ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAFIDS, N. C. Qnscience PERUNA A WONDERFUL MEDICINE Kimdawa and I'nat'.e Work To Mt&IIxe tho Sytem ml Gio rnu Krr rd a itru lo I ki v r-.l-.r u ir4. a k ut thti it ou rriM af trik. 1 ch foai 1 ti.tft 1 d fci(ug btier m Mitt T IIMlht 1 Wis 14 uha ft si' took tor ' n S 0 M ,!1 "alcJ Is If vr Y.7 JlT & net enough to rr:k2 YB.!V5 socJ. we mi:st KEEP (; c:cJ until ycu s:t it. Kencs tfts scaled pack22e impurity-prccf-cuardins. preserving the delicious con tsnts the beneficial coody. The Flavor Lasts : 1 r5 SCALES TIGHT iVERY ALIKE TO HZR CoTipa-at,ifi S rp' Ei,injic to Wfy Hen Fa, let) t5 Lay 1; 01 Si."1Jy "I !, f,,r Hi, Mi; v; S 1 1 . ! . i i r I.. 'i!l:. II,. vfli!l l,-U k';!'!s I l-.'l!. In- -,i , W il i-J.'V SIl'I'J Inl'i I -My I,-..-"'lint !, ,1 ii ! 1' ::'v l, r. t I- I' h I, - vh:i 1 1 i..ti I lat;,,n nn: nit THIS MsVS EARS PECULIAR Ticking Wat'n binisnes Sfp. But Noie Made by WMrrmq EiecVic Fan Pj,.s', Unheeded. r There Is n m a io t' Otis that h" , 1 - I sleep t'l th" -i, ir 1 f I'vell 11 Wiiteh ' fl . other artie!" "f i t.o'. o s,, r,Tv e. intuit t'o tn kin.: i lo.'l;. t i ti a t:iM.. "r . iIi-M'lves hint (,f Hle.'l. , aa fool hll'l, either. If ni'. the 1 1,,. ar put i a! . ti the p-i- h fur the tvirtit Mid nil th " an h- ed In liureau d:a u.-t with hatid- ken-hiefs eari'fiilly paili,.' ae'-utel th" I"l, lest tinkers. Iltld iHot! in f tlietn hh wltlnlratvn and left nut, the head nf the limi-i" deterts H. "I hear :i wateh," he liTimniuivs. find, Hire nimrh. he dues. A wateh muld STuii-'led Into that house hy fatry hnnil iilaeeil in th" farthest rnnta. he- h'linl a ph'ttti'", even, niid that fellow vvnuld htnr It. II" lats "some" ears. II.. s siiitv they nr.. u'ihuI. hut he fnn't help it. and when ho hoar that "th'k tiek ti, k tlok th k-tiek" husines.s, l, i,p p.. oliiioaeriri;. l'.ilt the I !!: ihin.. nl. ul il all that gut e slnee the h"t tea'hi'r heirall he mt the n, eieefri" fan. It Is fl I'tiliirl ' ii'iv "tn . par' n,t In. e-ilintv ,!r,,i,s Intii liunher- lnnd to t!ie tune of lhat marine elec tric fan. W'Mtiinir'iin Star. Ptcliminary. "My iVnr," said huhliy. "we simply nmst d'.'elile en whore we nre rr' utr ,duf-nR my vniMtlnn. I wish you'd make rJ tip yoc mind." Huston Tninseript. No ll'uminatlons. "The dnrk dry nays nre comlne." "They will be dark Tt-rt nobody can iet lit op." Soft tnswprs do not turn nwny wrntTl caused by soft coal. mm Bests, Berrtsaes, Sssfket, fleato Keep your Eye Strong- and Healthy. If LeV-' they Tire, Smart, Itch,or oum, ii aorc, imiatea, lo.alLIUlnfUiiujdorGraiiuUtL Me Marine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Dnarsista. Write for Free Eye Book. H?ir ippetit Tlrc Cavers. Kin RiCHT 13 You Do .Vore N'ork, Yen an niiire Bii hitnni urn! y n.i ivt more rtiiiymTit ;at of ei'tyli.;i4 Ii-n ynu liiK1 is in C"i',! cnilil.::' !!. ! Plj s:r : m tiif b,, i.i h;.e n very i'.i jt"'i, t rt-H-t un thn in, caus iiij wt:jkiiei, l.uintsa, llt'ri'l!'; rsa iiiui sh kllrss iKUt S lAdll.l.hSS Chill TOMC reinr.