ROANOKE RAFIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS. N C. TRAVIS TRAVIS Attorne- at Law I1AL1 ' V V C. ! ra -t'.ix i' t!- S'a 4 Fk r! 0ou t NOTICE Hav.i Hu.Un-i at .;aani-tr'.r, upua tsw iif wt Ga. k. Gray, civ cvse4 Bailee i hvrrby f ivfn to a.i rsua kaidirc cn'.rr.i e;.nt lb svl nltlr lo inrr.t item to tne n(Milt' vwnl on or brl'or tn ltk 4a f July. ISM. wT tRl Bvtuw nl b ii in r uf trwir rwviy. AU rni trjrblej to sui fltr LTe rU-lra U suakc UUHirv.t V Rt. 'hie iMh d.v of July Uri Ik-liU t.rv. Adtiimietratri. 7-ljMit L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS Sr3r THAT CAM BE htAOE Ott to yoa $US a Ga3on whw mad rr'y to u KtcoaCMOco t .ammo roe OVt 40 VEAStS Ofcaaiw COt O CARD Imaa Area ee LONCMAM A mWWg ISeaeeifwctwrwra W Yt E. B. GLOVER FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMFR I Roanoke Rapids, Day Phon 506 - N. C. Sight Phone 540 Cemeeereeeidevery- re m cimI"c" eaa'ed peeAagee u JO aualeredae or lea xc a1 (.100 eiforeir.s) a aaaataa-Mpap aovarJ carfuH. IVa alr.y racoaunan4 rftie carlo for la Jloma or eghee euppp r wkaa jtou freei' I. J. ltTMl4T0KaC. WaMlae-Saisak N. C. CAM ELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you ever smoked' Put all your eijarette Jeres in a bunch, then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test an J tnow for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a cass by themselves! Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. You'll not only prefer this Mend to ei; hor kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the remarkable full-bodied mildness and smooth, refreshing flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! Camels win you in to many new wavs! They not only permit you to tmoke liberally without tiring your fasf" but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odor! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality to premiums, coupon or gifts! 1 IT S, I tWh: Till 6 J. r - J ', ; i WVy v. J 3is "Tires vims,'-:-- ; ;,t Royal Corit' birrs: : ' 'vV, 7 ;.'-' - . -'A V. vm mw ' vr , ,.ya gr A t M t f OK. T AT SAVfi. CONVl UA1 - V " - Fe,'V' ' li - i. a I i CLARK &C!-ARK DR. A. C YOW Attorneys at Law Ron.n?ke Rapid-, N. C. aa N A I r-o-v Rack ' - - VEi ERIN ARIA: I '.'it. " F.; ." 22t-J BANKS ORDERING HAND GRENADES Ovar 17S.0 Cilr" ''t1 D tHet will ta Noytln laama. Malta. During lommar Monta AGENTS CARRYING MESSAGE OF THRIFT i dm u&. Va Anurdtrif to the U.i 4aiUM fltur or hua drnt ti. ka In tlia rtrts r.lrl Jla ara fvairlct haa ordaraj bhiu'I'm pf haua iula sanuy aa!na t.anai tint ra tn be Mi by tha ehii.lraa f f i tinaa'r am.aitu Tb total numbor , rt haiiJ ai-r.Ti.idM that haa t'aaa or j Wr,1 n, lS 0 Tha t'.n t taa ni pranaila bank or!lBat. A la tha Traaaury liisrt liiant itiit !ba bank sr bring d!a trUuM in thtt d'.atrict y th War Itnua Omanlutlo hera .'arjr arhnol h!ld undar tha at cf antaen y. are may by kpil'lai at tha 1 sal bank, ra a.Ta ta at that katid (riutdo frnaj Nank a a loan for tha rara tloa frrloJ It. taring tha auTumar. anoufh woa 1i novaa! trv imrchaae raa or mora War 9lnm S'nii tha bank become the property of the child Tha bunks are mad out of ril hand grenades that ware to have bean uJ aftiiut the Hans With pereuastnn rap and hlh aaplostve raoioad. and elota cut to receive and take out coins, the; are now doing itt!r afktnat tha ancmr. iita. as bank for sav iors School official all ever the district are enthualaatir about the plan, as they feel that It will aot ouly keap alive but iirenftheu the thrift Ideal that already have been tmplantad la the mind uf the children. 