ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAFIDS. N. C. IMPORTANT HEWS IMMftTANT HAPPENINGS OF THI 'ANO OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN OAVS GIVEN THE NEWS InKE SOUTH Wat la Taawisj Ftt u Tk Sowta. U Mill fmn la risf Parg-pa VSindon Cliwa eo-operatbw between state aa thoruie. who p de'ai'.ed mfr Biatina of too4 and pru. condition, and the attorney general and hi staff of assistants, empowered to enforce tha food control law. i bring '.b lixhej a p.j-t of the government a f.ght to reduce the cost i f lin-'.g No answer to the reply of tt; Mv Waa government to tte state depart ment a warning that Uilure to proteit Americans m.ght ru!t 1:1 a radi. al change of polio, will !e made v: ti vials vapUm that the t'nued ?t.i!- ill wait until Prevdi tit farrjnu di fUy his unwiiih. or iiu! i..u t, afford American fri turn 'Iwv h.d a risht to eipett Kt.i taking fur ther action. Negotiations l!'n I ic and Kepubiuati seuutwa Kvkn.g la the ratification i f the ,vj. tivuiv w lia reservation have re.u Led a i.u-re U ( inite slat:. Pre-iVm and the relation ci'inmitt-e ai go' tmg together oa unprecedented no-..-ure to give to the int-l.c all the de tail of their d. scission of tlie trea ly at the win: house. Coupled w.tb the charge which were placed beiore tue bju--e comui 1 tce hy the railway brothe.hood la a bill fur the elimination of ptivaie rail road ownership Tse brotherhood coun sel usists that !he "Ameruan peo-, pie should know to what cxient it 1 sought to subject them to t ploitattou" ty private ownership of railways. ! Complete colUpse .if the KoU h ik movement m Siberia is f.'iei.tst 111 re ports reaching Washington. The Kol t haa force La'.e fallen b.u k !.! t two buudred ni.le trotu the fonier advanced hues, and (!. is. said l) be threatened with cx.uu.i'.oii. 1 Final ca.ualiy nvort.-i lioiu the tea trul records ot'tke if the A. K. k la Kratiie tin- battle deatha Ms 4;i.!4 total woaaded i.'a.aW a::a prisoiu'is J'u'iliiaiiou m (;.T!'',i:,y of t!ie alie-i property t-untodnui's rvport deaiitii with the seizure of em 111.V property la this country baa ev ..ed a sioiin of presn tr,tnis:u pi ijfimai.y. Appeals for continued military and financial support liai'e been ent to the l ulled Slate uui tlie allied go frni'ients by the pruiional goveru- nieut of the northern rtioa of 11ub.j, ut Archangel. Domestic Convicted of bigamy oa his confes sion that he has seven living wives, one of whom he married twice, Charles Hugh lisou, 4i years old. former V. M. C. A. seiretary, evangelist and traeling salesman, ha been sentenc ed in New York to three years and fix months in Sing Sins prison, where, tie announces ne win take up prison j tor of un Atlanta, da., soft drink es reform work. I tablislinieiit, ha been Indicted 011 ths Following official announcement ( charge of muidering W. C. Cullam. an that sulicient evi.K-tiie bus been col- insurance man, who was shot in the b-ited by government investigators to store ol Thomaston. warriir.l action on the pi rt of the fed- j Five persons vera instantlv killed eral authorities against alleged hoard- near Lima. Ohio, when an auiomo ers of f1N.d in Atlanta, It hi learned ' bile in which they were riillnjj was that seizures of Urjse stocks of pro-1 struck by a Western Ohio traction car. visions in Hie (leorgia city are con-1 NfW York City faces the possibility templated by the government as soon of a traction strike more far-reaching as orders can be secured from a fed- . than the recent walk out in lirooklvn. eral Judge authorizing such action. The final day's sale of roosters at Pemopolis, Ala., for the Tomliigbee river bridge brought in over fifty thou sand dollars, which added to previous salon, makes a total well above one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Director of Railroads 1 lines says there Is absolutely nothing to warrant the big advance in coal, and he fears that any shortage may he exagerated ao much that the put lie will have to pay another big advance. The war having demonstrated that "physical fitness" is an esseniial qual ity of an efficient offiier. hereafter this qualification will be rated on the records