II ob 010 ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. KOAKOKE RAPID S, N. C. AROUND THE WORU) WITH HERALD PHOTOGRAPHERS KfSCiS tF PaOSFEEin MiM Reac-ts Ef-t.c Recep tion of P.r of Set At r.te E sport Cjrooratun. -,r.i' " - H t turned D t.,.s t eVien i,l iV Ur;-l 1 in the t:.!-r-t . t t ; Ex rt or; .-rai I ii . . - - - - i ii i r Th Roanok Rxnidi Herald ii reprweatad i t TTmrm n wxmrw". axi Tn wiin a nnnurr oi ouicx aw i - -1 i r ... ii I 1 , . ,,v v-.-i -v.,,.r, nn than on kiradrd of then bci: with ti imw aal n i II II UlTOQQOai Ut WWW J wmi two aomutu - v.TvKr will I II 1 - oftfct Tnon wirnng nation. A number of th bet nd nost interesfceg of th pictures Ufcoa by tie photocrpboi wifl U I v j j .l;. ...V, .V tnr fV Kanf t nf readers Of Tilt HeTild. I II I " - . . n ... niOTiir r DkDinC ! -r-' . AiiIlRICAN CULUrib IN cAoliLt uhi rannut t f - ,Aff-, II JLr, - cSv s 1 i - iUf' I wp$&f r s 1 J v .rrJl K - Ji TJ iri'iiifiul.iu cli'l'i-alidii In I in' v f,r a t ur il , ;t. in ih ta ... S -u:U Atlantic i1::, i t!is at th upbuiUxit e4 h-vu..at l t- o.B-.ium i4 N.'rth i r'i:n th SmB; n r thit a mrt witfc ntbu-tic mt.t..n .-f t - .ryhr. H - t''iv Uv.vr ! It rtnHf'1 rvt-rvwi'-r if l'n.- At rh.iri.ite hr w aii'..-.j..l u iSr.4 , jj.i .i.m. .) ut..niti u.-ti ii'utma bu-.tis. i W.B.-U S.iliu he mi t,. fut ii.4t.tut.ous a i,. .... !ml iu.'. an.l he f.n-J ,.;a.ti, m Cr n!-r.v H ih l.:nt. t, ,tr.u Ri sb n.l el-!iere that rf i tus ..p!.t..-.'e4 ey.- W th ,,,.rvt,(,!s d.'vel"l'in"nt Jv.iiis miil i ski; 1 T.n ihr.as:i.'Ut the st.ue. mn:r:iwJ!v.."ime! nl . , it, .t unlj a pssl l.. ,!.:!.!? t r lU.-tuauk A mfHtmi ff .1 J. 'in t!ie i " I 'U xii.tai'le (. .r Hie ia s .1,1 m tin i'.v .... . t . 4 I...- m, lit, l,r' 1 ..! mhvri, l-.lii.. ,,vMii to .Imur, iu the U,U-rull, .- Mtla.tx u-KI,. l-r ItuJv-aria unil'lii fuvoriie U.s. FIRST AMERICAN TROOPS BACK FROM SIBERIA r.rH,. TV.t'i ll-'ii"" Jr'ilr r he.l. ir...: if a a rv.-t.ir Wt.-rl. I'l.m are n: f.rail tt the . re. t.on i f a ne v.ittoa null her, t., ,e ,uiutal:i!.'.t at $:JiM'" r $i'V Oi'ii. It is h.iH-a tu twitw coastrui'tioa vt t!ie J'lant tin fall. A::l.'n. :ili ! -r j'lt alter July II. Miiiiv.rvuy ef the fa.l hi: tlin.ujih . Ai-U uf 1 ria:i;l-U tlurii. tl.e f t!ie r.;tile. MAKING AN AIR TRIP AROUND TKE EDGE Or THE U. S. I; I it Hi I wf'a !.. ' :J ! mmM If raw iir v 1 Vi .,,.,r ranrenih, l -VI "rs,s.ei-ijfc., 7.. ' - '. . .. ,.v.,.- A,.:ctt:Miaim . CreensJ.or.i- The hoiiin? situation in r.reetishorn is s'lowinit .mie im-Vr.ivrm-nt. f..irl.ir,.l n.-m.-l. retary of the i-hamher of i-omm.-r.-e. atmounr e.l. From relrt reee'vel by th (hanih.-r, Mr. IVniil sauh i.l'l'"'!-matt-ly t'-n new hmises are h.-lr.s huilt in Ure.-r.sl.oro at the lrveiit time- News has Jnst hefn rexei fd from l.oii.l.m. Kr-ifiaiul. of the titin.il honor r. . enily i .,n; rre.l on John J rho.-n.x. ..f (ii-eiishor... who was forniaJJy in si.il'e.l as ri.uhI priest of Nonh (" olm.i. the (eivmoiiies havinc heen In rharue of the probata gruni m aster ut KiiK'.a n1. W'a.l.-s'ioro - There was an a.-Hclent on the l.il.-viile l-oa.l wliirh resulted in s-noiis injuries to Mrs. Arthur Mil !r t!i. The ear. heini; ilnv.