V ROANOKE RAFID3 HERALD. ROANOKE r.AFir.S N i Hi c In Announcing the Opening of Our insurance Department we take great pleasure in stating that we now represent several of the OLDEST, SI RONGES1 anJ BL-ST Insurance Companies doing busi ness in this State. We are prepared to write all kinds of insurance, and we will welcome an interview with you, with the aim of giving you PROTECTION. DONT wait until tomorrow, tomorrow may be too late, see us TODAY, Insurance Department CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF ROSEMARY, N. C. Frank L Nash, Manager Hi fi 9 m4l III B A TIP FROM nVt9wJS T Ma Mia uat im m SB ywae Oavnal College Educations Possible By r , 'i iii o; Dimtar of War Lata Organi-ation of This District is Anxious to Exykta Uathod to lil Who Are Interested and He Isriiu Request for Information. P! fei M ae ttlai to Clel Ua la th ra ta cIUmbi of k WHM lUrt (a lo4r ui a i II Ik trtmtndotii ef feasatowtUa- la m tha ahtMr Ik principle 4 Mat aa4 at4llac ta itesr heart 4sstva ta tar aoaeilioa Ir Ma. Wllk aa Ut la view th IMMtaMl to flfMtlaf wars whr 7 a tUjfcar ataaata aur had a? tmmr boy aa4 girl who othrwt waaU ar iay ta baf)t of res' leg court. "la ta loee.Me hem la Mary laad, U SMrtet at Columbia. Vir ftala. Wat Ttrgia, Norta Carolina at euta Carailaa." aald Albert S Jotaatoao, dlraatar of th War Loan OrfaDfialloB. Richmond. Va, "there ara prhapa l.eoo.M boy and girl. II to It yoar old. who ar looking toward to oatortnf oolUfe tome day. Tadr paria reaiu. If ta Wyt aa elrte de wot, that tali aaaat 4ay' will ooaae vary, vry iooa. "It to aot moroty a qneitlon of aaaay -nkiatM aaabftloa, ctaadl- rTHE best Pencil A vou can buy is always the least ex pensive in the end. that better, , Herald . UNCLE SAM il Hiiui of th mm wu offer to ooeurltlea." are Made Government Plan ly adhered to by both th child and hi parents, is necry. (Uherw.ss lb money will prohahlv not be a simulated In time, nor appreciation of Ih value of a colic education b m developed In the mind of th bor and flrl that thr will attrk te tblr purpo tn get It regard) cH th obatai lca In thWr path "Tber in a method prorlded by th Vnltd Ptataa GoTernmTOt by which thla muny can t Kcrnnii Utd gradually anl b ready whra H to aeded Meanwhll It will t abao lutly at. will draw a aplendM ratt of Intereat and be exempt from al' atate. county, and city taie. both ai to principal nnd IntTsst. except e tat or inheritance ttixe Moreover, th process of netting thla monej ahead 1 o umple. ao direct. tha all the members of the family nini ehar In It, thouKh no one can get H ecpt the one to whom It heronscs." Mr. Johnston taya he would 1 Ik to tell vry Interested parent, boy, oi girl more about it. Ha aaka almplj that you All cmt the cotipoji below ellp It out, and tna'l to him at the h.I dra glTn on It. H promises i prompt reply Tf T17MTTC U O Vpenols These world famou, pen cil are made in 17 dt (frees, from 6B softct to 911 hardest and 3 copying. There's one exactly suited to your work. Smooth, relvcty leads that don't crumble; thiTiMiehly kiln-dried wood doesn't splinter, and trading always uniform, ure money and make for quicker, easier work. Wt unhrtilnlinrlv rrcomwtend VESVSeneiU Publishing Company OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT BV CHaLt3 all lmprufrnt Comr Th approach ut lit mui out o L.g tlx rai a ques'.lca tu the iitim rt tclud aa to th i'u'.!ouk tot :tc crop. It 1 wU kuuwu tlat uuilcr the athiiulus of GovvrumviU pric uu nortuou wheat crop hut bevn duced, a crop of apprinimaiely (WU.iKiv buhwle. It 1 eatltnated tht this country r--qutiva Si'O.uuo.wt'O buliel and that Euroj will rtuuire from 10.0"U,t"'' '.' to 4i('.00u.0u0 buaht'U If thvs fisuivs prove torivct, there will be -ry lit tie nurplus U'tt it the l it: nop of wheat this 1 1 