7 i i" Volume Vt-Number 14 ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. JUNE 27, 1919 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance ) X) 1 I 1 b. VOTERS OF TOWNSHIP PILE UP HUGE MAJORITY FOR BETTER SCHOOLS 191 For Bond, 6 Against Bond is the Official Tally of Tuesday's Election . Said Results Typical of the Progressive Spirit of Our Community. 191 for. 6 against the tickets read bonds but they really meant for and against better schools. It is needless to say that the advocates of better schools for our community are highly elated over the results of Tuesday's election. The school advocates left no stone unturned. The most eff ective work being the four min ute talks by many of our people at each performance of the Chautauqua, three of the best of which being made by Supt A. M. Proctor and Principals Miss Clara Hearne and Mary Powell, who in a vivid manner acquainted the people with un varnished facts as to the over run conditions of . our present buildings. The present plans of the School Board are to erect a high school building on Hamilton Street mid way between Rose niary and Roanoke Rapids. The building committee of the board is now busy going over plans and expect to begin work on the new building at an early date. The new building will be thoroughly modern and up to date in every respect and con tain the most commodious audi torium possible. GEO. L HAYES. JR. . ELECTED CHAIRMAN The Board of County Commis sioners in a special meeting Tuesday appointed Mr. W. R. Harvey former chairman of the Board, County Treasurer, to succeed the late J. E. Bowers. The Board then elected Mr. Geo. L Hayes, Jr. Chairman of the Board and Mr. Arrington Kitchen to fill the vacancy on the board. TO ENTERTAIN WAR VETERANS The Baraca class of the Bap tist Sunday school are prepar ing to entertain the returned soldier boys on July 10th, at which time Rev. A. C. Moore, a ' former pastor of the church will make the principal address. The public is cordially invited to at tend these exercises. Keep the date ifl mind and do not make other engagements for that night It is desired to make this a joy ous ocaasion for our boys. HEAR MRS. VAUGHN TONIGHT Mrs. Kate Brew Vaughn; of Raleigh, Director of Infant Hy giene, State Board of Health, wHl address the community at 8:30 at the Central School Audi torium. A musical program will be rendered of songs etc. The Roanoke Rapids Band will play. Mrs. Vaughn has been heard with great interest and helpful ness all over the State.., The public is very earnestly asked to attend this meeting. "WILDCATS" RETURN The following boys, members of the 81st "Wild Cat" Division returned home this week: John C. Smith, Bush Hux, Willis Turner, Rufus Turner, Jack Smith, Mason Faison, Nat Hockaday, ChaS. M. Rice and Peter Norwood. Their many f-iends are glad to have them at home again. CHORAL CLUB NOTICE - There will be no further meet ings of the Choral Club until falL Notice . will be given for the opening meeting. u Mrs. W. A. IUzcscV Ftia. BUILDING COMMITTEE GETTING ROANOKE RAPES FERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEKS Miss Mary P. Fort, of Oxford. who has been visiting friends here for several days returned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. T. W. M. Long and chil dren returned from a visit to Vir ginia Beach this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burgyn and children, of Jackson, visited friends here this week. Mr. Guy Waller, of Kinston, visited friends snd relatives here this week. Mr. Barksdale Lawson, of South Boston, spent several days here with friends this week. Mr. A. M. Proctor spent sev eral days here this week. Miss Agnes Edwards, of Sea board, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. Graham. Miss Mary Towe is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mrs. J. A. Ward left for her home in Williamston this week after visiting her sister, Mrs. F. M. Shute, for several days. Miss Jessie Brandt spent a few days in Rocky Mount this week. Miss Mary Traynham Wyche is entertaining a house party at her borne "Wychecroft" this week. She has as her guests, Mr. Rudolph Burnau and Miss