-a Kin-ry bh 1 it . i lit y t,y l'ur,fi';J and i nri.-hiiii the HI, e l. Wht n y.m terl its stri'tiKtiifii'tiit invic talit. effti-t. liow it (iriiu n i'T to the chei ks ami how it imi, roves (lie a; n tiTc. y, u will then a o-date its true t.-fiio v ilue. tiKONfS TASIl.USS Chill TOMC is nut a rl,,r't niciiu mi, it is :i:ij'ly IKON and g;'IMNt. sii'.'ii.l,il in Srnp. So p!eao;int evrn chiiilrt-n like it. Ibi J needs Qum. ne to fur;f it ar.J 1R; ). tn Knnch it Tlirse n'ii' tunic jin.p. ertiei never fail to drive uut impurities la the himid. i !ie Streniith-Creatini' T' wer nf GROVE'S TSlKli.-iS liu.l luMC his made it t!ie fav'.rite tmi.i.' in tl,uii.-.ii:,,!s nf linn'es, M-.rt' than tli.r'y-iivt" ) :, f'-lks wnu'd rule H lonii il . Kft t.KOVt'S TAS1U.I.-.S llnd lu'.IC hen t mem Or of then f.invly had y tiaria or needed a hi iiv-tuiLi'i ii;, strenth-tiviml tunic. The f..rnm.a i just the ame tn. tiny, nnd y u r.m t it (ro.u jtf drug sti.rc. tiOc i r little. HEAHTBM Caused by Acid-Ston.2ch Thif to .r'l'i' oh. p.! .1- in I .1 ,n I ln nil drs ,i 1 In- ,i,l .', ,ots, n lilt II'-tr ;,r - ,,niy llrsl al l.iHiitlia , sails 1 3 ..urn you ,,' ii'-li tr tihl,-. if no' s,.,i.rl. 11 ii.lri. h, b.M -Jun-... rli-uian.n- a- s'l-s, ilia tir.,1, I'.ti-s f.-l'i.K. U,'S ,f i-ni-rs... 1 'io, i.,1, ' ri . " ' i ; h . ....-n ,' niir an ! ao 'a of Ih mts'ln.-s an I noinv 'hr al.iopntl ar" tra.oalils tn A'll STolU' H Th , isinls fs. nioilons ,,r ,.,.f whu fttiifht tn be wil ant itrinK ari. roi-re w-ak-linas Waus. of arid .to,ii, h Th,y ' iiarv. In ths foi 1st of pl' iily t, s'l." th 'y . il , n ,t e-' rn .iKh alronntll nntl from th,- fonil th' y ,ott. Tsks KA'iaiNli' snt iMva ynur atomai-h n I Proinc? In ,io Its work rn'M Mak It slr-.n. conl. tweet ant cm f . rl able KAT"MO i brings natok r-li-f for h- rii,nrn i.ei, l,!na:. InaiK-sffoa an,l olh-r aton,a,ll miseries. In' t irnvot ,1 lit -hi ion h"lpa you frst full sirenrih I from your fooil. Th-ilnsn-ts any KAT'iNIiT I tt tho most wonitor'til stoira, h r.-nir,ly IB ! the wnrbl Itrntu'ht thi-m r.ilef when every. I thlnn else failed. ; nur hest ti.'imonlal It what KATiiVIC I will on for ynti. So aret n bin SOc boe of j FATuN'tO to,t. from your druimiat. use It I five fl' tf you re n.-a j iaasi- l, r-turn fl ' nnl vt your no nev lmk ATONIC I COR YfiL'R AC10-ST0MACH. JUL MONEY DACK without antrum if Hnnt'f WMrf fufi in Vio tn ntrm'til of Hcr-'ma., l'-itT, Rinirwiirtii. Itch, fU. Ih.r'i b''iVTii disrulirifctMl horni; othff treat rufnts fnU-fi. Hunt 8i.Iv bn rii.-T''l1 bijnflfTMjjDrs'it bris(-s. Ton rin'i lm on onr jK-n. Jf 'fic O mrnnt , Try It, at our rtsfc TOI'AY, lr f 7Sc. t rtn't A.iJ. liielunlit Co., BtrmaniltJaUj . warns LL KI$ chifls wdJV keeps off (erers.ll JLS' Fine Ionic. Al INFiytX J your drug store, for 60c. Money back if no relief. Made and GUARANTEED by EJNtOUtOTTiilss V t . 1 t' lr'.