of the army commandesr as of equal important with "Intelli gence" and "leadership," an order to the army bays. The Chicago Iluilders and Traders' Exchange sent J. Ogden Armour a pair , of shoes because he recently said the ' high prices had led him to have hi , old ones repaired. Armor wrote a note of thanks, und stated that when 1 he saw the bids of the builders and j traders on building projects he mar- veled that they stopped at a pair of hues He remarked that this was the year for him to buy a new overcoat and that a whole year's wardrobe . would be very acceptable. The senate has eliminated several drastic features from the prohibition bill as passed by the national house. Andrew Carnegie. Ironmaster and philanthropist, died in his great man sion overlooking a lake in the beauti ful Berkshire hills of Massachusetts, wher he sought seclusion when bod ily infirmity overlook him, and his mind was saddened by tlie entrance 'I this country into the world war. Al though he hud been in feeble health for more than two years, his final ill ness was brief a matter of days. He died from severe cold which had veloped into broncUtal pneumonia. Gold ingots wirth one million pounds sterling; 'have been recovered by salvagers from the wreck of the former White Star Dominion liner Laurentic, which was sunk, January ' 27, 1917. off Fasad Light, on the north coast of Ireland. Of a personnel of 4770 only 12U were saved. 'Walter Dent, asisstant attorney gen eral of Mississippi, knocked Theodore Bilbo dow 1 .1. a fist figut in tLe of fice of the secretary of state, Joseph Power, who, with otner officers, sepa rated the men. The governor said he was struck without warning. .No ar fasts were made- Ser.i-.'T Th - . ,-f Cvl .a! v ja. P'Tir.i :fce h,i-.-.:;. ! ,-f s:- e." ug-Ce-i that . jo-.a 13 the voa-ta-:ca tin J icr.d.::. I r M least c ". . ! th-? prexe-.t u :. , have beea ire : if rr-'ei"'. r. i Sa-.u-l W Cha.iK:i of CSattaa.w gi. Te:.a. ag-d '. bn.trr- of th tuayor if -iv. 1 .: sau ide by h H-ttr.g h:::.?e. is th head ir.h a revolver Insurgent !!:aoi c:tr.-r cow 09 str ke ire Utwr.ut lh "oae baj ua- Hin ' ve-nt. Tha C'.rvtlaaJ Tarv has ta-a , treet ra'!jy i-o-a- t aa m.ra!ioe pvl- icv in fhkiio for r un. against ri.t and c:v:l rommottoB. It is said to be the largest poluy ever written. I!j;h cm of living is th result of operations of fundamental and itts-.iu-tahle las aad lower living costs wol 1 come to a large degre. only frora th i 'lniiin of these natural laws. Sea ator Keed. IVni.srat. ot Vs.uri. da- tared in aa ad ires in the I c::ed S:a:es senate. reent . Se, r:unt ( ,Ke Nalv j,,,.,cus IXta. j is oft oa a iru;.w ;:h the Pa:::c f'--'. .i. l. :;h Mis and t.a ' :11 u l a' il. t.olula A.-ho;:gh gr., pi, r. f....,-cl to r-i -er from Cat:.u Uke Y. cecr It a a. a. the bmiv of ! war-old Hai-l t ,-atue la connection wh e bath Ivo-Ud rVh.-r of l.os Aa- ' Cornel! st tdetit. is f... p;g a 1 h,.!tM , f iinitder. th. v did pull t- Use sii'-i .... e part of K.-ih. 1 s el, thing. -ill !:e ,K'li,e ,t was twis'eJ t:g ,t 1 toketl,. r anO up-ar-at-v tied in a knot. rYther If sid. b, 11 g arraign. 4 in the charge of r. w s.ated to have pun based whUy oa the ti ght of the tr igedv A jury awarded Hen:v Kord cent .iatr.age again! the t hi. at Tribune f r calling him aa Two factions of Te., !smi,h rats, dissatisfied with the pr-,..;;t jarty or gtniratioo. met and det, r-nmed upoa separate lines of attaik to a.cora plish what they termed a return tj the "irmciplea of Jelfers-.a and Javk- T!-.e Chkaitu raUway strikers have ial!nd off the strike aud wid retura to work Saie o, unloaded hand cronades as souveiiirs of the great war was do tar ed danirorou-, and pi-si!i; a viola tioa of the New York state penal law wtiili prohiMts "povsessins of bom1 i f l-oi'iti shells " P -i-'v nine dt fondants in the Ihs!ea depi'i :ation whose preommary hearings were couilet-l after tveu pi ii.C more than a mo:'.!h. wore bouud iver I i the superior oi.rt for oa ih.u'os of kuir.apini. To I'niteJ States .cuators are re port, d inissmc in M.'n,i. and reitiest lias beeii made of the Mexican amhor Uios to permit an Aiiu-ru .ui so.u luni;'y to enter .Mem u 111 un effort to locate hem. The Koik Island letter company at Toledo. Ohio, has been induted by the iir.iiid jury on the fndiiiK that ttia company with cevera. others has con spired to fix the pnea of a butter substitute at tliirty-twu and a hail cents a pound. Walter A. I'avis. former cashier and William W. Trehle. asisstant cashier of the City Hank of South Lairani, Ohio, where a bundled thousand dol lar shortage wis discovered receully, have been indicted ou chaises of em bezzlement. J. A. Thomaston, 62 -year-old opera ! The men want aa iucrtase of jo pui 1 cent. j Foreign ; A woman's demonstration held In j Rerun demanded the speedy return of German prisoners of war. Some I of Hie women demanded a crusade to i cross the border and by force release ' the German prisoners. I It has been learned that the Jap j anese government after mature delib I eratlon both by the cabinet and the j diplomatic advisory council, has in - formed the government of Admiral Kolchak in Kolchak that Japan un , able to aid him in his war against ths i llolshevikl. j j American commercial activity in I I Europe, which began Immediately af-! ; ter the signing of the admtsticc, con-' tinucs successfully to advance on I large scale. The secret of the success of the Americans is their delivery j promptly of goods, ranging from loco-1 motives to sewing machines and the j long rredits given, The American steamer Englewood ' struck a mine in the North sea off the ! Thames river, and sent out a wire- less for help. There was no Immediate j danger, but the vessel will probably be beached. The steady expansion in Irtah In dustry and trade is being well main tained in the south and west of Ire- land. Business generaly Is growing in volume. Paris dispatches recite that the Ar menian race faces total annihilation. The finding is tlie result of first hand information, advices state. Roumanian troops are to leave Bu dapest In consequence of the note sent to Houmania by the peace conference. It is stated 'hat the Roumanian sol diery has stripped Hungary', ami hai seized all railways and transporta tion lines. Official announcement is made that the Persian and British government have concluded an agreement by which Great Britain will be enabled to pro vide Persia with expert assistance and advice towar dlhe rebuilding of the Persian state. The negotiations had been in progress nine months. A royal welcome was extended to the prince of Wales as he set foot for the first time on Canadian soil at St. John, N. B. In the Troitsk region, where ths forces of Admiral Kolchak have been retiring, it is announced that the So viet forces have advanced 66 miles. iiiilihii hi. ihm'iiiiinaiifiiitt (mfndiiitumilti 'r n HERALD'S REVIEW of NORTH CAROLINA A Record Of Important Events At The Capitol And Throughout The State. Reported For Herald Readers EXPENSIVEHESS OF 51 state Chairman frank pa: TAw.ES ?-W AUTOMOSiklSTS OV.ER 40 rfiLES T Af V, 1 A. M. Pj Confesses Tat Ki lr Ms N r Com-n ttet ko Jat A "at K na c RjsJ Ttsy ManL Ti i'- (h. Cha r-nan Frank Tape, of the 'at. h th.a.iv co'nm.ssina. t.. la- .; ,r.l Tuf- f r and V i.(, " ar.4 New Hampshire for ih'h'r.i' -r.i as h w:n the tr pie ass.-i ..if. a the rrh.h:t.irv etpens.seuea i f the h iri surfaced road. Then "tm automoh b's s'ni.k a tr-d around a . mile loop of tarv.a n'ads built by New Hanover, and at the cloe not a irravel nor a p.irtule of dust be lerked one of th hundreds who f dlowed the tra.l. I It wis the most impressive demon stration ever stated at a Nor'h Car.- j lina ood Mads convent. on. and a! not timed for that purpose alone j Mr. came rjodetlv before the : tr p!e convention of county commis- : s. it.ers ai.tomoii.U.-ts and it.smI roads b its and confessed that neither he nor , his commission had learned what tv pe of road North Car dma m -st n---.U "1 -d m't believe anybody el knows." he ! said. "Put we a'e Rotnn to nuke ei- ! p.r.ments" And then he told whati the pat.-nt roadsters must undergo on I th "Durham Chapel H.H road." There sill be eicht or ten types, built hy engineers sent direotlv from j the manufacturers o( Rood material ! and there will be no alibi hen it is1 done j It will be labeled, the cost placarded ; on each tvp and the cost of mainte nance carefi.'