Mary Poole, of Greensboro, Messrs. Young Cheatham and Thornton GohlBtan, of Henderson, Miss May Cobbs and Mr. Julian Mc Morris of Portsmouth. Miss Mary Traynham Wyche and house guests motored to Henderson Monday to attend a dance. Mr. Charles Reiter, of Balti- a . mm a more, Ma., visited irtenas nere this week. Mr. Frank Williams, of Nor folk, spent several days here with relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Northing- ton, of La Cross, Va,, spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. Joe Taylor, of Oxford, has accepted a position with Patter son Mills Company. Mr. F. M. Coburn spent Mon day in Raleigh with his brother Mr. R. T. Coburn. Miss A. A. Hardaway attend ed the wedding of her brother in Washington, D. C this week. Miss Pearle Wilson left Sun day for Beck with. West Va.. to visit relatives. Mr. Walter J. Kee spent Sun day and Monday in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. B. Marks and son. Sammie. have returned from Norfolk. Miss Rose Farber, of Balti more, visited Miss Fannie Marks this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meyers, of Enfield spent a few hours here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Marks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Paris, of Richmond, spent Sunday here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Edmonds. Mr. Vernon Faris, of Hender son, spent Sunday here in the home of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Ed monds. Miss Pearl Hamilton, of Phil adelphia is visiting in the home of Misses Fannie and Annie Taylor. Mr. M. M. Faison spent sever al days here with his wife this week. Mr. M. E. Faison, of Norfolk, visited relatives here this week. Mrs. Josephine Cherry spent several days here with relatives this week, lira, 11. E. Walker and dairi BUSY BAND CONCERT ' The Roanoke Rapids Band will give a concert in the Park, on the night of July 3rd, commen cing at 8:15. It is to be hoped that arrange ments may be made for install ing electric lights around the band stand. The following pro gram will be rendered: 1 - March Royal Welcome Home. 2 Overture Magneto. 3 Song and Dance Under Southern Skies. 4 Patrol . The Victorious Le gion. Introducing The Old Gray Mare. 5 Overture Ever Faithful 6 March Conservator. 7 Overture - American Ideal 8 Caprice - Dance of the Imps. 9 Waltz Roanoke Rapids. 10 - Fantasia The Soldiers Dream. Trumpets Semper Fideles. Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! The Boys are Marching. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground. Bugle Call Assembly. Glory Hallelujah. Just Before the Battle Mother. Yankee Doodle. Home Sweet Home. Dixie. Star Spangled Banner. Taps. Prayer. Arthur Whitely, Band Master. AUREUAN SPRINGS NEWS We are glad to say Mrs. W. L. Browning is improving after a long illness. Mrs. F. S. Cullom and children are spending some time with her mother Mrs. D. T. Cooke. Misses Mary Towe and Allene Cook are attending the Ep- worth League conference at Louisburg this week. Miss Annie Cooke attended the Mustian Parker wedding at Heathsville. Mr. Harry Finn Kelly, of Hen derson, who has just returned from France is visiting friends at Aurelian Springs. Mr. Henry Kelly of Ensley Ala., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kelly. Rev. Mr. Towe and Miss An nie Cook motored to Roanoke Rapids Tuesday P. M. to the corner stone of the new church there. Mrs. O. B. Coake is at the home of Mrs, Cooke. visiting D. T. ter, Mary, have returned to their home after visiting here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Jones. Last night Widow's Son Lodge No. MO, Ancient Free and Ac cepted Masons installed officers for the ensuing year as this was the first meeting after St John's Day. The following were instal led: T. W. Mullen, W. M.,'Job Taylor, S. W., G. N. Taylor, J. W., L S. Cannon, Treas., J. E. McGee, Sec'y., J. L Cobb, S.D., A. L. Robertson Jr., D.. Chas. Humphreys, Sr. Steward, W. 0. Thompson, Jr. Steward, W. L. Mills, tyler, Rev. Lewis N. Tay lor, chaplain. Master Strachan Duncan, of Clayton, is visiting his father, Mr. P. C. Duncan this week. Miss Telga Barnes, of