ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. Couldn't Move In Bed Twelew We km From Rheumatic Trouble. Now Praiaea Doan'a. F r tl wrrka I my abed, niUr t, a mam-l." Mr. Oaat .Kko-oa, k4 a. Jealh KJ VS ,114, i'M MM (MI Bn UWI a-.r a 1 ,.r Iku aar han tin. e'd 4 hB.L aad kraaa baha we pus ihu atop k fria twwtiaf akta tiwts. 11m -aarw vaa4 rrJr U Map. I tin t Wnlj k7 1 nM MTk aguay. v,rr phyaM-iaB .iJ tkal )U rUauuairy raaa !.. Iut tkrtr aardt- r m dwial give aa nay rrbrt. Mv f ,-a a anted la tfckt aa W kuapttal. but I a4 art theaa. Tk aVatun a 4 tkat nothing raM be do . M "I kJ Wa a ivu4 bow iur two !n. toinre I kaallv oWnied to rrl U ! fldnr mil. I Ml lirlx liea aad tkev awrely did pea tk a.sateHwl wnl. Una Tr nxt. tn.i 1 hv yd ta brat kealtk of II my lii. I wecgk nearly ITU pada inj am lik a diflerewt pmua m awry rr t..t. I ahatl always praiat Zkasa'l Hilary fills e'aor r before te. uakolu r. rcrtKsfty, utary Petite. Cat Daaa at Aaa !. ta Baa DOAN'S .AV rOSTHUMUURN CO, SUTTALOl n. t. DONTCUTOUT AShot6oU,Cipse. Hock or Bursitis row will seduce tat aad leave m MemM, Stop auatMtt ptomotr. Doe XX Mi. Icr ar lea tk hair, and karat eaa woikrd. ttStabasdeatumtd. Mlltta ABSORBING JR.. ait aaaaaa, a. htaui la aria, awa, aw ltm wa aiawrakianiiaiaaiaii run U 1 aMat ai ana a amim U mm Ha an U yaa , . B.TOMC M. Hl aMaaW.atHaalli Ma Every. Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGUJlC Daaaairaal la wat ar lot Jaaickn at aaraia aatarrh, alearatioa aaal aalaaa atiaa. Rmiain 11 M k LyaUa L 'aakkaai MaaV Cm. fa. t A kaaltaff wian lot aaaaj calana, aara Uraataaal aaraayaa. EtaaaaairaL C 1, bWm, Mav a Itching Rashes Soothed With Cuticura AUtMt B 4'HKAP IIKVIC K ATTAt HKI lraal Kurd carburetor; as tor IIMll, rc 4ura raraoa; alila piirr, ivm tmm: tulrk aallar; all prulM t. HAKKR. Macoa, (la. W. N. U," CHARLOTT E, NO. 27 -Itll ALCOHOL'S P8H CM"-.ultMnVrMdkfBrfrlU- Ti i ,1 lL-:t aecrflne$iiiMlteCaitii( nctthtr Oplufn. Morpw"-, Minera'. Not naiicotw Jfcaaj a'laVi'a' H1"1 a i..ifiillfeiBedyCa !&5tipa.onandDUnlb I and revtrishness tea faattfjntefafWoVgyg7 tajSijnatataaf NEW TUH Biact Copy of Wrapper. 1 1 wmu I I THIS Imt one of those fake frw treat taent offers you have een ao many times. We don't offer to give you some thing for nothing but we do guarantee that you enn try this wonderful treatment, en tirely at our risk, and this guarantee is backed by your local druggist. J. W. Perkins of Atlanta. Georgia, writes: "I was afflicted with a very bad case of Eczema for 25 years, which was In my feet, Irr and hips. Through al this time I tried different remedies and doctors' prescrip tions, obtaining no relief until I used your HUNTS SALVE. "On Box entirely cured me, and though two years have elapsed 1 have hud no re turn of the trouble. Naturally I rard It as the greatest remedy In the world." Hunt's falve Is compounded especially for the treatment of Edema, Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and other skin diseases. Remember Hunt's Salve costs you nothing If you are not satisfied, o do not dplny but get a boi now on our money back guarantee. Trice) 75c at your druggist s or direct by mail tf be docs not handle IL A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Texu "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN TUyw TMr rf Axilla- ta b fyttin aiut Ih aurtm! witk the aafrty TjifT Crs.- Alatyi rWy ilv4i Rayrr lwi aki.- ra tain HVr ttlrr. tu ta amWy r laa Hra.U.-h. Tharb. Karaa. Nmralfia, CWii anj paiB. Haadj tia aoxrs of 12 mM nwt eat a t cent at dni (tirr tirpr tki( alaa, Asplrta U tk traJa nark r Bayr Maufartr of U xcrtlv olJt-f f Sallo'liaiL Adr. Cant GH Akaatf af Bara. A erm in Ma.a'tittt-m (vmiK.jaKl Martins Intu basin-, aaMit ap ruMrr lutltikxia la f h-a, aaj atta.