.ly kept. At the end f 1' ! years perhaps somebody will know something Land 0nsrs Awaibra Pay. Washington (Special 1 Congress ! Is trying to put Camp Pr ? on the toboggan Representative ilobtnson told th whole truth in the house some time ago when he said they would break contracts between the government and private citizens. More than TOO land owners near Fayettesille were ousted from lands on which "snip Ilrngg is constructed. Some of these were glad to sell out, while others were moved by condem nation proceedings. Yet. the govern ment cannot pay for the lands because the Congress, led by the house, with drew the authorization to spend the money that way. Another Attack Soy Bean Worms. Stuilving the soy bean worm at his laboratory station near Elizabeth City, j Mr Franklin Sherman, chief of the di- ; vision of entomology, has found some i important farts about this Insect pest and believes that It will attack again In about three weeks, at which time another brood will have been hatched out. Tlie following Information, se cured through Mr. Sherman's observa tions, will be of Interest to farmers In ths affected districts: "Between the first and tenth of Sep tember, the next brood of worms Is due to hatch out, and. if they are nu merous enough to be destructive they should make their presence evident before September 15th. Whether they will be numerous enough to make i treatments neceblary no llvinr! man can foretell. Governor Issues Pardons. "If I were to permit these prisoners to serve longer on the chain gang, I could not sleep at night." said Gov ernor T. W. Birkatt granting a full pardon to John and George Mahue, of Montgomery county, convicted In July of assault and sentenced to twelve months on the roads of Stanly county. Th two m"re rons'rted upon the un eorroborsted testimony of a blood hound which, the Supreme Court has held, It not sufficient to convict a man. Justice for Southern Ports. Washington. A signal victory has been won for the South Atlantic and Gulf ports In derision on part of the railroad administration to grant rail road rates on export and Import traffic on a parity with the rates accorded ths North Atlantic ports. This Im portant Information was Imported to 8nator Simmons, of North Carolina, and Senator Smith, of South Carolina, while they were In the offlrt of the railroad director looking after other matters, but the news nevertheless was gratifying; to both. f. O. L. Elects Offictrs. Raleigh. Election of officers, selec tion of Charlotte as the 1920 meeting place of the state convention, a call upon the governor to issue a proclama tion against profiteers, food hoarders and all classes of traders responsible for the high cost of living and the passage of numerous resolutions feat ured the final day's session of the State Federation of Labor. W. F. Moody, of Raleigh, for many years actively Identified with union labor In ths state, got a large major ity of the votes for president I'inhif r 11 ' i nlr iiii i. . mm &r ". Cctt Tefeacc Crops. That th crop coad t: ns id August 1st er greatly ?e !. d by t:i h. a July rw'cfail w ev .u. a: from i:i inp t.r- rmano thst is rvied by the t o-oierat'v Crop Ref orting S-nr:t- -iak Tarker. the.r state d n tor. that Cora, cittoa a.iJ t.-baocj re iim.ged particularly where reached hy th s'ded cund.tiocs Trie North Carolina cora cr-P. with a1 -at the same acrea- as last year, j ' ... t.ii as average con 1 tioa of 5 per j i- '.t pros-.-t., a;s a y.e'.J cf !.. j 'l.eeo bjshels. The wieat cr p has "e same as lat Tear, the aerae yield beint ab,.iit e.cht bah ! e.s per acre. Iirecast.n a state pnv I n t on of S.i;e b,hel The .piaiity is oaly fair, being M ff cnt of normal The tubaccn crop, with a ir-e increase IB acre-.'.ae anil a c m- . d.t-oa of Tit jier tnt reported for Vie ist 1-t. indicates a pros-.iett ve p-oda. t.oa of ZH III e pounds The 1 v e d 1 f t ibaecrt is l.cht for its bulk aid the iiualite sery irrecular. The hav crips anil asistures are itr cvd Delegates ts Hospital Convention. F iurVen delenates were apiminted by the covemor to represent the hoa pitals i f North Ctfoiina at the ;ut an nual convention of the American Il ia pital Aoiation. to be held at Cm r.nnati. Ohio. Gibson Hotel. Septe a ber i:. 