-h. th 4, I ,t ti ler 'ii-j i l 'ell I'- t l ,t.k !her. 1 : en wit the 'It t. e pi,. ne,l i,l,l, n wr, the I IW I I .inki a-Tunl in'- ,,th,TeiI us that hey 1 I em 'fore I .l.t.i He'. 111. "T' - ,1','n t 'iiv.. r t irtl' S hut tl ,. i,7imr tv 1 l,ll:,t 'I'hev 'ii'ln't l,iiT'., no ' 'i 1 ! .1 v' ,11, t 1 i; e ', tn T'lt t! e mm'v tl I' llit nrilf hut ! ere al ',,it t: t in I. i.y Was ',,v in '.'1 In fci. t ti.e (ti,,v to ft'i',1 their Kamer tils." , , , 'T',t nf tt-e e;i Tln-v fnatht ooks at Tin rm .jivtn like mail 'till ti.e Inst tn ,le el. Put Alvtn I' York ,-f Tenneanee ftayeil rie.l tt) tl.e end IiuukIi hit hair H is r.-il, HtAyo-1 mountain cml, yet tilazitJ thnt uray O tot i r the e's'.th ns 'Iter! imrl's I 'ay.'" By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN. 1 I.VI.N ITIM M YiiKI,, et.r yT pi, nil In (.'niiipany (i. Three flA llumlred tin, I Tivetity eithth Infimtry, K!'hty see- mill t.MlAinerienn) , vl f,i..n, (ii tuiier H, pais, in the Mi-u-e Arcimne hnttle, nmde his name 11 liniis- hold word In every American Imiiie where tht-fe Is fiL'htlntf I.I I. Whut lie did Is tirli-ily and enneisely this: Y'nrk was nl.c nf Id Ainericiins or dered to put out of nctlmi c rf uin Ier inau iiiai hine t,'ims nver n rhlce. In H cuplike valley they fniind HO Huns, (illieers mid men, apparently hnldlna a conference. The Y'nnks opeiied lire and the Hutu siiiTind"retl. Then dozens of hidden innehiiie Runs on the further slnpe not Ml yards away openeil lip. I'rlsnners nntl Y'nnks threw them selves Mat. Six Yilnks were killed nml three, Int'lu'linif the sercennt In com. Inaiid, were wiuinded. This left York nnd six privates. The six privates vriv w-w" ri.r.xav i Tuskless Elephants in Ceylon An elephant without tusks seems al most Impossible, yet ln Ceylon tin male elephants have no tusks at nil; they have miserable little Krubliers projecting two or three Inches from the npper Jnw anil Incllnlnc; down wards. Nothing produces either Ivory or horn In fine specimens throughout Ceylon. Although some of the bulla Iocs hnve toleriiWy fine heads, they Fishing (or Diamonds There Is a theory thnt diamonds sometimes fall from tho sky. and now It Is thought that they may also be found in the sea. Men have had to go to the depths of the sea for pearls, but up to the present diamonds have been mined from the ground. In Sonth west Africa, however, where the Ger mans used to pick up diamonds along the shore, men are now beginning to - ,ji? if ;ti; tl IT.' ii, rs nti, ri mill ! iy in fr"iit "f , h. ;j 1 ,n, Il ',e . lm,.'!; ,,f il,.. t, ,-r ! i ! I. i .un nt ','ili if Y.'tV i.i r. ' un' 11 lit'l.' mt i,;!' tiie , ;, lis i h l.ll hi. I..I' '1 hi' lid n i Y.H-: vihi'. ,;i't ir.T'i ne'ii iT. With 17 'Hi, ill. J el 's ir.illl Ills nlli' I,"' killed 1''. lllllis. I ii,; t'i'twi'.ii shuts, "Suniiiili'r I i r luuii!" Then 11 lieutenant hiid i'M 11 liii'i, j 1 r 1 1 1 I 1111 i.iid . hai s'i d In:,, with Imji'iiets frmn 11 dist-itin' nf '.'n .MiT'ls. lie killed nil ei.lil "il!, his 1, ' 1 