-hM U rak a tl.'kH ralllliC fv kirnhaa "II. Th twma a.i rvai far an.t I'W. I'ut th h.i IH a4 Intmil t. IH th lutloitia aall Into th air hI ntiH ) la am mm-'i )irj ttillca aav. Whrn th f rx .-B U-ft th kanl if thv man 'uiling hrm up th-r a twaiif .f ri haaiU anl a i.k if : Itfiit ln xhiit iutM the alitaly rl ln IuIIimmi. KiHir tlr'.l ta tha (rnmiiiL, t.iirst Inta Idta nl litem Isa fmir tl-k-t ralllnj fur M-rt'hilia which th- yimtliful banilit acranidlnl (r ami tik Inttt the atora t re- llftllptlliU. WORSE THAN DEADLY POISON GAS Kldnry aUaaaat ta aa rapater af par ana. It attarka yoaag ana aid aiika. la oat raara tha ktira la aarutd at tha apprearkiBf itnfr t Natura tight kark. llraiU'-k. utdifrattoa, inauaiaia, lama bark, lumbago, aoiatw-a. rliuBia turn, pain ia tka loin aa4 lowrr b aWfn, diSrult In urinating, all ara indiratioa af troublt krtalBg ia Jour kidwja. Wha u-k ajaiptoina tppaar oa iS almoat rrrtainly find auick rrlirf ia GOLD MKUUt Ilaarlna UU l'pulc. Thi faoont eld tm4j kit ttrMxt the t(t for twa hnndrl jrar ia blp in( mankind ta fight off diwa, t ia Imported dirart f mr th knma Iaboratoria ia Holland, hr it baa kfld to darrlop th IVitch into ana of tka atnrditat and krtltbirat rara in tha world, and it may ha kad at almoat Yry dmg tur. Your aionry promptly rafundrd it it dn not rt bcre you. H aura to grt th genuina t.OLl) MFUAI, llrand. la ttalcd pack agta, thrt aiica Adr. Cheap Enough. "Cloth nt $! a yitnl xci'tim hlRh." "Nut when you coiisldcr Unit yard will miiki" a gown," Louisville t'nu-rlcr-Journttl. Th aeraatsnal a af Romaa t Balaam at alght upon ratlrlnf will aravtnl an4 r !! llr.. atr area, an 4 tyt airala. A. Tht pHtch l likely to come oft in a puti hed up qimrrfl. For Infants and Children. t'ofors Know That Gsnuino Castoria Always Bears tha Signature of I. For Over Thirty Years (Pi hi mm SUTI iffi cm 9 IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER IMPOftTANT HAPPENINGS 0 TMIf AND OTHER NATION FOR (EVEN DAY CIVEN TEE KEWslTlUE SOUTH Wkal la Taking Place ra Tka lead WUI e FevM la rtaf Paragraph Domestic Definite plane tor eoatroUiBg skip atata of grain to prevent railroad coav gexttoa and eireas Mxumulaltoa at primary markets, involving a dual sys tem of iadividua' and klaake. permits were aanottaced by tHrectur Ceaernl Hiaaa. Sevea brothers Abraham. Ckartea. Darta. Eliaa. Georgo. John and Juaapk Sutumoa were seateaced in New York by failed Mates Judge Kboi to erva twa years each ia the Atlanta penitentiary after plead ing guilty ta toaipiniig ta swiedle saenkaals out of goods valued at snore Una a half millioa dollar. They cuaducted wholesale stores ta tweaty-aevea cit ies. A kig seaplane from the naval air station at Feaaacola, Fla carrying three nea tumbled Into the bay and as wrecked, but all the octupaaU eacaped with ao asore Una minor la- Juries. Aa official welcome home such as previously kad been accorded only to returning cabiuet members awaits Lieut. Com. Albert C. Read, who coov maaded the first air rratt to cross the Atlantic ocean, and kin associates. Com. Job a H .Towers and Lieut. Cora. P. N. L. Bellinger when they stepped ashore la New York from the army transport Zeppelin. MaJ. Gen. Edward M. Lewis, upoa kis arrival ia the United States, will be assigned to command Camp Gor don, at Atlanta. Ga., by order of the secretary of war. "Hogism," and not capitalism, has made more Bolshevists lhau any other single cause. Prof. William Q. McAu litfe of Cathedral college. New York, told the Catholic Educational associa tion In annual convention at St. Louis, Mo. Gordon Fawcett Hamby, alias Jay B.B. Allen, confessed slayer of two employees of the East Brooklyn (N. Y.) Savings Hank, in a hold up last December, was convicted of murder In the first degree by a Jury In the Brooklyn supreme court, following a trial lasting but two days. Death by electrocution is the arbitrary penalty tor first degree