i I! 7rvl3 NY ROANOKE KAFIUS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS N C A. L CLARK :Ni IV. - - ' Loans Negotiated rn Wrai Dr. J. Frank West DLiNTIST Ro.-i-i -k-iapi.;s N. C 'MT!!. IVPiC TliF.T!IF: St Mi HIV I fw.ly rVt vw t Vr. I I.-4 E. A MATTHF.V'S .'.I:--. iR-y at Law i -i v: .t. i r.iri-u n. i:. Roanoke Rapids Power Company f Roanoke Rapids, N. C. ST Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power for all Purposes at Low Rates What Do You Drink? 1 rintvSsuiRs-- ihr'o D t i 8 WE tCXT DIRECT WATEI P0WE1 AT $15 00 ftf HORSE POWER per YEAR : 3 &a CeSii of Apicaltort and foginiirinj WttT RALCCN A La4 CnM CaDet IookM aajrr a 1 el fnrrs U the Slat J ttsjal tiara ! Nana tareliaa a XWh, SpWaJidlv e.iuinJ for sk eeSecauea af lae mot ai lb State ia the teihakal uJ wUu-inl ana. FmbT tear mnn ia Agriculture, ia Acriruharai rV. im.-ir. and ia I Ctal. Electrical, Meraanical, (Jwnkal aaU Tntile F.agiw-mK. New shaattxaralg as. AgiKukural Lagiamiag ami linkway LaiarrriBg. Nameroas aWl eeuro. I ait at Imrn Officers Training Cmjm. Sraiara an i Juniors irrriv fy asasuag la anaullv. All aiuJrau wwi iieo wulunue .taaiiag ia iuar year a Hot. Stratus aihletic tcios. 13,000 Y. XL C A WMing. Regular paij arcretary. Twa kaadrea1 eaJ fort j Ire av.Luluiii;4. EtpairraMM l imiina: V-vcn unit practically equivalent to th. casspartiea af tenth gratk autk. Board IIS 00 art awnth. Tuitioa IT00 per yrar. liuua rmt, brat ttd light UO.00 prr yrar. Eanllartt laat iratioa 1,020, exclusive at all maimer students. Fal ams begin September X fj ratafiial. UluUratri circaior intranet iWs arils L B. OWEN, Registrar MMMMMMIMWMmMIIIIIHMMMMMMMMHMWMMM WWtWMM1 m I I I II B IT a I h.JIJ uTn'A. I 1 1 in in ip i SEE US FOR YOUR Building Supplies Let Ui Figure With You on Your Requirement lime Cement Laths Halifax Builders Supply Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Buy Your Coal NOW We are receiving some shipments of coal now, and urge everybody to buy now because of the following conditions: Car Shortage. There is an acute car shortage and even now some mines are only getting 50 per cent of the cars they need. Labor Unrest Never has there been a time when labor was so indifferent as it is now. Production is nothing like it should be and reserve stocks are being exhausted. If this condition continues the price will surely advance. By Ordering Now You Will Protect Yourself Against Any Advance in Price and Have Coal This Winter When You Need it. Roanoke Ice & Fuel Co. By S. M. Thompson, Pres. FOOD IS CURE FOR BOLSHEVISM rirat AI. Treatment Saleedld M.dl. alo. far taint af Urat. Haw War Bavlege Stamp Help. Preeldeat Wilaoa baa asked for too to atop th wave of Bolehevlsia roll lag westward oat of Russia. No Intel llgeBt prraoa doubta tha value of food aa a flrit aid. but at bottom th arcur Ity of our Institutions rest upon tha working Intaraat tha prcpl tk la Utaaa toatHutloaa. Cltliaa hflrt aa lnterl ia a (it Mvmant. bo acoaotnlc lntcrvat la th 'ucca of that lorrrBiuont. ara apt to 'ba tha Brat vtctlua of rk'loua prupa .fanda er aaba'.aaora political thro rUta. Oa tha othar band nan and aromaa aha baa laraatrd In thalr oraramaat altkor by vay of rondurt . In prlraa antarprlaa andar Ita pnv 'trrtloa er through direct purrhaia of goTernmant aarurltlaa hara aomrthlng at ataka and dratra to nalntala atablr tmtltutlona. Such priona ara not nereaaaril raactionlita. Thry may ta (ulta prograaalva and annout for reform whara rafornt ia Baadad Conaaquantly tha (TwtlTa barrlar to Roliharlitm la Amarlca today la thrift and Invaitmant. Tha philosophy must raarh into tha workahopa of tha nation, it It raarblng Into thoaa work shops and Into tha tchoolhouara of tha nation Is the form of tha Thrift Stamp and tha War Saring Stamp. Whan araryhody in America la buy ing Thrift and War Barlngi Stamp aa a habit ona won't hear much about Bolahartam In America It li tha financial and patriotic duty of every Amnrlean who lovea real liberty to gat tha Thrift Sump habit NOW. TO ENCOURAGE THRIFT ScKaelt Called Upaa ay Traaaarp Departe! ta Make Savtag Happy Heeit TirmigH tha