When tin- Hurl lieiiti liiilit fell the 1111 ehin.. L'linnei-s unit til itii;; tiny : I cniililn't 'tiind Vnrk's shi.utiiii;. York i ciiiitlnueil tn j.lik nfl' Huns. A niiijnr iini. tn Ynik fr. 111 the 'ri..,i,ers mill j ! in lin-lish he sii.d that Me would make tli" 11,111 hm" gunners sin reiiihr It he vvnuld Miip sliuutiiitf. York arcs'il mid tile (.Miners iihiiTiiliiiu'd 'M lii.i'hini' k'llliS. UliTelidlTI'il Mild llltlll" ln n. York mid the six ,rlMites miiniled tip their pri-oiurs, picked up the three j wiani'd Yanks and startml lunk inr the Aim-rii-nn lines. Y'nrk inar.'hed the major In fmnt nf hiiu. The Yanks ran into several other machine liiin nests from the rear, hut after Y'nrk had killed niie Hun with his pistnl all the others surrendered at the coiuinand nt the major. When York reaeli'sl the American lines hrs prisoners uuiul'c red 11!J, olliei rs and ineti. When Ynrk's exploit lucnnie known every detail was m ritled. He was made I n serp'tuit aii'l was awiirdeil the Pis tiiiV'uislied Service Cross and the t'oti uressinnal Medal of Honor. When he arrived In New Y'nrk recently the city was his. Since then his fellow citizens luive paid him honor nt every oppor tunity. In Washington th houo. of representatives rose up nnd cheered hlin. (iovernor ltnherts went up Into the mountains nnd married him to Orace William, who hud hen waitlne for him. Fortunes have heen offered him to write for the press and to ga Into the motion pictures nnd on the stime. York is pencrnlly spoken of as the "greatest hero of the war." Thnt Is nonsense, lie Is also spoken of ns the "lira vest soldier of the war." That la linii-iense, loo. York's exploit Is tnrllllni!. Hut to the unnd American the must fnsrlnat ln' thii.e' It all Is the man h'.ui- will not bear a comparison with those of other countries. The horns nf the native cattle are not above four Inches 'n length. The elk's nnd the spotted deer's antlers tire small compared w ith deer of their sire in India. This Is the more singular, ns It Is evident from i fraught lth tunny commercial possl the geological fortnalloit thnt at some bilitles. The coal Is practically all on remote period Ceylon was not an Is- the surface, and deep mining la un bind, but formed a portion of the ' necessary. fsh In the sea for these precious stones. In the course of centuries the heavy rain has washed Inrge quantities of loose earth off the coast Into the ocean, and some of the best diamond deposits have been washed away. A dlnmond company Is now sending ships to dredge the mini off the const. In the hope of fishing up millions of lost diamonds. How Great Ideas Are Formed. It Is only by know-lpg and applying natural laws that mail bat been able Nerve :fmM i-lf. Hi l e ari I'f tni;hlw nil III ii',; i,lii:iiit : II,- in Jt 'r.'iinevi'e nui'iniM'tiei-r i'f llll:.