Clayton, is visiting Miss Alice Hockaday this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Vincent have returned to Roanoke Rapids to make their future home. Mrs. B. S. Courtney, of Wil liamston visited relatives here this week. 1 RICCXB exeaiixg SEASON I rex CHAUTALQUAj Friday evening Polly of the Circus was presented to a packed tent The melodrama is purely American and appealed immense ly to the large crowd present W. Leighton Mechan, as "John Douglas." and his co-star "Pol ly" were especially pleasing. Saturday afternoon the 1919 Revue Company and Mr. Fred erick Win. Wile were with us. The programs of the Revue Com pany were enjoyed immensely by their audiences. Mr. Wile, as has been stated in our columns, is one of the most prominent newspaper cor respondents of Europe, having spent over twenty years in Lon don and Berlin, during which time he was intimately associat ed with the leading statesmen of those countries. Saturday night Mr. Wile's subject was John Bull and Uncle Sam. Mr. Wile told of the things the English did during the war, stating that without the English navy all would have been lost for the Allies. He also told of being thrown !n jail by the Germans at the outbreak of the war on the charge of being an English spy and of our ambassador's securing his release. He paid high tri bute to Wood row Wilson and Joe Daniels. At the close of his lec ture he answered many questions asked by members of the audi ence. Sunday evening at eight-thirty a union meeting of the churches of the community was held in the Chautauqua tent, Rev. Stanley White, presiding. Rev. T. S. Crutchfield read the scripture lesson. The 1919 Revue Company ren dered several appropriate selec tions and Mr. Wile delivered a lecture on what Europe expects of America. Mr. Wile is a man with a broad knowledge ot af fairs and talks interestingly on any subject, wnne nere air. Wile was the guest of Mr. C. A. Wyche. Monday afternoon the program was opened with a concert by the orchestra of the Robin Hood Company Mr. Alexander Thiede, the leader, is a young musician possessing a remark able talent and ability and in our opinion his concert was second only to Robin Hood of the entire program. Following this concert Monday afternoon Miss Welthy B. Hon singer delivered a lecture on what is expected of the women of America. Miss Honsinger was in the Y. W. C. A. work in France and just returned only a few weeks ago. Her lecture was indeed good, such as our people rarely have the opportunity of hearing. The vivid picture portrayed by Miss Honsinger of the desolation of Northern France and Belgium will ever remain in the minds of her audience. Monday night was opera night and Robin Hood was presented by a strong company composed mostly of stars. The leads were Jack Phillips as Robin Hood, Miss Celsa Thiede as Maid Marion and Edwin Beck as Sheriff of Not tingham. Mr. Beck was especi ally pleasing, winning the unre served applause of the bulk ef the large crowd present ' Tuesday afternoon the junior Chautauqua presented their play fPlA Urtn tirkiU lira. trnfiA Vierra's Hawaiians also gave a concert both afternoon and even ing. Vierra's Hawaiians have been to our town before and have pleased our people on each occasion they were roundly ap plauded at both their concerts. Tuesday night Dr. Thos. E. Green delivered the strongest lecture of the season, his subject being the ' Salt of the Earth' Dr. Green disclosed many of the present administration s activi ties during the war. We would indeed be glad ,to give Dr. Green's lecture word for word. for we believe every American citizen should hear it but such cannot be done. His lecture will be remembered by our people for a long, long time. Best of all the Chautauqua en joyed the best patronage ever this year and they will be here arain next year. EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS TO BE BUILT AT ROANOKE MILLS NUMBER TWO New Weave Room 274 Long and 1S7 Feet 8 Inches Wide. Inches by 157 Feet 8 Inches and Dye House 50x75 ROSEMARY PERSONAL LOCAL I TEES AND A very live organization in Rosemary is the recently insti tuted lodge Sons and Daughter of