimli-r mn tnrtru 'ks, niiiy hecnine enuiiuuii nil highways iidjncent In h rc cities or del ween large centers thai arc nnly 11 few tulles spurt. In iissiiiiilng the tiiiulniinu wheel Inad fur liny iartli uliir rmtd a rensnn iihle allnwnnce nhmild h tninle fur fu tur Increns. Sine mntnrtrucks hav ciune Into use Ihere has heen n enn stunt tendetiev tn Incn-Hs Imili their rates nf speed mid the leads they carry, and it Is priilmhle Unit this tendency will cinitlnue. Kurtln-rniiire, mimy rnnds nut nmv suh.teeted tn nintnr Irurk truffle will attruct audi trafllc after Ihe.v are hntrnvd, and this pos sibility always shniild h cnnslderi d. tiieicase In the volume nf truffle also may he mi Important factor START ROAD WORK IN SOUTH A'l Statea Now Activity Engaged in Improving Highways for Better Transportation. Timid const riictloii, wlrtrh has heen mspended nr partly suspended In every part nf the Smith since the I'nlted States entered the war. Is re suming In nil southern stnies nn a fur greater sculp than ever hefore In the history of that section nf the coun try. In Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky the work of tonkins l'r ninnent mid new highways cannot get full swing during the winter season, hut extensive pniuirnHnna nre under way in these states for intense activ ity In the spring. In the hulnuce or the southern states where ns good work can he done In the winter as In the summer. Mg slarts hnve already leen made, lirent neflvlty s reported ill Louisiana mid Mississippi, ROADS FOR PASSENGER HAUL! Highwaya Are Now Used to Greater Extent Than Railroad Change Made Recently. The need fur good roads Is (he ac Kiinxvledgmeiit hy government olticlals Hint fur passenger haul the puhllc roads are used to n greater extern Minn the railroad. This eondiilon lias heen created within a single genera tion. Uses Made of Concrete. Concrete is nol only lining used for the fvumliitinn, but also for the entire thickness of the road surfacing mate rial, Including the fnumhittoh, with more or less success. Develops Better Spirit. Good roads develop a spirit of enter prise which results in better homes, better schools nnd better fanning. Boys Won't Stay, lou cnixiint keep boys uu a farm lv"atcd ou a bnd road. k .or 1 a 'a- ALLIES' MASTER iimn V.iss Westermaiifl, Guest in Ger man Homes, Learns Deep est Se&ets. STEALS GAS FORKUU Faacinatina Vbj Waanaa Out.ta Ceranan Sccrtt Service Wha Aia Tryiag ta Capture Her Steals Fra Sff. I'ar.a t'rixu It mas f thrilhtig mtetn iiy Mufii-ss thvr s-amta ouv tiit "iiihMi r uilnU," a yo iu wutiuiu. SI U Mts lri Voir,.nm. r roiu tb mitltretia. 4 I'm- war. tins uiyst.n i us and fas. laily, wlm-.' kitts Kid tur a aUiii riMi in i.taiiy lU ilia hmn. . jicamsl tiMtn i nn.ia liigh ultictuls iutiiruiutiofci of iti- r-iit- est ulti tu tli allnx. Is-spr the prie of teal im h.r inud sh nuiki-d Mioissfully iu t:.iMiai) italic; the four jurs uf war. mii jssiuiumi Willi and 14'lailiilii ilifurinuUi'ti Ii.hii tin" vi-ry tii-niiiiii s'it scivii ai'ds who were trying to i-upturv her. It was nut ui.lil th ete of tin- arm! stiiv, in mtidw-r. I'.'l's, thai the I u awrct si rxicv ilisiuM r. i Miss Wt-sli-ruiuiiira leal wuik. When they went tu her Hpariiiniit to aiiist lur sj e Inn I tin 11. Aissm dint to tli Oevniaiis' own story. Miss Wisti-rintiim iJitaimil ami mss tu agents nf the i iitcni inlur niHllon regarding tiennany's nnisirih--tlmi nf iit-w t.' of Kitluiiuriui-s. id