-M'. Uliylish Id I II" live ill II iii,in,'ain -Ii ,, k. hiiilt ii et ii'ury mli h' lr !i:,t C'Vnt t-'I'i'll' t'll Itlll'ltt ),( 'T. II,' I' a hiiii'k'iuilli it m 1 lariiii r, 1 1 11 ' 1 suj i ..ri his i.,.M'd tiinthi r niid his 111,1111,1' I 1 1. rs all, I Slsti'ls. When vinjii-.'i' In- vn iit sunn' nf his line "11 dm, kin' uti' 11 irani'diii' nil' 1, hellin' iiii-und." Tin tl he J.'Hied the I huiili nf I'lirist iiml I'liitral I'lilnu, ln'iiiiiiii,); seiniid rider mid It'iiditiK thtt .ill - il: - '. The drift fuiiinl him a ri'liseleiitiiiiis nhj, etnr, turn hrtHeeti iiatl liiti-iil Hli'l the lu liet that t,i liht lind kill ns sin. II.. 'uiiiiri'inis,d l,y i'',ini; I'i rim.p tn.rdnn an, I frankly tthn! Iii pn-il.iil. Captain l'allfnrlll Slleeeedeil in ci.tiv iiiciiii; him from tin- I'.iMe Ihnt "hlesxeil is the peai einaker." So Yorlt went to France with a i lear conselenee (o he', make peace. ) His fniiseiein e "Is still nt ease. He helieves lie vmis tiilit ili"C f"l' a saiietl- 1 cans". Also, he is still Mi re "Wosieil Is the pel milker." lie Is thirty two, stands n little over si feet Hint weighs. 1'i.i.a pounds. He Is redheaded. He is a (lend shut with hntli r.lie ami Jilsiul. lie Is the rnrw liuhter who dues lint "see red," hut yets ler and more i-tticlcnt as the dain-'er rmis, His features nre rlenr cut. not rttir- ' P'd. He has uray eyes, tleckcd with I hrowti. The expre-sion of his face Is one of kindly humor. Ills vnlce Is pleiieant, and even gentle f,T so hirk'B s man. There Is iihsoltite sureness of self In his steady (raze. Hut stir hlin to resetitmeiit, nnd his eyes harden nml contract nml Into his gentle vnlex romes a tnittipe t nole of tinnier. He Is gi tiuinely rellnlous. He ,rnyeft while he fotiKht, and litdieves that Uoti wntcheil over him, In till the honors showered upon him he has never lost his hiilnnce for one moment. He looked everyhody In the, eye, smiled his genial smile and kept his persiective. He Is Koinif hick to his mountain valley nt l'all Mall Cross Iloads and take up au'iiln the life for which he Juilucs himself best fitted. Conscience and k'uii nnd redhead nerve; clllclency, balance and modest self -respect. Jsntiie American ! mainland. It Is thniignt that there must be elements wanting In the (Vy. Inn pasturage for the formation of Ivory. Coal In th Ice Regions. Geologists hnve discovered Immense deposits nf eonl In Spltzbcrgon, nnd It Is now apparent that. In spite of o. cold ami fog, Spitsbergen Is a land to develop the submarine, the alr plnne, wireless, the phone and a thou sand other things that nre now thought commonplace. Sometimes he happens upon a great fact by accident. Hut usu ally It's the patient study of a life time that brings the rewnrd. Patience and persistence are tee means thnt bring man to the extremes where the gold lies. Shallow men talk and pro bounce opinions. Deep thinkers muse and reason and fry agalnbefnre the re ward comes. But It's bound to com when they harness their forces. Th La Ward, i. I vt i'ur Hl. n ii -Vr til t h :i t il . I i.r of tt I x iihiui - ;m i t i t. ' t!l it,-l til ln l'! ! :ih! M:.' I'i.' .'