murder In New York state. The jury was out less than on hour. Demobllitat.on of the navy is pro ceeding rapidly and aatistactorily. with the result that the total strength will have been reduced to 250,000 men by the end of this week. With an American aeroplane sailing leisuresly overhead, amid the cheers of their remaining comrades, and with the German band playing "Homeward Bound," sixty six interned German seamen marched away f-om the pris on camp at Fort McPherson, Atlanta. Ga., bound for the fatherland. They will sail from Charleston, on the Mar tha Washington, a vessel new engaged in taking I'n'ted States home from France. Waflhlrtfton On his arrival In the United States President Wilson will go strslght to Washington to lay before congress the results of the peace conference. He will leave soon afterward for an extended tour of the country for the purpose of explaining directly to the people all questions relating to the peace treaty and the league of nations covenant Senate and house conferees on the army appropriation bill reached an agreement to fix the average size of the 192C army of 325,000 officers and men. This total is 75.000 less than that proposed by the senate and 25, 000 more than the strength authorized originally by the house. A mau's right to store liquor In h's home for the drv period after July 1 stood up ugainbt an attack on that provision of the prohibition bill be fore the hone Judiciary tommittee. In a general consideration of the measure, the committee made a num ber of minor changes, lut the prin cipal fight was over the question of the right of home storage for personal use. Julius Barnes, United States wheat director, announced that President Wilson has signed a proclamation put ting under license of the wheat direc tor persons, firms, corporations and associations dealing in wheat, wheat flour or baking products manufactur ed either wholly or partly from wheat flour. The only exceptions are farm trs and small brokers. Serious rioting occurred at Hamburg factories, It being alleged that the bodies of dogs and cats had been found In them. The managers were fragged to the streets and roughly han dled. Agreement has been reached by the senate and horse conferees on legis lation to repeal government control of telegraph, telephone and other i.-e systems. The conference adopted the house plan of terminating government control at midnight on the laet day of the calendar month in which the law is approved. Whether the United States will sign the Turkish treaty if such be ne gotiated, and the Bulgarian treaty, is still undecided and probably will not be known until ehort'.y before the sig nature, although the Americans are participating in the preliminaries daily. The rifle range at Camp Benning, Columbus, Ga., the small arms, ma thine gun and tank training school, will be made the largest in the world, exceeding that at Caldwell, N. J. The camp wii be taken out of control of le southeastern department of the my. Is response to argent requests frosn the nuyor of Newport. R. I. asking that the navy's "dry" sotie otaer. ap plying to all saraj training sjukna. ke rescinded before July 1. Se-jretary Daniela tek-graphed that the order would aoi he rescinded, and that ao eii-epdons would b Buttle in the caae of Newport. The naval apprupriatioa kill passed the senate virtually as reported ky the senate rossmitte. It carrtee approx imately ta44.eee.aoa. aa increase of more than !,eew ever the kouee total The measure aow goes ta con ference. Previsioa tJt vigorous steps ky th federal gevenune-Bt agntnat beeah tbrewera and ether anarchists aad radical a declared by government ofa- ciala t he plotting! the overthrow of the government and spea'uif two millioa duLars monthly ta that end war aiade ia the sundry civil appro priatioaa kill as reported