nit! try bus gvnwn Since It appears to be probable thiit ther will be no trouble to U.spmo of the i.rt'M-nt crop the in xi q.iestlon I-. whul are tbe planting pros-pett f.T otliwf wheat kiv!"K uutiurs? Of muise the uutuilm euth of the ei)iiuti'r. Ilk ArKentiu ami A.istr., It, that ha tbelr eunmicr when we ar having our winter, have already sown their fall crops, and will bur- test tlieiu near Christmas time. These aiitlous ham, thus far, good prospects, but th'y would luirdly compure with any two leading wheat growing states of this country, therefor, they are not important factor. Russia m the great granary of Kn toe at.d Asia Tlioxe who have watch ed the political trend of that country see nothing but war and paralyted agriculture ahead another year, if not f t several year. WHAT IS ACID Raw phosphat rock la a substance In which phosphoric acid and lime are combined together in practically th same proportion la which they are found In bone, and which Is known a phosphat of lime. In thla condition th lima and the phosphoric acid hold to each other with aurh a tight grip that the phos phorus cannot b dissolved by wa tr. It will readily b een that but for auch a combination the phospho ru would hav been dissolved out and washed ta th before ever man earn to Inhabit th earth. Out It ha been locked up and held for u In thla way. Juat a th coal haa been Uncle Sam Sets i e iiie VIEW OF U. 8. CAPITOL DURING PAINTINO. Th dome of th United States Capitol at Washington I kept la cicct- lent condition by painting It every few yean. For that word forty palatara ara ateadlly employed for three months' time. Over flv thousand gallon of paint ara required for on coat Th reason foralnUng th Capitol tfom at rtgaiar iaUrval la ta pravaot dlsintegrauoa at; metallle aurfaca, WHEAT AND OAT CROP A VVHITTH, ii:a. At ante. Osorgl. t'urupeau louutrie la general ar V.a't of latxjr lmobtluatlon of urii.le progress Wwly and th P rb-d tor fall sowing of small grain ui Kuriwe will have passed bfor any nuiteriul change can be mad through lccucPi ot labor from the armle Therefore, there 1 going to b a cctitinm d shortage of small grain in K.nope, making it probably necessary fur this country u supply as much y.i.nn next year as this Hut instead of the nation tnaintaia ir.i Its wheat acreage. It is fear cd the withdrawal of the Government's guarantee will result la a reduction. In the South It I not ouly a good farm prat tic to grow wheat, oat and rye enough for home needs, but It Is very desirable. (I) to hav winter cover crop that will take up the p!.int fixul that would otherwise wash out of the soil with the winter rains; ' f.'i to provide light winter grailng for livestock; 131 W furnish In early ! spring omo fresh cereal hay which ; will be the better if it ha etch or btir clover growing with It: 4 t (furnish vegetable matter or humus to i turn into th oil at th prlng plow ir.g. I If all th cottoa and corn fielil I wore own to mll grain In th fall, !tt would mean more cotton and corn. better oll. larger return from fer tlluer a.d greater farm profit Too little attention I given to ob taining good wheat, oat and ryeseod; loo Itttle attention Is given to pre paring a good eed bed, and too little fertilise! s ar used In growing the small grain crop In lb South. What is worth doing at all. 1 worth doing well. PHOSPHATE? held under the bills, and In th rase of the phosphorus w hav been given the key for It unlocking by th us of sulphuric acid, which convert th insoluble rock Into a oluble form. If the soluble phosphoric arid were separated from th 11m which car ries It and dissolved In water It would be much more Inconvenient to handle i than to leave It still combined with ' lime in th dry powdar which we call ' arid phosphat. this llm ilntply oarT- Ing th function of a bottt to carry the phosphorua, and aavfef th much larger e i peps that woald bo Involv ed In th complete itractloa of th phosphoric acid, eoavwrllaa It lalo liquid form aad providing boUlea In which to carry IL Monthly Bulletin Ohio Experiment StaUoa. a Good Example mmm 1 . - EL. Classified Atlvt. Column 1U. W. L 1AV1S, KYISIGHT Stvi:t!ist. vf I'lvinouih. X. C will lv in Ktisoiimry next Tliurs.l.iy, Aui'ust '21, and Koa lu'ke Capids Kriiinv and Satur day. Aiiuust 21 and '211 at V. (!. l.!ic'i's j.