.M-'.if I I,, N- .i's v." fi.l-.' h- Hi. ,1..,, . !... Iriii'tri .1 ..;)r t i" i' I'M I'I .hi .i : k - i ,., ( in-, .v Mytklaa Ilk I'kua llilrl'lwiHal Una. -lih Imt awl lm larrM MrtHilk, aaa Vrr 'hs toi' lei oi.nsi.1.. thi. I nt t lh,M '.,fi, s. lm mr s, N.,bt n in uu. I, t"t ,n, y hell 1,1.-1 e hi itim th.r ll.h t" -,i, il Hi.i.'.rlH l.i , th tillintf out ,,f uiv tiuU.ia. th,' luiilnu eft i( i,rotTu,lin aatfl, suit tl, al'iml nt bl,...m .,f ti.'istl l r,t rtTitft,l,vni. U U 11,1 , liJ.r tnt mmiiy mij vn.-I in' , l ,nc thia 1ms Jl'l','f (ri.111 luas u Itt,.,. tuhtir fiint. vnil .icfiii. ihinnsM ai'.ht fc t-F,t,U'-l t.l UihUI Mil l sill itf t ti s ,11 d',ff.M'-t!t IB hvlnjn.s U 11 It wll kli 'wn fnt ItiSt th 1 41 M n,-i-nl l-h.'S.-flur u III lti tiUi'mn sin-in is v, ry lHrt.. .i r. l t, j. t.1.. n.r lh' 1 'il'tli.n lAi ..rmin's i-a l.iiiiiiin an.l sii: .!.!. ti n.nv . t.ii'l!s lin- ,' i .,,!' .,'.1 l..r.,l .m.ll 'ii .',' tl. ult tiiil 11 1,!..- i.ftetrul In liho.1 Ii ", us t., n -s 11-, 1 u, slikli ml Ih.n. A ii a 1 s'"h,,r sn,1 ,r"l,..if m ImiI. "I'h .-.i. Isiri nr.,1 Kihi 1 Nut.I'ih ' i .1 tn 1'S. tit 1,1,1 t:i,. ni..,unl nf ill" I h ir,-n r. in I.' I t f 'I, nirv.,l nnir,",ni , f Ti.rtn Is .ii ui.v mh.'I. t in n ,.ni ,f i tlr lsr, !,r,l t il ! " It .Plim t,, t,,- ,,., .-ttllKh.i that this , iV",.,i.. ir i v.i..,, , ,v p .w ! ti- t! ti "h- us.- of -,s ,'( t h .i-hH'i- ht ,sn I l'if-,,i,tV ut K'.sli.l, .,sins rmarl-s is li,i. , I a M h I hr, lii 1 1 ,tl ,n ,f tills jili i' I I tils hrvv l'-su lllf j 1 I, li. a u- i i.t-nt hn I..irlit l,i thj iti' oiii.l nor tl'. ri"l'lir, I v htur. .m B II....IUI "s a i.-l n ii tloitis in our Ii" IV ant j . out S,tv t n. i. n Ii.hi i .rs. M,;or an ! ! i.,iis'h r-v',-" iM.rtt-HP unt i IP's of r..r- (i, at, 4 tha wte'ia I. a,,,n I,.. Ua t.s- T h ll.,sa ml uli-uit (orrnnfn .lii.i, 1 i'V" t ,n a e' ,w nf v. -l- . t i ,ah an. I h- amy ; h.i1 tli stilt ait slr.e.-ih la t ui aci i Joltie l ArTieiv While Tiii'o fhoafhaic Ii an- , aii.i a.. .1 f ir I lo r- ' , ' l r-r.,iun"e. n- ' .'..I tv, ,.,.. tl, ,..- t;.ina ,1 nl,, oi r. ,1 .' sir., 1, l ill on V -h ti ill I no eU,a i-.,rf in ,- lie lu.,0,, .11 f-.., i i k ni it a linn ilie Hulik aunt kara Inn ir MALARIA, CHII.1J, fiVER AND LA CRIPF! II In a I'oui leiilr mid Aimi'ri Wul omv tirf,, Ti-i-ili s'. fail's in l'41'M llini.s Hiot liiliialiin no iUlllllie irnfitlr fir lintill-liirmlliji luy,retlleiili AB5OR9TI0M N -i-rtfiVC NO SaLVt SJilBF AtD W AT DRUC SAM E. RICHARDSON nMir.r.iST I'MBANSJ VA "Ir'AKivtK'.S ' IIA1R BALSAM ) -Hi l.r " I ilfli,' totF-ii;ii..,- rlatiilrtiir. IV .Vl For Rrslur Color ad !' k;Vii-Mr(isiMtittoiirnnnd I adea link ki-ll- I Kltaa.-,'. . niKUbltbUlfNa nrmoeot Corn. CI. I mi.... ei,.., a'o-s all in a, en.ii.