ta the aaav ate . American caaualt'ea during the 47 day Mewee-Argoan offeBsivw aggre gated lie.) men. or 1 per cent of the total of l.iOQ.eoe engaged, accord ing to a "statistical autamary of the war with Germany " prepared ky Cut. Leonard P. Ayrea. chief of tke statisti cal branch of tke general staff, anl published ky the war department Beat Information obtainable by tha general staff place the total battle deatha tor all belligerents ia the world war at T,4S,2tMM. divided aa fol lows: Russia, LTOe.Ove; Germany 1. tUe.OOO: FraBce. l.JSS.JiW; Great Brit am. PvO.OOe; Austria, IM.Ooe; Italy, 330,000; Turkey, 250,000; Serbia and Montenegro, 12S.0OO; Belgium. 102. 400; Roumania, 10o,0o; Bulgaria, lOO.OOO; Inlted States. 4S.W. Greece. T.000; Portugal, 2,00. Euro peal Hollanders, hearing that ex Kaiser Bill ia punning to flee be Germany, thoroughly approve of his return, na the former emperor is na unwelcome guest and his presence la Holland is increasing the problem before that country. The eojoura of President Wilson la Europe came to aa end whea he start ed homeward immediately following the signing of the peace treaty. All arrangements for his departure had been completed and the special presi dential train left the Gar des Inva lides, and arrived at Brest where the president boarded the steamship George Washington. No effective measures could have been taken by the Brit kh admiralty to prevent scuttling of the German fleet at Sea pa Flow without violating the terms of the armistice, says an of ficial statement ksued by the British 1 embassy. I Hamburg threatens to become a sec 'ond Munich, with even greater blood jshed. The city is completely tu the power of the Communists and Spar ' tacans, av'in are utilising food rii'tj ae Ian excuse lor their attempts lri gain I control. In the rioting they ston. ed I the city h.-il) and overcame tha gov ernment troops,, cspturing quantities of ammunition, rifles and machine guns. They then swept the city, plun dering, killing and destroying. The allied council has replied to the Turkish memorandum, saying that It could not accept the Turkish claim that its territories be restored undi minished. A detailed memorandum, embodying a plan for the continuance of the old Turkish empire was sub mitted to the council of ten by the Turkish delegation. The memoran dum set forth that the Turkish gov ernment was prepared to recognise the independence of Armenia and to grant some from of autonomous government to Palestine. Germany has been notified in a note sent by the allies that they possess the right to punish the persons responsi ble for the destruction of the German ships and to collect reparation tor the loss. The sinking of the fleet is de nounced as a violation of the armis tice and a deliberate breach In ad vance of the conditions of peace. Fighting tor acquittal, Alfred Coc cqbi, cha.ged with the nviraer of Ruth Cruger, in New York, in 1917, pre sented to the court in Bologna, Italy, and Jury a vivid description of tha killing of the girl. He contended that his wife was the guilty one. He ex plained that be had made his former confession tot' her protection, but de clared that, now tab. she had aban doned btm, he vould tell the truth. Capt. John Alcock and Lieut Arthur V. Brown, the airmen who made the first non-stop flight from North Amer ica to Ireland, were entertained at a luncheon at the Hotel Savoy in Lon don by the Daily Mail, at which the tmna Atlantic prize of $50,000 offer ed by the newspaper, was presented to the aviators. It Is announced that tue king has conferred the order of the knigh tot the British empire on Captain Alcock and Lieutenant Brown. All the cotton mills in Lancashire, England, closed and It Is expected 55,000 epindles and thousands of looms will be stopped through the strike of 500,000 workers. The