1 K Binford, sailttact nperlntea dent of public schools here, lis en dorsed the icheme. tn a racent letlr etpresalng the hope that all the bank la the district would co-operate by it Ust upylles of the hand (ranudos. as the tahool children are enthualaatlc boat (erurtsg them. Harold atraddKk. Dretee ef Mvlng Olvson Wrltae Latter ef As pr.,t'C to CacN ef lis teen MuniraJ Werkera. F.ritbaiid lr.f Tmatloa aad. satgee tluiia as to how to obtain Increaaed Mffieleucy and iroaparlt.v nia now be oMatrad by woman on the fersa. In ,my part of tha country, from tne koaae drmor.ttratlon aaenta of the apart rant of kfruulture Entering Into the national iavtri mnvemeat with n neat that chractniae all their wot, onii (t'itrrn hundred of theae beeae demoiiairailon agent have been carry nt the inxaaane of thrift Into Us sans hounes all over the Tailed tetea. In apprriattoa of their volustnrtly iindcrtakpn work. Director Braedock ha ar.iton a letter to each worker. . Vonrnemlatlon. which reads la nart: 'Ttirltt 1 primarily the people's con cern If thrift le to become a perma nent aet. the people' agea c'.e aud oi.n:iutum moat deflallelf astunir- their har of recpeaelbUlly Jor Inculcating thrift by IncludUf M In their program for action. Seheola. churche. aad labor Msjnalaav tton. fraterna. sorletla aad wwssew't organisation, a well aa agrlealtarsl worker and sgpncles, are already on dertaklng this work and arc In aloee cooperation with the treasury de partment." According to sir Brsddock'a letter, plan for the erection of cevtngs facll ltlec In the home arc outlined, aa fel lows: "1. Hnhtt of saving Crel seme part of Income for future seed aad wf pndirg w;ely for preseot need. "I Home betterment fund, to ec vure. for eimplc. running crater la OBJECT IS TO MAKE PEOPLE PROSPEROUS evarnmant Much Intereeted In terlec of War ncvinga eeleilec That Are Mpldly elrig Organised. tha house "t Baving plan for every by aad girl. "4 Savings fund la government aa, eurttle for every family. "I Kprplng of acceuat to to mote wli ipeadtng and to rocreeae aavlng "(. Tf tnveitmeat wt eavmga r.oa ? I 4) In cevcrnment ceeurt- tie until monr-y I needed; War ling Stamp a a desirable lnv4w ment " The Real Tiling Right Through Put United States Tires under your car and you'll find them the real thing. They're built to wear to give you the kind of economical service you want. And that's just what they do. Hundreds of thousands of regular user.; will vouch for that lots of them right around here. There are five distinct types of United States Tireiiie l;or every need of price or use. We have exactly the ones for your car. We know United State. Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them. Motet Whitley The L. C SheS Co., Inc., Rosemary GUirow fctjp LMetott llac&LW.Sicett Oovarnmant oBlctcla at Washing ton are watching with no little Inter est the growth of a eerlee of aocietle springing up all over the t'nlted ttatea They have already attained a meaiherehlp that reach wall up into the millloa Treasury department officials are particularly Interested tn thl move niant, and H la fostered by that de partment. A soon as a society I formed the same of the prealdent. secretary and each Individual mem ber are placed In the treasury depart ment srehlvec. These societies arc War Savings Bocletiea. and the .aotlve of emh o 1 eletor la Thrift Tl-e govarnrm.ul. in favoring thee organisation, ha not nly In view the rtplenlhlng of the . I'mted Btatec treatury throtigh the of Thrift and War Saving Stamps, hut the big Idea li to cau curb, individual memher to learn the value to klmaelf of being thrifty. The government la not eeklng t d.vert capital from legitimate com mercial enterprUec. It doe not want to tie up vaat auma. It l the peron uno lias never arad Bytmatl(:al!y that it i the mot anilou to reach. Till person can put alde the inall amount that he ha been ac'iatomed to t'"1 rnd thl. drswln four per cc: t c .npiuad lntereet, will la an lit er ,.vrrt time grow into a large -. iik!i sum to make the flrt pay ment on a home, or to provide a ion , With which one may make a perma- 1 lent investment. "Nothing I flnrf!!