-. . e..,,,f , t t,, u, feel, ntaitra aa'hliif p.r, 1 ,v real 1 or at l-riia Kl, lliat-oa I'ui-iiiiisil Vfurka, iaubue, N. V. KODAKS & SUPPLIES ilao do htirlieat rlnan of flnfshiriff. men and Cntaloaun upon Ni)Ueai. aWaki Optical C., KicsaMssJ, Vs. ft - f ti entiaina? a-nod di.Mtiftn M anil ramilarhnwel mnvement.. Con. laim noimna nirniiui no iKnnia no opiatss lull th. nntat v tsbl. pnipcrtin. Etrxcialiy racoov meadrd tor teething time. Ar drmtthf UT TV.. v iZ2 s. c I 1-7 HapprNl) 17 ii I V4 IT'S NOT YOUR HEART: IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidnsy disease ts as respecter of per-, ens. A majority of the ills affliettnt people todsy can be traced back to tbe kidney trouble. The kidneys are the most important rrgans of the body. Tin y are the til terers of your blued. If the poisons hii h are swept tri m the tissues by the blood are not eliminated thrnuiib the kidneys, disease of one form or another Alii clnilu "U as a viitllu. Kidney disease is umiully Indicated by sresrineag, nle ilesnes, nervnuinm, di-Mi!iilriiey, backache, stomach trou ble, pain iu loins atnl lower abdomen, (all stones, (travel, 'lieuiualisui, sciatica and luiahigu. All these derangements are nature For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. mm Warwg Her. - ti. iv rv .m :ii.'?" Wt th I mi ltiT v if.-. "I'm tuiin mil In gi't )' huttcr." " t il. vij- tl.m i t y it at iluit Mor :i.Ti I'r.Mil tn 1i l!i;itl iv Id. iv Ihhti.wi! iii s :tti tltW tHMu-ii'C."- I!ti'ti I'vi iiinc Tru'iM-riirt. (.' -Tw rs . r,..rf vl '. -I . ft, at ii i.i r -I w ti: m i ) Weenea Dr Fia Nets. It w.i..M aiNiir that I'M-rv lilii' if Ids i t'l t ii ti m ."inn. Th. irv i,..w i-i-n on tin' vvhatxes hi I'tirTlatiil. Maitie. k'iil ti. t issiers. I'll eh ility, i.t'i-r a t' l, tn the tithnu' Lii'imds. th." i. II n. ts 1, in- t'l '', an, I tln.' nils HIV mralik.'. that tile 1,1 ts It," ;i,T,iss thetil tllal !ltV WiUlll'l ' i,t siu.ilar tn a (liisv nf thrvail m a il ; in fai t, th. y are sjuanTie h, 'ii. r. 1 1 wi l li 'hl a tunny not, jvhiih are ready fir use scaiti In t I'lity fnttr hunts. Women lire now dnitu; this sort nf nik. Many nf them ::re wives nf h al iKheriut-n. They jiei'i'ive fifty iMits f,.r nidi hn nf till ints they sifi'ii. mi the reel. The imii'ii iierTii;e froui i In Ift.'iii s dny. V. Wi.rma l a llrahns rklM Alt rhtltrn Iront.t.i s,,h sioima hsva m ti.lthr fiilnr a.hi"H hs llrati ,o,. hl,i-,it, and aa a rulf. th.r- la r-v op l,,ps alomsra a,.iurt,:tni. l.aMSr'a tnatepa rhi'.l ta t a-en r.culsrls for two ,.p ttirr ..!, sar 1 1 1 n.irh ths hloo.t ,mit th ,1'cpti,,n. an I art ii a! Sirfiihtninc Ts'f to IK h ,1 avatioi, Na'U'r ml! tlipn th.,,w off on ilial. is,, wor-oa Hn t ta t htl I will h tn iwp ffd asalta I'lf-iaan, ti taka. ICio p-r b.nttas Belgium Recuperating, The rai'id u'rnwth nf the ralhvns Isetvh'i'S In I'.i lu'iilin is In Ip in: retnra I I'.iiriual eniii lit inns In thai emiu ry, ! i' hi, h was reojird.