1S1 The delegates follow: Ir. Anuersou. Raleifth; Vr W". W. Faison. tloldstvoro; Iir. John McCanip bell. M rcanton; Virginia Mc- Kav. Wilmtneton - Visa Cnriil:n M Ni. hol e. Charlotte, Miss M K. Spaun. 1 wH ""y P"w'r U llm't t0 P" Charlotte, M s, Catherine Kothwell. 1 ,eft ,h ,!h rp!y. Citv Hospdal. Winston Salem; Miss 1 rPa"" ho" ,h-' r Fannie Andrews Asheville; S sfer i "f ,h """"nunity. If can not b Kemna. St Leo's Hospital. Oreens- : d,'ne will rommandoer boro Vr J T HiKhsmiih Favette- ' PUal BI nm during ville; !r C P II 11. Uurham; l'r. t. ' ,h' under police protec- N lllenn, (' (Stoma; lr A J Crowell Charlotte; Mi, Kl.zabeth Clinsman. 1 W.nslon Salem. Grocery Camouflaged. A nicely conslnu'.ej platform the stornvie of four in l.ignell for Hood grocery store did not mean anything unusual to customers but an investigation by revenue officers re Vtaied that it was used as a hiding plai e for whiskey. A search of the interior of the platform rewarded the officers with a find of 115 p. tits of blockade whiskev. Tn(. i,ri,Ilr:etor hud nothing to snv regarding this untoward occurrence. Frs ght Traffic Tied Up. Seaboard Air Line and Norfolk snd Southern shopmen who have been on a strike here since August 1, complete ly tying tip the freight traffic out of llaleigh and severely crippling pas senger service, voted to return to work Immediately under the advice of their grand lodge officers and with as surance from them that an adjust ment would be reached. Address on Llvs Stock. Live stock men in the state will b gratified to learn by an announcement fiom the animal industry division of the agricultural extension service thai Dr. H. M llrown, of Hillshoro, O., has been secured to deliver an address on live stock at the state convention dur ing August 27 2 29. Third Rsd Cross Call. Plans for a nation-wide Red Cross campaign, opening Monday. November 3. and closing armistice day, Novem ber 11, were announced at hesdquar ters of the Red Cross chapter, when a bulletin from national headquarters was made public. The primary object of the driee. which will be known as the third Red Cross roll call, will ba to list members for 1920. but. In sdditlon. a general ap- peal for $15,000,000 will be Issued This fund will be needed to enable the organization to complete its war work at home and overseas. State Printing Awarded. State printing commission awarded a two-year printing contract, giving Edwards and Broughton company three-fifths and the Commercial Print ing company and Mitchell Printing company one fifth each. This Is on a basis of about 24 per cent Increase over tha former contract. The state at first rejected all bids. The contract awarded is a counter proposition worked out by the commissioner of la bor and printing. Conference of Negro Agents. The conference of the negro stats agents In agricultural work Is now be ing held at th A. and T. college, un der the direction of C, R. Hudson, state agent. Professor Hudson called the conference to order and outlined the work, this being followed by aa In teresting talk by President J. It. Dud ley, who pointed to the fact that th county agent could be a real leader among tha negroes. Then there ws a discussion of the methods and mean of handling the extension work to th best advantage. State Loses $15,000,000. Fifteen million dollars can he saved the sta'e of North Carolina each year, says Mr. R. B. Wilson, dirertor of Public Health Fdncation of the State Board of Health, in a letter to the press of the state, asklr" for co-operation, that ignorance a d indiff -renoe on the part of a large portion of the state's people may be overcome and that the biggest health undertaking of the past ten active yenr may b put across. The task is to carrv out the provisions of the sanitary privy law, j passed by the 1919 General Assembly CHARLOTTE MAYOR ISSUES STATEMENT "eMNCH THINGS ATTEMPT TO PUT CITY IN DARKNESS ANO WITHOUT CAS OUTRAGE. I j f Necessary Will CaaaW Plant and Operate Tiem 0uhs Emers