- said Napoleon aflr the battle of Jena. In days of pr isr- rlfy Insure acslast emergencle. Buy financial safctf with War Say lags Sum?. EASY TO SAYE By the same token that the kwtt weT to have anything Is do It yowreelf, awa best way to get ahead la the werld i cave regularly and invcat wUerf . Your children may be baying TWI Stamps but the nickel aad dlaacw aad quarter they are able to caew srcntl buy a new automobile or a home Of a cultivator. The money to da that srHl not be saved unle you cava St. It's easy enough to cave at M aa It the W. 9. S. way. Quartern genated in Thrift Stamps grow lata War fee ing Stamp and the Internet maaea them grow like rain doea a eansasar flower Save for that happy oapart nlty If you're not in a War iavlngc Society get hi one. Be with tha crowd. ' Did You Bver Bay: If I HAD THS MONirr Then consider REGULAR SAVINO ha crate about It It glvee yarn tha power of SELECTIVE BUTIKO. which sves you still more money, ko cldes kt-lllng yoi Just what 70S) want and provide funde tor 8 EC THE IXVMThlENTI, which pile up money with help from you while you're fat ting torn more. It's SL'nvC and It's EAST. anything better tha Start NOW with WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. They bear interact ne .ics. poet office that! M.UMMMMMIIIMM W. C. WILLIAMS Licensed Embalmer and Undertaker Prompt and Satisfactory Service Day Phone 633; Night Phone 589 J S. . ar a l - Powders, Soothing Lotions. Antiseptics, etc., etc., arr raarntia! to Baby's ctnifott at times It is your fault if you Uck any of these. Our Supply Is Complete Our Prices Most Reasonable In fac. we make a specialty of catering to the comfort of Hi Majesty - Baby i "Immense!" ITS fruity deliciousncss makes Blud wine the ideal beverage "The drink that makes you glad you're thirsty." The Summer's b$l aeierage Dr. H. C White. Chair of Chemistry, Uni versity cf Georgia, says "In an extremely care ful aiialysjs of Bludwine, no trace of calTi-in or other narcotic, or of objec ii;VrVrn!t tionable coloring matters or "'bv'.'ui." dye, was discovered." fM Mi,,.!-,.. I , ...I .7 -W iVuk was uiswvni-u. j Telephone your grocer for a case today Ad. No. 7 Bludwine Bottling Co., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Will You Help Prevent Fire? President Wilson Says: "Preventable fire is more than a private misfortune. It is a public dcrclidion. . . . Every means should lc taken to prevent this evil." Fire Prevention Suggestions 1 . Prohibit smoking by employees. 2. Alter using a match, he sure the flame is extinguish ed BEFORE throwing the match away. 1 3. Do not allow bonfires to he built on your premises. 4. Do not put hot ashes in wooden boxes or wooden barrels, nor on wooden floors. 5. Do not leave dampers in stovepipes open when you go to bed, or go out of the house. 6. Remove all combustible rubbish from unoccupied rooms, and from attics and cellars and yards. National Loan and Insurance Co. CKerperatcsl District Agents FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Fire Life Accident Health Automobile Hail Tornado Plate Glass Boiler Burglary Liability

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