cotton mill owners say they will make no attempt to run the mills. The German warships which were not surrendered aud which have been anchored off Kiel, Wllhelmshaven and other points, have been sunk by Gor man sailors manning them, according to a report received . Weimar from reliable authority. The German ad miralty denies the rumor. By a vote of 237 to 138 the German national assembly decided to sign. The assembly also voted confidence in the new government of Herr Bauer. Before the vote was taken, the new premier declared that tha government would sign the treaty. The sinking of the German fleet was a complete surprise, and the first news reached London through a cor respondent who was informed by farmers in the neighborhood that they had seen the German ships sink tag with their flags aloft The ad miralty at first denied the report but later confirmed it and issued an of ficial statement. The German officers and crews have been made prisoners. None of the officials would offer an opinion as to how they ara to b dealt with. l-MOYTJ ISU-IM LYTCII1T16!IAL SUMSCII00L Lesson 4fr rev. p. m. riTzYATi.ii. n n Taacka at EnIlak Bib ta tb Ma4f BiMa Inatltul u ftx- jf-nfM ta IS M - W niir I LESSON FOR JULY 6 CHURCH: ITS LIFE AND WORK. LESSON TEXT-Al-i t l- 5-7; I Tan i U-uV l-lk.N TEXT-Ctin aiaa kv4 th rkunh. aa4 sat kiataait fur av-tpa I. ADDITION.!. MATFK1 A1 1 Co. U -ll. a., .U-W. i-S; K. 1: kr-SI I'Klaf ART TOFlr-Our Fairer' Heua. JVNKtH TUi'iC-Wky a ahaule Lxt th fkun-k. lNTi HMKMATF. TO-tC-Wkat h Ckan k Duaa rw l a and vt bat v a KkouM Da ti th t-kurva. ISKNhlH AND ADtn.T T H'lC-Tk aptrtt aad Miama af th Chur. k. L The Origin f tke Church (Arts :.-. Fifty days after the utKsaver. ahlle the KM me and whim- were "with amird la woe place" the Holy Sirlt cante u them and baptized theta Into one (I for 1.' I !) The waa begua the b.1y railed the rhuivh. The rhun h had it In-ginning at IVnteoint. The tx-llfwrs were united anmnd the resurrwtd Christ aa heed. II. Condition ef Entrance Into the Church (Acts 1:37-41). After the rtuniiig wf the Spirit at l' ntevoBt. Peter witnessed to the d-ath and resiirrwtlon of Chrit. Through this testimony the Spirit con victed thee Jews of thi-lr sin. In their d-KTnte need they cried out: "What shall we do?" Peter's reply Indicated the stepn Into the church. (1) Belief In Jesut Christ ss Savior. His argument proved that Jeus whom they had crucified wan the Meoslah. ('.') KeH-ntnnce. Every one entering the church should rvieiit ; should rhange Mm mind and attitude toward Jesus Christ. (3) He baptized. The divinely ap pointed method for the titilic confes sion of Jesus Christ Is baptism. Those who have believed In Jesus Christ should receive this tangible ordinance, which symbolizes our ideiitllleatlou w ith Christ in his death, burinl and res urrection. (4) Receive remission of sins. Those who have been united to Jesus Christ have all thetr sins removed ; there Is an entire mncelliitloii of guilt. They have a HtniulliiK before ld which Is absolutely perfect. (o) Receive the Holy Spirit. The rift of the Holy Spirit Is the birthright of every regenerated soul who Is obedi ent to Christ. III. A Portrait ef the Primitive Church (Acts 2:4'.' -17). 1. They continued In the apostles' doctrine (v. 41'). Instead of being taught by the scribes they are now taught by the apostles. They have turned awuy from their blind guides ami are following new ones. 2. They continued In fellowship around Christ ss the bend (v. 42). The breaking of bread Illustrated the one ness of believers In Christ. As all partook of one loaf, so all believers are one In Christ. 3. They continued In prayer (v. 42). The Ideal church Is a praying rliureh. 