latest type of aeroplane nnd th new gun which the tii-rmans had iuxeuted tu dent wl:h tanks. W linl the lii iiniiii high command evi dently felt most of all was the fuct that when tln-y had arnni.'ed for the preparation nf a new m'sou gas, which wa to he a greater surprise tn the al lUs t Imi 11 the first gas. this mystery spy ulilained Hit- formula in some way and passed it nn to th allies. Th result was Hint work was hegnu on a new tji of i-esplraior, 11 ml wlu-n lin gua was used it proved a gnat failure. Toyed With German Agents. Miss Wcsti-i inaiiii whs master of the sl1nnll1.11 In tiei'iiiniiy. She had eMail-lishi-d a wide connection and gne music lessens in children III Hi rlin he fur the war. She sjs.k tu-rnuiii fluetiily. and to nil oniwnrd appear mice was a typical girl. The first hint of a 1 lexer girl agent in the employ uf the enienle was r m 1 Boaiting About Hit Succesa. oeived hy the tieruinii secret service In ll'l.'i, when they were warned Unit u lady was ulitnlnlux xeiy Impuitiinl liiformiiilou ami passing suspect ed ngeuls In neutral cniiulries. MaJ. Weissnninn, (lenunny's spy expert, made a six months' search thruiigliuut (Jernuniy, I.11I llnally ennfessed fall lire In Incale her. WcisMiiiilin nppenrs tn have lieeli umnlii! the Inst tu sus pect the charming Mis. Westernuiiin. xxhu whs a persiitiiil friend uf his iiinl lictunlly nn several occasion discussed xvilh him the mystery of Ihe xvoinun spy who was ImlTIIng the host hraltis nf the German secret service. Took Papers From Spy Expert. tin one nocus'oti VVcissnialiii cap tured and had shot txvo I- rend) secret service nun who hud stolen some im portant documents from him. Weiss iminn was rather proud of his success In gelling these papers Imck mul in hnxing the two spies executed. Me could not help honsting ahont hi success to Ihe linly and he even showed her III" papers. She appeared greatly Interested In llieni nnd lost In ndmlni Hon for Hie resources nnd skill of hi r eonipiiiiloii. It whs only when ho reached his own lodgings Unit th major found Ihe papers missing. pET DOGS INHERIT $10,000 Ohio Woman Left Entire Fortune In Trust for Comfort of Her Pets. Trntxviiod, Ohio The xv'll nf I.oulse Ft. lams of this place lieijueatlis her estate, valued nl $H.!HI, 'o he held In trust for the cure of four pet dogs. The enretnker. the instrui-ieiit directs, shall he selected hv Mrs. Marv Loxve l fiiuhlls, nf Pnytnn. Ohio, whose Inter est In animals has attracted the at tention nf Mrs. latns. Death Ends Court Quarrel. Kurekn. ("nl. Court nction which grexv nut of n domestic nnurrel over distribution nf property has just been concluded here In n must unexpected manner. The parties tn the suit nnd the principal witness cnmo tn i'lireka from nn isolated district where no cases nf inttueniii had been repurled. Wldle the trial xvns being held here the principals and the must iniMirtiint witness became III wl'i the liirluetma and died within a few days of tncli other S:5t;:!!: I 1 ' 1 . : J, at . - ca . FFWfi ! LITTLE : 1 Gocd tuaugh far M m. "Yum kiiuw. I'at, it is st, .j ih gsl Bam Is raili. r t U i l... u j;ri rn 1h s." "Is ihat a..?" "tea, I'.it. Now. wl.l. li pti fer to haw-, a gi"l nam i-r ri "Will, y-m nn gh li.- ha- r M Hani, s tT-le. aid a iii'ii.h fur any man." E pec ted Ooj. Ihe Siiii's,iBu Alt m.-n.iriif sir. 1 kimw I list yuii ar In tut oxer hisvl Im wurk. Your ih-k Is -i, Icl-Ii ami your s; nugraplieis li-iliiu feverishly. Ymi luck iheun H al will help you - a 'lii-tiitim: nut. -hin. Th llnssNcxer fear, she'll t-.