jc t"Ser Police Protect on. Charlofe-Mivor F. R. McXinrS la er mm h n-n :ed Hirer the resent attempt of operatssva or others to shut down the electr e and gis plants o( the ilty. and has issued the follow ing statement: "The attempt to put this cite la darkness and without gas is an out race against aa tnniieent and belpless ruhlic that caa aot be countenanced, and we propose to protect that publie against such h gi handed inasion of Its rights by esery means at our com mand. If any men or set of men chal lenge the forces of law and order, let them take notice that they do at , their p.Tnal peril. "The Public Is assured that . .ill arr F. K Mi .NINTH. Mayor G.istonla Members of tha local eoiit.cil of the J O. t. A. M. are milk ing preparations for th entertain ment of the st.tte conn -II which fumes to Gjstonla for a three-day session. More than 5ifi del-gates from over tha stale are expeded. Raleigh Col. A. V. P. Anderson, rhief recruiting officer for the army In " irth Carolina, announced the Mceipt of orders forecasting the cessation of negro enlistments. The reason ' as signed Is that practically all tha ne gro un.ts have been filled and until mora are d.scharged. Concord The members of the city school board met In session to run lidsr the plans presented by C. C. Hook, architect of Charlotte, for tha new primary building which will be erected on central school grounds. The board accepted the plans as pre sented by the architect. Morganton The Burke county com missioners have voted to establish a county ihalngang and appropriated $!0.0"0 for purchasing rosd building equipment. The present trm of court will furnish perhaps 20 convicts and Solicitor Huffman assured the com missioners of securing convicts frora other counties. Wilmington A half million dollars- for an electric line to Carolina Beach, j 13 miles south of the city, on the main- 1 land. It the proposition of a newly in-1 corporated compsny here. It Is pnh- j posed to build tha lina and have it In operation by next season. I Faystteville. The FsyetteTllla board of aldermen, at a called meet ing, voted unanimously to accept the plans and specifications for tha pro- poseo wnarves anu warenouses on tns 1 Cap Fear river, dork commission and its engineer, Hunley Abbott, of Alsop, and Peiree. Asheville. Charles M. Brltt. a local broker, has Just returned from Nir York where he arranged for the pur chase of four car loads of sugsr from officials there for th local wholesale grocers. Warsaw. O. 0. Best, for many years sheriff of Duplin county, ha tendered hts resignation from thst office to be come effective a oon as a successor can be secured. Sheriff Best's reason for resigning Is that the salary Is la adequate. Wilmington Fight Malaria. Wilmington The United Slates public health service here, In co-operating with city and county, has ex pended over 150, 000 for malsrla con trol and mosquito extermination. I 514 gallons of petroleum have been used In spraying and through auto matic dripping cans. In creeks, ponds and ditches around the city. The work Include over 17 miles of ditch ing; over 17 miles of stream clearing; a mile and a half of dike building; seven tide gate; 597 mile of lake shore and IS I t miles of ditches oiled. Requtst for $100,000. Lexington. The board of town com missioners held an Important meeting, at whlrh the srhool board appeared with a request for $100,000 with which to build a new school building to take care of the congested condition exist ing at the present time. No action ws taken, however, other than the school board was requested to draw up and submit plana for the proposed new building. At this time ths commissioners ap propriate $1,000 for th colored rrad tt school. DANGERS 1I0IEO IU PACKING INDUSTRY RESLLTS Of ENTRANCE BV ThI MEAT PCiES INTO OTHER LINES IS PC NTE3 OlT. iVMO DfjRCE GnERSK!P Refrigerator Ctt Nii Be TieiJ "its TraveUij Groceries PiiN Cods Etery C ty. t-i . dirar as r onirn-ts' in pack '.?ic ird is"ti 't-v .ii.l ! Mt k T the f-.t-ra! the entran.e of mtiv lines of h i iec of rr.eit w s dei r VI be Wilt-s-a B Coh. r. n-e-n'H r of tie I'l ttiti ;.' t the senate ami ul'ure c-in-.r.ct'e la its