-d as hininj (inintii the lievf means nf I'linillUUlieatii'll ln I 'ore the war. At the h, -uititi 1 nir of ' I ti ei inher. VIn r.elniiini had iivailalilo nfly lill.i nit's tlilh II tnll'llH" nf IIT'nl. i At the l.iv tiliin,' nf June, li'lll, f. I ilitnii had In s, inieo IMi'l eats Hltli n I luiinii'.'i' nf l.' !,"f.!. Nine l.tot fn-Kht I trait. run daily In I'm loiiiui. I A-itatiiiti fur n n't tiUi it,, in liijti li Uln'iur: under the ilireetiiill nf tfli" ' I "I ol'li' nf Natinlis Is u, , nil ill IVI- ! tini. whi'i'i' i' t's Iti favnr nf 'his in," elae'it 1,1" hei'ii.' made li rer eiaiiiiHlno unlet' the h'Mill'I'-l,1! I th" eiitllMlit IIS' nil f'tltlnlut! tuiMtics. i I hex . t f.-r'ti that t!ie I'o'lt'lans In I'uiih I.inhur-' nr" 'tl the inajnrity and never ere I 'uteh. Cutituri for Sort Hands. Prtftk hands un retlrlnir In the hnf rntl nf riitieurii Snap, dry iitnl ruh In Ctl tleitrn OlntTiieiif. Ileninvii mtrpltia Ointment with tlssm. tinper. This Is only one of the thlnirs Cutleurn will do If Smip, Ointment nml Tnlrtim are used for all toilet purposes. Ad?. Stung. i Harry and liraee each received nickel with which to buy caiuly. They hurried down the street tn a llttl simp, where the fctuptliii! array of l inn nlates In the window and the In vltinu' slun, "The I !uy I'.ce." above the ' d,,r. lured thein within. They muds thiir pitrebas. s ami I, fl. tune nut ' a .ti tlie slilcvalk. Ilrrry h"ld tip his i sin k. In which rntllfd wee particles of candy, I "Husy lice," he stinrted. "No won der they call It that If everyhody who i lines In there ci ts stuni; like we ilbl." ! --Indianapolis News. Display of Ribbon. When the war sturted and lien, l'ey- bin March, chief nf stalf, llfst itc peiired before the senate tiillitary cum inittee In connection with military leg ! Islatloti, he wore a stnirle rihhnii mi Ids coat, dcnntlnt! his enln':i!i.'iis In the I lirmy. Now, together with ribbons (lii ! nntlliu folelnii ih-eniations ns well as I some clvi ii him In this country, tw I (tether with service I, Km, lie has three rows of them over the left hiilid pock et, ami if placed in a miy would lucus nre nearly two feet (Ins stroni! point of many a woman Is nt the end of the hatpin. signals that the kidneys Tiferl help. You should nse COLO MP.IiAl, H"sr-Ir-m (lil Capsules imDieliatrly. That sno'liing, healing nil stimulates the kidneys, relieves inflammation snd de stroys the germs which have esused it. (!o to your druggist tmlay snd get ft bos of GOLD MF.DA1, Hsarlem Oil I'tl'Sulrs. lu twcnty-f.iur b.uirs yon shoiihl feel bcslth and vigor returning. After you feel somen hnf improved continue to take one or two capsules etch day, sn as to keep the first-class condition ai d ward eff tli danger of other attacks. Ask f,,r the originsl imported GOLD MKOAI, brand. Three tine, Money r luudtd U liiey dtf not Lelp Juu. IMIII U IT mil DLL mmm SOLD FOR BO YEARS. ALSO A TINE Of Nf t BTRENGTfltNa NO TONIC. Sol by All Dri Starve. FRESN-CRlSPWHOlESOHt-DEUCIOUS Tattamrsjiv hitnwOS Am no in nn siskins o TNtsa aiscuiT mahs TMIM TUB STANDARD f EXCCLLENCI Inr Osalrr bas tuna, or art kt shaaU. flak bam r writ as aivtaa, his earn.

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