- si,n tu stop in on h.r way tn h.-i l.i.ilg i luh. uii muiuiiig. Patent Mediae. Mary "She rcjisinl liim t.n Hunt U f.iiv she aiivitisi hiiii." ! I'innm "She must hu tlooi.-hl hi 1 was a medicine and fol)ux.s ihii Hons In shaking well In-fur iisii,.'' Somewhat Scared. "t ntiderstiitnl that tn-pliew of yours ti uk you fur a Joy ride." "That was tin Joy ride fur inc." an 1 awered Mr. fhuggiiis. "That was t ; leiir ride." j The Eaeeption. "lie nmy he grouchy, hut In- rlnin ly cannot piik Raws lu Huytliins wind Is lenity Well dune." "till, yes, he enn. lie i-ntnplains ol n.eiil xx tu n I? Is rue." Esalted Ta-tict. Mrs. Knickci- lli-iu-y, 1 must ay Knieker - My deor. I heg ymi nut ti ! start 11 discussion, until after I h.ixi : hud llie hist wind. 1 LMJ EVKUYHOriY 1'fir.o. "He's made a failure of every. IhinR." "That to. Why doesn't he try writing for mnvlnv p'etures?" More Like Bata Than Vines. We call it "iveukpr si-x" nn nun. To sirt uk of "ciinitlnic xiri-s." is folly, AH hough we see tl ein liy llie a ore llnar na to ur 11111118 In tur tiollry. Thoughtful. "I'.et this Is going tu he an imfull I nigli winter." "Cheer up. We might have liecn It Omt outfit they sent tn Siheriii." Ooh! Myrl In-nr, ymi seem to hnve 1 much hi Iter color here of Inle. Cert--It oil 1; hi to he hctlcr, kiddn t pay ninre fur It. Practical Girl, lie (ecstatically ) I could die fm yf 1 She (loudness! I hope ymi won't think of siidi 11 thing until after wi are married and I have the right li inherit. Contrary Results. "Iiil the doctor you went to after I lint nccidciit In which you got so many tumps fix ymi up nil right?" "lie did In a paradoxical wny. for Ihe more he reduced Ihe swelling, flu tiggcr grew his hill." Soothing Sirup. They were talking In 11 foreign hut a friendly tongue. "Iio you knnxv what they are say Irg';" iisked another guest. "No," replied the hostess; " ,, , . ,t understand 11 word - hut Is that put tin eharui of their coin orsnt Ion?" So It Seems. ."A seamen's strike Is n very serl ens one." "Naturally, since a vessel cannot liirt its i-rnise nut!! Us ,-rews suri IliC xcssch" Advice. "I'nrling. yen must never marry n tins n for his luotiey." "Why imi. mother 7" "Ilccniise that sort of n miir-liise but end unliapplly. Itiit I can tell yuii xx hat tn do. You can t.'lke cure tint tu full In love with a man whu hasn't ineiicy." A Real Rise. "I understand ymi inidertnok tr raise chickens on Jour place." "They raised thenisclvs. They (lew the coop." First Step of the Divorce Court "George, deur," begun his brand new wife, sweetly. "I though you prided yourself on keeping your razors In Mich good condition." "1 do, nngel; why do you mention th"tn?" "Well, I tried tn open a enn nf henna nnd I couldn't do a thing with either uue of thein.' Exceptions. 'The enrly bird cat -lies' the worm."' Not where the enthusiastic ungler Us been tfigfcing tor bait." It lt-a LIFT OFF CORfiS! Docsa't hurt at a3 ir.d ccs'j cn'y ie M.icle Jut dmp a tittl- Frrun 'tl that tmj' l.y i-iuu, insiamlx it stops a hin. thca ju I. ft the cm i-fl wuh th fingers. Trulxl Nuhuiuhug! Try I'm Vir ilrucg-st sils a t.ny ltt. fur a few cn-s, sufficient tu lid ynur feet .if every hard emn, s ift corn, nr runt l-fxti-n th turn, and nillilses, witho'it on parta l nf pain, sureness or irnli'iion. fr. ri.i- is th dictivry nf a an' 1 incinnaU jculus. Sjpeiflut:. S.i'iu n .1 ..t h s r-hs, "What ale tli, j, x.llll.nU H cir- 1 iisl" sneer, d laii'li. ' fin re inny In- nnll.i'ig 11 w under tie si:n. Inn tin- imitation !'rciiii nrl.v sur pi;s 1 1,, .inal. Tmi na--r an ano how iarair tn ni i re. (.ai att.iNa in I'vi-ry a 'l.