-n by a -ro boy. ba. ke.i into r (lit. h atol over turi.eJ There mere several others in the ear. bat Mr. Hii'b'.'th was the only one luirt. W,"7 e" ( , it,,-.. First AiiH-i'U'iiii trisipn to ret urn fnun Slberi'. They urilveil on the trunsport Tlioinim tit Sim Friuu lso.. FRENCH MEMORIAL IN MEXICO CITY MME. EISHIRO NU1DA 5 'ZSlDtaMmMP' Ii r - i - . . r..s....ie.i i.v the Freii. h colony In Mexico 'IHIS IS IIIC lieilHUlllI 111. Hi ii...... ! ' nnl roc ntly de.llcule.1 to French .lend In the cemetery t Mexico Uty. Ii - . i. V - ' OLD GLORY AT THE ARCH OF TRIUMPH n.f9tmS" ."vw-v- 1 WHIPS COMPARING METHODS f4r - j rilTi?mniWiiri--aMK!d BLINDED HERO OF TKE FRENCH ARMY y - F.yettevill.v- Vlrtinjs of two auto mobile accidents occtirrine on the streets of Fayetteville are recunerat Int; in l.nal hospitals. William Muse, nf ll..pe Mills, was badly bruis.-d and Kunercil a severe nenroua shock when his wmon was run into und turned over by an automobile. lHiTiu T., crrvtna the American colors through the Arch of Triumph In the Fnrls victory parade on ltastile day. MUCH IN LITTLE Ecuador has a population at l,5Hi,ono and on nrea of Miiare miles. Courses In carpentry and furniture maklns have been added by theXo fcenhagen Technolofflcnl Institute vlth view to making Penmark let de pendent upon liuportaUona. 4 Twenty-six Japanese merchantmen wore sunk by German submarines. Ilcfore the year 18"9 practically every shoemaking process was a hand process. ' A record of service that probably has few equals Is that of Miss Har riet P. Houghton, who has been In the employ of Lynn, Mass, bank for 50 years. Mine. Klshlrn Nnblii, wife nf the 'bird secretary of the Japanese lega tion. Is pleasantly conspicuous ut a number of Washington's largest social iffalrs, In native costume. She Is con sidered one of the most charming members of the diplomatic set. It Did Have. Tbroe-yenr-old John had never been permitted to eat sodas fir sundaes or any of the other fancy drinks that are served at soda fountains. He bud had lust nlnln ice cream and that lit home. Hut the other day grandmother came for a vlKit and mother broke her rule and permitted him to accompany grandmother to the corner drug store, nrnn.lnw.ther ordered plnln cream for John and an Ice-cream sodn for her self. For a little while John was too In terested In his ,lce cream to notice nnvthlns else. Then he hnppencd to l.w.k at grandmother and saw the glass of soda. Speechless he watched her, for a little while. Then he broke silence with, "Say. grandma, I want some Ice cream with a suck to I " Senator Charles Curtis or Kansas, Republican whip. Is demonstrating' to Senator lVter Coelet tierry of Hhode Island, Democratic whip, how he keeps the Kepilbllcmm " '"' posture would indicate that be i. forceful arguments, though the smile on Senator tierry- face gives the Im pression that Senator Curtis' method are not without humor. English Made In Germany. A new guide b.x.k made In Oermnnv, hut printed In the English language, commends Itself In a foreword as "serviceable to the r.rltlsli occupai-m trmips." For their edification It pr'nt tbls explanation "f a 1. t'end of the llhlne, says the Outlook) "Two Christian princes has taken 1 Christian virgin on a war of plunder and fought after some time for tb possession of the same. A priest pro posed that the virgin should be sacrl (Iced to the dragon living mi the moun tain. The virgin was fastened to tb rock, and h'ii the dragon awoke. 