iiiaM aartagt dl r' l,M of the tale federal raaarta .l.nn. t. the Saolaga IHfieioa et tha Vnitnl "tatea Traaaary ttapartaieat hu ralird upoa tha normal acaoola. collt'ra and unlTeralttea of tha ruua- try to aid ta tha (orereBant aaai laUn to make thrift a happy habit The Amxrtraa Council oa Edueatlnek. ritprmvntlng iBatltutlont of higher learning throughout the country, aaa I'llned with tha Savings Duieloa W MM'ura the eo-opratloa of tha achaala. Tha plan old by tha Saving De ruinn aud the Council ea Xducattoa j contemplate the creation of thrift or- j sanitation la each of tha normal achoolt, collegea and anlvarattlaa, to tfach tha baak prlaclplaa of Intelll gent Having wie buytag. aaaa peBdlng. aa(a inTeetntenl and avoid ance of watte, aad to aid la teaturlaf the advantage of Thrift Stamp and War Savlnga Stamp at tha ideal lav veitment for tmall eavlnga. Through the American Council oa Iducatloa. the preldenta of tha laatttuUona of ; hlrher learning have beaa urged ta nam Institutional thrift repreieata- i tlvf a. who will cooperate with the b cal avlng organliatlona. Thla bag hB done ta moat raaea. The educa tional institutions ara a i pec ted ta huve a large Influence ia the move ment to make the I'nrted States nation of Intelligent tavart. HOLD WAR SECURITIES WORLD'S HISTORY IN RE SUME PROVES W. S. S. WILL PAY. Eastern Builn Man laau. Warning Against farting With Government ends and W. S. 8. That it la a bad bualnaaa proposi tion for any raerchaat to ancouraga holders of War flaring. Stamp to exchange them tor merchandise la ths opinion of a group of aaatern butlneat tea. who recently dlecnased this quwifloa at thalr annual convention. "Huch action merely helps faka pro moter aad dnsnoaeit brokers la their effort to shake publle confidence in government bonds a an Investment," aald oa. of tha speakers. "It It la mentable that they have worked to an alarming dagra. among the poor, and among Ignorant people of thlt coun try" The two handred delegates attend lag tha gathering were so Impreated with the necessity for keeping War Savings Stamps In the hands of the original purchaser that each pledged in to back bom. and constitute him self the head of a vigilance commit tee to oppose the offering of merchan dise for government securities. On. thing w. know as w. pursat the history ef antiquity, from time when Noah was the sew, af Baby lon's Iniquity, down through ths dan when Caesar's ghoet was hauntlag rtrutus in bis bed, It this. The spenders shouted most, but nearly all of them were bled. Whereas the lad whs never flung tetterces to the Forum crowd was never Immaturely bung aot measured for an early abroad. This bit of ancient sophlatry has low Its modern counterpart, aad mora and more It's tons on me how splendid It th. saving art the art of mind tag one affairs aad watohlag tlttls things lncraasa. It rldi th. future of Its rare, thows profit oa our elbow grease. Today whet W. 8. 8. ?o read upon a hanging siga. Totl kaow the man sell Thrtftlasas, a virtus once quite hard to Jlad. I do aot thank the war for muc'fl, but this I've leara ed, and learned It proper, when some on. tries to make a "touch'' a Thrift Stamp makes an Al stopper. Watch yeur alckels aad ths dollars will tsks car. of themselves. Small lakt link tham with W. B. 8. big ship atop TABLE SHOWS HOW MONEY MULTIPLIES Trlfla Mar. Than One Hundred Dol lars Menthly for Eight Months Will Grew Into Thoueand Ool lars by January 1, 1924. Th. following table will be of serv Ic. to th. Individual who plans to save systematically throughout th. year by means of War Savings Stamps. Tba ttamps draw four per cent Interest compounded quarterly. Bach 1919 War Savings Stamp was worth last January $4.12. Each stamp, became of the Interest that Is com pounded, costs one cent more each month, so that neit January It will cost $4.24 and at the and of fire years It will be worth $5. Thrift Stamps are of the denomi nation of 26 cents and are the means by which one may accumulate small savings until a sufficient amount Is saved to purchase a War Savings Stamp. They are Invaluable for the thrifty