-a.l s.nt ia m 1 II. leu ha.a til.4 il . n- A ae.;a a-aw I s-.aar-a aut WwrH.a ur tivnim aav. A l;ti-r;irx hack s.iiu. -limes i nia-ies I 'he piiili-lu is oxer flic roinl In vealili. fla t!1 a wll as a-;l hr taklne e '-ail laiitlw 111 m-,i i.n.a a avivi ai IsA-luf a l'1- aanui t'l-kipia. ad Thus xxhu iiv frit,. 1 nad tn worse sehloni Inly icl,rts. Happy f jr br cainini end dn f and reiuuir burl movrmn;i I laina n.Hhnif hannful - I noopiair jiiji th finatt rrgt. lal prupaitira FspmaJiy reccia- ImciiQeu for ireimng nma. Al mil aVaatiafi il 1 - - r r j irw Md - rti ilcnh-ii Nervousness and Ekadaclios Soused by Acid There Is a much dosor connection btwen the stomach nnd hrnin than mosl people Imagine. It is because nf tills close i ollliei ll.iii thai Imllgestlun, belching, sour, gsssy stomach nnd other slnniRch miseries all nf xvhich are sure signs of in id stunuich - are so often followed hy sex ere nlliu ks nf blinding. spiiHirii In ad idles. Nervousness, sicepiessness. irritabil ity, mental depression, ivelandinlin nnd ninny nlher disorders which nffect the brain can also nearly nlwnys be traced to th sinne s iiirce- in d slomai h. So often you In-iir say "I am so nervous 1 think I'll fly to pieces"; or "It seems I m-v.-r get a good niglil's sleep any mure, my lien ex are nil on "dge." Little do they dn am Hint ndd stomach is the direct enns of thdr imnbles because very ofien there are un pains in the stomach M all. So you see. yuii can't nt iaxs Judge an a-id stouini'h by the way your sti.aiaih. Itself, feels'. If you are xveak, nei vuits, ut. l' If ymi are mil up tn your old time form If you lack your in ciist inn-d enihn sinsin, energy nnd pep -make this test nnd se If It Isn't nr'.l stot inch that i holding you hack- robbing vmi of your health, strength, nnd vlgar. Get n big box nf K. TONIC - the wonderful modern medicine Hml so i lickly puts nn ncld stnmndi In rights. Tf Is in the form nf pleasant tast'ng tnhlets Hint yon ont I ke n hit of candy. K A TOXIC rids Ihe sluiiiacb of excess ( FOR YOUR T fZD ELZ3 AT f piV '".JT'T '"ri'iinMfl .tw the treatment of ltd worrn. eft?JXl:. aA.BICUARDR VaaUKBlSTBS ! GAVE UP M Lest Twenty Tue Faiais froa Kidity Tmblc. Doaa's lestuti Eis Heahk. J B KkS-s. nt 2i W. ni. n . t i... tu . 'Al tsi,k a -wt is.M..irir:v na-l I h4 t 0,sit rk, 1 en1 1 kaii!x i-ieiui I fcMf -ia la ftstl Mfk met a a.ts I ias.4 aat ttiei-4 ..! I.- sw. a. ima tiw aaa rix 1 k a as a 4..i .(, t.n.- 1 svu ..ii I -it t- v aau(r .r IV -.s,e.,.., Nlv A s. .. ,,,, Itt. lafkaa H fc'lt ni tin i,-.1; -i H-t i ; I st ai .i i.i-- i. a. is ar.ih ji-I lis-i- aa-l . hi il -.-n .,., in, im i. 1. -rfc.,l I r. lt -vn M.i t.-i I a n- -ai-1.. .. i,. ,.', Mil ' "' i- l --.U..I M v.. r i'i-i. I i-..s...i . n.,i mi f..r hn "'"' '"" ,"lt 1 "I ' ! a . nn- i.i-l.-.l IK 1. tit I M 1.1 1. Hi (li Xi-s (-r; V.-.'iii 'nt.'..'. Cat Dmi'i at Aat 5h. eO ta DOAN'b Vi"V f OSTER WLBLiRN CO, tUrtALO. H. . st'4 a lastl.l. M that -jftV I lr -.s.p la T '.- mis, .t. VAIw-a V 1 l.-l a,.!n. to l.a.i I I 'r. r-t ih m lrl re J a 11 t.:s M, s a '.t s.t.,, , 1 aa- Sat 1I et kttlll UM Noa-SkiJ Standard Malt Tim i;urHlil iih -ir tlneor ft'?