'ie wanted to seize the same. Then th virgin presented him the holy cros when the animal ngglomernted 1n lump and threw Itself into the Uhlne." Not ths Warts. The famous portrait painter, Mr. John S. Sargent. U. A., who Is engaged on a picture .Jeplctlng a group of some thirty principal military leaders, tells an amusing story of a millionaire who commissioned a portrait, but did not seem very snll-fted when he Inspected It- "You have b 't out one or two most essential foal"1." he remarked. "Hut," said the painter, "I thought you wouldn't .are to have the er warts produced." The millionaire turned purple with race. "Confound It, sir." he bellowed, "I'm tnlKing about the diamond rings aiul pln-not the warts." i i . . .. . 1 ? V. 1 uiiiv AlSSiBl i , pap lf V.' I Tairhnm. T)r. Fred Peacock", of High Point. N. C. a trus- s ! tee of the college, notified President j i Few several day ago that Mr. and j I Mrs. K. 11. Terry, of High Point, had i ' -,.,.io it nossihlrt for Trinity college to ome into possession of the vaoaanio library of the late Prof. A. H. Hit man. who was for many years a pro fessor in the college. nockinrlam The bankers com prising group No. seven which Is cov ered by the banks in the seventh con gressional district, met at Hamlet for organization. Chairman F.astcrling reported every bank In his district a member of the North Carolina Hankers association and culled the next meeting at Win-ston-Sulem. Genera! Manotirv. the French conqueror of the Omen,, blinded during the war, being le.l Into the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles during the signing of the treaty, by General Alby, chief of staff. AMERICANS AT LAFAYETTE'S TOMB fees rjfd"- Salisbury After several weeks (i warning that all who drive automo biles in the city, that Is all Salisbury cars, must have chauffeur license. Chief of Pollen Kesler has caused the arrest of a number who had failed to these licenses. Owner of cars are the only ones who can drive them without thr.Be special licenses. Wilson Works for Houses. Wilson. It is no fault of the Wit son housing association that the to hacco town is without homes to house those who wish to reside in the city. They have, so far. been unable to se cure me.-hanirs to do the work. Every available man is employed in the erec tion of homes and business houses in every quarter of the city. Messrs. W. E. Smith and R. J. Gran tham have purchased the 18-arre tract nf F. F. Nad.il, on which will soon he erected 73 or 80 houses. i.J -V' r-, SI S f. ' 1 it, Mr.. U.MM F eS-" . XX'4MrV&T. the Vain Dive for Freedom. Morganton. Guy Field, John FieM ind Kye Prevo, alleged ostoffice rob hers who made tlieir escape from train No. 22 at Pridgewnter. were captured n.ii.r Glen Alnliie. "I'tm men, who are Miirg.-d with robbing the postnffice at flimax. Guilford county, were arrest ed a few dny ago in St. Louis and in charge of nn officer were en route to Greensboro to stand trial when they effected their escape by diving, head long through the open window at-th train was leaving Brulnewatcr. (lenernl Pershing, with other Anwrlcnn officers, at the tomb of Lafayette on July 4, while Captain Tnrdleu. representing the French government, Is responding to an address by Ambassador Uugh Wallace. Will of B. D. Heath. Charlotte. The will 'of the late B. He.ith, which was turned over to clerk of court's office here for probation, will dispose of an estate) valued at about 2,000,000. Under the will, each of the 14 children of Mr.. Heth will receive over 1100,000 each, nd Mrs. Heath will receive mai imount and the Heath home In Pied nont. The Western North Carolina Methodist conference was bsquMied 140,000. r. - ... fri

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