4. They had a community of goods (w. 43-4."). They had all things in com mon. Those that hnd possessions sold them and distribution wus made to every one as he had need. 8. They were filled with prnlse (v, 40). All those who hnve had the ex perlence of the life of God being poured Into them are fillet with praise. and gratitude must express Itself. IV. The Mutual Duties ef Officers and Members ef the Church (I Thess. 6:11-15). 1. Mutual Intercourse for comfort and edification (v. 11). There Is no caste in the church of Jesus Christ ; It Is a brotherhood. 2. Proper recognition should be given to thoRe who are engaged In spiritual service (v. 12). Only as the grnce of God abounds do men anil women turn from their secular to splr Itunl Interests. Those who thus re spond to the call of Clod should have popular recognition. 8. Troper respect should be given to church officials (r. 13). While we should not give wors-h'p to those who are lenders In t'ie chinch of Christ we should give them proper respect. One of the signs of the de generacy of the age Is a lack of re spect shown Christian ministers. 4. Live In pence (v. 13). Although there Is In the church n diversity of Interests and personalities the love of Christ should so fill us Hint there be no strife In Ills body. 6. Warn the disorderly (v. 14). As Christ chose twelve unit one was a devil, so In the church there will be those who are disorderly. All such should be lovingly warned. . I!e not retnllntlve (v. 1.1). Al though others wrong us we should not retaliate. Self-Knowledge. Self knowledge Is a wonderful re straint to unkind criticism. No one who lias lived iimiii within the doors of his own heart can have fulled to discover a surprising number of faults and weaknesses. Ills own rules are broken by himself, his moods suddenly sway Ills iietter Judgment, and whes he fancies that his higher self Is living at pence, a lower self unexpectedly appears and often dominates lilt Til and his actions. He has suet, fiequent cause to wonder nt Unit he censes to wonder at his neigh bors. Censorlousness and caviling al the shortcomings of others are, Ir truth, very strong evidences of bul slight acquaintance with self. A Tremendous Fact. God needs men. That Is (lie tr mendous fuct that stands out In ever generation. There niver has been n Inhabited corner of the earth s i Adam walked out or rMin where ll, need was not thrcst Into som i r. face and henrt. It Is being Minis us as never before. tV. t t God ne men! j j ,3 i rvii7ifj iuiw T"?jAa iMkkf tick Beat a- It la kasha, robest health, that ta responsible for the Keetackr girts good looks. It ska gets sick, she proceeds to et welL Passu. d of health, she kaowa that personal charm aad attractive esa Bcd aot worrr. Tney are Bar, iwat m me Tka ator f Mrs. UatUa Hamll tn. tit afyrtl Avaaaa. Lataaia. Kaatacky. la typical- Sa nays: I nave nvr ta all my Ufa. wnl it r cvatly, weigh vr 12 poaaaa Finally, I aaa te take Pernaa. Mr wturkt B ta 11a. Wall I a.4at raally na4 It, I kav iart4 a tka tkirw asrtll. faraaa kaa earialnly aoa ana a rrt deal ef coad aai I recwaaauae It la my (riad& Svral ara taklkc It It ia eur prising th aaiauiat f da pa4aae B'ared ky tnrt. kr usoa 1st. ilartmaa a Mr,l loawil frua Kar farty-gv yar It kaa ka a kauarkald rm .1y for rough, colda. ratarrk ami ail catarrhal la II mm a UK walk Baby Wakes Up Smiling after its food ha been digested aa k should be, which ia beat done by fi'nC MRS.7INSLOV3 SYRUP Tka mlmmm' aad Ckilataa'a Thousands af wis mother know from acroal experience that there ia nothing better than thin remarkable remedy for overcoming conatipation, diarrhoea; feverishness and other oaby trouble. Thia surrly rgi abl areoaratina abaalatrr kanaltas ron'aina aa asaatca, aarcouca. alcohol af atkat kanwiui msmdintia It rout baby is fretful, fries, ar rrm cmW siiiiiIchws af aot kmng well, giv Mm Wmilow Svrue aad aa tk arm ailing kaalik and kappv aaulaa that tuuow. AtmBDrmttit