- $10.85 I r.i; J13.8S 1 1 na. a.; .. 1 1 Ha fV4.J2i.7S Eftw $41.95 t itt. a.i w.i 'i t -ia ms .- a a . imi.i .-g.a XX. ea-- i.a. taia ur- s. 1 a l.'t : 1. a A laid nam h tMiin. Taa 4o h-i e"- i-aar ,.i. -a t w. ai )uu ill .ui. ai"ai.ii aa i--' .-Mufi. 11.M I XX. kr.i. art a'l a lli in la.ia. a.ljuai ihsa a-. lii,i i-a.m aa-a t'.r'ii- te ifta vj Wr aicin- l. r.! p ir- na. pm an ilra r.lurn.a uma-ii araai" Ihlrt) a.a IS THIS I Ala MAIL HKIil hs sill II 1 1 F II' Trma I'. 11 t ah irl.iua i.f ,a-n-ItisMnB i.l sa a ai.i.ia: l.i.iu. .mini VX l it r.M'liaK iMAIi'il'S xvil 'R'K IN n l.i. AiverMU naiii h MT nir At Til Tins u. aih si aail Hrssmlaa. Vi.rk '!' POSITION Georgia RCABY Alabama fOH EACH Business SRAOUATI College Macon, Ga. WRIT! FOR CAiALOa WAMfli Miln"o..iii.iT,riil;'n linillLU u,: .,rBarai..B. H'-nar... aara aiul u-a r. KiM-r,-n, innisssx.Ki if cn ("rn 01 n-trrFi.f. a t.. .-i arai-ii-r mi l ab.u.f I C. ii.a A ti., luc, 16 adiubsiiv i., aViaiea. atuaa. VV. N. U., CHARLOTTi:, NO. 17-1919. acid, r.rings Insiant relief from Indi gestinn. hcartlairn. smir helcliing, fond repciillng, liloat and gas and makes the siomach cool, pure, sweet and onlnfurtahlc. I'entisis warn us ng.i'nst the bad effects nf acid mouth, pointing out Hint th Held cuts through the eiinmel of ihe teeth, musing tli, in tn decay. You can easily Imngiie then Hi amount uf damage excess acid will cause to the ib llcnle ni;:iiiizulon of the stomach ! Thuusnnds nf ie(..l,i nre using KA'I'oN iC and 'lie results obtained nr so reinai k.ibl.' hs to be almost unbe lievable. Yet fbeir lit ers of grati Hide, inaiiy of which are received dully, prove absolutely Hint KATON'IC dues all nnd even inure tlmn we cliiiiu. 'fie medical prufessim,, too, recog nizes the gn-ni xnlne of this wonder ful reunify. A learni-d Michigiin doc- wrote recently: "I have hud such wonderful success with KAToNIC Hint I want every one to knixv how quick ly it w ill-neu'rnlize Hie in hilly of th stomach (acid stoin(n li) m il the stoin ndi will soon be sweet nnd tiornud apn'n. mid the sick i.inu well and hnppy once more." So be sure to pet n big box of KXToXIC from your druggist today. If It fails In any way to give you the kind of satisfaction ymi want, take It heck he will refund ynur money. He doesn't want nne penny of your nmney unless KATONIC helps you. ma u ACID-STOMACrOy -Stomach A WAR-TIME ILL THAT'S SPREADING HUNT'S SALVE CURES IT! BrrT) 'ei.''!? war """'hes of Europe, a wave of ordi nary I It'll i, spreading over the cnuntry. This slfnia ili-ease, history shows. h,i8 always prevailed, followiniS wars and the cnnrentration of armies. It was ciimnina V .. . ., '"-"""""'i "i armies, u waa coinniea during the ( ml War and following thot confliet. There an epidemic of the Itoh after th Spanish War. New history n reflating itlf after tbe great klironpiin ilnmnin Keinrm-d soldiers and those with whom they come ia contact will bnd a lecognizod remedv for the Itch in Hunt s Salve, rmrunnnly knnsn as "Ilunt's Itch Cure " Manx- a yt era n of the late 'DO'a will testify to its merits If dtrrctinna are fnlloxred HCXT'S HALVE will prove a never failing cure for all of the Itch, and your driiinit will tell you so. He aolla UUNT S tiAI.VK under a strict guarantee to refund the purchase price ta any diatishcd nsr. , A Mmlfnrd. Ohlahnma man ik.....(l l- ! !ch. Ecaema. larantea aaaai aiaaaall'. r 1 II H I akai . a

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