saver who can lay aside only a small amount at a time. Cost As noon as bs accumulates sltteen TiiriU Stamp he may etchange thum far a War Saving Stamp by paying th few cents additional So make up the purchase price of a War Savlnga Stamp for that month. Tana It th. Thrift Stamp sav.r col lected bis sixteen stsmps In May, It then cost him 18 cent additional to convert them Into one War Saving Stamp. In June It cost IT cents addi tional and o on, and then on January 1, lKt, less than five years after the exchange, the War Saving Stamp will I be worth $5 and the government will pay that amount for It. In the table below the second ol umn shws that the person who In vests s little more than $100 a month for eight months of this yar. will have paid In before January 1, I'iZO $839. On January 1, 1124, thla will have grown to $1.6(10. The other col umns show what the purchaser will be required to Invest to have $500, $250. $100 or $60 by January 1. 1924. Each Month No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost May $4.1 25 $104.00 IS $.r.4.0S 7 $29.12 $ $12.48 I $3 32 Jnne 4.17 25 104 25 12 60 04 f 25 02 I 8 14 1 4 IT j July 4.18 25 104 50 13 64 34 $ 25.08 i 12.64 1 4 13 I Aug. 4 19 25 104 75 12 60.28 I 2614 S 8 38 1 4 19 Sept. 4.20 25 105.00 13 64 60 1 29.40 $ 12.60 1 6 40 ' Oct. 421 25 106.25 12 60 62 26 21 t 8 42 1 4 21 ! Nov. 4.22 25 105.50 13 64.86 25.31 1 12 61 1 4 22 ; Dec. 4.23 25 1)6.75 12 60.78 ( 25.88 t 8.46 1 4.23 j TOTAL 200 839.00 100 419.48 60 509.72 10 18.88 It 41.91 Maturity Val. j Jan. 1. 1924.. 1,000 00 600.0 tCO.OO 1M.M SSJS Caua. of th. Mortgage. Redd "If a man has a mortgage on his house no one need know It" Greene "No not unlet b. has an automobile." Valu. Drubled. The yearly velnt of agricultural productions of the United States has doubled In th. last IS years; In ths am. period th. population of ths eoantry has Increased one-third. 1 '" A' ::'-ilt in .,.-.,,-... a...... ,! fi r -OTinh : -L. wrw-Ji " - . . . i.in im "tat- iswHinaiisai" . i ervt " . I -"TT .i . . . -. .a..-. j Best of All. It Is grfod to be rich, II Is gratifying to be potiular, but It is better han cold or nVDularitr to bar. a boat f good friends. Quit. So. Tha octklst Is naturally optimistic. there belna lots of money in sight for him. On thV other band, th. dentist Is not ncceasaflly pessimistic because ho often looks hown In tha mouth- S nir Ic arc cHting dangffouJy nrar haing a fdl thouhl cortcrTtung ! hrd t what tlsfy drink on tiHtr KaltK, v.h-tlw it i? hellul of liann lul. 1 1'- ts ;avr lrvn all ihr tim tlat BEVO haces up and strengthens i!n- m , 1, vuntH-d and worn, snolfies the nrrves, ik-ars tl Uain arnl givrs Mi'-i 1 iy tirgan tliriHighout ve tnlite txdy. WHY? It.iti it is a ixire, hralthful, liquid IikJ ttul harnvxiw. v. ill. tl 1 1 .(i p 4 tl- human systrni. BEVO is purr, v i ULV( ) sati-fu s tin- thirst, many drinks do ra4. n.ilu II .IV th DRINK BEVO titutcs nuiv U' K'tl lolf sm u!d U a ilH'niH al ' avoided. conijiuml In iiliM.r a sinuLii l,. U; an! Carolina Beverage Co. SCOTLAND NECK. NORTH CAROLINA Roanoke Hardware Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. An up-to-date hardware 3tore of fering the people of our county an unexcelled service in its line at prices lower than can be had at many places, to serve you. We will be glad Roanoke Hardware Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. HE nft:i''iiiW'it: ymiiwi ll aiiahair saw Maw Sjawaw a. I. arfti nam Oa. 'ALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a joyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new! Get it straight that what you've hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water I Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process! You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back 1 Bay rVtnce AAert searvasAara re taw., is aviaf. Toapy rtd lags, fr reef fee. AeneWaaa awaataf aaW AaaV aaaW tim hmmithrt-mnd thai rawer, avwcfkW awaeaaf rv(W gia AawWafar with aoongw (M raSwcc. as saw awrfisct corWirion. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co WiMtoa-Salta, N. C -Vt -a.. i ? 1 n 7 i, 1