AJnUO-aJUUCAl MU6 CO, lli-Ilt fahm haaa. la fa Oml Sika Ar -liaH P. lihaia A Ca aakTl Tab -Taaaaa. Ca. PREPARE FOR 1 la tlaw nt Pino I .lag. Otinaaila traiiird wlrVjT uur a-Ur nl ! aJ"r funlnvna. tnrnll Sfaax nulor-d kuitnMi Prara rsir 'or a -J - rmlnf-a inmii wtt. u Z Blak yuur futur S'ifma ar-rur. Hai-'fooina ! hifua anllrd on rcsiurM. iuu en a . any gi-novl oura alt auaimr. PUT SLIGHT VALUE ON SELF Parishioner's Explanation of Rack sliding That Might Be Accounted More or Less Convincing. Charles B. Fori, the leader ef the Chicago butter and egg hoard, wet de fending the high price of eggs. "It Is the egg export to the soldiers overseas." he said, "that makes p.iee high. The egg market, you see. Is governed by a purely business si Irlt. "If you try to be Idealistic wit& the egg market you are treated like Doc tor Seenthly. "Doctor Steenthly said to a b-lll-tose parishioner who had given anoth er parishioner a black eye: " 'My friend you should love your neighbor as yourself.' "Yes, sir; that's right, sir,' said (he parishioner. "'I'm glad you agree,' said Doctor Steenthly, and he added In a rather stern voice: " 'Do ynu, though do you honert ly love your neighbor ns yourself? "'Yes, sir; oh, yes, sir,' said the parishioner; 'but I'm a modest mat, you see, and, to tell the truth, I ain't a bit stuck on myself, sir,' " The farmer who Is bankrupt of Ideas soon has a bankrupt farm and a bankrupt pockethook. A coward calls himself cautions, and a miser thrifty. Seneca. F . a it V When You're Tired and need the mvigora b'on of a well-flavored, full-bodied hot cup, there's nothing superior to Poshim Delicious and healthful, it supports and cheers with its refreshing good ness, and it is an eco nomical table drink as well. At Grocers Two sizes, usually sold et 15c and 25c mm V ) tr.V. al tW Tmvt b tW Qiel I aiUcBCraMBcSca. The Secret ol Tbeir Beauty aecret I in rwaptratary system, ataaaaek ar tkr as-aa r rt af tk ftaey. Tk rci4 ar faruaa rar aaariy a kalf rHtury ta a atartllag aa. Tkauaaaaa kav iarr aaa taa Itfy ta Ha atmlu Bnt. fmu la auld ryakr. May k par rkaa4 ta ltkr Iltul4 r takwt tora. YtMir 'air kaa it. Aaa tar 1 t. Hartmaaa wll-kawn fm Tinw 1st at arvat a auksiltut ar -auaMtklng Juae aa a, laauat upoa iaruaa. If yw ar alek aad suaVrtite; fraan any cauaa wkaiavar. write Tka Pa rana 1hjbj, itL Ti. CaJumkua, hi, for 1 Hartmaa'a Hrait Huok. Tka koak la trr aad may kale yaw Aaa yWT aWalar tar a i'Muna Alamaaaa. A LARGER SALARY batter ob at lartn aalary. Miara bualim aMt 3j nra 'i wjaa aiptria. Th aeurr in miama in urirr Is- f wtay our fnduales ar ta tk frvat raaaa at awucra wtn- cala- IIM. OLD rOR M TEAM For MALARIA. CHILLS and FEVER Fin Gnral Stresif Ml IT 8trn(Uwnin Tiav Indian Calm. "You cun't fenze an Indian," enlcj Indian Commissioner Malcolm llc iHiwell. "You can't ruffle an Indian's calm dignity. "1 once had the satisfaction to point out to an Indian chief an airplane Hailing across the sky. It was the first airplane he'd ever seen, and I hnd fond hope's that he'd show some excitement. "'There!' I said. There I Whnt do you think of It? Isn't It extract dlnary f "The chief looked up at the air plane calmly ; then he looked calmly at pic . "T.ut It was built to do that, wasn't It 7 he said." Putting Him Right The war nmy be over, but It hasn't been over long enough for some peo ple to regain their former manners. That's how It was with Jenks, tha Walter. "Look here," said the Irate diner, "there's a fly In the butter!" "That Isn't a fly," said Jenks sweet ly; "It Is a moth. And that Isn't but ter; It's margarine. Otherwise your assertion Is correct." Never Is the wenther so hnd that the oldest liilinbitants can't remember when It was worse. I earn the luxury of doing good. Goldsmith. Cereal MMiinnm! Z,

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