-wt'lry store. '21 Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Joneg, ol ralrrer, Okla., w rites i "I rom Hie time I en trrrd intJ womanhexxi ... 1 looked u dh dread liont one mouth to the next. I sultercd wilh my back and bearing-down rain, until life to tne was a misery. I w ould think I could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 Kradually got worse. . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . I decided to TAKE The Woman's Tonic " I took lour boltleg," Mrs. Jones Roet on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can trulhtully say that I hava not a pain. . . " It has now been two years since 1 tookCardul, and 1 am still in good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or If you feet the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up your run-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists d.The only shoe that can look well on the foot is the shoe that holds its shape. CYou must have qual ity to have style you have both in Regal Shoes Can be Had at F. M. COBURN'S Cobura' Policy it One of Satisfaction, When Reason i Not Disregarded SB ? o SHORTLY Wit . There 1 ao mock good In th wont of as, so tniH-h bad la the beat of aa, that a co-oporntioa by aoni of aa ahottld bo big aough fur th rt of FEELING BLUE? LIVER LAZY? TAKE A CALOTAB Wonderful How Young and Energetic You Feel After Taking This Nausealess Calomel Tablet. If you have not tried Calotabs you have a delightful surprise awaiting you. The wonderful liver-cleansing and system-purifying properties of calomel may now be enjoyed without the slightest unpleasantness. A Cal- Are the Best Brassieres in the World Priced 59c to $2.00 An Article of Comfort and Satisfaction lo Every Lady Who Wens 11; cm REDFERN (rustproof) and KABO Corsets Last aad Paul Reduction on al VoJe Dresses and Wash Skirts BOANOKZ : ' T, iTSftj jL.mll nowadays, butiness men don't pile their lT nowadays, butiness men don t pile their g-ooda or supplies slipshod ia a corner where they can't find 'em. No Sireel They shelve 'cm on CP Austed Economy Shelving, whert they're safe from fir, rodents and disorder. Whether it' a on man stor or a big business institution makes do diAerene. AUsteel Ecooomr Shelving will ! th requirements of any business. And. Mr. Butanes Man, fatten onto this big fact Ml putt arc standard ia and may be had from Mack immedutcly. Call at TOOAYI Herald Publishing Co. , Ml ii i Hat Proof Silk. 811k whu-h la to be u.ud ! msxlng hade for ga and electric lumps, la made heatproof by being treated with a chemical prepaxatloo, th Las of which I mica. otab at bedtime with a swallow of water,- that's all. Nu taste, no salts, nor the slightest un pleasant eiTects. You wake up in the morning feeling t good that you want to laugh tiUmt it. Your liver ia clean, your system is purified, your apjn'tite hearty. Kat what you wish. -no danger. The next time you f'el lazy, mean, nervous, bltieordisoourav: ed give your liver a thorough I cleansing with a Oalotak They are so perfect that your druggist j is authorized to refund the price , as a guarantee that you will be , delighted. Calotabs are sold only in origi nal, sealed packages. I'rife thirty-five cents. At all drug stores. -(adv.) RAPIDS. NC. IFF1CE FURNITURE (D O .'ri--