ppen-r. beams on the Ken eon bill to d vo-i a onerh p of the stiwkyards and ref- r ram from the psckmc nmrns cf the r vuntry and to regulate bT bense the r otv r,,!'"1- lhr comn ttee i tikea over much of the ground travel! bv the com-rpss'tm in its tasestigatioa cf the Tacking industry. "The refrigerator cur and th r use of it." sa'd Comnussiiiner Culver referring t the "fve b'g pickers." "was not It itself a bad th ng. but the have turned the refr aerator csr inlr travel ng wholesale grm-erv. pd dl rg at esenr rite in the country every day almost everything that pec pie eat COMPROMISE IS REACHED IN THE NEW YORK STRIKE MATTER New York The strke which f n two days hits piraln-d the suhwuy and elevated svste-n of the Inter'mr ouch Rap'd Transit company ia Man bvttun lh Dr. vm llMnk'vn art. I yueens, was formally called off hy a sole of the str kers to accept a com- Pr"m,' "'"-d them at a conference cf city sn I state off rials fnder th terms of s't'l'-nent th men will rece ve a wag in' r.i of IS per cent tnd it is prov ded th it t anestion of whether they shall r--c ve the add ti'.nal I", per rent d:nindl bv them shall he subtiutt d to arbi tration The f"i per cent wsce increase was mid retrosrt ve to August 1 and ac cording to Inter'i r 'imh officials. -pi an snnun! tntrt-ase in the ray roll of $j (loo uort. QUICKER ACTION BY THE CONGRESS IS NECESSARY. Washington t.'uhker act'..n bv Congress in the c impn cn to r'1uce the cost of living was nrced in senate and hon. Sen itor WiNh dec! trod high prices were at the bottom of all the unrest and rhTgd that Congress was wasting time when should hive been dor, already in r , sponse to President Wilson's recom mendations Mayors of New J- rev cities appear ing before th h uie agriculture com mittee -iid action was nee. led at once to stop the rising scale of prices. RANSOM SENT FOR RELEASE OF THE AMERICAN AVIATORS Washington Officials here aftr a dny dur ng which th Mx;cin situa tion was to the f re awaited news of th release bv Mexican band ts of Lieutenants Paul H Hivis end Harold O. Patterson. American armv aviators Prompt measures to obtain the re lease of the aviators who wre rip Hired hy the hsnd'ts neir C.inde! iria. Texas, and for wh im llSOnn ransom has been demanded, was exported by stale department officials following the forwarding of Instructions to th American embnssv at Mexico City to call upon the Vex'can government for "immediate adequate action." 24XYLINOER LIBERTY MOTOR IS COMPLETED, Washington Completion of a 24-1 cylinder Liberty motor whlrh has d- veloped 673 horsepower In the Initial tests, was announced by the war de- . partment. It was declared to "com pare favorably" with foreign motors of the same power. The new motor is expected to he of value In military 1 aviation as it permits the use of a ' large low speed propeller. It weighs only 1 97 pounds per horsepower i against 211 for the T.ihsrtv 1? consumes .55 pounds of gas per horse-1 power hour against .Dl for the smaller i model. GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE TO CONFER WITH PALMER Washington. Attorney General Palmer endorsed a suggestion by Gov ernor Gardner of Missouri, that the i conference of governors appoint a committe to confer with him and hrlp co-ordinate federal and state efforts to reduce the cost of living. In a t!e. gram to Governor Gardner at Salt Lake City, Mr. Palmer said the hexrty co-operation and assistance of state agencies would be helpful in the gov ernment's campaign. DAMAGE SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST AMALGAMATED Pittsburgh. Suit asking $900,000 damages was filed by the receivers of the Pittsburgh Railway Company against the local division of the Amal gamated Association of the Street and Electric Railway Employee, alleging breach of contract by striking motor men and conductors. The men demanded A 12-cent raise and suspended their strike last May pending the board's declsior, wa'sih they agreed to abide by. ZIEGFELD PLAYERS ARE SUED FOR CLOSING SHOWS New York. For having Joined the actors' strike, which has closed 16 theaters In this city, Eddie Csntor and other stars of "Ziegfeld's Follies" ware