Liberty an organization for members, their wives, daughters and sisters of the Junior Order United Americas Mechanics. Saturday night the head men and women of the State of the or ganization, together with "the big chief" Mr. Sapps will visit the lodge and after interesting addresses hsve seen made a reception will follow. Sunday morning the order will attend a s special service arranged for them at All Saints' (Episcopal) Church at eleven o'clock. The members of the order are earn estly requested to assemble at the hall promptly at ten-thirty and march in a body to the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Walkins, of Thelma, were in town Monday afternoon. Mr, George Steele, of Vultare was here a short while Monday. Mr. John Shaw, of Vultare was in Rosemary Tuesday night The Cotillion Club gave a surprise party at the home of Mrs. G. L Hayes this week in honor of her guests Misses Margaret Matthews, of Clinton, and Willie Wilkinson, of Tar boro. Mr. R. B. Lawson of South Bos ton, Va., spent Friday in town. Rev. and Mrs. Chas. M. Lance, left Tuesday for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the M. E. Centenary Exposition. Miss Charlena Hart has ac cepted a position with the Rose mary Banking and Trust Com pany. Messrs. J as. G. Jordan and A. S. Brady, of Henderson, spent Friday in Rosemary. Mr. Jas. M. McMillan, of At lanta, was here last Friday. Mr. C. L. Gourand, of New York City, spent Friday in Rose mary. The members of the local lodge Sons and Daughters of Liberty are looking forward with pleas ure to the meeting arranged for Saturday night and the services Sunday morning. Capt Donald McComas, of Goldsboro, was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Hewitt for the week-end. Mr. George Cullon, has just ar rived from overseas where he served in the artillery band of the 81st Division, and is at the home of his father Mr. A. L Cullon. Mr. M. P. Williams, of Tarboro was in town Wednesday. Mr. Perry Brown, of the 81st Division U. S. A., recently re turned from overseas, is the guest of friends in Rosemary this week. After a visit to his par ents in Tarboro, he will return to Rosemary and accept a posi tion with the Rosemary Mfg. Co. Mr. W. M. Garrett of Condor, spent Tuesday in town. Dr. McRae, of Littletnn was here Monday afternoon. Mr. V. F. Harrison, of Little ton, spent Wednesday in Rose mary. Mr. H. B. Harvell, of Weldon, was in' town Monday afternoon. Messrs E. Douglas and Frank Clark, of New York City spent Tuesday in town. Mr. W. B. Powell, of Reeky Mount was in Rosemary Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. F. L Nash have arrived from Charlotte. Mr. Nash Is cashier of the Citizens' Bank and Trust Co., which will ERECTING 67 NEW DWELLINGS KXS.W.G. LYNCH WINS HAND SOME DRESS Mrs. W. G. Lynch, of Roanoke Rapids, was the winner of the dress given away during the Special Sale Chautauqua week by Duncan's Inc. The winning number which was 111 being held by her. open for business on the first of July. Mr. and Mrs. Nash have taken rooms at Mr. Joe Cox's. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Humphrey, of Raleigh, were in town Tues day. Mr. E. Falker, of Henderson, was in town Tuesday. Mr. John Stout of Atlanta, was here the first of the week. Mr. A. A. Wood, of Warrenton was in Rosemary Monday. Mr. L. S. Chesson, of Hender son, was in town Mondsy morn ing. The many friends of Mr. Shaftner W. Buchanan, formerly of Rosemary, now of Raleigh, were glad to see him in town for the week-end. Mr. Joe Taylor, of Oxford, has accepted a position with the Rosemary Mfg. Co. Messrs. W. H. and L P. Spoon of Greenville, S. C, were here Friday. In a fast game of baseball played on the Rosemary diamond last Saturday afternoon Rose mary defeated Henderson by the decisive score of six to one. Pace had his erstwhile pitching arm at work, as is his wont and with Lambeth doing the receiv ing the visitors had a battery to face that made things interesting in addition to the stellar work of the other seven. Both teams, however, put up a splendid ex hibition. Mr. H. E. Dobbins spent Tues day and Wednesday in Rich mond. The Womans Auxiliary of