ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN: OF ROANOKE RAPIDS, NORTH CAROLINA The Following Ordinances Shall Be in Effect From July 1, 1919 The following ordinances shall be in effect from July 1st. 1919. Be it ordained by the Board of Com missioner of the Town of Roanoke Rapids: POLICE REGULATIONS Article I Section 1. That all persons found guilty of any indecent conduct, drunk enness, fighting, the use of profane or obscene language within the corporate limits of the town, and the territory over which the town has criminal jurisdiction, and of disturbing the peace and quiet of the town, and the territory over which the town has criminal jurisdiction, in any manner whatever, shall be fined Twenty-Five Dollars. Sec. 2. No person shall ride or . drive across any granolithic, wood or gravel sidewalks unless it is necessary for him to do so as an entrance to his property, in which case he will be re quired to keep the sidewalk and ditch in repair. Anyone violating this sec tion shall, upon conviction, be fined Five Dollars. Sec. 3. Any person who stall. in jure a bridge or sny other property" belonging to the town, or place ob struction in any culvert, drain or sew er, public or private, or injure any of the street pumps, shall be fined, upon conviction, Twenty-Five Dollars. Sec, 4. Any person who shall ex hibit any stallion or jack on any pub lic street of the town, or let the same to any mare within the corporate lim its of the town, unless the same be done in a place not exposed to public view, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined Twenty-Five Dollars. Sec. 5. Any person owning and Crmitting a vicious dog to run at ge without being muzzled, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined Fifty Dol lars. Sec. 6. Any person who shal' shoot a gun or other firearms or shoot any rockets, popcrackers or other fire works, except in cases of necessity, shall, upon conviction, be fined Fifty Dollars. Provided, that nothing here in contained shall prohibit the shoot ing of fireworks between 6 A. M. and 10 P. at. on Christmas Day, and, if Christmas Day should fall on Sunday, on the day set aside by the Mayor for the shooting of fireworks. Sec. 7. Any person who shall keep a disorderly house, or house of ill-fame shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined Fifty Dollars; females of doubtful virtue who shall be found on the streets or alleys plying their vocation as prosti tutes) shall oe guilty of a misdemean or and, upon conviction, shall be fined Fifty Dollars. Sec. 8. Any persons found using an air rifle, bean shooter, or throwing rocks, or other missiles upon the streets of town, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined Ten Dollars. Sec. 9. That all unlicensed dogs running at large or whenever found in the town, shall be subject to be taken up by -the police and impound ed. The owners of all such dogs whenever known, shall be notified, and the dog shall be kept for two days in the pound. If the owner does not redeem them by paying the tax, costs and fifty cents penalty, then any other person may pay the same and become owner of any dog in the pound. All dogs not redeemed shall be killed un der the direction of the Chief of Police with as little suffering as pos sible. The word dog includes bitches. Sec. 10. That any person or per sons owning any fowl or fowls of any description whatsoever and allowing the same to run st large in the town and off the premises of such person or persons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined Five Dollars. Sec.1L The running at large of horses, mules, goats, or any stock of any kind, is forbidden. No one shall lead, ride, or drive any horse or other animal upon the sidewalks, or feed any stock upon the sidewalks, or streets or halter any animals w here they ran cross the sidewalks or streets. No one shall ride"' a bicycle or other vehicle upon the sidewalks. Any per son or itersons violating this section, shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of Three IXillars: Provided, nothing herein shall prohibit a carrige, gocart or wheelchair, containing an infant or invalid from being on the sidewalks. Sec. 12. No person shall place on any street,' sidewalk, or in any alley, boxes, barrels or other obstructions: Provided, however, that building ma terial, earth, and other obstructions of like character, may be, by permis sion of the Mayor, allowed under such restrictions as he may prescribe. Every person offending against these provisions shall, upon conviction, be lined Two Ikillars and Fifty cents for each and every day that such obstruct ion or obstructions are permitted to remain. Sec. 13, All awnings attached to buildings and extending over the side walks of the town shall, at their low est point be not less than six feet eight inches above the sidewalks. No awning of unapproved type, wooden shed or unapproved structure of any. kind whatsoever shall be erected over the sidewalks of the town, and any and all persons owning or renting stores or other buildings in the town in front of which there are awnings of unapproved type, wooden sheds or unapproved structures of any kind whatsoever, shall remove the same or cause the same to be removed. Pro vided, that this ordinance shall not apply to awnings of approved type. Any person or persons violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction, shall pay a fine of Twenty-Five Dollars. TRArFIC LAWS Article II Sec. 1. No person shall ride or drive a horse or other animal on any street faster than the rate permitted motor vehicles, and at the intersection of Roanoke Avenue and second Street, horses and other animals must not be driven faster than a walk. No one shall break any horse or other animal on any streets, hitch any horse or other animal to any of the street trees, telephone or electric light poles. For a violation of this section, persons, up on conviction, shall be fined Twenty five Dollars. Sec. 2. No person shall stop any vehicle on a footway or common cross ing for foot passengers, unnecessarily. Anyone violating this section, upon conviction, shall be fined One Dollar. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to make or cause to be made, any holes, excavations, and leave them uncovered so that they may be come dangerous to pedestrians on the streets and sidewalks. Any person or persons violating this section shall up on conviction, be fined Five Dollars. Ordinance Regulating the Opera tion of Motor Vehicles in the Town of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina Whereas, the increase in the num ber of motor vehicles and the conges tion of traffic in the town of Roanoke Rapids has made it necessary, in the interest of the public safety, to pre scribe and provide rules, regulations and restrictions governing and con trolling the operation thereof upon the streets and thoroughfares of said town: Now, therefore, Be it ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the town of Roanoke Rapids: Section 1. That it shall be unlaw ful for any person to drive an automo bile, motor car, motorcycle, or any other vehicle propelled by steam, gas oline, or electricity, within the corpor ate limits of the town of Roanoke Rapids at a greater rate of speed than 15 miles an hour, except as otherwise specified in sections 3 & 4 of ordinan ces regulating the operation of motor vehicles in the town of Roanoke Rapids and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive any such vehicle in a careless or reckless manner, or while under the influence of alcohol, morphine, or cocaine, or to leave any such vehicle standing unattended upon any street in the town of Roanoke Rapids without first stopping the en gine or motor thereof. Sec. 2. That it shall be unlawful for the owner, or agent of the owner, of any motor vehicle, automobile, motor car or motorcycle, or any other vehicle propelled by steam, gasoline, or electricity, to ptrniit the same to be driven upon the streets of the town of Roanoke Rapids by a person under the age of sixteen years. Every such ve hicle shall be provided with adequate brakes in good working order and suf ficient to control such vehicle at all times when the same is in use, and a suitable and adequate bell, horn or other device for signaling, and shall during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise display at least two lighted lamps on the front and one on the rear of such vehicle, which shall also display a red light visible from the rear. The rays of the rear lamp shall shine upon the number plate carried on the rear of such vehicle in such manner as to render the numerals thereon vis ible at least fifty feet in the direction in which the motor vehicle is proceed ing: Provided, that the lamps on such vehicle need not be lighted when the vehicle is standing under the rays of a light and can be plainly seen, and one light displayed on the front of a motorcycle shall be deemed a compliance with this section. Sec. 3. Every person driving an automobile, motor car, motorcycle, or horse-drawn vehicle, and every person riding a bicycle in the town of Roa noke Rapids, shall, upon meeting an other vehicle, pass to the right, and upon coming up from the rear of an other vehicle, pass to the left, observ ing the general rule of the road : and all such vehicles shall be driven on the right of the center of the street along which they may be going: It shall be unlawful for any person to turn any vehicle upon the streets of said town, whether horse-drawn or motor-driven except at the intersection or corner of a street, when it shall be the duty of such person to drive to the center of such intersection before commencing to make the turn, to turn and to signal with the hand in which direction the turn is to be made; and it shall be un lawful to drive any vehicle through the line of a funeral processsion. It shall be the duty of every person driving or operating a vehicle, horse drawn or motor driven, to obey in stantly any directions that may be given by a traffic officer or policeman; to slow down upon approaching each street intersection so as to pass such intersection with the vehicle so oper ated under complete control, and, in the case of a motor-driven vehicle to sound the horn or bell of such vehicle in warning upon approaching each street intersection, and, upon ap proaching the intersection of Roanoke Avenue and Second Street to slow such motor-driven vehicle to ten miles an hour and sound horn or bell. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of every person driving or operating any vehicle in the town of Roanoke Rapids, upon approaching a public school dur ing school term, to cause said vehicle to be slowed down to five miles an hour, and it shall be unlawful for any such person to drive any vehicle by a public school during the school term at a greater rate of speed than ten miles an hour. The governing body of the town of Roanoke Rapids shall erect and maintain street signs upon each block whereon a public school may be situated, the inscription upon which shall be substantially as follows: "Public school on this Block. Slow to Five Miles." Sec. 5. Every person parking any vehicle described herein in the town of Roanoke Rapids shall park the said vehicle on the right side of the street in the direction in which the said ve hicle is going; and said vehicle shall be parked at such an angle as to not obstruct other vehicles from so park ing and leaving at will; and said ve hicle shall be so parked that its front end will be within 12 inches of the curb. Sec. fi. It shall be unlawful for any person to park an automobile or other vehicle on any street in front of a fire hydrant, or in suph proximity to a fire hydrant as to hinder the proper use of such hydrant by the Fire Department in case of fire; or to park any vehicle in front of a theatre or moving picture show while a show or performance is in progress: and upon the approach of the apparatus of the fire department answering an alarm, automobiles and other vehicles shall draw to the curb and remain stationary until such fire apparatus has passed. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person operating an automobile, motor vehicle, or motorcycle on the streets of the town of Roanoke Rapids to operate the same with the cut-out open, to sound the horn with unneces sary frequency, or to so operate the some as to cause any unnecessary smoke or noise. Sec. 8. That all . applications for licenses for motor vehicles shall be made to the Town Clerk, who shall upon receipt of the applications and the. fees requisite for licensing such motor .vehicles as described in such applications, issue to the applicants receipts for the said fees. Sec. 9. That the term and words ' 'Motor Vehicle' ' used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean all ve hicles propelled by any power other than muscular power, except traction engines, road rollers, fire wagons, en gines, police patrol wagons, ambulances and such vehicles as run only upon rails or tracks. Theterm "owner" shall include any person, firm or association or corporation owning a motor vehicle or running a vehicle, or having exclus ive use thereof under a lease or other wise. Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person operating an automobile to operate or use the same for the purpose of transporting whisky, wom en of doubtful virtue in plying their trade, of assisting women of doubtful virtue in plying their trade, or for any other immoral purpose. Sec. 11. It shall be unlawful for any person under 21 years of age to operate or drive a public carrying passenger automobile upon the streets of the town. Any person owning an automobile and operating or driving the same or allowing the same to be operated or driven, in violation of this section shall, upon conviction, forfeit his town license for such automobile in addition to the, fine specified in section 12 of this ordinance. Sec. 12. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, suffer a penal ty of Fifty Dollars. Sec. 13. That all ordinances and sections of ordinances in conflict here with be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. That this ordinance, be ing in the interest of the public safety, be published once a week for four weeks in a newspaper published in the town of Roanoke Rapids. Adopted by the Board of Commis sioners at their meeting held June 20th 1919. J. T. Chase, Mayor. Attest: A. L Clark, Town Clerk. Article 111 License Taxes. Printed separately, copy of same can be secured from the Town Clerk. HEALTH AND SANITATION Article IV Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit anything that emits an offensive odor or has a tendency to injure the public health, to remain on his or their prem ises, or to place any offensive matter, or dead fowls, upon the streets or lots of the town. Any one violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemean or and, upon conviction, shall be fined Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. Provided that nothing contained in this section shall prohibit the piling of boxes, barrels, etc., not emitting an offensive odor, on open lots for a period of one week, lut in no case shall any boxes, Imrrels, or debris of any nature, be allowed to remain long er thin one week. Sec. 2. No waste paper or other trash shall be set fire to or burned, or thrown, or otherwise deposited upon the sidewalks or streets, unless under the supervision of the policeman. No glass of any kind or wire shall be thrown or otherwise deposited upon the sidewalks or streets. Any person violating this section, shall pay a fine of Two Dollars. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful to wash meats, clothes, vegetables, etc., within twenty-five feet of any street, well or pump, or dress or butcher any cattle, sheep, hogs or goats within the corporate limits of the town. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and. upon conviction, shall pay a fine of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. Sec. 4. All persons, in whose fam ilies there are cases of typhoid fever, are required to screen ana keep their houses, as near as possible, free from flies during the time such fever exists; and to disinfect, under instructions given by the Health Officer, all stools and matter of whatever nature, taffen from the sick rooms; and also clean and disinfect their houses, under in structions given by the Health Officer, when the fever is over. All persons failing to comply with this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. Sec. 5. No person shall use water from any well or wells, pump or pumps, either on or off his premises, after the same has been tested and found polluted and dangerous to health, and after having received pro per notice from the town authorities, either in person or by posters placed at said wells or pumps; provided, how ever, that water from said wells and pumps may be used for cook'ng and bathing purposes only after having been boiled for fifteen minutes. Every person failing to comply with this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined Five Dollars. Sec. 6. That any person or persons owning a dwelling house or dwelling houses or other property on which a privy or privies are required or locat ed shall construct a double-seated san itary privy or privies on same, the construction of which shall conform to the specifications as set out by the North Carolina Board of Health. Any person or persons violating this sec tion and keeping an open privy or privies on his or their premises that does not conform to said specifications after July 1st, 1919, shall, upon con viction, be fined Twenty-Five Dollars. Sec. 7. That any person or persons owning or maintaining an open well or wells on his or their premises in the town and the territory over which the town has criminal jurisdiction, shall provide a cover or covers for same and keep the same covered from the 1st day of April to the 1st day of November annually. Any person or persons violating this ordinance Bhall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined Five Dollars. Sec. 8. That any person spitting upon any sidewalk of the town or up on the floor or other woodwork or walls of any public place in the town shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined Five Dollars. Sec. 9. That any person or persons selling fish, oysters, fresh meats, perishable vegetables and fruits Bhall screen the same against flies. Any person or persons violating this or ninance shall be guilty of a misde meanor and, upon conviction, be fined Five Dollars. Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful to display on the sidewalks of the town fresh meats, fish, oysters, vegetables or any other goods, wares and mer chandise. Any person firm or corpor ation, violating this ordinance snail be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, be fined Five Dollars. Sec. 11. Any person or persons owning a hog or hogs Bhall keep the same not less than one hundred yards outside of the town limits. Every person failing to comply with this section shall, upon conviction, be fined Five Dollars.