named as defendants In suits for IS. oon damages brought by Ziegfeld Fol lit). Inc. Summons served on Cantor, Ou Van, Joseph Schenck and Johnny Dooley were filed. Name of other de fendants were not mads public, how ever, as complaint was not Sled, A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Miss KeDy TeHs How LyrSa E. Pinkhani's V'egeUUe Compound Restored Her Hetltk. Kesrvfc. K. J -Toe aSrejf ears t sutTred from nerv ous break- tnd. anal had heaj- 1 j VVrf 7 a. I ""j. 7s tne-i everyuiinc I ie-VHi:'l thmk oi and ww insoer a ptiy su-ian's rare foe twa feara. Afirifnenil fcvl sse-4 Lydia t. .iVV 1 ins nam a efre V svr she t i.i me about k" v fJ'Mt sv.. a. 10 ieet enter an now 1 am well and i able to d) most aar kiai cf work. " V ' h.VA Ll k . . . . 'I'S m w .rf- . mndmi k Cam. pnutx) ever since anj pive w j per leission to publish this W ttef "-Mlsa l).o km.v. 4T o. Uth ic, Newark, Ji J. The reasnn this f amooa mot and berb remerly, I ydia I'mkham'a VrfjctaWa Compound, was so successful w Mix Kelly's rase was tec-ruse a went to tba root of her trouble, resUeed her to a normal healthy condition and aa a reault beg nerrousneaa liisappeareii Belgium After the War. Statistical students of the cot of llvim; In I'.ru-s'ls dm licit for loses sltis the pn.v of wbb ti may be dew iviiMits) as list In April. lf14. Iirussl mld t5" III January, I'.O'.t, ur nearly a sevenfold iiicrense. There has lieert a cofisunt dis.p siin-e January, rvaeh- ing .'d in Fel.runry. 4KI in M. h, S44 in April niid ."sU In May, It'ld. Arti cle Hot iieeo-sitlos have come down ftsuii llo In Jiuiuary to 4'l in May, and clothliii:. slm-s. i-otil mid liifht rejc res.iitel bv Mil in January, Imva drop d to JCl In May. LifUffCorns! Doesn't hurt bit anJ Freont costs only a (ew cents. With your flncers ! Tou can lift olt ny hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the lives, mid the hard skin cul luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Free-zone" costs little at any drug store; apply a tew drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly it stops hiirtlnc. then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off. root and all, w ithout one bit of pain or soreness. Truly I No hun butf! Lonely Job. "You vviint to get iiuiiv from ne pie." said the ilm-for wisely. "Your lu rves nre In a bmlly shuttered con dition. You luqst get olllehere Jotl will be entirely alone." "Alone!" exclaimed the patient "You have me wrung doctor. I'm a night wnli hmiin." Rather Neat. "I object to iidnilttliii; the plaintiff's ntikles us evidence," "On what grounds?" "Ahem 1 Your honor, this ts a breach of promise suit and I don't want my client's Judgment to appear at fault In passing up a pair like that." The Reminiscent Fraction. "I suppose I'm gelling to be a bnck miniber." remarked I'ncle Bill llottje. top sadly. "What number?" Inquired the village vi ng. "I haven't thought nbotit that. I (mess f flbout two nml seveiity-flva hundredths." Our Claim to Distinction. We may not have much that en title us to fume, but when we ar dead and gone we niny he written down as one who lived through the high cost of living dH). gna never went on a strike for higher wages. When a fellow Is stuck on himself If a mighty difficult matter to get hlrn apart. Don't 60 From Bad to Worse! half ZXi rl ', iiwrsble and hlf lick? Ihen it', tune you found out What is wrong Kidney wcakueu lTnUCh,,U"'rin ,m 'i''9"? fnd rheumatic psini. and if nejtlecled, bring, danger Bright s discs. l),,nit dH ,. helped thouMnd, snd .hould help yon. Ask your neighbor! ' A South Carolina Case . Mrs. A. T. Bullard, V Itohemn St., Hn nettsville. 8. C. saysi I sufrerait three years of agony and my kid neys were the cause of the trouble and kept m In constant misery, pains shot irnm my back to my head. 1 had dlizy spells, my body bloat ed and I lost In we'ght. I finally s-ot three boxes of Doan's Kid ney Pills; after taking the first box the swell. t i.i.,,r"e,L,"0n- When cured." " DO" 1 w" (? flssu .a a u -1 ami, mn Umt DOAN'S"" roSTEK-MILSURW CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. f -. , f

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