All Saints (Episcopal) Church will meet with Mrs. E. W. Lehman Tuesday at four o'clock. The many friends of Mr. Lu cius Cullom are glad to welcome him back from overseas. He ar rived Thursday morning from Camp Lee and is vjsiting his father, Mr. Al Cullom. Mrs. G. L. Hayes and Miss Charlena Hart pleasantly enter tained Wednesday night in hon or of their guests, Misses Mat thews and Wilkinson. Mr. C.F. Ogletree spent Thurs day in Henderson. Mr. Jake Matthews has recent ly arrived from overseas to the delight of his many friends. Miss Kate Brew Vaughan was the guest of Mrs. Hewitt during her stay in the community. Mr. G. L. Eury, recently hon orably discharged from the ser vice is visiting relatives. Mrs. K. Ryder, of Charlotte, spent Tuesday in town. Mr. W. T. Harrison, of Little ton, was in Rosemary Tuesday. Mr. R. C. Cook, of Raleigh spent the week-end in town. Mrs. Simpson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in town. Mr. J. S. Oliverof New York City was here over Sunday. Mr. J. G. Butts, of Halifax, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. T. M. Jenkins. , Mr. A. J. Boyd, of Warrenton, was here Tuesday morning. Mr. F. J. McCarthy, of New York City was in town Monday morning. Mrs. R. B. Gammon, of Phoe bus, Va., is the guest of her daughter, lira. J. U. Loftia. Finishing Plant 101 Feet 8 Feet the condition of any enter prise can best be determined by its growth. The Roanoke Mills Company, under the efficient management of Mr. Sam F. Pat tenon has grown steadily since its organization some twenty four years ago. Contracts are now being let for the erection at and adjoining their No. two mill for a wesve room 274 feet long by 157 feet 8 inches wide. The building will have a basement and be two stories high and as the present building be of reinforced con crete. In this building 700 Draper Looms will be operated by indi vidual motors. A finishing room 101 feet by 157 feet 8 inches with two stor ies and basement will also be built and equipped with the most modern machinery. Also a dye house 60x75 feet will be added this building being a one story structure. The ad ditions will of course add many people to the pay roll of Roan oke Mills Company and bring many new families to Roanoke Rapids. To take care of these new res idents the Roanoke Milk Com pany are now erecting sixty seven new houses in the No. 2 village. The houses were purchased from the Aladdin people and in the lot there are eleven different designs, which will add much to the appearance of the village- breaking monotony of too much . sameness. Two large and at tractive houses were also pur chased by the mill company at the same time for residents of our town. MISS JONES ENTERTAINS Miss Meta B. Jones was at home to quite a number of her young friends Thursday evening between the hours of 9:00 and 11:30. The hall and living room were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and ferns. The guests were met at the door by the hostess and were immediate ly made to feel at home. Con tests, games and music were in dulged in during the evening, At 10:30 the guests were in vited into the dining room which was decorated with cut flowers and ferns where delicious cream, fruits, cake and candy were ser ved. Those present were: Misses Alice Hockaday, Telga Barnes, Cammie Vaughn, Sula Williams, Lottie Green, Maud Wilkinson, Lena Rivers and Inzie Jones, Messrs. Nat Hockaday, Hurley I King, Mason Faison, Billie Nor wood, D. M. Clark, Frank Wil liams, Seabrook Jones and Law rence Clements. MR. W. P. SNIPES DEAD Mr. W. P. Snipes a well known man of our community died Sun day night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Snipes, of South Rosemary, af ter a lingering illness of several months. The deceased was a victim of tuberculosis. '"?.. Mr. Snipes had been a resident. of this community for about ten years and was for the six years previous to the abrupt decline of his health a valued employes of the Roanoke Rapids Power Co. Deceased was about SS yczn , old and is survived ty bis prr.ti and one brother. Istn::zt was mads InIt tz T 1j CcJty, It. T. C C. t rr ----. ' 1 4:l.gU-T,f . jm&m.4i 1